J$ Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 25, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVEKTlSlNGi Per tint 15o . Per Line 8 times 40c ' Per tint 6 time 60c Per Line 1 month 12.00 - Outside of Salem If per line per a day. tflo. 80c; I times mm. 80e 6 times mln 11.20. No Refunds READERS In Loral Newt CoL Onlyi Per line 40c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FORE SALE: BY OWNER, leaving town. , 4-BR English atyle house. Good terms, lie. 4c G. I. mortgase 1130 Hood St. . or caU 3-7007 alter 4:00 P.m. a73 BY OWNER St builder. New 2-bdrm. home All plastered, offset celling In living rm. V. blinds thruout. beautiful kitch. Gar age, concrete driveway. Can be sold on F.H.A. terms. 2465 N. 4th. Ph. 2-6832 or 2-8301. ?3 BED nn. house $7900, warty completed. 133 N. 23rd a15 S8.2A0. NEW modern unfinished 2-bdrm. home. Attached garage. Over 900 si. ft. floor area. Terms. $4,2.10. CLEAN 1 bdrm. home on 3 lota - close in east. Immediate possession. - Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 15! S. High St. Ph. 34191. Eve. 25561. al3 Some furn. with this 3 bdrm. lv. rm., dn. rm., la. kitch. 2 baths, utll. porch, fruit room. Carpeted wall to wall on one fir. In city east. 16300. New 14 story 3 bdrms., lv. rm dn. rm.. kitch., hdwd. firs., fireplace, oil floor furn.. gar. 7ino PHA. Pull price $9500. N. E. Call Ed. 3 bdrm., lv. rm., in rm. lg. kitch., colored bathroom fixtures, guest clos et St entrance, lidwd. firs, thruout, lg. window. Instil, and wcatherstrlpped. Full bsmt, 2 fireplaces, plastered utll. room Sz gar. $14,5(10. Call Da hi. ED BYRKIT & CO. REALTOR 2426 Portland Road Office Phone 3-3101; Eve. 3-3434 a72 fi.400. NEW modern 2-ndrm. home. Large lot. OH furnace. 11,900 down, balance . P.H.A. loan. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS . 158 SO. High St. Ph. 34121. Eves. 35561. . 1 a73 m,w. CLEAN modern 3-bdrm. home. Flre- place. Basement. Sawdust heat. $1,000 " down. Call Stanley Brown with ; State Finance Co. REALTORS 453 So. High St. Ph. 34121. Evea. 25561. a73 J BDRM, unfinished house. 3805 Thorn - dale. Ph. 3-1716. a75' "96,300. S-BR home well located on paved ,.- eet close to bus line. Has large gar- race. Lot 75x300 with fruit and garden space. Poultry house. Call O. V. Hume .with ; State Finance Co. , REALTORS " 1AI So. High. Ph. 34131. Eves. 25206 a73 : 5 Large Home Drive by the large B bdrm. home with full basement at 835 Hood St. Ideal for a large family, or could be convert- ed easy to ants., or a guest home, good neighborhood, nenr bus, out of city 'owner says "Submit any reasonable 'Offer." Exclusive with Bourne, ; Neat 2 Bedroom Home Drive by this nice neat, moderately priced home at 1170 Lewis St. We can arrange good financing. Exclusive with Bourne. , Three Bedrooms Drive by 1213 N. Church street. Large English type home on a good corner m lot, hardwood floors, one bedroom down, m 3 up. Fully plastered home, with at m toe lied garage, very well located for m gchools and bus. Wo have financing ar- ranged for on this properly. $5600 at 4i Interest, payments around $43.00 m per month. This property has been re- duced In price and Is going to sell, submit any reasonable offer. Exclusive with Bourne. Low Down Payment 1 acres, family fruit, 3 bedroom home with basement, small barn, can be handled by Slate Veteran, for low down payment. Ofner might consider trade In on good used car. We have financing on this property for $6200 at 150.00 per month. FupII price $B,000. Exclusive with Bourne. . i State Veteran Do you want a real home for $500 down, One that you can convert into Income for yourself. Owner might consider good Haed car. He will also help you with ye-ur financing. See Joe on this one. ; Joe L. Bourne, Realtor H40 M Capitol. Ph. 383111. Ev. 3BS1H or 1M11. 7a" 1M0 DOWN. Attractive nent J-htirm. home well located 8. E. Onk floor,. Pav ed atreet. full price 15250. call O. V Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS Iflt 8. High. Ph. 34121. Eves. 25206 a73 POR SHORT TIME only we are offering our small home at reduced price. In sulated. pi., nice lot, shrubs, near bus . St store. Extra cottage, garage. 1815 N Liberty. W BY OWNER One year old house. See or write Bud Nicholson, P. O. Box 320. Aumsvllle, Ore. a76 3 Bedrooms $7,000 A neat plastered home on large cor ner lot, nice shrubs, wonderful garden soil. See 11 at 15H6 6th St. or call at our office, WALTER MUSGRAVE. Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 35100 a76 DRIVE BY THIS ONE ..and then call us for an appointment to see the Interior. The address Is 3370 . Laurel Ave. If you are looking for a good smaller home or a rental Inveat . ment this Is the ticket 1 bedroom: 4 block to bus and priced right at $4,500. DON'T MISS THIS LOT If you are planning to build this spring. It la located In Hen Lomond Ad Jecent, between Wild Wind and Upper Ben Lomand. Price $850. DRIVE PAST FIRST LOT WERT Of 730 Tillman, also In Urn Lomond. find our slun and then you'll be on th moat beautiful view lot in Salem. Price is high, but well worth It. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ROTATE Phone S-68S8 331 N. High (Across from Hotel Senator) Ph. eve. 3-7534 or 3-1754 a72 BY OWNTR, new 2-bdrm home. Hdwd. - firs. Insulated. Weatheretrlpped. Elec. " heat. V. blinds. Will take car as part payment. Ph. 27230. a73 Total belling price 17900.00. 11B83T72 down, $47.06 takes over O, I, loan on 3-BR hse. Good location to Highland sehool, 1 blocks from Hollywood. Big yard, tar. Ph. 27412, Inq. 1710 N. Cant or, Apt. 5. a73 flALB: Nearly new 3-bdrm. home. 1 - A of ground In Turner, Ore. Call Norma - Ooddard Ph. 2-8848. - M. GEIOER, REALTOR - 3 105 Portland Rtl. Ph. 3-1073. a73 3TBDRM, HOME, double plumVlni'baVeT ment, fireplace, close to bus and school. $3000.00 down, total $9900.00. Call Nor ma, Ooddard. Ph. 3-8848. M. OEIOER. REALTOR 320ft Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1073. e73 OWNER' SELL! N O well loc a t edVibu rban . 