-16 Capital Journal1, Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 25, 1949 ROVPiNG'' THAT MAN rOu JUST hlPD RADIO PROGRAMS On Murder's Skirts By TERRY ADLER ESCAPE IS THE SAME BREED Of RAT THE COMMITTEE IS TPYlNG TO IXTf RMINATE ' UXllE. IS THE NAME' ANCT ME S PART Of A SPY- SMUGGLING RiN&' -t MONDAY P.M. KGW K0C0 'IT KOIN rv1 I ' r 11M -But then why didn't tney the one who did it why dldnt he die the way Dr. HutKrd did?" "I Imagine he must have held his breath while he poured the tuff on and then gone out lmme-j diately. closins, the door. There .would have been enough of the gas generated o that anyone breathing it for. say, ten minutes would set m fatal dose. "So Dr. Hubbard really was mur dered." "The answer is yes. As It turns out. Bray wasn't talking through Ms hat. And that's why he paid lor It with his u.e." (Chaoter 23 What do we do now?" Blen mierled. - "Now we find out who else has - borrowed the key from the jam tor recently." "Swell," she said. "You know. I really think we're getting some . where." . "What's the name of the Janl- tor?" ' "His name Is Al Vail and he 1 doesn't have a phone. But I have his address on file in my office." "Good. Let's get It and get out of here." As they turned to go he flashed ; the light around the room for . a last look. on the seat of the late professor's chair near the dest lay a small dark object. Raff went over and picked it up. He heard Uen gasp and whirled around. A circle of light flowed from a flashlight at the door. "But, Miss Carter" It was a r singsong voice witn a neavy cent "you have given me a fright. I thought it must be a burglar. - Raff's flashlight came up and - the light caught the newcomer - full In the face. He was slight of build with a very white face and a black mustache. - In his hand he held a syringe lull ol num. "Dr. Verek!" Ellen exclaimed 'What are you doing here?" "The very same question I was - going to ask you." Verek laughed nervously, backing away as Kail came closer. "This is my fiance," Ellen aaid oulckly. we have to meet se cretly. Because of my father, you know." "Oh. yes." Verek 'a face was sym pathetic almost to the point of sorrow. "In my country such things happen often. But you will be happy." He bowed quickly to Raff "My congratulations to you. She is a fine girl. Yes, a fine girl. Now excuse me. I do not wish to in trude." "Don't go. Dr. Verek. I've been wanting to meet you for a long time." Halls voice was unusually charming and persuasive. Verek faced him with sus picion. "My name's Rafferty. I'm in surg ery over at the University hospital. I'm familiar with some of the work you've done. I had no Idea you were even in this country until E31en mentioned It to me this eve ning." "You know of my work?" The delight in Verek's lace was hard to conceal. "Are you working on an experi ment now?" Raff asked the ques tion casually while he eyed the syringe In Verek's hand. He thought, If I can get that away from him "Oh, yes," said Verrk happily. Tm Investigating dark adapta tion under anesthesia. The guinea Slgs. they have retinas similar to umans, you know. I Inject them with saline." He waved the syringe vaguely. "Every