Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    r,Officer at
AAUW Event
Guest speaker for the meeting
of the Salem branch, American
Association of University Wo
men, next Thursday evening In
Baxter hall will be Miss Chris
tine Heinig, head of the program
in childhood education for
AAUW as an asociation on the
national headquarters staff,
Washington, D. C.
Miss Heinig Is west to visit
some of the divisions and
branches, being In Portland this
week-end to take in the state
conference of the Oregon dlvl
The meeting Is at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Frank Burlingham is to
sing, accompanied by Miss Alice
Crary Brown.
For the social part, the host'
esses will be Mrs. W. S. Bradley,
Mrs. P. L. Calvert, Mrs George
Martin. Mrs. Kenneth Miller,
Mrs. C. L. Mort, Mrs. George
M. Self, Jr., Miss Besse Eliza
beth Brown, Miss Genevieve
Cockerllne, Miss Jessica Kinsey.
Dr. Mary Purvine and Dr.
Helen Pearce are to pour.
Aurora Club
Aurora Members of the
Aurora Woman's club motored
to the home of Mrs. J. R. Kraus
for their regular meeting. Elec
tion of 1949 officers resulted in
the following being chosen: Mrs
Fred Dentel, president; Mrs
Sally Fountain, vice-president;
Mrs. William Jensen, secretary;
Mrs. William Gooding, financial
secretary, and Mrs. Lorln Giesy
Plans were formulated for the
annual spring musicale to be
held during the month of May,
. at the home of Mrs. E. C. Diller
in Aurora. Committees reported
receipts of $21 from the shrub
sale and $30.79 from the bazaar
and gift sales, held recently in
the Knights of Pythias hall.
Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. E
E. Bradtl, Mrs. Fred Dentel,
Mrs. George Elliott, Mrs. Gerald
Beach, Mrs. L. G. Giesy, Mrs
J. R. Kraus and Mrs. B. W
Stoner were named as delegates
to the Marlon County Federa
tion of Women s clubs conven
tion held at Macleay. The club
voted to invite the County Fed
eration of Women's clubs to
meet with Aurora and Hubbard
clubs next October.
Mrs. John Rasmussen was
elected to membership. Other
recent new members are Mrs.
John Eller and Mrs. Vernon
SOUTH Salem WCTU Is to
meet Wednesday at 2 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. George Hen
derson, 1309 South Liberty
street. Mrs. W. E. Stripling is
to lead the devotions. Miss Har
riet Robbins, teacher for handi
capped children, is to give a talk
on "Special Education in Our
Salem Schools." All interested
women are invited.
MR. AND MRS. Booster club
of St. Mark Lutheran church is
meeting Monday evening at 8
o'clock in the church. There will
be entertainment featuring home
talent and there will be refresh
ments. On the committee are Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Olson, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Poff, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Remus, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Rudie, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson.
WOODBURN New officers
of St. Luke's Mothers' club
are Mrs. Joe Sowa, president;
Mrs. Wilfred Verboort, vice
president; Mrs. Burt Geschwill,
secretary; Mrs. Anton Zastoup
11, treasurer; Mrs. Joe Serres,
The club voted a donation for
the new Catholic library and to
the seminary collection.
A three dollar prize was
awarded to the first and second
grade room of St. Benedict's
school for having the most
mothers present at the meeting.
program over KOAC next Fri
day for the State Federation of
Women's clubs, Dr. E. W. War
rington, head of the department
of religion at Oregon State col
lege, is to give the talk on "My
Regular $500 jar J
Here at a wonderful saving
b 0 rich, rosy balm that bringi tired-
looking skin back to the peak of prettineu in juit twenty
mlnuttsl It'i the perfect "pick-up" before important dotes,
YouTI want to buy a jar today
for UrnsW Mm onr Outorry Don Cra Mart
by WJrd (Mr ragvlor 2.00 or for our? 1.00
ButWy loawty Prsporalloni by Itlcharat Hvalnut a
v Capital Drug Store
Slat It Liberty "On the Corner"
Mt .:.'