3 bdrm. home. Basement, good oil heating, fireplace, nice setting of large trees, view, large lawn, nice for young . children. One block outside city. Near ' bus lines and stores. Terms. 3260 s Commercial St. Ph. 25996. a73 BY OWNER 3 bdrm. Close"toMcKlnley f school. Open circular stairway, hdwd. 1 1 floors, double plumbing, plnstcred base : ment, auto, oil furnace, lovely back 1 ' yard. Good neighborhood. E. front. Imm. posa. Ph. 35472 for appointment ' a73 SUBURBAN S BR, 1 ACRE . 1 Built 1947. Large rooms. 9 closets, fur nace, all on 1 floor. 1 blk. to bua, 3 to 1 school. $10.500 $2,100 dn. STROUT REALTY ' 959 S. 13th St. Ph. 35323. a73- BY OWNER. Terms. 3 BR. unfln. upatalra, full bsmt.. auto, heat, fireplace, hdwd '- thruout. $13,500. 1930 K. 18th. 16 FOR SALE HOUSE BV OWNER, small 2 bdrm. home. Ven. etian blinds, hardwood floor, oil fur nace. Close to bus. Unfurn. 16600.00. or turn. $7500.00. Good termi. Ph. 2-4398. a"3 TODAY'S BARGAINS 'Best Buys $3900 Total Price Almost new 3 bedroom house Inside city, well worth the money. $1600 Down Exceptionally well-built Jpacloui 3 bdrm. home. This house has most everything: elec. heat, tile bath. V. blinds, walk-in clothes closets, att. garage, lawn and shrubs. P.H.A. approved for a 10.500 loan. 1340 Sq. ft. floor space. Total price (12,100. Highland District 2 bedrooms with full basement In very good cond. Just newly redecorated. 16860 full price. Terms arranged. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596; Eva. 2-0471, 3-1558. e12' Close In Only $5500 3-bdrms., comb. L Sz DR. Pireplaca, kitchen, bath, utility, garage. Plus a rental of 4 rms. and bath up. Some furn. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Evenings 36375 - 35614 Ph. 24193 2559S. a73 EXCEPTIONAL HOME NORTH Mod plastered home with fireplace, bsmt., furnace, lovely bulltlna, tiled bath. 3 BR At sunroom. Lae LR. Ige. DR, breakfast nook, kitch., attach garage, utility rm. Corner lot. paved st., close In. Only $8500 with $4500 dn. Shown by appointment. STROUT REALTY 950 fl. 12th St. Phone 35333 a73 OWNER OUT OF CITY gave us orders to sell his 3-bdrm. home In Reiser dtat. formerly listed at $10,500 for the low price of $8500. This Is really a good buy. The Real Estate Market Phone 34793 - 3631ft. SE NEAR HIGH SCHOOL Beautiful 4-BR strictly tndrn. home. All large rooms. Full basement, good oil furnace, fireplace. Large lot 1 11,000.00. WALNUT PARK Choice residential district corner lot. 3 BR, lge. living room with fireplace, full dining room, basement with oil fur nace. Price $13 S00. Please phone for appointment. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Street, Salem, Oregon Phone 2-3629. Eve 2-4189 or Clark Craig 3-5053. 12- This older type, 10 rm. home in good repair. Cor, lot 56x100, full basement, auto, oil fur. A good buy at 38950. $5500 Nice new 2 bd. room home, at tached gar., oil fur. Close to school. Lot 80x125. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 39271 341 Chemekets St. Eves. 39441 a74 Owner 'Leaving State 1 yr. old beaut. 2 bdrm. hm, on '4 acre. Elec. hi.. Instil., weather stripped, carpet. Near Swegle Sch., Rt. 5, Bx 115. a74 California Style New $1500 Down Less than rent. 1625 Baker OPEN HOUSE 2430 Myrtle Ave. Full basement, no water In bsmt., 4 rms.. hdwd. firs., Uv. rm., kitchen, bath, garage. Lot 50'xl20'. a72 18 A. FARM All under cultivation, good ft stanchion bnrn and other buildings. Very nice 4-bdrm. house. Electric water system. Some equipment goes. Rawlins Realty 'Hollywood District Ph. 3-4664. Eve. 3-6013, 3-7128, 3-5157 a73 $600.00 Down New 2 bdrm. suburban home, hard wood floors, fireplace, oil heat, full price $8500.01). G. I. SPECIAL New 3 bdrm. home, hardwood floors. Vt A. north. $1000.00 down. $1,000 DOWN 3 bdrm.. hardwood floors, nook, V blinds, floor furnace, large lot, 1mm. posa. A good buy for $8500.00. 3-BDRM. HOME New, all electric, close to school, good RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood District t Ph. 2-4664. Eve. 2-6013, 3-7136, 3-5757. a74- Amity Special Small ,4-rm. livable house on back of 60x150 lot 3 blks. from city center. Fronts on hlway 99W, Full price $2650. Half down. New Suburban 70x13(1 lot. 2 bdrms., hdwd. firs, thruout, all the trimmings of a desirable home. $.1500 dn bill. $60 pre mo, iff 5. Will take car In trade up to $1600, Full price $8900. Allen Jone or Mabel Needham REALTORS 341 Stale. Ph. 39202. Eve. A Bun. 3-6848 BY OWNER, S-rtn dlst. Ph. 79688. mod. home. Hollywood a7T ,1-BR. modern home. Will sell or will trade equity tor acreage. Ph. 27356. a77 WELL ri,ANNKi3-bdrm. tToeTfnTnii rm.. lge. living rm., corner fireplace. Bendlx. 1040 N. 22nd. a74a ON GARDEN ROAD Here Is a cozy well-made 1-BR "Start er" home, finest construction. acre good soil. Wired for range. Furnlluir goes. Well worth $4500. B. Isherwood, Realtor 9007 N. Capitol Street. Office Ph. 3-3883. Eves. 6F11 or 1-6836 e74 $6,900 You will be surprised at the large llv Ingroom. the handy kitchen, nice bath. I bdrms.. the attached utility and gar age, located east $7,400. New, 1ut about ready to move Into. 31 foot living room, eove ceilings, kitchen, dining space, 2 bedrooms, bath, large garage, nice lot. trees. South. FHA. $12,000. 4-bdrm. home, living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bath, full bsmt.. furnace, extra large lot. South. $1500 down will handle. This Is good. