IT. is b ta 16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I Fit LID 1 Per Unt J time 40o Per Line 0 tlmej flOc Per Ltos 1 month . . 12-00 Outside of Salem 15o per Una per day. Mln, 10c; I time mln. 80c B times mln 11.20. No Refunds READERS Id Local News CoL Onlrt Per une Mo To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES nrn rm. house 17000. nearly completed. 135 H. 23rd t BDEM. unfinished home. 3805 Thorn- dale. Ph. 3-1718. aa FOR SHORT TIME only we are offering our email home at reduced price. In sulated, pi., nice lot, shrubs, near bus At store. Extra cottage, garage. 1815 N. liberty w BY OWNER One year old house. See or write Bud Nicholson, P. O. Box 220, Aumsvllle. Ore. a76 3 Bedrooms $7,000 A neat plastered home on large cor ner lot, nice shrubs, wonderful Harden ' soil. See It at 1580 0th St. or call at our office. WALTER MUSGRAVE, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 35109 a76 BY OWNER. Term. 2 BR, unfln. airs, lull bsmt.. auto. heat, fireplace, hdwd thruout. (12,500. 1930 N. 18th. a76 This older type, 10 rm. home In good repair. Cor. lot 66x100, full basement, auto, oil fur. A good buy at (6950. ,.,(5500 Nice new 2 bd. room home, at tached Bar., oil fur. Close to school. Lot 50x125. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. 'Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3D271 Eves. 39441 a74' , Owner Leaving State 1 yr. old beaut. 2 bdrm. hm. on i acre. Elec. ht., insul., weather stripped, carpet. Near Swegle Sen., Rt. 5, Bx 115. California Style New $1500 Down Lew than rent. 1625 Bnker 7C $600.00 Down New 3 bdrm. suburban home, hard .wood floors, fireplace, oil heat, full price 18500.00. G. I. SPECIAL New 2 bdrm. home, hardwood floors. xh A, north. (1 000. 00 down. $1,000 DOWN S bdrm., hardwood floors, nook, V. blinds, floor furnace, large lot, 1mm. ..poss. A good buy for 16300.00. 3-BDRM. HOME New, all electric, close to school, good terms F.H A. RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood District) Ph. 2-4664. Eve. 2-0013, 3-7128, 2-5757. a74 BY OWNER, 5-rm. mod. home. Hollywood dlst. Ph. 3P688. a77 WELL PLANNED 3-bdrm. home. Dining rm,. Ifie. living rm., corner fireplace. Bendlx. 1040 N. 22nd. a74 3-BDRM. noUNE on 820 Cascade Dr., W. Salem, Klnawood Heights, (8750. Ph. 2-1235. n70 BEST BUYS Englewood I bdrms., basement, dole, plumbing, auto, heat, fireplace, very nice yard. 1 blk. to (trade school. Well worm 500. Con be PHA financed. Trade Almost new 2 bdrm. home. Inside city, part bdftd. firs., fireplace. V. blinds, att. garage. 5 blks, to grade sen. Will trado for suburbnn acreage. Total price 18250. Hollywood A Tery well-built 2-bdrm. home with full basement, fireplace, garniie, nice lawn Ae shrubs, sawdust heat. Full prlco (8750. Can b FHA financed. Owner lea vine city Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road. Ph. S-7820, 2-4508. Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558. 075' BNGLEWOOd's "BEDROOM HOME Also full dining room, L.R. witli nice fireplace. Basement und oil furnace. Corner lot. Immediate possession. No. of Market St. (11,500. 1030 NO. 22 BT. JUST NO. OF D Packaged 2 B.R. home. Plastered. Am ple closets. Hdwd. floors, nuto. heat. (9000. We have a good value here. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St, - Phone 2-3039 Kve. 2-4780 or Mr. Craig. 3-5053. a74 KINGWOOD, $13,500 New long, low look In houses offered here, two bedrooms, nice living room and fireplace, smnrt kitchen with Hot point dish washer, utility room with Bendlx. large new lot. Walter MusKrnve, Realtors 1311 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109, Eve. 3-9339 B79' KEIZER, $16,500 Fine home, strictly modern, every I hints you need; three bedrooms, excellent lo cation. Waller Musgrave, Realtors 12U Edgewater Ph. 3-5100, Eve. 3-91130 a79 tx:m. 1 BR. dn upstairs unf.. rm. for 2 sm. B.Hi. L it, and D.R. Good loca tion. Owner would like to trade for property In Ore. City, preferably farm. J7H00. I B.R. house completely furn. with modern furn. 1 A. Altnched gnraKe, ill tl. rm.t elec. heat, yard nicely landscaped. 17950. t R.R.. IR DR., hdwd. Mr., elec. heat. New house, unf. attic, room for 3 'more rooms up. Ke'izer Real Estate & Ins. Onas B. Olson C. R. Rlrkard 865 Chemawa Rd , Ml. West of Kelzer School Phone 3-i:iflll or 2-2273 b7V OPEN HOUSE 3430 Myrtle Ave. Full basement, no water In mis,, hdwd. firs., llv. rm., - bath., garage. Lot 60'xl2O', kitchen. a74 modern home. Will sell or wilt trade equity for acreage. Ph. 27358. a77 : ON GARDEN ROAD Hert Is a coiy well-made t-HK "Start er" home, finest construction. S acre ' good soli. Wired for ranee. Furniture ' goes. Well worth (4500. ! B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Street. - Of fle Ph. 2-3883. Eves. P11 or 2-8818 74 ; $6,900 Toil will be surprised at the large llv -. lttcroom. the handy kitchen, nice bnth. I bdrms., the attached utility and gnr- mi, located ea.t. $7,400. Mew, lust about ready to move Into. 32 foot living room, cove cellinus. kitchen, dining space, 2 bedrooms, bnth, large garage, nice lot, trees. South. FHA. $12,000. 4-bdrm. home, living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bath, full b-smt.. furnace, extra larce lot. South. (1500 down will handle. This U good. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 3-4129. a7S- :. RANCH TYPE Beaut, new 2-bdrm. bungalow with fire plar, din. im., Ige. closet, and well planned kitchen, 2 car garage, lie. corn, rot, close to Englewood school. Price 111, 000. Call Bon Cleary. 