Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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11943 Federal Dump Truck. 3
i 11940 WA20 White with 1947 WA22 Motor. Brownlipe
I and log truck equipment 1330
M1941 CMC l'i Ton Panel 730
411943 Federal, chassis and cab 930
;2 '1941 K-S International 29-passenger Busses, excellent
for (.rummies " or hauling berry pickers, etc..
Each 1250
11942 K-7 International Dump Truck, 4-5 yard box... 1850
1 New TD-6 TracTractor, wide gauge
1 New Farmall "H"
1 New Farmall "C"
2 New Farmall "Cubs"
1 New Ensilage Harvester with Blower
1 New Potato Planter with Fertilizer Attachment
1 Corn Planter with Fertilizer Attachment Pull type
2 No. 30 Power Manure Loaders New
1 UD-6 Power Unit with 450 GPM Irrigation Pump
1 New U-4 Power Unit
4 McCormick-Deering 4' Tandem Disk
2 New Fertilizer Distributors
1 300 Gal. Iron Age Orchard Sphayer at bargain price New
New Cover Crop Disks, Cultivators, Sub-Soilers, Diggers
Good Assortment of other New Equipment
New and Used Two and Three Bottom plows
1 Used TD-8 with Dozer $3230
2 Used Farmall "H's" New
1 Used Model "A" Tractor with Plow and Wood Saw 1200
1 Practically New No. 60 Oliver Tractor 1550
1 Used No. 60 Oliver Tractor 900
1 Used VAC Case Tractor with direct connected 2-bot-
tom plow, cultivator with fertilizer attachment 1500
1 Used 8' Dunham Roller 100
See Us, Your International Harvester Dealer
for Your Farm Needs
S9 DODGE. B&H. Good shape. Ph. J-5S9S.
1947 Sedan Coupe $1895
1943 Sedan Coupe .... 2495
1947 Ford Deluxe
5-pass. 1595
1948 Pontiac sedan . . 2195
Herrall Owens Co.
SS0 N. Liberty Ph. 24113.
Eisner Motors to Sell
Bom at Oood Osd can
Chorea Ohemekete Rta Pb l-tlil
Eisner Motors Fine Cars
World's moat modern motorcycle
ZER BIKES. Oenulna parts, aerv
1c every model
Shrock's Motorcycle Sales
Open every evening till I, Monday
throuir Friday
1007 Portland Road - Ph. 1-131
TD-6 CAT St 3 bottom 14" Cast Ploy. Ray
Cowan. 1100 Deiu Ave. qb98
1944 23 REO with new civilian WB White
motor. Also .944 Walker trailer recently
completely reconditioned. Almost new
10:00 rubber. 60 Caterpillar tractor,
food condition. Reasonably priced for
quick sal, wra ran view Ave., uauas.
Ph. 3560. qb99
1941 BERCKCRAFT boat with special
paint job and brass hardware. New
ll'i It. plywood rowboat Uk new.
Priced to sell 3 miles north ol Jeffer
son. W. K. Terhune. Jefferson. 9.Q99
Now on smaller payments
quickly, privately, without em
barrassment. No co-s liners neces
sary. Cs to I3O0 on salary luxni
tjre. Up to 1500 on auto. How JO
months to repay.
We aar "yea" to 4 out of S who
rrquest a loan here. Phone or rlslt
Finance Company
1S State. Fm. 125. Ph 3-2444
Lie. 8-122-M-19S. C. R. Allen, mar.
$ CASH $
$25 to $500
TO 1100
Car loans up to 1500
Come In or phone
Hollywood Finance Co.
1991 fairground Road
Across street from bank
No Parklni problems
Phone 27032 Lie. N M369-4391
Floyd Kenkon, Mir. I
153 8. His St. Lie. S-210 M-27J r'
Lie. 6-138, and 11-31
138 S. Commercia St. Tel. 3-9141 I
4 i and
TOi'l OWl TERMS of repayment within
reason. Cith Tor Real Estate Contracts
and Second Mortgages.
201 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph. t-7141 r1
183 S. Church
Parklni a Plenty
Ph. t-3431 Lie. No. M-ISI S-1S4
' to 40 Years and No Commission
Leo N. Childs, Inc.
344 State St Phone !! f
Special rates and urvj
on larter loans
)en and short time
pay menu
134 Sov-h Commercial St. Phoot l-llll
IS TRAILER HOt flE. sood eorkU 1104.
1040 Monroe Ave. tit
0T. WHFFI. "tr-ii.i:r, cheap- Kor'.h
A -i Motel 387) Portland M t9
trT. r.Tl.C roCH Trillr Hou...
x4 Mamas HQ. Mt tin. IM I
- 4 yd. box 900
rubber Each 1500
TRAILER HOI'SE. TxW. lots of bullt
Inj. 1529 Oak St. 1300.00. Ph. 3-8078.
