m 3 20 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVEBTlSINGl Pei Line Per Una 3 times ,.lSc ,.40c Per Line fl times flOo Per Lin 1 month . 12.00 Outside of Salem 15c per line per day, Mln. 20c; 3 times mln. 8fl 6 time mln 11.20. No Refunds READERS In Local Newi Col. Onlyi Per line J0c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES KINGWOOD, $13,500 New Jong, low look in house offered here, two bedrooms, nice living room and fireplace, smart kitchen with Hnt polnt dish washer, utllltr room with Bend ix la rue new lot. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109, Eve. 3-99'9 79 KEIZER, $16,500 Fine, home, strictly modern. everything you need; three bedrooms, excellent lo cation. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109, Eve. 3-99.19 e70' BY OWNER, new 8-rm. Use. Le. unfin. - attic. 50x150 lot. reas., lmmed. po.-s. 998 LocuM. a79 "5v OWNER, two bedroom modern home, wired for electric ranee, cement base '"'"ment, garage, choice residential dls- ''''trlct. Ph. 3-8338. a78 -BY 0NKR, modern one bedroom home, - wlred for range, 13500. Coll at 488 8 Hi St., Independence, Ore. "18 $1650 Down $40.00 per Mo. Modern 2 Brm Hse. Elec. heat, -"tached Garage on V acre South Close "to City Bus Lines and itores Full Price 14800.00. $3000 Down " .$49.37 per Mo. on PHA - New I Brm Hse All on one floor. - Elec. Heat, Attached Garage. Pull price '- S10.B0O East Emrlewood Dtst. Just off x3rd St "D" Street. $1500 Down :: $41.15 Per Mo., FHA - Modern I Brm. Hse. Built In 1940 under FHA Inspection. Piped Heat At- lached Garage. Corner Lot House In . very nood condition. Full Price $8,000 --Located N. of Market St. on 19th. VAbrams & Skinner, Inc. "-m Masonic Bldi. Ph. 39317 MtRe Loans Insurance a79 Sr:,.inii. CLEAN modern 3-BR home. Engle Vood district. Fireplace. Dining room Vlth corner cupboards. Full basement. ' Automatic oil furnace. Beautiful shriib " "bcry. Call Stanley Brown with - State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 34121. a78 S.l.ftW., V4 ACRE Smith edge city. 3 hdrm. . home. Garage. Poultry house, 1 block to city bus line. Call O. V. Hume with ... State Finance Co. REALTORS - 18S . High. Phone 34121. Eves. 25206 78 JI.2.MI. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom home well located on N. 15th. Oarage. Lot R0'xl56'. Fruit, nuts, berries, garden "" space. Flowers and shrubs. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8. High. Phone 34121. Eves. 35206 a78 JMi.siK.. CI.AN modern late built 2-BR home. Fireplace. Corner cupboards In dining room. Oil furnace. . Venetian blinds. Close to school St bus, Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. ' REALTORS " 153 S. High St. Phone 34121. a7fl BYOWNKK 2 BR. new home with extra elec. luU insulated, lid. wd. floors, attached mirage. Will accent car or hou.se trailer as part payment. Ph, 3-9B85. B7B ' . WNKIt: S-rm. house, lot 82x165, own ' "ing the state. 641 N. lfllh. a79 thinV'NTMiSS THIS frff'U are looking for a fine home. -a Ige. LR with fireplace, DR. 2 pacioiw Ibrtns., lovely bath, Ige. dry basement with fireplace. Amusement n.i., extra bath and air cond. turn. Att. garage. The wide, deep lot Is fenred. landscaped and has some bearing fruit trees. An Ideal location for a doc tor or professional man. Owner mov ing east. Price $16,800. Call Bon Clnrey. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939 aHO C. W. Reeve, Realtor O.I. APPROVED New a-bdrin. home. Hdwd. firs. At t ached Kiir. Utility rm. '.a acre. 1750 down. Full price $7000. C. W. Reeve, Realtor " 945 B. Commercial Ph. 3490. Eve, 39535 or 3BOH8. tt7B BEDItM. Home. Ph. 2-2514" a77 New houf.e. Quality construction. 3 bedrooms, living Ac din Inn room, all nnk Moors, elec. heat, Venetian blinds. attached garage. 2 nice lots. Located near highway, 12,500. See Mrs Reevr with ALFRED DUMBECK ; REAL ESTATE 147 N. Commercial St. Ph. 23531 Eve. 20181 a"' Here Is truly something dllferenl In Interior de.tn for emturtna delight. A m f leasant blcndtng of old-fashioned home jH'Pnni wun me nuxirrn mra oi utohm . r. better living. Tills home Is truly well built (pre-war). There is a homey living room with large view window overlooking city, valley and mountains. .company size dining room, master bed , room with built-lns and j bitth. wes ( ,tern style den with built-in book shelves. t jcomplete bath and one of those kitchens .. Hint you see advertised In the maua- i sines, completely Youngston n and a cute Dutch door to a lume patio. Om real large bedroom and a small one up stairs. The onk floors Hre covered from wall to wall with new I tie t hue ex pensive carpets. In the bn.se me nt there ""is a large knotty pine recreation loom, '"'laundry with 1948 Bendlx, pluy room, '"'furnace room with automatic air-con-""'dltioned oil heat, hobby shop. The lot hrwi several large trees, jihrubs and How. " era and contains sprinkler system, two car enrage. F.H.A. will loan 114.000 on '" this home. It Is all yours for $22,500 requiring only 18.500 cash. Immediate possession. Call Sederstrom SEVERIN REALTY CO. t N. High St. Dial 3-4018. Eve. 3-769. WANT A BARGAIN? Good! we hae .ne. Call us for an appointment to see this really nice bunsalow tyle home located south near the Vista market. Bus by door; 1 bedrms; liv. At din. n .ib.; kitchen; nook; basement Ac gar u. We can sell you this clean home with 4 sere or 3 acres. Price 16.950 or J0.S5O. .WE ALSO HAVE Two lots In Lone Lon Oak Village facing on 33rd and 44th Sts, Call us for more info. rv9 by and find our sinus, J . Maltson Rorthlin 1 HEAL ESTATE Across from Hotel Senator) tone 3-5838 331 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-7534 or 2-17J4 a.8 f K. HI K. IIOI'KE, Dining rm., large living . 