20 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per tin .....ISO Per Um I times 40a Per Line t time 60o Per Line 1 month $2.00 Outside of Salem lfto per 11m per day. Mln. SOei I times mln. 80o time mln 11.20. No Refund READERS In Local Newi Cot OotTt Per line Me Jo Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES EXCLUSIVE First time listed This fine 4 bed rm 'modern home with lv. rm., d. rm., kt.. flrplace, basement, auto oil pipe fur nace, large lot, best location, clan to stato building, priced at only $9,800.00. FOR QUICK SALE 110,500.00 buy thl nice 7 plus acre, food 3 bed rm. modern home that 1 Clean tnruouv, nrepiace, naaemeni, iur nace. creek. Kood soil, large barn. Call Ray Da via Ph. 23849 Eve. 28958 : Walters Real Estate 980 8. Commercial 71' PIT OWN BR. leaving atate. new 3-bdrm. home, hardwood floor. Venetian blind, oil furnace, large corner lot clue to Due. jeooo. rn. 313HM. aiu' FORE SALE: BY OWNER, leaving town. 4-BR English style house. Oood term. Tge. 4 O. I. morlgnse. 1 130 Hood St. or call 3-7007 after 4:00 p.m. a73 BY OWNER At builder. New 2-bdrm. home All plastered, offset celling In living rm, V. blind thruout. beautiful kltch. Gar age, concrete driveway. Can be aold nn PH. A. term. 2465 N. 4th. Ph. 3-6B33 or 3-8301. a73 4-RM. HOUSE. Hot Ac cold water system. Oar., 2 lot, lomt fruit. Leaving town, must ell at once. Price. 12,00(1. 2 bl. E. of Aumsville. P, O. Call after 4 p.m. Clyde Johnson. a70 1 BED rm. house 17900. nearly completed 135 N. 23rd. n75 18.950.00 Oood location to arhool. 2 bdrm., lv. rm., d. rm., k., bath, fire place, full basement, single garage, nice lot. 10.500 New 1 bdrm.. It. rm.. d. rm., k., bath, att. garage. Lawn At ahrub in close to cnsiewooo senooi. I acre clone In, nice 2 bed rm. house, lv. rm., d. rm., k. bath, full bmt. Small barn As chicken house, dble. garage, fruit, nut, berrle. Call Ivan 8lvers. Ph. 23849 Eve. 17013 - Walters Real Estate 900 8. Commercial all1 Englewood - Owner moving to the country, 8-rm. modern bungalow, fireplace, garage. Beautiful fenced lot, lame tree. 3 blk. to chool. V to bu. J6300. ; 3 Bedrm. Colonial Northeast, fireplace, dining room, breakfast nook. Full basement At gar age. Close to bus At schools. Price 110,- 750. Cnll Mr. Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 35100 Eve. t-9939 71 ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT By owner 16950. 3 bed R., llT. It., dining R., kitchen, bath, large back porch. Basement, oil heat. Elec. Water heater. V-bllnds, 3 fruit trees. Near eohool hospital. 1035 N. 22nd St. Phone 38394. a71 BY OWNER, immed. pos . new mod. ft rm he.. fireplace, 3 bdrm Ac dn. rm. Full laund. fsc. gnrane and lee. un fln. upstair. New furn. Drastically re duced. A real buy because of Hint. 3190 N. 34th St. e7t 1(1,850.00 Five room home with nice fireplace on an extra large beautiful lot, Ig oak trees, good location north, pavement. Call Geo. Walter Ph. 2340 Eve. 35300 Walters Real Estate 9(10 8. Commercial all A NEW 3 bdrm. home by Tom Dalke. p"h. 21839. a71 FIRST TIME ADVERTISED By owner, 6 blks. from downtown, 1 block from Bush Pk. 3 bdrm down, liv ing room with flrrplncc, dining room, kitchen, bkfnst nook Ac bnt-h with In laid linoleum, lidwund floor, auto, gns fnrnnco, attlo finished with plywood, also lavatory Ac stool. Sflfl 8. Liberty. fha committment of 17.200. Prlci'd at 19,500 a7l SPECIAL SALES Apartment building. 8 completely fur ninhed apartments. Hot water heating system. Larue attractive room. This Is a safe and sound investment. You should see this place to appreciate U. Price 125,000.00. Term. Six mi. house In good location, all furnished and In good condition. Fine large lot, 3 enr garage. Price 18600.00 - Five rm. bungalow and garage in south Salem. Price only I3500.OO J. F. Ulrich Realtors 117 Court St. Ph. 38872 a71 M600 New a bdrm home), north, hwd. fir., elect, heat, fireplace, utility In lue. gar. Lot 70x140. 141.000 Attractive 2 bdrm. home So. with din. rm , oil fur., hwd. firs.. attach, gar. Picket fence, patio. Cnll Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor Ph. 39371 11.500 Furnished. 3 her R. home, din ing R., kitchen, llv. R . rwd. firs., fireplace. This home is nice and clean, near St. Vincent de Paul church, vail Omer Buff. Huff Real Estate Co. Re a H or 341 Chemeketa St Ees. 2.S091 a7l Ph. 39371 $1300 Down S acre east. 2 bedrm. home 3 yr old. slec. thruout, bus service. Sacrllice at 16000. G. I. SPECIAL New 2 bedrm. hdwd. firs., auto heat, epprox. , atr. This is jacnficc at 1'500. 2' blocks tocity bu. School close. Rawlins Realty tHollywood District' Ph. 3-4964 Eve. 2-8013, 3-7128, 2.57s: a71 BY OWNER. Leaving town. I3?50 equity will handle. Some bal. Lovely 5 rm. Mem home overlooks Salem and hills. K:n wood Heuhu d-M. lUlftd. fits . nice frieplace. Eire, ht . attractive kitchen Att. gar. with utility, fenced In back yard, shrubs and flowers. Ph. 35059. utx Furnished Homes Theie are both lovely home that you win be proud to own 111.500 NORTH. 3-BR. lee. lot. I1B.9O0 ENOLEWOOD dlst Includes I'.ano, 1. terraced yard, basement. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N Capitol Pt Cffice Ph. 3-38M. Eve 9F11 or 3-MJ9 , aTl BEST BUYS $1350 DOWN Ahnost new 3-rm. auburban house, well i acre lot. Very clean and neat. Tolai price 14250. 3 Bedroom Brand new 3-BR home, all on 1 floor Elec. heat, weather stripped and in sulated, hwd. fuoor. Immed poss. Bn dts washer. 12550 dn. Total price 110 750 FHA. $6S50 Full Price Older type 1-BR with full hsmt. Newly redecorated. Very good cond. Bus. store and school very close. Term arranged Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road P4i. 1-7820. 