Ill mm IB Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! ' Per Lint 1 ' Per Uni S times 40 " Per Line 6 time 60o Per Lint 1 month 12 00 Outsida of Salem 15e per line per day, Min. IOC! I time min. Blfl 6 times min 11.20. No Refund! HEADERS Id Local News Col. Onlyi Per lint J0 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES DON'T MISS THIS If ou art looking for a fine home. Extra Ue. LB with fireplace, DR, 2 spacious Ibrms., lovely bath, Ixe. dry basement with fireplace. Amusement ru.. extra bath and air cond. furn. Alt. garage. The wide, Ieep lot Is fenced, landscaped and hai tomi bearing fruit trees- An Ideal location for a doc tor or professional man. Owner mov ing east Price 116,800. Call Don Clarey. Walter MusKrave, Realtors - 1111 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109, Eve. 3-B939 TWO BDRM. home, 622 H, 17th, Salem. m block from Center St. aB3 I Art. HOUSE, i, five room. 1 three rm. apt. 2157 Maple. Ph. 3-6503. aB3 fl5.ftOO.oaBautlfuI new 3 bdrm. on 8 : Cottage near Leslie Jr. Hi. Over 1500 ft. floor apace, full bsmt., oil furnace. . lge. rms. exc. arrangement, built of . .the best material, dble. garage. Owner . will sell on contract to the right party, a Phone 23849. Eve Ph. 25260. jBf7 flfl.oo Pre-war. Hood 2 bdrm. with full dry bsmt., aawdust furn., fireplace. Iga. kitchen, near Hollywood business dlst. gl.SSO.OO New 3 bdrm. in new district south, hdwd. firs., elec. heat, Inaulated, ot 00x186. a rood buy. Phone 23849. Ive. Ph. 25260 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 970 8. Commercial a80 KMA0.00 I rooms and bath on acre lo cated on State Si. business dist., pave ment, bus. 12000.00 down, bal. $40.00 ' per mo. Call Ray Davis. Phone 23849. 'Eve. Ph. 2B658. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor flflO 8. Commercial a80' UWno.OOOn block to high school, very neat pre war with full bsmt., dining .room, 3 bdrms., stairs to storage at- '' tic. lee. garden spot. $$500.00 Nice new 3 bdrm. home, at tached garage, 1 bl. to bus. Lge. lot. $9500.00 Two acres east, I bdrm. modern .home, new 4 stanchion gr. A cow barn. Call Ivan Slvers. Phone 23849. Eve. Ph. ,17012. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial B0 NEW 1-BDRM. house. North. 12000 down. 147.50 per mo. Ph. 3-8301 or 2-6832. aflO BEFORE yOU BUY SEE THIS 3 Bdrm. home. Liv. rm.. din. rm., nice " bath rm.. kitchen, utility, elec. heat, - garage. $8500, terms. ;The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Ph. 24793. Eve. 35514 -'"-I1.- 36375 - 25595. a80 ;- KEIZER ACRE a finished 4 bdrm. house. LR .. 18x20, kitchen, utility, 2 BR down fin ished, up unf., bath not complete. This Is certainly worth $6500. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS K.ttQ N. High St. Ph. 3-4129 aHO (22,000, Near Capital Bid. Sparlou.1 ."" living St dining R. 2 bed R down, 2 up, ' t. sets plumbing, bsmt. oil furnace, j"- $7850. Kelzer Dial. New two bed rm. r"'hOme, Liv. R., kitchen, utility, has oak .flrs. Attached garage. Call or See Omer -"iluff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. fill, 30271 Eves 25001 nHtl 2 BED RM. HOME $5500 '"' 'Just outside city. i ac good soli Heasonnble down payment. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 4S3 N. High St. Phone 34793 Evrninns 35514 - 36375 - 255U5 aRO" S BEDROOM HOUSE, elec. hot water ; heater Ai wirrd for range. Family or- ohard St berries. Bus by door. Ph. 2-020S. 4095 State Pen, 4 Corners bHO SEE THE OUTSIDE Drive by 2244 North 4th street. If It pleases you, ask Mr. Beckett to show you the Interior. We have the key and oan show any time. This house has three bedrooms, basement, fireplace -- and V. blinds. Priced at 19500. . . Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. phone 24591 anic $1000 DOWN ,. On the nent little house at 1915 ..Broadway. Drive out and look at It then come In and ask Mr. Holmes lor details Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 14t N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. phone 24773 a8fl 11950 " "Will give you possession of 440 V sn Avenue (south off fill vert on road). : There are two bedrooms, nice living room, large kitchen with nook : gen . rous garden space. The full price Is e 18.150. Mr. Beckett will be glnd to help rou. - Salem Realty Co. REALTORS Mu449 N. HlRh St. 1 Phone 37660 Evr. phone 24591 aKO FOR SALE j-New 2 BR. all electric. Exceptional fln jfclLMi. Close In, south. Oicn Sunday. 26.1 .E. lyfelle. a79 FOR QUICK SALE New unfinished white shinulpd house rooms doun, room Inr 2 up. H mmlm: Waaler, Wood shed V porch on 2 0xl2 wlnts. Good community. Priced ill. 000 wrtitelvln Q. NlcJiol, West St avion, Ore axs BEST BUYS King-wood Kxcel. View 3 bdrm. home with auto J".urn.. att. gar., nice front A- buck vnul Owner leaving city. Total Price $10. Mid Titan be F II A. Ilnani-ed $4250 Full Price bdrm., att. gar.. Inside city North, 1 "Hlk, to city Ac sch. bus $8500 Full Price 'Tf very nent f bdrm. home. Clood me "-dijiini rm.. pari hdwd. fir . att. gar. Private, well. Very close In Knst. Itm "nnie lot wilh se?. ) walnut trees Terms arranged Isaak & Co., Realtors 1M5 portlsnd Road -Ph. 3-7830, 3-4596. Eve. 2-047S. 3-3MS aaj . intlAO. KEIZER-D1ST 0 I room bungalow with dining room ailrtplact, attached aarage. Fruit trees acre. -Jjje Hutchison Realtor 436 Court St. Phone 2-.1629 Eve. 2-4789 or Mr. Crati 3-60h3 81 .Bna;lfwood Dlst. Sure and there are"2 -tice bdrmi. with room for 2 more p-iT-iatrs. Deep burnt., auto, oil heat, hdwd wfloors, nice yard and shrubs. II win pay iewTou to look at this. SEGoodwin & McMillin, Realtors .rr4fl4 Court St. Ph. 3-4707. Eve. 3-17B1 Memb.r Multiple Listing B.i. aN2 Good Value Vim) for this 3 BR home Notth. M.s flice bamt.. fplace, close to stores. HOLLYWOOD DIST. ,42 nd hses both have osmts. A: a Tplace. In good condition. 