1 Corner fireplace. All electric Mix. 1040 N. 22nd. a79 B?lTIl.m:K. 2 hedrnom uiimW block 4, 75 ft. lot. 6e IhU at 207 Salem HiU Ave. east ' block of Liberty ; GlACIOUS LIVING .eo'ful r.nch tyle home, 1700 aq. It., vrythlnt, I bdroonu. living room, dime room, firtplice. doubli i.r - low down parment ill h.ndlt. 'I'" 44 Hit, rut on t K J'i .BaU ( anlfd. Joe Bourne, Realtor inn w,VptoL THO r.a7 horn.. 31 N. I4 Hook ,m cwwt at. Oregon, Friday, April 1, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSE i ArT. HOUSE. 1. five room. 1 three rm. apt. 2157 Maple. Pli. 3-6503. a83 TODAY'S BARGAINS Reduced to $3500 3 rm. modern house Inside city, gar age, 2 blks. to bus, 60x100 lot. Will trade for 2 nens N.K. $3500 Total Price Reduced until April 8. Owner leaving city. Very clean, almost new 2 BR house, Inside city. Terms arranged. Oregon G. I. 16650 total price, 1 yr old, very neat suburban home, insulated. acre, some berrlet. 2 blks to school A: bus. 11500 down will handle. Reduced to $13,500 A very good 3 BR home In an excellent location. Close to State House St Wil lamette U. Dble. plumbing, hdwd. firs, upstairs and down. Full basement, spa cious rooms, fireplace, dble. garage. FHA. approved for 310.400 loan. Own er leaving city. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596. Eve 2-0473, 3-35:. a78 Income Property Yes. It's near the ehoo choo trains but here you have 1 7-rm. hse. At 1 4-rm. hse. on 2 lots. Only 19000 lor all. CLOSE TO STORES At BUS North, 'a acre A: good 2-BR hse., plas tered. Fruit, berries, fine garden spot. North. J7BO0. B, Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St, Office Ph. 2-3862. Eves. 2-2147 or 3-B838. a79 il5.8iMl.tMl Beautiful new 3 bdrm. on B. Cottage near Leslie Jr. HI. Over 1500 ft. floor space, full bsmt., oil furnace. Ige. rms. exc. arrangement, built of the best material, dble. garage. Owner will sell on contract to the right party. Phone 23849. Eve Ph. 25260. Sit.lMi.oo Pre-war, good 2 bdrm. with full dry bsmt., sawdust furn., fireplace, las. kitchen, near Hollywood business dlst. $7,250.no New 2 bdrm. in new district south, hdwd. firs., elec. heat. Insulated. lot 60x166, a good buy. Phone 23849. Eve. Ph. 25380 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 970 5. Commercial a80 18950. KEIZER DIST. i room bungalow with dining room, fireplace, attached garage. Fruit trees. I, nrrr Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court St. Phone 2-3629 Eve 2-4789 or Mr. Craig 3-5053. a79 nn5n.no 4 rooms and bath on 'i acre lo cated on State St. business dlst,, pave ment, bus. 12000.00 down, bal. 140.00 per mo. Call Ray Davis. Phone 23849. Eve. Ph. 28058. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commerrinl aflO One of the Loveliest AND Real Construction! Large ranch type. 2-bdrm. home. Liv ing rm., dining rtn., blonde pecan floors, fireplace, auto, oil heat, copper tub ing, attached garage with utility. F.H.A. approved. Can't last long al this full price, 111,900. Shown by appointment only. General Real Estate Ph. 33289. 355 Center 8t. a7B SHK.w.oo One block to high school, very neat pre war with full bsmt., dining room, 2 bdrms., stairs to storage at 11c. ige. garden spot. SH.MHMMt Nice new 2 bdrm. home, at tached garage, 1 bl. to bus. Lge. lot. $fi3n.oo Two acres east. 3 bdrm. modern home, new 4 stanchion sr. A cow barn. Call Ivan Sivers. Phone 23649. Eve. Ph. 37013. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial 80 NEW S-ni)ltM. house. North. 12000 down, J47.50 per mo. Ph. 2-8301 or 2-6832. a80 BEFORE YOU BUY BKE THIS 3 Bdrm. home. Liv. rm.. din. rm., nice bath rm.. kitchen, utility, elec. heat, garage. 38500, terms. The Real Estate Market 43S N. High St. Ph. 24793. Eve. 35514 -36375 25595. aHO KEIZER ACRE Almost rintshed 4 bdrm. house. I,R 18x20, kitchen, utility, i BR down fin ished, tip unf.. bath not complete. Tills ts rertalnly worth IS500. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N High St. Ph. 2-4129 aHO 122.000. Near Capital Bid. Spacious living Ac dining R. 2 bed H. down, 2 up. 2 sets plumbum, bsmt. oil furnace. 7B50. Kelser Dlst. New two bed rm. home, Liv. R kitchen, utility, has oak firs. Attached garage. Call or See Omer Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Pli. 39271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves 25091 aKl 110.500 for this nlco suburban home, South, 2 bd. rm. dn. unfin. upstairs. Liv. rm.. din. rm.. full basement, saw dust fur. 18400 buys nice1 new suburban. 2 brl rm. home, hwd. firs., large wooded lot attach, giir. Coll Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 31)271 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 39441 A80- 2 BED RM. HOME $5500 .lust outside city. . ac good soil. Reasonable down pr mem . THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N High St. Phone 34.93 Eiemnas 35514 - 36.175 - 25595 a HA' LKO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS ACHE Unfinished 1 bedim house. Only llfltM). ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE on one f I r. On rune. Paved st reel. Close to school. Price (4750. Terms. FURNISHED 2 bedim, house Al 1 ached ttui nite. Et in shower and sum! In RAi'iiue. Henuiifiil vnrd. Paved Mieel Price furnished $7250. 10 ACRES. 