Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1949, Page 17, Image 17

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    Ever-Lengthening Shadow
In 1929 federal spending amounted to less than two thirds
of the personal income of the inhabitants of California. By
1947, federal expenditures were approximately equal to the
total presonal Income of all the inhabitants of California,
Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Mon
tana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North and South
Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and about four fifths
of Texas.
Federal expenditures amounted to $121 per family in 1929,
$250 in 1938, and about $984 In 1948.
- Remember that these figures represent the spending of
the federal government only. When state and local govern
ment spending is added, the total amounts to some 30 percent
of our national Income. In other words, the American people
devote nearly one third of their working time and effort to
supporting their various governments.
(Copyright by the Pint National Bank if Boston and the Reader' Dlaeat.)
The folloains u the official publica
tion of the record of claims before tht
Uarlon County Commissioners' Court far
tho January term for 1. wlta the
amount allowed, bllla continued, etc.,
eccordlni to the records In tht office
of the County Clerk. Statt Industrial Ace.
Comm.. Ins. HI 93: Ladd fc Bush Salem
Br. U. S. Nat'l. Bk. ol Portland, with
holding 3,121 91; Public Employee Re
tirement System. retirement 4.108 36:
Stat Tax Commission, stata tai 1.3SS.1J;
Earl Newbry, Bacy of Stat, trana 11.00:
County Assessor C. A. Uili, deputy
308 JO; Rij LICK, oo nt.Tj; J. L. iea
mund, do 87 06; Grace N. Babcock. do
19.78: Ida M Bailie, do 17 59; Uay Hoi
torf, do 154.00; Hlen Snyder, do 132 31;
Leone Henderson, clerk 121 36; Oordon
I. Tower, draftsman 220 00, Clrcall Court
-A. A. Richard, see for court 208.50;
Ruby B. Hushes, deputy 110.80. County
ritrk U. Retnlesek. deputy 150.22: P.
Crosby, do 115.30; R Howard, do 188.00;
Dora Barrett, do 160.48: Vernon Wind
or. do 181.08: Hewn MUiaey. oo .;
Wanda M. Gilford, do 150 08: R. J. Stan
ton, do 48.80; H. T. Kleiheee. do 130.00:
Donna Brown, do 10 80. County Ceart tt
Ceium listeners M. Reinlcaek. Clark 43.00;
D. L. Brown, atenoa 80 00. Court House
Bdw. Brasher, lanltor 156 65: W. A. Orit-
ton. do 153 59; Win. Mori arty, do 143.19;
Edwin Booth, do 14130: Ruth Hutchtn.
ek opr. 1100: U. I. Undser. do 16.40
Dhtrlct Attorney Reginald S. William,
deputy 310 10: Anna M Ajittll. atenoa.
143.80. District Ceart oioria nooinson.
deputy clerk 53 87; Clurua Brown, do
135.45. District Canstebla Gloria Robln
on. deputy constable 90 00; Health De
partment W. J. Stone, Co. health offi
cer 561.65; P. R. Coleman, Co. sanitarian
252.11; I. G. Lermon. do 246.33; W. B.
Qulnn. do 242.10: Bat'y Cooper, do 753. w.
Lawrence M Cheney, do 249.10: Be mice
Yeary, director of P H. nurslnf 226.31: ;
Merwyn Darby. Co. P. H. N. 199.14; Joan I
Schneider, do 191.36; Eleanor Sweden-1
bun. do 194.30; Helen WantsserO. do i
105.55: Helen Steyaert, do 189.17: Jane
Domkowski. do 205.20: Evelyn L. fkhra-
der. do 197.35: Erna Beratecher, aaat. Co. ,
p. H. N. 19T.Z3; Leslie L oion. cunic
nurse 121.14: Shirley Ivrrson. clerk-Typist
124.30: Alice Brrcmannn. no wo.ju;
Ode.v Uelby do 144.80; Helen Walllsch.
clerk-iteno I 110.90; Vera Wood. ;Iers
steno II 182.60: Jo Ann Wallace, extra i
10.39. Brletenbuih Con it able J. C. Fow
ler, constable 24.75; J. C, constable 24.15;
Jefferson Justice Court Geo. P. Arm
strong constable 14.85. Ml. Anael Justice
Court Peter J. Buraer, constable 0.90:
Sllverton Jusllea Court P. N. Burch.
court clerk 49.50; E. J. Jackson, constable
Z4.25. Stayton Jutlce Court Henry
Smith, constable 19.80; Leona Peterson,
stenos 29.70.Ktayton Justice Court Henry
Smith, constable 19.80: Leona Peterson
Menoa 29.70. Woodburn Justice Court W
O. Miller constable 49.50; May v. uor-
-nan. Justice cleric 34.65. juveniia Depart
ment Nona White, probation officer
217.62; D J. Jepsen assist probation
offcter 205.18: J. Anderson, atenoa 05.11.