1840 A- 'B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St "Office Ph. 2-3862: Eves. 2-3147 or 2-8836 '"to ember of Salem Multiple Lis lint Bu. Ifl3. 3 OWNER Clean, modern, late bu lit tit br. home. En (le wood dlst., flre .vjlJace, hdwd floors thruottt. auto pipe furnace, V. blinds. Insulated, dbl. iar , lorelj rud. $9790. Ph. 1-6861. 80 Oregon. Monday, April 4, 1919 FOR SALE HOUSE $10,500 for this South. 2 bd. rm. Ltv. rm., din. rm lice suburban home, in. unfin. upstairs, full buemmt, saw- dust fur. 18400 buys nice new suburban, 2 bd rm. home, hwd. firs., lare wooded lot attach, gar. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemekeia St. Ph. 39271 Eves. 39441 880' LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS V ACRE. Unfinlsbrd 1 bedrm. house. Only 11600. 6 ROO'I PLASTERED HOUSE on One fl . jr. Garage. Paved street. Close to school. Price $4750. Terms. FURNISHED 2 bedrm. house. At tached garage. Extra shower and stool in garage. Beautiful yard. Paved street Price furnished $7250. 10 ACRES. 4 bedrm. plastered house Fireplace, oil furnace. Barn, chicken house. Year round creek. Family or chard. Price $13,000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: 2-4007, 2-4510 iBO BUYERS SEE owner 990 N. Church for imd. pds. 2 bdr. home on aore choice fruit and nuts full bearing on paved St. tt bus line in city north. a80 MUST SELL 3 bdrm. cottnKe. Oarage, fam ily fruit, berries ft garden. 1 acre. Price $3,750. Ph. 3-59fi2. a8P 17000.00 3 BR home, as a pin. Bxtra large lot. Good location. (a f,00 00 2 yrs. old. Another gnod 2 BR plastered home. Close to bu.s, school Ac shopping. 113.500 King wood ranch home with excellent view. L. Liv. Rm., beautiful fireplace. Smart kit. wl'h Hot point dishwasher. Utility rm. with Bendlx. Member of Multiple Listing Bu. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1211 Edge water. Day or Eve. 3-5109 85 Englewood Dist. Attractive ft rm. mod. bunx. Fireplace & garage, heautllul fenced-in lot with flowers ii lame shade tree. 2 biles, to school. ,a to bus. Price 16300. 3 BEDRM. RANCH STYLE Large Liv. Rm. with fireplace, full din ing rm. 3 large bedrms., all Insulated, owner leaving city. Price SI 2.600. Call Don Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1211 Edae water. Ph. 35109. Eve. 399.19 FOR SALE LOTS ATTENTION IIIIILDEKS. Nicely located suburban loin Enst. Restricted district. 15f)0 up. See these before you buy. John II Hansen, realtor. Ph. 3-7819 or 3-4522. 1993 Fairgrounds Road. aa80 IP IT IS VIEW you want? We have a large lot (corner) 101 x 103 in exclusive d t. only 11K00. Goodwin & McMillin, Realtors 484 Court St. Ph. 3-4707. Eve. 2-72H3 Member Multiple Listing Bu. anH2 tiffin I. A N Sc h7D Is I Pi ne bii 1 Idliig lot. nil city improvements, 113.50. M. Mason. Ph. aa82 LOT IN TOWN Trade for pickup, Dodae Chevrolet preferred. Ph. 36514. an 84 VIEW lota 8.00 blk. Vista Ave., wooded lot 600 blk. Kfttclifl Dr. Owners. Ph. 342H4 FOR SALE FARMS Forced to Sell Because of Illness 42 Acres finest silt loam. Wonderful farm & 3 bdrm. home. Suitable for truck gardening, etc. Will take in nice Salem home as part payment. Full price $21,000. A real bnrnHln. 6 nille.s from Salem. 5 Acres 2 Blks. to City Bus Large house, bnm, chlrken house, good soil, fruit, close to school. Price (7000 Terms. Th. 3-3289 General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. b80- ID ACRES, 30 under cultivation, 5-rm furn. house. 3 head rattle Included Price, 111,000 fash. Write P. O. Box 381, Albany. Ore. b85 A GOOD FARM Of HS acres, ail cullivated Willam ette and Amity soils, considerable crop In. balance will be seeded; full set of older bulUhnitA. north of Salem on pavement. A vrry good value at $182.60 per acre. Mr. Holmes will talk to you about this one. Call him. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. phone 24773 hHll- 185,000.00 FARM One of the best dlver-stlicd farms In Marlon county, the best of soil. 30 acres of Denver dam. 30 acre of nuts. 16 yrs. old. good lu.v dairy barn, nice 4 11 R home, over 200 acres all told. This yrs. crop should nrv over $20,000. crop all In. Located north ol Sol.-in on pvd rd. J close lo srli Ri-nsonnhle terms mav be had. Phone 26KO or write Ed Lukin beal Real Estate 4t0 N. Nth St.. Salem b84- 36 Acres Of Willamette vattevs fimst bean A corn lnd On irrigation ditcli. 5 rm. hse Good barn. Fenced &: cmvsed fenced Near AumM-ltlc. Ideal dnlrj . C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Ph. 34590. Eve. 39536 bKO 4ft ACRES SOUTH App. 3D A ii oik! clear berry land. Bal timber A- Pa.Mure. 14000 No bldits ('. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S Comm l. Ph .HMW. Ee. 39S:ii m ' 1,80 ' FOR SALE ACREAGE $7,500 Excepi lonallv well buill .1 bdrm. home, and large Karaite, ott approxi mately arre. Ideally located on pav ed st. in side city llmitd north, a very good buy. SACRIFICE $7150 This place has every t hint, I sere A 4 bdrm home with basement, lots good out build i nits, lots of fruit trees, ber- rie A- shrub.