Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday. April 15. 1949 1
Easier Service
Set at Sunrise
Enter sunrise services will be
held on the north steps of the
state capitol it 6 o'clock Sunday
morning and, if present weath
er conditions continue, it is ex
pected several thousand com
municants will take part.
The program is sponsored by
the Salem Ministerial associa
tion with a committee consist
ing of Rev. Louis E. White,
Knight Memorial Congregation
al; Capt. R. B. Lesher, Salvation
Army and Rev. C. E. Brick wed
el, Hayesville Community Bap
tist. Rev. Orville W. Jenkins, pas
tor of the First Church of the
Nazarene, will speak on the sub
ject "He Is Risen."
The order of service will in
clude two numbers by the Sa
lem high school band, "Adore
Mus Te" and "Oh Sacred Head
Now Wounded;" Spripture read
ing by Rev. Lloyd u. uecicer,
Englewood Evangelical U. B.;
prayer' by Rev. Wilmer N.
Brown, First Evangelical U. B.;
anthem "Almighty God, Our
Father,' the King's Choralairei,
Prof. Ronald Rush, director; an
them, "Hosanna," Salem Y. M.
C. A. boys chorus, Wesley Boll
inger, director; trumpet solo,
''The Holy City," Jim Dodd;
benediction, Rev. Wesley Tur
ner, Leslie Methodist church.
Calvary Church
Fast Growing
The fiscal year of Calvary
Baptiat church that closed March
31 wai one of the best in every
way in the history of the insti
tution, reports presented during
the annual meeting of the de
nomination this week revealed.
In a comprehensive and attrac
tively bound report statistics
confirmed the state that "Cal
vary Baptist is the fastest grow
ing Baptist church in the state."
Among those elected to of
fice were D. A. Emerson, mod
erator; A. Sieforth, treasurer;
Prof. Floyd W. Bird, financial
secretary; Rev. L. H. Randle,
Bible achool superintendent;
Mrs. Randle treasurer of benev
olences. New trustees for the church
re Guy Hlckok, Gale Herbst,
W. J. Bishop and Glen Wage
man. The trustees reported substan
tial balances In all funds, partic
ularly In the building division
for the new educational temple.
Easter services will begin
with the traditional Easter sun
rise service at the Dowd home
nd a breakfast at the church.
The church will be equipped
with a public address system so
that all communicants may hear
the two Sunday aervices, at 11
a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Baptism will
be administered to a large
Marewam Meifctdlat Andrew l.angsn-
fori. pastor Burn ay acnooi. iw. nuiiii.
11. Young people meet,
fa arris at Jesas Christ at the Latter
Ray Batnls (MnrmoiW-K. P. hall Oak
and Milt BU. Sunday achool, 10. Evening
trvtra. t.
rtirtallaa Selene Bund ay school, I 48.
Service, 11.
St. real's Catholic Father John J.
Wslsh. pastor. Bunday masses, S and 10.
Week day, 6.
Assembly af Oed Berrel H Brott. pas
tor. Sunday achool. t 48. Divine worhip.
II. Young Feople's society, 6 46. Evan
gelistic, 6.
Chefrh af ClasV Rev. E t Nil. pastor.
Bi.irtay school. 10. Worship hour. 11
Evening service, S.
Fllgrlsa It lines Carl Mansfield, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour.
11. Evening aervlce. S.
ft tenth Day AdventUt Elder A. P
Chlllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson. lo
ca) elder :n cheree Sabbath school Sat
urday. I 36. Morning worship. 11. Satur
day. Sunday evening evangelistic seitlre
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Clord T. Rial void. minister. Bumlay
achool. 10; Oscar Sat rum. supt ; a prac
tice program for tha evening Raster pro-
Iram at tha churrh. Divine worship, II.
aster service; Vocal solos. Mrs. Oordon
T. Bratvold ana Mrs. n. rusibo; sen
by pastor. Bunday school Roster
ister pro-
7 46, evangelistic message by Rev.
First Christian Arthur Charles Bates
Rest or. Sunrise service followed by Raa
r breakfast, young folk In charge Sun
day achool, 6 45; M. Ford, supi Ser
tnon. II, following communion at II.
'"The First Believer." Junior and senior
Christian Endeavorere both meet at 6 10
Evening sen let, choir In special musical
Program, directed mj Batty Hsgen, Uary
okstad, pianist.
Trinity l,ejlhtratj M. J. It Fuhr. pas
tor. Eastar sunrlst aervlce. 6 .10. special
music by choir directed by Mr lw
Burcb, breakfast following Easier pro
gram by the Sunday school, 10 Pivme
worship. II: sermon subject. "The Mean
ing ol Easter." Special mush. Alter of
ferlng. Baptism af children. Luther
ltagua. 7:M.
Calvary l.alheran James A. Tofle. pas
tor. Sunday erhool and Bible rlessev 10.