Recorder's Office Prances MatLson. de
puty 162.80; Adella Dtckman, do 1M.74;
Virginia Gntton. do 133.98; Pauline Bur
oker. clerk 143.30; Bonnie Wilson, do
138.11. Registration Election Olayds
White, deputy 178.11. School Superinten
dent J. P. Remlnaton, deputy 169.65;
Vivian S. Hoenls, supervisor 200.00; Mar
auerlte R. Burton, do 314.00: Christine V
Morley. secretary 142.25. Sheriff-Local
A. I. Johnson, deputy 302.20; B. R. Smith,
do 202.60; Wm. DeVall, do 203.30: John
Harser, do 203.98: Mure) Wood, do 209.50.
Edear O. Scott, do 180.45: Lawrence
Wrliiit, do 119.51; Glen Con kiln, do
178.20. Sheriff-Tax H. P. Domogalla, tax
deputy 320.25; Howard T. Evans, cashier
199.41: Violette West. Bkkp. Macn. oper
18i 68: C. Hammang, deputy 162.36; Lydla
UatUon, do 174.40. Survcror'a Office
A D. Graham, deputy 210.40; Nell a
Simms. secretary 146.80. Treaaurer'a Of
Ilea Audrey H. Ewlnc, deputy 143 04
Veterans Sertlce Office Lillian Kllppert.
secretary 62.24: H. C. Saalfetd. service of
ficer 266.80. Dot Control ran K. A
Ward, doc cont enf 210.75: R. J. Stanton,
clerk 100 00. County Property Charles J.
Zen an. tax deputy 148.50; H. William
Thlelsen. land anent 166.06; J. Anderson,
atenof 45.00. Enilneer'a Office H. 6
Swart, co. enslnerr 398.05: A. M. Presnall.
secretary 146.69. Juveniia Department
Jean tte Anderson, stenoc 21.81. Rccl.l ra
tion Election Alice J. Balllle. extra
deputy 163.96; Ollce Bottorf. do 27.73: U
E. Llndsey. elev. operator 4.79; John Han
na, labor 8.90: J. P. Asplnwall, do 314.36:
Delbert J. Balr, do 311.80; J. A. Burns,
do 136.58; Wm. H. Plcke. do 15.10; Harry
H. Lawrence, do 244.40: H. A. Martin,
do 320.60; Harold L: Martin, do 303.34;
Edward Schmltt. do 301.82: Prank Woelke,
do 241.69; O. D. Bineaar. do 313.65; Henry
Bower, do 174.33; Lawrence Bower, do
177.68; Wm. P. Croker, do 186.43: Orvllle
L DunUan, do 315.87; 8. K. Ely, do 234.16;
Harvey M. Olrod, do 303.08: Roy Hatfield,
do 181.40: Harold K. Krpplnacr. do 317.36;
John A. Kinney, do 304.28; R. W. Kinney,
do 231.39: R. C. Kirk, do 31S.92: Barney
J Kropp. do 192.93; Laurell Lamb, do
204.14; Floyd Lauber, do zoo .04; .
Lawrence, do 321.10: W. R. M&saer.
212.20; John McAllister, do 103.69: Ralph
Me At later, do 144 tt; D. P Seharf. do
317.09. Auiuat Smith, do 207 90. Roberi
Smith, do 313 99; O. L. Spencer, do 196 56.
Ean D. Standley, do 310 06; Lloyd E
Taylor, do 218.63: Raymond Titus, do
200 22; Huih Webb, do 141.70: Lea Wells,
do 332.44; Tony Woelke, do 301.05; Theo
dore Kutnil. do 351.91; William R. Bren
ner, do 212. 12; Mcnno Dalke. do 301 16;
Lloyd Jarman, do 307.95: Tom Rltohey,
do 315.45: Joseph A. Robl. do 317.52; W.
Shelley, do 313.50; Gene Shilling, do 313.13;
Arthur J. Tackmier. do an i; T,
Torgeaon. do 186.78; L. W. Webber, do
101.10; w. o. Williamson, do iai.: J.
C. Curnutt, do 313.20; J. Anderson Jr.,
do 236.11; I. J. Coover, do 196.99; J, 8.