'Waller Musgrave, Realtors 1211 Edgwater ph. 35 109 Eves. 3993B. 74 Jit. size g. e. twe, M8S 5ir St. A-I cond. aii Ore., Monday, March 28, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES EXCLUSIVE Pirst time listed This fine 4-bdrm modern home with llv. rm., din. rm., kit., fireplace, basement, auto, oil pipe furnace, large lot, best location, close to state buildings, priced at only 19,500.00. FOR QUICK SALE S10.5A0.00 buys this nice 7 plus acres, good 3-bdrm. modern home that is clean thruout, fireplace, basement, furnace, creek, good soil, large barn. Call Ray Davis Ph. 23849 Kve. 28658 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial a74" BY OWNER, new 6-rm. hse. Lge, unfln. attic. 50x160 lot, reas., Immed. poss. 998 Locust. a79 BY OWNKR, 2 BR, mod. home. Lee. lot In Independence. Ph. 20291 Salem or 18F3 Independence. a75 BY OWNER, two bedroom modern home, wired for electric range, cement base ment, garage, choice residential dis trict. Ph. 2-8338. 7fl' BY OWNER, modern one bedroom home, wired for range. (3500. Call at 488 otn St., Independence, Ore. a78 Lovely English style 4 bedroom home, double plumbing, hardwood floors throughout, two fireplaces, full base ment, piped air-conditioned oil furnace, double garage (15,800. Call Mr. Byrklt. Phone 33101 or 33434 Ed Byrkit Realtors 3425 Portland Rd. a75 NICE NEW home In quiet district, 2 bed rooms, bath, living room, dinette, large kitchen, hardwood floor throughout, ftaraee attached, large lot. (17,350. PHA Terms, Phone 33101 or 33414 Ed Byrkit Realtors 3425 Portland Rd. a75' FIRST TIME ADVERTISED By owner, 5 blks from downtown, 1 block from Rush Pk. 2 bdrms. down, liv ing room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bit fast nook Ac bath with in laid linoleum, hdwd. floors, auto, gas furnace, attic finished with plywood, FHA committment of (7200. Priced at (9500. a75 OWNER LEAVING town. Make us an of fer on this cute little 2 BR home. We arc- asking only (725D.O0 and this In eludes all the furniture, also a new Launder mat. You can have the range and ref. Don t overlook this bargain, Goodwin and McMillin Ph, 34707 Eve. DON'T MISS SEEING THIS 3 bedroom home In Manbrln Gardens, ourpeting, lull basement, oil furnace, Venetian blinds, and excellent PHA terms. Call us for appointment. Price (11,500. 12.000 Down. PLANNING TO BUILD? Then let. us show you lots of every price and description. Or better yet, drive by theso two: one 60x90 located on Wald Ave., south, price (500, and one B0xl2fl, located Just south of 2370 Hulsey Ave, Priced at (850. These are exceptionally gooo values. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone 3-B838 331 N. High (Across from Hotel Senator) Eve. Ph. 3-7534 or 3-1724 a74' FOR SALE LOTS DESIRED LOT for sale by owner. Side walk and 3 Walnut trees, Price (500. Ph. 26000. aa7.f VIEW lota 500 blk. Vista Ave., wooded lot. nun oik., uatciiti Dr. owners. Ph. 34284. LARGE LOT In restricted dlsrllct. Lois or trees Ph. 28305 after fl p.m. aa74 FOR SALE FARMS WE TRIM SAILS! MUST LIQUIDATE! SACRIFICE! THROW OVERBOARD 105 A. FARM! 3 FARMS ARE TOO MANYI GHASTLY (4000 CUT'S, THIS 105 A. 8 ml. from downtown SALEM I SALEM MAIL, IiIkIi school bus, mllke rtes.l 00 A. cropped wheat, fescue hayl 7 A. fir woods. 8 A. fruit, nuts! darning white cot midst trees Red barn, hen, garage, nich. siied. Trout stream. El. pump, good well. CUT TO (H000I (fifiOO cash. Bal. 5 to Travelers I! C. W. Stuller, Agent 36 ACRES or Willamette vallye's finest benn & sweet corn land. On Irrigation ditch. 5 rin. hse Good bnm Fenced and crossed fenced Near Aumsvllle. Ideal for dairy. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590; Eve 3-9535. b74 :t8 ACHES laying on a gradual slope at the edgo of a pretly valley, 2 all yenr springs good 7-rm. house with basement A furnace, barn Ac other bldxs. 3 acre boysenbcrrlcs, family orchard, past tire, 8 acres oats, some livestock At Imple ments, 7' ml. from Salem, Owner will eoiiMller trade for home In town. Phone 2.1849. Eve. Ph. 25200. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor FOR SALE ACREAGE VIEW ACREAGE 10 acres orchard Ae timber, new 2-bdrm house not quite finished. Everything on! hand to complete. Large view window.!. The owner Is living In the house now. 2-room cabin that could be renled. Hood well. (HflOO buys everything. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N Hlrh St. Phone 3-4129 hl74 REAL ESTATE Swap North. 1 aire A- 2-Itlt Consider city home in trade. Also 3-yr. old 2-UR home, kr, lot. Consider .vitmrhiin 3 acres or more A bU1n. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capital St. Olllce Ph. 2-3H8J. Eve. OKU or 2-88.18. Glen ('reek Road 13 acres A 3 Bit home. Also 3 rm. ren tal. Fruit. Live stream. Will consider a small home as part trade. Price (12,000, Suburban Very attractive small modern home on Int. secluded 75x110' lot. Close to stores A bus. Fireplace Knotty pine. (7850. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2O07 N. Capitol Street Office Ph. 3-3883 Eves 6FI1 or 2-8838 C74 jW,,vo.oo One acre north, good soil. 2 bdrm., bath, kit., llv. rm . attached gar., nice lawn & lots of jlmitw. $ll.5on.ww New ranch style home, 3 bdrm.. bath, We. kit . Ai utility, dble. gar., elec. heat A: ftrrplare, lawn Ac shrubs. SMMi.nw Gond location to schools, 2 bdrm. llv. rm , din. rm., kit., bath, fire place, full basement, .tingle garage, nice lot. Call Ivan Sivers. Ph. 3.1849 Eve. Ph. 37012 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor flfiO S, Commercial e74" Auto repair and paint shop 35x30 ft., concrete floor, larne double doors, Neon Sign. To bedroom cottage with batn. living room and dining room rombtned. kitchen, all electric, back of garage. Chicken house. Clcwe to school. (6850. A 3 bedroom home with bath, living room, din In room kitchen. (Ireplace, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, rec rrntlon room and shower In basement. gnraKr. automatic heat. 1mm. pass. Price (13.500. 