Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
J.Phi Beta Kappa
Meeting Listed
Capital Journal Salem, Oregon. Monday, April 25. 1949
Miss Nelson
Honored at
Tea Saturday
Mill Elizabeth Nelson, who is
to be married June 25 to Scott
Adams of Milwaukie, Ore., was
honored at a large tea for which
Mr. Irwin Scott Adams, mother
of Mr. Adams, was hostess Sat
urday afternoon at her home In
More than ISO called during
the tea, guests including friends
of the Adams family in Milwau
Mrs. George W. Nelson. Sa
lem, was a guest at the tea.
Miss Nelson was home over
the week-end from University
of Oregon where she is a senior!
In music and a member of Delta
Delta Delta.
THE PAST Presidents' club of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars
auxiliary, met at the home of
Mrs. George Lewis for a desert
luncheon and business session
with Mrs. Willie Boone, presid
Two new member were
initiated. Mrs. Ed Van Santen
and Mrs. Ivell Haley. The mem
bers revealed their past year
"secret pals" and drew new ones
for the new year. Games were
played and prizes were won by
Mrs. Russell Mudd. Mrs. Ed
VanSanten, Mrs. Ivell Haley,
Mrs. Dale Mauk, and Mrs. Jim
Those present were Mrs. Vir
gil Bolton, Mrs. Clarence Forbis,
Mrs. LeRoy Simson, Mrs. Arwyn
Strayer, Mrs. A. H. Davis, Mrs.
Lewis Terrill, Mrs. Henry Sims,
Mrs. Ed VanSanten, Mrs. John
Peterson, Mrs. Charlie Hunt.
Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. Ivell Haley,
Mrs. Willie Boone, Mrs. Genieve
Olson, Mrs. Russell Mudd, Mrs.
Leon Hansen, Mrs. James Beall,
Mrs. Dale Mauk, Mrs. Ora Fur
lough, Mrs. George Lewis.
RONNIE GENE Urban, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Urban, was
feted at a party Friday after
noon at the family home In ob
servance of his third birthday
Games were played and birth
day refreshments served. Honor
ing Ronnie Gene were Sharl
Lee Hofstetter, Bonnie Burk
hart, Cathy Case, Linda Todd,
Carol Murney, Tommy McEwan,
Gary Siegenthaler, Dickie Rex,
Billie Bearse, and the little
honoree's grandmother, Mrs.
Mike Rex.
was given in St. Joseph's hall
with Miss Eleanor Staudinger
a queen and Ray Greene ns
kin for the evening of enter
fc nin ent and dancing.
The event was sponsored by
St. Agnes troop of Junior Cath
olic Daughters, who are sopho
mores at Sacred Heart academy.
An added attraction was the for
tune teller's booth set up in one
corner of the gaily decorated
hall. Queen Eleanor was
crowned by Misa Lois Schwab,
Junior president, and King Ray
by Doug Daugherty, prefect of
the Sodality at Sacred Heart.
Patronesses for the evening
were file Mesdames H. E. Corey.
Henry Barr, J. E. Albrtck, W.
T. Schrunk, Leo Poppe, E. E.
Antiques Fair
Interesting to many Salem
friends will be the second An
nual Antiques Fair of Oregon,
Inc., in Portland, May 12, 13
and 14, the event to be in the
Portland Masonic temple, spon
sored by members of Christ
church, Oswego. Mrs. Robert
Arneson as chairman. In May
1948. the first annual antiques
fair was at Oswego with 18
dealers exhibiting. One of the
high spots of the fair is a spe
cial shipment of furniture and
china from England to have its
initial showing at this fair.
Mrs. A. J. McCann and Mrs.
Curtis Stewart have invited a
group of friends for luncheon
at the Aero club on May 13, the
group to attend the fair later.
In the group will be Mrs. Doug
las McKay, Mrs. James W. Mott.
Mrs. Eva Purvine, Mrs. G
Frederick Chambers, Miss Dor-
athea Steusloff, all of Salem.
and Mrs. Hazel B. Pague of
Salem was tapped for the musi
cal honorary, Euterpe, at Oregon
State college, and in the recent
campus elections there she was
chosen secretary of the Women's
Recreational association. Miss
Powell is a sophomore at OSC
and a member of Alpha Chi
Omega sorority. She is a Salem
high graduate and is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Roy Hollenberg.
