Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    Capital A "Journal - Life's Little Tragedies
An Independent Newspaper Established 1888
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor end Publisher
ROBERT LETTS JONES Assistant Publisher
Published every ofternoon except Sunday at 444 Che
meketa St., Salem. Phones Business Newsroom, Want
Ads, 2 2406; Society Editor. 2-2409.
Pull Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and
The Uiited Press. The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for publication ot all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this poper ond also
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By Carrier: Weekly. 25e; Monthly, 11.00: One Vear. (12.00 Ky
Mall In Orecon: Monthly. 75c; Mos., $4.00; One Tear. $1.00.
U.S. Outside Orecon: Monthly. $1.00: f Mot.. $8.00: tear. 111.
4 Salem. Oregon.-Monday. April 25. 1949
Ordeal by Economic Planning
A timely book recently issued, timely because of the ef
fort of President Truman to ape in the United States the
British labor-socialist program of nationalizing industry
and professions, is "Ordeal by Planning" by Dr. John
Jewkes (MacMillan).
The author is professor of political economy in the
University of Manchester, who contrasts from Britain's
experience, a centrally planned economy with a free eco
nomy, contending that while every sensible economy is a
"mixed" system there is a watershed where vague as the
flow may momentarily seem, the difference between east
and west, north and south, liberty and slavery is being
irrevocably determined.
The author submits, and states the facts to prove it,
that there is no doubt in which the current has started
to flow for Britain. He suggests two tests by which it
can be proven.
' The first is to ask: Are people entirely free here really to
choose and change their occupations? Are consumers free to
distribute their income between different goods, as they wish?
Are producers free to seek out and satisfy the expressed wishes
of consumers? Are contracts tor service a matter for individ
uals? Is the economy being allowed to knit naturally with the
world economy? The answer is a categorical No.
The second test is to ask: Is the present economic organiza
tion accepted by anyone as a stable system which serves our
purpose, or is it regarded as a kind of purgatory from which
one or another means of escape must be chosen?
It is recognized by all that we cannot stay where we are. that
either we go forward to more planning, with everything it im
plies, or we go back to the free price mechanism the crucial
choice must be made in the immediate future.
, The book is the most devastating and detailed attack
yet made on the shibboleth of central planning. Its style
is lively and witty. It hits hard with irrefutable facts and
Is free of the jargon and circumlocution of ideologists
and sounds a warning to Americans.
Americans remember the ordeals of regimentation
during the war which we submitted to in the emergency,
but who wants such a system permanently fixed to stran
gle our economic system? Enumerating some of the mad
dening red tape strangulation and deprivations Britons
are forced to put up with, Dr. Jewkes says :
The list of futile, harrassing and costly prohibitions could be
expanded indefinitely. It represents the inevitable outcome of
a planned economy where the exceptional case can never be
allowed for and regulations are drawn up for the average man
who doesn't exist. This state of affairs has two serious conse
quences on the morale of the people. It breed' a feeling that
the law is brutally inept and leads sensible people to seek its
eircumvention. And it creates in the mind of the public a con
tempt for the quite innocent civil service agent who is the in
strument through which the Supreme Planners seek to impose
their will.
The ordinary member of the public is conscious of a group of
Supreme Planners making large errors, and a host of minor
planners who are enforcing regulations in which there seems
to be neither rhyme nor reason. It is in this atmosphere that
disregard for the law grows apace and black markets flourish.
' Only the police state of the totalitarians can enforce a
planned economy by terrorism for no man or group of
men in the bureaucracy can successfully plan for the fu
ture life of the many.
Some Life in Oregon, But Not Much Elsewhere
There may be life in the Young Republicans of the state,
but the health of the GOP nationally should be enough to
make members of the party shudder.
- Young Republicans recently moved into top offices in
the senior organization of the state and thus pushed aside
the older members. Last week-end, these new title-holders
acted to create some life in the organization over in east
ern Oregon.