5 A. with new 5 room home. Close to school (6100 Make an offer Owner must sell this year-old 2 bedroom home at 1185 N. 3itli Stieet. Has bath, living room an.l dining room combtnrd. nice kitchen, fireplace, nardwood floors, unfinished upstairs Asking price (11.200. lxit 119x115 (t. on Iancaster Drive., (1600 P. II. Bell Realtor 361 Chemrketa fit. j Ph. 2-1545, J.4BH6 Ei m 2-8568, 1-7MV 1-6888 cii' REAL ESTATE OHMART AND CALABA, REALTORS FUTURE BUSINESS PROPERTY Oood rental, large lot, 80x200, small 3 bdrm. home, located on State St. Small down payment, let the rent pay the balance will consider trailer house as part payment. See Rudy. WITHIN YOUR MEANS Just a swell little home with basement and oil furnace, nice lot too, Ml for just 16300. Be sure to have Warren show you thru. VERY CLOSE IN If you like to live about 7 blocks from city center don't miss seeing this 3 bdrm. home with basement, U4 plumb-: Ina, fireplace, etc. Yes, it's only $10,000.1 with good PHA terms, Call Thelma. I OHMART AND CALABA GRABENHORST SPECIALS DAIRY FARM 384 acres located 7 ml. out. 2 large dairy barns, stanchions for 80 cofs, milk house and cooler. 2 tenant houses and 7 rm. home. 200 acres under cult. Mostly dark soil. Year round creek and spring. 160 cares pasture, some timber. Price (91,000.00. Call O. H. Oraben horst, Jr. MR. INVESTOR 170.00 per mo. Concrete block bldg., new construction, main arterial. A real value at (6,500. Excellent 5 yr. lease. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. GRABENHORST 134 S Liberty Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris, REAL ESTATE C. W. Reeve, Realtor O. I. APPROVED New 2-bdrm. Rome. Hdwd. firs. At tached gar. Utility rm. acre. (750 down. Full price (7000. HOME Ac INCOME To settle an estate we have an older type house with 2 apartments. Live In one and rent the other. Plast. Large lot, shrubs, 2 garages. Bus line. 3 BDRM. Full basement. Fireplace. Close In. Nice lot. (10,000. (900 l'i acres North. Oood bldg. site. Best of soil Easy terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 B. Commercial Ph. 34590. Eve. 39535 or 23088. c74 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE in need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca ANrADD"EDSERVICE We sell real estate at auction. Call us for an appointment to discuss your property. "C" Kilgore Real Estate 425 S. 12l.h Ph. 3-4855. ca' NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. HlRb 8t,( BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NELSON NEWS OARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Suburban location with 5-rm. mod. home. Excellent family set-up In grow ing neighborhood. Terms can be ar ranged. (20.000. BEVERAGE BUSINESS Brick bldg. Einip., going business. i Interest or entire business. Wonderful opportunity for rin hi man. Minimum (9500 cash required. ZONE 3 CORNER Valuable 7-one 3 corner frontage, suit able lor many business opportunities, service station, grocery, sin. shopping center. Many cars pass tiiLs property dally. Good 3 bdrm. home completely remodeled. If you want home Willi busi ness development possibilities I his is proiKTty you will want to investlgl ne. Call and get full Information on thus property Immediately. (15,000. NELSON & NELSON Specializing Realtors 703 N. High St. Ph. 3-46J2. cd74 6l'T OFWORK OR ON SHORTER HOURS? Part or full time sales work available at once. Awe no handicap. Experience not necessary. Should have car. Don't pass this up. See C. J. Martslleld. 1307 S. 13th St. Phone 2-8578 evenings. cd74 NELSON-NEWS OARAGE As SERVICE STATION Suburban tocntion with 5-rm. mod. home. Excellent family setup In grow ing neighborhood. Terms can be arrang ed, nn.ono. BEVERAGE BUSINESS GOOD FRANCHISES Brlrk bldg. Equip., going S -Interest, or entire business. Wonderful opportunity for right man. Minimum (950O cosh required. ZONE 3 CORNER Valubale Zone 3 corner frontage, suit able lor many business opportunities, are v Ire station, grocery, am. shopping center. Manv cars pass thLs prop erty daily. Good 3-bdrm. home com pletely remodeled. If you want home with development possibilities Oil I m property you will to In vestigate. Cull and get full Information on this property Immediately. $15,000. Nelson & Nelson Specializing Realtors 702 N. HlBh St. Ph. 3-4022. cd74 Sullivan Realty Co fWE STATION & GKOCERY Wallace Key Guide station with big business, 6't cent profit per gal.. Greyhound bus Mop. -station and gro cery combination with 3-room 11 v inn quarter, other btdt; with Income plus separate 5-room home Lcum', equip-: merit and furniture M.800 vlas grocery! and oil stock that will Inventory around $.1,700. COURT SITE ON 9E We have 5 acres Just north of the un derpass in the city limit, with 154 ft. frontage on the Portland highway This would make an Ideal subdivision, auto, court, or trailer park location. SILVKHTON COURT Seven unit court, only one block from Silverton eitv renter. Nets easily 10 on an $180,000 sale price. All unite com pletely furnished. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255 - Eves. 33727. 