Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Capital Journal, Salam. Oregon, Monday, April 25, 1949
Oregon Chest, Inc., Holding
Annual Meeting Here
Oregon Chest, Inc., the state organization of Community Chest
heard reports of the past activities of the organization and looked
ft the future at Its sixth annual meeting In session at the Senator
hotel today,
i His topic, "A Challenge for 1849-50" Irl McSherry, executive
r director of the Oregon Chest
Sullivan May
Quit Cabinet
' Washington. April 25
John L. Sulllvan'i decision wha
ihcr to resign secretary of the
navy appeared today to rest with
President Truman.
' Sullivan's Intlmatci Indicated
he would seek a heart-to-heart
ilalk with the chief executive on
jhc navy's future role in defense
strategy as the aftermath of
.work stoppage on the 65.000-
ton super aircraft carrier "Unit
ltd States."
Sullivan himself said only
that he had no comment on the
decision pending study of Sec
retary of Defense Johnson's or
Tier Saturday discontinuing work
on the $189,000,000 vessel.
! lie is known to hold grave
doubts whether he can stay on
'at his post in view of his dif
ferences with Johnson and se
curity policies.
Top White House aides ex
pressed the view that the knock
ing out of the carrier wa "the
Satraw that broke the camel's
iback" so far as Sullivan is con
cerned. ' He had already been reported
lo have felt aggrieved by what
ie considered lack of consulta
tion with him in the drafting of
amendments to the armed ser
vices unification act.
At the same time, his friends
say that he still feels loval lo
president Truman and doesn't
,want to leave government ser
vice unless his position in the
navy is too untenable to per
mit him to stay on. He came into
the government in 1939 when
'Britain and France declared
Svar on Germany.
Seven Woodburn
Escapees at Large
! Seven of eleven boys in the
17-18 year old group are still
.being sought by state police
throughout the state following
a general exodus of the boys
from the state school at Wood
burn Sunday night. While 13
were reported missing, the state
police were only given names of
'. The four captured boys were
nabbed by city police at Hood
River and are said to have been
traveling in a stolen automobile.
Police named them as Gilbert
.James Kerns, John Philip Hed
rick, James Robert Jones and
.Robert Frank Tucker.
The boys were not confined
.behind bars and simply disap
'peared from the school, state po
lice state.
Woodburn School District
Sets Hearing Upon Budget
! Woodburn The public hearing on the proposed $202 900
Woodburn school budget for 1949-50 will be held Wednesday night
at 8 o'clock In the Lincoln school building. On the following
day, April 28, registered voters of the district will vote from
'2 to 7 o'clock on authorization of a tax in excess of the six per cent
: Items in the 1949-50 budge!
may be discussed In detail with
the board and budget committee
at the public hearing Wednes
day evening. However, since the
Woodburn district is now a first
class district, no vote will be
taken on the adoption of the
budget, nor can any items be
added to. eliminated from or
changed in the budget. The
school board of a district of the
first class has the power lo levy
a tax once each year upon ail
ireal and personal property in
such district for the mainte
nance, operation and support of
the public schools of the area.
. The budget as submitted will
require a tax levy totaling
$129,450. Of this amount $21,
496 65 falls within the six per
tent limitation, but $107,953 of
the proposed levy is outside the
legal limit and must be author
bed by a vote of the district
.residents which will be held
from 2 to 7 o'clock, Thursday
night, at the Lincoln school.
Since the property qualifica
tion from voters in school elec
tions was removed by the con-
stitutional amendment approved
. by the people last fall, many
more residents of the Woodburn
school district will b eligible
to vote on the question of ex.
,1-ceding the six per cent limits.
New VIA The,tr
Woodburn 111 Oregon
O-So-Eoiy Seats
Wallace Beery
Jane Powell
"A Date With Judy"
I at a luncheon session of the
organization gave a review of
the general program and pointed
out Its needs.