-. All this Just 3 miles from Sntrm north. Terms H E CORKY. REAL ESTATE 'S65 N. Rvoad Ph. 30553 Day or Ee, 3-JH16 or 3-5242 bli80 VERY SPECIAL FOR QUICK SALE About ' Arre. F.H.t Hill. 6 rooms and bat li Furn is tied. in good repair Double k a rune mid shop 2 chicken houses. Equipped w illi hull cries and brooders. Km nislunk;. mcUuie Kitchen Ha line. Oil C'liculntor, Hsirnpovt and (..'liair, Re (r me rat or. Dining Room set. 8 chairs, 3 beds complete. n.hing ma Cliiue, etc. A buy at 147,-n 00. llonieseekers Agency Silvcrton, Oregon bb0- HV OWXf'H: Hcaiitiful Acie chvTpNorth. Eruit Tiees. nuts, berries A- x raves. Lot. of slirnblerv and tiers 2 bedrm. home Eve. cond. V Hlitui. fid ft well R!. 7 Rn 171. HnjrMllle Drive. Ph. 2012.V bhJ' 12 Beautiful Acres Grand Building Site Close in on Wallace road. Peaches A Filberts Priced for quick sale. 110.500 Ph. 3389 General Real Estate Co. 155 Center bb80 FOR SALE HOUSES A REAL BARGAIN $9500 Owner leaving town in a few days, will sacrifice a beau tiful 1 yr. old, 2 Br. home, elec. heat, plastered, carpented, Ins., weatherstripped, priv. well, att. gar., bus by door. Located between Lancaster & Swegle school. F.H.A. com mitment. RT. 5, BOX 115 NOB HILL HOME REDUCED TO $11,900 Near Leslie and McKinley schools, nicely situated rorner, 3 bedrooms all on one floor, large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bath, full basmt., automatic furnace. Terms: $1500 down $75 month CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 5 ACRES Located East on Macleay Road. 7-rm. home on one fir., dble. pldbs .. unfln. attic, Ige. chicken house, good barn and cement fir., family fruit and nut trees. Best of sol). Call O. H. Graben horst, Jr. 10 ACRE BLDG. SITE Located 5 ml. South, rlew property, drilled well, good road. Price 13150.00. Call Richard E. Orabenhorst. GRABENHORST Evenings Ik Sundays call: - Earl West 2-1233 Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter Oelser 3-9988 OHMART AND CALABA, REALTORS SEE WHAT $1000 DOWN WILL BUY Comfortable small home In the Engle wood School District, clean and neat and you can move right in drive by and see for yourself lull price only 14750. 1460 East St. Henry will be glad to show you thru anytime. 1 MILE FROM CITY CENTER Modern ranch style home with 7 acres land, part In orchard, all tillable, Che llis soil This home Is about 5 years old, has 2 bedrooms, all rooms are large, very attractive patio, fireplace, double garnge. city water, good chicken house a good deal at $18,000. See Mr. Torvend. LOTS OP HEAUTY & A LOT OF VALUE Plenty or both In this lovely 4 bedroom home. The huge landscaped yard makes you feel like you're HvIiik In a park and tiie glassed-in sun porch is so met hiii'i really special. We could go on and on but we'd rather give you a chnnre to see fnr yourself. PS The price Ls onlv 117.500 and the district is A-l, Just ask lor Thelma. LKE RUDY OHMART AND CALABA Ece. Phone 2-1222 - 3-fi!i6 - 3-3HH2 - 3-3779 - 2-3539 477 Court FOR SALE ACREAGE One of the Loveliest New hirge. ranch type 2 bedrm. home. Auto. Oil. all. BuriiKC, ',i Aere. Full price $11,900. Bargain. On City Bus Line Acre. Cute 2 bdrm. plastered home. Guriige bain, chicken house, fruit. Price only SfiiiOO, Terms. Ph. 33289. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. bb80 J'.i ACUKS SO. 3bdrm5.7L7irDR. kit". Enclosed back porch, laundry trays, barn, chicken house tt gnraae. More Information call Hun lies. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 N. High Ph. 3-4016. Eve. 3-7049. bbflO OR fi ACRES. 66 school, itia. water, 3-2743. ft. frontage near elect $1200. Ph. bbH2 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Unfinished hse. Plumbing A wiring roughed in. 2 bdrms. Move In A: finish. Acre North. Price IL'HOO. C, W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial. Ph. 34590. Eve. 39536. WE HAVE TRACTS 5 to 15 acres with bldws. thai are priced right. Reasonable down pavment. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial. Ph. 34590. Eve. 39536 or 310HH bbsn REAL ESTATfc TWO ACHES, verging on 2 highways. North. Ideal lor court, stores, filling sta tion, cabins or any kind of business JH.MII COME IN and see us If vqii are look ing for coastal property. We have quite a number of coastal properties, some of them for trade for VbIIpv property ONE WHOLE block, north on Highway 99. Road on all sides making tt ideal for a drive-in restaurant. 122 500 SMALL RESTAURANT In fine location, right here tn Kuletn. 11,000 down, terms on balance. 14j0o ' SEE US for desirable bu tiding lots. We liaie them north, south, east and west ot aaiem. also right in Salem. Reason ably priced. P. II. Bell, Realtor 3fll Chemeketa Slrret Ph. 2-1545, 3-4H5I6 Eves. 2-8.S68. 3-7565. 2-6(166. can COUNTRY (iliOCEHY SlORK With beer licence, gas pump. New etec. hi-aled living quarters Bl I ached. 1 acre of land. 116.000 takes lock, stock Ar bar rel. Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court St. Ph. 2-3629 Eve. 2-4789 or Mr. Craig 3-50.S3 81 Kt:i.tH-3 rm modern house, at inched gnrnite. A. lot. Imm. possession. 