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. Huh St. Phone 3-4129 a75 EXCLUSIVE First time listed This fine 4-bdrm modern home with Uv. rm.. din. rm., kit., fireplace, basement, auto, oil pipe furnace, large lot. best location, close 10 state buildings, priced at only $9,500.00. FOR QUICK SALE $10,500.00 buys this nice 1 plus acres, good 3-bdrm. modern home that la clean thruout, fireplace, basement, furnace, creek, good soil, large barn. Call Rav Davis Pli riaia urn to Geo. A. Walters, Realtor FOR SALE LOTS ENCUWOOO LOT tor sale. Call Norma uoctciarfi. Pti 3-smb, M OEIOER. REALTOR 3205 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1073. aa'3" VIEW lots 800 blkT VlitaATeooded lot 6V0 blk., HaicUfl Dr. Owner. PH. 14284. REAL ESTATE GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3-3031 Are you looking for a 4 bdr home In one of the finest locations' In Salem? Only Vt blk from Parish Jr. High; Or. school 2 blks, HI school 3 blks. Large LR it DR, fireplace, K, lots of b-lns, nook, oil furnace, garage. Mice lawn and shrubs Don't miai this priced only $11,500. Terms can be arranged. 2 bdr Bung, all plastered, cooking Ac w. heat, elec, dble. garage, V blk. to bus. Hlgnland district close to school. $5850. Will exchange for Income property, uch as rooming house or small apt. house. New 3 bdr. house, facing east HW floors, all plastered it Insulated; ven. blinds, LR, K, dinette, garage. Newly re-decorated, full basement. Corner lot, 1 blk. to bus gr. school 1 blk, paved streets. Q. I. loan. Priced only $9500. New 2 bdr. plastered Bung., LR. dinette, K. b-lns, ven. blinds. Wall to wall carpeting la LR to bdrs. Nice lawn it shrubs, garage. $7500. We have many other home listed which you can choose from. Also sub urban property it farms, businesses such as hdware stores or nearly any kind you wish. We have many places which we could exchange. Come tn and inquire for what you would like to have it we'll gladly help you In any way we can. Evening phone: 2-6862 ; 3-8163; 3-1723, (farms 3-5481 r13 GRABENHORST SPECIALS FRESH & CLEAN SMALL APT. HOUSE You will find this 3 unit apartment house very clean, needs no work. In come $160 per mo. plus owners 3 room quarters. Close In location. DON'T MISS THIS ONE, Call Peter Gelser. MR. INVESTOR $70.00 per mo. Concrete block bldg., new construction, main arterial. A real value at $6,500. Excellent 5 year lease. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. COURT DEVELOPMENT Located at 1169 D Street In the fin est residential court sites In Salem. Fine 3 bdrm. home with full basmt, already on property, nicely landscaped. 115 ft. facing D Street and 156 ft. deep. Room for at least 7 one bdrm. units. Owner leaving state. Priced right. CaU Roy Ferris. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Evenings it Sundays call Roy Ferris Peter Oelser Earl West SUBURBAN 3 Bedroom home East on 156 Fisher Rd. l'i A. Barn Ac Poultry House. Gar age. This home Is 9 yds. old. Large L. R., D.R., Kitchen, Nook. Basement. Furnace. Deep well. Extra nice yard. Bus at door. Choice shrubs. Immed. possession. Good terms. Call Maddy. 3 BEDROOMS NORTH OF MARKET One of the best constructed 3 Bed room homes we have had the privilege of listing for a long time. Built In 1639. 3 Bedrooms, large L.R., D.R., fireplace, oeautuui kitchen witu nook, down. STEWART Phone 3-7002 1345 State FOR SALE LOTS ATTENTION BUILDERS. Nicely located suburban lots East. Restricted district. 3550 fc up. See these before you buy. John H. Hansen, realtor. Ph. 3-7819 or 3-4522. 1903 Fairgrounds Road. aa73 LARGE LOT In restricted dlsrtlct. Lots of trees Ph. 28385 after 6 p.m. aa74 FOR SALE FARMS 36 ACRES Of Willamette vallye'a finest bean ir sweet corn land. On irrigation ditch. 6 rm. hse. Good barn. Fenced and crossed fenced. Near Aumsvllle. Ideal for dairy. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590: Eve. 3-9535. b74 :W ACRES laying on a gradual slope at the edge of a pretty valley, 2 all year springs, good 7-rm. house with basement Ac furnace, barn Ar other bldgs, 3 acre boysen berries, family orchard, pasture, 8 acres oats, some livestock Ac imple ments, Ti ml. from Salem. Owner will consdlcr trade for home In town. Phone 23849. Eve, Ph. 252C0. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial b74 TAX LAND AUCTIONS FREE LITERATURE on how to buy ranch, timber, g raring lands through out California, Oregon and Washing ton at 10c to $.1. per acre min. bid. Write Pacific Lands, Box 2350-PJ. Hollywood 28. Calif. 072 TWO LOVELY ACRES Frultland district, modern two bedroom house, very nice small barn with two drinking fountains, smalt poultry house. $0500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 N. High St. Phone 37660. b72 HQ ACHES along N. Bantiam river. Good location for housing project or Indus trial purpose. Plenty of spring water, near Detroit dam site. Royal Johnson. Rt. 1 Box 135, Lyons, Ore. 2 ml. east of Gates In Linn Co. Tel. 743 Mill City. b72 STROUT FOR FARM BARGAINS Wide variety of farm and ranch bar gains available. Call at office for free lists of bargains. STROUT REALTY AOENCY. 959 S. 12th St. b73 FOR SALE ACREAGE VIEW ACREAGE 10 acres orchard At timber, new 2-bdrm. house not quite finished. Everything on hand lo complete. Large view windows. The owner is living in the house now. 2-room cabin al.so that could be rented. Good well. IB500 buys everything. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. Hlvh St. Phone 2-4129. bb74 73 ACRES 55 acres cultivated, about 20 acres pas ture and oak timber, full .et older buildings, house has bnth: barn with 8 stanchions: all ran be Irrigated. Spec ially pried at $10,500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 N. HUh St. Phone 37650. bb72 REAL BUYS $5,500 3-bdrm. home Fruit A berries, Nice gar den spot St room for chickens. Close In East $7,850 3-bdrm. home, dble. cnraie. chicken house, good drilled well. Big enough for Irrigating on one acre of good soil. Han dy to town. East. H. E. Corey REAL ESTATE 1865 N Broadway. Ph. 20552 day or ev. 3-3816 or 3-5343. Next to the Woodenshoe bb73 ACREAGE with modern 3-bdrm, home, good barn and other out bldgs. Possible $100.00 mo. nlcome. North. Call Norma Ooddard. Ph. 2-8848. M. GEIOER. REALTOR 3905 Portland Road Phone 3-1073 bb73 t ACRE S. Neat attractive 2 bedroom home, garage. Utility room. Large poultry house. A bargain. S3.9.VI. New home with 3 bedrooms. This home la not finished but is plastered, wired, plumbed. Terms. Call O. V Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 So High. Ph. 34131. Cves, 3S206 bb73' 6 VERY NICE ACRES, 6-rm. home, barn rabbit hutches, fruit, nuts, berries. Close to Salem. $10,000. FOR SALE OR TRADE for home In Salem or what have you The Real Estate Market Ption. J4W3 - J5!IV W73 RESORT PROPERTY RESORT PROPERTY, business lot In Delake. Ore. 150' Highway Front age Write Delake, p. O. Bos lit. eel 4 I REAL ESTATE 853 NO. COMMERCIAL Fine business location that Includes lge. 4 bdrm. Home with f'iil basmt.. room for courts behind and business bldg. in front. Call Richard E. Grab enhorst. 80 ACRE BARGAIN Located 6 miles out on paved road. rm. home, very good barn, chicken house St machine shed. Some timber. Bal. mostly under cult., some orchard. For the money you can't beat this. Price $12,600. Call G. H. Orabenhorsi. Jr. MODERN HOME 3 bdrm. it den, this home is ultra modern, on view lot. Owner has to sell. THIS HOME HAS IT I To see call Karl West. Office Phone 3-2471 3-8010 3-9968 2-1232 c73 large B.R., sewing room up. Full base ment. Auto, oil furn. Party rm. $14. 500.00 buys H. Call Bill Stewart for AppI. CLOSE IN 3 Bedroom home. 1 blks. from elty center. H.W. floors, fireplace. Wired for range. Basement. Nice yard. Good terms. Close to school and store. Call Maddy. Price $10,000. $2100 DOWN 2 bedroom home. East. All H.W. floors. Elec. Heat. Att. Garage. Large L.R. it D.R. Kitchen St Nook. Utility room. Very best of construction. Imm. possession. Call Stewart. REALTY St. Eve. 3-3488 or 3-4722 e74 REAL ESTATE Glen Creek Road 12 acres Si 3 BR home. Also 3 rm. ren tal. Fruit. Live stream. Will consider a small home as part trade. Price $12,000. Suburban Very attractive small modern home on lge. secluded 75x110' lot. Close to stores Ar bus. Fireplace Knotty Pine. $1850. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol Street Office Ph, 2-3862 Eves 6F1 1 or 3-8838 C74" C. W. Reeve, Realtor G. 1. APPROVED New 2-bdrm. home. Hdwd. flra. A t ached gar. Utility rm. lh acre. $750 down. Full price $7000. HOME & INCOME To settle an estate we have an older type house with 2 apartments. Live In one and rent the other. Plast. Large lot, shrubs, 2 garages. Bus line. 3 BDRM. Full basement. Fireplace. Close In. Nice lot. $10,000. $900 l'i acres North. Good bldg. site. Best of soli Easy terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Ph. 34590. Eve. 39535 or 23088. c14 SH.nhuw One acre north, good soil, bdrm., bath, kit., llv. rm., attached gar. nice lawn is lots of shrubs. SH.MMMM New ranch atyle home. 2 bdrm., Dam, ige. kit., utility, dble. gar., elec. heat A fireplace, lawn At shrubs. Sfl.9A0.no Good location to schools. 2 bdrm. llv. rm., din. rm.. kit., bath, fire place, full basement, single garage, nice lot. Call Ivan Slvers. Ph. 33849 Eve. Ph. 37012 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial c74 Auto repair and paint shop 25x30 ft., concrete floor, large double doors. Neon Sign. Two bedroom cottage with bath, living room and dining room combined, kitchen, all electric, back of garage. Chicken house. Close to school. $6850. A 3 bedroom home with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, rec reation room and shower In basement, garage, automatic heat. 1mm. pass. Price $13,500. 5 A. with new room house. Close to school. $6300 Make an offer Owner must sell this yenr-old 2 bedroom home at 1185 N. 25t.li Street. Has bath, living room and dining room combined, nice kltcfien, fireplace, hardwood floors, unfinished upstairs. Asking price $11,300. Lot 119x115 ft. on Lancaster Drive. $160(1 P. H. Bell Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1345, 3-4896. Eves 2-8568, 3-7565 j WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT TO SELL? Many prospective buyers from all over tlie U. S. have been writing their plans to locate here this spring. List your farms and acreages now) Maybe your farm Is Just the one for the first to arrive! STROUT REALTY AGENCY 959 3. 112t'i St. fj10" 25323. ca73 WE ARE In need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 3. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca AN ADDED SERVICE We aell real estate at auction. Call us for an appointment to discuss your Property. "C" Kilgore Real Estate 423 S. 12th Ph. 3-4835. ca NOTICE! If your property is for sale. rent or exchange, list H with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WE HAVE 65 ACRES or river bottom land with very good home. Will take nice home In or near Salem in trade. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-1820, 3-4596; Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558 Cb73 PARTY WITH ACREAGE wants to trade for small home In Salem. Call Norma Ooddard. Ph. 2-8848. M. GEIGER. REALTOR 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1073 ebIS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Com'l. Garage & Auto Wreckers Includes stock, equip., tools, bldgs , 3 4 acres, l' ton auto wrecker service truck, and some cars to be wrecked. Does considerable repair and servicing on logging truck. Will trade for farm, motel, apt. horse or small business. Price $19,000. See Allen Jones or Mabel Needham 341 State, rm 4. Ph 39201. Eve. 3433ft -3A848 - 20421. rd73 Fixrr shop Established trade in saw filing grind ing. New and used mdse. Living quar ters in rear of shop. Rent $48oo per mo. WILL 9 ELL AT INVRNTORY CANBY PTXIT SHOP, CANBY, ORE all REAL ESTATE We have a nice motel elose In North. 