WILL TRADE 1941 Chry.' Station Wagon
for house-trailer. Also small trailers
for sale. Howard Trailer Park. 3580
Portland Rd. Inquire office. ttOO
ISM Al It FLO AT 13 trailer. Very clean
Cozy home or vacation. Sleeps 4. Ivan
Martin. 4419. 198
' FACT. BlILT 1ft" trailer Venetian
blinds. Butane, electric brakes. Phone
i-3548. t99
TR'.DE EQUITY of (2475.00 in 2V Palace
Roval Trail home. elec. re frig., all met
al. Excellent condition, one owner, for
best late model car. His Shop, Hotel
Bids., Independence, Ore. t98
31 FT. ALL BLUE trailer hotue. Reas.
Brooks Trailer Park. 2Ut t State St.
WANTED RIDERS to share expenses to
and from Albany. Leaving Salem 7:15
a.m. Leaving Albany 5:15 p.m. Monday
throuth Sat. Private car. 485 Ford St.
Ph. 3-7947. x98
All makes aaed machines sold, rented
repaired Roan 484 Court Phone 3-4773
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service
Fret estimates, Trade-Ins accepted on
new appliances. Vlnce's Electric. Phone
3-9239. 157 S. Liberty St.
tiawnmower sharpening and repairing
Dexter-, Ph. 36833. o
Authorized Warranty Repair Station
for all makes of Auto Radios. Morrow
Radio Co.. 153 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-49S5. o'
Towing service day phone 1-9286. Night
2-1804. 333 center.
MOTORS REBUILT. Amazing low prices.
Easy payment plan. 12th St. Junction
Auto Wreckers. Ph. 28308 ollO'
Mike Panek, 275 S Cora'l. Pb. 3-5181
Brake Wheel aligning specialists
Don't put off spring repairing, rebuild
ing. For quick, expert service, guaran
teed satisfaction. Ph. 3-4850. o!04
Dean Robinson. Ph. 25537.
Bulldotlng, leveling, road bldg.. clear
ing teeth for brush. Virgil Hunker. 1010
Fatrvtew ave. Ph. 3-3148. Salem, 108
Building a new home? Let Sullivan St
Taylor homo builders build tt lor you
Ph. 24479 or 2-7579. Ol21
Building a new home? Let Sullivan Sz
Taylor homo builders build 11 lor you
Ph. 2-4479 it 2-7579. ol20
builder of courts at 13th-Rural. Labor
piua o. Satisfaction guar. , Ph. 3988J
Frame or mamrj construction, residen
tial, commercial home ral-ed. New
lounaattons. Alt Bros. Ph. 25909.
Instant delivery of new RCA cash
register Al make sold, rented, re
paired. Roen 45 Court. Ph 3-6772 O
Furnace chimneys tacuum cleaned
EtUey 771 8 21st Ph 3-7171 olOl
"An ounce of prevention 1 worth a
pound of cure." For expert guaranteed
satisfaction new or repair of founda
tions, sidewalks, driveway, call 3-4HM)
Dressmaking. Alt Shop, fur work. sew.
Ing Open May 1, rma. 28-27, 360 Stat.
Ph. 3-7004. 0130
Ilectrolux cleaner St Air purifier Sales.
MrT., supplies. 1070 Broadway. 2-4071
Vines' Elictrle for electrical wiring
contracting, repairing 11 a. Liberty
Ph 1-9231 o
Cockroach. Moth, Exterminator Service
Ph 3-3056 Leo Cros. IMS Pearl. ol04'
Sreithaupt's tor Mower Dial I-I17 '
Kendex MylMt, guaranteed. Ph. t-loM)
Hour; mo vino
Pa. 3442 day Ph 31104 Rite OllO'
J. R Wat kins Co. products Fret de
ll very. 1717 Center Ph j-sii o'
1. A. Dotrfler Sons, Ornamentals. 1M
n. Lancaiter Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 31132. o'
LAWN sprinkling system Ph. J4H7.
J. F. o.uBrir. Ill rtiiirovoa. M
Snarpanlni, fuaranlMd Mrvle. Nt
poar aod band moa.ri Call RtrtF
W Scott. 147 50. Con'! St. old
Capital Beddl&f. Phon. S-40n.
MOV1M; Rpnl a truck. Capital City
Traraltr Co S10 S. rrool St Pll.
Smltty'a Clipper Sorv. trucks, gars
rented Pb 39400. tor Outer Cbarth
Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Mando
lin, BanJoj, ete. U23 Court. Pb. 1-159.
Practical nurses. Day -night. Ph. 35073
Desk chairs, files and filing supplies,
eafes. duplicators and supplies, desk
lamps, typewriter stands, brief eases.
Pierce Wirt Recorders, Boon. 454 Court.
Expert Paperhanging and painting. H.
J, Wood worth. Ph. 3-9984. Free est. ol33
Elfitrom's art equipped to
painting. Phont 3-2493.
Call 22809 for your Painting Paper
hanging. Attractive rates. o90
Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-3723.
