Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    Show Chairman
the part as he poses with his favorite borne. The show, sched
uled for Saturday evening, May 7, and Sunday afternoon,
May 8, is attracting numerous entries and some of the finest
horses of the northwest will be here for the production.
First Round Pairings
Planned for Elks Golf
More than 150 club swingers from Salem and the Willam
ette valley had qualified for the annual Elks club golf tourna
ment when the deadline was reached late Sunday at the Salem
Golf club.
A committee headed by Floyd Baxter, named by Gib Wyncoop
exalted ruler of the Elks, will
Hollywood Takes
PCL Lead; Bevos
Split with Suds
(Br u Aaaoetatad Ptb
Los Angeles bid for the lead
of the Pacific Coast league race
took a jolting Sunday as the
Oakland Oaks homered away a
pair from the Angels.
The Angels had got within
half game of the league lead
Saturday but Sunday's double
loss dropped them to fourth
place. Hollywood heads the pack
with a half game lead over San
Diego and a game over bacra
PCL Standings
(By the AMMlittd PffUl
Hollywood IS H
Sun Dlt-80 1 11
6eramnto 18 1
Loa Antflaa 18 13
Saattla 14 IS
Oakland .IS IS
Ban Franclaco 11 1"
Portland 3 10
Yastrrday's Rasulta
Saatlle 3-3, Portland 1-4.
Hollywood 4-2. San Pranclaco l-B.
Oakland 0-11, Loa Anaalaa 1-6.
San Dlaao 0-8, Aarramtnto 1-7.
The rest of the Sunday games
were all splits. Hollywood beat
San Francisco 4-3 in the opener
and lost 5-2 in the nightcap
Portland lost to Seattle 2-1 in
the opener and took the second
4-3. Sacramento pushed across
two runs In the last of the ninth
to beat San Diego 7-8 in the tail-
ender after losing 8-1 in the op
At Seattle, the Suds' Guy
Fletcher won his third straight
in besting the Beavers' veteran
Tommy Bridges in the opener
It was a tight mound duel dur
ing which Bridges was irked by
Manager Jo Jo White's running
complaints to the umpires that
Bridges was "doctoring the ball.
Tom Neill doubled in the win
nine run for Seattle.
In the second game. Portland
handed big Herman Besse his
fifth loss of the season. The
Beavers notched the win when
the Rainiers' shortstop Jackie
Albright let one go through him.
Leo Thomas scampered home
from second for the deciding run
Attendance was 9040.
Plrat aama boa:
Portland (II
Srallla 111
J Barmt.lf
VKrua. lb
r.ladd. e
7.ak. aa
3 Mohr. tf
4 13 1 Albrttht.aa 3 0 1
3-13 Layna. 3b 4 0 t
3 0 1 0 3 13
4 10 0 N'lll. If 3 13
4 0 14 0 Lyona.rr 4 13
3 3 4 0 Bturaron.3 3 0 3
3 10 3 Oraaao.c 3 0 S
3 0 ft 4 Flftchar.p 3 0 0
31 5 34 13 Totala 37 3 27
Portland 000 100 000
HltJ 100 111 001
flrattl 100 Aftfl Ola
HIM , 310 100 02a
lp Ah H H Br So Bb
p-'nt 3 37 3 B 3 t a
nttchar t 31 11114
wmnlnt pltchar: Platehaf. Loams ptteh-
ar: Bridj'a.
Puna: Rurkar. Mohr. Layna. EYror: Zak
Laft on baaaa: Portland 8. Saattla T. Two
aaaa hlta: Backer. Rurkar. Thomaa. NM1J.