2-4599. Eve. 2-047S. 3-3SM a71" NEAR HIOH 8CHOOL Beautiful 4-BR strictly mdrn. home. Ai: large room. Full basement, good oil furnace, fireplace. Large lot 313,500.00 WALNUT PARK Oho Ice residential district corner lot 1 BR. Ige. living room with lireplace. full dining room, basement with oil fur nace. Price f 13 500. Please phone for appointment. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Street. Saicm. Oregon Phone 1-2629. Eve 3-4789 or Clark Craig 1-6033. all Ore, Wed., March 23, 1949; FOR SALE HOUSE $11,500 East Englewood, lane living room, din Ins room, picture window, kitchen, Just the kind you've wanted, even a plan nine dek. beth. 1 nicely finished bed room, Attached garage. Paved corner. $9,950 Tht 1-bedroom home with 3 complete bath, is the beat buy In Salem today. Full basement, auto sawdust furnace, large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, over lie garage tt lot- Near an acnooi. $6,950 Neat Ac clean, 2-bdrm. home on 100x113 lot with oak As fir tree. Just south of city limit, only block to bu. Chas. Hudk'ins & Son REALTORS 350 N. HlBh St. Phone 2-4129. 71 18.3.10. NEW modern unfinished 2-bdrm. home. Attached garage. Over 900 sq. ft. floor area. Term. 4,2R0. CLEAN 1 bdrm. home on 3 lot close In east. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 34121. Eve. 35581. 73 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL 16300 full price for this new 3-BR home with elec. heat, hdwd. fir., nice utility room, excellent term may be had. HIGHLAND SPECIAL 3-BR home with fireplace, hdwd. furs, elec. heat. This home 1 Insulated Ac wealherstrlpped Ac has basement with laundry tray. Nice district. Are you looking for a 4-BR home, close to senior hi sen.? Tht home ha fire place, nice basement, furnace heat, fenced back yard with fruit tree. Give us a call on thl. Ralph Bent REAL ESTATE 2330 S. Commercial St. t.71 Some furn. with thl 3 bdrm. lv. rm., dn. rm., If. kltch, 3 bat hi, utll. porch, fruit room. Carpeted wall to wall on one fir. In city east. 16300. New I'fe story 2 bdrm., lv. rm, dn. rm., kltch., hdwd. fir., fireplace, oil floor furn.. ar. 17100 FHA. Full price J0500. N. E. Call Ed. 3 bdrm., lv. rm., dn. rm., Ig. kltch.. oolored bathroom fixtures, guest clos et Ac entrance, hdwd. fir, thruout. Ig. window, lnsul. and weatherst ripped. Full bsmt. 2 fireplaces, plastered utll. room Ac gar. 114.500. Call Dahl. ED BYRKIT & CO. REALTOR 3425 Portland Road Office Phone 3-3101: Eve. 3-3434 a72 8.400, NEW modern 2-ndrm. home. Large lot. OH furnace. 11.000 down, balance F.H.A. loan. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 183 So, Hleh St. Ph. 34121. Eve. 35581. a73 $1500 DOWN 1 '4 yenr old modern 2 bdrm. home with large LR. DFfc nice kltghen, bath, utility room. hdwd. fir., auto heat, garage. Lame lot east. Price 18950. 180 month WEST SALEM Modern 2 bdrm. home with Lr, Dr, kitchen, bath, largo basement with fur nace, aarage. Good district, Price 16950. TERMS. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 19113 Center St. Ph. 24552 Eves. 31405 m a71 BY OWNER, j4j year old house, excel condition, price $8fl50. 3 BR. hdwd. firs., Weslx elec. heat, fireplace, garaac, lawn. Lot 0Sx3fl0. FHA terms, 1045 VlKta. Phone 2-6820. a 70 57.000. CLEAN modern 3-bdrm. home. Fire place. Basement. Sawdust heat. (1,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 80. High St. Ph. 34131. Eve. 355(11. a73' 3 ROKM. unflntshed house. 3805 Thorn- dale. Ph. 3-1719. a75 OPEN HOUSE 24.10 Myrtle Ave. Full basement, no water in bsmt.. 4 rm., hdwd. firs., llv. rm., kitchen, bath, garage. Lot 50'xl20'. a 70 $1500 Cash Bal. Monthly. 3 B. RM. Modern house N. Salem, paving, shrubs, not far to bu, school. Roe at once 36750. $2500 Cash 3 Modern Houses, 2 lots 8. Salem. One ha 3 B. Rm.. llv.. din. kit.. Util. One hA 1 B. Rm.. llv., kit., rented at 140. I). Garaxe 17000. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com. Ph. 24949 35497 n71 M.804). il-BR home well located on paved 1 eei close 10 mis line. Has large gar age. Lot 75x300 with fruit and garden space. Poultry house. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 80. High. Ph. 34121. Eves. 2520(1 a73- Close to Hi and Parrish Schools English st vie 4-bdrm. home. Price 110. 000 Ph. 33399. General Real Estate 255 Center 8t. 70 Larire Home Drive by the large 3 bdrm. home with j a iuii basement at 835 Hood St. Ideal for a large family, or could be convert ed easy to apt., or a guest home, good neighborhood, near bus. out of c:ty owner says "Submit any reasonable otter." Exclusive with Bourne Neat 2 Bedroom Home Drive br this nice neat, moderate! priced home at 1170 I.el St We can arrange good financing Exclusive with 1 Three Bedrooms Drle by 1213 N Church street. I.ire English type home on a good corner lot. hardwood floors, one bedroom down, 3 up. Fully plastered home, with at tached garage, very well located tor schools and bus. We hive financing ar ranaed for on this property. 15900 at 4 ' , interest, payments around 143 00 per month. This property has been re duced In price and l going to sell, submit any reasonable offer. Exclusive with Bourne. Low Down Payment 2 acres, family fruit. 