37057 cd74 Store and Apartment 50 ft. lot. store bids. At 2 mod. apt Pays (H5 mo. and tree rent for owner. Located In thriving bus. section Price (9 000. Waltor Miissrave. Realtors 1311 Edgewater. Ph 3-5109. Eve. 3-9!)39. Cd74 FILLING STATION On highway near Salem. Good 4-rm home. Priced at (7501). FOR REAL VALUE SEE W. G. Krueger, Realtor 147 N. Commercial St, Phone 3-4728 fti:4 GOOD USED CAR LOT on main thorough fare. A good buslne.u section. Here Is your chance to io in business. Located 807 Edgewater St. next to Furniture store. West Salem. Formerl known as Pete's Used Cars. Ph. 3-8401. Trulv a bargain. cd74 rorEST.IHriSHEDrwe7Tndh.ud ware in farming community. No blue sky. (30 month lease, 1600 for I.xiure.v stock at inventory, approximate $3500. Last year gross $26,000. Phone 3-1769. ed83 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE 2 BliOCKS FROM ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL Lovely lawn with fenced In yard goes with this exceptionally neat and clean 3 bedroom home, has fireplace and hard wood floors. Owner has Just reduced reduced the price way down to 18950. for quick sale. Ask for Henry. z ULTRA MODERN LOW RANCH STYLE We can't begin to describe this entirely different and really lovely home, It has so many extra features that will de light you let us have the opportunity of showing you thru It's In Manbrln gardens, one of the best. MOVE IN TOMORROW IF YOU LIKE It needs no cleaning, It's a very good home with 3 bedrooms, built about b years ago, large corner lot, built about 5 years ago, large corner lot with 6 trees. We think at (9450 It won't last long. Lee will show you thru anytime. Phone 2-4115-8 2-3539 C76' COURT DEVELOPMENT Located at 1160 D Street In the finest resldentall court site in Salem. Fine 3 bdrm. home with full basmt., already on property, nicely landscaped 115 ft. facing D Street and 156 ft. deep. Room for at least 7 one bdrm. units. Owner leaving State. Priced right. Call Roy Ferris. LOVELY ENGLISH STYLE HOME Located on a corner lot In McKlnley School district, spacious carpeted rm., ! bath down, full bath up, 1 bdrm. down and 2 up, den in basement, home In excellent condition with beautiful landscaping. Price 116,500 and worth It. Call Peter Geiser. BROS., REALTORS Office Phone 2-2471 2-8010; Peter Geiser, 3-( i8; Earl West, 2-1232. c74' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LUMBER Re-mfR. Plant - On trackafte. Three Acres Ground, 11,000 SF Fir. Bpc. Planer. Tilting roll re-saw Imbr. car rier and other misc. equipment. Located Portland. By Owner. Phone KEnwood 7541, ManP.O.Box 8085. cd86 RESORT PROPERTY Z FINE BEACH lots at Wecoma. 1 ocean frontage, other close with excell. view. Inquire or write to P.O. Box 45, McCoy. Oregon. cc75 RESORT P K () PERT business lots hi Do alee, Ore. 150' Highway Frontage. Write Delake, P. O. Box 117. cc74 FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE SPECIALS All New 5-pc. Breakfast Sets 22.50 5-pc. Chrome Dinette 59.50 7- pc. Jr. Dining Set, wal 69.50 8- pc. Jr. Dining Set, wal 89.50 Velour Davcnos 7 1.50 Baby Buggies i.95 Bed. Spring and Mattress 39.50 OOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. 407 Court St. Phone 3-96 FROM STORAGE Like new wine dnveno (35, electric washer (30, 5 piece dinette set (19. electric heoter (1.50. Massey 7 piece bedroom suite, hardly used (125, 4 Piece walnut bedroom suite (65. 9'x22' Axmlnl.ster carpet (45. Many other good items. See my agent. GLENN WOODRY Furniture 1605 N. Summer Phone 35110 Terms. Trades, lowest prices, large tock of new and used furniture. Open dally till 6 p.m. d74 HIGH CHAIR. Phone 3-9556. (175 WANTED FURNITURE t.IGIIEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-5U0. da auctTons NEXT AUCTION TUESDAY APRIL 5th GLENNWOOD PH.35110 TO CONSIGN YOUR FURNITURE. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Rt. 2, Box 123, Turner LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147. en9R RABBITS WINGS BABBITRY needs frier rab bits, top prices. 3985 State St. Ph. 109F5 eb99 PETS GOLDEN OR BUCK Cocker puppies, paper broke. Ph. 3-6443. ec75 Pl'RE BRED Cocker Spaniel male puppy. B. D. WelLs. Aumsville. Ore., 2 blks. N. Robert Filling Station. ec74 CANARY SINGERS. Ph. 3-4383. 1340 Chemeketa. ec86 CHOICE Canary Birds. 280 N 18th 80 FUEL FOR SALE Clean Sawdust No Bark Pick Up and Haul at (3.00 Per Unit Call Independence 42 for Delivered Prices ee74 16" Wood Old and Second Growh Fir 2 Unit Loads Delivered to Salem $12.00 For Orders Call Collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber A: Manufacturing Com pa ny Independence, Oregon er74 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut Prompt delivery. F 27442. We me S & H Green Stamiv. WOOD, $12per cord. Ph. 3-1160. er" CALL HI G ifW A X elTF. 1 FO B Dlenel and Stoie Oils FRUSH CUT BAWDtlSl Drv Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 m GOiH DRY 16-ln slab, immed. "delivery Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-3533. ee74 6" HAND PICKED slab, big 2-cord load for (12 Also sawdust $9. load. Prompt del. Ph. 3-9734. ee75 8" GREET' EDGINGS (.00 load, dbl. load 111. Also green 16" slab. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. ee95 DRY 10" SI.AR and edgings. Btg 2-cord load 118.00. Dry ash, maple mixed. 3 cord load (30.00, Also other dry wood. Dial 0. call 6SF22. ee89 18 IN. 2ND growth-fir-Also slabT"Freh clean sawdust. Ph. Maker :7868. ee87 Woodall "klndsTph." 2-3076 ce87 FRESH CL'T screened sawdust. Immediate delivery OREGON FUEL CO. Ph 3-5533 eeS4 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WO( DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 18-1 CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick wood at 1535 Edgewatet St W Salem ee FOR JALE POULTRY B ROAVt BREASTED Brontt" VoultiT" Pol", orum clean U. S. approved. Nellie M Compton. Rt. 1, Jefferson. Pb. 113. 