McSherry drew attention to
the fact that the program had
been in effect in Oregon for fix
years while some states were
only now starting. He also told
of the progress being made in
the association and of the funds
The annual meeting opened at
10:30 o'clock with Loyal War
ner, Salem, state president, pre
siding. A financial report made
by the treasurer, J. J. Gard.
Portland, was read by McSherry
and the annual report of the ex
ecutive director was read. Carl
Frcilingcr of Portland gave the
1 legislative commute report and
reports were made by agencies
receiving funds from the Ore
gon Chest.
The financial report on the
1947 campaign funds, which was
prepared January 1, 1949, show
ed total receipts of (432.940.94
with $531.04 deducted for over
payments credited countries for
1948-49 campaign, and $429.
898.45 disbursed to the benefit
ting agencies. Total balance on!
hand was listed at $3,042.49.
Disbursements to agencies for
the year were listed as:
Albertlna Kerr Homes. $78,
891 32: Bovs' and Girls' Aid so
ciety, $90,260.41: Catholic Child
Caring agencies, $0.664.A5:
Children's Farm Home, $31,125,
39.; Mental Health Association
of Oregon, $15,812.68: Oregon
Prison association. $8,897.48:
Salvation Army White Shield
home. $32,180.06; Volunteers of
America Mothers and Children's
home $,0i422.24; Wavcrly Baby
home. $40,365.79: VMCA Armed
Services program, S6.521.72:
Administration and campaign
expense, $25,256.51.
Officers of the organization
are to be elected at the after
noon session, which also is to be
held at the Senator hotel and
panel discussions are slated on
a number of problems.
Queen Lila Dugger
To Receive Crown
Gervais Lila Dugger, will
he crowned May queen at the
May day festivities of the Ger
vais Union high school Wednes
day afternoon, April 27, by the
student body president, Nor
man Hall. Members of the roy
al court are Mary Grassman,
maid of honor; Dorothea An
dres, Roscanne Rush; Gloria
Klenczytnsky; Louise Colyer;
Nora Sullivan; Betty Harvey;
Audrey Jaenicke; Wanda Mer
rill; Cecil Phillips, and Anita
Manning. George Andres is the
May day manager.
Everyone reads the ads. Jour
nal Classified.
lion. Every voter who has been
registered for at least 30 days
prior to the date of the election
and who has been a resident of
the district for at least six
months will be entitled to vote
next Thursday.
Major Increases In the 1949-
50 budget are the result of a
material increase in attendance
at local schools and the neces
sity of making a number of Im
provements and repairs to facil
ities that have been postponed
from previous years.
!,!. y it jrri
N J--" KJ (J h'M'j.
Poppy Posters
Contest Won
Winners of the annual poppy
poster contest sponsored by the
American Legion auxiliary are
announced following Judging
Saturday. Mrs. H. G. Hender
son was chairman from the aux
iliary for the contest. Winners
Class 1 Grades 4, 5 and 6
First place, Gordon Holman,
Middle Grove school; second,
Lorelei Holman, Middle Grove
school; third, Curtis Jantze, Pra
tum; honorary mention, James
McDougal, Richmond.
Class II Grades 7, 8 and 9
First, Edwin Bauer, Parrish
junior high school; second, Lan
ny Dibbern, Parrish junior
high; third, Joy Robertson, Les
lie Junior high; honorable men
tion, Marjorie Little, Leslie
junior high.
The winning posters here will
be entered in the state contest
Other posters will be used in
window displays preceding the
auxiliary's poppy sale, May 27
28. Judges In the contest were
Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Gertrude
Lofgren of Amity, and Carl Hall.
Assisting Mrs. Henderson on
the contest committee were Mrs.
Willard Begin and Mrs. Glen
Laverty. Schools entered in
cluded Bush. Richmond, Keizer,
Macleay, Middle Grove, Pra
tum, Pringle, Sidney, Leslie and
Held Mrs. Agnes E. Gar
nier, 53-year-old secretary,
leaves her Jail cell at River
side, Calif., for a conference
with District Attorney Wil
liam O. Mackcy concerning
the fatal shooting of her em
ployer, John E. Owen, 68,
president of the National
Apartment House Owners' as
sociation. Sheriff's Investiga
tor Mel Vlvlon announced
Mrs. Gamier had made a
statement admitting the shoot
ing. (AP Wirephoto)
I MSI ' " I.
t"1 .Is . kln
.oiv don.".