Picture framing Butcnooa Paint Store
Phone S-4487
Patching, Repairing. Ph. 2-1101. Q106'
Fisher 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-SOlf.
L. W. Caudle. Ph 3-7900.
Phillip W. Bellka Ph. 2-1208
Cleaned, repaired. J O. Balr St Song. Ph.
31193. By Drlvln Theatre. Sine 1917
Johns Radio Shop. Reasonable rates.
Ph. 3-3414. 250 Court St. Expert radio
and appliance service. olll
Rev Moor 3270 Portland Rd Ph.
Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and
dragline excavating. Walling Sand St
Gravel Co. Phone 3-9249 O
Valley Sand St Oravel Co Silt, sand 4r
fill dirt Excavating 10B above) At cats
Tractor scoop St trucks for dirt moving
Ph. offlee 34002, res. 37144. o
Cat. Shovel At Truck work of alt kinds
Ph. 3-4374 3995 Stat St. O104
York's Saw Shop 992 Edge water. Ph.
2-7971. 0113
Elec trio Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent
Razor iharp Steel Cutting Blades
Clean Kewera or Drains Septie Tanks
Cleaned Reae Pb 4-9321 or 14444
K. F, Hamel. Septie Tank Cleaned.
Electric machine service on sewer and
drain Unas. Ouaranteed work. 1143 8th
St., West Salem. Pb. 3-7404. oll9
Septic Tank and Drain Lines Cleaned
Jack Boenlng. Pb. 3-9433. 1041 Kim St
Mike's Septie Service Tanks cleaned.
Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079
Elu St.. W. Salem. Pb, 1-9441. 1-5327.
Local St Distance Transfer, storage.
Burner oils, coal A briquets. Trucks to
Portland dally. Agent for Beklng. House
hold goods moved to anywhere In U.8.
or Canada. Larmer Transfer At Storage
Ph. 3-3131
Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under
wood portables. All makes used machines
Repairs and rent. Roen, 454 Court, o
Made In Salem. Free est. Phone 37329
Elmer the Blind man. o
Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or
reflnUhed. Reinboldt Lewi. 2-3439.
Watches for sale, open eves. Ph. 38539
330 Evergreen. I. F. Ords. e!14
M. D EN LOB. Pb. 2-1191 Auburn Rd
F estimate T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-3985
Acme Window Cleaners. Windows, walls
es woodwork cleaned. Floor cleaned,
waxed and pollened. Ph. 3-1337. 347
Court. Lansdoe, Culbertsoe, and Mather
Went Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031.
A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201 A.F.
A.M. r. O. Degrees, Tues.
April 36th. 7:30 pill. M
I.O.OJ mnu every Wed
neaday night. Visitor Wei
come. Klngwood Lodge No. 204, A F
AgA tc A M. Mon. Eve., 7 p.m. Spe
cial F.C. degree. West Salem City
Hall. 98-
Green Bean Pack
52,300,000 Cans
Oregon's vegetable canners
last year produced an estimated
52.300.000 cam of green beans,
a family favorite which has
been growing In popularity ov
er the years. Total pack for the
nation in 1948 was approxi
mately 300 million cans, about
16 percent larger than the 1947
Based on Industry reports
and metal contained require
ments, a review of the bean
pack figures by the American
Can company show. continu
ing, though fluctuating, growth
in bean canning over the years,
including both the green and
wax varieties. From a total pack
of about 88 million cans In
1926. the volume rose to more
than 200 million cans in 1939.
Record year for canned green
and wax beans, tht can-making
firm pointed out, was 1942
when, aided by bumper crops,
the nation's food packers turn
ed out a total of more than S25
million cans of this product
Trinity Lutheran Church Cornerstone Placed Nearly all
of the 300 members of Trinity Lutheran church gathered
Sunday for the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of their
new church two miles south of Monitor. The building shown
above will be faced with brick veneer and its cost will be $65.
000. Participating in the ceremony was James L. Payne,
Salem architect who planned the building: Archie Mason,
Woodburn, brick mason; Fred Blomenkamp. Molalla. con
tractor; and E. J. Boesch. Henry Homann. Rudolph Nicode
mus, Paul Simon, Otto Scholttman and C. L. Willig, building
Brooks Garden
At Woodburn
Woodburn, April 25 First prize in the club division at the
annual Woodburn Garden club spring show over the week-end
went to the Brooks Garden club with the Gervais club second
and Mt. Angel club third. Frank Covey, president of the spon
soring club, said 172 entries were made by the Woodburn club
and praised the quality of ex-
hibits. Mrs. Covey assisted on,., , .
the greeting committee with
Mrs. P. C. Laughlin, Mrs Del
Seely, Mrs. Mary Tuss, Mrs.
Melvin Johnson and Roy Seely
with Mrs. John Ramage general
Special awards included first
to Mrs. C. Wright for arrange
ments; with Hazel Bartlett sec
ond and Mrs. Lei a Hugill third.