179 'BABY CHICKS all popular Tarletles. In cluding L-t horns, Hampshire. Par men t era, Austra- Whites and others Phone 2-5861 or write today for Lee's Baby Chtck Chats containing free poul try Information Lees Hatchery P O Boa 72A, Salem, Oregon." I REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS IN MEADOW LAWN TRACTS near 4 Corners. i acre tract. 4 rm. unfinished house, but livable, elec. lights. Drove well and elec. water system. Price (2100. ATTRACTIVE BUT In small place about V acre. Few mile out on paved road. Close to school, creek. Fine garden spot. 4 rm. unfinished house. Large garage and work shop. Price (3500. Part terms. 2'i acres. 3 rm. house with floored attic. Fireplace. Elec. water system. Price (4350. FURNISHED 3 rm. house; garage. Paved street; on bus line. Price $5250 (1000 down. 304 ACRE FARM most all In cultivation; part can be Irrigated. 3 springs. S rm. house; barn. Price (25,000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3863, 3-4007, 3-4510 or 2-8103 c74 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Fair Oak Way, View Home. This spa cious 2 BR home with den has ft full bsmt. with knotty pine rumpus room, nice separate utility, large finished guest BR and bath plus ample stor age room. Home is fully Insulated and weatherstripped, automatic elec. heat, double garage and 2 fireplaces. Has a nature view of valley orchards, river and hills that Is hard to beat. Home Is occupied by owner who U transferred to California after living here only 2 months. (17,500. Can be FHA fin anced. NEW FURNISHED HOME Illness forces sale of this new 2 BR plas tered house, has hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, new furniture. This is a real buy at (9,900. SULLIVAN - -l"1.3"?.?- -! HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: 2 men to learn heating and air conditioning business, rapid ad vancement and good pay while you learn. (Not labor or mechanical work.) Apply in person. No phone calls. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 320 Kearney ga97 HELP WANTED FEMALE MIDDLE AGED WOMAN to do cleaning and dusting In department store, 6 day week, hrs. 6 to 10 P.m. References required. Ph. 3-7434. gb74 ALTERATION LAD V, must be evperlenc ed. Kalles Apparel, 320 Court. eb76 COOK, HOUSEKEKPFR and nurse for em ployed parents. No laundry, 5 day wk. Board, Rm. Ac wages. Must like chil dren. Ph. 35445. 8b74 WANTED: Young lady to work in our of. fice. Some shorthand. Telephone and figure work. Nice olllce, Pleasant work, Good pay. Apply In person. Ask for Mr. Williams. Cherry City Baking Co. Broadway and Market gb 'EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMEN LONG NEEDED Invention. Established company. Every home, factory, store, farm a prospect. Low price, long profit, commissions. Exclusive. Fine outfit, Hire Extinguishers. No deposit. Local territory Write 1730 R. C. Building, Red Comet, Inc., Littleton, Colorado. g74 TWO MEN to represent us in outside territory. Selling experience not neces sary as we will train you. Must have good car. neat in appearance and will ing to make nile calls. Apply from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc. 30 Lana Ave., Salem, Oreg. g75 SALESMAN, rural, suburban, furnace ter ritory open for good salesman. Substan tial earnings, good opportunity for ad vancement, personal interview, will be to your advantage. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 320 Kearney ggfl?" WANTED POSITIONS GARDEN PLOWING and discing using Fordson t ractor. Good sheep fertilizer (1 sack. Phone 3-5582 or 3-7427. h76 LADY DESI RES light"-work" taking " care or invalH or elderly lady. Reply Capi tal Journal Box 308. h76 IRONING As cleaning by the hr. Ph. 3-4568. h76 PRACTICAL NURSE, well recommended. wants employment day or nlte. 3-8355. h74 EVENINGS, ChlidCare my home. Ph. 2-0403. h!9 HAND FINISHED drapes made to order in our home. Your material. Ph. 3-3632. h78 CAKE FOR children in my home, days. 497 S. Capitol. Call evenings. h78 TIMBER CUTTING Ai bushing. Kings Val ley Machine Shop, Kings Valley, Ore. h74 INTERIOR PAINTING As decorating. C. Bill. Ph. 22979. 1)07 I HONING in my home. Pickup and de- livery Phone 2-1137. A1HLT BABY sitter. Will do mending. Ironing. Ph. 2-5874 h.74- LANDSCAPING Pruning Rotot tiling . New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. h97 LCT US do jour cement work NOW. . .Driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph 39960. h76 WILL CARE Ph. 20594. children after school hrs T CLASS Carpenter work, new, remodel, repair. Ph. 3-8281. h81 FOUNDATIONS UNDER "'"new Hiid old houses. Cement work tfc remodeling ol all kind. Ph. 25993 or 31409. h75 DRESSMMNG7-aTtrhT3-9840 alter3 h94 TREE WORK Trimming, Removing Insured Operator Free Estimates. John Payne. Ph. 26014 343 S. Church h84 LA VAS "NURSERY for infants. Orad" reg nurse in charge. Ph. 22291. h92 BABY SITTING! . Ph2-0580 Mi CHILD CAKE. 1180 Shipping 39924. h36 TRCE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins op. Work guar. W, H. Mc Allister. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1406. hBl DRESSMAKING, alt. Guar. Ph. BABY SHOE bronzing (3 pr. Ph. 2-2527 3275 SCom'l. h9.7 CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford trac tor, D E Marshall. Ph. 31343. Garden Rd., near Swegle school h7S CARl'KNTER-VORK New Ai repairs" Ph 23093. hS3 CARE FOR CHILDREN in my home. 2-6876. 183 S. 18th St. LET ME make your spring clothes, sonable. 