12 Capital Journal, Salem, ClJtliiriED ADVEBTlllNQl Per Una ,.)6e Par Line 6 tins 40c Per Line 4 time , OOe Par Line 1 month 12 00 OuMtd of Salem 18 Pr Ha par dar Mia loc i I timee mm lie t.me mla 81.30 No Refund READERS la Local Nawe Cl Oalrt Ptr km Ot to PIbcb an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES B. I, on 1 floor, raved trt. Small cabin. Oirui, frutt room. 1 lou. fruit trees, garden, ehxub. 18000. 3295 Lee St. a97 BY OWNER 3-bdrm. home, 1 r. old. tiMl. eond. All electric. Hardwood . floora. Attached urui. Lot lOxM. R- atrlctad neighborhood. 335 S. Vlaw Pleee after 0 p.m. and Bat. aim sua. rnone 2-9130 or 1-3936 evenlnge. ar EVERYTHING goes for 18.000, 3 yr. old. I rm. hs. with unfinished upstairs, cor aer lot fenced in. Venetian bllnda thro ut, oU heat, all electric kitchen, var- ' nlahed firs., close to bus and achool. Phono 3-6352 iru. and Sunday. a!7 BY OWNER, t BR home. Good eond. Lou built-in. Plaaur, Ina. Extra cottar., gar., nlca .lawn, abruba. Cement found. 15350.00. 131ft N. Liberty. a7 OPEN HOUSE BACH EVENING 4 TO I TILL BOLD BT OWNER-BUILDER. 1 P H A. built 2 bdrm. homu. With all the faaturea you . want. Like nardwood floora. f trap) acta, picture window, etc.? Plua the flneat conatructlon. Then homea muat aell aoon. Hurry and take your choice. Come South on E to 09 Cafe, turn riant up Ewald Ave. to Ut left (Weity Ave.) for " a block. aB8 A Real Sacrifice tana 3 odrm. Inaulated home. With aitra room in attic, full baaemant and garage. Close to park, bua achool. Owner leaving city. Priced at 35260 for quick action. Call Bon Cleary. .Walter Muserave, Rltr, J3U Bdgcwater, Ph. 26101. Brea. 39939 Bur SOME NICE HOMES aan.MM. Lnc. cloaa to all achoola. North. I lit. BR'a, 2 bath, 10il2 din. rm., 23x14 liv. rm. with nlca fireplace. Pull dry tumt., auto oil ht., nlca location. A vary attractive home. 118.000. Nlca bunt, with party rm., 12x12 din. rm., Ige. llv. rm. fin. in Ph. mahoa tiT. s lie. BR. covered patio with lira dIbm. 3 car ear. 180 ft. at. front. All landacaped. Cloaa to Englewood achool. IIS.OOO. Englewood. 1 nic k, am. rm., ntok, 2 car garage. Vary attractive brick trim noma aU on om floor. For Appointment to aea any of the Ph. 3880. CD. LUXINBEAL, REAL ESTATE 440 North 14th St. aOT1 : WALT MUSGRAVE Presents an outatandlng buy. In a amart new ranch home. 2 nlca bdrma. with ward robe cloaeLa, attractive bath, larga liv ing rm. with fireplace and lane view window. Beautiful hardwood flra. Ul-tra-amart kit. with Hot point dlah-waah-ar: view window In dining rm. flpacloua Utility rm. Complete with water cloaet. ft Bendlx waaher. Plaatered gar. Lot 15x140 to Pair Oak addition overlooking Salem. Yea, III Inaulated and ha automatic electric beat, but beat of all. It'a only 8U.950. WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors $3500 9 Lancaster Ave. J rm. homo. H acr. Iiooo down. $5750 190 B. l$th, large 1 BR home. Corner lot Oarai. Term. $5950 I IM Wlnola Ave.. 4 rm. homo. 11x130 lot. $5950 1841 B. 11 Bt. t rm. boma. Oarage. Lot 18x300. $6950 1373 Pranklln St., W. Salem. I BR home. Baaement. Fireplace. $1,000 down. $7950 131$ Lac St. f rm late built home. $8450 1480 Bell Road. New I rm. boma, attach ed garage. Lot 71x154. $8500 1140 Oak St. rm modern home. Base ment, tawduat heat. Term. $8950 1321 Mill St. New FHA I BR boma. Oil Beat. $1800 down. $9950 1148 Planer Rd. Mew 1 rm. FHA home. Lot 70x13ft. $10,500 I'll Towa Ave. 8 rm. view home. 1 oar garage. Lot 10x135. Term. $11,300 158 Ben 'lata Drive (Candalarla Height) . New ft rm. home. View lot PHA home. 13500 down. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St Ph. 34131. a97a BY OWNER i 1 year old houae. t bedroom downstairs, 1 upatalra. Hardwood floora. alec. heat. Inatde city limit. Close to achool At bua. $$.800. Inqulra apt. 1, 840 8 Capitol. a97 11 A. NEW 8 BDRM. litre modem home. PHA loan, will aell my equity 83.050. Ph. 1-5807. aB8 RtW MODERN 1 BR. inaulated home, larga lot, modern heating, til bath, .laundry, garaa. time payment. For Information Inquire 301 Salem Helaht Ave. east. a67 SV OWNER, modern all alec, home, fire place, hdwd flra., gar. as nlca lot. loan TJ re trie Ave. et7 pMooP H A. Term, new 2 bdrm., up atalra unfln., hwd. firs., fireplace. Call Harvey Huff - Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 393T1 $7500 North 24th at. 1 bdrm. plaatered home. Hdwd. flra. Oarage. Nice lot. Lota of flower A shrubs Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 50 N. High. Ph. 14131. a BEST BUYS 2 Acres Vrv nle aettint. 1 bt. home, electric beat, attached garage. 9 year old. Bua at front door. Reduced to gaaoo. own ar leaving. Reduced to $5500 11 000 down will handle. Instd ettv. Bua t Mock, paved etreet, I bedrooms. neeoe reoecorating. $1,000 Down New t bedroom. Poaalbllttlaa for third bedroom. Corner lot. Elertrle heat Hardwood floora- Attached aaraae. Nice arranged. Well worth 873M. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 1030 Portland Rd Ph. 3-1830, 1-4598 Evaa. 10413 33558. a81 FOR MLE: 1 bedroom home la Hollywood. LEAVING SALEM ' 1VU.L KLL PROPCRT1VS IN BU81NBM SDN! IN HOLLY WOOD AT OREATLT RWDIICm ' PRICES. IP S BEDROOM HOPRK WITH l FT. FRONT AOS JOIN - 1NO BANK, tit BEDROOM HOUSE ON CAPITOL ITT. FULL BAAEMENT. 