Barrlfka hit: Albrltht, riatehfr. Stolan
naaaa: Mohr, eturaaon. Ftuna batlrd In
Lavna. Knit. Nam. Douola playa: Thotnia
to Baslnskt to Krut. Tlma 1:07. Pmplrts:
Somer Bola and Barbour.
rVrtr.4, tamt box:
Pnrtlan 1l Rrattla (S
BHOA Bnrr.ef 4410
Buttt-tkl.I 4 111 Albrliht.aa till 1 t 1 (I MM 111 S t 1 11 1 S 1 4 Lyona.rf 4 111
Wtnnr.rf 1110 Ranwy.lf 9 1
Krut, in I 0 SturflCon.S 1114
tiijrihfr.e 4 11 Whin, e t 1 I S
Zak. u 1111 9 I 1
Hir, lilt Ahrklan 1 t f
II Barrtt.a t 1
Total 1 11110 TMk' lilt
BHOA Totals Til 11
S 0;1 fn atror tnr In ltn.t
Doubi. for B. Barm, in 7th.
(T innlnur
Portland .110 oil 1-4
H.ti ill im e a
Vault iwvfj jofi i I
Hiu 104 an 11
P-flint lp Ab ft H Sr Bo Bb
HoT 7 1 T 1 t I
P" .1 II I I t 1 1
1'ITHt t 1 1 1 1
LtPtafl titchr: B WiVJ piifh: Bjut
Bit Bfln.kl. R'Ktar. ThomaJ. Kr-Jt.
L)t., B'rkf r. Ramt? Error Zak AI
ruht, Uft ef baaae. rortlaae: t, Batiua
Graham Sharkey, chairman for
the Western Horse Show, look!
arrange the pairings and the
first round of competition is
slated to close next Sunday.
Nothing higher than a 76 was
goo dfor the championship flight
which include Dick Yost, last
year's champion who was seeded
the No. 2 spot without turning
qualifying score. Another
former champ to qualify was
Jack Brande who turned in a 71
Bob Sederstrom, an early
qualifier, retained medal hon
ors to the last with his 68.
The 32 who will probably see
action in the championship
round include:
Tony Painter 70, Lin Sloan
74, Jack Russell 72, Jack Brande
71, Frank Shatter 74, Harv
Quistad 74, Win Needham 71
Laurence Alley 74. Ned Ingram
72, Ralph Mapes 74, Bob Seder
strom 68, Jim Sheldon 71, Glen
Lengren 73, Bob Burrell 73,
Ray Farmer 72, Harry Carson
74, Rex Pemberton 75, Leo Es-
lev 75. Bert Victor 75, Pat Mik
lia 75, Dick Yost, Harold din
ger 75, Walt Cline Jr. 75, Vin
cent Aleksa 75, Bill Schafer 75,
Jack Owens 75, Bob Powell 75,
Dr. Don White, 76. Floyd Bax
ter 76, Tom Wise 75, Bud Wa
terman 76, Jack Hay 76.
Portland Golf
Lockers Looted
Portland. April 25 Locker
rooms of five private golf clubs
in the city's suburbs were looted
yesterday while golfers crowd
ed the courses.
Police said the similarity of
the thefts indicated they were
made one after the other by
one or more persons making a
circle route.
The fashionable West Hills
Portland golf club estimated
$900 in jewelry and cash was
stolen there. The nearby Tuala
tin club said members were shy
several hundred dollars.
4. Home run: Becktr. Two bw hit: B.
limit I. Albright. York. Sue ri tic hit:
Rurkrr. 0toln bfe: J. Barrm. Rinwy.
Run butted In: Zak. Brrk'r 3. WcnniT.
Whllp. Doubt ptiv; Thorn to Baln.kl
to Km. Tim 1:33. Umplrw: BpiUi, BT
txur ni Somer. Attendance t.0.
Hollywood mo flin una 4 n 3
8n Prnnrlwo 003 000 0101 t t
Moulder and Uiuer; Nur and Partoe.
Hollywood 0(13 000 03 I 3
San PrancUco olo oil jr. B ll o
(T Inn In mi
OUen, Salveaon 2i and Dnser; Lien and
Oakland 130 010 111 I 11 1
Lo Antfle; 000 003 0103 $ 2
on., way, Zldlrh and Raimondi;
Handel, Lanfranroni ' 1. Kowalxkl 5.
Ihde iD, Van Dyke 9 and Ma one.
Oakland ftoo SM u IS ?