13950. NOM I H l ovely 2 RR home, vrry clean. fireplace, utllilv rm , Isrgp lot. 1 blk o( bus line. 16.100. SIH'TH. New. larger, better, dltlerent, 5 rm home. HW floors, fireplace, full DNsemenr. larce corner lot, restricted district, beautiful setting 111,000. Oood M ill UllAN one of those better Pre-war oiiiii nome.i with large spacious, well arranged rooms. HW floors, 2 fireplaces, large windows, full basement, auto, oil furn. party room, beautiful lawn and shrubbrrv, nice tract of land, irriga tion svslem. city bus at the door. 112, SiO, Oood F H A, loan H E M EKED I IH. RLT OR B M. MASON. REAL ESTATE 176 S Commercial Ph. 3-8B41 cSJ' If you hae J.M10 cash and 145 moou can buy a 2 bodrm home, full plumb. Oarage, about I arre land Kelrer Dlst. Price 1520. More information, call Se derstrom Owner must sell cule-foutna.n, seating capacity (or 80 patrons. Lease lo run for 6 yeais. Last year glossed about mOW Puce $18,000. Dial Sedcrsuum. Eve 2-7K!2. A brauttful view West on top of Fair mount, H.ll. A nice I bedroom home. Wail to wull carets. Only 1M.500. Call nnarxey If Interested in a home ft invome over 1300 mo. or a U8,500 inv . close in. rail Huthe 2l acre S. 3 bedims, LR. DR. kit., full plumb. Barn, chick, house A ga rage. Price only 17900. Call Hughes Eve. 3-7049. SEVERIN REALTY CO, lit tk Huh t. Phone 1-4016 t0 FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE GOOD HOME SOUTH 2 lge. bdrms., liv. rm. 13x23 fa ft. with fireplace, hdwd. firs., kitchen with nook, full basmt., auto, heat, lge. lot, back yard fenced. On bus line and clos? to schools. Price $11,500. Call Roy Fer ris. APARTMENT HOUSE Income $420 per mo. plus owner's quar ters. B units. 8 furnished, new duplex on rear of lot. Ideal location, close to city center. Price $29,500. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. BROS., REALTORS Office Phone 3-2471 KINO WOOD SPECIAL Lovely view home wilh 3 bedrooms, dou ble plumbing, 2 fireplaces, full base ment, auto, oil heat, extra large lot, well landscaped. This home is extra nice. Mr. Brasher, our salesman, will show you thru on appointment. Best part It's Just $11,000. JUST DRIVE BY 1460 East Si. Only 11000 down. 1137 Jefferson Pull basement. Ige. lot. 450 Morgan Ave. 4 A., $2000 down. 1485 N. Summer St. Swell location, 4 Bedrooms. Please do not disturb occupants we will show you thru and give you full Particulars, Phone 2-4115-6 REAL ESTATE KESTAUKENT A TAVERN doing ft good bu.siuesh In good location. 108 South 2ml St.. Corvallls, Ore. c80 BLIVEN & COONEY REALTORS If You Want Trees This Is It! A fine 2 bdrm. home only 2 yrs. old Repainted 1948. Floor oil furnace wilh 22 fruit trees on nearly Acre east. Insulated, O.L loan only $41.36 per mo Stop! Look! Listen! 11200.00 down, balance 144.75 a mo Total price only $6875.00. There Is oei 1,'tOOOO worth of tile work In this tine 3 bedroom home and It ls offered at llii.s price for quick sale. Hollywood District Finest business lot in Hollywood no corner in. Capitol St.! with a good 2 bedroom house. Charming- Small Home For Rent A 3 $41 A Month and a down payment of $1400.00 will buy a nearly new 2 bedroom insulated home on 1 1 Acre north on pavement. Total price $1,450.00. Ideal Stock Ranch We have a 163 Acre farm in Mission Uottnm. fair bidgs. A real value on ac count of sickness. Only $160 00 per acre. Fairmount Hill Fine 3 bedroom home only HI. 300.00. New 4 Bedroom Home 3320 Rawlins Ave. G.I. loan. $55.70 Fine 3 Bedroom Home 0:1 N Church St. 2 500 no will handle BLIVEN & COONEY REALTORS Member of Salem Multiple Listing Bureau 617 N. High St. Phone 3-3617 Evenings 3-8286. 3-8918 c8fl 18500. 1 ACRE Inside city limits north east. Pvd. st. Close Mo Englewood sch. 3 BR older type home. (loiKl barn, outside fireplace. Nice fruit trees Just the place for ciilx or saddle horse 12200 DOWN I78s0 full price. 1 fire places, one In bsmt. Oood full auto, oil furn. $12 heat ed this house for month or Jan. Bsmt. Is dry. 2 lge. BR plus 1 tn bsmt. Pvd. st.. sidewalks, only 8 blks. to State House. Phone 26680 or write Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 440 N. 14th St cS4" REAL APRIL BARGAINS ! ! ! A lot 85x148 with these Improve ments a garage. some furniture, plumbing fixtures, septic tank in, elec. In oitv water. A start toward that new home.- Price only 1850. A low down payment w til buy you this 2 bedrm. home with liv. rm., din. Tin., kitchen A app. 3 acres of land. See it today. 17,400. Lovely ranch style home: desirable dist.: fenced yard; 2 bedrms : base ment: oil turn.; exceptional FHA com mitment Call us for appointment. Price only 111.500 Mattson & Roethlin HEAL ESTATE Phone 3-r8H8 231 N. High i Across from Hotel Senator) Eve, P'l. 3-7534 or 3-1734 tM WANTED REAL ESTATE HE A It E In need of good houses to Mil In or near Salem. If you wish to list your proivrt for sale see CKAHEMIORVr BROS., REALTORS 1J4 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-3471 ca AN ADDED SERVICE We sell real estate at auction. Call us for an appointment to discuss your property "C" Kilgore Real Estate 425 S. 13tJi Ph. S-48S5. ea" NOTICE! If your property Is for aale. rent or exchange, list It mth us. We have all kinds of cash burers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. eaa Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE SPECIAL Price reduced to 19500.00 on one of the finest constructed new homes around LR. & D., K. comb. Beautiful oak floors. Lg. bedrooms, dream kitchen, Plastered garage. 17800 FHA commit. Be the first to live in this new home. Call Bill. 3 BED ROOMS Basement, sawdust furnace, fenced In yard L.R.. D.R.. fireplace, hdwd. floors. Built 1939. Located in East Sa lem on paved St. Bus, schools, etc.. very convenient, Call Maddy. APARTMENT HOUSE I rentals plus spacious owner's quarters. 4 blocks from city center. Everything In A-l condition. Auto steam heat. Shows a very good income and well worth your consideration Call ua now for additional Information. 