9ND HOUBI FROM BOH LAND'S STORE THEY MUST Bt SOLDI MAKE AN OPPER INSPECTION AT YOUR CONVEN. UNCI. 1H1 N CAPITOL PLACE. FB. IHM UT OWNER,, l mr Old hotu. fir.l ondilloo ark M M. I BR !! II" WMIl tlfc. h.tt, nr.plKt. ftr.i. Iin. Lm asust Flu Unas rm. Mmu l-u. Ore, Saturday, April 23, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER $10,750 30 down. 10 FHA- Payment I ss met udea in terest and prin cipal. Two bedroom, large living room and dinette. Kitohen with nook. Electrte heat weathersblpped and Insulated. Heat-o-later fire place. Be at 1310 N 34th, then rail 24850. al01' 3 BEDRM. HOME $7500 L a D. room have hdwd. flra., fire place, wired for E. ranse, full baae mant, aaraie, 1 block to achool and bua. Excellent neighborhood. A very good home. The Real Estate Market 433 N. Huh St. Phone 3793 Even Ina 3 SMI - 3637ft 25595 all 912. MA. 06 So. Commercial, L R., DR.. k.tchen. nook. 2 B R , den. hdwd. floor, plaatered. Fult finished baaement, dou ble garaae. lovely lawn, fireplace and flah pond in back. Call Leo Orton. WIM.ett Hollywood District, very nice atueco 3 B R. home. L R . dinette, kit- i chen. utility rm.. hdwd. floor, fire place, full finlahed baslment, sawdust i furnace, aincla garage, nice lawn, love ly fenced in back yard. Call ten Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtora 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 39371 Eve. 23983 a8 VOI R ONLY real ecurlty A home of your own. 1 can aatl you ont for 1415 dn., $70 per mo. Including tntereat. taxes and In. Pull price $8500.00. Come In or make appointment to see thl new home. Call for Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271 Eve. 25091 B88- BY OWNER, 4 bdrm. older type houae. Good condition, cloaa In. 290 S. 14th. B98 OWNER LEAVING State 46 A., all un der cultivation, wll. & Amity aoll. I yr. old modern home with att. 3-car gar age, barn At chicken houae, tractor and machinery, milking machine, 2 cows, 40 chicken, furniture, milk route, school bua atop at door. 3 miles west of Sllverton on old Sllverton, Salem high way. Turn on Pudding River bridge, Vi mile north. Price 123,300 cash, 30 ad joining A. also available. A. Janott. Rt. 3, Box 175, Sllverton, Ore. a97 1 ACRES on Wallace road. 8 rm. houae. Beautiful view. Variety of fruit. $7350. Ph. 36389. a' GEORGE W. HUBBS 1853 N. CAPITOL PH. 3-3031 10 ACRES, BEST OF SOIL WITH STRAWBERRIES 4 ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES ONE OF THE MOST BEAU TIFUL HOMES AROUND SALEM WITH 2 BR DOWN. LARGE LR & DR. FIRE PLACE, BEAUTIFUL K. TILE BATHROOM. 2 BR UP STAIRS, HDWD FLOORS THRUOUT UP & DOWN FULL BASEMENT WITH PARTY ROOM & FIRE PLACE FINISHED IN KNOTTY PINE. ALSO HAS SMALL POULTRY HOUSE & MACHINE SHED. YOU MUST SEE THIS TO APPRE CIATE THE VALUE OF THE PROPERTY. ACRE WITH NEW 3 BR PLASTERED HOME WITH HW FLOORS. JUST OUT OF CITY LIMITS. NEW 2 BR HOME WITH HW FLOORS & VEN. BLINDS OIL FLOOR FURNACE. LOTS OF NICE SHRUBS & FLOWERS. THIS IS LOCAT ED IN SILVERTON AND WOULD EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE IN SALEM OR LATE MODEL CAR. 4 BR HOME WITH LR, DR K., BATH, FIREPLACE. ALL NEWLY RE - DECORATED, BEAUTIFUL LOCATION ON CORNER LOT 50x110. BUS BY DOOR. GRADE SCHOOL 2 BLKS. GROCERY STORE 1 BLOCK. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. 60 ACRES, 50 ACRES IN CULT. WITH 4 BR HOME R YRS. OLD. PRICED AT $10,500 INCLUDING 10-20 McCORMICK DEERING TRACTOR. NEW COVER CROP, DISC, & ETC. STANCHION BARN INCLU DING 5 COWS & 2 CALVES 2 HORSES & MODEL A I "4 TON TRUCK. ELEC. WATER SYSTEM. WE DON'T STATE PRICES ON ANY OF THESE LIST INGS BUT WE WILL SHOW THEM TO YOU & WILL TAKE AN OFFER ON ANY LISTING WE HAVE. USE YOUR JUDGMENT ALONG WITH OURS & SELLER'S COME IN & WE'LL BE HAPPY TO SHOW YOU ANYTHING YOU WISH. EVENING PHONES: 2-6R62, 3-B1B3, 2-7723 (2-5481 (arms) WEEK END DRIVE BYS "EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS" '! Snnlh SAM Strr.l tt I IIMI M Palrvlrw A.ni. at 10.500 t70 F.lrtlrw Attnu. it .... 10.MO II44 Nnrt 4th St 1 300 no.4 Nrtn lam St., ot la.ooo 1403 "B ' Stmt 7.100 Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 141 N Htch Si Phone 17f IV e prion ea 3ll - 3805 97 MLvrETON, 1 bdrm. modern horn 3 biockvs from heart of tnn Fine corner. Fruit A- shade tree tn Mtt down GROFKil W, HUBBS CO Blherton. Oreion Phone 833 alV TODAY'S BARGAIN Oood 4-rm. home Choica corner lot. Other Interest force tale. 14.000 Term. STROUT REALTY t8 B 131 h SI Ph. 35333. 888 OOOD OLWR TTPE home located at 1880 B. Commercial. Ha 7 room and worth the money we are ikint Goodwin & McMillin REALTOR 484 Court Phli'4 te 3-1383. 1-4479 881' tm. NICI home located at 1381 N Liberty, rraa 3 BR. hdwd flra.. fireplace, part basement, flee heat. Lata talk hi over Goodwin & McMillin REALTOR rftfln 34101 484 Court Bt 8e 31J8) . 18773 all RMI Tin t 'W rmme of 1 BR on i IMilM) tot that la well landscaped, elec heat. Entire hoi4 ia In A-l condition and ha breakfast bar wtUi leather upholster? and built-in radio. All this for only 189V) Goodwin & McMillin REALTOR 44 court At ra. 1-4701. B.. J.71U, l-tltl. ! 