6 rental units, plus owners living quarters. All turn. Grog income about $9,000 per year. Will accept good horn hi Salem as put payment. Repair garage or paint shop together with living quarters, close In, lg. lot. Price of bualneas blogs. and land $6850. Stock it equipment at Inventory. OUT OF STATE OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL Out of state owner anxious to sell lovely six unit auto court, plus owner's living quarters located at Wecoma Beach. Completely furn. with new furniture including Frlgldalre, Bendlx washer it dryer. Owner will accept property In exchange to about $15,000 Further Information about this property call Mr. Noonc heater eves. 30103. M. GEIGER Jjor, Portland Road REIMANN FOR $350 DOWN! $35 per month Including Interest, taxes - and Insurance buys a new un finished livable 2-bedroom home, wired for range. Over 615 feet of floor apace Including a 65x117 lot and water. See us today. They can't last. Veterans preference. 120 ACRES of very fine soil, 4 bedroom home with basement. Large well built barn with cement floor. Lots of outbuildings. Only $20,000. No. 1024 REIMANN FOR I Eve. Sun. 3-3738. 2-6343. 2 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS IN MEADOW LAWN TRACTS near 4 Corner. acre tract. 4 rm. Unfinished house, but livable, elec. lights. Drove well and elec. water system. Price $2100, ATTRACTIVE BUY In small place about ltt acre. Few miles out on paved road. Close to school, creek. Fine garden spot. 4 rm. unfinished house. Large garage and work shop. Price $3500, Part terms, 2' ACRES. 3 rm. house with floored attic. Fireplace. Elec. water system. Price $4350. FURNISHED 3 rm. house ( garage. Paved street; on bus line. Price $5350 $1000 down. S04 ACRE FARM most all In cultivation; part can be Irrigated. I springs. 8 rm. house; barn. Price $25,000. LEO N. CHILDS, 344 State St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FILLING STATION On highway near Salem. Good 4-rm. home. Priced at $7500. FOR REAL VALUES SEE W. G. Krueger, Realtor 147 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4728. GOOD USED CAR LOT on main thorough fare. A good business section. Here is your chance to go In business. Located 607 Edgewater St, next to Furniture store. West Salem. Formerly known as Pete's Used Cars. Ph. 3-6401. Trulv a bargain. cd74 HOUSEWIVES Would you like to make extra dollars? Spend a few hours a day selling. Quick Sure-Fire long pro fit Deal Write or Call National Brands Distributing Co., 932 3. E. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. cd72 LONG ESTABLISHED grocery and hard ware In farming community. No blue sky. $30 month lease, $600 for fixtures, stock at inventory, approximate $3500. Last year gross 326,000. Phone 3-1769. cdS3 HIGH INCOME LOW EXPENSE CABIN COURT, 2 houses. Total of 15 rentals plus owners home. Paved atreet, city aewer & water. Owner reports over $6900 Income last year. $20,000 TERMS. Good condition. Room for expansion. No telephone Information! STROUT REAL TY AGENCY, 959 8. 12th St. cd73" APARTMENTS Very close In. Income 3193 mo. Phif. nice living quarters. Will take home up to $9000 as part payment. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 Evenings 38375 - 35514 25595 cd72 DO YOU want $400 a month or better net profit? 4 acres on paved highway near Salem, extra well built dance hall. 8 2-rm. and 2 1-rm. cabins. 100 pairs of almost new roller skates. Also sound system for dance hall. All goes for only $10,000 cash. No phone In formation please. Goodwin & McMillin, Realtors 464 Court St. Ph. 3-4707. Eve. 3-1283. Cd72- REPAIR GARAGE. 10x90. Also paint shop. Body fender repair. Old established bus iness. Gas pumps. Long lease. Reason able rent on bldg. Over $26,000 income in 1948 Sickness reason for selling. Price $15,750. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 80. High. Ph. 34121. Eves. 25208. cd13' OARAGE it Wrecking yard, 200 by 150 ft. on Hg. Parts, tools and property $15,000. or parts, tools $500.00. Will lease. Box 586 Delake. cd72 LUMBER Re-mfg. Plant On trackage. Three Acres Ground, 11,000 RF Fir. Spc. Planer, Tilting roll re-saw Imbr. car rier and other misc. equipment. Located Portland. By Owner. Phone REnwoort 1541. Malt P.O. Box 5085. cri6 WANTED FURNITURE ..IGHEST PRICES pala. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph '3-5110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 12 GUERNSEY milk cows Just fresh. 3 dor.. Rt. 7. Box 325. e13 13 DAIRY HEIFERS 1 yr up. Good gentle work horse. 18 ewea. Tel. 3-4093. e12 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer E C McCandlish 1121 5 25 Ph 3-8147 ea72 PETS PURE BRED Cocker Spaniel male puppy. B. D. Wells. Aumsvllle. Ore., 2 blks. N. Robert Filling Station. oc74 1Mi:XICANHIHiHI!.Cupple5ror aaie at 420 Miller Ave., Dallas. ec73 GOLDEN OR paper broke. BLACK Cocker Ph. 3-6443. CANARY SINGERS. Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4365. 1340 era 6 CHOICE Canary Blrdi. 260 N 18th FUEL FOR SALE Clean Sawdust No bark Pick Up and Haul at $3.00 per Unit Cflll Independence 42 for Delivered Prices ee"2' 18" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 Unit Loads Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber is Manufacturing Company Independence. Oreton ee72 CALL HIGHWAY eTTEl POR Dle.oel and Stove Oils. FRESB CU1 SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-8444 GOOD DRY 16-ln. slab, Immed. delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-3533. ee74 16" HAND PICKED slab, big 3-cord load for $12 Also sawdust $9. load. Prompt del. Ph. 3-9734. ee75 8" GREE! EDGINGS $6.00 load. dbl. load $11. Also grren 16" slab. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. 9S DRY 16" SLAB and edgings. B'.g 3-cord load $18.00. Dry ash. maple mixed. 3 cord load $30.00. Also other dry wood. Dial 0. caU 68F22. ee89 If IN. 1ND growth fir. Alio slab. Freeh clean tawduat. Ph. Maker 37868. ee81a Wood, all kinds. Ph. 3-3076 ee87 FREH CUT rreened aawdust. immediate delivery OREGON FUEL CO. Ph 3-3333. e84 ASH CRAFT I-M14. tot wood. Ph. 1-3380 -e-11 I REAL ESTATE REALTOR Phone 21073. e12" REAL ESTATE 2 ACRES Suburban 3-bedroom new home lo cated northeast. Hardwood floors, at tached garage, very fine soil. $9,500. NO. 330-A UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS! 3-bedtoom home on large lot, full basement, sawdust heat, hardwood floors, large attached garage, lovely yard with shrubs, fruit, and berries, bus. by door. Only $10,500. No. 348-A REAL ESTATE - 8241, 3-5905. 2-4628. INC., REALTORS Ph. 2-3663, 3-4007, 3-4510 or 2-8103 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16 -IN CLEAN, NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1523 Edgewater St W Salcre ee FOR SALE POULTRY BROAD BREASTED Bronte poults, Pot- orum Clean u. s. approved. Nellie M Compton. Rt. 1, Jefferson. Ph. 612 179 BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In. eluding Lig horns, Hampshlres. Par menters. Austra- Whites and others Phone 3-2861 or write today for Lee's tfaoy unicx cnat containing free poul try information Lee's Hatchery P O Box 725, Salem Oregon." f HELr WANTED MALE WANTED: 2 men to learn heating and air conditioning business, rapid ad vancement and good pay while you learn, (not laoor or mechanical work.) Apply In person. No phone calls. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 320 Kearney ga97 Experienced lubrication man, top wages, good working con ditions. W. L. ANDERSON DeSoto Distributors Plymouth Phone 37703. 360 Marion a72 HELP WANTED FEMALE COOK, HOUSEKEEPER and nurse for em ployed parents. No laundry, 5 day w!c. Board. Rm. St wages. Must like chil dren. Ph. 35445. gb74 WANTED Local girl with home phone for survey work with national concern. Average earnings 31.00 per hr. Ph, 2-4510. Call after 1:00 p.m. gb74 MIDDLE AGE working lady to stay nights. Will give rm. it breakfast. Reference. Write Capital Journal. Box 303. gb73 MIDDLE AGED LADY In Hollywood dlst. to take care of child afternoons. Ph. 25317. gb73 WANTED: Young lady to work In our of fice. Some ahorthand. Telephone and figure work. Nice office. Pleasant work. Good pay. Apply In person. Ask for Mr. Williams. Cherry City Baking Co. Broadway and Market gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 2-1488 gf WANTED SALESMEN MEN OR WOMEN, with cars. Interested In canvassing In rural territory un der the sponsorship of Local Civic Or ganizatlon for better than average earning in car allowance. See W. Merky at Senator Hotel. Sun., Mar. 27, 1:30 to 5 p.m. as 73 SALESMAN, rural, suburban, furnace ter ritory open for good salesman. Substan tial earnings, good opportunity for ad vancement, personal Interview, will be to your advantage. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 320 Kearney gg97 EXPANDING our sales rorce. Need top not-h salesmen, attes 35 to 50. Car nec. Sell diversified line 01 appliances it building materials. We rain you. Stea dy work. Earn $300 per mo. On salary it commission. Apply at Western Store, Stayton, Orgeon. gg73 WANTED POSITIONS TIMBER CUTTING A bushing. Kings Val ley Machine Shop. Kings Valley, Ore. h74 ROTO TILLER garden plowing. Ph. it decorating. C. IRONING In my home. Pickup and de livery Phone 3-1137. h77 ADULT BABY sitter. Will do mending. Ironing. Ph. 2-5874 h14 GARDEN PLOWING done with Rototlller. Ph. 3-4603 or 3-5541. h74 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototllllng. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. h9,7 MARRIED VET. desires position as book keeper or accountant, one yr. business college. 3 yrs. exp. Ph. 3-30B6. h13 LET US do your cement work NOW. ..Driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph. 39960. h76 WILL CARE children after school hrs. Ph. 20594. h74 1ST CLASS Carpenter work, new, remodel, repair. Ph. 3-8381. h81 FOUNDATIONS UNDER new and old houses. Cement work & remodeling of all kinds. Ph. 35993 or 31409. h75' DRESSMAKING, alt. Ph. 3-9840 after 3. TREE WORK Trimming, Removing Insured Operator Free Estimates. John Parne. Ph. 36014 248 8. Church h84 LA VAS NURSERY for Infants. Orad m. Mm km ibuf. Ph. ism. h93 WANTED POSITIONS BABY BITTING. .Ph. 3-06 B0. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. 39924. h86 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. Mc Allister. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h81 DRESSNAKINQ, alt. BABY SHOE bronzing $3 pr. Ph. 3-2527. 3275 S. Com'. h93 CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford trac tor. D. E. Marshall, Ph. 31343, Garden Rd., near Swegle school. hlB CARPENTER WORK. New A repalra. Ph 22093. h83 CARE FOR CHILDREN In my bom. Ph. 2-6876, 183 8. 18th St. h83 LET ME make your spring etothes. Rea sonable. 