At the same time, two mid-western republicans took
their own party to task. One was Philip Willkie, son of
the late Wendell Willkie and a member of the Indiana
state legislature. His complaint was one heard so often
these days as to become almost common knowledge ex
cept to those who run the UOP nationally. He warned his
party: "The American people are hungry for a construc
tive plan of action for themselves and their nation."
Meanwhile, some party bigwigs are getting mad at none
other than Senator Taft of Ohio for being "too liberal."
The only reason Taft could be described as "too liberal"
is that the mossbacks of his party have even forgotten
this is the 20th century.
Another mid-westerner who joined Willkie in his prod
ding was Governor Peterson of Nebraska. He reminded
the GOP this: "The rank and file, to which 1 belong, want
of our party an organization which is alive, breathes fresh
air, and enjoys a healthy circulation." The party could
hardly be described as responding to any of those three
health requirements. Peterson offered this kind of an
approach to the party's problems: "A cautious, though
progressive, liberalism, or an enlightened conservatism."
" Present blocking tactics in congress will get the rjul
Hcans nowhere in the long run with the people who elect
presidents and congresses. Only when the GOP will come
out with a constructive program of its own. not a Charlie
McCarthy rendition of the democratic positions, will there
be any hop for the republicans.
iQuier Cupid in Coeur d'Alene
J Coeur D'Alene, Irish ( The mayor of this marriage
capital welcomes the weddings but not the wedding parades.
' "They're parading toe mueh and making altogether too
marh noise.' Mid Mayor Jack . Adam.
The surprised elty council members listened In silenre.
Coeur D'Alene has more marriage each year than any other
Idaho rily. Wedlock Is lucrative business.
. Bui hia honor, unopposed for re-eleetion neat Tuesday,
taonrhly announced that police "will not permit any more
wedding paradea rambling through low and nut needing
traffic signals In the sllgheat.
' "Left bear dowa on these things and lei's hare publicity,"
be aaid.
Copld must be quiet In Coer D'Alen.
These Jailbirds Will Go Free
Jackson. Mich. uPt Hundreds of jailbirds will be released
Jane 1 from Souther Michigan prison.
They are eanarles that the Inmates bare been keeping la
their cells. At present, each prisoner Is allowed a quota of
five birds, and 1.561 eanarlea on hand are creating "quite a
nuisance, " Harden Julian N. Friable aaid. Prisoners formerly
raised the birds for an outside market.
The quota will be reduced June I I one bird per prisoner,
Md a lane number of Ihe canaries w ill depart.
"And right now," reported Friable, "a lol of these Inmates
nee wring te sprs-at tall feather." '., .
WOULDN'T KEEP ME ALIVE. , !' j, if L - 1
WITH ITS CALM AND QUIET ! ' V .1 "I 1 '4 - -T"' :
-gfgsgtf of spring...
U. N. Assembly President
Is for Peace at All Costs
Washington Keep your eyes on the stubby little man with the
gavel in his hand at Lake Success. Herbert V. Evatt, foreign
minister of Australia and president of the UN general assembly,
is the quiet center of the East-West cyclone.
He is not afraid to make enemies for himself in his efforts to
make peace.
Wizard of Odds
9nw tnmm
chalked a message on the off
stage floor which got him a doc
tor; "Plate and false teeth stuck
in throat."
Pile It On
The day light saving plan is on again, this time being in
a pretty mess with Portland and a few other towns of the state
adopting it and the rest, to date remaining haughtily aloof. One
of the best little fixers suggested today how it could be made
really an inter
esting affair
around here. He
suggested that
locally the coun
ty court might
adopt the plan,
the city council
reject it, the
school board
maybe go on a
half plan by
shoving the
clocks only half
an hour ahead.
be made more so by the police
department adopting daylight
savings, the sheriff's office re
jecting it and the fire depart
ment use it daytimes and switch
the clock back nights. This
may sound all very confusing
but it's really not much more
so than what we have now.
Dm Ovjvha
It could even
Evatt used to
be the trigger
man in counter
attacking the
Soviets. Now
he is leaning
over backward
to be fair, and
bangs his gavel
. . i
Russians as well I;
as the Anglo-sV
One day last week Evatt re
fused to let U. S. Ambassador
Austin come to the defense of
the Atlantic pact, after Soviet
Gromyko had attacked it. Rea
son: Austin had just spoken on
another subject, and Evatt made
him wait his turn.
