HE MARRIAGE of Miss Geral- dine Ann Majeski, daughter of Mr. and Mri. John Thomas Ma jeski, to Jamn Roger White, on of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. White, was solemnized this morning at a ceremony in St. Vin cent de Paul church, the Rev. George O'Keefe reading the rites at 11:30 o'clock. Baskets of pink apple blossoms and white spirea decorated the church for the service, and a cluster of white lilacs tied with white satin was at each pew. For the music, Mrs. V. A. Rodakowskl sang and Wayne Meusey played the or gan. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white heavy slip per satin. The dress was designed with a bertha of Chantilly lace bordered with seed pearls, fitted bodice, a row of but ons down the back, long sleeves point ed over the hands, a bustle in back, tha skirt extending into a long court train. The full veil was arranged from a tiara. For her flowers the bride carried a bouquet of stephanotis surrounded by tiny rosette roses and centered with a white orchid. The bride carried a point lace handkerchief which had been car ried by Mr. White's great grandmother at her wedding. Miss Rosemary Majeski was maid of honor for her sister. She wore a Colon ial gown of powder blue taffeta made with a fitted bodice and a bertha collar. The skirt was caught up with a bow In front. She carried a quaint old fash ' ioned nosegay of garden flowers sur rounded by pink rosette roses similar to those in the bride's bouquet. Mrs. Anne Peterson and Miss Rose Papac, both of Seattle, Miss Alma Sullivan and Miss Mary White, the latter a sister of the bridegroom, were the bridesmaids. Their dresses were like those of the maid of honor In style. Miss Papac and Miss Sullivan wearing pale pink and Miss Peterson and Miss White, soft apple green color. All the attendants wore ruffled headpieces matching their gowns and short mitts of the dress ma terial. The bridesmaids also carried nosegays and garden flowers. Vivian Ripp was flower girl, wearing a pale pink taffeta dress and carrying a small nosegay. George E. Day was best man and tht ushers were Leonard Lutz, Charles Do mogalla, John Crockett and Ralph Ma jeski, brother of the bride, were the ushers. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Ma jeski wore a pearl gray crepe dress with lace, a flower hat and gray accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a fit led gray suit with blue-green accessor ies. Both the mothers wore corsages of pink baby orchids. The receptoin following was in the American Legion club. A large wed ding cake, pink and white flowers and silver candelabrums holding lighted tapers decorated the bride's table. Bas kets of flowers decorated the rooms. Mrs. A. M. Gix of Portland, aunt of the bride, cut the cake. Mrs. Kate Smith, grandmother of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Vera Janes, his aunt, poured. As sisting at the reception were Mrs. L. E. Weeks as hostess, Mrs. Edward Hol s' land and Miss Irma Brisbeau, at the punch bowl. Mrs. Bruce Hills passed the guest book. At the gifts table were Miss Florence Schlosser and Mrs. Stan Tomasoski. Mrs. M. S. Innocenti and Miss Georgia Green also assisted at the reception. For traveling the bride wore a light . gray fitted suit with matching gray poke bonnet and pink accessories, and a corsage of white orchids. The couple will be at home at 1047 Madison after May 1 following a trip to eastern Oregon and Sun Valley. LAWRENCE-HILL WEDDING Wed1 this afternoon in a ceremony in the First Congregational church were Miss Dawn Marie Hill and Richard Lawrence. The vows were exchanged at 4 o'clock, the Rev. Seth R. Hunting ton officiating. The,' bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Hill, Mr. Lawrence the son of Mri and Mrs. D. F. Lawrence. Fori the music, Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich was at the organ and Robert Gwenn was soloist. Th,'e bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of white satin, fashioned in plain lines with a row of buttons down the back, a sweet heart neckline, long pointed sleeves and a full train. The full length veil cas . ended from a tiara of seed pearls. The bride carried a prayer book with white orchid and streamers. Mrs. A. L. King was matron of hon or, wearing a pink gown and carrying a nosegay. Miss Marilyn Anderson was bridesmaid, wearing a pink gown sim ilar to that of the maid of honor and al so carrying a nosegay. Miss Donna Lawr ence, sister of the bridegroom, was Jun ior attendant. She wore a teel blue frock and carried a nosegay. Kenneth Lawrence was best man for hi- hro'her and the ushers were A. L. King, E. D. Lawrence and William E. Hill. Mrs. Lawrence wore a rose colored dress with gray accessories and corsage of pink rosebuds., and the bride's moth er wore a navy blue dress with gray accessories and corsage of rosebuds. The reception following also was at the church. Mrs. J. G. Stewart, grand mother' of the bride, presided at the coffee