three hours to keep them from becoming dehydrat ed. Otherwise, the results, they are very variable." He beamed a friend ly smile. "Do you mftke your injections In the dark. Raff asked. "But of course. It is not diffi cult to inject into the peritoneal cavity of a guinea pig in the dark." Tell me. Dr. Verek, could you inject a man's vein in total dark ness?" "A vein? No. That I do not think I could do." He considered the possibility. "Maybe, when I was younger But now, see my hands are no longer so steady." He thrust his hands out and they could see a slight tremor In them. "I see you're using the Luer- lock type of syringe. Doctor," said tun casually. "Mind if I take look at It?" "But I am surprised. I thought everyone uses them. Even in my TOuiury we nave uiem. ne sur rendered me syringe without a protest. Raff squirted some of the fluid onto his finger. Ellen watched him with growing horror. He tasted it. It was plain common salt. Verek looked as if he thought Raff was mad. Verek turned to so and bowed to Ellen. "Good night. It is ffood to t people happy. See. I almost forgot I about the tragedy this morning. A pity real pity- tit shook his neao mournfully. Raff was struck with a sudden thought. "Tell me, Doctor, were fou working on the guinea pigs asi nignir' "Last night? But of course. Ev ery night I have worked on the experiment. "Tell me. Dr. Verek. did vou by any chance come up to make an injecuon at onanism last night?" Exactly midnight? No. Last night I made injections at nine- aiteen and then again at twelve fifteen, and at three-fifteen and the last one at six-fifteen." Verek counted these off on his fingers as he talked. "Wm Dr. Bray here at twelve fifteen when you came up?" (To Be Continued) 2522 Jggdu SIZES TSTfS Playsult Plus Dress Here's young sun-to-street set that's as smart as older sister's! The pocket edition playsult is penect lor tan ning times; the matching button- front frock can be added at a mo ment's notice for dress doings. (Both in one pattern). No. 2522 is cut in sizes A, s, 8. and 10. Size 8 dress. 24 vds. 35-in.: piaysuit, l"i yds. 35-ln. Send Kc lor PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is just off the press, presenting the oest in Bummer iasnions, ail de signed with the simplicity that pells good style and easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern Designs i or an ages and occasions send now lor your copy, price Just 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 5ft 2 Mission street, ban rrancwco 5. Calir. VI A I 4 LVVV,tlaBB'l .r rf Sr JJ2 R2679 to you do PATTERN No. W6"! Oocht aeveral pain ol lhM In rxpctulv and eaay-to-mak gloves lor a complete summer "glove ward robe." The pretty pineapple trim adds grace to the hand. Thumb gussets make (or perfect tit. Pattern Envelope No. R2679 con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions. Mitch Illustrations, material requirement for medium site gloves To obtain this pattern, tend 30c In COINS, giving pattern number, your nam, address and ion num ber to Peggy Roberta, Capital Jour nal Kit Mission Street San Fran cisco 1, Culil f ""SIY ST0P "'"Ta! r WERE, r.0'-- PVE CAN T J I