In the junior division Coleen
Ticeks placed first in posters
with Howard Seaton second and
Carole McCormick third. In bird
houses L e 1 a n d McClain was
first. Jeannette Hemsorn sec
ond and Jeannette Stravens
Winners in the junior minia
ture display were Charlotte Sce-
ley and Douglas Seeley; Nadeen
Steger and Russell G o 1 g a n;
Charlotte Seely and Emily Mit
chel. Mrs. Joe Henny's white aza
lea, appropriately named Snow
drift, won first in the bloom
division with he entry also plac
ing second and Mrs. Dorothy
Zielinski and Mrs. Emily Dal-
hoen in a tie for third.
Arrangements: DLh tardtn., I. Mrs.
Ray Glatt; 2 Mr. Ralph St: ley; 3. Mrs.
Hrokl Colgan. Basket arranBeme nu, L
Mrs. 8. 1111; 2, Mrs. Oeorse Sweeny; 3,
Mrs. Rot Kuns. Mantle erranRemcnU, 1,
Mrs. fism Hoeffer and Mrs. J. H. Llve-
sr.2, Mrs. Henny and Mrs. Hirel Bart-
ltt: 3, Mr Hoeller and Mrs. c. M.
Wrlcht. Wall rranaement.t. Mrs. Seeley.
Miniature arrangement. Mrs. Srely: 2,
vra. Oall Wentenroth; t. Mr. Cole an
Coffee table, 1. Mr. ScMr: 2. Mrs. Jam
Llv-aay; 2. Mrs. Fred Mannina. Tw.n
arransemenU. 1, Mr. Frank Cover: 2.
Mrs. Bartlett; 3. Mrs. Henry Steger.
Horticulture: Flowerim shrub. 1. Carrie
Waterburt; 2. tmlly Dal hoen: 2. Mrs. Del
bert Seeljr. Rhododendrons, 1 and 2. Mr,
i.ehrubl; 3. Mrs. Ramaie. Cacil. 1 and 3.
Mrs. H. I. ftteffen: 2. Mrs. Colgan. Suc
culent. Frank Cover. Poted pint-, 1, Mrs.
H. E flteffen: 3, Mrs. A. J. Duda; 9, Mrs.
O. L. .Vienn.
Lilacs: Best sinele bloom: 1. Mrs. Rim.
age: 3 and 3, Mr. Ray Olatt; bouquet,
Albert I. Morris
Primrose: 1. Mrs. John Strmer; 2 and
. Mr Tom Guthrie, auricula. Mr. Wil
liam Wenaenroth; 3, Mrs. Fred Nibler; 3.
Mrs. Ramage. Red primroses, 1.1 and 3.
Mrs. Fred Nlbler; yellow. 1 and 2, Mrs.
Tom Guthrie; 3. Mrs. Nlbler.
Camellias: Red. I, Mrs. Ramaie: 2.
Mrs. Hennr: 2. Mrs. Zlellruki. Pin It, I.
Carrie Waterbury; 3, Mrs. Zieliiuki: 3,
Mrs. Roy Seely. White. 1 and 3. Mrs.
Rimaee; 2, Mrs. Zielinski.
Tansies: Three of a kind. 1. 3 and 3.
'' -'" - TTa
U000Qll'Bo'h '"mmr Wrren's fart and Orlando Zulueta't
wwwwvl 'glove flatten out as Warren lakes a left lo the Jaw
In ninth round of Manhattan Center fig hi. In New York.
Zulueta. a native of Cuba, outpointed Warren, a Brooklyn
boy. (AP Wlrephoto)
hill -5 re
JaiS si 'A' i&J
rTii if
Club First
Spring Show
iMocKS ueciina
In SSov; Trading
New York. April 25 iP The
stock market drifted lower to
day by fractions to around a
It was one of the slowest
trading days in about a month
with the volume around 700,000
Shares for the full day.
A few individual issues resist
ed the downward slide and mov
ed forward.
Oils were lower with Rich
field losing more than a point
after its sharp run-up of last
week. Humble Oil & Refining
Co., an affiliate of Standard Oil
(NJ), posted a 25 cent per bar
rel cut in crude oil in its east
central Texas field.
Rails, metals and chemicals
were mixed. Farm implements
and mail order and retail shares
drifted lower. Utilities were ir
regular. Steels were lower most
of the day but came back in late
Leaning to the downside were
General Motors, U. S. Rubber,
Great Northern preferred, Ill
inois Central, Sinclair Oil, Ken
necott Copper. Du Pont, Sears
Roebuck, and International Har
vester. Tending higher were Good
rich, Boeing. Western Union,
and Union Pacific.
Get results
in Classified!
now! Advertise
Mrs. C. L. Jorzerifton. Forart-me-noU. 1. 3
and 3, Mr Rity Olatt. Prwy tmurtueU.
1. Mrs Jnme Livesay; 3, Mrs. Covey; 3.
Clrxine Henny.
ff.irciAsu-.: B't single bloom. Mrs
Ramaae. B't three of a It rid. 1, Mr.