3 bedroom home Uh basement, small barn, can be handled by State Veteran, for low down payment Ofner mtiht consider trade In on good used ear. We have financing on this property for 18300 at 1 50 00 per month Fupll price 18.000, Exclusive with Bourne. State Veteran Do you want real home for 1500 down one that you can convert into income for yourself. Owner might consider good wed car. H- will also help ou with your financing. See Joe on this one Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N Capitol. Ph 3S119. Ev. 3SM or 33479. au 9 1 w DOWN. A ma cVtve neat 3-bd r m . home well located 8 E Oak floors. Pav ed street. Full price 15350. Call O V Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1S3 S. High. Ph. 34131. Ees J53M $1000 DOWN 3 rms. As bath completed furnuhed 93x300 lot. Small but worth every cent Of 14500. Bal. 14S per mo 15 M per mo. S rms. nh 3 bdrms Wired for elec. raiwe. L. tr. garaie auto H. water. sOxiaj lot. Full price 15500 Allen C. Jones and Mabel A Xeedham REALTORS 141 AMtte 6t Ph. 3-9.V.1 Xts. 3t3 . 34783 . 34141 470. REAL ESTATE We have a nice motel close In North. 6 rental unit, plus owners living quarters. All turn. Groan income about 19.000 per year. Will accept good home In Salem a patt payment. Repair garage or paint shop together with living quarter, close In. It. lot. Price of business bldgi. and land 16850. Stock At equipment at Inventory. OUT OF STATE OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL Out of stale owner anxious to sell lovely six unit auto court, plus owner's living quarters located at Wecoma Beach. Completely furn. with new furniture Including Frlgldalre, Bendlx washer Ac dryer. Owner will accept property In exchange to about 115,000 Further Information about this property call Mr, Noonchester eves. 2010B. M. GEIGER 2205 Portland Road REIMANN FOR $350 DOWN NEW HOME! 39x25 house unfinished but livable. Close to bus and school, 135 per month on balance Including taxes and Insur ance. Veterans Preference. NEW with a VIEW and CHARM 2 fireplaces, double garage, hardwood floor, hemlock paneling, finished base ment, large lot, Immediate possession. REIMANN FOR 301 South High Street 8in. Ac Eve. 2-3738, 2-6343, 2 - GRABENHORST SPECIALS APT. HOUSE SPECIAL Income J420 per mo. plus owners quarters, 9 units, 8 unit furnished, new duplex on rear of lot. Ideal lora tlon, close In to city center. Price 329, 500. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. DAIRY FARM SA4 Acre located 7 ml. out. 3 large dairy barns, stanchions for 90 cows, milk house A cooler. 2 tenant houses and 7 rm. owner home. 200 acre under cult. Mostly dark oll. Year round creek spring. 160 acre pas ture. Some timber. Price $91,000.00. Call O. H. Grabenhorst Jr. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty Evenings and Sunday call Peter Oetser 3-9998 Roy Ferrl 2-8010 Enrl West 2-1332 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR snORT TIME only we are offering our small house at reduced price. In sulated, pi., nice lot, shrub, near bus Ac store. Extra cottage, garage. 1615 N. Liberty is FOR SALE LOTS ATTENTION ni'lLDI.RS. Nicely located suburban lots East. Restricted dUtrict. J5SO Ac up. See these before you buy. John H. Hansen, realtor. Ph. 3-7319 or 3-4532. 1093 Fairgrounds Road. aa73 VIEW Iota 500 blk. Vista Ave., wooded lotj. 600 blk., Ratcllff Dr. Owner. Ph. 34384. FOR SALE FARMS 70 ACRES BARGAIN Here is a good product Ive soil, well adapted for feed and seed crops, will grow berries, or hops. Locnled In gnnd farming area. Ha a solid well built older type home, that Is in good repair and modern In every rspect. large bnrn, 15 stanchions, plenty of feed storage space, poultry house, hog house, graln ery and mlcs. buildings. Fitmlly fruit, garden, berries, thin property has been appraised for S 10.2(10 but owner really wants to sell. He hns instructed us to submit any rensonnble offer. Wc are able, to finance this one Willi 4 to 4'v loan on any terms of repayment you may desire, within reason. If yon are Interested In a good farm, don't pass this one up. Oh. yes, the owner will consider a good reasonably priced Sa lem home, on a trade. Joe L. Bourne Realtor Sell or Trade Want home In Salem, 3 Farms. 35 Acres 18500. semt-mod. 5 rm. Use., barn, ch. house, 5 ac, fruit and ber ries. 20 Ac. oalR. Price 58500. 37 Acres, 4 B. Rm. modern basement Hse., D. garnse. barn. ch. hse., cows, Pigs, hovsc, Fordson truck 8 ac. oat. Ac vetch 100 cherry, 5 ac. berries. Want Salem house to 110.000. Price $14,500. 68 Acres $15,750 3 B Rm. Mod. Hse. Barn 11 Cows, other bldus. Land can all be Irrigated. Want hou.se Salem. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com. P!l. 24649-35497 b7l JUST LISTED 133 Acres, mostly in cultivation it In crop, well Improved, family fruit Ac ber ries, larae Urination well, springs, some tlmher. Thl place has everything. Only 135.000 A is financed RALPH BENT REAL ESTATE 3-3133 2330 S. Commercial St. b71 33 ACRES laving on a gradual slope at the edge of a pretty valley, 2 all year spring, tood 7 rm. house with basement furnace, barn and other bid. 3 acre bo ysen berries, family orchard, pasture. 3 acres oats, some livestock A: implements. 7' m; from Salem. Owner will trade equity for home In town. Ca'l Oeo. Walters. Ph 33849 Eve. 35360 Walters Real Estate 960 S Commercial b71 30 ACRKS along N. Santtam river. Good location tor housing project or Indus trial purpose. Plenty of spring water, near Detroit dam site. Royal Johnson. Rt. 1 Box 135, Lyons. Ore 2 mt. east ot Oate In L:nn Co. Tel. 742 Mill City. b72 FOR SALE ACREAGE stt.MQ. ' Al'Kt: S Neat attractive 2- bedroom home, garage Utility room Large poultry house. A baraam 1.9.VI. New home with 2 bedrooms. Thi. home Is not finished but is plastered. wired. Plumbed. Terms. Call O. V Hui nth State Finance Co. Kves. 15306 bb7S 6 VERY NICE AURI'S. 6-rm. home, barn rabott hutches, fruit, nuts, berries. Close to Salem. 110.000 FOR SALE OR TRADE for home In Salem or what have you. The Real Estate Market 433 N H:th St. Phone 24793 EvenintJ-. 3S514 - 36375 . 