IS Capital Journal, Sal.m. Oregon. Monday. April 25. 19l9gQ .QQQ WORK Hfftf painted fabrics at a more recent development, Schwartz said, but he won't go along with that. Pri mitive peoples, he points out, were painting their bodies be fore clothes were invented, and that's the same idea. Two ancient forms of trim ming probably will die with this generation, Schwartz said, because young people can't be interested in training them selves for finicky careers as hand embroiderers or hand headers. Machines already are turninff out almost tho lam Salem High Wins Honors Opportunities to enter the competition with some 30 class Other ratings by groups were: Bora' chorua. claaa B No. 2. Collate O'ovt md anon: bora criorua, claaa A -No. 1. E'jxcne: llru' chorua. claaa A No. 3. Etiaenc. CorvallU and Spnnili'ld; miaad ehoruaaa. claaa A No. 2. corvallu and Etiatn-: No 3. Springfield: mixed choruata. claaa B No. 3. Albany and to. anon: No a Sitvrr'on and Dallaa: flrLa chorua, claaa B No. 3, Albany and Stret Kome: No. J. Lebanon and Cortege Grove: baniv cla.a B No. 3. Bweet Home. Dallu. A and B schools from the Wil $40,000,000 Industry Lies Hidden in Mid-Manhattan By BARBARA BLNDSCHC iVtucl Pta ronton ftntari New York, April 23 tu "Hidden" in square blocks of Man hattan is a $40,000,000 industry that employs some 80,000 people They call It the "trimming" business. Actually it includes not only the embroidery, sequins and braid lamette valley area. The superior ratings give the Salem aggregation the privilege of entering the state contest, but no decision has been made rela tive to the trip to southern Ore gon at the present time. state band and orchestra meets in Klamath Falls on May 13 and 14 were open to Salem high organizations today following successful competition in the district festival at Albany last O-ttal. Orove; No. S, Woodburn: ban-1a. jla.a C No. 3. Salem Academy: band, elaaa A No. t. Corvalite. Zuaene, Spring. E. Donald Jessop was in charge of the band while Victor Palmason conducted the or chestra at Albany. Class C schools will hold their band and orchestra festival at Eugene Saturday with all three Salem junior high schools com peting. lie ia. Veteran Fireman Dies Portland, April 25 (P) Fire that embellish a dress but the' pleats, tucks, shirring, scallops and ornamental stitching which the average person normally considers a part of the construc tion of a dress. Those trimmings, figured Into the wholesale cost, run from 11 to 13 percent of the price of a dress today. Jack Schwartz ex ecutive director of the Institute of Trimmed Fashions, estimated. Czechoslovakia, Schwartz. Some people week-end. Both the Salem high band a c cording to figure hand- Capt. Daniel G. Shaw, 69, col lapsed of a heart attack and died while raising a ladder at a residential fire scene yesterday. and orchestra were awarded first place ratings of superior in kind of work. I Sears National , t ? ' - , U. S. Destroyer Damaged Officers and men line the rail of the damaged United States destroyer Fechteler as she pro ceeds to port under her own power after colliding with the destroyer Leonard F. Mason SO miles southeast of Pearl Harbor. Note the deep gash in the vessel's side. (AP Wire photo via radio from navy radio, Honolulu) DAD OF A PRINCESS? Rita's Father Not Excited About Daughter's Aly Khan Hollywood, Aprfil 25 Uj Eduardo Cansino, Rita Hayworth's dapper father, said today his globe-trotting daughter wants to marry Aly Kahn "next month," but he hasn't been invited to the wedding and he's not ever sure she'll go through with it. lifll r 111 I I Who know,? ' the dark eyed, VVam . 151. aailllUK luasica iiusbcu. uvio of theengs can happen before then. Shecs come close to mar rying other manes and changed her mind. "You cannot tro:t thees red heads. So far, eet looks like she might do eet thees time Bot . . . well ... I, for one am not holding my breath." Aly and Rita Planning To Wed in 3 Weeks Cannes, France, April 25, Mi Prince Aly Khan and Rita Hayworth hope to be married in about three weeks but have not yet set a def inite date, a source close to the couple said Sunday. Ads As Governor William E. Walsh of Coos Bay, president of the state sen ate, was acting governor of Oregon today, during the ab sence of Gov. Douglas McKay from the state. McKay was In Aberdeen. Wash., for a Pacific coast trade group meet. He plans to return to Oregon Tuesday. The original name of the French city of Le Havre was Le navre de urace. The Spanish