Wed 67 Years Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hanson were honored
recently at a reception observing their 67th wedding anni
versary. The reception was given at the home of their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Thompson.
International Study Grants,
Fel lowships Listed by AAUW
One of five international study grants announced as established
within the Oregon division of the American Association of Uni
versity Women is named the Beryl Holt grant, named in honor
of Miss Beryl Holt, past president of the local AAUW and now
regional fellowship chairman. mmmmmmmmmmmsutitiriim-
Five such grants were listed
at the annual state conference of
the AAUW In Portland, Friday
and Saturday. Medford has given
one, Portland one, while two are
given by the state division, one
to be known as the Oregon
grant, the other as the Florence
M. Earl grant, in honor of Mrs.
Virgil D. Earl of Eugene, a past
president of the state AAUW.
Mrs. John Burcham of Salem
was the retiring state president
and presided at the two-day
conference. New officers elec
ted for the next biennium in
clude: Mrs. R. E. McCormack of
Eugene, president; Mrs. Crecene
Fariss, Portland, vice president;
Mrs. Willard Duncan, Klamath
Falls, treasurer; Miss Abby
Adams, Eugene, secretary.
Awarding of two fellowships
was announced as follows: Ore
gon fellowship, to Miss Elaine
Tanner, Reed college, for advan
ced work In economics at Uni
versity of California; Mabel
Merwin fellowship, to Miss Abi
gail Brown, also of Reed col
lege, for advanced work in li
terature at Columbia university
The 1950 state conference is
scheduled for Bend.
Among those attending the
Portland event from Salem were
Mrs. Burcham. Miss Beryl Holt,
Mrs. Guy N. Hickok, Mrs. Ver
non Wiscarson. Miss Elise
Schroeder, Miss Eleanor Ste
phens, Miss Constance Weinman
Miss Ola Clark, Miss Marjorie
Chester. Mrs. Floyd Utter, Miss
Amanda Anderson.
SALEM Council of Women's
Organizations met last week in
the Chamber of Commerce, Mrs.
W. J. Beard presiding.
Mrs. Sam Campbell from the
Junior Woman's club talked on
youth conditions in the city and
a need for community effort in
equipping playgrounds and set
ting up recreational facilities
Each representative was asked
to take back the project to her
club to discuss.
Dr. C. A. Howard, formerly
president of the Oregon College
of Education at Monmouth, was
guest speaker and discussed in-
tercultural relations.
AIMS VILLE Mrs. Charles
Martin was hostess to the Aums-
vllle Women's club. Mrs. Hugh
Craig presided over the short
business meeting. Plans were
discussed for a guest day to
be held in May.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess, assisted by Mrs. G
Mary Heln, Mae Lamb, Hugh
Craig, Ivan Putnam, Elmer
Klein, E. Towle, and Miss Min
nie Peterson. The next meeting
will be at the home of Miss
Minnie Peterson.
10 Down Pat Monthly
And Shades
Wa alia waib. rttasa, aalat anf racial
Mar alt Vanrllaa aiinaa.
ELMER, Tha Blind Mon
Call anytime for Frtr Eatimatea
Phone I-73ZI
MM Hurt t Weat Salem
We give 8&H Green Stamps
New Officers
New officers announced for
the Woman's Society for Chris
tian Service in the First Meth
odist church are:
Mrs. P. A. Fugate, president:
Mrs. Roy Fedje, vice president
Mrs. Lloyd Lee, recording sec
retary; Mrs. C. H. Sawyer, pro
motion secretary; Mrs. Edna
Waterman, treasurer; and the
following departmental secre
taries Mrs. L. D. Jones, spiritu
al life secretary; Mrs. Roy Lock
enour, missionary education and
service; Mrs. E. E. Bergman
Christian social relations, Mrs.