Roy Crefy: 2. Mrs. Ramaie; 3. Mrs. Ziel
inski. Bt Poimicii narciMU. Mrs. Zlehn
Jtt. Tulip, smile bloom. Mrs. Hnny :
'hree of a kind. 1 and 3. Mrs. Henny; 3.
Albert E. MorrL.
Special Mention: PMnmoninu. Mrs.
Coey; sweet potato plant. Mrs. Henry
SlegT. Special mention cut Ilorr. 1. Em
ily Dalhoen on bleeding heart ; 2. Mra.
Henny of clematu. and Carrie Waterbury
on lily of the valley.
rn er tm u i i'trhi
(By the Asoelated Praaal
American Cm 92
m Pom St M 10
Am Tel rel US
Anaconda 30
Sendi Aviation 32
Beth Steel 29",
Boeing Airplane 32'.
Calif Packlns 32",
Canadian Pactfl 12'
Cwe J I 3V,
Caterp'aat .SS'
Chrysler 50 '
r-mwlth Son 31
?on Vuttee ....... 11 'i
onttnen'ai Can 33
Crown l)eroaeli .... 21'
3urtia Wrignt s1.
Oouclas .rcraft ....
Duponl de Nm IHi'i
Oenerai erectrlt 37'
Clineral Fouds 40
Oenerai Motor 57'.
loodreer T: 41'.
tni R arrester 21
(nt Paper ijp
Kennecntt M.
llbby McN St I 7'
Long Bell A 20?.
Montgomery Ward 53'
Nash iCelioaior n
at Dairy 2tt
NT Central i,
Northern iaeifle i 144
Pae Am Fsh
Pae Oas fe Fleo 31 H
Pae Tel t Tel
Penney J C 4.s
Radio Corp 12
Baronier 211.
4aronler Pfd 301,
Reynold Mial 2
liihrteld 3.,i,
tafeway fltore 20
Vara RneOurk 371,
Southern Parlflf 4m,
Haniard Oh C an'.
Iladabitir Coi- iaj
anshlne Mining 9a
rraaua.nortc u
Ha ten Pae 1 fie , 30'i
Jalan Oil Ca 80'.
dnlUd 4lr.Qe , pj.
D Steel 7.
Varaer rfras Pie tl'
Tsilwerth 4$
Farm Program .
Cost Unknown
Washington, April ' 25 fJP)
Secretary of Agriculture Bran
nan again told congress today
that it is not possible to fore
cast the cost of the atministra
tion's proposen new farm pro
gram. He said the difficulty about
making estimates is that tne cost
question is tied so tightly to gen
eral business conditions.
Brannan was testifying be
fore the house agriculture com
mittee. He outlined the admin
istration's new plan to the com
mittee before the house took its
10-day Easter vacation. The
members asked him then to come
back after the holiday with fig
ures on the probable cost.
Although he had no cost esti
mate of his own, Brannan des
cribed as "reckless" estimates
some made by congress mem
bers that the cost might run
$3,000,000,000 to $10,000,000,
000 a year.
"If 1 understand the esti
mates correctly, all of them as
sume a severe depression and
lew farm income,'1 he said. "I
confess that I do not assume a
depression. On the contrary, the
whole proposal is designed to
help avoid a depression by main
taming reasonable farm in
come.'' The administration plan would
halt the present practice of gov
ernment buying of surplus per
ishable products such as meats,
dairy products, fruits and vexc
tables for the purpose of keep
ing up prices to guaranteed lev
els Instead, it would allow pric
es of these products to drop lo
levels dttcrnuncd by supply and
demand. If the prcie did not
bring the farmer a predelermin
cd return, the government
would make up the difference
in a payment.
Salem Markets
Casflfleted rrnm repnrt l Hairm aeel
ere let Ike guidance Capital
Jearnel Headera. KtTUff stall).
elall Peed Prlen Main M.M.
Ha bat I rtlete 14 41
Dairy pee 14 00
Pealteyi tvirina anea Oriile A "To
ed hn lie; grade A Letnorn hens
II eent. Orede A eolored fryers, three
Found and up Jl-llt. oradg A oid
r-erc if ami
Haying prlf-et ftcr large A A c.
large AA. 44r: large A 41-4.r. merlmmi
AA. 4e; medium A, 3t-43r; pullets 30c.
Wkaleiaia prleea ke vrtoieaaie pncee
to 1 eent avv pr r
Orede A generally quoted at Mr. mt.
dluma 4e.
alter fa I
Premivini g4e. No 1. C3e. Ho. I. Il-toe
i ng orltet.
Bailer W hoi teal grade) A. M llli g-
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon,
Wheat Sinks
Following Gain
Chicago. April 25 Wheat
prices sank toward the close on
the board of trade todaw. Ear
lier gnins of small fractions
were given up and losses run
ning to around a cent were sub
stituted. Selling was not heavy
but the market had very little
support. I
The slump in wheat had some
influence on other grains, al-!
though corn held up fairly well.