4 bedrm. plastered house Fireplace, oil furnace. Bam chicken house. Year round creek, Family or chard. Price 113,000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph 3.36B3 Eveninss fall: 3-4007, J-4.M0 a80 BI VTRS SEE owner 990 N Church for Imd. pos. 2 bdr. home on acre choice fruit and nuts full benrina on pa ed St. A bus line in city north. iSO BV OWNER Clean modern, late i built 2' br home. Krtglewood dist., fire place. hnd floors thrtiout. auto pipe furnace, V. blinds. Insulated. d''l. ger mane. loelyyard. $9750 Ph. 3-6881. a0 S RFDROOM llorsE.leV.hot-water heater A: wired for range. Famllv or chard A- berries. Ruji bv door. $7,000 Ph. 3-0206. 4095 State Pen. 4 Corner! a 80 BV OWNER 2 bdrm. CloseToxrcKlnlev school. Open circular stairway, hdwd. floors, double plumbing, plastered base ment, auto, oil furnace, lovely bark yard, flood neighborhood E front Imm. pass. Ph. 35472 for appointment a"i FOR SALE LOTS VIEW lota 600 blk Vlita Are , wooded lot BOO blk. Katcllff Dr. Owners. Ph. 34384 ATTENTION Bl II.1H- RH. Nicely located suburban lot East. Restricted district. I ISO up. See these before you buy. John H Hansen, realtor. Ph. 3-7819 or 3-4523. 1993 Fairgrounds Road. aa80 CROIRAN CREEK building's 1 ( Creek thru place, trees and nice building site. If you want a little less than an acre where you ean enjoy nature, in a rest ful way instead of raising corn and potatoes, this Is It. Tne price l I180 Phone 3-6893 or writ box 10 Capital Journal. MM FOR SALE HOUSES NOB HILL HOME REDUCED TO $11,900 Near Leslie and McKinley schools, nicely situated corner, 3 bedrooms all on one floor, large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bath, full basmt., automatic furnace. Terms: $1500 down $75 month CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, April 3, 1949 12:30 - 5:00 P. M. New 2 bedroom house with bath, living room, com bination dining room and kitchen, nook, plastered, pecan floors, automatic oil heat, attached garage, automatic washer. Possibilities for a third bedroom. Price $8250. Go toward Keizer to Dearborn Ave., turn right 2 blocks, then right on Thorman St. Vt Block, look for our sign. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 361 Chemeketa Street Ph. 2-1545, 3 4896 Eves. 3-7565, 2-6686, 2-8568 REAL ESTATE BLIVEN & COONEY, REALTORS REAL ESTATE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. T. had an expensive experience. Their home was a Jewel on velvet. Ther decided to sell II, however. In spite of the excellence of the property ther wanted much more than the mar ket price. Realtors wouldn't work on it. Consequently, they decided to sell It themselves. They did and their trou bles started. The man who bought It gave them fifty dollars In cash, wrote out a re ceipt, or so they thought, asked them to sign It. They did. He told them he would pay all cash within three years but didn't say bo In writing. They Jubi lantly told their friends and crowed to the Realtors, bragged that they did what the Realtors couldn't do. They were like children at a birthday party. When their buyer did not keep his ap pointment Uiey telephoned him. Me said, "You gave me an option for three years. I'll take S500 for It. Want to buy It?' After talking with their law yer and thinking about It they paid their buyer 1500. Real Estate is selling at market prices. Better ask for and abide by the advice of your Realtor. We live you facts and the benefit of our experi ence. Wm. Bliven BLIVEN & COONEY REALTORS Member of Salem Multiple Listlna Bureal 467 HIGH ST. Phone 2-3617 FOR SALE LOTS KY OWNER 400 ft. highway Irontage on S. 99 $1200. Ph. 2-8110. aa7B' ACRES on Browning Ave., macadam ized street, gradual slope, beautiful view of snowcapped mountains. Nice building site with trees for a suburban home or H would subdivide Into build ing lots. J3B00 for quick sale. Owner 3-6893 or write Box 310 Capital Jour nal. FOR SALE FARMS 36 Acres Of Willamette valley's finest bean A corn In nd. On Irrigation ditch. 5 rm. hse. Good barn. Fenced A crossed fenced. Near Aumsville. Ideal dniry. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 40 ACRES SOUTH App. 30 A. good clear berry tand. Bal. timber pasture. 14000. No bldgs. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 1145 S. Comm'l. Ph, 14!t90. Eve. 39535 or 330118. b80' Forced to Sell Because of Illness 42 acres finest slit lontn, Wonderful farm A- home. Suitable for potatoes, seed erops, truck garden, etc. With love ly 3-bdrm. home. Liv. rm., fireplace, din. rm., hdwd. firs. Full basement. You will lovft this place. Will take in nice Salem home as part payment. Full price 21.00n. 'rvrms. Shown by ap pointment Ph 332a9 General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. b7d 36 ACRES Of Willamette v lire's finest bean A sweet corn land. On irrigation ditch. 5 rin. hse. Good barn. Fenred and crossed fenced Near Aumsville. Ideal (or dairy. C. W. Reeve, Realtor FOR SALE ACREAGE SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Unfinished hse. Plumbing ,V wiring roughed in. 2 bdrms. Move In A- finish. Acre North. Price 2R10 C. W. Reeve, Realtor C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial. Ph. 34590. Eve. 395S6 or 23088. bbSO' 25 MTN7TO-DAM 4 rms. 2 bdrm., 61 acre, 1 acre tillable. Garden, fruit, berries, some timber. Hse tn new cond. wtlh elec. wtr. vjt- tem but not yet Plumbed. 