1 FOR SALE HOUSES McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 188 8. High St. Daytime Phonej 3-S131 or 3-8620 $1,000 down. 2-bedroom home. heat. Paved street. Close to achoola and bus. Located in Englewood Diitrict. Total price $4,750 $1,500 down. 2 bedrooms, living ini, electric heat. Garage. price $1,500 down. 2 bedrooms, living lawn and shrubs, garage. location. Total price $1,500 down, i bedrooms, living ment. Paved street. Good $2,000 down. 2 bedrooms, living nice utility, auto, heat, Excellent location. Total $2,000 down. 2 bedrooms, living with nook, basement, auto oil heat. Paved street. Good location. Good lawn and stripped. Total price $2,000 down. 2 bedrooms, living Hardwood floors. Oil heat. 2-car garage. Good suburban location. Total price $9,500 $2,000 down. Living room, dining electric heat, insulated. price We Will Appreciate Your Listing DAYTIME CALL 3-5131 or 3-8620 EVENINGS CALL 3-4937 2-7541 3-7163 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 189 8. High St. EXCEPTIONAL FARM 30 acres of the best soil. On home, excellent & modern, good bldgs., all new equipment. 12 head good dairy stock, 13 pigs, and other livestock. Everything goes at $29,000. Call Roy Ferris. NEW 3 BDRM. HOME At 1570 N. 24th Street, 2 air furnace, lge. liv. rm., din. HOME. Call Earl West. N. 23rd ST. 2 bdrm., fireplace, automatic heat, good location. Price $6,300, Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. GRABENHORST BR0. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Roy Ferris - 2-8010 Peter Geiser - 3-9968 Earl West - 2-1232 FOR SALE HOUSES EAST ENGLEWOOD ADDITION F. H. A. HOUSES $3400 DOWN Ranch atyle 1 bedrooms, oil heat ft fireplace. Larga corner lot, paved ta., hardwood floora. AU new. Sea at 1315 North 33 rd atreet. $2600 DOWN Modern bungalow, 1 bedrooms, elec tric heat and fireplace, living and din ing room, kitchen and breakfast nook, laundry room, hardwood floora. garaae, concrete drive & walka. paved atreet. New. Bee at 3380 Englewood Avenue. $2600 DOWN Modern cottage type. 1 bedrooms, oil r.t nd firenlace. living dining rm.. kitchen and breakfast nook, laundry room, hardwood noor. garaae ami ewi crete drive walk. Paved streets. New Bee at 3370 Englewood Avenue. $3000 DOWN Ranch style 1 bedrooms, electrio heat, Inaulated kitchen ft laundry room, sin gle garage witn oum in aioraae rom, concrete drive ft walks, paved atreet. Bee at 3385 Englewood Avenue. All house brand new and ready for Immediate possession. Can be financed thru PHA. Top loans at 4 Interest for 20-year term If wanted. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Maionle Bldg. Ph. I-Ml Inaur arte Mtg. Loan 97 FOR SALE BY OWNER YPS. YOUR DREAM CAN COME TRUE! THAT DREAM OP YOURS FOR A LOVELY 1 BR SUBURBAN HOME. LO CATED IN A NEW DISTRICT, WHERE THE SURROUNDINGS ARE BEAUTI FUL ft CONTENTMENT FILLS YOUR HEART. A HOME THAT IS NEWLY RE-DECORATED. ONLY 1 YEAR OLD. VACANT ft READY FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. HAS LR. DR. K. ALL EL ECTRIC HEAT. ATTACHED OARAOE 10 YOUNO CHERRY TREFS. ACRE OF GROUND WITH AMPLE ROOM FOR A GARDEN SPOT. THE PRICE IS LOW AND TERMS ARE WONDERFUL. FULL PRICE IS ONLY 1850 AND WOULD CONSIDER TAKING LATE CAR ft YOU ASSUME LOAN OP 14500 AT ONLY $31 PER MONTH. CALL J-0HI SUBURBAN HOME On t'a acre, large houae, am 11 barn. Best oi oll, butldtna A-l condition. 38.000 caAh. -v ml. eait of totem pole. Rt. 7. Boa 135E.. or Ph. 1-8381. a98' BY OWNFR 4 8 acrea 3 10 ml. from Bo. city limit. Oooo l norm. nous, w.rra for ranae. full ement basement, fur nace, elec. pump, garaae, chicken houae. Suitable for auMlvlaion. Or will trade for 1 bdrm. home in Salem. Phone 3-3388 or call at 310 E. WiUon. BY OWNER New 3 bdrm. rue., all !. frplc.. hdwd. fir., attached gar. ft laun dry 17000 furnished. 3135 Jensen St. Come down Center, turn North on Park, ao to B curve. Oo atralaht en gravel road at B turn, green shake houae on corner. 87 For Sale by Owner View home In Ktnawood Hetshta, 3 bedrooms, den. Knotty pine rumpua ft play room. 3 bathroom, 1 fireplace, full basement, oak floor, pi a tor wall, insulated and weather at ripped, two vr garaae, Venetian blinds, hemlock paneling in den and living room, abundant closet and cupboard apace. Large tew window overlooking river and valley. Priced right for a.uick ealt. Turn right up Km wood Drive 300 yard and turn left past white picket fence to grey shake houae at and of road, or call Saiem 33534. a!7 Urgent Owner unable to work farm Because of illness. Luckily the seeding waa done laat fall ao the crop la aroaing. There ta a three bedroom plastered house with complete bath: lane barn with cement floor, all etanehtona and drink ing fountain; machine shed: poultry house: double garate and feed room . brooder houae: good variety fruit; 40 bearing walnut tree; pasture lot en closed with electric fence, evergreen ehadt? tree. 14 arras Salem Realty Co. REALTORS Ut R High St. Phone Jl"8(i Ee. phonea M80S 34581 aT OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 173 CANDALARIA BLVD. t 00 to, m. Pin. I Mrni homo. liv. m . Sia. m . Iitrh.il t. Itn nook. IMlOa tmlltr. firo ,laf.. M.d lira. Ohta. taraaa. ... r.tl.nt oil furnar.. 100 gallon atorai. lanfc. rt. rtrtvawa., Oua 0. 