Loa Angelei 310 110 0-840
honf. Tost 4, Hlltlr (Si. NeUon 'lii
and Parteett, Raimondi iHi; Wyt?, Marar
(!., Ihd (7), KowaUkl fTt and Bur brink
an DlMO S30 000 06 10 3
Sarramento 000 000 11 7 3
Llnde and fttorkhiitxen; Joliivon, Ller
man 3, Ripple (0) and PI umbo.
San Dieto 001 O'O nil 1
Sarramfnto 101 000 0317 i
Plorw. Thompann S and Ritchie; Da.
xfi. Prtaa tl and Monr.
Win Over Tacoma;
The Salfm Stntor. Mined out (or two lucceuivt days, (ot
in their initial Hcka In Wutern International league play Sunday
ai they emerged with a double win over the Tacoma Tijeri, 7 to
3 and I to 1. The twin victory enabled Manager Bill Beard'i club
to move into a tie with the Vancouver Capt for loop leadership.
Bremerton and Wenatchee di
vided Sunday's only other con
test, Bremerton winning 8-5 and
losing 6-4.
The twice postponed opener
in Tacoma was played before
nnnrnxlmatelv 4000 spectators
who saw the Senators Jump off
to an early lead which was main
tained in both contests. Bill us
born was the winning pitcher in
the nine inning opener and John
Bianco was responsible for the
Taking advantage of the wild
ness of Pitcher Knezovich, the
Senators scored two runs in the
first inning, picked up two
more in the fifth, another brace
in the seventh as Bob Cherry
lofted one over the center field
fence and came through with a
sinsleton in the ninth.
Osborne, although walking
five men, had the situation un
der control. He held the Tigers
in one hit until the fifth wnen
two base blows, coupled with a
walk gave Tacoma two runs
Manager Johnson homered in
the sixth for the final Tige tal-
Bud Peterson's three for five
performance, including a double,
topped the Senators' offense. A
boot by Wayne Peterson at
third, constituted the only Sa
lem error of the two games.
The nightcap was a much clos
er affair. Salem scored in the
second with Tacoma evening
matters in the third. The Sena
tors came through with the win
nine run in the fourth.
Bianco. Salem s Dig ngni
hanrlpr. whose control has been
hi. nrinciDal obstacle in nis
climb toward the top, issued but
three walks as he struck out
four. He put out an incipient
Maze in the sixth, when with
thft hasps full, he retired the
i.Hp with a strikeout.
Tbprp were no extra case
blows on either side in the sec
nnd name which saw Wayne Pe
terson hitting on a two for four
ThP Knlnns orieinallv had an
open date Monday night but in
order to make up ior me posi
nnnements. they are due to play
a doubleheader with the Tiges
before moving over to Bremer
ton Tuesday.
Sale 7
Wrt. lb
Cherry-cf ''
Tarom (X)
4 0 3 0 Bock man. 1 4 10
J 0 14 1 BartlmelJ 111
$10 1 Kney, s a 1 0
1 3 0 0 Ballard.l 4 0 11
a n a n Jnhnann.rf 114
1113 Warren.c 3 8 4 1
t 1 0 0 Stetter.lf 1111
4 8 18 Koerner.tif 1110
4 0 14 Kneivch.p 10 8 1
Beard, e
Cwborn, p
BOWB low
8 0 8 0
Tnlal IK 137 18 Total S3 7 37 11
Forced runner lor KneiOTich tn Sth.
Score by lnnlnf:
-,fm 300 030 3017
Tacoma 000 031 0001
Loalni pitcher, Kneiovlch
Pitcher IP Ab H H Er So Bb
born t 7 1110
Kneiovtch 11 1
Laior 1 1118 1
Hit by plWher: Waaler by KneroYleh.
lIt on be: Salem 0. Tacoma P. Srrori:
Bartolomel. Warren, fltetter. W. PeWraon.
Home run: Johnson. Cherry. Three bae
hit: Wiuiley. Two bae hit: B. Peteraon.