15 years exp. Ph. 3-5072. Rea h84 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK As Chimney building Ph. 2-4389 Free estimates. h81 INTERIOR painting. EXP. Ph. 3-6796. hS7 MASONRY Fireplaces, chimneys, "block laying. Ph. 3-5968. h93 PI OWING A Discing. Al Moss. Ph. 32957 AUTl PAINTING just a shade better by Ray inter Call Snroct Motor Co 3-9101 SERVICES Valley Sand At Oravel Co Ptt run grave, sand At silt Tractor doflng A grading "rai shovel for d:r tnorlng Ph 1-4002 ftff. He. 1714$. B REAL ESTATE KINGWOOD HEIGHTS New. Gracious. River View, the partic ular buyers will find a pleasure In see ing this home, designed for a large or scall family, full plastered basement with view windows, two fireplaces, dbl. garage, novel hemlock den, beautiful oak flooring throughout, fully insulat ed and weatherstripped, auto. elec. heat, spacious kitchen with nook space, cov ered patio off basement entrance, yard all leveled and covered with silt ready for planting. (17.500. Can be FHA fin anced. LOTS SOUTH NOB HILL Two dandy 50x120 building lote with ctly watr. (650 each or both for $1,250. ORCHARD HEIGHTS Here la the Ideal lot and location for your rambling ranch type home, 200 ft. frontage, about 200 ft deep and only two bl! . off Wallace rd. Lovely set ting in cherry trees and priced to sell. (1,200. REALTY CO. ptl- 33255. Ev.... 36692. 23727. 17057. e74 EDUCATION A SUCCESSFUL MAN IS A TRAINED MAN! Any one of the 400 majjor I.C.S. cours es can place you In thus class. Free book- let. Write or call Don McNeil, 1553 atate et.. Salem. Ph. 3-6330. Interna tional Correspondence Schools. O. I. APPROVED hh75- FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE ROOM. Private home, gen tleman. Garage. 085 N. Summer. Jk76' NICE ROOM In private home ployed girl. 960 Marion. ROOM FOR neat employed girl. No smok er. 1564 Ferry St. Jk7B ROOM WITH connecting bath. Men 25. 1090 N. Winter or 3-5905. jk74 SLEEPING ROOM, cooking prlv., private home to middle aged lady. Ph. 3-7612. )k74 1ITD. SLEEPING rnu 2131 Center. Jk80' EXCEPTIONALLY nice Keeping room for 1 or 2 bsns. persons. Fireplace, prlv. ent. Ac bath. Also light cooking priv ileges. 638 N. Church. Jk75 SLEEPING RM. for emp. man, H. Ae C water. 461 N. High. jk74 EAN, MODERN rooms Tor men. Prlv ent. Si tel. Tel. 33425, 1505 N. Capitol. Jk92 CLEAN 36093 HOLLYWOOD sleeping rm. Ph FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-RM. APT., furn. 915 S. 12th. JP74 LARGE 2-RM. furnished, lots of closet space, nice yard for small child. $35.00. 600 Locust St. N. to end of 5th, E. 1 blk. JP76 S-RM. APT., partly furn, $30.00. Ph. 2-6768 2111 Maple Ave. Jp74 MODERN CABIN, partly furnished, oil heat, (8 a week and up. 2860 S. Com. JP76' UN FURN. COURT APT. 3 rm., bath A: elec. stove. (50. 1264 S. 15th St. Ph. 20033. jp76 APT. IN THE COUNTRY. Room for gar den. Must furnish references. Prefer older couple. Write Box 301, Capita) Journal. jp74' 3 RM. furn. apt. Prlv. bath, util. Emp. couple. 1254 Huge St.. West Salem. Jp74 FURN. 2 RMS., kitchenette, prlv, shower, 1st fir. Furn. 2 rms., kitchenette, share bath. 2nd fir. 1370 Chemeketa. Jp74" APARTMENTS Hollywood district. Partly furnished. Adults. 1047 Madison. Jp76 i APTS. (30.00 Ac $45.00. Call evenings at 824 North Front. jp76 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR LEASE, furn. 5-rm. house until Sept. near senior high school. Adult. Phone 36390. Jm76 MODERN 3-bdrm. house, wired for range oil furnace, (80. 1965 Breyman. Ph 3-3222. Jm76- MODERN FURN. 1 bdrm. cottage. Garden space, 2 ml. north of Brooks on 99E. Rose cottages after 5 except Sat. or Sunday jm99 NEW 3-BDRM. house Just completed Hdwd. firs., fireplace & garage. Contact R. A. Rawlins at RAWLINS REALTY. 2060 N. Capitol. (Hollywood Districts Ph. 2-4664. Jm74a CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT de sires lease on home In Mill City area. 2 or 3 bedrooms. Adequate summer home desirable. References furnished. P. O. box 4621. Portland. Ph. Ea6028. jm74 NEW Z-BR home in Hollywood dlst. by April 1. Elec. ht., hdwd. firs., elec -jnge. (70 per mo. 2 mo. rent in ad vance. Ph. 27482. Jm74 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS LGE. STORE BLDG. 19th Ae State St. Ph. 3-9o56. J75 POWER TOOL rentals for borne At In dustriai use Howser Bros Ph 3-3646 1' II DRIVE trucks cars Ph 2-9103 SINGER Electric Portable Sewing Ma- chines by the Month. Reasonable Rates Free Delivery and Pickup Phone 33512 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N Commercial 179 RUCKS and cars Smltt'ys Clipper Ser vice Ph 39800 Cor Center and Churcn TRAILERS, $2 00 per day Howser Bros 603 EdKcwater St. West Salem 1 BUSINESS RM for rent H l Stiff ! GOOD USED PIANOS B L Stiff IRONFRS oy week Phone 24439 Mon'grtf ry J ro DO a good lob rent a good floor sand er We ell everything to complete thr HOWSER BROS. Ph 3-3846 WANTED TO RENT i-RR HOUSE, unfurn. No children or pets. Write Box 306, Capital Journal. Ji7S STATE WORKER and wife desire 1 or 2 bdrm. house not over (50.00. Ph. 35895. 175 EMPLOYED COUPLE desire 2 bdrm. furn. or part furn. home. Must be clean tz nice. After 1. 27654. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A RM. for gentlemen. Ph. 38706. JJ74 LOST AND FOUND DK. RED female Irish Setter, name of "Copper." Reward. R Phone 2-3410. Answ. to C. Bond. k74 LOST: Handle to chain saw between 300 Ai 1200 block on N. Church. Reward. Ph. 26014. k84 MISCELLANEOUS LIS SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. m78 16 JIM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films At Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewi. 412 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 1-5355 m81 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY S EM LER DENTIST Adolpb P'dc State At Commercial 8u SALEM Phone 1-33 li. a' REAL ESTATE $600.00 DOWN You can have possession of a two bedroom home, with either a dining room or r.ook unfinished upstairs, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage. Lot 