132,500.00. STEWART REALTY Eves Ralph Mddy 23488 Bill Stewart 24722 COME UP 'N SEE US SOMETIME AT OUR NEW HOME S79 N High St. Just 6 doors north of our old location Same block Same side of street. GOT 500 BUCKS? Yep, 1500 down and 135 a month will buy 2 B R plastered home, concrete foun dation, good roof, on nearly an acre lot In No. 3 Business Zone. Needs some work, 145C0. Call Crawford. 5 ACRES ONLY $850 Just one left prunes and walnuts, near Rosedale, terms. Call Crawford. 5 LOVELY ACRES We have 'em. well Improved, N. and E.. one with 8 B.R. modern home, one with 4 B.R. modern home, barn, chick house, fruit, etc. Willamette silt. We like to show 'em Call Crawford. 11500 full price of house and lot at 3250 Triangle Drive. Call Crawford. Two B. R. home 2105 N. Church St.. paved street, city bus 1 block, Or. School 2 blocks. Price I4500- Call Johnson. North of Brooks on Hwy. 99. unfinished 1 B R. home. Pumis Stone Construction, 1.37 Acres. Will accept trailer on purchase price of $2350. Call Johnson. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $37,500 Corner business location, good district, lot 80x150. BOTH STREETS PAVED. Now on this property ls an established business with 2 additional rentals. Also a 3 story bungalow type home to rent. NO PHONE INFORMATION. See King ins. SUBURBAN PROPERTY $11,500 Just listed! Home with 4 acres, close In on Sllverton Road, near new subdivision, 1 story bungalow, new barn with corral and box stalls, also has running water In barn. 3 car garate. gas or elec. cooking. Ideal tot someone wilh riding horses or cattle buyer. See Kiggins. We need your listings! WE ARE A MEMBER OP THE SALEM MULTIPLE LISTING BUREAU BURT PICHA, Realtors Eve. calls: Crawford 2-5390. Johnson 3-7451 379 N. High St. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE i RESORT PROPERTY LET'S TRADE What have you? We have several auto courts, business opportun ities and homes, all good buys. C. A. WESTRAN . REALTORS Taft, Oregon Phone Delake 881 CC81 $175.00 MO. Income plus caretakers apt. Sacrifice because of 1)1 health at $14, 500 full price with 16.000 loan. All steady renters. Pine Ridge Cottages, "lewport, Ore., Box, 677. cc30 bIjsIsVopportunities NELSON NEWS " OARAGE Profitable business good location, build Ins. land, equipment 6t Inventory, 118, 600. , SUBURBAN OROCERY Good location, expanding neighbor hood, living quartern, bldtt. land, ev ery thins goes. 116.000. HIGH STREET LOCATION Close in N. High St. frontage it in come home. Can be bought right. 13000 down will handle. Have a home fz In come In good location. BARGAIN 247 ft. frontage f)E South. I tinned, sale, $2000. Suitable for many uses. Nelson & Nelson Specializing Realtors 702 N. High. Ph. 3-4622. cdfiO OFFICE SPACE Special Opportunity We have the office space you are looking for by shopping center on '.pi to! St. Suitable for Dr. office, clinic, adv. aitency, Ins., or similar use. Brick bldft., ground floor, 3 or 6 rooms. Plenty off street park ing. Long term leRse. Ph. 3-6266. APARTMENTS CLOSE IN 5 units furnished, alt private entrance and baths. Will take In Salem home up to 19.000. Drive by 660 Union St., then see THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 Evenings 36375 - 35514 - 25595 cdflO U'MBKR Re-mfg. Plant On trarkace Three Acres Ground, 11.000 SF Fir Fpc Planer. Tilting roll re-saw Imbr car rier and other misc. equipment. Located Portland Bv Owner Phone KEnwoort 7541. Mall P.O. Box 5085 cd86 Associated Station 11750 00 Full price for this station, lock, stock and barrel. Oood lease, high way location tn Salem. Call Ray Davis Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Phone 23849. Eve. Ph. 23658. 970 S Commercial cdRO' FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE SPECIALS All New Merchandise 5-pc. Breakfast Sets 22 50 5-pc. Chrome Dinette 59 50 7- pc. Jr Dining Set. wal .69.50 8- pc. Jr. Dining Set, wal 89 50 Velour Daenos 74.50 B;.by Buggies 7 95 Bed. Spring and Mattr-ss 39.50 OOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC 467 Court St Phone 3-9611 d WANTED FURNITURE I GUEST PRICES pa:o Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph S-5110 da AUCTIONS AUCTION I'UR NITl'ltK. appliaiw-es. hon-.chold items, hirer lot. All cood. No Junk TUES DAY. APRIL 5 at GLEN WOOD BALL ROOM. 4 miles North of Salem on Port land highway. Goods on display Tues day after 3 p.m. Ph. 3-5110 for informa tion. Pee Tursdav's adv. for list. Gl FVN WOODRY. Auctioneer. dd80- LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDFD Si LICENSEO livestock buyer E. C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 25 Ph. 3-8147. es98' RABBITS WINGS RAtiniTRY needs frier rab bits, top prices. 3985 State St. Ph. 1095 eb!9 PETS WANTED: Oood home for female Spring er spaniel. 675 Bteber St., 1 blk. East of Park Ave. ec82 CANARY SINGERS Ph 3-4385. 1340 Chemeketa ec86 cnoicECanftVyBtrd!i 2flON-18th 80 FUEL 16-IN. hand picked slab. Big 2 cord load for $12, Ph. 3 -97.14 . ee 85 16" Wood Old and Second Growth F;r 2 Unit Loads Delivered to Salem $12 00 For Orders Please Call Collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber A Manufactures Company Independence. Oregon er80 FOR SALE Oan Sawdust No Bark Pick Up and Haul at $3.00 Per Unit Call Independence 42 for Delivered Prices eeSO' GOOrTDRY16r,slab $9 T'ioadTTm mediate delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. h. 3-5531 ee7 TRI-CriY FUEL Fresh cut aawdust Prompt delivery. Ph. 17443. We giva B St H Green Stamps. telOO- IREAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 19500.00 never bought more Uvabllity than in this 4 B R. all electric home in South Salem. Completely weather it ripped. L R 2 B R., bath down. Bus, siores, ac'.ools. $7600.00 FHA commit. Better hurry, this can't last. Call Bill. DREAM HOME Clean A; ready to move Into 3 B.R., L.R.. DR., hdwd. firs., fireplace, full basement, beautiful yard & shrubs. Located In Englewood district. Built in 1937. 