riereai I I fOMiBODV, Lp- I I HAVE YOU ROpVDlE S BOMPiNO B I whtrt the I I pp y -S "jv I L0"6H THE CXRiDOQi'A " ! KSLM n ca rvCU SOJP A TOCT0H V tRVOTO NBUB I cm j. TMur mochw? I quese rrs E, I I WHO VOire HERE'S COT I OUT TO JES I R Moeey like thct? V Jt J HMf tHOffT S-eUTUESA 1 OOMT 6l I EPOKH UP-S0 rE HOO f QOTAK V A REOL VtOUMBLE STORE men mhb 1 w tm' cnv solo it , I orir?kfc for cosh ANNE'S NO CftOOK BUT FIVE TH0OSOMD THflt-S ft LOT OF MON6V FOR ONE LITTLE CRL-EVEM FOR Ot OS SMhRT f6 VHE- U LITTLE CRL-EVEM FOR 1 6 yl :M linmu N.v. IMI In d.nbli r..Uri C :IS I Svpcra.. O...I Sf..ri Rtarlha Km. Lllllt Sta.w J M I C.et Miaalfhl V.I.. .1 rir.t... Bl.f CrMk, Club IS I f r.w mi V.I.. .1 flwl.a. SI an td. B. Myrr.w I m M GibrW Ba.iur Utile.) C.ckull H.l.dr fcr Knox Mannlai t:l,iN.w. Mlilcsl CltktlU C.ndl.llftal BciiUh '' Mln.hlBS . Ilintt.f Or I Q. N.. Ch.l Uunll., -y:mri.hlas . H.ttllBi Pf. I. Q. Hwl la Sp.rt. Ne.B 7' :S An.rl.sa r.raai C.bu.i.S B.r Hr.-. u v.u Badl. Th..lr. " .1, I f lb. Air Cat..!. H.ar El. UMii R.dl. Tb.alrt :S i Claca Kl P.r.lU al Pl.aa T. Baa Kadi Tb.alr :U i Cllta Kid SO.ftM Cblldna T.a Baa Kadi Tb.alr 8M L.I a.ri. D II Sap.. Clb Dar la Nrwi Mr Frlrnd Irna :ISIL Omi D II N.. Nr Baa Mr Vrl.nd Iraia :U ' Sbarlaek B.laiaa Ca.al.aa Parlr LIB Bab Hawk Shaar K j b.rla B.lai. Carafaada rarlr Lib Bob Hawk Sfa. 9' :0.N.. T.l.ah.a. B.ar K.B.ilfallr Yoar. Laaj.llTbaiBai ISITBA T.l.pbaa Bast Ka..irllr Toar. Jark Haillb Sba :S I Orcb.tlra Tb. Bl. Slvrr Ka.trullr Yo.n Talcat S.ala M lOrch..lra Th Bl lry Kaaaftlfallr YoBra T.I.bI ScBti j :0S ralua LwU. Jf. riaaaas R.B.alfallr TBr rir. Slar FlBal lfl:IS Lal Naw Sparta Pa. N.aa Raandap Innar Kaaclan nnfl: Naw. Baad VFaiaB Track Irt Innar KaBclaai V:4i Mataal Kaa-traal M.rtaB Dawnap Tratk Up tl.oa an CaMarr n:M Tb. Shad.w Naw. Track 19 Saren.da- IS Tb. bbadaw Orcb.alra Traak MB Vou and Wrl SO Network Orcb. Tlra U Draaai Track 119 flcna Krupa t Lannr Rosa Tlno I Orcana Track IIM Newa lg:00 Sltn Oil Sltn Off SltB Ofl aTianl TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. (JUSTAMIMUTEA AM6V POTTS ! ) I I i " I T0KI15UTS MV ill VJ'.Sut with ) LEGSO ME,MAy 1 aJEST V CASHED A DIVYDEMD AN TAK1N BO "THE MCWlES! 1 WELL. I'LL BE . UNCLE: fl DOSOLLVEYfSHECALLS ..him THE eAlLCT.f.AHlM'ROCIiNEV' S-porr vou Aj an' me swe still X t-VgOCXNEVg CALLS MISTER ) ? ? WHUFFO' DID YO' LZNYO" DIDMT BASH MAH LI'L BROTHER? INOTHIN'T -HE DIDN'T DO NOTHIN' NEITHER- T'VO' i ME, -V I THET WERESERV r-A-'on rw, ul r pap ABNER. NATCHEFlty pfKNp EITHER O US- -SEPARATE LY. BUT TOtiLTTn LH , wt. KIM UCKVO'-'T THASS ASOEMTinCK THAR.' WE HAS PROVED IT.'." IS YO' ?ttill ALIVE? fOEST bABELY.'T-AN ' AH IS TH' HAPPIEST J , EVOV IN THCSC HILLS.TI -AT LAST AH HAS FOUND A GROUP STRONG "MUFF T , KEEP ME. UNDER ' YOKUMS MOON.'