born Cansino said he hasn't seen his daughter since she stalked off to a Hol lywood movie set for a rendei vous with Aly tha took her from Mexico to Paris to Switzerland to the French Riviera and even up to Ireland. He said he was giving a rhum ba lesson when he heard the prince had won his divorce and was now free to marry Rita. "She write me she wants to get married next month." her father said. "Bot she deedn'l name any date or say where eet would be." a) Cansino said he "couldn't tell yet." how he'd like being the father of a princess. "What does that make mee?" he chuckled. "A kecng?" He said he hadn't yet met the fabulously rich Indian prince Rita's been romancing around the world for the last s 1 x months. "How weel I know do I like heem until I meet heem?" Can sino asked. "We liked Orson Wells, all right. Bot he decdn't make her happy "All I know about thees Aly ees that Rita like heem. I ask her, and she say: 'yes, papa.' And eef she like heem that's good enof for me. She's old enof to know what she wants." Cansino said he wasn't wor ried about the headlines Rita's been making since she started gallivanting around in royal Moslem circles. "Sure. I know they call her a bad woman,' " he said. "So what? That, she ees show busi ness. Eef they talk about you good eef they talk about you bad eet's all publicity. You are beeg name either way." None of the 25 to 30 different kinds of embellishment turned out by the Institute's more than 400 members is less than 100 years old, Schwartz said. Most of them date to several centuries before Christ, when people first started wearing clothes. "Women have been trimmed for so many thousands of years, it's hard to tell when it started, " Schwartz said. "Even before they wore clothes, they wore a strip here or there around the neck or the arm, usually to attract at tention. That was trimming." The earliest recorded clothing had trimming, in the industry's sense of the word. The Egyptians of 4500 B.C. had two types of costume pleated skirts for roy alty, plain skirts for commoners Pleats are, technically speaking, trimming. The first recorded braid trim turned up in the tomb of Egyp tus King Thotmes IV, about 1, 800 B.C., Schwartz said. LOOK! Now you can Shop at Sears and Save on these tools! CRAFTSMAN GARDEN TOOLS Reg. 2.29 Craftsman Fork One piece steel construction; ll -in. tines; 30-in. "D" grip handle. A buy! Reg. 1.98 Craftsman Cultivator One piece steel steel construction; 5 in. tines; 43i-H. handle. See it! Reg. 1.98 Craftsman Rawe Fourteen, 334-in. curved teeth; 5-ft. ash handle. Extra strong. At Sears. 175 175 AVfxl-m. blade, ground cutting edge; 434-hondle. Savings priced! Why Suffer Any Longer Whn othtn fill, git out Chtn rcratxUM. Amuini lufctii for 1000 rn la Chin. N mutter with whit UniuuiU hurt, Iuma, llvti, ktdnfTi rhtnmatlim, call ind bltddtr. fev.r uio. inii eompltuau. CHARLIE CHAN cnrvvfti rirh ro. nine Haira I li I Tvr. ftne ML Only U N CcMtiirrtitU Phertt tIRW ftAl.r. OBI HEALTH TO YOU After Corracllna lletnorrrioirjt iriletl Ftatuia rtnaure. Prolapiap, and other Kertal llieeirdere No llmpllalliatlon Writ, or Tall for free Booklet Dr. R Reynolds Clinic Nature Prortolortsl til N Libert; M. Kalem, Or The most record form of trim-1 -r-rVSW vV ming is sequins originated sev-i CD' rfi--rf'" :1 aSk eral hundreds years ago in "jJJr- NKvV. y TIME to repair or replace , trS (VYl Jp GUTTERS Folding Rule nV If H ff ' r 9 DOWNSPOUTS Mode for Accuracy and Wear Ixvv ml' laaatST.5HHS FLASHINGS Priced At Only . . 98c i5oV ff II "" "c" Sturdy 6'ft. mopJa rula wtHi wtioa aftoni- . Mr Jl If to sy fL. m J Arl J I ototaa. Profonol typo. , XX. MtiWV, I rCV .tooif One piece steel construction; 11-in. I J I V'aT. ...c-,un-HeATINJ I rVr,11i . 'W Tk. 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For vtry modorato cost you get complcto warm wtothtr protection whin you stort your fun in our vaults. siAts mjiCNASi couroNS-tiv ady way to mak tmo pyrcKotM ft tfttft; tnt tvtt iia lotK t20, 1?5, J50 fcoete tor town paywent. bw)rt lodoy. itMrvg iMcMn Iiom, lowor- rwbbor Ofnj mvm oornlotfi ftnithofc c5o!Zfy&dZ?ft jwaiaAZetdoi pool m&ftty jaoi ' JRS Low Priced Dunlap 16-inch Lawn Mower Here's o real "workshoe" . . one that will do the job faster and eaiitr. With 5 extra sharp, heat-treated steel blades; smooth working, ball bearing reel; rigid frame and hardwood handle. See this precision-made Mower ot Sears now! You save time and money, too! 484 STATE STREET PHONE 3-9191