113,500 ls the price. We have the key. Call Maddy. FUEL CALL HIGHWAY WTEI FOB Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Poop 3-0444 "" GBEEI'" EDGINGS"" $6.00 "load.' load $11. Also green 16" slab. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. ee95' DRY 16" SLAB and edgings. Bis 2-cord load $18.00. Dry ash, maple mixed, 2 cord load $30.00. Also other dry wood. Dial 0. call 68F22. er89 Wood, all kinds. Ph. 2-3078 FRESH CUT screened sawdust. Immediate delivery OREGON FUEL CO., Ph 3-5533. ec84 West Salem Fuel Co. Ifl-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD? 16-IN CLEAN, NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1625 Edcewatei St W Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY "BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In eluding L-ig horns, Hampshire. Par mcnters, Austra- Whites and others Phone 2-2861 or write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try Information Lee's Hatchery P O Box 725 Salem Oretron." f HELP WANTED - WANTED, LAD V to work in ruvniture and appliance store. Bookkeeping experience necessary. Permanent position, good tlnry. plensant working condition. Ap ply ItOKB Bros.. 260 State St. g HELP WANTED MALE DELIVERY boy for community (trocery store. Box No. 329, Capital Journal. ga82 PLANERMAN and lumber grader for night shift. Burkland Lumber Co. Ph. 1125. ga81 EXP. INSULATION salesman. Good pay L. H Clawson A' Co., 1132 Broadway. Ph. 3-6088. See Holly Whitman. ga81 EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN, WANTED. GOOD SALARY. MARILYN S SHOE STORE. ga WOMEN to take care of 16 mo. old boy and 3 room house until June 1st. No heavy work or laundry or dishes. Must be permanent. Two dollars a day and bus fare. Write Capital Journal, Box 332. gb62 MIDDLE AGED woman to do light house work and care for I child. All mod ern rural home. Board, mom and wages Write Capital Journal. Box 331. gb82 W A N TE O II O USE K E EPER in mode rn country home. Bx. 327 Capital Journal. gb82 AVON COSMETICS, est. 1886, has opening for ambitious women who want extra money. Mgh. will arrange prompt In terview In your home. Dist. Mgh. 8225 S E. Yamhill. Portland. gb80 EXPERIENCE SALE LADY wanted in ready to wear. Katies Apparel, 320 Court. tb80 COSMETICIAN WANTED-Toung lady for o;ir cosmetics Dept. State age. experi ence, salary expected. References. Ad dress. Write Box No. 318 Capital Journal gb81 WANTED: Young lady to work In our of fice. Some shorthand. Telephone and figure work. Nice office Pleasant work. Good pay. Apply m person. Ask for Mr Williams. Cherry City Baking Co. Rrondwav and Market cb i EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AMD FI.FKirAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency S0 State St Ph J-14B8. ft" WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN to take charg" of our flat roof depart., one with roofing experi ence preferred. Apply from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.. Willamette Valley Roof Co.. Corp.. 30 Lana Ave. g88'2' W O I 'I.D LIKE to employ a Real-Estate Salesman. See Mr. or Mrs. Huff, 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 39371, eves. 39441 for an interview. gcflO WANTED POSITIONS SOCIETY LADY. midd. aged, represen. possess, foreign languages, much trav eled, wishes occup. as recep. compan.. cashier, etc. Box 328 Capital Journal. hS 2 I GARDEN PLOWING and disc, with Ford tractors. Phone 3-S583 or 3-7427. h85 IRONING and cleaning by the hour. Plv 3-4568. hS2 CARE FOR CHILD or two. assist with llaht housekeeping. Phone 38213 Salem. h80 : PRACTICAL NURSING or house work, s leave tonn. Ph. 3-8519. h80 ROTO-TILLING with M. K. tiller. Ph 2-7500 h94 GARDENING of all kinds, also lawns Put in. Ph. 2-3943. hl03 YOUNG. CAPABLE mother with child of her own would like to care for other children In her home. Prefer children less than one year old. Located near Hollywood dist. Phone 20348. hSO WISHING AND IRONING done In my home $.75 per hr. You pick up and deliver Miss Mary Vruble. 1440 Mil: St . Salem. Ore. h80 WANTED Yard and garden work. Ph 1-3495 afty 1 p.m. hQ WANTED POSITIONS LAWNS, prepared and seeded, garden Plowed. Light tractor on rubber, dozer, disc etc. Ph. 28127. Duane Wolcott. h!02 INFANT O R CHILD CARE. Oo home or stay nights. 945 8. 12th. ii82 POE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower prices 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. hlOl' CHILD CAKE $1 a day. 946 S. 12th. h9Q' TELEPHO: " CALLS TAKEN 24-hr. ser vice. Former phone op. Ph. 3-5072. hl00 INTERIOR PAINTING & decorating. C. Bill. Ph. 22979. h97 LANDSCAPING Pruning, Rototllllng. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer, Ph. 2-8110. h97 lT CLASS Carpenter work, new, remodel, repair. Ph. 3-8281. h81 FREE OFFICE apace, secretary your only expense. Typing, dictation and some bookkeeping. Call 3-6089, after 6 p.m. hB2- WANTED Rarden plowing and discing. Mollis Mice. Pli. 3097, Dallas, collect. h85 CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford tractor. D. E. Marshall. Ph. 21343, near Swegle school. hlOS GARDEN work, M.E. tiller. Ph. 2-2828. 