Miss Olga Johnson, supt Easter servt',
II theme. -What le Eaater?" Anthem,
tholr. Bunday school Easttr program,
ImminaH Lai here w-S L. A If" Me. pas
tor. Sunns service, 6 30. followed bv
breakfast sponsored by Luther league
Baptismal service during Sunday school
hour, to. Easier imiusi wm".
rnnn, "The Olorlaus Fact of Easter", an
them by Janser aad senior choirs.
S.aa..4l.a Warn W. Vrawnlnt. DastS?
Sunrise service and breakfast directed
By WBCB. Easter grosrsroi in n.n.T.,.
department classes. 6 46. Sunday school
hour; Norma Haegell. supt. At general
aorshlp hour. II, retention of new mem.
berg and reremonlal of children baptism
heervtd. Sermon by pastor, ' Resurrec
fttcn " Youth fellowship, T., Joyc rlk
otahlp stadai. I
'U,iiliw,jsfii.Bajj iiisjp i in
7 . -' itk
Sat em 6 C?luirclie5
Vint Blll MNob tnd LIOvttt Bn
Rt. Llojrd T. Andron. ptntor. R. c.
Etr tnornlnr worih:p rvic, I; 'Trip
lurrpciion of the Body. kv. uoya
Andtnon. Sunday tchool. I IS. Rcku-
lr mornini voritup, 11. Idtntlcal mt
Dedication ol bra neb church ai
Haytivllle, 3. Dr. Edward B. Hart ol
Corvtllli speaking. Youth mwtingi, 11.
Kaiter cantata. "Tht Bln Rt6tmtr."
pr turned by tht choir under direction
ol Mr. naipn toie. i u.
R.iauiiu rBHiiilli Rial I si I,txtt
d 1 mile north of tht city limtti on
Highway 99E. Rev. C. E. BrlrkweOel.
paitor. Unified morning aervlr. I 4S to
1 1 : IB. LWOirmop ?i nrw inunu
lng at 3 with Dr. Edward Hart of Cor
vallla giving tht dedication addreaa. Thawel IfmU GnmII- 1145 N.
Liberty Bt. Rev. Claude C. and Mary W.
Bell, put on. Bunday achool. 10. Morn
ing rvlc. 11. Evtnlng service, 1 45.
M Milter Com ma nit y Ft II Goipel Moni
tor. Rev. and Mra. E. C. Bchllling. paa-
. Sunday school. 10. Morning service.
Young people, 1. Evening service, I.
Leslie Meltaodisl 8. Commercial at My
s. O. Wesley Turner, pastor, flunday
hool, t S. Morning service. 11: an
them, "Sanctus." Gounod; sermon sub
ject. "Behold the Living Christ." Youth
fellowship and aauii iiuor course, o.ju.
Evening service. 1 10. Esstr musle by
the choir: sermon subject, "Opening
Closed Doors."
Calvary Baatlat B. Liberty at X Mill
er. Bible classes, I 45. Worship. 11; ser-
. topic. Now is enrm Kisen irom
the Dead." Vesper service. 4 30; baptism
and cantata. Mom of Victory."
. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Ml N. I
Church Si. M. A. Oetxendaner, DD,
and John L .Bagllen. pastors. Etriy
morning Easter service, 7; sermon topic,
The Risen cnrist i ne nope 01 ine
World." Sunday school. 0 45. Easter
worship, Hi sermon topic, "Easter na
tions." Belbany Evangelical and ttefarmed
Marion and Capitol Bts. Rev. Russell
Mayer, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Holy
communion, 11. Evening worship, 7:41.
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter. Chester W. Hamblln. pastor; John, assistant pastor.
Church school, 9 45; J. J. FttiilmoiM,
superintendent. Easter services. 915 and
Identirai services. - ine Easier
diance." sermon by the pastor.
Chorea mt the Faarsquare Oaspel 4B0
. lth Bt. between Center and Chemeke
ta. Rev. Jam H. Taylor, pastor. Sunday
school. 45, Come to Sunday school Eas
ter Sunday . Morning service, 11, tht
pastor speaking; sermon subject. "Be
cause T Live. Ye Shall Live." Foursquare
Crusaders, Defenders. 6:45. Evening aerv-
7:45 Evansellit Bronte nosing
service; sermon subject, "The Power of
the Gospel."
First Christian High and Center. Dud
ley Strain, minister; Waiter ttttt, assist
ant minister, two identical services:
9, sermon by Dudley Strain. "Eternity
Es Now; solo by Edith Fairham. "The
Lord Is Risen." Sullivan. 10:50, sermon
by Dudley Strain, "Eternity Is Now";
solo by Josephine Albert Spauldlng. "In
the End of the Sabbtn." Speaks. Church
school, 10. Youth cabinet meeting in
Flrenlare room. 5:10 Youth meetings
6:15. Evening worship 7:30; sermon by
Walter Naff. "Toward Saboa:h Eve': sol"
by Mrs. Denlst Murry, "I Wu tht Tret,"
O Hara.
Ctarl Street Christian 17th and Court
:. W. H. Lyman, minister. Easter
breakfast. 7. Two Identical worship serv
ices, S and 11. Bible school hour, 10. Bible
school Easttr program, 7:30.