urn. Mrs. William E. Hill, sister-in-law of the bride, was at the punch bowl and Mrs. Peter Luthl served the cake, assisted by Mrs. N. D. Farrell. a cousin of the bride. Mrs. J. G. Stewart, Jr., and Mrs. Con DeRoss, aunts of the bride, assisted about the rooms. Mrs. Wlllard Lawrence, an aunt of the bride groom, and Mrs. Howard Obershaw had chargt of the gifts. Miss Jeanette Stew art, a cousin of the bride, passed tht guest book. Following trip to Canada, the cou ple will go to Roseburg to make their home. For going away the bride wore a rose colored suit designed with straight skirt and fitted Jacket with peplum in back, and black accessories. Tuesday afternoon brings the dessert md card party for the women of Chad wick chapter. Order of Eastern Star, at IAS o'clock In the Masonie temple. Two Salem Families Enjoying ; .- cL ' - )x i- GETTING SETTLED IV a nrw hortif in die bic Inlerwt for several Salem families these days. Amonf those novf occupying new residences are Mr. and Mrs. Co burn Gra benhorst and sons who are atop Candaleria Heights on Alvarado Terrace, commanding a grand sweep of the city, valley ana mountains to the east. Mrs. Grahenhorst and two handsome little sons, Coburn, Jr., who is four, and Geoffrey, two and one-half years old. are glimpsed In the living room here. Interesting features are the full windows across the east end of the long living room so none of the view la lost. (Jesten-Miller Studio picture) Musical Program Town and Gown club's April meeting next Thursday afternoon will be high lighted by a musical program. The pro gram will be in Music hall on the Wil lamette university campus, soloist to be Mrs. Frank Burlingham, and as guests, two out-of-town musicians. Miss Amy Lee, pianist, and Robert Bond, clarin etist, both of Linfield college. Mrs. Seward R. Reese is program chairman. At the business meeting announce ment will be made regarding new of ficers. The tea will be in Lausanne hall, the girls of the hall to be hostesses. They will assist with the serving. Mrs. Floyd Utter is tea chairman and members of her committee who will as sist in receiving guests about the room will include Miss Lorena Jack, Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, Mrs. Walter L. Soauld ing, Mrs. Lestle Sparks, Miss Ida Mae Smith, Mrs. William Thielsen, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mrs. Walter Zosel, Mrs. Francis T. Wade, Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs. Ned Ger linger, Mrs. Helen Goodenough, Mrs. Robert D. Gregg. Mrs. Hugh Hull, Mrs. Zella James, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mrs. J. L. Kennedy, Mrs. F. D. Kibbe, Mrs. Karl Kugel. Mrs. Ernest C. Richards and Mrs. James T. Brand will pour. A bride this afternoon was Miss Bev erly Jean Cater, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cater, who was mar ried to Nick M. Kubishta, a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kubishta. The cere mony took place in St. Vincent de Paul church at 1:30 o'clock, the Rev. George O'Keefe officiating. Mr. Cater gave his daughter in mar riage. She wore a white faille taffeta gown. desiRned with a nylon net yoke, long sleeves and full skirt extending in to a train. Braid of the dress material outlined the yoke and trimmed the sleeves. The fingertip veil was arranged from a crown of the white faille taffe ta trimmed in self braid. For her flow ers the bride carried an arm bouquet of white carnations. Mrs. William Guy was matron of hon or. Her dress was of pink taffeta and with it she wore a matching halo hat. She carried a nosegay of vari-colored sweet peas. Mrs. Bud Kubishta. wearing orchid, and Miss Maryann Cater in blue were the bridesmaids. Their dresses of taf feta were fashioned similarly to that of the matron of honor and the two wore halo hats matching their dresses, and carried nosegays. Edwin Cater was best man. Bud Ku bishta and Jack Kubishta were the groomsmen and the ushers were Jack Cater, Dick Bolandrr and Don Graves. Mildred Ann Kubishta and Lynda Burris were the flower girls, Lynda in yellow, Mildred Ann in pink, and both wore old-fashioned bonnets matching their dresses. The reception following was in the Mayflower hall. Greeting guests at the door were Mrs. Sherman Burris, Mrs. Austin Cater, Mrs. Joe Kubishta. Mrs. Edwin Cater cut the cake. Mrs. Mike Becktr who was observing her 28th an- i 1 y ...-.-.t '.-. -:'!-''". ' '":,'' '"'' i- .-' .,-"' " ..-.: ' '-- -. rH A--'-- .-' . ! - ' ' - .w"- -.-.:! .'- ... .: : . . - ' '':.- - ' - .'. ' ' - .... ' - ',1 ' TH ill ifmpi " ' fW M'1" lrVr y ';.';"v''vVi'''' ! r'';'.'"