25595. bb72- 7 Acres $2000 Cash Bal. S",. This is a real nice home with a 3 B Rm. Modern Ranch Type House. Utility, Ahrurw. Asst Berrle. Fniil, Ch H.c . Bam. Tractor Machin ery so at 18600. South near Hlway. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com'l. Ph. 24649 - 2597. bbll A few of our better sub urban buys ask to see them. ' Acrt. 1 BR ied rd 3 Acre, farm bldis . East 1 1 5 A. Large house, paved .... S Acre, 3 BH. nice setting. close in Acre. lTge house, bam. fruit 10 acre, wry lovely home. rustic setting . . RALPH BENT REAL ESTATE 3-3113 2330 S. COMMERCIAL ST. 4 900 3 750 8.800 bb71 FOR .LE by owner Ui acre. 3 rm house dble mare laundry house workshop. All ;n fruit, prune, wal. nuts, filberts, c. Terries S acre t raw berries. Sunnyside Dutrtet. Mr. Hen net 1 PospuiL Rt. f. Bos 4. boll I REAL ESTATE REALTOR Phone 31073 REAL ESTATE $1,000 DOWN! Nearly new 2 bedroom home, hard wood floor, large lot, wired for range, close to bus, attached garage, located east. No. 200-A 31 ACRES 10 Acre bottom land 4 '4 acres bo yaen berries located northeast near Pudding River. 7 room home. 7 stan ehotn barn. This 1 a good buy at 113. 000. No. 845 REAL ESTATE 3241. 3-690S, 3-4438, 2-3346 RANCH STYLE, FULL BASMT 2 bdrm. plus den, large beautiful fir lot, overlooking river, all finished rm. In basmt, 3 fireplaces, dble. garage, owner leaving state. Call Roy Ferris. 1 ACRE Located on S. River Road. Good 3 bdrm. home, hdwd. fir., fireplace, fam ily fruit orchard, chicken house. Price only 19.500. Call Richard E. Graben horst. Office Phone 2-2471 FOR SALE ACREAGE $10,500 1ft .errs. 4 b.droom plnxtrred home Good A xtanchlon barn. 6omt berries it fruit. Near achool & achool bus. Machin ery. Trita la a good place. Chas. Hudkins & Son REAL ESTATE Homeseekers Agency SPECIALS Silver-ton, Oregon 4 rooms and bath. Electric rang and water heater. Oil circulator. Close to business section 13000.00 3 rooms and bath. Electric water heat er. Wired for range, etc. Linoleums, Venetian blind. 13600, 1700 down. 3 rooms and bath, plastered, full ce ment basement. Oood sized lot in nice location 15500.00 3 rooms and bath, cement foundation, plastered Oood sired lot. on East Hill. Paved street. A bargain at J4750.OO, terms. 4 unit court, new, cement foundation, plnstered, electric heat, etc. Oood sized laundry. Close In. A good Investment. 118,000.00. 6 acres, All cultivated, 1 room And balh. on pnved roAd. close in. Nice family orchard, buildings and equip ment for seVeral hundred chickens. , 17,900.00 3fi acres, about 20 acres cultivated. Close in. Substantial 7-room and bath. Full basement. Oood sized barn and chick en house. Irrigation sumps and equip, ment. House furnished, Including el ectric range, etc 110,000.00 30'- acres fine valley soil, Howell prai rie area. Much of this land 1 newly cleared. All cultivated. If you want the best, see thl 111,500.00 100 acres, about 60 acres cultivated. 5 room and bath, plastered, full base ment, large barn and other buildings. Year round springs, about 6 miles out. 113.000.00 CALL OR WRITE FOR OUR SALES LIST. NOW IS A OOOD TIME TO LIST WITH The Homeseekers Agency Silverton, Oregon WANT A REAL FA MILT HOME? A setting for that antique collection? If you do. you wilt really go for this one. 2 bedroom and den; a kitchen that 1 a kitchen; carpeting; curtains and den furniture Included. Located In Englewood school district on a paved corner lot; bus at door; 4 blocks to Senior Hi School Automatic heat. this isn't a buy at 17.950 we will put In with you. May be seen day or nite. ni ii.uinu 1 ri 1 yi nixi: We have a dozen good building lots looking for burers. Beginning at 1500. Call for location today. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838 231 N. High (Across from Hotel Senator) Eve. Ph. 3-7534 or 3-1724 c70 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS li ACRES 5 rm. house I yr. old Fruit and nut trees. On bu line. Price 138MI HOME Ar INCOME 4 rms. and bath. 1st floor. Private entrance to upstairs apt with bath. Cement basement: fur nace. Very good location. Close to bu. Price 16950. SUBURBAN HOME 10 acres. 4 bedrm. plsatered house 2 fireplaces, oil furnace. Barn, chicken house. Fruit trees, year 'round stream. Price 113.000. 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS Evenings call: 2-4007, 3-4310 er 3-8103 C71 NELSON NEWS BUILT 19414 BDRM8 SO. A good plastered 4-bdrm. home A-l cond.. hwd firs, thruout. f place, auto, oil heat, full bsmt.. insulated, weather stripped, gar. near bus As stores. Will sacrifice at 18500 CROSIAN CRK. RD 1-AC. 3 BDRMS 15900 A neat well kept 5 rm. house with utility porch Ar part bhmt., lie. gar. with shop space, rustic setting with other native trees. Spring wtr. Some terms. ENOLEWOOD DIST 2 BDRMS. A: BSMT A good new 5-rm. plast. home, full bsmt. automatic piped furn. Hwd fir, thruout, lge. walk-ln-closeis. On pvmt, bus line, close to school. Price 111.000. FAMILY SIZED FARM 33', ac. N E , 30 ac. In cult . 10 ac. In good hoo, crk spring with irri gation rights. A good 4 dm. mod. home, baih. elec. lie Ms, etc. I stanchion barn with drinking cups, concrete fir., chick en hse, smake hse. Price 118.000. Avail able tractor equipmt. Some livestock Ar poultry. If an of tht above do not meet your requirements tell us what you want, with detailed Information on more than 1000 properties on our files we can save you time and money in setting what you NELSON & NELSON Specie hung Realtors 702 N H:ih 8: Ph. 3-4623 eT0 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE OHMART AND CALABA, REALTORS SEE FOR YOURSELF Drive by 2244 N. 4th St. and see If you don't agree that this 3-bdrm, home Is one of the best buy available at only 19500. It't complete with basement and oil furnace, also ha attractive fire place and extra deep lot please do not disturb the tenant Just call for Thel ma. WANT TO TRADE IN A TRAILER HOUSE? We have a very attractive suburban 3 bedroom home, only 1 year old, with oil heat and hardwood floor, huge lot. good location. Owner will take in good trailer house a part payment. See Hen ry for full particular. LEE RUDY OHMART AND CALABA 477 Court St. Eve. Phone 3-1223 3-S0M 15950.00 One of the best one-bdrm. home. Large LR, kitchen, nook, utility, hdwd. fir., elec. cooking, garage, nice yard, fruit tree, near bus. Call Maddy. 