Faith Tabernacle 1308 N. 8th. 6th and
Gaines. Rev. Max Wyatt, pastor. Easter
pros; ram by the Sunday arhnol, 10. Ser
mon by Rev. Wyatt, "The Ressurectlon,"
Evangelistic service, a.
Christian Missionary Alliance North
5th at Ualnes. Herman J. Bohl. pastor.
mdav school. 1:45. Morning service, 11;
sermon subject. "Tht Realities of the
Resurrection." Evening service, 7:30, Rev.
W. Mourn ana male quartette
from Ferine Bible Institute of Fresno,
Calif. Young people. 6:30.
First Evangelical failed Brethren
Where Marlon crosses Summer. Re. Wil-
N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school
program, 6:45. Bible class. 6. Morning
service. 11; sermon subject, "I Met the
Risen Christ" Evening service. 7:45; can
tata by choir, "The Easter Sunrise Song."
Wesley an Methodist Ulh and Mil! BU.
A. E. Yaies, pastor. Sunday school. 10.
Morning worship. 11. Evening servira In
chsrge of young people, 7 30, special
Easter program.
The Rear gan tied Chare a ml Christ f
Latter Day Saints Corner N, 11th and
Chemeketa Bts. Elder Chas. H. Aher,
pastor. Churrh school and Eaater serv
ice, 10. Blessing of babies and sermon
dv rider a. v nelson or Portland, ji.
Ztons league, I N, Bible study, 7 30.
Christ Latheraa Stau St. at ItHh. C
R. St hull pastor. Identical services at t
and 11. Children's Eaater program, 10:10.
Bethel Baptist - W. Cottage and D Bla.
Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Bunday
srhoot, t 45. Morning worshln. 11; the
paMar preaching on the topic. "The
Third tav at Sundown.' Easter cantata
by tht chotr, 7:30.
Fllgrlm Hatlness 140 Carlton way, V.
C). Story, pastor. Sunday school, 6 48.
RiuHer pros ram, 10 30. Youns oeop'a
sortetv. 7. Evening service. 7:10. Mis
sionary Will. Bhubert will speak at the
morning aervlce.
First Met hodtsl Church and State Bt.
Brooks H. Moore, pastor. Morning wor
ship, two identical services. 6 and 11.
Sermon. "God s Great Miracle." Church
school, 10.
First flplrllaallst 946 N. Commercial
Rev. Mat) ne Roberts, speaker. Services,
I 36 and 7 30.
rttarcb af Jesas Christ af latter 1ay
ftalnli --Vr"W hall. Hood and Church Sis.
.'ohn E Salltury. bl.hnp Sunday school.
10 Morning 11 30. Evening serv
ice. 6 30.
Flral Charrh af Christ SrlenlUt Lib
erty and Chemekeia. Sunday achool at 11.
Morning service at 11 Sermon Doctrine
of Atonement." Nurjiery lor children up to
1 rars of see proMdcd ditrlns liie mom
ma service. Evenini service at 8. Sermon,
Doctrine of Atonement."
gatesa Melt-Ms Cammanlty - Non-denominational.
Liberty Road at Madrons Ave
nut. Rev. T. C Brown, pastor. Sunday
school at 16. am. Freachlng, Han and
7 X) p m.
Nalnt Faal'e EpNeapal Church and
Chemeketa The K Oeorct H SwUt.
B. D. rector Choral RucharLst trttoiM. 7
s m Junior church choral eucharl. 6 30
N'irerr school m parish house, 11. Choral
eurharist and sermon, 11.
Central 1 at her aw -O. Rundstrom
pastor. No Sunder school. 6 4k. Mornina
""'f. it. swiri ssunaay Know pro
it sm. 7 JO,
Monitor rwtmanll Fall Gospel Rev
and Mts E C v lull ins. pastors Sunday
school. 10. Mornini worship, 11. "The
Hone of the World" Young people, 7
Evanseiuiw service. I.
t'nlted Prntwraslal 4t Ferry. Rev.
Nstiian.el Wilson, pastor. Sundav school
t 44. Mnrmna service. II, Sermon, "h
OhriM Rwen in Your Life'" Renlns sarv
ice. 7 )0 Sermon subject. "Coming Doom."
Insulate af Rellslaat . Hence Salem
Wotnans Club. Norih Collate. Rev.
Wiilima Btron Charles. 1100 em., "Your
Resurrection " 6 00 p , 1 My Friends
Makt Me. '
Jesas eae Feateraattl IIT6 twis
RonaWl V Sttuer, pastor Sunday achool
1 Classes for all aet irrins Mnrnlne
worship at 11 pastor pea tint. Evening
vaneeliat aervtce. 1 lo.
Talbat raMwwttv See. St. Rogers tr
win, pastor. Sunder school 1. Bssltr
protram by tha Sunday achool Divine
worship. 11. Raster measee. "Now Is
Christ Risen" Young peorle s service. 7
Evening service-. 6 Sermon by tht pastor.