The Australian is a human dy
namo, and sometimes a grouchy
one. When he rides from the
Drake hotel in Manhattan to
Lake Success in the Cadillac
limousine assigned to him. he
sits up front with the chauf
feur, writhing with impatience
when they get stuck in cross
town traffic.
But he is even more impatient
to get the chariots of peace out
of the traffic jam. He thinks the
big powers have got themselves
Incidentally the customers worked up to a psychopathic
might be glad to know that the state, and wants to knock their
old organizer of the FT & BA heads together,
himself had three snags removed "Doc" Evatt is one of the few
Saturday, each one feeling as big persons who knows how close
as the First ME church steeple, the "neutrals" came to lifting
This revelation is made merely the Berlin blockade during the
to give the club members a new U N. session at Paris last fall,
outlook on life. At that time he got himself
called unprintable names for
Don't know whether it's a co- meddling in the cold war.
incidence or not. but this is. we But if the cold war is thawed
fl fl -i;' 5?r ODDS n 24 to 1 roue.
11 i Cl S V . PROPERTy 15 NCITHE.
1 A N0 THAN IN THE 20'S By
1 V VvT"- 3 Tol ODDS, 6ECUSE
pur f tn,iWIJ'0 of fewer infant deaths
y ffj M grojgv AND LONGER LIFE
81st congress convened last Jan
uary get big folding money.
The American Medical asso
ciation employs several lobby
ists with five-digit incomes, in
cluding Frank E. Wilson
($12,000 a year, plus $2,400 ex
penses), and the husband-and-wife
firm of Clem Whitaker and
Leone Baxter Whitaker. hot
shot west coast publicists. To
gether they are paid $100,000 a
year to unsell congress on na
tional health insurance.
Gerard D. Reilly, ex-labor
department solicitor and nation
al labor relations board mem
ber, makes over $50,000 a year
lobbying against certain phases
of labor legislation he used to
champion. His clients include
General Motors ($36,000), the
Printing I ndustry of America
report to congress).
Other blue-chip lobbyists are
Sherlock Davis, who gets $20,
000 a year, plus a fane
pense account, from U.S. -Cuban
sugar interests, and the New
York public - relations firm of
Bell. Jones and Taylor, which
lobbies for a string of five-and-dime
and variety stores.
Today, 27
Bell. Jones and Taylor is paid years later, Hil
$10,000 a year by S. H. Kress degrade is a
and Co.. $3,000 a year by Mc- svelte interna
Crory stores, plus $100 a day tionally known
by these and other clients, in- supper club en
eluding the G. C. Murphy Co., tertainer who
for keeping tab on legislation
affecting retail trade.
Send your "Odds" questions on any subject to "The Wissard
of Odds," care of the Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Hildy, Bachelor Girl
New York ii At 18, Hildegarde Loretta Sell played the piano
in a silent movie house in Milwaukee.
She was a plump, earnest, religious German girl, who hoped
for something pr""
The British high command
has taken the highly unusual
understand. Mental Hygiene out this spring, it will be partly step of permitting French and
weeK, starling on coinciaeniauy
with daylight savings.
Anything for a Laugh
Bishop Auckland, England "P
Comedian Alex Munro clutched
his throat and fell to the floor
of the stage. The audience tit
tered. They roared as he made
weird faces and crawled to the
wings. The laughter grew as his
assistant asked "Is there a doc
tor in the house?" Before re
turning to take a bow Munro
H. P. Grant, the well known
realtor, has received a clipping
from his sister in Canton, O.,
telling of General Jacob S. Cox
ey observing his 95th birthday,
the general who 55 years ago led
his army of unemployed on
Washington, D. C. It seems that
what the general worries mostly
about now is the great national
debt and the mounting burden of
taxation which he says is more
than the economic structure can
stand and things will go bust one
of these days. So he's just like
the rest of the folks, after all.