..i. :.B.i
j '
Mother and Sons on Way to Arraignment Unidentified Del
aware state policemen escort Mrs. Inez Brennan (center,
foreground) and her two sons Raymond and Robert (left to
right at rear right of picture) on their way to arraignment at
Dover, Del., in the "lonel) hearts" club slaying of Wade
Wooldridge of Bedford, Va. The mother and sons are also
being questioned in the death of Hugo Schultz of Epson,
N. H. Judge Ernest V. Keith of Kent county, Del., entered
pleas of "innocent" for the trio. Another son, George, was
taken into custody recently in a Texas army camp and is being
brought back to Delaware for questioning. (AP Wirephoto)
Late Sports
Bearcats Await Pioneers
After Defeating Wolves
Willamette university's baseball
Clark of Portland on the Bush
Tuesday afternoon. The game will be the third Northwest con
ference affair for the Bearcats '
who divided a doublchcader with
Llnfleld last week.
Coach Johnny Lewis plans to
use Lou Scrlvens against the Pi
oneers. The balance of the
pitching staff has had difficulty
in getting into a winning stride.
The 'Cats declsioned the OSC
Wolves at Monmouth Saturday,
11 to 9 with Howard Olson get
ting credit for the win after he
had relieved Larry Stocks at the
start of the sixth. Stocks walked
the first four men to face him
and Issued eight passes before
being relieved.
Scrlvens, Bruce .Barker,
George Matile,1 and Gordy Lens
each collected two hits.
VlUimrtt ......014 100 30211 14 4
OCE 313 003 000 9 1 4
Stocks. OUon ffli and Both) VinLoo.
Punk (T) and Kmm.
Philadelphia ..coo 101 000 J 5 3
New York .... 100 300 00x 3 5 1
Coleman and Rosar; Raschl and
Washington ..0C0 000 000 0 7 0
Boston 010 001 OOx 2 t 0
Calvert. Weltheroth and
Evans; Parnell and Tebbets.
Boston 002 010 0004 6 1
Brooklyn 000 000 000 0 6 3
Voiselle and Mast: Martin Pod
ibelelan 8, McOlothin (9) and
New York ....000 100 140 8 10 0
Philadelphia .000 201 0003
Hartung and Llvtngton; Borowy
and Lopata.
One female praying mantis
has been known to devour as
many as eight enamored males
Now Showing - Open 6:45
Second Feature
pa wt
m - IT : .-ft. . H
squad will engage Lewis and
Pasture diamond at 3 o'clock
Paper Mill Wages
Under Discussion
Portland, Ore., April 25 Mi
The annual contract negotia
tions between Pacific coast pulp
and paper manufacturers and
two AFL unions opened here to
day. Approximately 16.000 work
ers in California, Oregon and
Washington are involved. They
are members of the Pulp, Sul
phite and Paper Mill Workers
union and the. Paper Makers un
ion, j
Contract details were not
The union negotiating com
mittee Is headed by John Sher
man, international vice-president
of the Pulp, Sulphite and
Paper Workers, and Albert E.
Brown, representing the paper
Spokesman for the employer
group is Col. Alexander R. He.
ron, executive vice president of
the Pacific Coast association of
Pulp and Paper Manufacturers.
Atr. Mrth TsV
THr Avt. W Ktjtaiisi
anal Bin. "CoffM Ca
CfeH Chit,"
Tri.. Apr. T Mtf
M, IntcrUr DMcrtttff
"Trltka wilfe Clr."