Thrt Oardens "
neasw I -at hers a iF I C Luther
Borgen, psttwr. Easltf festlvai WtraAip
I m 3 W V 'k
People Say Statue Wept Dozens of persons flocked to a
four-room flat in Syracuse, N. Y.f to watch Shirley Anna
Martin, 11 (above), kiss the forehead of a broken statue of
St. Ann. They said they saw what appeared to be tears fall
ing from the statue's eyes. A Catholic priest called it an
"extraordinary occurrence." (AP Wirephoto)
Hundreds Wait in Line to See
Child and Weeping Statue
Svracuse. N. Y.. Aoril 15 U.
curious waited and hoped today for a glimpse of 11-year-old
Shirley Anne Martin and her "weeping statue."
Police said a crowd estimated at 3.U0U gathered around me
Martin flat here last night in hopes of seeing Shirley kiss a
broken plaster of pans statueO
of Saint Ann to make it "weep."
The little girl vanished after
appearing on a television show
however, and police said they
believed she was taken to the
country "for a night's sleep."
During the afternoon yester
day large numbers of persons
visited the second story flat.
Shirley, whose middle name
honors the Catholic saint, kissed
the image whenever she was
asked to.
Witnesses said moisture ap
peared in the painted eyes and
ran down the face when Shir
ley kissed the broken head.
Spectators included a police cap
tain and other police. Catholic!
clergy, reporteri and photog-!
rap hers.
Church Silent j
There was no official com
ment from the church. A priest
called what he saw a "wonder
fully extraordinary occurrence.'"
The police captain compared
it to certain miracles described
in the Bible. A reporter said the
sight left him "shaken." A cer
amics expert at Alfred univer
sity said plaster of paris cannot
release moisture except through
Shirley's mother said she
hoped a "small, dignified"
shrine could be established on
their own property, if Shirley's
kisses continue to make the
broken plaster of paris statue
Meanwhile, the Rev. Glenn O.
Canfield, minister of the May
Memorial Unitarian church,
suggested "a chemical analysis
should be made to determine
whether the girl's saliva and
the liquid solution that appears
on the face (of the statue) are
the same."
Saint Paul's
Easter Services
A choral Eucharist will be
sung at 7 a. m. to begin Easter
day at St. Paul's Episcopal
church. The children's service
to which adults are welcome,
will begin at 9:30 a. m. when the
Junior choir will sing. The 7 a
m. service will be repeated at
at 11 o'clock. This will in
clude "Christ Our Passover.' by
Shepherd, an offertory "Alle
luia! Christ Is Risen" by Andre
Popolyoff. and the Holy Eucha
rist by St. Tortius Noble.
Mill City Churches
Presbvierlsn Dr. David J Ferguson.
In Ulcr Sunday school. 10 Easier pro-
ram. Xlornlng service, 11; sermon, "Eas
Charrh af Christ Thomas Courtney
.lr . minuter. Sunrle services. 6 to. Sun
day school. I 45 Morning vorsh.rt, II.
Christian Endeavor hour, 6 30. Evening
or ship, T 46.
Mai. pastor. Morning
Free Meihadlsl DonaM Hlnkle castor.
Sunriav school. 10 Morning worship, 11.
Evening serttre, T 45.
Cammattlle- fte Waynt Watttnt. pas
tor Smtriav school I A Morning wor-
niiJti..j"rl-t.yrlfM- 1 "
in the Fntlewood school. North 16th and
Nebraska at 11.
First Cantrteailtnal Collets and
Marion. Slh R. Huntinslon. minister, i
tdenilcel services at 6 and II o'clock. Ser
mon, "Faster- Hardy Perennial."
West Salesa Methodist Third and Oerth
O Leonard Jones, mm.sler. Church school
4V Worship. 11. Sermon, "He Is Alive "
6 30 p m.. Youth fellowship. 6 00. sermon
by Rev. W Schubert, aho waa for 16
vrars a missionary in China
Knlsht Memorial Consrei alien ah-lit h
and Ferrr. Louis E White, minisier. Sun
dsr school aAsemb.v ol all departments.
Morning aorship. II Sermon. ' A Near
l-oasa on Life" Church-time nurserv. 11
fMarim fellowship, uh senior and Junior
tjth groups.
Far Car a en tVaptlsl Julhta f Kerr,
rvnuter. Church Si bit school at 6 46
Clave for a:i aet s roups. Morning
worship service at II Sermon 'Proof of
Christ's Resurrection " Sunda evening
service at 1 16 Bong service tot lowed by
measace entitled. -Oh rut s Supreme Mir
acle. ' Young people service at 6 46.
ftrwwas Asaeasblv af 0d One-half
block south of public school. IVrmalet
B:inn and tve!n Aim tin e o-rs'orj
Sundae school. 6 46 Morn'sg worship
II. Rev F A Dortd speaking Christ s
Ambassadors 6 XV Evening mm lea, 1.46,
Rev. Lr a Trieste, gpeakinf.