6 mi W. Mill City. Pure $4200. Call for Dorks with ALLEN JONES MABEL NEEDHAM REM TORS 341 Slate. Ph. 3-9203. Ee. ft Sun. 3-6848 bb78 12 Beautiful Acres Cl-OSE IN ON WALLACE ROAD Reautlful building site. Peaches V fil berts. Priced for quick aale $10,500 Shown by apot. Ph. 3.1:89. General Real Estate 2!S5 Center St. bb78 fl.w. ino,iVo' building-fot"tocated East Restricted dlst. North Front. Call O. V Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 15S S High. Phone 34131. lies. 35206 bb7B' CROISAN CRF1.K building site. Crerk thru place, trees and met building site, ir you want a little leu than an acre where you can enjoy nature, in a rest ful w- instead of raising corn and potatoes, this ts it. The price U $1830. Phone 1-6893 or write box 30t Capital Journal bb79 iM ACRES on Browning Ave., macadam lied street, gradual slope, beautiful view of snowcapped mountains. Nice butw t sue with trees for a suburban home or It would subdivide Into build ing lots, ivsoo for quirk sale. Owner 3-6893 er write Boi 310 Capital Jour ML bTt FOR SALE HOUSES I REAL ESTATE If You Want Trees This Is It! A line 2 bedrm. home only 2 yrs. old. Repainted 1948. Floor oil furnace with 22 fruit trees on nearly V Acre east. Insulated, G.I. loan only 141.36 per mo. Stop! Look! Listen! 11200.00 down, balance 144.75 a mo. Total price only 36875.00. There Is over 8500.00 worth of tile work In this fine 2 bedroom home and it Is offered at this price for quick sale. Hollywood Dist. Finest business lot In Hollywood on corner (N. Capitol St.) with a good 2 bedroom house. Charming Small Home on 78x113 ft. lot, Ideal lor Court site. 16,000. For Rent A 3 bedroom home, close In al 340 So. Winter St. $41 A Month And a down payment of 11400 will buy a nearly new 2 bedroom insulated home on Vb acre north on pavement. Total price $6,450. Ideal Stock Ranch W have a 163 acre farm in Mission Bottom. Fair bldis. A real value on ac count of sickness. Only 160 per acre. Fairmount Hill Fine 3 bedroom home only 811,500. New 4 Bedrm. Home 3220 Rawlins Ave. O I. loan, 865.10 a mo. Fine 3 Bedrm. Home on N. Church St. S3S0O will handle. Evenings 2-8260, 3-8918 REAL ESTATE Reduced for qutck sale. Approx. 3 A. 99E. 186 ft bus, front. 7 R&B. Outbids. Fruit St nuts. Court Brokers. Owner 1111 N. Pacific, Woodburn, Ore. c79 NEAR WOODBURN Owner disgusted, unable to work. Will take $6,000 If sold this week, 20 acres with 18 acres plowed for crop, new plomls block 6-rm. home, Interior not completed. STROUT REALTY 859 S. 12th. Ph. 2-5323. e7Sa TWO ACRES, verging on 2 highways, North. Ideal for court, stores, filling sta tion, cabins or any kind of business. S8500. COME IN and see us If you are look ing for coastal property. We have quite a number of coastal properties, some of them for trade for Valley property. ONE WHOLE block, north on Highway 99. Road on all sides making ft ideal for a drive-in restaurant. $22,500. SMALL RESTAURANT in fine location, right here In Salem. $1,000 down, terms on balance. $4500. SEE US for desirable building lots. We have them north, south, east and west of Sale in, also right In Salem. Reason ably priced. P. H. Bell, Realtor 3l Chemeketa Street Ph. 2-1543, 3-4896. Eves. 2-8568, 3-7.r65. 2-6680. c80- RKSTAdRENT TAVERN doing a good business In good location. 108 South 2nd St., Corvallls, Ore. c80 nl SON NEWS 1 AC. 3-BDRMS. $5900 A neat welt kept & rm. hou.se with ui Hit y porch At part bsmt. Lge, mi. with shop space. Rustic setting with other native trees. Spring wtr. Some terms. BUILT 19404 BDRMS. S. A good plastered 4-bdrm. home, A-l cond. Hwd. firs, thrtiout, f place, auto. oil heat, full bmt., insuUted. weather strlpiied, gar. near bus & stores, will sacrifice at $8500. TRADE FOR ACREAGE 7-rm. home In Englewood dist. Plas tered. hwd. firs, fplare. bsmt. with pip ed furnace, elec. water htr., gar., pavmt. A sidewalk. $14,000, Will take acreage up to JjOOO. ACREAGE S. V sc. 5 ac. cult, rolling, some limber. Family orchard. 80 ft. well, elec. pump, wtr. plprd to hse. 2-bdrm. hse. 7-sian-cltion barn, chicken hse. 8 ml. to Salem. Price $6500. Some terms. If any of the above do not meet your ri'uiiireiiients tell us wnat ou want, wlih detailed information on more than 1000 properties on our ftle.s we can save von t'.me A- money in ttpuin what you want. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS '. 1 N. High St. Phone 3-4622 c7ft Low Down Payment Large two bedroom home with unfin ished upstairs, attached garage, about 2 years old. V. Blinds, lawn, land scapes, wonderful garden around. 18.000 41 o Acres Suburban place on Lancaster Ave 3 Bedrooms, large garage, barn, poultrj houses $3500 down bal. $50.00 pei month. We are instructed from out of city owner to submit offer. State Veteran Very nice 1 bedroom home, north, owner will sell for low down payment. or mav accept good used car as a trade in. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N Capllol Ph. JI1H WANTED REAL ESTATE I AM in urgent need of a 3 BR home with basement but I onW have $1000 to put down. Can you Help Mr? Ph 3-7311. Ci79 WE ARI In need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. It you wish to list your property for tale see CRARENHORST BROS., RKALTOE9 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 ' AN ADDED SERVICE w sen real estate at auction. Call us for an appointment to discuss your property "C" Kilgore Real Estate 433 . 11th Pit. 3-455. e NOTICE! If your property la for sale. rent or etchanie. list It with us. We hive all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTOB 1M ft. fc aX AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL Price reduced to 19500.00 on one oi the flneat constructed new homea around. L.R. & D., K. comb. Beautltul oalc floors. La. bedrooms, dream kitchen. Plastered aaraae. 