?' in Nrwi Brcakfmit Gini Break fal Gtvm lap Jradet BnalD Cannltr Victor LiBdls.br son riiMn I B A North. Kiwi KbU Sniitb P.tir'B Call Cbtrllt gplTak Newt Three Bone Wilet Orcaoel. WUi Sereoede Ltdlei Flrft Ladle rirt Queen fer a Oar Quccd for Day Top Trades Newo Nortbweol r.'cwa Bob Eberlr Show O rebel Ira Johnson Famllj Tell Netthbor Hidi Sinn - -Ifalnit tho Starn Wainel the Storm Aeroit f'ootliihta Acrou FootllihU appy Gant Happy Gani Sonet of Timt Newt Fulton Lewis, Jr. Henimway Paisinf Parade News Hodco Fodit Newt Uodse Pods KUIN Kloek Farm Time KOIN Klorlv rarw Tiw KtHS Klatb Newt Tea Killer " KOIN Klock ' Clock Watcher Sew. a S porta News fbe Old -tftwit Top o Morviat News Newt Newa Fred Beck Fred fVarlni Hives) of BeaT Consnmer News Fred H trios Hitw ot Best Art Baker Jack Bttreb Wetiierw Ballads Mutle (or Too Tommy Porter Wtslerw Ballads Mutle (or Von Tommy Dorter Cborcb Id Wild. Colombia Feature Tommy Dorter Vocal Varieties Newt Tommy Oortor Muilt Wit boot Grand 81am Newa Words Rosemary Boston Symphony Coiiee Cup Wendy Warraa Boston Bympbnr N.W. Report Aunt Jenny Builders ( Orog. Rbapiodr Khythm Helen Trent Brlibter Day Rhapsody Rhythm Onr Gal Sunday Double or Glass Wax Bli Stiler Nothlr- Glass Was Ms Perkins Today's Children Glasa Wax Dr. Malont Lifht al World Glass Wax Guiding Llsht Ni Irerybody Ideas Duncan MrLeod Ha Perkins Oraan kfoodt Come A Get It Pepper room Stmt Norab Drake To Happiness Memorable Mutle Makes You Tick Backslat t Wife Clonics 'Jnd Mrs. Burton Stella Dallas Clatilca Perry Mason Lorens Joaea Listen to Lefbert Columbia Feat are Wlddet Brown Fa -f rites Newspaper of Air A Girl Harriet Off tb Shelf " Newspaper of Ali Portia Facet Life Off tb Shell Winner Take All Jbsi Plain BIU 0.. .-. Pat O'Brien Show Front Pag Off th Shelf New Road of Lifa K opera Tnncfutlr Yonrt Lora Lawton Kaper Mr. Information Annl Mary Kepera Meet tb Mlssas Lora Learn Kaper Meet th Missus Woman's Seeret Women's Paso Artbnr Godfrey Life Beantifal Dick Shannon Artbnr Godfrey Dardanell Trio Spotlight Musi Arthur Godfrey More Oat of Life Spotlliht Musle Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KF.X, U90; KOAC, 550 BETTEPGfT UNDER ) ffsOME RAIK ' .1 St tHit '4 5-- DUMMV'-MV r?mJ It? FY Mon- Challent at l t A yBB,tnl :u. Jack Armstrong. 1:00, Sports i :U Bom Edition t :. Hopaioni Cattldri 1. Lona Rangeri 1:S0, Kay Starr; S:M, Railroad Boar: S:45, Henry J. Taylor. t:0w Artfanr Gacthi t:13, Gacat Stan t:N, Mr. President. ! 1. News i 11:18. Internets! l):M, Con cent ll:. Memos to Tomorrow. U.Oa), I Xtra Bottri 1:00, Sign Oil y o.m t :I5 p wi :M. Early Btrdi Eddl Ar nold; 1;N. News. 1:1. Hartla Atromkyi V.M, Bob Amsberry; T:S. Tim Tempo. i 8:00, Breakfast Club. 9:99, Newt; t:16. Sta.t f Todari 9:99, Kar Krser; 10 :W. Ted Malont.; 10:1ft, Galen Drake, 10:, True Story i 11:00, Betty Crockeri 11:15. Club Timet 11:30. Nortbwesternertt 12:00, Boukhage Talk Ing; 12:15, Ncwsi 12:50. Myrt and Marge: li.Ui, Easy Arcsi i:oo. sreaarast KEX Early 1 KOAC. Uua m m s:0- B u " lAWnVx b(a, 8:50 Sports i 0:00 Now. 6:1ft. Dinner Melodies. 0:10, Masi Cseehotlorakla; ":ift, Ceenlng Farm Bonn S:M, Sport Timet S:15, Campm Reeltalt S:4S, World In Rerlewi t:M, MasU Thai Endaroai :, Meditations! 