CTDjWooburn Has
Hundreds of the devout and 4he
Easter Music
For Woodburn
Woodburn A cantata, "Jesus
Only," a story of the resurrec
tion, will feature the Easter pro
gram at the First Presbyterian
church during the Sunday
school hour Sunday morning.
The program will open with a
prelude, the call to worship and
song by the young people; pray
er by The Sunday school super
intendent, Dale Morrison.
The primary department will
present several numbers includ
ing a group exercises, "E-A-S-
T-E-R D-A-Y": exercise "What
Can We Do?," a story with pic
tures; song, and rhythm band by
the entire department.
Th c.ntat. will b. .lvB by th. Jun
ior, 'lnurmdlal tnd j.uth dep.rtm.nt.
Onolr mmbrra arc: Sopranoa, Noryta
Llvlniaton. Patricia Bauman. Donna
Wanti. Barbara Bauman, Eileen Roaera
and Joanne Wllllamaan; altos. DoroLhr
Rice, Shiner Anderaon. Kerln Uaanuaon,
Rom Mar, Tremble. Jeanette Baumanni
tenora. Bam VanAradale. Robert Bauman.
Raymond Roiera; bauaa. Wain. Rocera,
Edward B.umann. Jr.
Special number, will be a eocal duet
by Barbara Baumann and Kerln aiaanu-
aoni double trio. Ut aopranoe. Eileen Roa
era. Barbara Baumann: and sopranos.
Rom alary Trembly, Kerin laetnuson:
altoa, Jeanett. Baumann, Shirley Ander
aon; mixed .uartet, Eileen Roaera, sopra
no, Dorothy Rice. alao. Bam VanAradale.
tenor. Ovalne Roaera bass; soldiers duet,
Robert Baumann. tenor; Edward Bau
mann, Jr., baritone.
Charactera In th. cantata are: Petro
nlue, captain of the auard. Clyde Bulll
van. Jr.; Philippe, Janice Stack: Balome,
Wanda Hampton: Ruth, Jean Stack;
Mary. Nina Rice; Mother of Judas, Velda
Hampton; soldier, Dwalne Roaera.
At 11 o'clock worship service
which follows there will be an
organ and piano prelude, "Medi
tation at the Cross" by Mrs.
Howard Magnuson and Mrs. J.
W. Richards; Easter anthems by
both the junior and senior
choirs and a sermon by the pas
tor. Rev. E. Kay Fenton, whose
subject will bt "Witnesses to
the Resurrection."
Jason Lee Plans
Choir Production
The pastor of Jason Lee Meth
odist church, Dr. Louis C. Kir
by, announces his church will
hold two Easter worship ser
vices, the first at 9:00 a.m. and
the second at 11:00 a.m. His ser
mon topics are: 'The Mastery
of the Tomb." and "The Day of
Supreme Gladness. The choir
wilt present three numbers, an
anthem, a ladies chorus and a
solo: "Hosanna" by Mrs. Glen
Humiston. At both services the
pastor will receive new mem
bers into the church.
At 7:30 the choir of 2B per
sons, under the direction of Mrs.
Glen Humiston, with Mrs. C. A
McClure at the or nan and Mrs.
nixh. nll mt k. .itl
present the Easter cantata: "Oli
vet to Calvary." Special features
include: soprano and baritone
solos, double quartets and cho
rus numbers. The public is in
vited. Two Services at
Court St. Church
Two identical Easter services
will be held at the Court street
Christian church Easter morn
inn at 9 00 o'clock and 11:00
o'clock. The Bible school will
hold its sessions at the 10:00
o'clock hour.
The annual Easter breakfast
will b served at 7:00 a m. to
all members and friends of the
church. The youth department
will present the program at this
The Bible school Easter pro
gram will be given at 7:30
o'clock Sunday evening. The
program will include numbers
by all of the children'! depart
ment and will feature a play by
the Junior high young people.
taster music
Woodburn A special Easter
cantata, "The Golden Dawn,"
will be given at the Foursquare
Gospel church of Woodburn at
7:45 o'clock Easter Sunday. A
children's program will be giv
en during the 11 a.m. service
Easter events open with a Good
Friday service at 743 o'clock
with the sermon on "The Shrine
Barrabai." The programs are
under the direction of Ruth
Hastie and will be presented by
the young people.
Two Easter services, both In
English, will be held at the
Immanuel Lutheran church
Sunday, the first at 8 a.m. and
the second at 11 a.m. No Sunday
school will be held. Holy
Thursday communion service
was held at 8 p.m. Thursday;
Good Friday communion service
in the Norwegian lanuage at 10
April 15. Confirmation
class meets at 10 a.m. Saturday.
Easter services at the Nidaros
Lutheran church at Monitor will
be at 9:30 a.m. and a communion
service will be held Friday at 8
A youth rally featuring a song
service and speaking by the Rev.
Victor Trimmer, state Christ's
Ambassadors president of the
Assemblies of God, is planned
for 7:15 p.m. Easter Sunday at
the Woodburn Assembly of God
church. A Sunday school rally
will be held at 9:45 a.m. follow
ed by a sermon by the pastor,
Rev. Lester Gibson, at 11 o clock.