Downes. do 124.14: Axe Johnson, do
200 33; J. R. Patten, do 201.40: H. J. Pet.
arson, do 201,55; C. O. Rom. do 306.05;
A. B. Rotted, do 182 91; Wm. ftchueller, do
216 22: Vlml R. Fahey. do 189.80; P. H.
Hostetler, do 189.55; H. E. Lenhardt, do
163 94: 8. If. Martin, do 164 66: Wm.
Naftiger. do 301.40; Cecil R. Royston. do
181.93; Delbert C. Shellllo. do 211. 12; E.
J. Richards, do 219.58; Bill Blrkett, do
4413: Arthur Blackburn, do 316.91; Gil
bert Broslc, do 328.12; Carl Lnnenecker,
do 41.40. A. A. Richard, do 314.39; Cha.
Tucker, do 236.98; O. A. Coblne, do 181.31;
E. H. Busby, do 197.43; Tom Bowden. do
213.83; George Pruendtener. do 33 96: Ploy
O Mudd. bailiff 42 70. Sheriff-Tax H. P.
Domoaalla, extra 212.11; H. T. Evans, do.
3; Vioilette West, do 59.39: R anions ;
Evans, do 304.31: Evelyn Mennu. do:
37.35: Dort L. Scott, do 55.04: Cleo Walk-i
er: do 50.69: Edlyn HolmquUt. do 14.26:
Rebecca L, Bllas. do 13.10: Neal A. Curry,
1.90. HItcellaneeHa Addreasoaraph-
Multlgraph, ex p. 32.51: Golden Pheasant!
Restaurant, meal 15.05; The Spa. meals i
11.80; Bruce W. Will Isms, atty fee 13.00;
Remington Rand Inc., misc. 226.31; L. E.I
Barrlck. per diem 63.01; Bureau of La-1
bor, permit 2.00; Ocorae Electric, sups j
3.50; Nelson Bros, plumbing, exp 2.16. !
Otis Elevator Co., exp 130; Vanco, sups'
13.73; sari Adams, postage 5 oo; Ean:
Adam. T E 120.74: Oeorae E. Allen i
Hardware, exp 1.40; John Sen mid. garbage I
disposal 100.00; A. C. Grave, Postmaster. I
postage 47.00; Hendrla Medical Labora- I
tor lea, lab 125.00: Masonic Temple Auoc. I
rent 190.00: Perry's Drug St or mrd I
sup 1.00; Qulsenberry'a Pharmacy; med.
sup 19.67; Salem Shopping News, print
ing 11.00: School DIM. No. 4. off sups 1.13:
Valley Motor Co.. trans 63.18: D. A. White
A Sans, rodent eupa 3.00: Willamette Gro
cery Co.. do 1.14; John W. Hanrahan,
herd Inspector 481.73: Fred w. Lame, do
310.75; A. W. Simmons, do 244.00; Ed-
mtddlo Bello. Indemnity of diseased cat
tle 1.50; Kearl H. Dettwyler, do 12.00;
Karl H. Dettwyler, do 24.00; Duane L
Pulps, do 1.50; Theodore B. Oottachalk,
do 8.00: Dalton W. Herahev. do 8.00,
James H. Jones, do 8 00; M. Belle Lively,
do 8.00; Michael W. Mahony Jr., do 1.50:
wmiam Micxennam, ao b.oo; win is a.
Nelson, do 1.50; William H. Phillips, do
1.50; John Roth, do 8.00; Ray S. Springer
Farm, do 2.10: Roy 8. Springer Farm, do
8.00; Sylvester Terry, do 7.50; Salem-Wil
lamette supply rep 2.zs; sanitary ser
vice Co.. Inc., aan serv. 2.40: Silver Wheel
Motor Freight. mUc. 3.46; Denver Young,
board of prisoners 369.90: Emery J. Jack
son, T. E 67.42: Walter H. Bell, past sue
East Salem Rabbit Group
Sees Display of Articles
East Salem, April 25 One of the growing organizations of the
city and suburban communities is the Capital City Rabbit Breed
ers association. The regular meeting for April was held at the
Mayflower hall with a special program being given and a number
of new members were received with a large percentage of the
regular members and several
guests present
The speaker for the evening
was Dan P. Law of Portland.
He discussed diseases, breeding,
feeding and housing of rabbits.