1455 Lancaster Dr. h LAVAR-S NURSERY for Infants. Grad. ree. nurse In charge. Ph 23291. h94 BABY SITTING. .Ph. 2-0580. h84 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping 39924. h86 DRESSMAKING, alt. Ph. 3-9840 after 3. h94 TREE WORK Trimming, Removing Insured Operator Free Estimates. John Payne. Ph. 36014 248 S. Church h84 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins op. Work guar. W. H. Mc Allister. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h81 DRESSMAKING, alt. Guar. Ph. 3-7004. BABY SHOE bronzing $3 pr. Ph. 2-2527. 3275 S Com'l. h93 CARPENTER WORK. New I repairs. Ph 22093. h83 CARE FOB CHILDREN In my home. Ph 2-6B76. 183 S. 18th St. hS3 LET ME make your spring clothes. Rea sonable, 15 jeara exp. Ph. 3-5072. h84 PLASTERING, PATCIIWOBK Se chimney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates. h81 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h87 MASONRY Fireplaces, chimneys, block laying. Ph. 3-5968. h93' AIIT PAINTING just a shade better by Ray Etter Call Snrock Motor Co S-B101 SERVICES Valley Sand St Gravel Co. Pit run gravel sand & silt. Tractor dozing St grading "rac:. r shovel for dirt moving Ph 2-4O02 off Res 37146 h EDUCATION DIESEL HAS A FUTURE Diesel is rapidly replacing steam and gas engines on railroads, ships, fac tories, farm and road equipment, pow er plants. Lighter units open huge new fields tractros, aircraft, autos. Oppor tunities for men trained in Delsel oper ation and maintenance are here and growing. Prepare for Diesel experience by practical spare time training. De tails Free. Write Utilities Diesel Train ing, Registrar, 2521 Sheffield, Chicago 14. hh81 EDUCATION IS JOB INSURANCE Write or call for full catalogue on 400 I.C.S. courses. Don McNeill. Inter national Correspondence Schools. 1553 State, Salem. Ph. 3-6330. G.I. approved. hh83 FOR RENT ROOMS FURN. RM, In priv. home. Man preferred 2135 Myrtle Ave. Jk82' LARGE rm., with bath, gentleman. Ph. Ph. 34338. 790 N. Jk82" DOUBLE or single sleeping rms. for men. 1143 Onk St. jk85 SLEEPING BOOM, 888 N. Comm'l JkBO SINGLE OR DOUBLE SLEEPING ROOMS. H&C WATER. 461 N. High. Jk83 WE HAVE a nice room, nothing fancy but It's the whole upstairs to yourself. Prefer man. Garage available on prem ises. 860 Spruce St. Ph. 20348. jkao FURN. RM., ladies Winter. Ph. 3-9614 preferred, 631 UTD. SLEEPING rms 2131 Center. JkBO' CLEAN HOLLYWOOD sleeping rm. Ph 36093 jk8' EAN, MODERN roonia ror men. Priv ent. A; tel Tel. 33425. 1505 N. Capitol. Jk92 FOR RENT APARTMENTS :t RMS. St Bath, fireplace, partly furn. $50 a mo. Call at 1174 Elm St. West Salem Jp82' LARGE clean three rm. apt., priv. bath A; entrance, all util.. walking distance. No children or pets. Ph. 2-7625. Jp82 LOVELY Rm. Apt. Everything priv. for 2 employed people. 435 N. Winter. Jp80 .RH. APT., very clean, close-in, jemp. lady or couple. No drinkers or smok ers. 721 Ferry. jp82 CLOSE In. nice clean room. 1 or 2 people. 765 Marlon. Ph. 2-5223. Jp81 ONE AND TWO rm. apt. Private bath. jP82- 633 Ferry St. COI'RT apt., 3 rms. bath, range & refrig. elec. heat, new, clean, 360.00. 1348 e. 12th. jp82 RM. FURN. housekeeping apt.. 815 per mo. Working man. West Salem. Ci!i 2-6495. Jp82- VERY' mod. apt. Most attractive, Every thing private. lor z gins or a coupie. 468 N. Winter. Jp8A" -RM FURNISHED apt., utilities furn.. $40. Phone 2-4864. JnB2 RM. WITH bath. Working couple only. No smokers or drinkers. Call after S. 445 S. 18th. Jp82 NEW UNFURNISHED court apt., 3 rms, and bath, electric heat, stove and re frigerator, and laundry. 1555 McCoy. Jp82' -ROOM unfurnished court apt., elec. range, kitchenette and bath. Moderate rent. Phone 2-8009. Jp8: VERY NICE 7 rm. furn. apt. Close In. New elec. kitchen. New tub bath, reasonable 1434 Ferry St. JpSl 3-RM. APT., util. furn. $60. Ph. 3-374: or inquire at Blue Anchor, West Sa lem. JPBO' VERY NICE 2-rm. furn. apt., close in New elec. kit., new tub bath. Reas. 1434 Ferry. jp80 3-R.M. FURN. apt. Private bath. April 11. adults. Ph. 2-5463 after 10 a.m. JpBO' SMALL APT., elec. heat, unf urn. except elec. ranae A: refrig., priv. bath. Adults 715 Ferry. JpBO1 NICE APT. for 2 people available April 15th. Ph. 3-5862. Jp80' CHOICE 2-BDRM. apt. in attractive court Refrig . range, auto, laundry. Close to bus. Call at 907 S. I3th. JpB3 IISKPG. RM. $16. Also 2 Si 3-rm. apt. St trailer parking. 160 Union. Ph. 2-9835. JP80 FURN. APT. 3-rm. A; bath. Emp. mar. cpie. $55. 495 N. Summer after 7 p.m. Jp82 S R.I. FURN. APT., private bath & en trance, ground floor. 640 Marlon. Jp82 APARTMENTS Hollywood district. Partly furnished. Adults. 1047 Madison. Jp82 NICELY furnished two room apt. Private bath. $67.50. 550 N. Summer Ambassa dor Apt. JpSl SMALL COTTAGE, very reasonable. 1005 So. 21.t St. JpBI FOR RENT HOUSES FURN. 2-ROOM and shower cottage. No objections to 1 small child. $35.00 mo 171.5 N- Wlnter St- )m80 FOR RENT or lease 3-rm. house. Adults. 1315 N. 5th jm81 ELDERLY COUPLE desire to rnt unfur ntshed house with garage. Call 3-1813 Jm80 MODERN U RN. 1 bdrm. eottaae. Gard-n space. mi. nort.n oi urooiu on 9Pt Rose cottages after 5 except Sat. or Journal Want Ads Pay FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE DESK space. 