On Thursday evening next,
the Central Willamette Valley
association of Phi Beta Kappa
will hold its annual spring meet
ing in the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Harry L. Dillin, Linl ield college,
The topic, "Measuring the
Beautiful," will be discussed by
Dr. Winthrop W. Dolan, dean of
academic administration and
head of the department of mathe
matics in LInfield. Dr. Norman
Huffman of Willamette, presi
dent of the association, will pre
side over the business meeting.
Mrs. John E. Black, 1460
State street, will plan transpor
tation for groups, her telephone
being 36561. All members of Phi
Beta Kappa are invited to at
tend the meeting.
O.F.S. Event
Degrees of the order were
conferred upon Mr. and Mrs.
JoseDh Brooks and Mrs. Alma
Goss at the meeting of Salem
chaDter. Order of Eastern Star
Saturday evening. Mrs. Claude
Post, worthy matron, and Wil
liam Newmyer, worthy patron.
In charge of decorations were
Mrs. K. L. Foster, Mrs. Andy
West, Mrs. Francis Graham and
Mrs. M. F. Grub. Lilacs were
used in decorating the rooms
In charge of refreshments
were Mrs. W. A. Skewis, Mr
and Mrs. Herbert Rasmussen.
Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards
and Mrs. Ofa Wellard.
and auxiliary will meet for i
no-host dinner and social eve
ing, Tuesday, 6:30 o'clock at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Hagadorn, 1405 Fir street.
f - :
Engaged Announcement
was made recently of the en
gagement of Miss Loretta
Irene Randall, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Randall
of Woodburn, to Francis X.
LeDoux, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. LeDoux of Mt. Angel.
(Jesten-Miller studio picture)
Si "' -TV? ". ' V, " i ' i
;. v.-w r; Air; I
Tells Engagement The engagement of Miss Roberta Jean
O'Neill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. O'Neill, to Richard
Earl Gallagher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallagher, has
been announced, the wedding to be in the fall.
Dodd-Orth Wedding Last
Evening in St. Joseph's
The something old and the something blue featured the
wedding of Miss Patricia Jane Orth and Wilbur Erwin Dodd, Jr.,
last evening, the service being read at S o'clock in St. Joseph's
Catholic church with the Rev. T. J. Bernards officiating. The
bride is the daughter of Mrs. Maxine Orth of Salem, Mr. Dodd the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E.
Dodd of Gervaia.
The bride's dress was a hand
some model in heavy Ivory col
ored slipper satin, made very
plain with heavy pearling out
lining the round neckline. The
dress had leg o' mutton sleeves.
The bodice came to a point In
front and the gathered skirt was
worn with a hoop and fell in a
train. The cape length veil was
the one worn by the brides
grandmother, Mrs. Marie Abst,
at her wedding and it was ar
ranged from a lace skull cap
more than 100 years old and
sent to the bride by friends In
the east For her flowers the
bride carried a long bouquet
of Dutch irises and lilies of the
Pale blue and bonbon pink
were the colors for the dresses
of the bride's attendants. Miss
Cynthia Needham, maid of hon
or, was in the pink satin
The four bridesmaids, Misses
Patricia Burrell, Phyllis Ladd,
Carmen Given and Rita Lancas
ter, all wore pale blue gowns.
Each attendant wore a lace bon
net with sweet peas in her hair
and each carried a white prayer
book with an arrangement of
sweet peas contrasting with her
dress. Miss Needham's flowers
being blue, those of the four
bridesmaids, pink ones. Each of
the attendant wore pale blue
lace cuffs.
Four of the bride's attendants.
Mis Needham, Miss Burrell
Miss Given and Miss Lancaster,
were graduated in the same
class with the bride at Sacred
Heart academy last year.
Junior attendant was Miss
Suzette Dodd. sister of the bride
groom, and she also wore pale
Tom Dodd was best man for
his brother and the ushers were
Bob Ladd. Bob Meaney, Bill
Dodd and Dick Swain.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Orth wore a gray and pale
pink lace gown, designed with
full skirt, gray gloves and a cor
sage of pale pink roses. The
bridegroom s mother wore
turquoise gown designed with
draped front, and her flowers
were Talisman roses. The bride's
grandmother wore a dark gray
gown with sequin trim and
corsage of bright red roses.
The music for the wedding
was provided by Mrs. Glenn
Humiston as soloist and Mrs
Raymond Barton as organist.