Wheat closed Hi-Hi lower.
May $2.23 'a-U. corn was
lower to ' higher. May $1.34-1
IkVi, oats were l' lower to
Va higher, May 665.-'14, rye
was to 3 cents lower, May
S1.264, soy beans were l'a
lower. May $2.23 V.-2.23, and
lard was 7 to 18 cents a hun
dred pounds lower, May $11.52.
alee LleealM-a Market
(By Valley Packing Company!
Wrwied lambs 122.00 to H 00
Spring lamta. to S lh. t2S 00 to 3 (M
Spring Iambi. i to 1C0 lb 3 00 to 129 00
Yrarlinas. under 10 lb. UdOO to HH.Oii
Yearlings, oier 120 lb. $13 00 to SHOO
fwn 13 00 to tlO.OO
Cutter Cow II J 00 to IIS SO
Pat dilrv rows 1U 00 to 118 V
Dairy beifers 119.00 to 11900
Balls 11 On to til uo
Calves '1PP to 4S0 Ihs t;noo to t.s tth
Veal i ISO-300 lbs. I choice 125 00 to 130 00
(jt price uaia nmr 16c ol ori
nd price tor each t-pe. Top, 170-223 ibs
porllanil Rallde Market
Aspragu sold lor 14.00 to $4.50 a pvra
rild on the Portland Eisulcte Farmers
Wholf.ale Produce market today.
Raduhei were 50 cents a doren bun-
Ureen onlona brought 50 cents a dozen
Lettuce was Quoted at WOO to IS. 35
a four down head park.
Zucchini and white dollar eouaih was
S3 0(1 to S.I 35 a 20-22 lb. lug.
Straw berries from California sold for
$5.15 a 13-h alloc k Hot.
Rhubarb wm tl .35 n apple box and
$100 a 20-lb. lug.
Portland Preoe
Ittitierfat Ttniatte. euajeet to 1mm
mate change Pitmiun ouaitty mailmum
to 3$ to 1 percent acidity delivered In
POM land 3-Mc lb.; first quality l-4c
lb : second quality 59-S?c Valley routes
and country points 3e lese thar first.
Butter Wholesale POB bulk cubes to
who.taierB tirade A A. 93 score, ile
A. 92 score. lc lb ; B, 90 score, 80e lb..
O. 99 score duo lb Abova price org strict
ly nominal
'heee Sell Ing prte to Portland whole
ale Oregon Mngles. 38' 4ft'-e Oregon
lb loal. 41-M'o: triplet Sa leer than
Egca IT fffbeiesalerat A grade targe
51-51 'k: a medium. 49-49' jc; grade B
iarge, 451i-4i')C.
Eggs Purchased from rarinera Cnrreo'
receipts. $7 '-i-Of He dos.; Buyers J-."re M
low wholesale iiuotatlona on graded bail
tat oeM hennery rt
inland Dairy Market
Butler Price to retailers Orade A A
prints, flic AA cartons. SSc A print
67c: A carton 6flr; B prtnU, $5e.
F.ggi Prl.e to retailers AA large
53-54c; certified A targe. 63c; A large
ai-sc. a a medium, si-sic: cert n if a
medium 51c; A medium, 49-Slc; cartons 2c
rheeaa Pries to retailers. Portland
ureiion alnles 40'i SO'iC Oregon loaf, t
h 43-52tc; triplets !a less than aln
f.1es Poultry
Live Chlrtkeni - No 1 quality POB
plant n. No. 1 broilers under 2a lbs 21 -38c
lb.: fryers Vt to 3 lbs.. 30 -33c
roaMrr 4 lbs. and over 31 -34c lb.; fowl
LPKlmnm, under 4 lbs.. 26-27c lb.: orer 4
Ibit. 2flO0r; colored fowl, all weights, 33
Hr; roontem. all weights. 18-20c.
Rabbltt nverjae n rower tor live
hlte. fryer white. 4-5 Ibs 37-29c lb..
i-9 lbs.. .'5-37c lb , colored 33-35e. old ot
heavy doea, 13-He aTeasod fryers to
butchers, i7 Mr, old r.rarv onrs, JS-JBe
Turkeys (Prlcei quoted are not to the
producer on a dressed weight basis! -U
S grade A young torn a 11 53 lb.; No
I young hens, nominally 60c
Dressed tarkeys to retailer! Qi ade A,
young hens. 70-1 le New Vorr t? dress
ed A grade ycung torn M$9a
Portland siiiceiianeoui
fair are Bark Dry 20e lb. green le lb
Wool Valley coarse and medium trades
45c lb
Mohatr 28c lb. on 12-monlh growth.
Illdea Calves 10c tb , according la glp ISc lb. beef 12-13e lb., bull
S-tie ) , country buyers pay 3e les.