15950.00 One-third acre plus. Very neat little 2-BR home with chicken house, garden space, fruit trees, berrle. Oood well, bu by door. Call BUI. 4 BEDROOMS For the discriminating buyer we have this better home, well located North. Full basement, double plumbing, double garage. Shown by appt, only. Call now for further detail. STEWART REAL ESTATE On the hills south of town a truly modern ranch type home. Extra large windows with a wonderful view of the mountains. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, den, double garage, wall to wall carpets, drape, oil heat, fully Insulated and weather-stripped. We will be glad to show you this home at your conven ience. Price 1 322.500. Let us show you thl well built 3 bedroom home. Ha bath, living room, dining room, kltchrn, pantry, base ment, automatic heat, aarage. Wall to wall carpet, drape, curtains and range included. Imm. poss. Priced at 19750. Owner transferred and must sell this new home NOW. Has 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, kttchen. hardwood floor, oil furnace. Large backyard, fenced. Fully insulated and weather-stripped. Furnished or unfurnished. Price Is 16500 unfurnished. We would like to show you this neat 2 bedroom home, with living room, kitchen and nook, (which is done in knotty pine. bath, lot of built-tns and storage space, hardwood floor, nat ural finish. Price is 18500 and will con sider a good car as part payment. P. H. Bell Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1345, 3-4896. Eve. 3-8568, 3-7565. 2-6686 C71 WANTED REAL ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED We have calls daily for discreetly pric ed homes, both city Ac suburban. Try us for prompt attention Ac dependable service. Ask about our met Mods in deal ing exclusively. Allen C. Jones and . Mabel A Needham REALTORS 341 State. Ph. 3-9201. Eve. 34339 -38763 - 36848 ca70- WE ARE In need of good house to sell in or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca AN ADDED SERVICE We sell real estate a for an appointment property. auction. Call us to discus your "C" Kilgore Real Estate 435 S. 12U1 Ph. 3-4HS5. ca NOTICE! If your property Is for lale, rent or exchange, list It with u. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S, High St. RESORT PROPERTY ALSEA RIVER at Tidewater. 10 mile above Waldport. Well built 5-rm. cottage. LR, DR. 2 BR As bath. Kitchen with O.E. refrigerator, elec. hot water heater At range. Oil heat. Lge. covered dock quarter deck. Gar. Ac hobby shop. Riv er front lot with flowers Ac shrubs. Ideal for retired family. No fog or wind. Exc. fishing Ac hunting. Cottage com pletely furn. A: ready to move In. Will sell at cost. 110.500. Cah. Call R. G. SEVERIN- Ph. 34016 Eves. 38213. ec BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APARTMENTS Very close In. Income J193 mo. Plu nice living quarters. Will take home up to S9000 a part payment. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 Evenings 36375 - 3514 - 25595 cd72 DO YOU want 1400 a month or better net profit? 4 acre on paved highway near Salem, extra well built dance hall. 8 2-i-m. and 2 1-rm. cabins. 100 pair of almost new roller skates. Also sound system for dance hall. All goes for only 110 ooo casn. No phone in formation please. Goodwin & McMillin, Realtors 48 Court St. Ph. 3-4707. Eve. 2-7283. Cd72" REPAIR GARAGE. 70x90. Also paint shop. Body fender repair. Old established bus iness. Gas pumps. Long lease. Reason able rent on blda. Over 126.000 income tn 1948 Sickness reason for selling. Price $15,750. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 So. H:gh. Ph. 34121. Eves. 25206 cd73" Apt. House Close In 2 m basement. Price 115.500 Four Ph. 33289. General Real Estate Co. 355 Center St. cd70' ARE YOU looking for work in your own home without any house to house sell ing? Write Tower Distrlbu'ors. Dept. 51. 5473 Atlantic Ave.. Long Beach 3, Calif Cri71 GARAGE At Wrecking yard. 300 by 150 ft. on Hg. Parts, tools and property 115.000. or parts, tools 1500.00, Will lease. Box 536 Delake. cd72 2 Houses 5 Apartments go at Bargain price 17000. Owner says sell. 3 two rm. and 3 two rm. Rental l:;come 1175 Month plus 3 rm. for Owner, bam, 1 acre, paving in. good town not far Salem E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com. Ph. 34649 - 25497 Cd71 1TeT7sT"n NE"WS EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY With $9500 you can get half lnteret In well established beverage business with good franchises. Owner wants partner who can eventually buy out entire busines. This is a golden oppor tunity tor a sound business man. NELSON & NELSON Specialising Realtor 7P3 N.JliihSt. Ph 3-4623 cd71 LUMBER Re-mfg. Plant - 6ntrarkaee. Three Acres Ground. 11,000 SF Fir. Spc. Planer. Tilting roll re-saw imbr. ear ner and other misc. equipment. Located Portland. By Owner. Phone KEnwood 7541, Mail P.O. Pox 5035 cd6 FURNITU R E FOR SALE 8 CI. FT. 7EMTH refrigerator. Dining rm. suite. Single bed. Breakfast set. Rec ord cabinet. 2 end table. Pint fruit Jar. Misc. garden tools. Ph 2-3182. 