Here's Chiang's Strategy
u Porclsn AtUlrs Antlyit)
With great Chinese communist armies across the. Yangtze river
and driving steadily southward into the heart of nationalist elaborate sums running
China, there's much speculation as to what Generalissimo Chiang five and six figures.
Kai-Shek's next
thanks to the efforts of "intrud
ers" like "Doc" Evatt, who
hates war more than he hates
the Soviets.
You can now find registered
lobbyists on Capitol hill from
the cradle to the grave.
Beginning at the cradle, the
National Institute of Diaper
Services of New York retains
a lobbyist, Stanley Posner, at
$5,000 a year. On tne other end
of life, William C. Henning of
Columbus. Ohio, gets $6,000 for
looking after the legislative in
tests of the American Ceme
tery association.
Even the family wash gets
into the lobbying act through
Richard A. Tilden of Washing
ton, D. C, who represents
clothespin manufacturers for
$100 a day when he works.
Lobbyists' earnings also vary
widely, some working for noth
ing, while others haul down
has perhaps!
kissed more)
bald pates in
public than any1
lady in history.
She has dropped the Loretta
Sell from her name. But suc-
Belgian factories to begin build- ss hasn't made her lose the
sal awl-
best qualities of Loretta Sell.
She is still earnest, religious
and hoping for something better.
She retains a girlhood char
acteristic that most artists have
ing British-type fighters the
highly secret British Vampire
and Meteor models. These are
the' only allied planes which
have any chance of keeping up
with the 600-mile-an-hour Rus
sian jets.
Stanton Griffis. the U.S. en
voy who once admired Hitler,
has informed the president he's
not anxious to return to the U.S.
embassy in Cairo. He has a
strong yen for the much-coveted play wonderfully well.
joo oi amDassaaor to ine court
of St. James.
and low-paid apprenticeship.
She worked In vaudeville, song
plugging, and a girl band. She
trouped In London and Paris
night spots.
"There was a time In Paris
when I was broke." said Hilde
garde. "and I would have given
anything for $99 to pay my pas
sage home. Half of me said
give up, but half of me said
stay. And I guess the half that
wanted me to stay and keep
trying was really three quar
ters." Twice a night now she de
scends to the Plaza's Persian
room, where she has been star
red for 11 years.
I still get terribly filled up
who stay at the top in their with butterflies just before I go
out on the floor," she said. "But
I say a quick prayer."
For an hour she whisks about,
running a comb through her
blonde topknot, fluttering a lacy
handkerchief, playing the piano
with her gloves on, trading
sophisticated repartee with
move will be to
counter this
terrific assault.
After all,
while the "Gi
mo" has been
in "retirement"
during peace
negotiations, he
still remains
the big boss of
the nationalists.
He had a con
ference at Hangchow with Act
ing President Li Tsung-Jen and
later it was announced they had
decided that the government
"must fight for the peoples'
freedom and national indepen
dence to the end."
But how do they propose to
Implement this fighting lan
guage? This column Saturday report
ed that Chiang is understood to
have been organizing defense
on the basis of guerrilla warfare
and to have divided the coun
try up into zones of resistance.
Should this defense fail, he
would, as a last resort, set up
a government on the big island
of Formosa off the Chinese
But what of immediate plans?
A usually well informed Chi
nese source here in America
tells me Chiang may remain
largely in the background until
he gets a call from the national
ist leaders. Meantime. Acting
President LI would carry on.
If and when the generalissimo
gets his "call." it is believed he
will establish his personal head
quarters in Canton, on the south
coast. Not only is that great
city well located strategically,
but it has a sentimental impor
tance to the nationalists.
It was the seat of the nation
al revolution, and it was from
there that Chiang In 1926 be
gan hia fight against the war
lords of the north. Moreover.
General Hsueh-Yueh, governor
ot Kwangtung province, ot
which Canton is the capital, is
loyal to the generalissimo.
The nationalists are reported
to have been training soldiers
in all parts of soutn China. The
communists have claimed that
Chiang had 1.500.000 recruits
under training there and on the
island of Formosa, off the Chi
nese coast.