All broadcasts are held in the U
Drop In for coffee and
tnttrvltw ttr la MkssWECXsaJBfk.
mi.. am. -Mik t,. II gy&szr.
ar. "Mif oiu-
ftl M I Sw Ihrm." M a 1 llf.VW j
Truman Health
Bill in Congress
Washington, April 25 U.R
Administration democrats intro
duced legislation in the senate
and house today to carry out
President Truman's $6,000,000,
000 national health insurance
The bill, sponsored By eight
senators and two house mem
bers, called for a compulsory
prepaid Insurance plan to pro
vide medical, surgical, dental
and hospital care for 85 percent;
of the American people.
It would be financed by an
additional three percent payroll
tax, split between employers and
employes, comparable taxes on
the self-employed, and a Sl.-l
500,000.000 annual appropriation
from the treasury.
The payroll tax would be on
the first $4800 of annual income.
The bill followed precisely the
line laid down last week by
President Truman and other ad
ministration spokesmen.
Its sponsors said in an accom
panying statement that payment
for medical service should be "In
proportion to Income" and that
the American people should get
health care "as a right and not
as charity."
The administration bill, which
is given only a very slim chance
of getting through congress,
would provide, in addition to
health Insurance, federal grants
to states for hospital construc
tion, medical education, local
health service, and maternal and
child health care.
Amity Boy Scouts
Assist Clean-up
Amity The Amity Boy Scout
troop are to co-operate with
Governor Douglas McKay for
Clean-up week beginning April
24 to 30 inclusive. The ' troop
will pick up any refuse within
the city limits, placed in sacks
or boxes, left in front of homes
before 6 p.m. April 29. The
troop is donating its efforts to
assist in this project to make
the city stand out above all in
Fery Building House
For Stayton Rental
Stayton Andrew Fery is
planning to build a four-room
house, 26 by 26 feet, on a lot at
the corner of Fourth and Burnett
streets. He plans to use shake
siding add a roof of composition
It will be a hillside house with
a garage and large room under
the level of living quarters. He
plans the house as a rental. He
will be assisted in construction
of the building by his son, Fred
Thousands ot readers use
Journal Classified ads to buy
sell or find a job. They get re
sults! liiiui miin iuiiiii
ui Ewnn hu irmiK inied states nnust
John Carroll-Adel
Mara In
- E Model Kitchen at Eifstroml
listen to the Interviews.
3i3pwarne Bros
jT nw'0"w,0 fw THiuMfn
r f E, ion w ?
mm ucy own j
lift-Wf. - .
jV4' Jt4
var "V'
vL J r
Four Drumsticks This could be the answer to that press
ing dinner problem how to ration the drumsticks. This
four-legged, two-tailed chick was born five weeks ago on
the Paul Richardson farm near Morgantown, W. Va. (AP
Oregon Photos Displayed
Portland April 25 W Photo
graphs displayed in an Oregon
centennial exhibit at the library
of congress are being shown
here at the tourists' information
center on S. W. Harbor Drive.
The 86 pictures will be shown
here until May 4 and then will
start a statewide tour through
Nov. 1.
Mldnite Shows
Friday Saturday
On the Screen
State Theatre
Mat. Daily from 1 P. M.
Now Showing!
Action Co-Hit
Bill Boyd
"Silent Conflict"
Scoop. Northwest
Earthquake News!
OPENS 6:46 F. M.
Richard Dix
"Man of Conquatt"
NOW! Opens 8:48 P.M.
and Zane Orey's
"Wanderer of Wasteland"
WlLastmesTonltel '
rl Opens 7 P.M. 1
1 1 Starts at Dusk
1 1 Humphrey Bogart I
1 1 Bruce Bennett I
nl Gary Cooper jl
III "The Westerner"
-' t- 'fV '7
r v. , ,,( J
Tua-"rf.jr tt
- v --v
Jt ..Ytjt i mn ii i
PRICFS: $1.50, $2.50
$3.00, $3.60 Inc.. Tax
Fr ch1c ttataontor by
mall. Inelut irampsxl,
tlfddr(4rd envelop.
In SM" fi . I
MAY 24
Sunday, May 29 I J;
Sat. I SuiuH''ll
OAf SALE . . .
204S N. W. Marshall
5th and Stark
(tllBlli UillllIt.ll(.tKliS.l.t.i