635 Nor- mn Ai e d?0' WANTED FURNITURE LIGHT ST FaUCKS paid. Prions Olena at wooctt Aveuoa Market. Pn. 3-IU0, 4a1 (REAL ESTATE A SPECIAL BUY ON A QUALITY HOME It' view property, it's very well built, ha 2 bedrooms, well arranged and large room throughout, include those won derful labor avers, a elec. dtsh wash er and auto, washing machine. A good home priced right. Let Warren show you thru, he' sold and he'll sell you. MIDDLE GROVE SPECIAL 28 acres, all under cultivation, older type home, ha barn and chicken house, good family orchard, silt soil, close to bus. A good buy at IIS.OOO. Can be aubdlvlded. See our farm salesman Mr. Torvend BE SURE TO SEE US FOR BUILDING Lot. Don't forget, we sell all type of general Insurance. Phone 3-1115-6 2-3539. c70 3-3632 - 3-3779 DREAM HOME First time on market. Extra nice floor Plan. Owner has taken best of care. On ly 8 yrs. old with 2 large bedrooms, room for 2 more. Full basement. Large garage. Don't overlook this. Call Maddy S ACRES 3 BEDROOMS A lovely home, a nice tract of ground, excellent small barn, chicken house, family fruit, bu service. Room to breathe You'll like this home. 116,000. 8 years old. Call Bill Stewart. DRIVE BY 1735 Falrmount. Wonderful location, reasonable price, better term. 455 Ford St. 2-BR. 13750.00. We need your listing. REALTY Ph. 27962. Eves 272J or 234SJ) c70 AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION TONIGHT 7 p.m. Lane Sudtell'x Auction Sale Yard. lo cated l'.a mile East of Fairgrounds on Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-6098. dr!70- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK IS DAIRY HEIFERS 1 yr. up. Oood gentle work horse. 18 ewes. Tel. 3-4093. e72 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED LICENSED livestock buyer 8 C. McCandllsb, 1127 8. 33. Ph. 3-8147 ea72 RABBITS HANDLE RABBIT RANCH buys live fry ers, sell breeding stock, builds hutches to order. Rs. phone 35013. eb70 PETS GOLDEN OR paper broke. WANTED: Oood home In country for about 4 mo. old puppy: Ph. 3-5059. ec71 CANARY SINGERS. Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4383. 1340 ec86 CHOICE Canary Birds. 360 N. 18th FUEL fl" HAND PICKED slab, big 2-cord load for J12 Also sawdust 19. load. Prompt del. Ph. 3-9734. ee75 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 Unit Loads Delivered to Salem 112.00 For Orders Please Call Collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber Ac Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon eeTO' fi" GREE:: EDGINGS SO.OO load. dbl. load 111. Also green 16" slab. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. ee95 DRY 16" SLAB and edgings, Big 2-cord load H8.00. Dry ash, maple mixed, 2 cord load 130,00. Also other dry wood. Dial 0, call 6BF22. eeB9 GOOD DRY 16-in. slab, immed. delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-3533. ee74 HI IN. 2ND growth fir. Also slab. Fresh clean sawdust, tri. Matter jiwv. eettr Wood," all kinds. Ph. 2-3076. ee87 FRESH CUT screened sawdust, immediate delivery. OREGON fuel co., fn 3-5633. ee84 for TOod. Ph. 3-3380 -ee-71 DRY OLD growth fir 114.00 delivery. Ph. 3-8284. CALL HIGHWAY rTTEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood PhODt 3-3444 FOR SALE Clean Sawdust No Bark Pick Up and Haul At 13.00 per Unit Independence 42 for Delivered Prices. eeTO West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WO( DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, CLEAN, NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick St FOR SALE POULTRY BROAD BREASTED Bronie poults. Pol- orum clean U. S. approved. Nellie M Compton. Rt. 1, Jefferson. Ph. 612 f79 BABY CHICKS all popular varieties, in cluding Leghorn. Hampshire. Par menter, Atutra- White and others Phone 3-2S61 or write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try information Lee's Hatchery P O Box 725. S.iiem Oregon." f HELP WANTED EXP. WOMAN silk finisher, man presser. Seamster Claners. 325 N. 1 HELP WANTED MALE Experienced lubrication man, top wages, good working con ditions. W. L. ANDERSON DeSoto Distributors Plymouth Phone 37703. 360 Marion ga72 SINGLE MAN on dairy farm. Must be ex perienced. Phone 67F15. ga70 HELP WANTED FEMALE GRADUATE NURSE wanted at once lor Dr. of lice. Full time. Ph. 3-5568: or 3-4704 after 5 p.m. gbTO" WANTED: Young lady to work in our of fice. Some shorthand. Telephone and figure work. Nice office. Pleasant work. Oood pay. Apply in person. Ask tor Mr. William. Cherry City Baking Co. Broadway and Market. gb ElifPERTENCED DRUG STORE CLERKT young lady preferred. Red Cross Phar macy. 4W State St. gb'l GOOD SALARY Permanent, pleasant, re liable, age 40 to 30. Clerical sales work, bookkeeping experience helpful. Apply Mis Johnston, U. 8. Employment Ser vice. gb71 EXP. BEAUTY operator. Write Box 292 Capital Journal. gb71 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFtCI AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State S: Ph 3-145 gf WANTED SALESMEN EXPANDING our sales rorce. Need top notch salesmen, aces 35 to 50. Car nec. 1 Sell diversified line 0: appliances A: 1 building materia'.' We train you. S;ea- 1 dy work. Earn 1300 per mo. On . an : A commission. Apply at Western Store I Steyten. Org too. eg 73 WANTED POSITIONS WASHING. Ironing St Cleaning nt'1; Ph. 21947. n7 PAINTING Inside or out. Kemtone, etc. Rea. Ph. 2-6578. "" 1ST CLASS Carpenter work, new, remodel, repair. Ph. 3-8281. h81 FOUNDATIONS UNDER new and old houae. Cement work Ac remodeling of all kind. Ph. 25993 or 31409. h75 HOUSEKEEPING for rm., board At wages for wife Ae employed husband. Ph. 3 MAN with new i-T. truck desires work. Ph. 3-5248. h70' LA VAS NURSERY lor Infants, reg. nurse in charge. Ph, 22291. Orad. h92' CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. 