64xlJ0. ciiy bus high and grade school bus. All new homes In a new district, ask us about oar pi nn of financing. UNFINISHED HOME Two bedroom home, equity (2350. Will take ear In on down payment. This home Is U able as is, new district. Price $4350. Furniture $400 extra. YES IT'S A GOOD DEAL 1720 Berry St. is the address of a 2 bdrm. plastered home, stucco exterior (needs paint j, fireplace, enclosed back, porch, part basement with oil furnace and the price Is only $5750. $1500 DOWN OR SWAP I bdrm. plastered home In North Salem, H Acre lot, pricfl $8500. Will swap for small home on a small acreage N. or E, $1000 DOWN New 2 bdrm. plastered and stucco home, fireplace, full basement, large lot, soma view just off Wallace Road. Full price (7900. DOESN'T ANYBODY want 88 acres of red dirt with a 4 bdrm. modern house, tractor, and equipment for (0950. DAIRY RANCH 30 acres, home with 4 bdrm., barn with 1A stanchions, poultry house for 500 chicks. Machine shed and 2 brooder houses. Willamette Silt Soil, family orchard. On paved highway 2 miles from City. (21,300 will handle. Yes, we need a listing of your property I BURT PICHA, Realtors 337 No. High St. Eve: SUBURBAN 2 Bedroom home East on 155 Fisher Rd. l's A. Barn A: Poultry House. Gar age. This home Is 9 yds. old. Large L. R., D.R., Kitchen, Nook. Basement. Furnace. Deep well. Extra nice yard. Bus at door. Choice shrubs. Immed. possession. Good terms. Call Maddy. 3 BEDROOMS NORTH OF MARKET One of the best constructed 3 Bed room homes we have had the privilege of listing for a long time. Built In 1939. 2 Bedrooms, large L.R., D.R., fireplace, oeautiiui kitchen with nook, down. STEWART Phone 2-7962 1345 State MISCELLANEOUS UAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a Qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3-3612 for free pick up and delivery serrlce on all makes of ma chines Free estimate given before work Is tarted Singer Sewing Machine Co. "o N Com'l. m BUILDING MATERIAL ATTENTION BUILDERS NEW DUO-THERM oil furnace complete with all automatic controls and air conditioning blower, 75.000 BTU for basement or utility. Special contractors price only (197.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 467 Court St. Phone 3-0611. ma FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heat forms and Bennett circs. Salem's leading masonry and plaster supply house. Phone 2-5643. "Pl'MILITE" WEST SALEM NEW SHIPMENT plast board. V. 5Uc; 6c sq. ft. Rock lathe, 45 sq. ft. (1.75. MONTGOMERY WARD, SALEM ma NEW GRADE A vertical grain doors, (7.50 to (8.00. New No. 1 cedar shin gles, (9.50 per square, C. O, Long, Rt. 3. Box 31. Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile north ol Kelz-r. ma77 Windows & Sash 1,000 new sash, various sizes, (2,25 & up New A: used dble. hung windows, low priced glass Ae panel doors complete with frames. C. G. LONG, Rt. 2, Box 31 Salem. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile north of Kelzer, ma77 Toilets Wash Basins Modern wash basins $12.50. Toilet (27.50. Large supply oak flooring $140 per M. Fir (100 per M. Cedar siding (100 per M. New plywood all thickness es. Salem's lowest prices. C. G. LONG, Rt. 2, Box 31, Salem. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile north of Kelzer. maT7 ALUMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or dlst. Call 3-6401. ma 98 RED CEDAR shingles. No. 1, (9.30; No. 2 $5.50; No. 3 (3.50. Ted Muller. Ph. 2-1196, Sslem-Indep. Rd. ma97" FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heat forms and Bennett circs. Salem's leading masonry and plaster supply house. Ph. 2-5843. "PUMIUTE" WEST SALEM ma 74 ALUMINUM ROOFING 3 ft. width In the following lengths: 6' $1.74 8' 2.32 10' 2.90 12' 3.48 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD Al CO. SALEM, OREGON ma' SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3 131 MONTGOMERY WARD Ai CO. SALEM, OREGON ma PERMA-STONE your home. Call at Salem Perma-Stone Co., 455 Court. maB2 REJECT PLYWOOD i" c per ft. ' I4'.4c per It.. V ic per ft.. V 1814c per ft.. V 20c per n. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68-F-22. DOUBLE BED, youth bed. baby crib, baby ougiy, crop oreaKiast taoie, coca cola Ice box, 225 Park Lane. Ph. 27296. H76' COW FERTILIZER (5.00 yard or (9.00 load. Ph. 36021. n84 MUSIC LOVERS Try our electric Ham mond attachment for your piano the Solovox. Free demonstration and les son. Ph 2-0403. n99 AVON COSMETICS. Ph. 3-1146. n98 HYDRAULIC hoist with take off complete. iease pnone 37ddd. n78 SPAYED FEMALE COCKER, 1 yr. old, al so on circuator. Ph. 20d19. n76 BEFORE YOU BUY TRY ALEUTCO! Sensational values in trucks, trailers, generators, air compressors, shop and construction equipment, clothing tents, and equipage. Hard-to-get Items "as Is" or reconditioned at bargain prices! Dealer welcome! White 10-Ton Diesel 6x4 with 10-yd. dump boxes; GMC 2'a ton 6x6s : Pickups; 6x6 Prime Movers: Water, Fuel Service Trailers: Cater pillar, All is - Chalmer, International Tractors: Cranes: International, Cum minss, Diesel Generators: Electric Mo tors: etc.. etc. Military truck replace ment parts. For info. write, wire, phone: ALEUTCO CORP. Division 0-37, Boeing-Renton Plant Renton. Washington Phones Renton tWash.) 3448, 3447 n74 SHIPMENT tapes white Bermuda onion Puritan Cider n79 plants. Just arrived. Works. West Salem. PIANO with bench Call 3-5122 or come n74 1445 Ferry St. LAWNMOWER Good cond. (8. Call 25049. n76- iter 6 P.m. READ THIS Will sacrifice blutfh grey worsted sin gle breastd suit like new, 32-31 pants. 