Run oattd In: B. Ptron. Waey, Cher
ry 1. Bartolomel 3. Jonnaon. paeer. oc
rtftce: Knpxovlch. Stolen bae: W. Peter
mi. Waaler. Double play: Kaney to Bar-
tolomt to Ballard: W. P-teron to Spaeter
to Wert. Tim 310. Umpire: Bill Hu-
band and Bua Bliham.
fRaconn Game-l:
Salaaa t (11 Tacam
W.Ptran.3 4 3 0 1 Borkmn.3 4 10:
Wart.l 4 0 3 0 Brtlmcl.3 3 10
B Ptrin.aa 4 113 Kanev.aa 3 13
waalry.lf 3 0 3 0 Ballard.l 3 13 3 13 0 Johnaon.rf 3 0 3
Snaetar.S 3 111 Warren.c 3 1 S
ranon.rf 3 0 0 0 Stettar.lf 110
Cnuraaa.e 3 14 0 Korrnr.rf 3 0 3
Bianco.p 3 10 3 Kerrlean.p 10 1
Bnwa.a 10 0
Hndron-p 0 0 0 0
Total 33 7 31 0 Total 34 0 3114
a Fllad out for Kerrlfaa In oth.
Score by Innlnga:
salrnt 010 I"0 03
Taroma 001 000 01
LoMns pitcher Kerrlaan.
Pllrhrr IP AB H R I SB BB
Blanco 1 34 0 1 1 4 3
Kerrlaan 0 34 0 3 3 3 3
Hrncleraon 1 4 1 0 0 0 0
Left on baaaa Salem 0. Taroma 3. Er
rora. Borkman. Bartolomel. Runa batted
In Beeaon. Ballard. Courake. Sacrifice
Spaeter. Kerrlaan, Kaney, stetter. stolen
batca Borkman. Double playi Bartolo
mel to Kaney to Ballard to warren. Time:
1:33. Umptraa, Blkham and Huaband.
Brfmfrton 130 110 BOO $ t i
Wf. ate tire 003 001 000 h t 1
Hautid. A11n '. M ..r.ri ill ( and
Tnnnlnt: etrvfiw and Pfftit.
"rpnvrtfrn 000 000 44 I 4
'maitHM 010 410 0- S 9
Pyrarh and Rnnnlni: Orrrll and Pnnt.
0,lm NtinUiX
Open Campaign
WIL Standings Q
W L Prt
Ralam 3 l.WM'
Vaneovitr 3 3 IW
Wrnatehaa 3 3 .MW
Bramrrton 3 3 .3WI
Yakima 1 1 .'00
Victoria 1 1 .MM
Spokana 3 3 .IHW
Tacoma t 3 .000
Sandaa Claaata
Aaltm 13, Taroma 3-1.
Bramerlon f-4, Wrnateiita l-l.
'Only aamaa arhfdulad.l Nlaht fiamaa
Vancouver T, Spokana 3.
Bremmon 13. wanatchae 11.
Vtctorla I. Yakima ft. Cnd gam poat-
poned, weathar.)
Mlem at Tacoma, poatponed, wet
Church Softball
League to Start
Action Tuesday
The Salem Church Softball
league will open its spring pro
gram this week in two divisions
of competition. The eight team
senior division plays its first
four games Tuesday evening on
Olinger field at 8 o'clock. The
junior division gets away Wed
nesday evening at the same time
and place.
Two rounds of play are sched
uled for each week in the sen
ior division through June S. The
junior group will play each
Monday and Wednesday eve
ning through June 1.
Games Tuesday evening, sen
ior division: First Baptist vs.
Calvary Baptist, Englewood
EUB vs. First Presbyterian.
First Methodist vs. Youth Cen
ter, First EUB vs. First Chris
Games Wednesday evening
junior division: St. Mark Luth
eran vs. Englewood EUB, St.
Paul's Episcopal vs. First Meth
odist, Jason Lee vs. First Bap
Rockets to Meet
League Leaders
In Junior Loop
The junior high baseball
league will see its third week
of action starting Tuesday with
Coach Jim Dimit's Leslie Rock
ets tied for second, facing the
league leading Parrish Pioneers,
coached by Clay Egleston. The
game will be held on the Leslie
diamond at four o'clock.
