Sewing Oval Braided Ruzs Florence Duval, operating a heavy duty sewing machine, stitches a braided oval rug man ufactured from flax tow. Oval Flaxtex linen rugs are made in size from I by 3 to IS by 18 feet. A WEST SALEM BUSINESS Experimental Textile Plant Becomes Major Industry Flax tow, by-product of fiber used in the manufacture of fine linens, il now utilized by Oregon Flax Textiles company of West Salem in the manufacture of popular linen rugs and carpeting Formerly this by-product was' burned as waste by some Wil lamette valley scrutching plants and in no instance was worth b beyond three cents a pound. ' ' During 1948 Oregon Flax Textiles purchased 772,000 pounds of flax materials in the Willamette valley for which growers received $92,640. Pur chases made by this company have raised the price of flax tow to 12 cints a pound. Oregon l'lax Textiles began operations July 1. 1944, as a small and experimental pilot 'plant to determine the practical ity of utilizing flax tow for the manufacture of twine adapted to tieing lumber. Some substi tute for hemp twine, unobtain able in war times, was essential, and Clyde Everett was sent by California Cotton Mills and Automotive Fibres lo the Wil lamette valley to develop such a plant. ' It was 95 per cent experi mental," Mr. Everett declares. But out of this experimentation came a product from waste flax tow adaptable to the purpose. When war ended and hemp fi bers again became available, additional experimentation demonstrated that flax tow might be used in the manufac ture of rugs and carpeting. Five years have seen Oregon Flax Textiles develop from an experimental pilot plant into a major industry for West Sa lem. Situated on a four and a half acre site is the main manufac turing plant, 90 by 264 feet, where flax tow is processed from raw flax material into fin ished woven and broadloom lin en rugs and carpeting. In addi tion, there is a building 80 by 80 feet devoted to storage, and a dyeing and boiler room is 40 by 60 feet. any comparable textile industry. Sixty per cent of all broad- loom and braided oval rugs manufactured at Oregon Flax Textiles are distributed on the Pacific coast. No small part is custom woven for a discriminat ing patronage, and these floor coverings are becoming increas ingly popular with the movie colony in California. Braided oval rugs range in size from 2 by 3 feet to 15 by 18. Broadloom floor coverings are manufactured up to 18 feet in width and of any practical length. Mr. Everett points out ten dis tinct advantages of Flaxtex all linen floor coverings: Attract ive design, effective decoration, durability, adaptability, cool ness, wear resistence, moderate cost, reversibility, fire and moth repellance and non-allergic characteristics. In addition to floor coverings Oregon Flax Textiles manufac ture mops on machines especial ly designed for the purpose. Cot ton thread for the business end of the mop is obtained in Cali fornia and wood handles turned on an automatic lathe are pur chased in Springfield, Ore. Not less than 95 per cent of all flax materials used in the manufacture of rugs and car peting are acquired from flax plants in the Willamette valley. School District Holds Benefit Union Hill The basket up- per benefit for school district 42C, given by the school com munity club, drew a fair attend ance. Miss Alice Jaquet, pres ident of the club, presided at a short business meeting naming the following committees for graduation exercises: Decora tion, Mrs. Marion Fischer, Mrs. J. Hacek, Mrs. Howard Rodgers; corsages, Mrs. J. D. Darby, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Mrs. A. N. Doer fler. It was voted to hold a cooked food sale during May to further benefit the school hot lunch pro gram. At the May meeting there will be an election of of ficers. Mrs. Herman Smith will be lunch chairman and Mrs. Noah Hunt, program chairman. The school picnic will be held on the last day of school, June 7. Mrs. Noah Hunt introduced A. B. Perkins who presented an evening's entertainment of magic tricks. He also led singing. He was assisted by his daughter, Ka ren. Mrs. Perkins gave readings. Larry Carpenter, in behalf of the Marion Assembly of American Legion presented a flag to the sixth grade of the school for re ceiving high score in their knowledge of the flag. Carylon Hge raveived the flag. Baskets were auctioned by Floyd Fox. The most outstand ing box was judged with Mrs. Larry Carpenter, principal of the high