A special duet by Marjorie
Green and Marie Priest will fea
ture the Easter 11 o'clock ser
vice at the First Christian
church. Robert Sanford will
sing a solo and the Easter ser
mon will be given by Rev. D.
Easter observance at St.
Mary's Episcopal mission will
open at 8 a.m. Sunday with Holy
Communion. Another commun
ion will be held at the 11 o'clock
service with Easter hymns and
sermon. Ocie Rivers of the Boys
school will sing during the of
fertory. Evening prayer and Lit
any will be held at 7:30 p.m.
on Good Friday and the church
was open during the day for
medidation and prayer. Child
dren of the church school will
have an Easter egg hunt at 1:30
Saturday at the Ivan DeArmond
Infant Baptism
Nazarene Church
A combined service has been
arranged at the First Church of
the Nazarene 13th and Center
streets. There will be a short
session of Sunday school class
es beginning at 9:45 a.m. fol
lowed by the worship service
at 10:30 when infants will be
dedicated. The choir has pre
pared special musical numbers,
"Open The Gales of the Temple".
by Mrs. Joseph F. Knapp and
"Christ Arise" by Robert Lowry.
The Male Quartette will sing.
"Shall I Crucify My Savior?"
and Wlllard Friesen is singing,
"In the End of the Sabbath."
The pastor speaks on the sub
ject, "This Side of Calvary."
The choir has also arranged
for special music in the eve
ning service, "Beneath the
Cross" by Carrie B. Adams and
"O, What Wonderful Savior" by
Rev. A. H. Ackley. Miss Louise
Wenger will sing, "Who is This
Man of Sorrows?" by Mrs. C.
H. Morris and the mixed quar
tette will be singing. The pastor
will be speaking on "Snaring
in the Resurrection."
Stayton Churches
Boat let Rev. Wllllard Buckner. pastor
SundsT chool 10 Mornine worship 11
Training hour 7 15 p m Evening service I
Charrh at Christ Clyos freemen, pas
toi. Bible school. 10 a m , worship serv
ice. 11. Youth fellowship, 30 p m. Eve
nlng worship I
Charrh af Christ 1. M 8ld. minister.
Hi ole study iO Morning worship 11. Eve
oing worship ft
Methodist .John Morangg, pastor. Bible
tcnool 10. Worship service 11. Youth (el
lowahip I JO Evening worship I.
A item sir at 0 Her. klelvtn Stock!!,
pastor. Sundsr school 10 Mornlns serv
ice 11. Youna people's meeting f t. Bvt
olnt avameiutta service 1 .
Itasaaralata tanrepllaa Cslhelle Rev
Msth. Jon it, pastor Bunds r service.
maaae a m 1 lo a.m. an4 f 10 a m.
91. Pairirk't Cathelle (tim Father
Lanir Vine-Kler. pastor winter sched
ule, 1st. Ind snd Hit ftuiMJar. mts 10 SO
am, Ire) and tth undars mass at 1:10
Oar Laav af l.aartlee iJertaB Fsthtr
Lender dctinexler pbstot Winter sched
ule. 1st, Jnd snd ftth Sundar nun I JO
m : Jrd nd 4th Sundays mass 10 10 a m
9:00 A.M Bible Clait
9:45 A. M Sunday School Program
11:00 A.M Worship Service
7:30 P.M Organ Concert
7:45 P.M Choir Cantata
"The Easter Sunrise Song"
Whrre Marlon Cross Slimmer
vVllnwr N. Brown, Minister
ErrtMt Frln. TNrpctor of Music William raw. Orjunlst
Friday. April 15 I 00 P. M.
Conference of
Young People
A conference young people's
rally was held at the Wesleyan
Methodist church, 15th and Mill
streets Friday. At the afternoon
service pictures were shown of
the Wesleyan Methodist youth
camp. At 7:30 Friday night Rev
Glenn Lam by of Ridgefield,
Wash, will preach the sermon.
Dallas Churches
Apostelle Fstth-Loyre C Carver, pas
tor, Bunaay acnooi, f.jg. e.asier acme,
11. Special music by orchestra, chorus,
quartet and soloists. Evening service, 1:45.
Christian and Mlsaltnary A Ilia ace Ar
thur Hoenlsch. pastor. Sunday school,
0 .15. Morning worshln. 11: mesas it, "Bud
dy Bunk Yi. Bible Belief. " Pre-praytr
session. T. Evening service, 1:48. Special
a, as it r music.
First Christian Kenneth Johnson, pas
tor. Bunday achool. 6.46. Morning wor
ship, 11. Special music, communion serv
ice, sermon. "Faith Is Justified. " Chrtt'
tlan Endeavor fellowship. 6. Study, 6:36.
EMter cantata, 7.30, 'ne sxaiiea
Rlchreall Ban day tehoel Supt.
Thlessen. Bunday school, 6:30.
Church of Christ Communion,
Bunday evening study, 6:30.
Evangelical Mennonltt Brethren A. P.