The church ' was decorated
with stock, gladioluses and
snapdragons, also four candela
brum with the lighted tapers
There was a white aisle cloth
and the center aisle was roped
off and decorated with flowers
at each pew.
The reception following the
church service was at the Orth
residence. Mrs. P. J. Meaney
served the cake, assisted by
Mrs. R. C. Abst. Mrs. Emmett
Porter was at the punch bowl
and Mrs. Marjorie Shaffer at
the coffee urn. Mrs. Donald
Gene Messick assisted. The
bridesmaids assisted in serving.
Mrs. W. J. Dodd has charge of
the guest book. In charge of
gifts were Misses Olive Has
tings. Edith Kunz and Lynne
For going away the bride
wore a navy blue crepe outfit,
a navy skirt, the cape lining and
blouse of red and white polka
dot material; white vest vestee.
navy straw hat and accessories.
Following a trip to southern
HOSTESSES for the social
meeting for women of Chad
wick chapter. Order of Eastern
Star, Tuesday afternoon will be
Mrs. G. A. Reeher. Mrs. F. C
Rock, Mrs. J. Ed Savage. Mrs
K. H. Pickens. Mrs. H. M.
Boesch, Mrs. Clyde Salisbury,
Mrs. B. G. Schmoker, Mrs. R
H. Fish. Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mrs.
Keith L. Tweedie, Mrs. Ken
neth J. Smith, Mrs. Nancy Peed,
Mrs. Lucy McDowell, Miss
Marjorie Harris, Miss Merle
California, the couple will be
at home in Salem at 909 South
Junior Club
Gives Program
Program for th meeting of
the Salem Woman's club Satur
day was given by the members
of the Junior Woman club
Mr. Leonard Kephart, first
president of the junior group.
sang, accompanied by her moth
er, Mr. C. C. Geer, who was
first counsellor from the senior
group for the junior club.
Mrs. Carlton Greider was
chairman from the junior wom
en and Introduced B. Koh, who
gave an interesting talk on Ko
At the business meeting of
the club, a camp tour scholar
ship was voted for the YWCA:
Mrs. Paul Griebenow, treasurer,
gave a report on the coming
year's budget; Mrs. C. A. Rat
cliff reported from the revisions
and resolutions committee re
garding changes In the constitu
tion, involving change of meet
ing date, this matter to be voted
on at the club's last meeting:
and Mrs. Robert Hutcheon and
Mrs. C. C. Geer reported on the
meeting of the Marion County
Federation of Women' clubs
Mr. George W. Ailing presided
at the Saturday meeting in the
absence of the president, Mrs.
Guy N. Hickok.
Mrs. Justina Kildee. Mrs. A
O. Myers and Mrs. Wallace E.
Ayer were voted Into member
ship In the club.
Mr. Gerald Fisher, Mrs.
Glenn S. Paxson, Mrs. W. S
Levens and Mr. A. J. Walker
were hostesses at the door for
Saturday's meeting. Mr. E. A.
Linden and Mr. Ralph E. Moody
were in charge of decorations.
Mrs. Claude H. Murphy was tea
chairman, assisted by Mrs.
Claude 'Glenn, Mrs. Harley Os
borne, Miss Mirpah Blair. Pour
ing were Mrs. David Wright
from the senior club and Mrs.
Roy Mink from the Junior Wom
an's club.
was hostess for members of the
T.P.M. club at her Lancaster
drive home. A luncheon was
served to Mr. Laura Pangle.
Mrs. Elmer A- Terrill, Mrs. Rex
Peffer, Mrs. John Versteeg. Mrs.
Charles Bottorff, Mr. Ralph
Hein, Mr. Lousi Neuman. Mrs.
Ruth Arisman, Mrs. E. E.
Brandt, and the hostess.
leaving this week for Alameda
Calif., planning to report for
duty there May 1 a a member
of the staff in the nursing of
fice at Alameda hospital. She
has been with the Salem General
hospital the past two years as
supervisor of the first floor.
THE SEVENTH birthday an
niversary for JoAnn Kennelly
was observed Thursday after
noon with a party given by her
mother, Mrs. Delores Kennelly.
at their home. Games were
played and refreshments served
Ten school friends of the little
girl were invited.
In the evening, JoAnn was
surprised with a long distance
call from her father, Robert
Kennelly, Albert Lea, Minn.
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