Friday on the Olinger field
at four o'clock the Pioneers will
play host to the 'West Salem
Giants, coached by Bill Hanaus
ka. The Giants are tied for sec
ond place as a result of the 10
to 8 victory over the Rockets
last Triday.
Vik Cindermen,
Diamond Team in
Action Tuesday
Viking athletes will go into
action on two fronts Tuesday as
Coach Harold Hauk's diamond
crew entertains Eugene at
Waters Park and Coach Vern
Gilmore's tracksters journey to
The time for the baseball game
is set for 3 p. m.
The track contests scheduled
for the Miller's field is a dual
Entry Application
Should be mailed in before April 20
Salem HOBBY Show
APRIL 29, 30, MAY 1
To The Hobby Shaw Exhibit Committee:
I wish lo enter the Hobhy Show, and if accepted I
agree to comply with the date, time and exhibit ruies to
be established by the Exhibit Committee.
Signature of Applicant.
Address Telephone
1. Check division you wish to enter: Registration Fee
( ) JUNIOR (under 18 years) f .80
( ) SENIOR (over 18 years) 1.00
( ) GROUPS (schools, clubs, etc.) 5 00
Each registration fee Includes admission ticket to entire
show. Fee payable when exhibit is installed in Armory.
1. Check type exhibit you wish to enter:
( ) ARTS OR CRAFTS (something you make).
( ) COLLECTIONS (something you collect).
( ) ENTERTAINMENT (novel hobby type).
t. Detailed description of your exhibit. IMPORTANT:
Your application will be accepted or denied hv the com
mittee largely on your description, to it should be com
plete and accurate.
4. Approximate space and facilities your exhibit will re
quire. NOTE: If your application is accepted by the exhibit selec
tion committee you will be notified on or before April IS.
Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 25, 1949 13
White Sox, Reds Show
Early Season Surprise
New York, April 25 U.P.) Nobody was very excited today
over either the Chicago White
even after just one week of the baseball season it looked as if
both clubs might be headed for better times.
There was no dancing in the streets either in South Chicago
or in Cincinnati because it still
was at least 1,000 to 1 that these
teams which met in the his
toric Black Sox scandal world
series of 1919 would meet again
this year or any other in the
near future.
But it was hard to deny them
the glory they have earned in
one short week. Look at the
White Sox. Generally consider
ed a "best bet" for last place
the American league they
rose to the heights yesterday by
building a five game winning
streak, sweeping a doublehead
er with the Browns, 2 to 1 and
4 to 0.
The Reds divided with the
Pirates at Pittsburgh lo stay
in second place in the National
league, winning the opener 3
to 2, then losing the afterpiece
3 to 1.
The Yankees, cashing in again
on a big inning highlighted by
a rookie's bat, beat the Red
Sox two out of three in Boston
9 to 4.
The amazing Philadelphia
Athletics got a fine job of pitch
ing from Lefty Lou Brissie and
beat the Senators at Washing
ton, 8 to 3, sweeping the three-
game series.
The Dodgers and Phils divided
in Philadelphia, the Phils tak
ing the opener, 7 to 4, and
Brooklyn winning the nightcap
6 to S.
The Cardinals topped the
Cubs, 5 to 4, in St. Louis when
Joe Garagiola doubled home the
winning run in the last of the
ninth. Relief Pitcher Ted Wilks
was credited with the victory.
At New York, Bobby Thorn
son's three-run homer in the
first inning sent the Giants off
to a 6 to 2 triumph, their sec
ond in a row, over the Boston
The Tigers and Indians were
frozen out by cold weather in
Everyone reads the ads. Jour
nal Classified.
Tuesday Night 8:30
Eight Man
Battle Royal
Elimination Matches
With Twin
WIL Lead
Sox or the Cincinnati Reds, but
Major Standings
iBv the United Prenyl
W L Prt.
New York a 1 .8.13 Detroit
Phlladel 3 3 .714 Boalon
ChtraRO 3 3 .714 81 Ln.iU
Cleveland 3 3 .600 Waahnatn
W L Prt.
