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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1949)
(CetpitalJournal d Opening Thursday Iran Second Section Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, March 30, 1949 IN ew On ;5 ) LJ LJ A ' Cooling Plant Major Factor 4-Day Open House at Berg's Super-Market I , ... - - ---rr --r-.-.'T-n Present day food merchandis ing methods call for refrigera tion in its many ramifications, and Berg's store has not neglect ed this very essential item. Incorporated in the various departments are 171 lineal feet of rferigerated display cases, operated from a number of com pressors. In addition to the large space devoted to the display of fresh fruits and vegetables, refrigera tion is employed in the display of fresh meat, frozen foods, dai ry products, ice cream, soft drinks and several other items The vegetable display is the last word in the proper preser vation of fresh stuff. It has an over all length of 49 feet and re frigeration is provided without dehydration. The plant includes an automatically controlled re frigerant "fog" over the dis play, insuring crisp vegetables at all times. Sherman W. Bushnell, a reg istered refrigeration engineer of Seattle, described the fruit and vegetable section as "the best I have ever seen." Described by many persons in ihe field of retail food selling as the latest and most modern establishment of its kind "Berg's." Center and 12th street, will hold open house Thursday through Saturday of this week. While the store has been in operation for the past lew weeks, Elmer O. Berg, proprietor, with-f held his official welcome party until every detail of the huge establishment had been complet ed. For those folk who expressed wonder that it took approxima tely 10 months to build, a tour of the reinforced conorete struc ture with 15,700 square feet of floor space will be illuminating The buildine is 100 bv 120iers with a minimum amount feet on the ground level with a maneuvering. second floor approximately 36 Parking facilities for approxi- feet wide extending the length jmately 300 automobiles are now by the latest in florescent tubing. Wide aisles permit the custo mer to move about with the minimum of congestion with the modern type of grocery buggy through tiie displays of merchan dise. The fixtures, latest in every detail, are arranged so that the customer mav reach the check- of of the store along the east wall A color scheme of light green, blue and raspberry for the walls and a light grey ceiling, gives the interior a decidedly unique and attractive appearance. The entire floor is covered with two tone asphalt tile in squares. Large plate glass windows on the west and south provide the maximum in natural light Arti ficial iluumination is provided Hospitality Door Main entrance to Bergs market fea tures an electric-eye door that automatically opens to let one in, and opens again when the customer laden with packages is ready to go out. A photo-electric cell reacting to the patron's shadow operates this electric-eye door, the only ore of its kind in Salem. Alert Businessmen See Opportunity in Salem Salem was selected by Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company as the location for its retail trading center of new major buildings on North Capitol street because of the city's business volume and the growth of its trade area. A statement authorized by Thomas L. Lowe, manager of the rpal pstate division of the com-v pany, shows Salem to have been selected by careful business cal culations, a check into present conditions and a look at the fu ture prospect. A") "Pacific Mutual has allied it self through the past 80 years with the development of the west," the statement says. " It is our strong conviction that the state of Oregon, since the war, has embarked upon a period of substantial expansion. Salem, as capital of the state and probaly the second largest city in business volume, should directly profit from this ex pansion, "Considering Salem's popu lation and the growth of its trade territory, our investiga tion convinced us that the town itself lacked adequate retail stores Several major national merchandising organiz at i o n s agreed with our findings. "Further examination of the town convinced us even more of your need for off-street park ing and modern, air-conditioned retail store buildings. "An alalysis of population, highways, and major traffic ar teries pointed to Capitol and Center as the focal point of the city. Because of the adjacency of this area to the capitol build ings, we will erect a shopping center of beauty and dignity, as well as stressing functional con venience. Upon our completion of the Capitol Shopping Center we are sure it will be a develop ment that Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company, the town of Salem, and the State of Ore gon can well be proud of. "Pacific Mutual Life is a life insurance company in its 81st year of operation. Our slogan for the year is '80 Years of Lead ership in the West,' and we be lieve that our Capitol Shopping Center development illustrates one means of leadership in the development of this western area. "We are one of the largest in surance companies with home offices west of the Mississippi river, and show assets, as of De cember 31, 1948, of $38,107, 707.54. The company