15 years exp. Ph. 3-5012. nsi PLASTERING, PATCHWORK & Chimney building. Ph. 3-4389. Free estimates, bal INTERIOR painting, Exp. Ph 3-6796. h87' MASONRY Fireplaces, chimneys, block laying. Pfi. 3-59BB. nj- PLOWING Discing. Al Moss. Ph. 32957. AUT1 PAINTING Just a ahade better by Ray fitter Call Snroek Motor Co 1-9101 h SERVICES Valley Sand ft Oravel Co. Fit run gravel, aand it silt. Tractor dozing Ae giadlng "rac.r shovel for dirt moving Ph 3-4003 off Res 37146. B EDUCATION A SUCCESSFUL MAN 18 A TRAINED MAN! Any one of the 400 majjor I.C-S. cours es can place you In this class. Free book let. Write or call Don McNeil, 1853 State St., Salem. Ph. 3-6330. Interna tional Correspondence Schools. O. I. APPROVED hhTB FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM WITH connecting bath. Men $25. 1090 N. Winter or 8-5905. Jk74' SLEEPING ROOM, cooking prlv., private home to middle aged lady. Ph. 3-7612. Jk74 LARGE RM, with bath. 6entleman. Ph. 34791. )k73a HTD. SLEEPING rms. 3131 Center. )k80 ATTRACTIVE ROOM. Private home, gen tleman. Garage. 985 N. Summer. Jk73 NICE sleeping rooms, outside entrance. 425 Marlon before 8 p.m. Jk72 EXCEPTIONALLY nice sleeping room for 1 or 2 bans, persons. Fireplace, prlv. ent. Az bath. Also light cooking priv ileges. 638 N. Church. Jk15 SLEEPING ROOMS for men or girls. 190 N. Church. Ph. 3-4335. Jk12- CLOSE IN Heated Room for clean emp. man. 540 S. Liberty. Jk72 SLEEPING RM. for emp. man, H. St C. water. 461 N. High. Jk74 HEATED SLEEPING rooms for men, dou ble Sz single. 385 N. 14th Jk73' EAN, MODERN rooms for men. Prlv ent. & tel. Tel. 33425, 1505 N. Capitol. Jk92 CLEAN HOLLYWOOD sleeping no. Ph. 36093. Jk84 FOR RENT APARTMENTS APT. IN THE COUNTRY. Room for gar den. Must furnish references. Prefer older couple. Write Box 301, Capital Journal. Jp74' CLOSE IN small, two rooms, duplex ap artment. $35. Call before 7:00 p.m. 01 next P.m. 635 N. Winter. Jp72' 1 RM. furn. apt. Prlv. bath, utll. Emp. couple. 1254 Ruge St., West Salem. Jp74 FURN. 3 RMS., kitchenette, prlv. shower, 1st fir. Furn. 2 rms., kitchenette, sharr ontn, 2nd nr. 1370 cnemeketa. jpi A S-RM. FURN apt. Working girl or lady preferred. 715 Highland. 13 FURNISHED SLEEPING RM. Heated. 607 N. Commercial St. Jp73 APARTMENTS Hollywood district. Partly Adults. 1047 Madison. furnished )p76- 2-RM. furn. apt. Ph. 37310. Jp73 1 APTS. $30.00 it $45.00. Call evenings at 824 North Front. J APT. FOR RENT, 444 Cottage. Ph. 3-18B7 Jp73 FOR RENT HOUSES NEW S-BDRM. house Just completed Hdwd. firs., fireplace St garage. Contact R. A. Rawlins at RAWLINS REALTY, 2060 N. Capitol. (Hollywood District). Ph. 2-4664. Jm74' CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT de sires lease on home In Mill City area. ; or 3 bedrooms. Adequate summer home desirable. References furnished. P. box 4621, Portland. Ph. Ea602B. Jm74 NEW 2-BR home in Hollywood dlst. by April 1. Elec. ht., hdwd. flra., elec lange. $70 per mo. 2 mo. rent in ad vance. Ph. 27482. jm?4' S-RM. FURN. cottage. Ph. 2-6618. Jm72 543 MO. 5 rm. unfurn. 2 B.R. it bath up. Adults only. No pets. 1 blk. from Berg'i Market. Avail Mar. 28. Give ref. Box 301 Capital Journal. Jm72 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home tt In dustrla) use Howser Bros. Ph 1-3646 J' D DRIVE trucks cars Ph 3-9103 SINGER Electric Portable Sewing chines by the Month. Reasonable Rates. Free Delivery and Pickup. Phone 33513 singer sewing Macnine co. 130 N Commercial 179' TRUCKS and cars Smltt'ya Clipper Ser vice Ph 39600 Cor Center and Church 1' TRAILERS, $2.00 per day Howaer Bros 60S Edgewater St, West Salem j BUSINESS RM. for rant H. L Stiff. J1 GOOD USED PIANOS. IRONERS by week Phone 24439 FLOOR SANDER foe rent Montgorr ry Ward f TO DO a good Job rent a good floor land er We sell everything to complete the fob HOWBER BROS Ph ' j' WANTED TO RENT QUIET MIDDLEAGED COUPLE want furn suse or apt. Write Mr. M. W. Reder. Y.M.C.A.. Salem. Ja73 adults under $90. Ja73 STATE WORKER and wife desire 1 or 2 bdrm. house not over $50.00. Ph. 35895, Ja75 FURN. APT. for couple. Ph. 3-5072. Ja73 STATE EMPLOYE, wife St 2 adult chil dren need 1 or 3 bdrm. home close in by Apr. 15. Cell 22524 5:15 to 7 p.m. Ja73 EMPLOYED COUPLE desire 2 bdrm. furn. or part furn. home. Must be clean A: nice. After 1. 27654. Ja74 LGE. S OR 3 BS house with bsmt. Adults. Ph. 27076. Ja72 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A RM. lor gentlemen. Ph. 38706. JJ74 CARE FOR ELDERLY people In country home. Write Box 300 Capital Journal. JJ73 LOST AND FOUND FOUND 2 fountain peas. S. Winter near Leslie Jr. H. & w lttn oeiween uenier St Chemeketa. 385 N. 14th, Rm. 4. May have by Identifying Sc paying cost of Ad. k73 LOST: Black wallet containing Impor tant papers. Please notify. 1464 Marlon St.. Salem or Ph. 33816. k13 LOST: Handle to chain saw between 300 it 1200 block on N. Church. Reward Ph. 26014. k84 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's batter. 464 Court, m78 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films Si Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis. 413 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 3-5335 m81' UAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a Qualified S.nger represeo tatlve Ph 3-3513 for free pic I up and delivery service on all makes of ma. ehlnes Free estimate given before work la atarted Singer Sewing Machine Co. 13 M. Cora L . an MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVIOlii IN MOST CASES nn HARRY SEMLER DENTIST T Adolpb Bldg. State it Commercial Sis SALEM rnone m BUILDING MATERIAL NEW GRADE A vertical grain coora, 17.50 to S8.00. New Wo. 1 cecar amn gles, $9.50 per anuare. C. O. Long, Rt. 2, Box 31. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile north of Kelz?r. ma77 Windows & Sash 1.000 new SBsh, various siiea, $2.35 it up. New it used dbla. hung windows, low priced glass St panel doors complete with frames. O. O. LONG, Rt. 1, Box 31, Salem. Ph. 3-5821. 1 mile north of Kelzer. mW Toilets Wash Basins Modern wash basins $13 80. Toilets $27 50. Large supply oak flooring $140 per M. Fir $100 per M. Cedar aiding $100 per M. New plywood all thickness es. Salem's lowest prices. O. G. LONO, Rt. 3, Box 31, Salem. Ph. 3-3831. 