W L Pet
Brooklyn 4 3 .887 Plmburfh
Clnncln 3 3 .800 Chicago
New York 3 3 .800 St. Louia
3 3 .500
3 3 .300
3 3
Bwton 3 3 .500 Phlladel
3 3 .383
Reaalta Banday:
New York 0. Boston 4.
Philadelphia 8. Washington 3.
Detroit at Cleveland, oostnoned. en
Chicago 3. at. Loula 1 list gamel.
Chicago 4. St. Loula 0 i3nd samel.
New York 8. Boston 3.
Philadelphia 7. Brooklyn 4 (1st fame!
Brooklyn 8. Philadelphia t 3nd kernel
Cincinnati 3, Pittsburgh 3 (1st gamel.
Pittsburgh 3. Cincinnati 1 i3nd gamel
Slti. Loula 8. Chicago 4.
To find a buyer run a Journal
Classified ad phone 22406. Ask
for Classified.
See the BIG BIG New Kaiser
355 N. Liberty
If" a ci fi .
(Mi : 4(j)g
yc wijk j ,o"16 rtus tx
198 S. Commercial St.
Ml :
Seeded Second
Oregon State college are, has
been seeded tn the No. 2 posi
tion In the Elks golf tourna
ment. Tost, a Portland boy,
won the title last year.
Huskies First
Sacker Leads
Northern Batsmen
Eugene, April 24 OPi Bill
Andring, leflhanded-hitting first
baseman for the Washington
Huskies, is currently leading the
northern division "hit parade,"
according to figures announced
here today by Art Litchman, of
ficial league statistican. The
Husky first sacked leads in to
tal hits with 11 and sporls an
average of .579 for five league
AI Cohen. Oregon shortstop,
is second in hitting with a .500
average, and leads in RBI's with
13. Johnny Kovenz, Oregon
outfielder who leads in runs
scored with 11, is third in bat
ting with .471, followed by out
fielder Roland Massingill and
outfielder Harley Williams, both
of Idaho, with averagea of .444
and .438, respectively.
Although Idaho hasn't won a
game In six starts, six Vandals
are included among the top IS
batters who have gone to the
plate at least ten times. Wash
ington leads the tr-nm batting
with .338, followed by Idaho
with .300. OSC .297, Oregon
.296, and WSC .245.
Phone 1-4173
in 5
Not a "second" or rttreod.
Backed by lifetime) guarantee.
e Wide, full depth non-skid tread,
Price) reductions on other Defiance ilsoi atsoi
Hornets Defend
C Title; Grove
Nabs B Crown
Eugene, April 25 (If) Tha
Henley Hornets successfully de
fended their class "C" Hayward
relay title Saturday whlla Cot-
j!tage Grove captured the class
a nonors.
Three new records were set In
the "B" division and two in tha
"C" competition.
Cottage Grove, runner up in
last year's event, scored 60
points to nose out the defending
champions from Ashland. The)
new "B" records 440-yard re
lay, sprint medley and shuttle
hurdles all were set by Cottage
Grove teams.
The Henley team scored 30
points to outpoint second place
Gold Hill's 24. Class "C" rec
ords were In the broad Jump and
the distance medley.
In class "B," the Molalla dis
tance medley team of Ray Poppe,
George Kerk, Jim Lais, Lester
Reisch scored a first in 14:21.0.
In class "C," the Chemawa
squad came In sixth in the dis
tance medley. The two scores
were the only ones from both
Frank Evans, State street chef,
late Saturday bowled the first
300 to be rolled on the recently
installed Capitol alleys. Evans'
was engaged in match play at the
For ipotwd, comfort and i
omy try th Beavir. This
popular train earrina comfort
able reclining chair car and
tourist Pullman to San Fran
ciaro. Moderate priced maali
In dining car. Lounga car fnf
Pullman paaaannera. Laav
Portland 6:10 P.M. daily ha
in San Francisco for lunch next
day. You'll ha cozy, aafe, com
fortable and have fun on this
fast economy train.
Th friendly
Southern Pacific
C. A. Larson, Agent
Phont 3-9244
years !
Phone 3-9156