serves Sa lem in life, accident and health insurance, through our general agency, and in mortgage loans through our district office, both located in the Yeon building, Portland. Customer Helps Herself to Meat in Cellophane Covers Fresh meats, poultry, smoked meats, delicatessen items and fish are featured in the self service meat department at Bergs and are on display for the customer's selection in cases having a total length of 70 feet. Warren Griffin, manager of the meat department, explains that the new type, alloy steel, self' service display cases are main tained at a temperature between 32 and 36 degrees by a constant circulation of chilled air. And under no condition is any offer ing of fresh meat permitted to remain on display beyond 48 hours. Meats offered in these ultra modern and highly sanitary cases are tightly wrapped in cel lophane and distinctly marked as to hour of display and in re spect to weight and price. Wrapping is done in the re frigerated cutting room by three women who weigh meats on scales registering down to one eighth of an ounce. Advantages to the customer who patronizes Bergs' self serv ice meat department are several: He is not pressured by salesman ship, he is not delayed by rush periods, and he knows by look ing just how much meat he is! going to get for his money. In addition he is assured of government inspected, Grade A meats. In the delicatessen de partment purchasers may make selections from about 20 varie ties of cheese. Manager Griffin makes every effort to keep his refrigerated cutting room just as immaculate as the store display cases. Be sides the three women who weigh, price and package meats this department employs three meat cutters including the man- SHADOW DOES IT Have You Wondered Why Berg's Doors Open for You? Even your shadow is graciously received at Berg's. If vou have anv doubt about it approach the main entrance door lettered "IN," and see how efficiently that door opens for you just when you've decided to reach out and push it for your self. And it works the same way when you pass out of the store with your arms filled with groceries. It is then tnat tne service performed by Bergs' electric eye door is really appreciated. What really happens is the silent and automatic reaction of your shadow upon the sensitive photo electric cell that is the delicate mechanism in the elec tric eye. This electrical regis tration between light and shadow is greatly amplified and transferred to an air valve that opens the door and holds it open while you enter Beig s ultra modern store. No other store in the Salem shopping area is served by an electric eye door and only a few are operating elsewhere in Ore gon. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was named for a river which does not exist. Spanish discoverers mistook the wide bay for the mouth of a river, which they called River of January, be cause they came upon it Janu ary 1. State, City Officials To Attend Opening When Berg's, Salem's largest market, holds its official open ing Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock present for the ceremon ies will be a number of slate and city dignitaries. Gov. Douglas McKay will lead the stale dignitaries at the ceremonies, and representing Sa lem's Mayor Elfstrom in his ab sence will be City Manager J L Franzen. available. When the entire pro ject has been developed there will be space for 800 cars. Operating from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. seven days a week, means that a maximum number oE 45 persons will be employed. Catering Queen Nicely Located On the second floor level of Berg's store, in the north east corner, is a room that has an intriguing appearance. Enclosed in circular glass, one might suspect it was the place where the prorictor could sit and view the display below admire the row up on row of cans, the battery of cash registers or glimpse the surprise of the customers when the entrance or exit doors open without so much as a touch. However, the room in ques tion is not for this purpose. It will be the place where Mrs. Myrtle Liudahl will reign over a shiny array of electric ovens, food chopping and mix ing machines and gleaming tables of stainless steel. Under the direction of Mrs. Liudahl, Berg's will be in a position to carry on an ex tensive catering business. Any thing from a family sized din ner to a banquet will lie pre pared aiula delivered. First Unit in Capitol St. Center 1 - - -. ij m '.aTtn..BVat((, :itiM-. ' Modernity Stressed in llergs Market . . , Exterior design" and interior arrangement at Bergs features the newest con ceptions in grocery retailings. Bergs, first structure to be com pleted it Salem's new Capitol street shopping center, suggests the design of those to follow. CONGRATULATIONS to BERG'S SUPER MARKET SNO BOY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ager. Modern power saws, cube steak machines and slicers' and a table grinder are in use here. Tlie walk-in cooler, 12x15 feet, is illuminated by germicidal lamps and chilled to 35 degrees by two large blowers. GOOD LUCK to Berg's Market A Complete Selection of Societe Brand Candies May We Take This Opportunity to Congratulate On Their Grand Opening Louis Du Buy Court St. Radio 357 Court St. Congratulations! NEW SUPER MARKET TILE FLOOR COVERING was installed by . Salem, Ore.