Mrs. Dan P. Law had a large
display of articles made from
rabbit pelts consisting of purses,
muffs, capes, coats and children's
suffed toys like dogs and kit
tens. Six new members joining the
association were L. H. Randall,
2705 Portland road who was the
first president of the associa
tion, but has been Inactive for
some time; Eugene Crail, 100
Lana ave.j Terry Shepherd,
Route 5, Box 132; Don Smith,
198 N. 24th street, Salem; Alan
J. Caseyrout, Rt. 6 Box 311; and
Frank Crail, 100 Lana ave.,
Salem. Visitors were Mrs.
Anna McDonald, Beaverton,
who Is representative of the
Oregon Branch of A. R. and C.
B. A.; Fred Adyelott of 330 Lib
erty road; Mrs. . Schroll. Box
204, Sweet Home: Mrs. L. Whit
marsh, Route 4, Box 394, Leban
on and Arrtold Hoffman of
Swegle Community.
Gerald wing donated a doe
' and lij,i(er to Carol Rlggs of Jef
fersnfn for 4-H work. The doe
nd Utter to be sponsored by
thS association. Donna Weider
.teeher of Jefferson is the 4-H
leader of the group. The next
regular meeting will be held at
the Mayflower hall May 26th
and the speaker for the evening
will be J. C. Lowitt of Trout-
Mrs. Oscar Wigle was hostess
for the April meeting of the
Pratum Methodist Women's So
ciety of Christian Service at her
Swegle community home on
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Wil
liam DeVries was in charge of
the devotions and the president,
Mrs. Harvey Meyers conducted
the business meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wigle
have returned home from a week
end trip into southern Oregon
where they visited in the homes
of their son, Cloid Wigle of
Riddle and with her father at
Mrs. R. H. Proudfit was host
ess for the meeting of the Merry-go-round
club at her Hollywood
drive home.
Union Hill Women
Meeting in Salem
Union Hill The Union Hill
Home Economics extension unit
met at the Grange hall. Mrs. J
C. Enz. chairman, presided at
the business meeting.
Miss Eleanor Trindle, Marion
bounty home demonstration
agent, presented material on
"Conserving You," to 22 mem
bers of the unit.
Mrs. Henry Ericksen and Mrs.
Byron McElhaney served re
freshments. The unit will meet with Mrs
Myra Fisher at her home in Sa
lem in May.
A new. ertentlfle treatment oftVi real retM to
the ml lli on who eufler from the maddrtint
rortaj iteh and other mleeriea of Pin-Worme.
This remarkable Pin-Worm remedy la Jeima
"7. W-ritaTlBfredleet la mefl1ral1r-P-tffoved
drug that erienttfically dnrtror FiD
Worme and rwnoyea them from the body.
Don't to on loelnt alep, almost oinc mad
berawe of theoe ugly pMU. Ask your draft"
for P-W, the email, eeay-to-take tahMt re
fected by the famoua Jeyn Co, anmalietj in
worm rmede for ovet l yira. Deatroy
tnoae Pln-Wwma; rrflere that (trh!
ieea ain P-W far pieWrM.
Weil-Known Man Felt
Like Swollen Balloon
Full of Stomach Gas
Til be dad to tell anyone who wrltea
to me what Kal-o-uex has done in my
case." says A. H. Siemens, 915 North Ave..
Reedley. Calif. I was ao constipatea mai
food would bloat me up like a tick. It
just seemed to lay In my stomach and
sour and back up brashy m my throat.
Seemed always worse at night couldn't
rest from rolllna and tossing, then get up
without any leep. cranky and hard to
get along with. Kal-O-Drx changed
that, for now I'm a regular a a clock-
no more ga and bloat, and sleep Ilka a
top. My wife era that I heva a good dis
pofttllon since taking Kal-O-Dei, and look
and feel better than I have In years."
KALO-DEX j an Herbal Formula con
taining medicinal Juices from 1 Great
Herbs; these iterbs cleanse bowels, clear
is from stomach, act on alugglsh Intes
tine and kldneya. Miserable people soon
feel different all over. So don't go on suf
fering. Ot KAL-O-DIX today at all drug
ttores. Money Back uuarantee.
Fiery, Smarting Itch
of Common Skin Rashes
Don't itand such torment another hourt
Juat smooth Keainol Ointment on your
irritated akin at once. See how quickly
it meaicany proven tngreaienta in lan
olin brine; blissful, long-laiting relief.
Stop itching, dry
np blisters quick
ly, safely. 59
Pimples, rashes rtirt to
clear up In Just 7 days
You too nay be atnaicd tht
prompt way Cuticura Soap and
Ointment speed out black
beada,help relieve penplta,
externally caused. Fragrant,
scientifically medicated. 7f
yeara' aurreat. Buy today.