1i.r SFE THIS HOUSE SUNDAY AFTERNOON Grabenhorst Bros. Realtors 111 I titatir a. Pttona 1-1411 all- BY OWNER: Nf t trtrm horn. Ht fltl . attarn.4 larat. onto Ttfat, ftr.. float. FHA. luau. Sw III . S)rrt IFOR SALE HOUSES Living room, kitchen, bath, oi room, large kitchen, lots of built- Paved street and sidewalk. Tota $8,000 room, dining room, kitchen, good Paved street and sidewalk. Cood $8,500 room, dining room, kitchen; base location. Total price $9,300 room, dining room, fine kitchen, good garage. Fine lawn and shrubs price $9,500 room with fireplace, nice kitchen shrubs. Insulated and weather- $9,850 room, dining room, kitchen, nook. room, kitchen, nook. Oak floors, Garage. Good location. Total ;. $9,350 pavel road, bus service, 7 rm car plastered garage, auto-forced rm., brkft. nook. THIS IS A REAL FOR SALE HOUSES RY OWNER: 3 bdrm. A beauty. Hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic oil heat. Attached, plastered garaae. Located among all new home. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ph. J3BOQ evenlnia or 39 os daytime. aiuj- $7... COMPLETELY furn. 3 BR home near Chemawa. 1 A around. Yard beautifully landacaped. At ached garage. Work ahop. aSe thl one. a WitM. LOCATED north. 1 BR home. LR. DR. R.. H.. aaraae, utility rm., full bath. Price includes elec. ranee and oil clre. Owner would like to trade for house In south Salem. SA5O0. LOCATED east off Evergreen ave. 3 BR home. LR. DR. unf. attic. Fir. furn. Elec. heat. Carries O.I. loan at 4i Int. 11300 down. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. ONAS S. OUSON C. R. R1CKARD 665 Chemawa Rd., U ml. west of Kelzcr fl-.hool. Phone 3-13B0 or3-3313. a9T LOOK It 1615 DOWN BAL. LIKE RENT Hero are several new 3 bdrm. homes with fireplace ft hdwa. floor; unfinish ed upstairs; located suburban north east. Turn those rent receipt Into a home of your own. SEE THEM TODAY MOVE IN TOMORROW. bedroom home, 1370 Laurel Ave. I 4,500 1 bdrm. heme, 1094 Cascade Drive, West Salem 113,500 (See us for good building sites! Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 1-5831 331 N. High (Acroa from Hotel Senator) Eve. Ph. 8-1134 or 3-7534 a!I8 8EE THIS" "IaOVELY 2 BR HOME LR. DR. kit., hdwd. firs., dbl. gar., bsmt.. W. furn tee. plastered, located at 1338 Franklin St.. S3.5M dn. Bal. at 157 per mo. 18.500. Total Price. See this today! LIKE NICE HOME WITH INCOME NEARLY NEW 3 BR home, with nice aaraae hse.. partly furn.. income of 140 per mo. Very good set-up and nice property, located at 1533 Ruse St. Price 810.500. For these, and other proper tie call. John H. Hansen, Realtor Phonea 3-7811, 1-4533. IBM Fairgrounds a98 LA ROE HO(E wltn fireplace and oil furnace, with 10 acres In fruit. Near bus line. Rt. 4. boi 368, on old Par. hi way South. a 103 FOR SALE LOTS NICE CHOICE lot. 1 big walnvt trees. street aiaewaixa in. giwu. mn k Lee St. aalOO BEAITIFI'L auburban bldg. alte. 12 grand acres of finest soil, close In, with bearing cherries. filberts ft peaches. Price I1O.5O0. Ph. 13388. General Real Estate Co. 333 Center St. aa97 ATTENTION BUILDERS. Nicely located auburban lots. East. Restricted district. 1550 up. See these lot before you buy. John H. Hanarn. Realtor. Ph. 3-7819. or 3-4533. 1993 Fairground Rd. aa98 WE HAVE LOTS more but here are a few good burs. Drive by these homea or call the office and wg will gladly ehow you throuih. 99 Ratcllff Drive, 1 BR I 5 3M 4163 Gardner Rd . 1 BR 6 M i:35 No. 311. 4 BR lO.nOO 3185 N Liberty. 2 BR. Uut. attic I MOO 3683 Welly Ave. 2 BR 8 U.4UI 1110 Yew St . 1 BR 11,800 1347 Court. 1 BR 14.500 For vour evening convenience call Art Holmes, 2-4473. or Harvey Muyakena, 2-1183. Goodwin & McMillin REALTOR Phone 2-4707. Eve 3-4771 1-7383 aa97 VIEW LOTS. 8ft0 blk , Vista Ave. WOOD- iu ixtib. aoo Big, RBtcmT Dr. Re stricted, city water. Ph. 1-4284. as Swall RESIDENTIAL bulrdini lot. Oood location. Reasonable. Ph. 36038. aa97 GOOD Bt lLDINO LOT South on corner witn paving in. Ph 3-5631 eve. aall LOT Uim. Within City limit. Small bam on rear of let. 1810 60. 11th St Phone 3-030. Cah after 00 in. aalM FOR SALE FARMS 8A A. FARM. 4 ml. NW New house, barn garage. Stream. Woods. 78 A. field 1 Salem routes. B6MW M A. F4RM. Same general dut. 665M 1 A. FARM 13 mile N W Satm 885M m a. r tftn. 10 mi. n w. rine stock dairy or general farm. n A cult . en A pasture. 100 000 ft. eomm. timber. Pmrd. bungalo- Barn. All lies. 613. 800. C W. 8TUUJER Evxl Ercker Salem. Or WALLACE ROAD. H ml. ItW of brHie 300 Acres South rrnno tn. Titia t, a mono, siokar. t ooo -na . s.i. .ut. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 148 B Com mere let Ph. 24380 Eva. 21081 Bt 1136 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES 883 S. HIGH STREET Beautiful corner lot acre from city park rm. Colonial type home. Double garage. Nice yard. Truly a fine location. Price t600. 995 TERRACE DRIVE 3 bdrma. view home, llv. rm , din. rm. full baamt , dble. g a rase, beautiful land leaping. Owner recently reduced price Call Roy Ferris. VIEW LOTS Salem'i Finest View lota from 11.000 up with frontage of 85 fl. and up, V blkj. to MtKinlcy School, city bus and water. 8 mln. drive to downtown Salem. Shopping center close or- ui u anow you mis una aevgiopmeni. call peter n. oeiaer. BUSINESS No 1 Business Zone Lot 50ilT ft., iwuurmi, viii u. n. uraoennorsi, jr. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. pn. 1-J471 Evenlnge ft Bundayg call Peter Oelser - 1-1061 , Earl Weat 3-1333 Roy Ferri . 1-8010 aft6 REAL ESTATE $5000 FURNISHED Fin location between State and Center on No. 33rd. 1 B R . good furniture, good roof, good location and a good deal for the money. Terms. Crawford. 450 MORGAN AVE. Lot 80x318. 