17800 FHA commit. Be the first to live In this new home. Call Bill. 3 BED ROOMS Basement, sawdust furnace, fenced In yard L.R., D.R.. fireplace, hdwd. floors. Built 1939. Located In East Sa lem on paved St. Bus, schools, etc., very convenient. Call Maddy. APARTMENT HOUSE 8 rentals plus spacious owner's quarters. 4 blocks from city center. Everything in A-l condition. Auto steam heat. Shows a very good income and well worth your consideration Call us now for additional Information. 132,500.00. STEWART REALTY Eves Ralph Maddy 23488 Bill Stewart 24722 GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1845 NORTH WINTER New 2 bdrm. home, brick front, liv. rm.. din. rm, inside utility hdwd. firs., fireplace, oil heat, attached garage $10,- 800. Call Roy Ferris. 10 ACRE BLDG. SITE Located 5 mi. South, view proper! y, drilled well, good road, price $3,150. TERMS. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. GRABENHORST 134 S. Liberty Evenings it Sundays call Roy Ferris Peter Oelser Earl West REIMANN FOR $350 DOWN NEW HOME! 26x26 house unfinished but livable. Close to bus and school. $35 per month on balance including taxes and Insur ance. Veterans preference. NEW with a VIEW CHARM! -and 3 fireplaces, double garage, hard wood floors, hemlock paneling, finished basement, large lot. Immediate posses sion. REIMANN FOR 301 South High Street Sun. Si Eves. 2-3738. 3-6343. Lovely 3-bdrm.. all on 1 fir. Large living rm., dining rm., very nice kitchen, brick front, dble. garage, hdwd firs., lovely fireplace. This home is located In Englewood Price $15,800. If you are looking for a nice home contact Mr. Noonchester, eve. 20103. Nice 2-bdrm. home completely furn. Very nice furniture with electrical appl. & fireplace, breakfast nook, unfinished up. Full basement, oil heat. Owner leaving state. Anxious to sell. Price $8,000. For further information call Mr. Noonchester. Very nice 8 unit auto court. 1-acre of ground, close in, Portland Highway. Nice 3 bedroom home completely furnished. Gross about 8 to 9.000.00 per year. Will consider other income property which docs not require personal supervision or would take nice home In Salem. Out of State owner, anxious to sell coast Income property. If you want to get In on the opening season see this lovely 6 unit plus owners living quarters. All completely furnished with new furniture and appliances. If you enjoy the coast and want a nice Income property call Mr. Nooncnester. Eve 2-0103. Nice suburban home 2 bedroom. 7 acres, or very good soil and bearing walnuts, filberts, berries, good barn and otner out bldgs. This is a nice place and worth your Investigation. Reduced from 14,500.00 to 12,500.00. Some terms. For informa tion call Mr. Noonchester. 10.7 acres 3 bedroom home, close in. North. Price 15.000.00 Will except home In exchange to 9.000.00. What have you? 143 acres located North. Good soil. Home is old but livable. All under cultivation. Ornf reserves this years crop. Price been reduced to 180 an acre. Better hurry on this one. Also have lovely 4 bedroom home in Englewood, part hardwood floors, fireplace, nice lot, with outside fireplace and patio. Large basement with party room and bur. This is a nice home. Choice location. $13,650.00. Contact Mr. Noonchester. Eve. 3-0103. M. GEIGER REAL ESTATE 3205 Portland Rd. Phone 21073 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT TO BUY. a small well located. modern house. Ph. 2-8305 eve. cais EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE VIEW BUILDING lot valued at 31500. for same value car. Ph. 2-eiftB. emu RESORT PROPERTY LET'S TRADE What have you? We have several auto courts, business opportun ities and homes, all good buys. C. A. WESTRAN . REALTORS Taft, Oregon Phone Delake 881 cc81 S'ltal.OO RIO. income plus caretakers apt. Sacrifice because of ill health al $14. 500 full price with $6,000 loan. All steady renters. Pine Ridge Cottages. Newport. Ore.. Box 677. cc80 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APARTMENTS CLOSE IN 5 unlls furnished, all private entrance and bailis. Will take tn Salem home up to $9,000. Drive by 060 Union St., THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 Evenings 36375 - 35514 - 25B95 Cd80 GARAGE Profitable business, good location, building, land, equipment & inventory. $18,500 SUBURBAN GROCERY Oood location, expanding nelahbor hood. living quarters, bids., land, ev erything xoes $16,000. Nelson & Nelson Specializing Realtors 702 N. High St. Ph. 34622 cd78 WILl7SWAP meat market equipment foi used car. labor, or anything I can use Two 10 ft. meat case. Also sllcer. Ph 3-0010. cd"9- MANAGER WANTED Reliable man for local business eaiem and vicinity. No selling or soliciting. Honesty and reliability more impor tant than pist experience. Pays large weekly income Immediately. Car neces sary. National concern. $3,000 to $3,500 which Is fully secured puts you in a stable lasting and well paying business. Will stand your banker's Inspection. Don't waste time unless you have cash available. Write fully about yourself for appoint mnit . Give address and Phone no. Write Box 316. Capital Jour nal. cdjf LONG ESTABLISHED grocery and hard ware in farming community, No blue sky. $.10 month lease, 1600 (or fixture.", stock at Inventory, approximate $3500. Last year gross $26,000 Phone 2-1769 Cd83 lVmber "Re-mfg. Plant Ont racks jre Three Acres Ground, 11.000 SP FU Spc. Planer, Tilting roll resaw Imbr car rier and other ml;c. equipment Located Portland Bv Owner. Phone KEnwood 7541. Mall P.O. Box 5085 Cd36 APRIL FOOL But we are not fooling this 1 no toke We actually have 3 good sized business rentals in a fast growing dis trict. Reasonable rent. Electric heat. A choice location for barber shop. Insurance business, pickup station or what have you. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820. 3-4596. Eve. 2-0473, 3--15i8 Cd78- OOUNTRY GROCERY STORE With beer license, gas pump. New elec heated living quarters attached. 1 acre of land $16,000 takes lock, stock A bar rel. Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court St. Ph. 2-3629. Eve. 3-4789 or Mr. Craig 3-5053. cd79- Associated Station $1750.00 Full price for this station, lock, stock and barrel. Good lease, high way location in Salem. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters. Realtor Phone 2384D. Eve. Ph. 2$fSt, 970 S. Commercial criSO" FURNITURE FOR SALE 6 DINING RM. CHAIRS cheap. Ph. 3-9370. d79- To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 18500 00 never bought more llvabllity than in tins 4 BR. all electric home in South Salem. Completely weather it ripped. L.R 3 BR., bath down. Bus, stores, schools. 37600.00 FHA commit. Better hurry, this can't last. Call Bill. DREAM HOME Clean A; ready to move into 3 B.R., L.R., D.R., hdwd. firs,, fireplace, full basement, beautiful yard &t shrubs. Located in Englewood district. Built in 1937. $13,500 Is the price. We have the key. Call Maddy. Ph. 27962 c80- NEW HOME ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 3 bdrm., lae. !K rm, Ac din. rm, 2 car plastered garage, auto-oll furnace. This home ts located at 1370 N. 24th Street. Call Earl West. BROS., REALTORS Olflce Phone 2-2471 REAL ESTATE $1,000 DOWN! Nearly new 2 bedroom home, hard wood floor.', large lot. wired for range, close to bus, attached garage, located east. No. 200-A 31 ACRES 10 Acres bottom land 4'a acres boy senbemes located northeast nenr Pud ding River. 7 room home. 7 stanchion barn. This is a good buy at na.ooo. No. 845 REAL ESTATE ' phone 3-9203 3 - 8241, 3-5905, 3-4628. 2-2346 c78' FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE SPECIALS All New Merchandise S-pc. Breakfast Sets 22.50 5-pc. Chrome Dinette 59.50 7- pc. Jr. Dining Set, wal 69.50 8- pc. Jr. Dining Set, wal 89.50 Velour Davenos 74.50 Bhby Buggies 7.95 Bed, Spring and Mattress 39.50 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9611. d WANTED FURNITURE ..IGHF.ST PRICES paid PnoneGlenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 3-5110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK WANTED BONnEbYlCENSn"livestock buyer. E. C. McCandlish, 1127 S. 25 Ph. 3-8147. ea98' RABBITS WINGS BABBITRY needs frier rab bits, top prices. 3985 State St. Ph. 109F5 eb!)9 PETS GOOD HOME for female Springer span iel. ec78 CANARY SINGERS Ph 3-4385. 1340 Chemeketa ec86 CHOICE Canary Birds. 260 N 18th 80' FUEL 16" Wood Old and second Growth Fir 2 Unit Loads Delivered to Salem $1200 Foi orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber A Manufacturing Company Independence. Ore on ee.8 FOR SALE Clean Sawdust No bark Pick Up and Haul at $3 DO per Unit Call Independence 42 for delivered prices ee"i GOOD DRY 18" slab S9 a load. Immediate delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. ee87 TRI-CHY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 27442. We give S St H Green Stamps. eelOO CALL-HIOHWAY iTTTiiPOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CTTI SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-A444 e' GSEEr EDGINGS $6.00 load. dbl. load 111. Also green 16' slab. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. ee95 DRY 16" SLAB and edgings. Big 2-cord load $18.00. Dry ash. maple mixed, 2 cord load $30.00. Also other dry wood. Dial 0. call 6SF22 ee89 I IN. snd growth fir Also .!ab Freh clean sawdust. Ph Maker J7868. ee87 wbod7TirklndarphTl-307fT ee87 FRESH CUP -screened sawdust. Immedfate delivery OREGON FUEL CO.. Ph 3-5533 ee84 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 18-IN CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1S2S Edtewater St W Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY "BABY CHICKS all popular varieties, in cluding L-ahorns. Hampshire. Par m enters, Austra Whites and othen Phone 2-3361 or write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try Information Lee's Hatchery P O Bo 725 Salem Oregon " f BROAD BREASTED ftronie poults. Pol onim clean U S. approved. Nellie U Cotnptoa. Rt. L Jefferson. Ph, 612 HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN. WANTED. GOOD SALARY. MARILYN'S I HQS ITORS. g'i HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: 2 men to learn heating and air conditioning business, rapid ad vancement and good pay while you learn. "Not labor or mecltanicai worK.i Apply in person. No phone calls. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 320 Kearney ga97 HELP WANTED FEMALE AVON COSMETICS, est. 1886, has opening for ambitious women who want extra money. Mali, will arrange prompt in terview in your home. Dist. Mgll. 8225 S.E. Yamhill, Portland. b80 EXPERIENCE SALE LADY wanted In ready to wear. K a ilea Apparel, 320 Court. R MIT HOSIERY MENDER, no experience neces sary. Apply mending counter Miner basement. Saturday A.M. MIDDLE AGE WOMAN for steady work In Auto Court, $100.00 per mo. Rm. St board, reference required. Write Capital Jour nal box 322. b78- COSMETICIAN WANTED Young lady for our cosmetics Dept. State age, experi ence, salary expected. References. Ad dress. Write Box No. 318 Capital Journal gbSl REGISTERED NURSE Full time employ ment in physician's office. State age and experience first letter. Reply Cap ital Journal, Box 314. gb7B WANTED: Young lady to work in our of fice. Some shorthand. Telephone and figure work. Nice office Pleasant work. Good pay. Apply in person. Ask for Mr Williams. Cherry City Baking Co. Broadway and Market gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICK AND CLRKICAI. POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 2-14H8. gf WANTED SALESMAN WOULD LIKE to employ a Real Estate Salesman. See Mr. or Mrs. Huff. 