39924. h86' 16th ST. GARAGE, 385 S. lflth. Tuneup. body and fender work. First class work at a very low cost. Open Sunday. Ph. 39960. h77 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. Mc AUlster, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. hBl' RESHINGLING Ac repair Jobs. Ph, 36752 Or 35234. h71 PLOWING For Immediate service call 2-6608 noon to 6 p.m. h71 BABY SITTING. .Ph. 2-0580. b84 TREE WORK Trimming, Removing Insured Operator Free Estimates. John Payne. Ph. 26014 24B S. Church h84 DRESSMAKING, alt. Guar. Ph. 3-7004. hB2 BABY SHOE bronzing 13 pr. Ph. 3275 8. Com'l. 2-2527 h9.V CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford trac tor. D. E. Marshal . Ph. 21343. Garden Rd., near Swegle school. b7B CARPENTER WORK. New A. repairs. Ph. 22093. h83 CARE FOR CHILDREN in my home. Ph 2-6876, 183 S. 18th St. h83 LET ME make your spring clothes, Rea sonable. 15 years exp. Ph. 3-5072. h84 INTERIOR palntins, Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h87' MASONRY Fireplace, chimney, block laying. Ph. 3-5968. h93 KVTt PAINTING J-'t a shade better by Ray Etter Call Sti.'rcx Motor Co 3-9101 LANDSCArmO Pruning. Rototllling New lawn, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110 h71 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 34-hr. 1 Ice. Former telephone operator. 3-5072. POE'S mimeographing, typing service. prompt service, quality work, lower price 669 N. 16tn. Ph. 2-3643. fa71 6ER VICES Valley Sand Ac Gravel Co. Pit run gravel. sand Ai slit. Tractor dozing At grading "rac. r shovel for dirt moving Ph 2-4002 off Re 37146. h EDUCATION A SUCCESSFUL MAN IS A TRAINED MAN! Any one of the 400 majjor I.C S, cour' es can place you in this class. Free book let. Write or call Don McNeil. 1553 State St., Salem. Ph. 3-6330. Interna tional Correspondence Schools. O. I. APPROVED hh75 FOR RENT ROOMS EXCEPTIONALLY nice sleeping room for 1 or 2 bsns. persons. Fireplace, prlv ent. At bath. Also light cooking prlv lleses. 638 N. Church. Jk75" SLEEPING ROOMS for men or girl. 790 N. Church. Ph. 3-4335. Jk72' CLOSE IN Heated Room for clean emp, man. 540 5. Liberty. Jk72' SMALL FULLY FURNISHED Sleeping rm, Private entrance. State St, 118. Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 34419. Jk71 SINGLE SLEEPING rm. 472 N. Liberty. Jk71 SLEEPING RM. for emp. water. 461 N. High. Ae C, Jk74' LARGE RM. with bath. Gentleman. Ph, 34791. Jk70' HEATED SLEEPING rooms for men, doil- mc it single. 385 N, 14th Jk72 EAN, MODERN room for men. Prfv. ent. A: tel. Tel. 33425, 1503 N. Capitol. Jk93 SLEEPING RM. for emp. drinker. Ph. 2-6412. CLEAN HOLLYWOOD sleeping rm. Ph. 36093. Jk84 HTD. SLEEPING rms 2131 Center. JkBO' FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLOSE IN small mod. apt. 535 N. Winter. JP70 3-RM. MA'N FLOOR (adult). 590 N. 12th jp70 LGE. MtM. mod. apt. Emp. couple. Ph. 39331. 208 Bush St. Jp71' J-RM. APT. Refrigerator. 248 S. 17th. P71' VERY NICE 2-rm. furn.. prlv. bath, air cond. heat. Close in. 1434 Ferry. p71 APT., private bath. Commercial. refrigerator. 1475 N JP71' SMALL 3-RM. apt. for rent. 399 Mission Hd- Jp70 1-RM. FURN. apt. 1st fl. Emp. 640 Chem eketa. jp70 CLEAN 3-rm. apt. with garage, suitable for empl. cple.. elec. wall htr.. unfurn. except for elec. range. Attractive sur roundings, clothe in on bus line. Call Sat..Sun. or eves. 180 S. 19th. Jp71 QUIET S LEE PI NGRO O M for men. 885N. 'Vinter. Ph. 2-6835. jp73 1-RM. FURN. APT. 15 week. Elderly per son. Ph. 35276. jp70 MODERN FURN. apt., private bath, utili ty, heat, close in south, adults. Ph 3-7487. Jp70 BY APRIL 1st Modern 3-rm. turn, apt, private bath, utility, garage, bus line, south. Ph. 3-7497. jp70" LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, all electric, ev erything furn. Bus close. 797 8. 35th. )P70 FOR RENT HOUSES J-RM. HOUSE, midrileaited couple or la dv or workina girl preferred. Rent 123 mo. Ph 3-3358. Jjm70" 3-RM. FURN. modern cottage. Ph. 2-6618. Jm70 1 BDRM. furn. No children or pet. Close in. 175.00. Will lease. Ph. 3-4469. Jm7fl 54? MO. 5 rm. unfurn. 2 B.R. Ae bath up. Adult only. No pet. 1 blk. from Berg's Market. Avail Mar. 28. Give ref. Bay. 301 Capital Journal. Jm72 4 BEDRM. house. Ph. 37782 evngs. Jm7I MOD. 3-BDRM. house, wired for range, water furn. 1965 Breyman. Ph. 3-3222. !m70 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE for rent. Ph. 36088 be tween 9 and 10:30 a.m. J7l POWER TOOL rental for homa At In dustrial use Bowser Bros. Ph 1-3646 J' V DRIVE truck car Ph. 3-9103 SINGER Electric Portable Sewing Ma chines bv the Month. Reasonable Rates. Free Delivery and Pickup. Phone 33513. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N Commercial j70s TRUCKS and car Smltt'y Clipper Ser vice Ph 39600 Cor Center and Church TRAILERS, $2.00 per day Howaer Bros 60S Edgewater St, West Salem ) BUSINESS RM. tor rent GOOD USED PIANOS H L SLiff. IRONTRS by week Phone 34439 FLOOR SANDER fo rent Uontron-'r Ward. f TO DO a good lob rent a good floor Sand er We eU every thin to complete the ROWSER BROS. Ph 1-3(148 I WANTED TO RENT STATE WORKER and w.fe dej.re 1 or 2 bdrm. hose not oier 150 00. Ph. 35895 ) a , S EMPLOYED COUPLE desire 2 bdrm. furtT or par, furn. home. Must be clean nice. After 1, 37654. WANTED TO RENT LGE. f OR I BR house with bsmt. AjJ; pn. aiujo. : sv HOUSE with barn At some pasture. Call MEAT CUTTER, wife. As 2 maU children desperately in need of a furn. or partly furn. 2-bdrm. nouse ay - ----ref. Ph. 3-4987 eve. J"' S BR. HOME turn., preferably with 3 bath, locaieo in , ---- 30 before 5. after 6 24026. Jt71 STATE EMPLOYED eple. 2 bdrm. unfurn. hse. Apr. i. -" 2-4091. MAN A WIFE At 16 yr. old