Toews. pastor. Sunday school, 6:36. Horn
ing worship. 11; Easter message, "Thtjh City.
Un:o Life," 7:30.
Mennenlle Brotherhood O. H. Jant-
Ing service. 10:45; message, "Risen with I
Christ." Evening service, 10:45. Special
Evangelical iniiea nreinren n w: ti
ls m Elmer, minister. Sunday school, 6:45.
Program for Easter by Bunday achool
children. 10:45. Adult worship, 11:15; mes
sage. "He Shall Rise Again." Play. "The
Challenge of the Cross," 7:45. Message
by the pastor, "Tht Cross and tht Tomb."
Trinity Lutheran Karl TJfer. pastor.
Bunday school, 10. Divine service, 11.
Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff,
pastor. Bunday school. 8:45. Morning
worsmp, u. .special music oy xne cnoir.
Easter mission offering. Message, "The
Message of lha Risen savior." Choir
program, a.
First Fresbyterlan Earl TO fill em Ben
w. D.D.. minister. Sunday school, 6 46.
Morning worship. 11 : message. "I Be
lieve In tha Life Everlasting."
First Methodist Clark B. Eng. pastor.
Youth fellowship breakfast. T. Church
school, 6:46. Morning worship, 11; ser
mon, "Tht Consequences of Victory."
Grace Mennonlte J. P. Hlebert. pastor.
Sunday school. 10. worship service.
cnrmian leiiowintp in enarge oi me
evening service, 7:30.
Christian Science Bunday service. 11.
Bunday school, 6:46, Subject of the les
son-sermon is "Doctrine of Atonement.
Church af God J. J. Gillespie of Salem,
supply pastor. Bunday school. 6:45. Morn-
worship, li. Young peoples meeting,
6:30. Evangelistic strvlce, 7:30.
Assembly af Gad L. Otis Trlolett. pas
tor. Bunday school, 6 : 46. Horning wor
ship. 1.1 Adult vespers. Junior church,
Christ Ambassadors, 6:46.
Seventh Day Adventlst Ralph Gladden.
pastor. Sabbath school, 6:46. Sermon, 11.
Falls City Seventh Day Adventlst
Ralph Oladden, pastor. Sabbath school.
:ju. rreacning, ii.
Pereydal. Christian C. A. Bla,. minis
ter. Bible elaesei, 10. Morning worship,
10:4S. Evening worship, t.
Fatls City Christian Charles Knox,
pastor. Bunday school, 10. Morning wor
ship, 11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Easter
play, "Tha Risen Christ," 1:30.
t'nlea Missionary Baptist Harmony
community. W. A. Heard, pastor. Bun
day school. 10. Sermon, 11.
St. Thomas Episcopal Cyril P. Han
ney, Ylcar. Church school. 10. Kinder
garten, ll. Morning prayer. 11. Holy
baptism, 13:30.
ola Sanday School Sunday school.
9:4. Morning worship. 11.
Free Methodist R. W. MrCormick. pas
tor. Bunday school, Preaching serv
ices, 11 and 7:4ft.
rails City rree Methodist Gilbert
Johnson, pastor. Sunday school, 10.
Morning service. 11. Young people's meet
lng, 7:1ft. Evangelistic service, a.
rslts City Methodist James H. Royer.
psstor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor
ship, 11.
First Bsptlst Bunday school. I .
Morning worship. 11. Training union,
6:30. Evening worship, 1:30.
St. Philips Catholic Father H. Her
man, pastor. Mass Easter Bunday, I
Confession Holy Saturday, 4 to ft. t to
Charrh of Jesas Christ of Latter Pay
Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday
vtiuvt, tv. oati oiiieu. me eung, n:ts.
Oak Grave Chapel Fremont Faul. min
ister. Morning service. 1.4ft. Bunday
moot jdiiows. air eacn Sunday eve
ning. Amity Churches
Baptist Bruce Wakeman. psstor. Bun
day school. 10. Morning worship, 11. Eas
ter program. Youth fellowship, 1. Eve
ning service, t.
Charrh af Christ Wm. F. Morse, min
ister. Bible school. 10. Easter program.
Morning worship. 11. special Easter mu
sic. Junior meeting. 7. Young people's
meeting. 7. Evening service, I; special
music, Halletver'a.
MrthtHjUt Fremont Faul. paator Sun
day irhool. 10. Faster program. Morninf
worship. 11, baptismal wrtlcf. reception
of new members, special music.
Astemblr af OadJ William BeachT, pas
tor. Sunday srhool. 41. Morning wor
ship. 11. Youth service, 7:15. Evenlna
service, l is,
April 21, 1949
Morning service 11:00 a.m.
Speaker: REV. F. A. DODD.
Singing Evangelist
Evening Service 7:45 p. m.
Speaker: Rev. Lora Friesen
Also The Empty Tomb' by
Evelyn Austin, colored chalk
Friends Hold
Salem Meeting
Friends ministers of Oregon,
Washington and Idaho are to
meet in Salem for a four-day
conference beginning Tuesday,
April 19, at the South Salem
Friends church with Rev. Oscar
Brown as host pastor.