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 39271. eves. 39441 for an interview. gaflO WANTED POSITIONS ROTO-TILLING with M. 2-7500. GARDENING of all kinds, put in. Ph. 2-3943. also lawns h!03 YOUNG. CAPABLE mother with child of her own would like to care for other children in her home. Prefer children less than one year old. Located near Hollywood dist. Phone 20348. h80 WASHING AND IRONING done In my home $.75 per hr. You pick up and deliver. Miss Mary Vruble, 1440 Mill St.. Salem. Ore. h30 WANTED Yard and garden work. Ph. 2-3495 after 5 p.m hHO BUILD, REMODEL A REPAIR liomrs, etc. Large or small jobs, Reliable workman ship. Ph. 2-2348. Il79 LAWNS, prepared and seeded, garden ulnu'fH I, ialil. trnrtir fin rnhher. dozer. disc elc. Ph. 28127, Duane Wolcott. hl02 INFANT OR CHILD CARE. Go home or stay night. 945 S. 12th. h82 DEPENDABLE Middle-aged lady wishes risk p. Sz cooking. Small adult family. In city or out. Write box 330, Capital Journal h78 POE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower prices 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. hlOl CHILD CARE $1 a day. 946 S. 12th. h99' WILL BOARD children Day, week or month. Phone 26362. h78 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 24-hr. ser- ice. Former phone op. Ph. 3-5072. hlOO HAND FINISHED drapes made to order in our home. Your material. Ph. 3-3632. h78 CARE FOR children In my home, days. 497 5. Capitol. Call evenings. h78 CHILD CAR:, under 4 yrs. my home. Ph. 2-5102. h79 INTERIOR PAINTING & decorating. C. Bill. Ph. 22979. h97 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilllng. New lawns, tree work. Richard Bayer. Ph. 2-8110. h91 1ST CLASS Carpenter work, new, remodel, repair, ph, a-8ei. hBl LAVARS NURSERY for Infants. Crad, retc. nurse in charge. Ph. 22291. h94 BABY SITTING. .Ph. 3-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping 3S924. h86 DRESSMAKING, alt. Ph. 3-9840 after 3. h94 TREE WORK Trimming, Removing Insured Operator Free Estimates. John Payne. Ph. 26014 348 3. Church h84 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins op. Work guar. W. H. Mc Allister. 840 Trade Ph. 2-1496. h81 DRESSMAKING, alt. Guar. Ph. 3-7004 h82 BABY SHOE bronzing $3 pr. Ph. 3-2527 3275 S Com'l. h93' CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford trac tor. D. E Marshall. Ph. 21343, Garden Rd., near Swede school. h78 CARPENTER WORK New St repairs. Ph 22093. h83 CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Ph 2-6876, 183 S. 18th St. hB3 LET ME make your spring clothes.' Rea sonable. 15 years exp. Ph. 3-5072. h84 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK St chimney ouiioing ph. 2-4389 Free estimates. hBl INTERIOR painting, Exp Ph 3-6796. h87' MASONRY Fireplaces, chimneys, block laying. Ph. 3-5968. h93 KVTt PAINTING Just a shade better by nay e,ner i;aii snroci uotor Co I-B101 SERVICES Valley Sand St Gravel Co Pit run gravel sand St tilt Tractor dorlng & grading "rat r shovel for dirt moving Ph 2-4002 off Res 37146 h EDUCATION EDUCATION IS JOB INSURANCE Write or call for full catalogue on 40o I.CS. courses. Don McNeill, Inter national Correspondence Schools, 1553 State, Salem. Ph. 3-6330. G.I. approved hh83 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM. 888 N. Comm'l Jk80' SlNGI.EOR DOUBLESLEEPINO- ROOMS" H&O WATER. 461 N. High. jk83 OOOD CLEAN ROOM double bed, break fast Sz dinner privileges. Ph. 3-8388. Jk78 WE HAVE a nice room, nothing fancy but it's the whole upstairs to yourself. Prefer man. Garage available on prem Ises. 860 Spruce St. Ph. 20348. jk80 FURN. RX ladie. preferred, 631 iT Winter. Ph. 3-9614 jk80 HEATED RM., McCoy Ave. kitchen privileges. 1321 Jk79" ATTRACTIVE ROOM. Private home, gen tleman. Garage. 985 N. Summer. jk79 LARGE ATTRACTIVE rm. in home with auto heat A hot water. Breakfast. Gar ag space available. 1143 S. Liberty. Jk79 HEATED SLEEPING RM. for tlrls. 3'r, blocks from General hosp. St new med ical center. New home on bus line. Ph 3;9589: Jk79 CLEAN, Ql'HT. sleeping rm.. employed lady preferred, laundry privilege. 645 perry. Jlt78- 'TCE ROOM in private home for em ployed girl. 960 Marion. Jk79' ROOM FOR neat employed girl. No smok er. 1564 Ferry St. jk78 HTD. SLEEPING rms 2131 Center. Jk80 CLEAN HOLLYWOOD sleeping rm. Ph 36093 K8. EAN. MODERN rooms Tor men. Priv ent. Ar tel Tel. 33425, 1505 N. CapitoL Jk?2 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-RM. Fl'RN. apt. Private bath. April 11. adults. Ph. 2-5463 after 10 a.m. jpSO' CLOSE IN newly decorat-fd apt. For two employed girls. 435 N. Winter. Jp79 VNFTKN. upper duplex. 1284 Court. Adult only. Inquire lower duplex 1 to I pm. JPM" SM LL APT., elec. heat unfurn. except elec. rante & re ff;( . priv. bath. Ad'tl's. 11 Ferry. jp0 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICE APT. for 2 people available April 15th. Ph. 3-5862. JP80' CHOICE -BDRM. apt. In attractive court. Refrig.. range, auto, laundry. Close to bus. Call at 907 B. 13th. jp83 HSKPG. RM. $16. Also 2 St 3-rm. apt. & trailer parking. 160 Union. Ph. 3-9H3f. Jp80 ONE ROOM St kitchenette apt. Utilities pd. $30. Ph. 2-6500. JpIS 'i RM. furnished apt. Private entrance. P'l. 3-4449 or 3-7046. Jp79 FURN. APT. 3-rm. St bath. Emp. mar, cple. $55. 