- I iS , - msjtUL-Ji-MiMiimitMuii'uM HIimi n 'ii r'l ' 't'nJ' , m-nl j., " i r tiiianiini ,mfu i i i i vn ism i 1 1 ii. I i i l iiim I luii'" " -J .r nlversary today, poured the coffee, and Miss Donna Brunkal presided at the punch bowl. Assisting at the reception w-ere Mrs. Lyle Castor and Mrs. Mary Bolander. Receiving gifts were Mrs. Woodrow Haney. Miss Dolores Castor, Miss Geraldine Des Georges, Miss Dix ie Lee Cater. Miss Jean Herrig had charge of the guest book. The bride's mother wore a gray tail ored suit with aqua accessories and cor sasr of red doses. The bridegroom's mother wore a black suit with white ard black accessories and corsage of re' roses. iot going away the bride wore a pink Interesting New TfM km V h f It Mil 2ci u AI.SO ENJOYING A NEW home on West Washington on Fall-mount Hill are Mr. and Mrs. Al W. Lourks and daughters, Judy and Suxanne. Mrs. Lourks and daughters are pictured below In the family living room. An intesetlng window detail also features this home and also catching the eye Is the flower box set in the mantel and in the same color as the walls and containing fresh plants and greenery. There were hyacinths blooming the day the photographer called. tJesten-Miller studio picture) taillnir with navy blue accessories and a white orchid. The couple are to live In West Salrm. The annual Mothers' day program of Chadwick assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girl, will be held Tuesday evening at the group's regular meeting in the Masonic temple. Tickets and programs arc now on sale for the semi-formal dance to be given by the club on May 13 at Glen wood ballroom. Residences JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB PARTY Junior Woman's club members are sponsoring a social evening and barn dance for Monday evening, husbands to ie guests. The party will bo at the Salem Woman's Hub house at B o'clock. Cards will be played by those not car irg to dance, each table to have its own accessories. A snack bar will be set up for the evening Mrs. William Judsun, Miss Betty Jean Bcrgner and Mrs. E. E. Woodsnn are the chairmen for thr eve ning, this year's new members assisting. ELECTION of officers and appoint ment of delegates and alternates for the state convention will fea ture the business session of the Salem Business and Professional Women's club when the group meets for dinner Tuesday evening in Nohlgren's cafe. Mrs. Buena Maris Mockmore of Ore gon Slate college is to be guest speaker, discussing equal rights. Mrs. Bruce Spaulding It to be guest soloist. Further announcements will be made rcaarding the state convention to be held in Salem in mid-May, also reporta will be given from the district meet ing to be held tomorrow in Forest Grove. Mrs. Arthur Weddle, state presi dent, Miss Vada Hill, Miss Betty Elof son, slate corresponding secretary, and Mrs. John Versteeg are to attend the meeting. Nile Club's Tea . One of the month's large benefit af fairs will be the silver tea to be spon sored by the Salem club, Daughters of the Nile, next Thursday, April 28, In the Masonic temple. Calling hours are between 2 and S o'clock. Mrs. Russell Bright is general chairman for the tea. Several officers from Nydia temple. Daughters of the Nile, Portland, will be here for the tea. Including Mrs. Ezra Foyce, queen of the temple; Mrs. Carl Donaugh, Mrs. Harold Simpson, Mrs. Loyal McCarthy. In the receiving line will be Mrs. Charles Boyer, president of the Salem club; Mrs. David Wright, and the visit ing officials from Portland. Greeting guests at the door will be M:s. William Newmyer. Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mrs. John Graybill, Mrs. Walter Drye, Mrs. Lester Newman. Introducing guests to the line will be Mrs. William Lewis, Mrs. Claude Post, Mrs. Maurice Bcutler. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Elmo McMillan. Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. Vern Reimann, Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. Al Feitelson, Mrs. Clarence Shrock, Mrs. David Cameron, Mrs. Grog Haefliger, Mrs. Rosalie Por ter. Mrs. Othcl Eckersley, Mrs. Felix Wright, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Till man Leasure, Mrs, Lawrence Spauld ing. Pouring will be Mrs. John Imlah, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mrs. S. G. Rundlctt. Daughters of St. Elizabeth of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet Tues day at 1 p.m. in the parish house for luncheon. Mrs. P. W. Byrd, Mrs. O. K. DcWitt, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. Myrtle Wiley, Miss Elizabeth Porter, Mrs. Carl Nel son and Mrs. Karl Steiwer are the host esses. a Mrs. Irene Adam is to be hostess at her home in Dallas, 307 Shelton street, next Thursday evening for the meeting of Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood, dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock. Th auxiliary to Post No. 13d. Ameri can Legion. Is meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Salem Woman's club house. The child welfare committee, Mrs. Rob ert S. Grntzkow as chairman, will be in charge. Miss Elizabeth Aebischrr, case worker in child welfare, welfare com mission, will he guest speaker. There will be music by students from Wiltscy studio. A benefit card party Is planned for Tuesday evening by the Women's Cath olic Onler of Foresters In St, Vincent de Paul hall. f