Sui qaolallene
Valnai Kranouetua first quallt um
on. 34 7c. large J3 7c: medium 21 2e, sec
ond quality Jumbos. 10 2e. argo 39 3e.
medium. 1 ! baby 93 2e. toft hel flril
quality large. 39 le. medium 39 le; sec
ond quality large 21 2o: medium 24 ti
riabv 33 3e
rilberls . Jumbo. 30 H , large l
medium ic: email. 13e
Quotations above eupptted by North
el Nut Orowera Quotatlor are on the
li'li of 100-lb bag purchase.' fob planta.
Pnrlland Grain
Portland. April 25 Wheat futures
and rriHh irraln unquoted.
Cash wheat ibid t ; Soft whit 231; aoft
v le leM-'urfii'v jtx 3.31; Vtilt club 3 31.
western rrd 3 31.
Hard r-rt winter: Ordinary 131: 11)
penent 231; 11 percent 2 22; 12 percent
: 2i.
Hard white heart: Ordinary 2 34; others
Tr-day car receipt- Wheat : harley
4: flour 19: corn 9, oat 1; mlllfeed t.
Portland l.iveleek
PoiMantt, Ore., April 25 J.ffl -Uvea(ot-k:
Tatlle nalable 1000: calve 150: market
lnw and uneven; cow weak lo 50 cents
lower; bull and good to choice vealer
'tendy; -mall lot his It good 900 lb. fed
itrers 35 50: load 1219 lb. 24 95: bulk
mimilv unsold at m!rt-esion: loud eond
BOO lb hrifer 24 25: common and me
dium heifer IB Oo to 22 50: very few can
t,Fr and fitter row sold at is oo to
lg 50: mt Hum and grind beef cow 19 50
to 310(1; f.nrrte held higher; rood heef
bull 31 00 to 21 SI; atgage hull IT Of)
to 23 0, good and rholce vealer 101,
to 12 00.
Mop aibte 1,750: market 179 to 2 on
Inwer ; gnn-l and rhmre l0 to 315 h
2100 to 20 25 290 to 2U lbs 19.00 lo
19 50- rood ;i!0 to Sf.fl lb. miw 1 00 lower
! 100 to 1101); oort nd rhnire 109
1i feeder 22.50: llehter weight hov
31 00
Hlierp alebte 250' market fairly ar-Cve
nnn (iiio r noire ihhidp; gnod and
1 D-lt llmhl 3.1 Sfi
to a no; Hunt woniert lamb (.noted 24 SO:
"niiinn 20 00: grod No. 2 pelt ewe weng
lo HO rent lower at 11 00; good tight
wonle.1 rwn quotable 11.5ft (n 12 00.
tharle Mrlan Rfoedlrl
Aibnv. Clmrle Marian Benedict, 75,
died at tils home on route 4. Albanr, Fri
day. F'.neral service were held Mondav,
t 3 p m , from Ihe Portmiller-Preder-ickfton
rhanel Burial tn Ihe Willamette
Memorial nark Benedict was horn. April
3 IA1I at Sterltm Center. M'nn , and
nad been a resident of ner Albany for
min year.' He married N'ille Suarp at
S'rllni Center Mtnn . September 4.
I19 abo euruvex a do Die folloalna
cuilfcren (leorae, McM:nnvlle; Steve. Day
ton Alton, route 4. Albany; Phyllis M-
ell Portland and Helen Campbell. Ssn
Prarlaco Ca' : two brother T J, Ben
et ft. Cios Bav and Ptr Benedict, Eu
gene ten ersndcmidren, and one great
Mora Iffella Hllhlmnn
Purl land- (li aveilrle servit e will be
held at the r;iiy view cemetery 1n Balem
Tue.dav Apr. I 39 at I pn for Nora
Adella Wilkinson former realdeni of Sa
lem who died here April 34 al tl.e age
of 91 er Surviving are three children
Mn J W Wiegand Oougla nd Rn
ei: A Wilfcn-or all of Portia ,d two
F:k of nnrhi
and Mr Lvdia Argettnaer
Minnegpoi.a. U-m ; ia brother. Relph
B-nwn of Omaha Nehr , and Lewi
Brown of Salem, nloe grandchildren and
ia rtai trend child res.
Monday.. April 25, 1919 19
'. . i if w ft
KSZLlt -t- -'
or-. rut"
Tt V 'iW- t?
tljL il'fit r -a.
Close Shave William
Marrs, Jr., 13, pets his dog
Queen, who he saved from
the wheels of a fast freight
near Winnemueca, Nev. Queen
was trapped on a trestle by
a train and Bill dashed to the
rescue. He grabbed the dog
and fell prone between the
tracks as 11 cars of the 80
car train passed over and
groaned to a slop. Scrambling
out from under. Bill fell 15
feet into river bed breaking
his right arm. His head was
grazed by engine pilot. (Acmje
Truman Vetoes
Relief Bills f
. Washington, April 25 (U.RI
President Truman today vetoed
bills concerning frightened
minks In Alaska and the infect
ed vaccination of a government
worker In Oregon.