Now is th time to order that new roof before the
busy lummei season.
Expert workmanship with the highest quality
Free estimates without obligation.
McGilchrist & Sons
25 No. Commtrcial Strctt
Salem Phone 38478
j rent S3 00; T. C. Gorman, rent 90 00:
W C. Milter. T. I. 10.11. 3. H. Turnldss.
hospital 4000; Boy's Olrls Aid Society
of are. court committed 10 00: Catholic
Chanties, Inc.. do 50.00; Childrene Parm
Home, do 30.00: Ores on Protective Society,
do. 16 33; J. H. Turnldse. do 40 00: Bob
Trak, 1 couier 10.00; Agnes C. Booth.
T B. 30 80; Uanuerlte R. Burton. T. I
70; Vivian 8. Hoemt. T. C. 114; De
partment of Agriculture, sealer 6S1S.
Abraras j Skinner, Inc.. bonds 2000:
Burke's Camera Shop. misc. i J; Art
Biirnslde & Company, equip 13 44; The
City of Salem, radio 6 00; General Petro
leum Corp, trans 2 66, Hutcheon Pslnt
more, mlic. 1.40; L. L. Low, trans .65;
Valley Motor Co., trans 11.80; Lawrence
Wrlsht. trans .85: Waller H. Zosel Co.,
trans 6 93; A. C. Oram, Postmaster, post
age 1100: Ervln A. Ward. T. I. TO 55; C.
C. Cannon, board meetings 35.00: A. I.
Boff, do M)00; R. O. Hunsaker. do 60 00;
Oeorae Bauman, hens killed 11.00: Mrs.
B. A. Beuali. ewes killed 75.00: Leo
Blsnchette, ewes killed 45.00: Henry Fel
ler, do 30 00; Henry Feller do 60 00: Mrs.
Pearl Hawks, do 30.00; Mrs. P. B. McD
roy. chickens killed 1.60: Henry O. Rug
ate, ewe killed 13.00: Mrs. Robert Schae
(er. ewes killed 63.00: Arnold Seine, tur
keys killed 03 00: Arnold Seines, turkeys
lulled 37 78: Prank Weddte, ewes killed
66 00: State Department of Agriculture,
millase tax 3.331.44: American Law Book
Co. law books 10 00; Baker Voorhls ft
Co. Inc., do 12.00: Bancroft-Whitney Com
pany, do 7.50; The La wyers-Co-operative
Pub. Co.. do 5.00; Shepards Citations, do
44.00; Stanford Law Review, do 4 50;
West Publishing Co.. do 30.00: Abrami ft
Skinner. Bonds 684.03; Armco Drainage ft
Metai rrooucti. culvert; uauou
Wright. Rep. 34 45; Ployd Basset, do
IB 00; Dr. Burl Better. Exam. 10.00: Bill
Bickett. Gravel 60 00; Blake-Moffltt ft
Town. Rod Supi. 0.70: BJake-MoTfltt ft
Town, Sups. 2 92; Br ad fie Id Lumber Co.,
Misc. 4.80: Ben Brown. Scalp Bounty
36.00: E. H Burrell. Rrpi. 66.77: Capital
Auto Parts, do 27.30: Capital City Bind
ery, sups. 4.50: capital journal, Adv.
194.06: L. M. Case. Gravel 636.40: Sybil
C. Catlin ft Frank H. Spear. Kent 100.00;
Monroe S. Cheek. Trans. 78 53; Monroe
Cheek, do 5 79: city water Depart
ment. Water 51.71: Clyde Equipment
Company, Reps. 7 31; Colyear Motor Sales
ao i.jd; commercial book store.
Sup. 25.60; Cooke Stationery Co., Co
27.04: Howard Cooper Corporation, Reps.
263.10; Dr. M. K. Crothem, Med.- Serv.
46.66; curm F. Deeti. Tractor Work
7.00; Phil Doolry. Misc. 5500; DoolUtle
Master Service station, Reps. 10.76; Downs
Glai Shop, do 38.05; E-A-R-O Materials
Company, Cold Patch 506 50: Equitable
Steel Co., MUc. 179.72: Hay L. Farmer
Hardware Co., do 6.40; Eleanor Fletcher,
Hralth Edut. 75 00; Dr. Lurllle Fortner.
Med. serv. 20. Q0; Free"s Garage, Reps.
11.72: J. K. Gill Company. Equip. 353 40;
Dr. John Goldsmith. Exam. 10.00: b. P.
Ooodrlch Company, Mhc. 165.47; A. C.
Grass. Postmaster. Postage 15.00; A. D.
uranam. i.e.; Haloid company.