1 B R. home. Llv. rm., klL, Br. nook, bath. Insulated and weather stripped. Make an offer. Beg JCtitln. ENGLEWOOD Modern ranch type 2 B R. home, hwd. flra., attached garage. Well built home, 1 yr. old. 18750. Bee Klgglns. 3712 THORNDALE ST. A lovely, well finished, modern, 1 BR. home. Lot 70x130. Insulated and weather stripped, hwd. flra., Venetian bllnda. modern kitchen, attached garage. ml. to Auburn achool, 1 M. city bus. Mort. 16500., S45 mo. 18000. Johnson. $500 DOWN 135 mo. give you poaaasslon of this 1 B R. home with 1 A. 3098 Mission St.. im mediate poeaeMlon, look this over, then call and talk to ua about It. 14500. Johnson. YES, ONLY $5950 New 2 B R. plastered home hwd. flra.. unfinished up, inside utility, double gar age, 1 A. good JOll, east near Frultland. Terms, consider car In trade. Crawford. FINE SUBURBAN HOME With extra large lot. Owner leaving and the price Includes most all the furni ture. 1 B.R., Liv. rm.. Din. rm., combination, Br. nook, basement, wood furnace. Insulated, double garage, frutt, flows ra, shrubs. Price reduced for aulck gale and can be handled for 15350 down. See Klggtn. 5 ACRES IN HAYESVILLE DIST. Modern 1 B R. home. Hi school, bua. ar. school 1'4 mi. Barn and garage. 1 A. atrawberrlea. 17000 down, balance 1500 yr., r. 315.000. Johnson. WALNUTS DELUXE lS'a A. in all. with 18 A. of finest Franquetta Walnuts ws have ever seen. f38 yrs. old, 80 apaclng, well pruned and cared for) 1 A. of strawberries, and family fruit, nice lawn and ahrubs. Large, modern. 4 B R. home with double plumbing, full baaement. Really a fln Place at 334.000 Consider Salem home In swap. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors Eve. 3-S3W, 1-7451 Ill N. High St. FOR SALE FARMS 20 Acres 1 bedroom houae, private well, tlectrle heat, home In good condition. Would trade lor larger home. Total price $6300. 32i Acres Flva room houae, several good outbuild Ins. Grade A all farm machinery, sev eral cows, water rights lor irrigation. Close to town. May accept home as part payment. Everything goes for 519.000. Call for Mr. Leabens. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member or Multrpie Luting Bureau 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 3-4590 Eva. 3-9403, 3-3558 b7' U A. FOB SALE 15 A. in cultivation. Willamette aoll, bal ance timber pasture with year around creek. 6 room house with bath, hot wat er ft wired for ranie. Two chicken house, larse barn, brooder houae ft other bldga. All bldas. In good condi tion. Dug well, electric pumps ft water piped to all necessary bldga. Located on paved road, achool bus ft milk route. 6 mile south of Canby on Canby-Mar-quam road. Priced to sell with or without livestock ft equipment. EARL B. WILSON Rt. 2, dot 337, Canby, Ore. Ph. Needy 4F51 t97 79 ACRES One of the best farm deals to Ore gon, large frontaae on macadam road, excellent new machine shed, barn and outDuiKiing, older type 3 BR. home. fenced, 70 acre cleared. Will take amall home as part payment, 130,000 full price, call Kenny Hill. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 141 Chemeketa St 3937! Eve. 31770. b98' FOR SALE ACREAGE Read This 3250. 20 A. Three rm. hse. Small barn. Fenced dt cross fence. Creek. Oood sprlna. Elect, w. system. Family or chard. C. W. Reeve, Realtor Small Down Payment Move in 3nd complete. Plumbing ft wiring rouahed In. Well. 2 bdrma. At tached gar. Vj acre good aoll. Price 13700. C. W. Reeve. Realtor 141 S. Commercial Ph. 14590 Eve. 39536 or 22068 bb97' CLEARED ACRES. 1 miles out on hlgh- wav 9E. Caah or terms. Phone 24389 or 3-8386. bblOl 74 ACRES, well located, 1 miles from Courthouse, about 6 A. bear, fruit nuts, would divide nicely 64500. a ACRES, about t m.laa uv Umita S. , go. sou, aiar bkm. awct. ggm. Walter Socolofsky Real EMate Ph. 1-6833 bM8 By Owner 64 acres rich Willamette slit. 3S A. In pears. Near Balem. Some buildings. Smell dn, pay,, balance reasonable. 64500 full price. Zorna, Allrma Motel. bb98 TRADE OR SELL equity In modern four rooms, two teres for good trailer or good car. Two miles west of Oervala on oil road. Route No. 1. Mra. Harold Blair. bblOO BEAUTIFUL view acres at 80. end Of Cro isan canyon. Abundant spring water. 18000. Ivan Martin 4419. bb98 CHOICE SUBURBAN homealte, 3-4-8-10 M 13 acrea. Some fine fruit, good drain are, fin water, electrktty. Phone. Oood county road. Near pavement and achool. Extra easy terms. Close-out prices. Ph. 25365. bM7 FOR SALE 1 acres, f room bouse, barn, chicken house, fruit, joining city park and creek, 18.000. Terms. Suitable for subdivision. J. D. Permenter, Phone 78 WX Independence. 0088 REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS CROISAN CREEK Building alte. 44 Arrea. Old deserted house. Some fruit, filbert and walnut treea. 350 ft. creek frontage. Priced ea r Iiooo. 40 ACRE FARM Family orchard 6 A. hops. 31 A ht cultivation: about 7 A. timber and pasture. Year around stream. Oood hop drier. T rm. eld house; barn: eh ic ken hse: gereee. Located close to Fratura. Price only 18500. LOVELY PRACTICALLY NEW 8 rm. home. Large room, hw. floora. unfinished attic, full cement basement, oil furnace, garage Close ta McKialey school Price 111. 000 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS It4 ctato ct m mwi raninai: 1-4001. a Mln CM- A Real Buy at $6800 Eds of town, north 1 acre and good plastered 3 bdr. home. 110 Beam Ave (First atreet north of underpass). On Lancaster Drive t aero, good 1 bdrm home, modem, barn, poultry hse., 68750. For 111.000 yeu can hava 3 aer end home. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1007 w. Capitol St Offwe rm. 1-3662, Eve. 1-1141 Ot 1-8816 8JI F0R SALE HOUSES IN CANDALARIA Residential District LOCATIONS sidewalk In. A fine location for shop, store or I REAL ESTATE Phone 1-S649 ell REAL ESTATE GEIGER'S Real Estate 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 21073 MOD. 1 BB tiome. Ice. lot. walking dial, to town, small rental in rear renting for 135. 88500. For appointment call Mr Noonehester. No phone info, please. LOVELY auburban home, S A. of ground Lge. hlway frontage. 2 BR home. mod. In every way. Lie. baaemnt.. oil heat. 1 fireplace. If you are looking for a nice home, investiaate this. Call Mr. NOoncnester. Eves. Ph. 20103. c97' HIWAY FRONTAGE. Ideal for business bldga., with modern home partly furn ished In Mill City. R. H. Shuts, Mill City, Ore. c87 SELL OR TRADE SALEM HOME 42 acre river bottom loam. Suitable for potatoea or seed crops. 3 BR home with baaement. On main highway. Will take In Salem home as part payment. Price 121,000. Illness force this sale. Term by appointment. Call 33289. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. C971 Open House, Two Homes SUNDAY 1:30 TO 6:00 P.M. NO. 1 THREE BEDROOM PLASTERED, ENGLISH STYLE HOME WITH AT TACHED OARAOE AT 1260 N. CHURCH. THIS IS A OOOD FAMILY HOME WITH LR, DR, ONE BEDROOM DOWN AND TWO UP. EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR ORADE, JUNIOR HIGH AND HIOH SCHOOL. CITY BUS BY DOOR. NEAR 8HOPPINO DISTRICT. A GOOD BUY AT ONLY 17450 WE HAVE A RRA NO ED OOOD F. H. A. TERMS AT 4Vir. INTEREST IF DESIRED. NO. 3 A NEAT. CLEAN, INSULATED. ABOUT 3 YEARS OLD. TWO BDRM. HOME WITH LARGE SEPARATE OAR AOE AND OARDEN SPACE. LOCATION 3318 N. COMMERCIAL. CAN BE PUR CHASED WITH 1500 DOWN TO STATE VETERAN. OR PRESENT OWN ER WILL CONSIDER A OOOD LATE MODEL, CAR FOR DOWN PAYMENT. WE CAN FINANCE THIS PROPERTY EITHER O. I. OR F. H. A. AT LOW INTEREST AND PAYMENTS. THIS PROPERTY ALSO LOCATED IN ZONE THREE BUSINESS DISTRICT. OWNER HAS JVST REDUCED THE PRICE TO 17500. SEE THIS PROPERTY BE TWEEN 1:30 AND 1:00 P.M. SUNDAY. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. c97 t ACRE close In north. 3 BR home. Loads frun. Small barn ft chicken house. Beautiful yard ft abruba. Price 87,950. Ph. 13361. General Real Estate Co. 335 Center St. r7 WANTED REAL ESTATE For Prompt Courteous Efficient Sfle. Hot wur property with attson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE ni x nun Ph. i-u ... Ph. l-nit or 1-7S14 fAcroaa from Hotel etenator) calT WT KTKD TOUR LI8TINO Our loon loan dept. eon eloao your ateol. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS ISO If. Kith St. Ph J. Ill,, cam WK AJtl In need of oood houaea to aell In or near Solent. If yon wun to (lot your property for aalo aao GRAB1NROR8T BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 co AN ADDED SERVICE Wg gen real eetat at auction. Call as for an appointment to discuss your property "C" Kilgore Real Estate 435 B. 12th Ph. 2-4859. CBfT NOTICE! If your property la for aale. rani or exenanga, list it witn . we baa all kinds of caah buyers. TATB FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 Hleh St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE GEIGER'S Real Estate 120 Portland Rd. Ph. 21073 B4 A. Mod. 1 BR home, good bant and outbuildings, oic. aoll. 10 A. hope. Own er will take home in Salem to I65M Full price, stocked ft equipped 119.000. Call Mr. Noonehester. Eve. Ph. 20103 rM7 RESORT PROPERTY FOR YOUR COTTAGE In the mountains Choice site of about 1 acre on good coun ty road. Creek frontaae, electricity, finest spring water piped on premise and feraer paid. Flneat aoll. Can be used year around. Easy terms. Fh 3!I5S ?r67 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Community grot, and lunch eoun ter. Oood lease en Bldg with liv ing art ere. Cheap Rent. Oood t'owmg bupiness tn fine location. Must sell due to illnei tn family. 583 So. Winter let donr North of Memorial Hoap. Open Sundays. cd BCIE TAVERN and Restaurant for salt it wine east or oete. Maple care Or write O. L Anders, Otte. Or. rdlM FINE eet-up. I aer on matn Vrhway witn new Btor burning and 3 bdrm. house 6300 grosa Ineome Room for 10 rab.n and trailer rourt Located bway eainess corner For appointment au gvaar, Ph. 1888. tdH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Oood Orocery Store in Salem. Par cash. Box 114 Capital Journal. cd87 DREftK SHOP, featuring women's and children's apparel, wen located ana do ing an excellent business. Price 113,000. IN GOOD down town location, dry clean ing and rug cleaning business, fully equipped and showing good return. 810. 000. WE HAVE some very choice building lota in desirable locations, with or with out trees. You may have almost any alia lot you choose at a reasonable price. Bee ua before you buy. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph, 3-1548. 3-4896 Eves. 3-8368. 2-7585. 