1 mil north of Keller. 01877' ALUM A - LOCK ALUMINUM LOC it SHINGLE. The modern permanent rooi lng. See your dealer or dlst. Call 3-6401. ma98 RED CEDAR shingles. No. 1, 39.60; No. 3 $5.50; No. 3 $3.60. Tea MUiier. rn. 3-1196. Salem-lndep. Rd. 37 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatformt and Bennett eircs. Salem's leading masonry and plaster supply house. Ph. 2-5643. "PUMILITE" WEST SALEM maT4 USED BLDG. material, bath room fix tures, new St old; soil plpa, new. Maoson Wrecking Co., 1360 Howard St. ma 73 f"MBEB at wholesale price while It lasts. Brick $33.00 per thousand, sola l,ot. Co., Ph 25950, Salem. Dallas Hlway. ma73 ALUMINUM ROOFING ! ft. width In the following lengths 1 6' 81.74 8' 3.33 10' 3.90 12' 346 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM, OREGON ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM, OREGON ma' PERMA-STONE your home. Call at Salem Perma-Stone Co., 455 Court. ma83 REJECT PLYWOOD V B0 per ft. tt" U'io per ft.. 'V iSo per ft.. H" 18tt per ft., i" 30c per rt. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PRIMROSE DAHLIA bulbs $1 per doi. Azaleas 3 for $1. Camellias $1.00 Sz up. MERRILL'S GREENHOUSE, BROOKS ni.t WARDROBE TRUNK like new. th. 3-4313. n74 GAS WATER HEATER, automatic, 30 gal. Good condition. $20.00. Ph. 2-7008. ms SALE OF USED AND SCRAP MATERIALS The Oregon State Highway Commission has foi sale an assortment of used equipment located at the Highway De partment Plant at Salem. Partial lists of the various kinds of equipment are as follows: AT SALEM: Nine Chevrolet sedans: 4 Ford sedans; 6 pick-ups; 11 dump trucks: 1 tractor; 3 mowers: 15 HP boil er; concrete mixer; asphalt kettle: scrap Iron, steel, batteries, radiators and tires. Sealed bids for the purchase of all or any one piece of the used equipment and for all of the scrap will be received by the State Highway Commission In Room 325. State Office Building, Salem, Oregon, until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 5, 1949, at which time and place tho bids will be publicly opened. Proposal forms and full Information for bidders may be obtained at the of fice of the State Highway Commission, state office Building, Salem, Oregon. Separate proposal forms have been pre pared for both the equipment and the scrap. The bidders should specify which ones are desired when requesting the proposal forms. The right la reserved to reject any or. all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the State of Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION n13 GOOD used sewing machine. Reas. priced. Ph. 24605. n74 DINETTE table St 4 chairs. Hollywood oeds, enna s aesg, cnair, oauy bed. 998 Locust St. n74 NEW 9x12 wool Axminster rug to trade lor gooa usea 11x1a rug. 1706 rt. 4tn. n72 7-FT. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, good condition $65. 1790 N. Capitol after 5 p.m. n75 NATIONAL ELECTRIC waterheater. Klt chen model, capacity 45-gal. New 3145, 1 year old. Will sell for $90. 17 N. Capitol. Call after 5 p.m. n75 STORE FIXTURES, 3 Islands and shelv ing. Salem Color Center, 195ft Fair grounds Rd. Ph. 31753. n74 SOLID OAK Dinette Set, table. 4 chairs, and buffet, excellent condition, also 9x12 Broadloom carpet and pad. Ph. 29137. n74 ELECTRIC RANGE, side oven St Storage drawers. Ph. 3-7456. n12 APT. SIZE AB. Electric Range, A-l con dition. 3460 Silverton Road. Ph, 3-8086. n74 WILL TRADE 1935 Plymouth, good mo tor, for garden tractor or good deer rifle and what have you, 1540 Shady Lane. n74 COMMERCIAL KELVIN ATOR bottle cool er $85. Buscher "C" melody saxophone $45. 453 Shipping. n73 DON NOBLE ACCORDIAN, 120 bass, shut ters practically new. Ph. 3-5630 or 21378. n13 OIL CIRCULATOR. Baby Buggy $30. Ph. 3-4042. n73- 1EDROOM SET; elec. range; reas. Must bo sold before Sunday. Both $100, also iron bed Sz surlngs. Ph. 2-0868. n73 BLACK SATIN FORMAL t powder blue suit, air 14; excellnt cond. Write Box 238, Stayton. Oregon. n74 TANDEM 3-9940. . for rent or sale. n76 S HARDWOOD BENCHES, 12 ft. long. In- qulre Mgr. Senator Hotel. n72" ESTATE, HIGH oven, closed top gas range. Good cond. $18. Ph, 2812. or call at 4124 West Main St. SILVER TON. n73" HEARING AID. used 90 days, cost $184, win sen lor jsu. m. 38967. n2 ELECTRIC SINGER sewing machine. Rt. Box 130C. Trailer Park Village. n73 KITCHEN UTILITY cabinet. 3 drawer. 36" Mgh, 20" long, 25" wide. 19B6 Fir St. n72 HOYT ST. SURPLUS Swivel and Secretarial chairs a few more at $9.75. Folding metal eh a Irs. Tents and Tar pa most sizes. Dish wash ers, spud peelers, steam cookers, elec tric bakery oven: laundry presses, tum bler dryer; GMC l'i Ton 41 flat bed truck 18' bed $1650.00. 7'fc KVA 110V AC generator and switch board $300.00. 90 KW AC 3-phase dleael electric set $4250.00. International LaFrance Fire Engine Bunk beds. Oil circulators. 3 drawer office table 332.50. ELECTRIC water heaters, apt. size ranges and re frigerators, washers new and used, house and outside wire, range cable, range outlets, toileta, tubs, soil Pipe and fittings V galv. pipe, caulking lead 25c lb. Come south on 12th to large HOYT ST. sign turn east 1 block. Tel. 3-1916. n72 STEEL CLOTHESLINE post $12 pair PP. Railings in stock to order. 1145 N. Lib erty. n95 FERTILIZER, well rotted. 50c a sack, in sack order, in the city limits or $4.00 yard. Ph. 2-13:4. r.74 CIRCULATING HEATER, large. Washing machine, good cond. Call 3-7966 alter 5 n73 FURNITURE: Dinette $40: bdrm. set com plete $45; excellent washer $65; exe. Spark oil heater $75: 3-way lamp S8. exc. 7 cu. ft. refrlg. $140. Odds it ends. Ph. 3-3605. nT4" CEDAR posts! VhTw-rU. n (Continued on Page 17) 1