daughter de sire 3-bdrm. rum. namv. y.. urban on bu line. Ref. Ph. 3-MuJ ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A EM. for gentlemen. Ph. 3B708. CARE FOR ELDERLY people In country home, write box jiw uawmi "' LOST AND FOUND LOST: Red female hound. Reward. Ph. 3-4451. LOST: Blue-gray Mallory hat at Legion club Monday ntgnt. rn. s-omi. PARTY KNOWN that took money from bill fold at Cottonwooas ai. n 830 V. 13. No prosecution. k70 LOST 3 pearl gold Ting In Mongornery Ward wash rm. Monday, newaro. rn. 3-8161. k71 LOST: Ladles Harvel watch. Finder please call 33B3I for Marion nan. newara. k70 LOST: Handle to chain saw between 200 At 1200 block on N. onurcn. ewar. Ph. 26014. k34 MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films A Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewi. 412 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 3-5353 mSl liAVE FOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified oinger represen tative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on al) makes of ma chine. Free estimate given before work la started Singer Sewing Machine Co.. no N. com'L " DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg State At Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m" BUILDING MATEPIAL L,rMRER at wholesale price while it lasts. Brick 135.00 per thousand. Eola Lor. Co., Ph. 35950, Salem, Dallas Hlway. ma73 WINDOWS Ar SASH New and used. Used doors, toilets, lava tories, showers, sinks, flooring, siding, plywood, Insulation. Ph. 25821. C. G. Long, Rt. 3, Box 31, Salem. 1 ml. N. of Kelier. ma70 ALT! MA LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or dlst. Call 3-6401. ma7fl ALUMINUM ROOFING t ft. width In the following lengths: 6' 11.74 8' 2.33 10' 2.90 12' 348 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD Ai CO. 6ALEM, OREGON ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards five you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD b OO. SALEM, OREGON ma PERMA-8TONE your home. Call at Salem Perma-Stone Co., 455 Court. ma82 REJECT PLYWOOD i" per ft. H" H'ic per ft., .a" 16o per ft., H" IB 'A a per ft., i" 20c per It. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TREADLE SEWING machine, sews vet- nice, with or without electric motor, al so 16" double disc grain drill in gooi condition. Rt. 9 Box 706, 1 mile south of Liberty on Skyline Toad. Ph. 2-2343. n70" KITCHEN UTILITY cabinet. 3 drawer. 38" high, 30" long, 25" wide. 1986 Fir St. n73 WINE COLORED daveno and swine rock er, 160.00; washing machine, 325.00. Ph. 3-4927. B70 HOYT ST. SURPLUS Swivel and Secretarial ehslrs a few more at 19.75. Folding metal ehairs. Tents and Tarp most sire. Dish wash ers, spud peeler, steam cookers, elec tric bakery oven; laundry presses, tum bler dryer; GMC l"a Ton 47 flat bed truck 18' bed (1650.00. 71 KVA 110V AO generator and switch board 1300.00. 90 KW AC 3-phsse diesel electric set 14250.00. International La France Fire Engine Bunk beds. Oil circulator. 2 drawer office table $22.50. ELECTRIC water heater, apt. size range and re frigerators, m-a fibers new and used, house and outside wire, range cable, range outlet, toilets, tubs, soil pipe and fittings V galv. pipe, caulking lead 25c lb. Come south on 12th to large HOYT ST. sign turn east 1 block. Tel. 3-7916. n72 STEEL CLOTHESLINE post 112 pair PP. Railing in stock to order. 1145 N. Lib erty. n95 FOft SALE: Model maker's metal-lathe. 6" awing, 18" center. Motor, 4" chuck, arbor, tool bit. Oear for 8-98 threads per Inch. 150.00. Ph. 26347 after 7 p.m. n7l FERTILIZER, well rotted, 50c a sack. In sack order, in the city limits or 34.00 yard. Ph. 2-184. n74 CIRCULATING HEATER, large washing machine, good cond. Call 3-7966 after 5 n73 FURNITURE: Dinette 140; bdrm. et com plete 145; excellent washer 165: exc. Spark oil heater 175: 3-way lamp IS. exc. 7 cu. ft. refrlg. 8140. Odd Ae end. Ph. 3-3505. n74 COMPLETE FOUNTAIN. 1375. Write Box 45, Brownsville, Oregon. Phone 5830. n74 EASY SPIN DRY washer. 18 mos. old. Per. cond. Ph. 3-4062. n"l COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FURN. Inc. 1948 9 cu. ft. Kelvin a tor; Easy Spin Dry washer: Gas table top range; 13 V cu. ft. deep freeze Az Eureka tank type vacuum with att. 1580 D. St. Ph. 2-7570-n71 3-PIECE DINETTE aet. large cheat of drawer. Hot Point electric stove: ma hogany dressing table. 1315 Plata St., West Salem. n7l APT. SIZE G.E. elec. 1986 Fir St. range. A-l cond. n72 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Collin Elec. water hesters, new. guar anteed. 879.75. All other plumbing sup plies at discount. Bring your plan. W. A. Skewj Co. 1390 Madison. Ph. 34800. WILL SACRIFICE man's bluish grey bus iness suit, coat aiie 39, pants 33x81 for 125.00. Ph. 3-5513. n71 NEW BLUE li 38 suit, paid 845.00 .-t. ago. worn twice. Will sell 135. 1230 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. 29962. n71 STORE FIXTURES, 3 islands and shelv ing. Salem Color Center, 1955 Falr g rounds Rd. Ph. 21753. 71 TWO ESPECIALLY good sewing machine. 1 yr. guarantee with each. Verne's Sew Ing Machine Service. 357 Court St. n70 ELECTRIC RANGE, sidi oven At storage drawers, Frlgldalre refrigerator, 4 cu. ft., baby buggy, ph. 3-7456. n71 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, table top. very good condition, green enamel. 3 bdrm. set. Ph. 3-0868, n70 LAWN MOWER. Call 2-7597 after 3 p.m. nTO PRACTICALLY NEW World bicycle. Was 177.95, sell for $55. Ph. 3-7306 after 3. n7C tt HISTAVDARD model H.D.M. new. 1 model 520 H.R. 33 rifle, weaver scope. save 130 00. 1845 John St. n"C PRACTICAI.LT NEW World Bicycle waJ 177 95. sell lor 155 00. Ph. 37206 alter nTO (Continued on Page 21