Sup. 5.71; Gell ft Van Handel, Misc.
42.00; J. E. Has sH tine ft Co., do 130.99;
M. B. Hayden. E E. 10.10; Herrold-PhlN
Ippl Motor Co.. Reps. 1,533.35: Chai. H.
Iloyt, Gravel 8,458.75: Industrial Supply
Co., Reps. IB. 30; Interstate Tractor "j
Equip. Co., do 1,116.53: Johnaon-Slewert
ft AMrlrh, Supi. 137 40: Jones Printing
Co . Sups. 115 30; Ira JortrnM-n. Hti
44 70; Dr. R. E. Joseph, Mtd. Serv. 54 00.
Keiser Sand ft Gravel Co. Gravel U;
Krap ft Long Printer, Off. Exp. 9 70;
C. J. Lrwl. Uas 19 02: Lowers ft Contrac
tors Machinery Co. Reps. 62 31; Ja. H.
Maden Co.. do 353.01: Marlon Electric
Co. do 53 M: M. J McCormlrk. do 7 80.
Douglas Mi Kay Chevrolet Co . Trans.
62.31: Doug lei MrfCay Chevrolet Co, Rep.
J 917. s?: A. MvLauKlUUl Co . do 3 50;
Mountain States Power Co., L ft P 43 40:
Grant Murphy. T.E. 241 58; Needhami
Hook Store. Sup. 64 0.1; Alt O. NrlJon.
Kent 40.00; Nelson Bros.. Inc.. Bcd. 5 73:
Johasn J. Bybrrg Co., MUc. 5 00. New-
berg Sand ft Gravel Co. Oravel 47 00:
James H. Nicholson, Inc., Boud 15 00:
Northwent Induitrlal Laundry, Towels
3 00: Oregon Oravel Company. Gravel
348 09: Oregon Physician Service. Sl,
Ded. 348.55: Ormon State Aancultural
College, Misc. 7.425 00; Oregon Sta e
Highway Comm . Elan 83 43: Par. tic
Building. Rent 92 50; Pacific Tele, ft Tele.
Tele. 332 87; Perk Brothers. Mlc.
18106 Phlllppl Tire Service. Hep. 2 hO;
Photostat Corporation, Sups. 50 98; Port
land General Electric. L ft P 185.11;
Qu onset Oarage. Reps. 12.75: Relcon En
terprise, sup. 14 00, Richfield Oil Cor
poration. Oas 80 63; Richfteld Oil Cor
poration, do 1.144 93: J. H. Kigdon. Orv
rl 368.00: H. C. Zaalfeld. TE. 18 50: Saf
fron Supply Co., Reps. 122; Salem Auto
Parts, do 26 44; Salrm Blue Print Co.,
Exp. 45 47; Salrm Concrete Pipe ft Prod
ucts, am. 161.74; Salem Hardware, Exp.
9 45; Salem Laundry Co.. Otf. Sups. 15 60;
Salem Memorial Hoxpual, Hosp. 306 60;
Salem Steel ft Supply Co.. MUc. 568 67;
Shell Oil Co.. Oas 13.79; H. A. Simmons.
Trans. 118.13; H. A. Simmons. Greae
3.94; Homer H. Smith Insurance Co., Bond
5 00; Homer H. Smith Insurance Co. Bond
15.00: Homer H. Smith Insurance Co. do
076 25; Snap.On Tool Corporation. Reja.
IS 80; E. ft. Squibb ft Sons. Med. Suns.
69 50: Southern Pacific Co . Kent 6.0O;
Statesman Publishing Company, Adv.
92.52; State Tire Service. Misc. 210.77;
Stayton Gravel Co., Gravel 107.80; 8te-
enson ft Mr fiord. Rous. 19.65: E. O.
Syron ft Ronald H. Syron. Lumber
2,239.25: Tide Water Associated Oil Co..
Oas 1.007 98: Truck Sales ft Service. Rep.
57.18; Union O.l Co.. Diesel 58 21; Unmh
Knapp Prmtinn Co, S-ipv 69 80: Val.ey
Concrete Co.. Gravel 148.80: Valley Motor
Co.. Reps. 76 83; Valley Wrldmg Supply
Co.. Ml..c. 30.95: R. M. Walker, night of
Way 123.80; Wallin Sand ft Gravel Co.,
Gravel 530.50; L. W. Webber, New Equip.