school, receiving the prize. Carylon Hage received a prize for receiving the highest price for her basket. On the sponsor committee were Mrs Ole Meland, Mrs. Mikkelson, Mrs. Herbert "Stark. The same committee will be in charge of the cooked food sale. Fifth Set of Twins Mrs. Joseph A. Lopes of Onset, Mass., proudly holds her fifth set of twins. The new couplet, Paula (left) and Vera, are shown with their mother in Tobey hospital, Wareham, Mass. A single birth in the Lopes' family would be a rare event. (Acme Telephoto) Salem Heights Club Plans Family Night Salem Heights The Salem Heights Community club met at the hall with Hobart Smith presiding. The fire truck committee re ported the progress of the ru ral fire district. The club voted to continue meetings next year and to help the Woman's club to conserve the hall as a com munity project. O. W. Gorton was named as chairman on the nominating committee. The girls sextet sang and a movie of "A Letter From Ame rica" was shown. The next meeting will be fa mily night and will start with a no-host dinner with Mrs. Lyle Bayne in charge. Did you read the ads today? Journal Classified. Santiam Wranglers Plan Racing Meet Lebanon A four day horse racing meet June 1 to 5 on the new race track has been an nounced by the Santiam Wrang lers, pending official sanction of the state racing commission. Both quarter horses and thoroughbreds will run all four days, according to Glenn Hus ton, Wrangler official. With circuits in northern Washington and southwestern Canada closed, as well as the eastern Oregon circuit, the lo cal meet is expected to draw some of the top racers of the northwest. Grandstand work is being rushed this week on the new track just west of Lebanon. Barns too, are planned for com pletion for the race opening. The final two days of racing will be held during the straw berry festival on June 3 and 4. Clackamas County Oregon City, April 25 The Clackamas county 1949 strawberry crop is expected to '.'qual in quality and yield the unu: dally good crop of last 'summer. County Agent Leo Garoian said growers anticipate favor able harvest conditions despite reports from Marion county areas of a 25 to 50 percent yield drop. Portland Group Here May 5 Portland business executives have completed arrangements for a good-will trip into the Sa lem district May 5 with visits to be made in Woodburn, Mt An gel and Silverton. The party, traveling in a char ted bus, will leave Portland at 8 o'clock with a stop at Oregon State schools at Woodburn be fore going on to Silverton where the group will be entertained at lunch by the Silverton Cham ber of Commerce. In the afternoon the party will visit Silver Falls state park and return to Mt, Angel for a Capital Journal, .Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 25, 1949 IS dinner meeting with the Mt. An gel Business Men's club, return ing to Portland at 9:45 o'clock. Lewis J. Raines, chairman of .the excursion committee of the I trade and commerce department of the Portland Chamber of 'Commerce, is in charge of pre liminary arrangements with E. !N. Weinbaum, manager of the I department, in charge of the ; visit. Weinbaum states that 57 Portland business man had al ready signed for the trip and that the remaining ten available places will be taken within a few days. mourned Edward V. McQuake, a member of the San Francisco Chronicle staff, who died yes terday after an operation April 15. He was 41. SF Newsman Dies San Francisco, April 25 U.Ri West Coast newspapermen today SAFE FOR SALE 2612x22x37" SEE DR. LEBOLD 1107 Livesley Bldg. Phone 21640 Everyone reads the ads. Jour nal Classified. J PLUMBING I ; CONTRACTING I Featuring Crane and Standard Fixtures J Call 3-8555 5 I Salem Heating & ; Sheet Metal Co. Z 1085 Broadway 5 i FREE ESTIMATES S tvitA FORD WAXIS, POLISHES AND CLEANERS SPECIAL 'Packard 6 and J 20 Brake Reline Labor 12.00 Motor Tune-Up Labor 3.00 Chassis Lubrication Labor 1.00 Front Wheels Balance Labor 1.50 Front Wheel Bearings Repack Labor 1.00 STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High PACKARD DEALERS :: ..3:35 Thirty persons are employed at Oregon Flax Textiles and re ceive wages commensurate with You Get Hearing UNDERSTANblNG A Hearing Aid is Not Enough See W F. DODGE SONOTONE 1933 State St., Salem STANDARD'S NEW PORTABLES Cp to 3 months rental al lowed toward purchase. Ex clusive representative for the Royal Standard. KAY TYPEWRITER CO. 357 Court Ph. 3-8095 Quickly r.tor. loir