The generalissimo plan ia
aaid to contemplate retirement
to Formosa titer all else has
failed. There he would establish
a government and carry on. For
mosa is rich and well adapted
for such a project, especially
since the communists thus far
have no navy and not much air
power for an attack.
These then are the plans
which Chiang Kai-Shek Is said
to have made to meet the Red
It strikes me as fair to assume
that the best Chiang could ex
pect would be to delay the ad
vance, by staggering his de
fenses, until some as yet un
foreseen good fortune should
come to his rescue.
Thomas E. McGrath. address
'General Delivery," Washing
ington, D. C, is the self-appointed,
nonpaid agent for an outfit
which he calls "Taxpayers, U. S.
This rugged individualist in
forms congress in his registra
tion form that he pays all his
overhead out of his own pocket
i n c 1 u d i n g "thinking" ex
penses. Burton Clark of Wash
ington, a "retired explorer and
university professor." also is a
nonpaid spokesman for interests
ambiguously described as
"strictly personal."
However, most of the boya
who have registered since the
field, an Inexorable desire for
"I still take piano lessons, be
cause the piano is my life," she
I have always wanted to
now I'm doing the classics. I'm patrons. and singing sentimental
learning a conceno. 1 nope 10 lnv. hallarts
Admiral Hillenkoetter's tour be able to do it by 1951 with . .
of duty is about up as chief of the San Francisco Symphony 0ne reaJon for Hildy'a popu-
all American intelligence. Tru- orchestra. They've invited me." iarjty j, her ability to kiss a
mav is looking for a replace- . . . middle-aged man on his bald
menl- Devoting her spare time for pate and send him back to hia
Freeman Matthews, U.S. am- two and a half years to learn table feeling like a colt. Or to
bassador to Sweden, heads the a 42-page concerto perfectly give, a teen-age youngster a
list of candidates for the job of doesn't seem like too much motherly peck on the check and
assistant secretary of atate in struggle to her. Struggle has make him feel years older,
charge of Latin-American rela- made her a perfectionist. The only unfulfilled ambition
tions. The Job was first offered She told me something of her Hildegarde has is to be a paint
to able Walter Donnelly, ambas- life and hard times as we sat er, "and I would be one if there
sador to Venezuela, but he in the living room of her luxurt- were ten more hours in the dav."
ous seven-room suite at the Hildy is a bachelor girl. I
Plaza hotel. It ia the kind of asked her who was the most ln
suite she used to see flash on teresting man she had ever met,
the movie screen in the days She ducked this but did say
when she thumped out back- whom she would most like to be
though it Isn't allowed military ground music. cast up on a dessert isle with.
planes under the peace treaty. Hildegarde became one of the "A doctor." she smiled. "Doc
Reason behind this is simple: highest-priced supper club and tors know so many things be
Foggia is the nearest allied base radio entertainers after a dreary sides medicine."
from which American B-36 s
ed a 24 - hour - a - day guard jni r . r k.i n
vniy j rercenr or iew-uorn
Have Mothers Foreign Born
New York. N. Y. About 97 percent of the children now born
In the United States have mothers who themselves are native
born, according to the statisticians of the Metropolitan Life In-
turned it down on the advice
of doctors.
The Italian government has
begun to modernize its big mili
tary airbase at Foggia even
Almost a Million Bucks to
See Bob Hope in Person
Hollywood (UP.1 Bob Hope, who's so rich he has to put himself
on a budget to pay his income tax. started out on another whirl
wind tour today to "pick up that $21,000" he had to leave in
Khode Island
couldn't do that 'cause the bull
fiddler wouldn't have had any
place to sleep. He's the only one
we save hotel money on.
"We wanted to take Crosby
along, too. But we couldn't get
an outboard motor that d hook
onto his wheel chair."
The ski-nosed funnyman says
he never runs down on these
one-night stand deals.
"They're fun. You think I'd
keep making 'em if they
weren't? You re darn right. I
would. Helps my Hooper rating"
Tlrvtmla MiifunH
last time.