50 00; West Cot it Paper Co., Blips. 42 32;
Western Unoln Telegraph, Tele. 5.48;
Willamette Valley Tranter Co.. Frrlitht
4.60; Dr. Roacoe C. Wilson. Exam. 20.00;
Woodburn Independent. Sup. 53 20;
Woodburn Sand ft Gravel Co., Gravel
28,85; Woodbury Company. Rep. 197 16;
rt. D. Woodrow. do .62: Dr. M. M. WoncT
worth. Exam. 5.00; Wynkoop-Blalr Print
ing. Sups 30 30; Denver Young. Box Rent
3.00; Zellerbach Paper Co., Sups. 6.20.
January 3. 1949 List of Jury: Beer li
cense. W. P. Cole; Bonds, R. Shelton. Alf.
O. Nelson. Jan. 4. Bond, Allen Dale Ora-
nam, surveyor; Permit to haul Iors, Chn
A. Schicriler. L. M. Carlson. Ph:llins Bro:
Van Dyke an dWoJctechow&kl. T. W. Min
den, C. R. Han: Permit to haul piling,
L. M. Carlson; Beer license, Dallas and
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 2."; 1919 17
Una Drlaklll. Jan. S. Petition for ex ten'
lon of County road No. 530. continued.
Jan. 6. Pole line permit. Pacific Tele, and
Trie. Co.; Permit to haul log. Schott
hoeler Tranifer Co . Norman McAllister,
Howard Coomler, Robert L. Hurst, Adam
II Kchleae. S. P. Mathenv. Davla and
Wallace, Scott Mills Lumber Co.. Or
wlle E. Olson. Harold P. Wlltte. P. W.
Pope, Horace McCarlry; Permit to move
Cat.. Salem Heavy Hauling Co. Jan. 7,
Appointment of Gordon Moore, Dep. Dlt.
Atty.; Petition to accept as County roads,
Pioneer Drive, Uadrona and Hulsey Ave.,
denied; Order continuing until affidavit
has been filed Vacation of part of Front
m. in uaieivine; uraer io release Dona
No. 300 erroneously filed with County.
Jan. 10. Final hearing on Indemnity
claims of William Mlckenham. Svlveater
Terry and Karl H. Dettwyler; Permit to
haul logs. Ray S. Kauffman, A. H. Bnrh-
er. uien c, Kaldahl. Wallace Bevler, Jette
Hros.; Pipe line permit. City ot Turner:
Bond of Henry Smith. Jan. 11. Addition
list of namrs on petition for Gate Rural
Fire Protection Dut.; Beer license. Geo.
P. and Grace V. Dwyer; Bonds. Emery
J Jackson. Constable and Hariey R. De
Peel. Constable: Permit to haul log.
Francis Mack. Jan. 13. Order approving
wrecking license for Albert Fried dba
Lake Labtih Welders: Order to rhange
law library fees in the District Court. Jan.
13. Permit to haul togs, Everett Osterberg.
Prank Pettel. Duane E. Reed, Gene J.
Hettwer, Harold E. Weather; Tlnanclal
report of Brooks Rural Fire Protection
Dim.; 3 pole line permit. Mountain
States Power Co. Jan. 14. Permit to haul
log. David S. hater, Joseph Zlebert. How
ard Coomler; Order Vacating unincor
porated area of Gateiville; Quit claim
deed to Alfred L. Adam et ux. Jan. 15,
inarmnity claim ol Cha. E. Bochiler
final hearing set for Jan. 31; Permit to
haul lumber lupplles and equipment.
Eli E. Bangs; Permit to haul log. John
J. Schmiia. Melrin Wolfer. Dwiht Yo
der; Pipe line permit. Reconstruction Fi
nance; Order for cancellation of Con
tract with Darrall and Phyllis Bean for
sale of real property. Jan. 17. Permit to
haul loss. Walter Rak: Pipe line permit.
Paul Doiler, Indemnity claim of Harry
T. Feldman, final hearing, Jan. 31. Jan.
18, Order to issue license to Capitol
Howling Alleys: Order to County Judxe
to approve wreckers license for Herman
C. Loikhart. Jan. 10. Permit to haul logs,
J. V. Kpoelstra. Wm. Pennlmore; Bond of
Agnes C. Booth as County School Supt.;
Indemnity claim of Richard L, JYeeberg,
iinal hearing set for Jan. 31. Jan. 20
nond of W. W. Harder as Commander of
Hal Hibbard Camp 5, United Spanish'
War Veteran: Permit to haul log, Ralph:
Sleitmund; R, W clearing and construction
permit. Bonneville Power Administration.
Jan. ii, inaemnity claim of rrar.k P.