brilllane. and tparkl. to your cor with th.i. ooty-io-apply Ford product!. Thoy'ro ip.cially mod for Ford nn. Ilhoil Work llko magic LIQUID ClIANII POLISHINO WAX POLISH AND CLIANItj CHIOMI CLIANII IODT POLISH FOAM UPHOISTIM CLIANR FOD LIQUID OLAII CLIANU FOD LIQUID OLAZI SIALU A complete lino of ford Beauty Aids" Valley Motor Co. FORD SINCE 1915 375 Center Ph. 3-3147 Why Do People Mumble One who is hird of hearing il bound co feel (hat people mum bit when in fact ihey may be speaking clearly. It's no reflection on you if your hearing needs assistance. Wear a good hearing id-in OTARION "Discorerjr model. So easy to wear so eaijr io hear voices clearly and so easy to get. BaHris at new Lew C Call for fret H to ring Tilt OTARION HEARING AID CENTER Phone 2-4000 OF SALEM KENNETH A. MILKEY, Mitr. 125 North Liberty BEST. 1 The first place ribbon goes to one That In adjudged the best. We know a loaf of Master Bread Will .pass this rigid test. SJ!0' At your Grocer's nil ' 0" 3 FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY Trade jour old battery in on a new "Varcon" with every confidence that you can't buy a better battery. "Varcon" is precision built to highest specifi cations from the finest quality materials. VARCON Super-Active 3O-M0NTH GUARANTEE (Double Fiberglos Insulated) VARCON Deluxe 24-MONTH GUARANTEE 10" Exchange 1245 Exchangt No. 1 Caw. Fin Chevrolet, Ply mouth, Dodge, Nash, Ford and other. No. 1 Cue Fiti Chevrolet, Dodge, Plymouth, Nash, some Fordi and other makes. No. 2-E Caw Fits Buick, Oldnmohile, Pontiac and some Pickards. No. 2 or 2-F Ca.e Fits Cid illir, Chrjitler, DeSoto, Lin coin. Mercury. Jeeps and other makes. 12 95 Exchange 13" SALE ENDS APRIL 30th Get our tow fichintt price on any mhtr ic hattery.av alto on batter)' cabica. Exchange No. 2 E Ci. aFiti BuUk.Oldf mnbilt, Pontile '46-47 Pnkrd. 25 16 ( WtlTUN AUTO IUMLT CO. JQ Exchange N.W. for. Court It Commercial Sti. Salem, Oregon - Ph. JJKJ shop and save at Fred Meyer Prices Good Thru Wed. Fred Meyer Drug 25c Fred Meyer Aspirin, 100't 42 c Fred Meyer Aspirin, 250's . . BOTH 42c SAVE 2Sc 42c F. M. Epsom Salts, 10 lbs. Stock up at 39 e 23e My-Te-Fine D. E. Razor Blades. 10's 5e TUESDAY MYSTERY 97e Formula 99 (Curls Galore) ? T 49e Waldorf Glass Wax Pint for Perfect Cleaning 23 C 29c 5 Day Deodorant Pads Deodorize Perspiration J9e TUESDAY MYSTERY $2.90 Penetray Heat Lamp ? ? 60c April Showers Perfume 49 c 89c Hed-Aid, 100's Excellent in Relief of Head Aches 19c TUESDAY MYSTERY 13e Primisie Napkins ? ? 97c Wohl Ball Point Pen, 50c Wahl Cartridge BOTH FOR 97 c 39c Surgeon's Rubber Gloves, White Latex 23 e 89c Lash "A" Lure (Eye Lash Curler) 29c FREE 35c Pipe with Purchase of Prince Albert, 16 oz 84 C 10c "200' Lighter Fluid, 3c or 2 'or 5 c Fred Meyer Bakery "FOR THE SPRING BRIDE" Wedding Cakes styled by Fred Meyer Coke Artists to interpret your every wish, os to sizes, shapes, color and decoration. SEE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OUR BAKERY SECTION $3.00 10 $50.00 Fred Meyer Candy Kemp's Assorted Salted Nuts, 7 oz. tin, 3 'or $1,00 35 C - All Popular Candy Bars 5c ea., 6 for 25 C. box 24s only 95c box All 10c candy bars 2 1 5 C All Popular Chewing Gum of Life Savers, Reg. 5c ea. 3 for 10c, box 20i only 65 C Fred Meyer Photo Reg. $4.89 Ansce Panda Camera . . . $4. 1 4 Reg. $22.95 Ansco Speedex Camera, Jr $17.95 Reg. $3.15 Kodak Baby Brownie Camera $2.89 Fred Meyer Auto Supply Deep Cut Price Reg. $249.50 CORONADO RANG! fclOO CA New '49 Model .r7.J' Automatic oven; three Chromalox high speed units with seven heoti, plus well cooker. Other fine lectures automatic timer, fluorescent lamp and minute minder. Tremendous Saying Reg. $159.95 DOODLE BUG 00 0 MOTOR SCOOTER p77.7J SAVE $60.00 Reduced to this deep cut price just in time for summer fun ot this never-before-heard-of-price Simple to operate No gears to shift No pedals to push Simple hand controls Buy on Thrifty Pay Plan Pay Only $35.00 'own $5.00 per week ' Downstairs Variety 20 Piece Colored Pottery Set Service for 4. Assorted colors in each set. 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 fruit dishes, 4 salad plates, 4 dinner plates. Q OQ REG. (5.95 VALUE. While they last O.X.7 Reg. $1.49 Happy the Humbug Polo Shirts, Sizes 2 to 8 77c Reg. 25c Plastic Cup end Saucer 4 colors 3 sets 25 C Reg. 10c 8 oz. Plastic Tumblers Asst. Colors 6 r 25 C TUESDAY MYSTERY Art Pottery Vases At a Price You Won't Believe Fred Meyer 148 No. Liberty St.