39 coat. (20.00 tak It. Ph. 2-5513. n76 MONTAG WOOD RANGE, circulator heat er, young cow fresh next month, 510 Norway Ave.. Silverton, Oregon. n76 FRIG1DA1RE. excellent condition, (65. Call evenings, 740 D St. n74 TRY THE CLOCK DOCTOR for good n79 used watch. 190 S. 14 ROYAL PORTABLE typewriter nearly new Ph. 38804. . n" ZENITH RADIO Automatic phonograph in first class condition, a real bargain at (37.50. See at Capital Theatre. n75 WARDROBE TRUNK like new. Ph. 3-4313 n74 NATIONAL ELECTRIC water heater. Kit chen model, capacity 45-gal. New (145, I year old. Will sell for (90. 1790 N. Cap:tol. Call after 5 pm. n75 COMPLETE FOUNTAIN. (375. Wr.te Box 45, Brownsville, Oregon. Phone U30. n.74 REAL ESTATE Office 3-3649 c75 2-5390, 3-7451 large B.R., sewing room up. Full base ment. Auto, oil furn. Party rm, (14. 500.00 buys It. Call Bill Stewart for AppI. CLOSE IN 3 Bedroom home, 7 blks. from city center. H.W. floors, fireplace. Wired tor range. Basement. Nice yara. Good terms. to school and store. Call Maddy Price $10,000. $2100 DOWN 2 bedroom home. East. All H.W. floors. Elec. Heat. Att. Garage. Large L.R. A: D.R. Kitchen Ac Nook. Utility room. Very best of construction, Itnm. possession. Call Stewart. REALTY St. fve. 2-3488 or 3-4722 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DINETTE table A: 4 chairs, 2 Hollywood beds, child's desk 6i chair, baby bed. 998 Locust St. n4 STORE FIXTURES, 3 islands and shelv ing. Salem Color Center, 1955 Fair grounds Rd. Ph. 21753. n74" SOLID OAK Dinette Set, table. 4 chairs, and buffet, excellent condition, also 9x12 Broadloom carpet and pad. Ph. 29137. n74 APT. SIZE AB, Electric Range, A-l con dition. 3460 Silverton Road. Ph. 3-8086. n74 WILL TRADE 1935 Plymouth, good mo tor, for garden tractor or good deer rifle and what have you. 1540 Shady Lane. n74 BLACK SATIN FORMALt powder blue suit, si: 14; excellnt cond. Write Box 258, Stayton. Oregon. n74 TANDEM 3-9940. for rent or sale. n7fl STEEL CLOTHESLINE post 112 pair PP. Railing In stock to order. 1145 N. Lib erty. n95 FERTILIZER, well rotted, 50c a sack, in sack order, in the city limits or (4.00 yard. Ph. 2-1824. n74 FURN.: Dinette (40; bdrm. set complete (45; ex. washer $65; exc. Spark oil heater (75: 3-wa lamp (8. exc. 7 cu. ft. refrlg. (140 Odds Ae ends. Ph. 3-3505. n74' COMFLE' 1 HOUSEHOLD FURN. Inc.. 1948 9 cu. ft. Kelvlnator; Easy Spin Dry washer. 126 cu. ft. deep freeze Ac Eure ka tank type vacuum with att. 1580 D St. Ph. 2-7570. n74 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Collins Elec. water heaters, new, guar anteed, $79.75. All other plumbing sup Plies at discount. Bring your plan. w. A. Skew.s Co. 1390 Madison. Ph. 3-4600. USED Washers (30,00 to $40.00. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. COMPLETE garden and lawn supplies at Valley Farm Store, 4345 Silverton Rd. USED Electric Refrigerators. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n83 Front. "1 NEWSPAPERS bought. 1790 N. USED Electric Ranges, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n82 L.RION ELECTRIC Ranges, Rangette. Hollywood Appliance Co. Ph. 2-4439. o ELECTRIC Fence Controllers $14.95. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. dB2 DAHLIAS. 881 Rosemont Ai. Ph. 3-4335. n77 GENERAL ELECTRIC, crosley, Gibson and M on tag Appliance at Gerurti n DON'T WAX your floors. Use Plasti-Kote, the cellophane like finish for wood or linoleum YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n82 WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fers complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call 33191 SALE OR TRADE for anything I can use. Team of mares, wt. 1400, age 6 At 7, Good harness, plow As mower. (175.00. John H Smith, (Old) Grand Ronde. n84 ELECTRIC Sewing Machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. flARDEN SAND, oravei, crushed rock. Shovel it drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND Ai GRAVEL CO Pb 3-9219. FERTILIZER. co or cnicken manura delivered In Salem Well rotted or freh (5.00 per cubic yard del Also manure by ack (1.00 pet sack at place or will del. five sack orders. Also horse man ure for hot beds Ae plants. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6, Box 118, Salem Ph. 68F?2. SALEM SAND Al GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer Ai Basement Equipment Rental i 7? 12 00 P D-7 Cat At EXwer lo 50 per nr. -" Cat ai Dozer 40 per hr. D-4 Cat As Doier 1.00 per hr. Phone Days ,1-9408 Eves J-8246 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon 0 WALLING SAITO S GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCR for roads and driveways cement, ready mil concrete garden sand Bulldozing drainage and ditching -vd shovel and drag Una Ph 1-9249 ONE MAN tel. power chain saws. Indus trial Supply Co. of Salem. 531 Ferry Ph. 3-8023 DISSTON CHAIN SAW, sales Service. Industrial Supply Co. or Salem 554 Ferry. Ph. 3-6023. o75 INSURED TREE SERVICE. Free estimates. ituurco operator. John Payne Ph 26014, 248 S. Church .4 wracr eanj manure yd. or sack. Ph. 37120 n84 FURNACES. OIL burner vm... air cond. General sheet metal work' Yrs of exp enable us to furnish the best. JOHNSTON SHEET METAL CO 1410 South 12 St. Ph. 3-5391 'n88' SPRAY GUNS AND COMPRESSORS " You can get the best In spray paint ing accessories at Wards) Sturdy and efficient spray guns, compressors pre- ?m," an!5,tc-spr" " MONTGOMERY WARD A CO 6ALEM, OREGON MILK pajtfurlzer lor the horn,. nrruLANCE CO. n8J TARPAULTVR iVat.r .! mUdn rfsj.ut. Mtt! ' r .... ....I U .... l.ti .... 10.95 T X C .... Iff I 12' 1 If MONTGOMERY WARD 4 CO SALEM. OREGON WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEWINO MACHINE. ,y make or ; W. D.r,r.ort. Ph. J.TJT1. 1930 . C (Continued on Page 17)