'Got fog
bound in Pitts
b u r g and
missed Provi
dence," he
quipped. "Had
to give back
twenty - one
grand in ad
vance sales. I
felt just like
Jack Benny."
It hasn't beet) more than 60
days since "Scoop Snoot"
wound up his last cross-country
tour. He made so much
dough on that one. 'tis said, he
had to hire an extra baggage
car to haul it home.
It wasn't quite a million
bucks. But It was so close a
couple hundred thousand one
way or another in t worth quib
bling about. And it was enough
to send a lot of other big-name
stars scurrying out on personal
appearance tours.
"Thia one s just a 'quickie'."
he said. "A breeze. We do 25
shows in 20 cities in 11 rates
in IS days.
"There about SO people in
our troupe." he said. "1 was
gonna toss in a chorus of 50
cities this time, but there wssn t
room on the plane.
"We d have had to leave the
bull fiddle home end we
But he calls this particular
tour his "commsnd perform
ance." "I've made plenty of others."
Hope said seriously. "For Presi
dent Trumsn and the late Presi
dent Roosevelt . , . and the king
and queen of England. But this
is the most important of all.
'This comes from Americsns,
honey. And they're the ones who
buy radios and movie tickets.
Any guy who'd loll around in
Palm Springs with invites like
this piling up just isn't smart."
Hope takes along all the com
forts of home on his flying jun
kets even built-in oxygen
"Not for oxygen," he cracked.
"Our tanks are full of good, ole
California smog. Nobody 11 get
homesick oa this trip"'..
around the airfield while the
work is going on.
The United Nations will put
off any decision on the Italian
colonies until fall. Dr. Herbert
Evatt, president of the assembly,
will appoint a United Nations
commission to investigate the
colonies and report back next
The case of a Tacoma. Wash.,
policeman charged with protect
ing pinball machines by failing
to pay the government proper
income taxes has been under
careful scrutiny in the justice
The Tacoma cop is Parker A.
Garrison, who has been on the
police force since 1928. and his
job has been inspector of pin
ball and slot machines.
U.S. treasury agents checking
up on his income tax found that
from the years 1943 through
1946 Garrison actually paid
taxes of $400 whereas he should
have paid $5,800.
According to treasury figures
he showed an income of $2,600
in 1943 whereas, agents claim,
his actual income was $8,063. In
1944 he told the government he
had received $2,400 whereas the
treasury contends his real in
come was $4,600. In 1945 Garri
son filed a return for $2,500
whereas the treasury has
chalked up an income of $9,000.
In 1948 Garrison claimed to
surance company, who see in
this fact the closing of the "melt
ing pot" era of our history.
Out of the 3.290.000 births
registered in the United States
in 1946. less than 100.000 were
to foreign-born mothers. This
was onlv one-half the number
of such births registered as re
cently as 1933.
By contrast, births to native
white women increased 73 per
cent from 1933 to 1946.
The sharp drop in births to
foreign-born mothers is the re
sult of restrictions upon immi
gration during the past quarter
century. The foreign-born pop
ulation has not been replen
ished, and the number of women
at the child-bearing ages has
decreased rapidly in recent
At present. less than one
tenth of the foreign-born wom
en are in the 20 to 34-year age
range, while more than one
quarter of the natvie women are
at these main child-bearing
A study by the statisticians
shows that the proportion of
births to foreign-born women is
three times as high in large
cities as in rural areas. Geo
graphically, the proportion is
have earned only $1,700. where- highest in the west, due mainly
as treasury agents, checking up nig women, snd lowest in the
on his various sources ot in
come, say that he received
When Garrison was called to
account by U. S. agents, he gave
the impression that he had mere
ly been acting for others.
"Well, I will Just have to take
the rap on this." he said, "but
I will not talk."
Federal agents, however,
douot very much that Garrison
is tsking the rsp for someone
else. At any rate, the Justice
department has ordered his
csrmai imsi
to the number of Spanish-speak-south,
where the foreign-born
have not settled in great numbers.
NeJW AlF'CMefttlMt'J CMfeM
ROUND TRIP...$l.t0
SIS U. Ctanl SS,
n 2-2421
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