These were the first vetoes in
this session of congress.
The vetoed bills were private
relief measures. Mr. Truman's
veto in each case was based on
a legal technicality.
The case of the frightened
minks was outlined in a bill to
authorize the district court for
Alaska to hear a claim brought
against the government by Hilda
Links, E. J. Ohman, and Fred
L. Kroesing of Anchorage, Alas
ka. They operated mink farms
in Anchornge, Alaska, during
during 1941.
Army planes flying over the
farms so frightened the parent
minks that they destroyed 452
kittens, forcing the claimants
out of business at an alleged
loss of $32,000.
Mr. Truman also turned down
a bill to pay Sylvia M. Misetich
of Portland, Ore., $5,000 as
compensation for medical ex
penses resulting from an infect
ed vaccination administered to
her at the Portland port of
embarkation in 1044. The pres
ident said she hod not pursued
her claim through proper gov
ernment channels and that she
should use those channels.
Laesa Heaihien Clark
At tne residence 711 North Cottii
i.reet. April 23, Louejia HousMon Clark.
the aee of 99 years Survived by nux
band, Lovell Clark of 8lem; three
dren. Prancl E. Clark. Mrs. June Claris
Wheaton and LH V Car: nd
Mr. Amanda L. ftargeant of PhMadetpl!,
Penn. Service were new at tne w i . itic-
don chapel Mondav, April 25 at 1 p.n.
tth Rev. c. J. Morgan otunatme. in
terment was In Belcreit Memorial park.
Pearl Kllender Dean
Pearl Ellender rean. at Oaklsnd. rallf.
Survived by mother, Mr, fl'ella Poller
of Salem: brother. Leonard Pniter of fla
lem and Harold foster or fin-, ion.
Calif.; and four lnter, Vertle Foster of
Salem. Mrs. Pellra Belle of Clayton, umil .
Mr. Fuby Blrom of Metoli'iv Ore . end
Mr. Mvitle Biggin of Portland An
nounrement of servlcea later by W. T.
fttgdon company.
Mn Nara Adella Wilkinson
I April 24, Mr. Nora Ai'ella Wllklnnn.
Mother of Mr. J. w wicuand. Dongia
V. and IltMse!! A. Wilkinson; rhlft of
l.ew: Rrovn. Mr. W.ilter Klske, Mrs l.v
rila Ar7ethiBer end Unlph Iliow n An
urvlved bv nine grondihlldren and -.-l
Test grandchildren, flervnev w,lt be hM
Tueiday at 10 nv idAyliiriit ilmei at
the Pearson Cli.ipel Not 'het Kilitt,
'rret at Union avenue. Portland Friends
Invited. Dravealde nrrvke at Hie ':ty
View cemetery. Salem, at 1 p m tn
dard lime
Allen Frank tin ftlraier
Allen Franklin Knayrr.
Depoe Bav Oiegnn, t t
ftPr" V
.e age or ii
line T
Ray: a diugliter. Mr.
Marlr f -ii -
two br'
Rt raver i
of Portland one grandrhllfl,
Klltahpih Burden of Can'n; aii'l
grandchild Kathleen Muric I
Canby. Announce men t of erv
by the Howell -Ed ward chapel,
Martaret Walling
Margaret Wnllins, Ime
lem, at a local,
ed by husband John
r'.-id'nt -f
mil BurvlV
f .illlnii. rtiN;
:h.e sisters. Mrs Helm MfClarrn of ft,
ietn. Mrs. Ella Bronvhton o( Ii.uu and
Mrs. Kathenne Peter in Cnad. nd
four broit'T. AbiSlinm Fr -.en o' f 'lem
nd John Frleen. Pete f-rl'.-eti and Nn--k
w ejien, al' of Salem Atin nn mtenl of
centres later by C'lou:n-Hrr:ck com
Rlrhard Heather
R rhird Weai.icr 1st reMent of roitei
I. Oaila at a local ho on l. April :,
t the e of S9 veir Survived hv Ue,
r. Verna Weather of Dl!a.. ,i diun
ier Mr. Op I Brn nine of I, iCvnlT,
Wwh : f-ur Aon )r'ti Lairv Weath- i o'
Albany Albert Weather ol 0. Lex rd
W.- there of Moll v. and Moyd Wr,btera
of S!m: three iier Mr l.irne Hs
of Amltv Ore , Mr. Retta Hvearlv of Al
nr and Mrs Knther Wtllard of Salen:
nd f ve brotnera. Charlie Wet' tiers ardl
Jl . Wea'liera of Salem, Wiley Wrafnera
of 0r- at oiihert Weathers of (! a
d Frn W-.ier or Wlnfleid. Kn ;
19 rnii-ti;icrn 8rv ;ce i.l be n'M
a' lh Hnwell-Rdwards chape Wfdne
d. April 31. at 1 10 p m Rev. Llovd An
derion win ofricis'e. loterneot Im Bel
treat Meaner! Mife.