Due hen. final hearing set for Feb. 1; Per
mit to bsul logs, Ralph DeVllblss ard
Theodore P. Eacher; Jan. 22, Transfer
from Dog fund ail In excess of $'m;
Order numbering County road 969. Jan.
34. Resolution to employ peery B'iren
to help revise statutes relating to County
government. Jan. 25, Transfer Order; Or
der for refund of taxe to Htzel D. Gold
man; Contrart with John Albu tor cut
ting brush; Permit to haul Ioks. C. "V.
Logging Co. Jan. 26. Permit to haul Iolm,
Gervals Lumber Co. Jan. 27, Order fur
refund to Frank E. Way. Alex Llchtv
in RE: permit to lay tile; Approval of
plat of ,Rehb's Addition." Jan. 28, in
demnity claim of Arnold L. Steffen, fin, it
hearing et for Feb. 9; Beer license, v." in.
L. Van Handel. Herman F. Breltenstein
and Edward J. Bpenner: Pole line per
mits 1 3 to Portland General Electric Co.;
Dance hall license, Edith M. Bcucll; or
der for survey of portion of Bridge Cm k
road; Treasurers semi-annual repn u
Jan. 39. Indemnity rlaim of Main S. Mill
er, final hearing act for 2 0 49. Jan. 31.
Pinal hearing on Indemnity claims of
Cha. E. Bochsler. Harry T Feldman.
Richard L. Freeherg: Indemnity clam-.t
of J. R. Stratford and son, Mrs. Jnim
Hampton, final hearings set for 3, 15 49.
who feel
caused by functional 'middle-age'!
Do you suffer from hot flashes, weak,
nervous. Irritable clammy feelings
due to the functional 'middle -age'
period peculiar to women (38-52
in,) ? Then do try Lydla E.Pinkham's
Ver table Compound to relieve such
symptoms I It also hns what Doctors
call a stomachic tonic effect!
i vnia r pinkhim'? ""
kivm a iiiitiinni v vumruuriii
(Srables) Is htehtr eon
taslou anal would con
tinue for life If not
itopped. lis sole cause I
the Itch mite which
I Immune to ordinary treatments. Ex
SO HA kills the Itch mite almost Imtant
It. Only three dare EXSOBA treatment
la required.
Al lour Nearest FRED MEYER Drua
Section Mall Orders Given Prompt
Out Come
The Instant you
apply Dr. Scholia
Zino-pnds, pain
ful shoe friction
Stops, pressure on
corna or eora toee
Is lifted. Quickly
remove corns.
Coat but a triUe.
Gat bot today f
itV,. ' 111
combats shortage with "another Bonneville"
Behind the scenes or last winter's critical
power shortage 11 private and municipal
power companies and the Bonneville Power
Administration developed a system or co
operation which produced enough "extra"
power to equal another Bonneville dam.
Except for the work of the Northwest
Power Pool, the electrical systems in the
Northwest might have collapsed.
Here's how it works: The pool inter
connects electric systems in Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho, Utah, Montana and British
Columbia. In such a targe region there are
differences of time lone, weather, stream
flows and other factors which produce
variations both in power demand and in
the output of generating plants, area to
area. An area that is "short" al one timo
can draw upon the temporary "surplus"
of another area. Later on, the situation
may be completely reversed, and power
will (low back the other way.
By joining resources and coordinating
the operation of all generating plants in the
Northwest, power pool engineers are able
to utilize up to 600,000 kilowatts of power
that would go to waste if the member syuemt
were isolated! That's more power than
Bonneville dam produces!
The Northwest was short of power last
winter, and conditions w ill continue critical
for several years to come. The power pool
is one of the measures taken by electrical
systems to meet the emergency while new
dams and powerhouses are being rushed
to completion.
These Arc tht Power Pool Members
Portland Gfnckal Elxctric CoMrAW
Portland, Oregon
pAcinc Powt A Light CoMtANr
Portland, Oregon
Mountain Statu Powt Company
Albany, Oregon
Washington Wattk Powra Company
Spokane. Washington
Pugit SotND Power A Light Company
Seattle, Washington
City or Seattli Di partment or Liohtino
Seattle, Washington
City or Tacoma Light Division
Tacoma, Washington
Jdaho Power Company
Boise, Idaho
Utah Power Company
Salt Lake City, Utah
Montana Power Company
Butie, Montana
British Columbia Electric Co , Ltd.
Vancouver, B C
BoNNtvitLI Power Administration
Bonrnvilh Power Distributor
(Wniietrvi p. f frfrfvnttrt;.