10:00, Sltn Olf. WO AC - mm. tm iS paa.i r WrtW lo Newat 10:1ft. For Women. II :M. Psychology of Famllri ll:0tf Or. rn. School ( tb Aln 11:1$. Coneert Hall's lt:0t. Newa i It :1ft. Noon Para Bonn 1:00, Rid 'em Cowboy t 1:1ft, Ore gon School f th Air; 1:19, Melody Lanei t:00. World la Our Affalrt t:S0, Books i 1:48. Oregon School of lb Alri 1:00, Oro gon rs WSC. pris Parkatei t:M, Bride and Groom i 8:M. Ladles Be Seated; :80, Art Link Holyywood: 1:50. Kay Wetti t:00. Bur- totter; 4:00, Wrlcom Traveler, Graders Sponsor Program Amity The eighth grade class. Amity grade school, will sponsor a variety program and pie social Wednesday evening at the grade school gym at 8 o'clock. I-C--. ( BE SJt?E VOU PONT BOY! ,T'S SueE 60U5 ek t. of GUESS I'LL 60 PINC TEX . MAYBE HE LL LET ME HAYS A H03SE R3r? A WHILE. 60UX I A WESTERN SAPW: llZ&Z A 1 ,lEVEI' SAW TRAT wow i, ?Z-$T-KA HEeE BcPOSc! SOMEBOTrlS YES YOU SO TO THE MA-flNEE. BUT YOU'VE GOT T'DO TN OlSMES AND rl GET YOUf?. BATHS RRST.' J i . AV GEE, VVET.L AMSS Tuc SERIAL. IP WE DO BOTH1 HOW ABOUT JUST THE mf "'"'p' at SPtfatO (Y MARY. NANCY HA4 60N TO MARW TUDIC TO iNO THEIR FlUD- tHOHIiTMl anu.uui5i my- Tut wav l triT int h.li si aaniiT VTBI K Al prartv , ..A . " -."tfc.. . ,ml'- fILED UNDCR FINUHtO HINT BIMINU4.1riM AMO I I I flKin A U6JTITUTt FOR VOU WMt 0AY! 1 HIT NANCY p A OHt LOVt ptR- lIFtTlMt 6AI..J0 PUT THl SlAMt ON Mt AND PATCH TMIN6 UP WITH HER! ft H N$'ll"l not tiu i mi 1 "V TO WORK! you HOW W0NDRfUl -V i. YOU ARt.MARuO.1 JSal P 1 ACROSS 1. Stake 4. French oprs 9. Soft murmur 12. Swisa rlvar 13. Corner 14. Possessed i:. Smooth 17. Tolerat 19. Beveraj; 20. Embellith 21. Rents 23. Comparatlvo 24. Measure of paper 27. Climbing Tlno 23. Engaff 30. Knyptlan god 31. Mother 32. Obtained 14. Artificial languaf 15. Vain 37. Smooth IS. HI an pointed hill 39. Coupe ratlva rroupa 41. Dutch geographer 42. .Neck hair 43. Essential 4:. Existed 46. Of a Mediter ranean Island 48. Season (1. Belonging to ua 62. Mature 61. H. B. Stowe character 6S Afftrmatlv 6fi. Th cream 67. Immera DOWN 1. Cittern S. Aunci ramsc a RplsnaTAP) I poUu R; I ahA D E IP A La1taIb LlEEiM OW B3EsB"irT siP 1 lGAjSPjPAiDa I 88 iT .jTBiABESBTj p rolrTARiAVETWM g B Ey 0 RiAT0 yUon E3 txIssSElMirjfcB PiOiA0SjTr?Aic .ZE aJrIt II shee nIItJo o WElEUsTEEpvUis4olN Solution of Saturday's Puzxlt I. tnternatlonaJ agreement 4. Renown 5. Soma I. Peel dlntruat: Scotch I? 13 t:,J S Its 7 18 7:f j" ;. I f I-47 T-w 4? So" Ti Jz J3 T 55" "" " ;' ';, 1, Vehlcl on runners S. Singing vole t. Lime from ehella or coral 10. Rowing Implement 11. Poem 16. Island off South Jutland It Foreboding fear 20. Act of reaching a destination 21. Restrict 22. Escape by trickery 23. Ireland 25. Feeble-minded person 28. Heavy breathing In aleep 28. Pronoun 29. Ipecac plant 32. Benign 33. Type measuro . Purple seaweeds St. Tried th flavor 41). Fixed look 42. Grown bojr 44. Source of , indigo 45. Bevarago 4. Shy 47. Regret 41. Rainy 49. Biblical king 60. Knock 13. jumbled typo ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem I SAY ROBIM " COUL0 VOU PERSUADE CMATMOftE TO SEEK OTHER EMPLOMENT THAN AS A CIRCUS CLOWN 7- ITS A CAREER WES NOT SUITED TOft ' AND BESIDES TWERE5 OUR DlSTlNGUiSHED FAMILY NAME, WW -CM MAS ALWAYS BbbM LINKED WITH THE ARTS AND .SCIENCES "YOU FORGET. ABOUT OUR 5WADY SIDE CsTH'FAAMLY TkEE-- THERE WERE SEVERAL PUFFLES N.VHO IF THEY WERE AROUND NOVV vyuut-L Bt WfeARINQ WRIST WATCHES MADE LIKE HANDCUFFS SO AS TO FEEL MORE NATURAL