Theodore Ullakko, local church
activities; Mrs. Brooks Moore,
student work; Mrs. Harry W
Scott, youth work; Mrs. J. E
Sayre, children's work; Mrs
Ralph DaMetz, supply work;
Mrs. Alma Shipley, literature
and publications; Mrs. Steve
Anderson, status of women; Mrs.
Melvin Gilson, president for the
past two years, member at large
for the local WSCS.
AMITY The Yamhill Countv
Federation of Women's clubs
will hold its 32nd annual meet
ing at Dayton, April 25.
pure tanolin
for amazing
renar iron
dry. rough
chapped hands
' ' (i N.
of wo ases
Sheathing, concrete form linen,
for farm buildings, gartga doors,
for exterior Baas when painted.
Wall board, partitions, flooring
and aubfloora, natures, furni
ture, cablatts, table tops and
Com pari Quality M rYica-Yaa'l
- tlattvat
Two to Give
Recital Tonight
A recital of interest to many
friends Monday evening will be
that of Mrs. Clorinda Topping,
soprano, and Bonnet Ludden.
planist.'The program will be at
8:15 o'clock in Waller hall. The
public Is invited. The program
Amarilll, Mia Bella Cacclnl.
Se Florindo e Fedele A. Scar
O Del Mlo Amato Ben Don-
Vola Farfalletta (baaed on
Chopin Etude. Op. 23, No. B)
M. Sandoval.
Aria and scene: Dove Sono from
"The Marriage of Figaro"
Song cycle: Unvergoenglichkeit
When t Go Alone A. Buzzl-
Folk longs of the British Isles
(The Sally Gardens, The Ash
Grove, Oliver Cromwell)
Sing a Song of Sixpence arr.
Spring Joy Seitz.
Suite for Voice and Piano J.
Turina (Llevadme von Voso
tras, Tu Puplla es Azul, Besa
el Aura) J. Turnina.
AURORA At a simple cere
mony in the Christian church in
Vancouver. Wash.. Mrs. Rayi
Fish (nee Laura Kocher), was
married to Avon Jesse, Saturday !
morning, April 9.
For her wedding, Mrs. Jesse
chose a brown tailleur with
matching hat and accessories,
and an orchid corsage. Guests at
the ceremony were the bride's
sons and families, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorin Fish and daughter, Mari
lyn, of Marks Prairie; Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Fish and daughter,
Norma Jean, of Mackburg and
the bridegroom's brother,
Charles Kinzer of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse will make
their home in Canby upon re
turning from Seattle.
Cham Chat"
You're a regular patron of your
local beauty shop. You feel at
home there and they know Just
about what you want and how
you like it done. However,
you're thinking seriously of
changing the style of your hair
do and you wonder if maybe a
visit to this fellow with the for
eign sounding name might not
result in a miraculously becom
ing style for your friends to ex
claim over. Bosh I The people
in your regular shop know all
the latest and best hair styles.
They have to) Also they know
your hair and what can and can
not bs done with It better than
any stranger could posalbly know
If you want a new hair style,
consult your own hair dresser
first. You'll probably be better
pleased In the long run and yout
besutv budget won't suffer so
PHONE 3-6800
230 N. Liberty St.
Watch Next Monday'a Paper
toekl llkt tn$
llgbt-coltnd wood.
worts lik wood it IS
wood but tmprortd 100-told.
CkeoM .
J. W. Copeland
828 Wallaca Rd.
W. Salem Ph.1-6627
fOV 1
port, state president, was honor
ed at this week'i meeting of the
FL club. Sixteen attended the
meeting. An informal evening
was spent, followed by refresh
ments. Wild orchids, yellow
primroses and miniature May
poles were the decorations.
Plans were made for the an
nual Mothers' day breakfast. Mrs.