495 N. Summer after 7 p.m. Jp82 3 RM. FURN. APT., private bath St en trance, ground floor. 640 Marlon. JpBO 3-RM. FURN. apt. Hot wtr.heat. Adults. 705 N. Liberty. Jp7B 3-RM. FURN. APT. Ground fir. Mlddle- aged or employed couple preferred. 3191 Maple. Jp79- FURN. t-BM. apt. St kitchenette. 140 Wil liams. Ph. 37546. Jp73 CLOSE IN modern 2-rm. furn. apt. Pri vate Doth. 635 N. Winter. Jp79 NEAT, CLEAN, close in. Furnished apt. utilities included. Two adults. 6500. 168 N. I2lh St. ph. 35620. JP79 LARGE CLEAN three rm. apt., private bath, and entrance, all utilities, walk ing distance. No children or pets. Ph. 2-7625. jP78 S-RM. FURN. APT. No children. 515 N. Bummer. Ph. 2-0714. ,'p79 i-RM. FURN. APT. Kitchenette. $35. 140 Williams Ave. Ph. 2-7546. Jp78 APARTMENTS Hollywood district. Partly furnished. Adults. 1047 Madison. Jp82 FURN. 3 rtn. Apt. Ground fir. Will take ciinaren. 2310 N. 4th. Jp78 NICELY furnished two room apt. Private umn. 9Di.au. oou n, oummer. Amoassa dorApt. jpsi ONE AND TWO rm. apt. Private bath. ojj rerry at. j p7 ?-RM. APT., very clean, chue-ln, emp. lady or couple. No drinkers or smok ers. 721 Ferry. Jp73 FOR RENT. Apt. vlth bath, also sleeping. room. ao . unurcn. pn. 3-4335. Jp78 3-RM. FURN. apt., fireplace. 160 S. Cot tage. jP78 NEW APT., Hollywood dtst.. partly lurn. im. ow um.ii. guuiia, rnune JOWH. ipm SMALL COTTAGE, very reasonable. 100!t ao. a 1st St. jpsi MOD. UNFL'RN. 2 bedrm. apt.. heatT utilities In basement. Water, garage. Close In south. Adults. Phone 3-7487. Jp78- FOR RENT HOUSES I BDRM. HOUSE with basement. Located at 1254 Franklin St. West Salem. $62.50 per mo. 3 BDRM. home with basement, Located at lav n. 4th, $62. so per month. COL BATH LAND COMPANY 1683 Center Ph. 2-4552. Jm7 FOR RENT House trailer $16.00 per mo. Auuns oniy. rau w. water St. Jm78 WILL LEASE by the year. 3 bdrm. home, emmv ncni, saiHsc Hiiacnco, ana N. klberty Jm78 TWO BEDROOM house with bath. See J. A. Gipson, '.3 mile north Hopmire on Keizer Hopmere road. jm78 MODERN FURN. l bdrm. cottage. Garden space, 2 ml. north of Brooks on 99E, Rose cottages after 6 except Sat. or a""day Jm9p FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for bom S In- iuv aowaer tiros, ra. 1-J64B, J" D DRIVE trucks cars Ph 2-9103 SINGER Electric Portable Sewing 11a- "J '" rauiim. neaaonaoie nates. Free Delivery and Pickup. Phone 33513. Singer Sewing Machine Co. jju n. commercial yi9 TRUCKS ana cars. Smltt'ys Clipper Ser- -vuu wi uiutu tug vnurcn. I" TRAILERS, 12.00 per day Howser Bros. uup cAJucwuicr oi, west eaiem. ) BUSINESS RM. for ranv H. L. fltlfl. J GOOD USED PIANOS. B. L StlHi J IRONERS by week. Phone 2443T" FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgoir t TO DO a good Job rent a good floor land er. W sell everything to complete the lob. HOWSEB BROS Ph. 1-3644. f ROOM AND BOARD BY THE WEEK for 2 children from 1 to 6. Girls preferred. Ph. 3-5913. JJ79 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT 2 bd. rm. home. Ph. 3-5038. ja 78 BY ? ADULTS St daughter 5fc. Mod. clean 2-bdrm. furn. house or apt. Prefer With child care. Few days g week. Permanent A good care given. Pit. 3-3651 days or 23478 eves. ja79 3-BR HOME wanted for rent. Local bus inessman. Responsible. Ph. 36525. Ja82 HOME FURN. or unfurn. Suitable for couple St 2' yr. old child. Permanently employed. References. Write Box 323 Capital Journal. JaT9 EMPLOYED COUPLE desire 2-bdrm. furn. or part. furn. home. Must be alee St clean. After 1, 27654. ja83 UNFURNISHED MODERN 3-bdrm. home. Up to $60. Write Capital Journal box 321. iatn 2-BR TNFURX. house in city. flo. of State tit West oi 12th St. Would buy if priced right. Ph. 3-4068. Ja78 3 ADULTS wish to rent 3 or 1 bedroom unfurnished house with basement. Ph. 2-31B5 eves. Ja78 ASST. MGR. of local store desires 3 bedrm. home. furn. or unfurn., on bus line. Ref. Ph. 2-1002 after 3;30. Ph. j-mn (Mr. Snicale). Ja78 RETIRED MIDDLEAGED couple, no pets or children, desire 5 or 6 rm. unfutn. home. Write Box 317 Capital Journal. Ja.l POSTAL EMPLOYEE St wife wish unfurn". .muse, no ciiuoren, rent wunin reas. Ph. 39028 after 5 p.m. Ja78 M ID OLE AGED em pi. cple. want 4 or 5 rm. hs., furn. or partly furn.. excel. ref. Ph 2-6245 after 6 p.m. Ja81 LOST AND FOUND FOUND Pair clear plastic rim glasses. (siaim at capital Journal bsns, office. k79 MONEY FOUND in local store, owner can identity by description on envelope. Reply Capital Journal, Box 324. k79 LOST: In Liberty dlst. White Collie with sable markings on head. Wearing brown collar and lead chain. Ph. 2-3234. k79 FLOWER SILK scarf, red green. Ph. 2-6971 k78- LOST: Handle to chain saw between 200 St 1300 block on N. Ohurch. Reward. Ph. 36014. k84 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films St Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis, 412 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 3-5333 ml DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICt IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State St Commercial 6u SALEM Phone 1-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery aervlce on all makes of ma chines Free estimate given before work Is ttarted Singer Sewing Machine Co., N Com'l. m BUILDING MATERIAL ISID PLUMBING fixtures, bargains. Usd washers Good used water tanks and automatic water heaters. Judson's. 2:9 N. Com'l.. Salem. maSO- LUMBER SAVINGS 70 M. ft. of good 3x4 and 1 tn. sheet ing, all grades, priced for quick sale, delivered or FOB. mill. West Siiem Lumber Co Ph 3-9593. mat: (Continued on Page 21) I,