lg ifr Capital Journal Stltm, Oregon, Monday, April 25, 1949 FO BY Jc Strange Picture of Old Almanac Gets Explanation ; By J. HL'GH PRUETT " (Astronomer, Extension Division, Oregon Higher Education Sy.tm) Mystery hovered around the old medical almanac that used to hang on the kitchen wall in our childhood daya. Just inside the front cover there stood a partially dissected nan, completely surrounded by a varitable menageria con fisting; of 10 animals, a pair of balances and a lone woman one for each month - From these creatures lines ran to various parts of the man's anatomy. From the Hon, the directing Arrow extended toward thj man's heart. It was vaguely explained that from July 21 to August 21 the zodiacal constel lation of Leo, the Lion, was dominant, and the "sign is in the heart." With the sign so placed, certain undertakings were supposed to be successful: Others, disastrous. A There Is a general mixture of stronomy and astrology in all of this. Since professional astron Dmprs for centuries have not dalt in astro) gy occasional statements to the contrary not withstanding let us keep the two separate. - The motion of the earth in Its Journey around the sun is de 4ncted in several indirect ways. T)ne is the apparent annual Journey of the sun eastward en tirely around the sky among fhe various star groups (constel lations), We cannot see the groups In Milch the sun Is tangled at any ortain time, but it is easily cal culated where It Is. At present the constellation Taurus, the i Bull, is low in the west at night- f.ill. A month from now it will be impossible to find this group anywhere In the sky all night since the sun will seem to be light In it. The sun's apparent motion eastward among the Stars is 30 degrees each month, thus completing the 360 degrees around the entire sky in 12 months. Z The ancient star gazers knew well this annual solar motion 1 And divided the stars among which it moved into 12 constel lations, all of them supposed to outline the animals for which they were named. The sun is thus In month. each approximately a The strip of sky 16 degrees wide with the sun's annual path in its center was named the zodiac (the circle of animals) and equal sections of this, en tirely around the sky, the 12 "signs" of the zodiac the crea tures of the almanac. When the plan was put into effect by the Greek astronomer, Hipparchus about 130 B.C., the first month of spring starting around our March 21 found the sun in the constellation of Aries. 'I the Ram. During the 21 centur- ies since then, procession has moved the vernal equinox ap proximately 30 degrees west-: ward among the stars so that now during the same month old I Sol swims among the Fishes. Although this group is the con stellation of the Fishes, it is still called the "sign of the Ram" evidently for the sake of old ; times. TOP SOIL and FILL DIRT Phone 35737 or 39641 CASH TALKS and you save at Woodrow'a when you pay CASH for Wlllard Batteries. Selber ling tiret "with full road hazard guarantee " Nason paints, auto glass and un painted furniture. R. D. Woodrow Co. 450 Center St. Phone 2247 This Is Just One Of the great Westinghouse Models reduced over 50 AT HEIDERS Automatic radio-phonograph with Iti LIFT-OUT, carry obout radio. Nothing like It anywhere; fint cabinet, automatic changer handles 12 records. Lift out tho radio . . , plug it in anywhere! Originally $109.95 NOW 49.9 m i Vftw m m k DISTINGUISHED SERVft RECORD 1S5 N. Liberty Phono 3-3191 -wW$M REG. 17.95 WARDS LAWN MOWER Cut-Iron frame 15 44 10V wheels, semi-pneumatic rubber tires, t crucible steel blades. Enclosed (ears, wheels. REG. 41.95 HAWTHORNE BICYCLE :88 Boys' Girls' Models 36 A champ among bikes! Bquipped with kick stand, chain guard, big "Alr-Cushlon' balloon tiresl SALE! 15.45 SEAT COVERS! Sedans 13 88 Wards Best quality! Choice of colors: Green, Maroon. Blue! Cps. 6.66 Fr. Seats 7.M 88 26.95 ELECTRIC MIXER Ask about Terma High quality miner at low cost! It whips, beau, mixes; has 1 bowls, juicer and recipe book. 21 6.25 IRON TABLE WARDS BEST! Won't creep! 197 100 automatic, best construc tion! Wood top won't warp; rubber-tipped steel legs. 11.45 TUBULAR STEEL VELOCIPEDE! Now Reduced! 10 68 Riveled spoke ball bearing l" front wheel: adjustable steel seat. 20 siie. Reg. 12.95.. .11.61 REG. 1.59 RUSTIC PLAID RUGS 12 x 34 Inches 134 Sale Ward Week onlv! Colorful cotton scatters . . . green, red, rose, blue plslds! Reversible 1 REG. 10.45 WARDOLEUM 9x12 RUGS 144 Heavyweight 8' Save now! Heavy printed ensmel felt base runs! Choice colors) Tiles, marbles, and florals I 1.75 DECORATIVE ENAMEL iiart 144 Dries tn 4 hours to hard, glnsse finish. Resists peeling, cracking. Reg. US Gallon REG. 36.90 FOLDAWAY OUTFIT Full If'wlde 29 88 Opens mto 74" long bed folds with tnnersprtng mstireas and bedding for easy storage. REG. 19.95 MODERN TABLE RADIO Ask about terms 17 88 Smart appearing . . top perform ing! Airlines sweet-toned table radio with circular dial. Brown. SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE! COMPARE AT 5.95 and 6.95 Automatic Iron 397 Waffla Iron 444 Buyer'! Koop! . . . YOU SAVE AT LEAST $2 on each! Iron has fast-heating element, fabric heat selector, aluminum sole, shaped handle, back rest! Waffle iron has chrome finish, 8" aluminum grid!, and dial Indicates when to pour batter! jT . Mre oil 1 Farmers! Truckers! Contractors! Big Drum Lot Oil Sale, Buy Now! in 55-gal. or two 30-gal. drums 68c gal. Order your season's supply of oil now, get big Drum Lot savings! Wards. Vitalized oil Premium grade. Gives your equipment better lubrication! Fed tax inc. 30-gol. drum 73c gal. 5-gal. can 4.97 2-gal. can 1.78 Caio, 24 1-qt. cans 5.77 . vssaBMBMaaaaBw(:.(t-rti. 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SJ-40. REG. $.98 TEAM MODEL JACKET Baseball Favorite! :44 Lustrous cotton and rayon tn a twill weave. Zipper rfont. Two tone school colors. to 30. 2.69 BOYS' DENIM TENNIS SHOE Reduced for this sale! 234 A playtime psl designed to giva smooth fit. comfortable support. Buy now and save I In sties 1-6. SHOP WARDS 'TIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT MAIN STORE FARM STORE NEW TIRE STORE .USE WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN . . . TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE WARD WEEK CUT-PRICES