455 Court St. J81 Phone 2-3629. POWER TOOL rentals for borne At in dustrial use Howser Bros Pb 1-3646. U DRIVE trucks ear Ph 3-9103 RUCKS and cars Smitt'j Clipper Ser vice Pb 39600 Cor Center and Churcn. TRAILERS, 12.00 per day Howsar Bn BUSINESS KM. for rant B. u Stiff, j GOOD USED PIANOS, a. L. Stiff. ) IRONEKS by week Phone 24439 FLOOR 8ANDEB for rent Uontgorr y Ward, r" TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er. We tell everything to complete tha HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1-3048. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD & KM. for 2 bufltnew men. Ph. 2-8572. JJi" WANTED TO RENT 3-BR HOME wanted for rent. Local bus inessman, wcsponsioie. rn. jotua. mi EMPLOYED COUPLE desire 2-bdrm, furn. or part. furn. home. Must oe nice at clean. After 1, 27654. Ja83 UNFURNISHED MODERN 3-bdrm. home. Up to 160. write uapiiai journal no 321. Jo" MIDDLE AGED empl. CPle. want i or S rm. hs., furn. or parity iuro mc. ref. Ph 2-6245 after 6 p.m. Ja81 LOST AND FOUND l,OST Car keys, 17th and Center, Michi gan Union Identification tag. Reward. Ph. 3-7625. 82 LOST: Handle to chain saw between 200 izuu oioca on n. uuu'iu. Ph. 26014. 8 MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films A Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis, 412 Oregon Bldg. Phono 3-4793 or 2-6355 mSl DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLZR DENTIST Adolpb Bids. State es Commercial 8U SALEM Phone 1-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative Pb 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines Free estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Machine Co.. BUILDING MATERIAL FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform St Bennett-Ireland Fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry material. Phone 25643. PIMILITE WEST SALEM maao USED PLUMBING fixtures, bargains. Used washers uooa usee water lanns aim automatic water heaters. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l., Snlein. maRO LUMBER SAVINGS 70 M. ft. of good 2x4 and 1 In. sheet ing all grades, priced for quick sale, delivered or F.O.B. mill. West Salem Lumber Co. Ph. 3-9593 maSl REINFORCING STEEL! Phone 25643. Pumilitc - West Salem, maoz- PERMA-STONE your home. Call at Salem Perma-Stone Co.. 455 Court. ma82 A't-rPMTTriN BUILDERS NEW DUO-THERM oil furnace complete with all automatic control and air conditioning blower, 75,000 BTU for basement or utility. Special contractors price only $197.r.0. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 487 Court St. Phone 3-9611. ma' A LI IMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. Tlie moaern permanent roni lng. See your dealer or dlst. Call 3-6401. , ma08 NEW SHIPMENT plnst board. ", B'ic; V, 8c 81. ft. hock latne. o sq, u, (1.75. MONTGOMERY WARD, SALEM RED CEDAR shingles, No. 1, 19.90; No. 2 $5.50; NO. 3 $3.50. Ted MUUer. pn. 2-1196, Balem-Indep. Rd. ma97 SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191 "J MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM, OREGON USED LUMBER, Rt. 6, Box 273T. Out Cen ter St. to Frultland church. H mile N ma92 USED panel St glass doors, complete with irames at naraware irom uiemrncn. Used lavatories, $12.50. Toilets. $27.50. Flooring, $100. Cedar Siding, $100 per M. New cedar shakes, 16"' 8z 18". C. G. LONG, Rt. 2, Box 31, Salem. Ph. 2-5821 One mile North of Keiter. ma85 NEW 6 lite aash, Ideal for barn, garage A: chicken house, only sa.zs. New streamlined window complete with frames, some sizes on hand, order any sizes for quick delivery. No. 1 asbestos siding. $12.50 per sq. C. G. LONG, Rt. 2. Box 31. Salem. Ph. 2-5821 One mile North of Kelzer ma85. Steel and Aluminum Window Frames Residential Casements, double hung and commercial types. PUMIL1TE - OUT EDOEWATER ST. ma80" ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 ft. width to the following lengths: 6' 11.74 8' 2.32 10 2.90 12 3.48 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM. OREGON ma REJECT PLYWOOD 9c per ft. H" 14 '4c per ft.. Va" lc per ft.. H" 18S per ft., V 30c per n. KETTB BROWN U UMBER YARD ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD. BLACK top soil, reasonable price. C. M. Wood-:. Phone 25961. n81 BRIDLE A N D MARTINGALE Blar k carved leather. Showy price $15. Pn, 2-4291. n81 FULLER BRUSHES. 1745 Grant. Ph. 38357. nl04 NCOR POWLR Lawn Mower. Used 1 Season. Reasonable. Call 465 Colum bia after 5 p.m. nS4 GARDEN KING Tractor, cultivator, disc. Plow. 37757 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 2-7376. nBl CHILD'S six year old bed and (print, good cond H. 1743 Wilier St. nBl NEW FULL home size automatic double element electric water heaters, special only $77. 50. Judson's. 279 N. Com'l. n80 ' FOll SALE " New Hospital - Surgical-" Medical contract. Good anywhere. No age limit. Individual, family or group Ph. 3-8482. MBH&A. 360 State St. Salem. nBl MAROON T HAY RE BUGGY. $25.00. Teeter Babe, $3.00. Both like new. Ph. 2-6415. n80 BARTILE ROOFING for beautw St life. Bon Hlndman. Ph. 25772. nBO SOME GOOD Holly trees $1.00 up. I860 N. Summer Ph. 3-9314. nB3 GAS STOVE St Refrig. " 3-3574! n8u" SHIPMENT Texas white Bermuda onion plants. Just arrived. Puritan Cider Works. Weut Salem. nBO 5-PIECE BIOND BDRM. SET. 6x7' blue wool rug. 2340 N. Commercial. nsi GASOLINE. 1 gal. free with 6 gal. pur" chase. Recapping 16.95. 8:00x16 sire. Retread Tire Service. n STEEL CLOTHESLINE post $12 pair i-p. RalUnrt Id stock to order. 1145 N. Lib erty. B9$ CSED Washers 130 00 to $40.00. Y EATER APPLLANCE CO n33 riRST CUT alfalfa, has been covered, up to 4 tons, 843.00 per ton, semi-load. $42 00 per ton. C. Goldsmith. Rt. 2, Box 116. Bend, Ore. n82 (Continued on Page 17)