3-6681 Cd99 Ut .oo Beer Tavern, pool, cards. Frlee includes property, amall town, good farm community. Will consider amall 'home a trade In. See Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 141 Chemeketa St. Mill BEER TAVERNS W hava listed aome of the batter taverns in and near Salem. CHICKEN & STE.AK RESTAURANT 1 mile aouth of Salem eltr limits en highway 18. Tout prioa 83.500. Small down payment and easy terms. For mora Information call Pat Jarvlll with ROSTEIN & ADOLPH Inc. not rt. coral, at. ph. lino, a?a. inn C4M FURNITURE FOR SALE OOINO EAST WILL SACRIFICE Q. I. Auto, clothes dryer. Klrby cleaner ft polisher, one 1-way noor lamp, nailer rq.. i oik. m. or mwa. 2nd house on right. dB9 BEAUTIFUL 8 -PC. Eastern man. bed room suite. Real value. 0IS4 N. loth, d99 dikubete mapie bedroom aet. comn. iuu. lypewnter aeax. 25. Bed with niLi.reiB ana springs, m. Btuaio couch, eio. wasning macnine. 925. Daven port. 120. Platform rocker. 88. Over. etuffed chair. 635. Overstuffed chair. 815. rrult Jars per doa., 40c. Wood range, .. Myron Van Eaton, 1760 cnurcn. jgp MAHOGANY TWIN BEDS Ilka BOW. 145 FOR SALE: Antique Chinese hand-carved ihiwooq siana taoia lis. 00. Mra. O. C. Evans, 345 East Myera St. d97 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at "owrj Auciion Mantel. Ph. 3-5110. da FVRN. Household Ph. 3-5511. da1 AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION GLEN WOOD BALL pnOM 4 mi. N. of Salem on Portland Hl way. Lie. atock of new A unused to aell I mum rwrw. auction to start al 730 Watch future ada for luting wirnn wooory. Auctioneer. dd98 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED .It LICENSED livestock buyer v. Mcuancgisn, 1137 9. 35 Ph. 2-6147 ea86 RABBITS WINGS BABBITRY needs frlur rah. bit, top prices. 3961 State St. Ph. 109F6 ebW PETS CHOICE PERSIAN kitten. 468 N. 18th ec97 CHOICE CANABYS. Ph. 1-4388. 1240 Chem eciao YOUR DOG Doea he obey? Is he well csred for when you leave him J LeOray Kenneu, rls. j. ph. 3-1398. eel 10 CHOICE Canary Birds 260 N. 18th. eclOl1 FUEL GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Oreen edaing 35.50 a load. Double load 110.00. Oood ciean aawauat. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph 8-5333. eelJl West Salem Fuel Co. 16-116. DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OH Phone Salem 1-4011 Also pick op wood al 138 Sdggwater bc w saiem e tki-ctty ptjel Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 17442 Wa give B ft B Orean Stamp. eelOO CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dltuel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 1-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In cluding Leshorns. Hampshire. Par menterg, Auatra-Wtiltee and wthara. Phone 1-2861 or writ today for Loe'a naoy cnica unata containing free poul try information. Lee Hatchery P. O Box 733, Salem. Oregon. f HELP WANTED PLANEBMAN WANTED. Experienced. Ref erences required. Arrow Mill and Lum ber 00. Ph. 36111. 100 Wallaea Road. waai saiem. HOUSEKBEPEB WANTED by wk convaieacing wife. 170 . High. BEAUTY OPERATOR New modern ahop. Leas booth apace if yew desire. For info, write Mra. O. Oroaa, Bos 161, BwqmI Home, Ore gloO EXPERIENCED SALESMAN le aell Maytag, Xaay ft Prtgldalrg ft appliances. Permanent position. Wil lamette VaLtey'e leading appllaaca firm. Top aalary with compensation plan. Apply HOOO BROS., 380 State St. g HELP WANTED FEMALE SECRETARY FOR Dean of Women, WIN lameiis university, can Dean Ewalt at Eaton Han, pnone 39366. gb99' POSITION OPEN In physician's office for experienced nurae, or doctor a assistant. Olv age, eipr. and training. Reply Capital Journal Box 171. gt99- W ANTED SALESLADIES with 41 le abil ity. Experience not necessary. Fast sell ing llnaa that are needed In every home. Do not fail to investigate. Commissions, plua bonus moat liberal. You wlU read ily recocnlie opportunity to make money when you aee our hnea. Box No. 163 Capital Journal. gb1 SECRETARY to the WUllamette Un. dlr- ecTory or a C mission. Knowledge of ahort hand, typing, filing necessary Call for an appointment. Ph. 29386. gb69- PRIMARY TEACHER for Ut ft 2nd grade " soma musical ability prefer. Pleasant aurroundtngs. Oood aalary. Ap ply to Eva Bates. Hebe Ore. gblOl EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES orncs amo n iRirAt rotmoNi CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 300 star. Rt rn I-14M ,e. WANTED SALESMAN 81 PFR MO. If you will work to build it Repeat pioducts Car oereiiery. Write 365. Capital Journal. rgioi MAM OVER 11 with car to run own bus iness Can earn good profits. Write Box Ml Capital Journal. te7 WANTED POSITIONS LADCAFING. New lawns a speclaltr Free et:matf Pri-rn 34546. hlOJ ORCH4.RD DfaciNO with Cletrac. Also rototiller work. Phone 1-1J21. MO) Al'TO painting ft body work. 136 ft up T-m payment accepted Ph. 16860. hl03 H4.ND F1MMD drap mad to order ta our heme. Your material. Fh. 3-1433 hioi CtMFlT WORK Sidewalks, drive-at, patioa, floors, eta. r. 1-4650, Bill WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE In my home. Ph. 2-6103. h91 CARPENTER WORK. New, repair, remodel or odd Jobs. Work reliable. Ph. 22348. hioo BECEPTIOMST-TYPIST. switchboard op erator desires pew it ion. Medical experi ence. Reply Capital Journal Box 175. h97 BOTO-TILLINQ. Ph. 2-7500. CUSTOM GARDEN WORK with rototlller. 2-4351. 'Call After 5 p.m only. h97 JOURNEYMAN PAINTER by hour or con tract, uuaranteea work. Reference. Reasonable. Ph. 2-1843. hfll PAINTING. Inside or out. Ph. 1-0276. hBl LET ITS do your cement work NOW. Drive- wars, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph. 2-4412. hll7 Painting & Decorating Chaplin. 