Colene Lounsbury, Mrs. Forrest
Greenfield and Mrs. Victor Koop
are "ommittee chairmen arrang
ing for the event. Next meeting
comes May 8 at the home of Miss
Delores Hill.
a a a
club Is meeting Thursday for its
monthly no-host luncheon at the
YWCA. C. Derthick of Wllla
mette psychology department, is
to give a talk on adolescent be
havior and the response from
adults. Mrs. Glen Weaver is to
preside. Mrs. A. E. Archibald is
chairman for the program. The
event is given to honor advisers
and volunteer workers in the
Trt-Y Teen department.
TIME: Monday and Tuesday
PLACE: Our Round-the-Clock hosiery counter
FEATURING: Miss Hunt, Round-the-Clock's Fit Specialist
PURPOSE: To give you a permanent answer to all your
You'll never know what complete hosiery beauty Is until
you've had your stockings fitted to your personal re
quirements in Round-the-Clock Individual Fit Nylons. It
makes pretty legs beautiful and all legs prettier! No more
twisting seoms, wrinkled ankles, or fit problems of any kind,
whether you are 4 feet 8 or 6 feet 2, weigh 80 or 200 pounds.
During the Fit Forum, come in and hove Miss Hunt,
one of the country's leading fit specialists, give you
an expert diagnosis of your requirements. She's a
fashion stylist, too. She'll be happy to answer any
hosiery color problems, and recommend the right spring
shades to set off your every costume color.
Mu Phi Epsilon
Planning Tea
Mu Phi Epsilon, professional
women s music honor societv
has set Sunday afternoon, May
IS, as the date for their Ameri
can music concert and benefit
tea. The concert, to be held at
Waller hall on the Willamette
university campus, will feature
Mu Phi's and faculty in an all
American music concert.
Following the concert a bene
fit tea will be sponsored by pa
tronesses of Mu Phi Epsilon. The
setting will be the beautiful
home of Mrs. Frank Burlingham.
The purpose of the tea Is In
benefit of one of Mu Phi Epsl-
Ion's projects. Gads Hill Music
Center in Chicago, which was
organized to care for and to teach
underprivileged children and
adults. The school of music at
Gads Hill is Mu Phi's project
and many teachers give gener
ously of their time and skills to
bring that medium of expression
found in the art to those who
otherwise would never have op
Remember, you have a dote this week, ot
our Round-the-Clock hosiery counter!
Capilal Journal, Salem, Oregon,
portunlty for appreciating.
The concert and tea are open
to the public.
a a a
ANN J V D 8 O N Missionary
circle of the First Baptist church
met Friday evening. Mrs. Charles
Cox Installed the new officers
and committee chairmen In a
candlelight service around a
huge paper rose. A corsage for
each officer was concealed in
the petals of the flower. As
background music. Mrs. Flor
ence Schmltke of Dallas played
the vibraharp. Mrs. Clinton
Lammers sang, accompanied by
Mrs. Lloyd T. Anderson.
Mrs. Marion Curry is the
newly installed president, Mrs.
Marvin Roth, first vice presi
dent; Mrs. Gus Klemple, second
vice president; Mrs. Mabel Mey
ers recording secretary; Mrs
Cecil Lantz, corresponding sec
retary, and Mrs. Ray Cates, pub
licity secretary. Hostesses for
the evening were Mrs. Dewey
Davis, Mrs. Marvin Roth, Mrs
Milton Coe, Mrs. Clarence
Shrock, and Mrs. Roy Reynolds
hosiery fit
.Get the
answer to
Jit problems
like these
Monday, April 25, 1949 11
THE MONTHLY meeting for
the Ladles' auxiliary to the Na
tional Associalton of Letter Car
riers will be held at the home of
Mrs. Milton Blackman, 33 Lans
ing avenue, Wednesday evening;
at 8 o'clock.
You Store,
See Our
ol rh ankle?
Twitting scam
Baggy kntei
Too tight
obov ttt) knee,
U 1
Too long,
too short
Blaiatlac4'ar M raraa rMahrwaMa-1l", IO", 14
35 North Liberty