The conference program is
under the direction of Rev. Har
old Mickelson of Portland, presi
dent of the organization. Other
officers include Oscar N. Brown,
vice president and Mrs. Hazel
Lowe, secretary and treasurer.
Daily schedules will include
an address and discussion per
iod at 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.; an
inspirational address at 11:00
a.m. Opportunity will be given
for individuals to express con
cerns and for group prayer at
2:00 to 3:30 p.m. or longer if
desired. The public is cordially
invited to attend the evening
services at 7:30.
Guests who are expected to
arrive Monday evening and
Tuesday morning, will be en
tertained in various homes of
Hopewell Holding
! ire
'Easter Breakfast
Hopewell The Hopewell
United Brethren church Easter
service will begin with sunrise
services beginning at 5:30 at the
church under the Youth Fellow
ship group. An Easter breakfast
will follow immediately in the
church social room.
During the 11 o'clock church
services Rev. Conrad Rhoads will
give an Easter sermon which
will preceed the communion for
the congregation.
The Hopewell United Breth
ren Ladies Aid held an all day
quilting at the church Tuesday
Dinner was served at noon. A
missionary meeting was held
with Mrs. Tom Brown conduct
ing the devotionals. Mrs. Owen
Pearse assisted with the lesson
There were more than 30 at
tending. Immediately following
a "going away" shower was
held, honoring Mrs. Conrad
Rhoads. Refreshments were
served. t
Rev. Conrad Rhoads has ac
cepted a call to the Baptist
church at Lacomb and with his
wife and four children will be
leaving next week after almost
three years pastorate here. His
successor has not been named
Easter Sunday will be his fare
well sermon.
Bethel Baptist
Choir Cantata
The choir of the Baptist
church, North Cottage and D
streets, will present the canta
ta, "Life Eternal," on Sunday
evening at 7:30 o'clock. The
text of this cantata was written
by Mattie B. Shannon and the
music was composed by Fred B
Holton. The choir is under the
direction of Miss Lois Schrenk
and is accompanied at the organ
by Oren Hornback.
The public is invited to this
service. A special Easter mis
sionary offering will be receiv
ed. FREE
Public Invited
1125 Elm Sf. Weir, Salem
"Love Triumphant"
Rev. A. A. Loewen, Speaker
7:30 P.M.
Choir Cantata - "The Holy City"
Two Identical
Easter Morning Services
9:00 A. M. and 10:50 A. M.
First Christian Church
Center and High
Morning Sermon "Eternity Is Now"
Soloists Edith Fairhom
Josephine Albert Spoulding
Anthem "He Is Risen" Monney
Evening Sermon "Toward Sabbath Eve"
Dudley Strain. Minister Walter Natl, Assoc. Minister
Melvln r.niat. Director of Music
Dallas Offers '
Early Service
Dallas Churches of Dallas
will unite in sponsoring the Eas
ter Sunrise service on the Polk
county courthouse lawn Sunday
morning, starting at 5:30 o'
The Rev. John F. Hiebert,
pastor of the Grace Mennonia
church, will bring the message.
Special music will be present
ed by the Pacific Bible Institute
male quartet and by the high
school brass trio, composed of
Vivian Heckathorne, George
Slawson and Carol McCleary.
The Rev. Clark S. Enz will de
liver the invocation, the Rev. G.
H. Jantzen will lead a respons
ive reading and the Rev. L. Otis
Triplett will pronounce the ben
ediction. Dale Sherwood will bt long
leader and Will Caldwell will
be organist.
In the event of Inclement
weather the service will be In
the Christian church.
All churches In Dallas are
planning special services for
Easter Sunday. Many are pre
senting cantatas and special
musical programs. All (re an
ticipating large crowds at morn- 1
ing worship services when the
respective pastors will preach
on the resurrection theme.
Unified Service
Salem Friends
Easter will be celebrated in
a unified service of the South
Salem Friends combining tht
Sunday school and the worship
program, under the direction of
Mrs. Hazel Lowe and Robert
Nordyke. Group singing, recita
tions and exercises will be pre
sented by the primary, junior
and intermediate departments.
There will be one number by
the youth quartet and two an
thems by the adult choir.
The pastor will present an
Laster message.
The program will begin at
10:15; preceded by a short class
period and will close promptly
at 11:30.
We Invite You to
These Glorious Easter
9:45 a. m. Sunday School.
10:30 a. m. Easter Service
"This Sid of Calvary."
4:30 p. m. Radio KSLM
"Confacri for Christ."
6:30 p. m. Youth Services.
7:30 p. m. "Sharing in tha
First Church of the
"The Singing Church"
Center at IS
O. W. Jenkins, Pastor
R. J. Lush, Mua. Dir.
By Paul Stark Seeley C.S.B.
of Portland. Oregon
Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother
Church, First Church of Christ, .Scientist in Boston,
In Senior HiRh School
14th and D Sts.
Monday Evening April 18 8 o'clock
Auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Salem, Oregon