20 ra. expr. Ph. 1-7551. h 1 It BOTOTILLEB work. 1980 8. High. 20594. hill PLOWINQ ft Discing. Ph. 31160 23839. hill INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 1-6796. h!13 BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne 1-6014. 248 a Church. hill GARDEN work, M. E. tiller. Ph. 2-2838. 1453 Lancaater Dr. Mo CABPENTEB WK. New, repair. Ph. 23002. h!09 CABB FOB CHILDREN In my home. 182 B. 18th. Ph. 1-8876. MOS DBESSMAKINO and alteration. Ph. 1-7904. BUO" TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- ina. ua. op. wore guar. w. fg. un All later, 140 Trade. Ph 3-1496. hioi PLASTERING, PATCHWORK ft Chimney building. Ph. 2-4)81. Free eetlmatee. h!07 GARDENING of all kind, tleo lawn put in. Ph. 2-1941. hlOl LAWNS, prepared and aeoded, garden '.owed. Light tractor on rubber, doaer, disc etc Ph. 28127. Duene Woleott. hlOl FOE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt aervlce, guallty work, lowef price 609 N. 16th. Ph. 1-1643. hlOl CHILD CARE 11 a day. 946 8. 13th. h9B TELIPHO " CALLS TAKEN 24-hr. aar vlce. Former phone op. Ph. 3-5013. hlO0 INTERIOR PAINTING ft deooratlag. O. Bill. Ph. 32979. b9T LANDSCAPING Pruning. Rototllllng. New lawn, tre work. Richard Borer. Ph. 3-6110. M23" CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford tractor. b. e. Maranau. Ph. 21343, near Sweglo achool. hl06 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Xtter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101. FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED BOOM with or Without gar age. Cloaa to bus. 160 Spruce. Ph. 30341. jkllfl LADY TO Stay nltes with elderly larlr awi a. pr. vi lump, iw w. AJioerty. JK1W ROOM In private home. Some kitchen privilege. Lady only. 1510 N. 16th. JkOS SLEEPING RM. in Apt. building near lapuoi. rn. i-Bina. Jk98" WELL FURN. H. ft C. water. Close In. Men only. 737 Center. jkOft VERY NICE sleeping rm. 262 S. Church. Jk97 NICELY FURN. BDRM. Kit. prlv. Also porcn norm. 896 n. Cottage. Ph. 39430. Jk97 NICE ROOM for men. Hot and cold wat er. Acrosa irom state oiiice bldg. Also gar. 1149 Court. Ph. 3-7319. Jk97 SLEEPING RMS. for 2. A ho 1 house keeping rm. Ph. 34335. 790 N. Church. Jk97 PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle- an. iumi worway. en. 3-4A47. JkHI" SLEEPING ROOM for man. HftC water. di n, nun, JktST CLEAN ROOMS for clean men. Ph. 36093. Jk 106 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY furnished 3 room apt. 4 blorka Bouw 01 uiaa auan sank. Adulta only. 310 Bellevue. Jp97 2 RM. furn. Apt. Adulta. Phone 3-5372. iwjo "-enter at. jpjT NEW 3 rm. unf urn Apt. AU elec. Ven" eiiaaa. .Mot Jjc si. Jp99" WEST SALEM for rent. 3 rms. TJnfurn- iinea ciean apartment, can 26900 or 36630 after 5 p.m. or before 11 a.m. Jp99 CLEAN FURN. 3-rm. apt., private bath. electric kit., utility furn. 140. 1111 N. 19th. Ph; 3-7641. jpoa LARGE FURN. 3 bd. apt., bath, refrlg.. private entranes. Adult only. Ph. 3-0808. Jd87 FURN. 2 and 2 RM. Adulta. 140 Chemeketa Jp91 modern 3-rm. ft bath, 160. CtDltlaa furn. rn. a-isa. JpBg 4 LARGE ROOMS and bath. Full base ment, garage, au utilities paid. 360 Lea li. See after 4 p.m. Call 3-1569. Jp97 1 RM. FURN. apt. WlU axch. rent for roara at om gentleman. l2bQ ja, winter, Jp97 ATTRACTIVE small modern apt. on lag uw. riiwMt buuook. oc ji. winter. Jp93 FURNliHED 1 rm. apartment. Prlvata bath. Adult only. No pets or drinkers. Close la. Inquire 130 Oarnett, between Paxrish and new high achool, off D it. JPM- COMPLETELY REDECORATED apt. 850 Bonui. ra. s-ssu Oara, S-6B51 eve. NICE FTTRXUKM aaitVRae. Af treetrttT awwi. in. a-Bioo. jpsi FOR RENT HOUSES "PaTS?,1' m "d tn furalshedi Ave. Jm99 ALL ELECTRIC I -KM. unf urn. hse. 1173 wi m., eiHin. ra. ausuo. Jm97" WANTEfi to rent warehnua ttt wuitaoi xor 1000 diatrib, Ph, 2-7111. JmlOl RM. imrURNIsniD rue., portly furn. H oore: 41g Candelwood. Jm98- FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS We have two new buitncss buildings to rent. Choice location north. Suit able for moat an kinH f k..mH... Al Isaak & Co., Realtors acemocr or Multiple Lilting Bureau 3031 Portland Road 5. 1-1130. 3-4598. Evil. 2-6473, 3-3551 J98 "ill PASTURE to rent. Phona 3-1123. POWER TOOL rentals for boma ft in- wuauiai US. Bowsat sroa. Pa. 1646. D DEfYE truck cars Ph. 1-6101 TRUCKS and cars. Smltty'a Clipper Ser vice, rn -feog. cor. center Church. TRAILERS, 13.00 per day. Howaer Broa. eoa aogewater at., west saiem. j BUSINESS RM- tor rent. H. L. Stiff, j OOOD CSED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. IRON EES by wk. Phone 2-4431. FLOOR SANDER tor rent. Montgomery TO DO a good Job rint a good floor Band er. We aell everything to complete turn o. fffHOR BR -Pti. 3-3646 J WANTED TO RENT COIPLE WITH small child dMr tA. iin Bomr or court, permanent call R. W. Hanen. Senator Hotel between 1 and 1 Sunday. jfj vtT. ft wife want furnuhed 3-ra. atw ja9T PHYSICIAN and family deiire 3 bdrrri. unrura. or pertly turn, house. Ph. 3IW6. Ja97" MWP4ptB WOMAN aanli furnurtvd a-rcwBi erariment with bath In apart ment building. Boa 384 Capital Jour. last ONE BDRM. BOUSE, by young coupla. rwnw mra. or unrura. No children. Ph. 3-1113. ja98 TOt'NO MD. and timtly desire 3 or 3 ofviroom aniurnlshed hous. Phono w3. ja9 (Continued on Page 13) i.i