16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, March . 1949 j CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Lin. 15c Pet Une j time 40c Per L.m 6 time - 00c lei Line I month 2 00 Ou'ld of Salem 15c per line pet day Mm 30c : 3 time mln 80c it t.mes mln 11.20 No Refunds ' KF.MlLltV-lD Local Newi Col. Ooln Per i.nt 0e j lu Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR. SAIE HOUSES BV OWNER: 3-bdrm. hse. in Enslewood " dfst. Ph. 2 1838 eve, for appointment. . - 1 t BY-OWNER: Attractive 2 btirm. home. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace, dec. water heater, full basement, alr-cond., saw duit burner. Near high school A bus line. Lot 50x160. Berries A n.ce yard ' US N. 15th. Ph. 2-4539. 63' t-BDRM. mod home with 5 acres. 365 Hoi lywood Ave. Ph. 2-2355. afi: 600 LOCUST STREET '"Owner occupied. This four bed room older home ha an awful lot of room ' . It for the money. The lot too is extra nlee and lane with a walnut tree, sev-rai-. cherry and apple trees. Larue lawn and garden apace. Room to build a small home and four rentals. Owner Is leaving State and will show anytime ' The- price la 36300.00. 13200.00 down and 145.00 per month includes Interest. His . phiMu number Is 23453, or hi agent 31B03. . DLAF THONSTAD - 941 N. Capital St. a63 NEW 2-BDRM. insulated home, concrete drive, lawn in. hot water heater. Ven etian blind, larite lot. Karaite, aood lo- - cation. 14700. East off Center, 435 Ill inois St 63 16500. Vi Acre with clean plastered 2-BR home close tn. East. barn, poultry house. Family orchard. On bus line. Lota of shrubbery. Immediate, posses sion, '" Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co, " REALTORS 163 ft, Hia-h St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 3-AftBl afl2 14500. Clean modern 1-BR home on large lot North. H. W. floors, elec. heat, V. blinds, immediate possession. HISS. Clean 1 BR, home completely fur nished. South. Large lot. But at door Immediate possession. " .-." Call Stanley Brown with State P'inance Co. REALTORS US S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 3-5561 a62' 17.000.00. Clean modern 3-BR home In West Salem. Fireplace, basement, saw .. dust heat. 11.000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS US 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 3-5561 a62 1000. Bulldlnr lot outside city on Cen- ler St Size 99-xl50'. ' 1600. Corner lot 85x100, No. 2 xona. 1100 down $25 per mo. 1450. Lot 100x180 located east outside etty Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS IBS S Hllh St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5306 a62 NEAR ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL 16300 Attractive 2 bed R. home, Llv R, Dining R., Kitchen, bath, frplce, nice lot. Call Onier Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chrmeketa St Ph. 39371 Eves. S.iOBI aG2 1335Q. New unfin. home located east on 60x1(10 lot. About 900 sq. ft. floor space Attached ft a rage. Terms, . Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS ' IBS fl. Hlih St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve,. 1-52011 a62 $750 DOWN $40 per Month Buys modern 1 Bdrm. hse. Large lol North off flllverton Hwy. Full Prl 11500.00. $1850 DOWN $40 PER MONTH Modern 1 Bdrm. Hse. Elec. Heat. South Acre. FULL PRICE 15250. $1500 DOWN $41.15 PER MONTH Modern 1 Bdrm. Hse. Attached Garage. Corner Lot. North 19th. FHA Commit ment for 16500. FULL PRICE 38000. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonl Insurance Mir. Loans a62' 1, 3 OR X hdrm. houses for sate on your foundation, sample building on 246. N 4th St. Ph. 2-6832 or 2-8301. a64 112.500. Modem ft room house with un fin. upstairs. Located Enalewood DIs. trkl. Basement, oil furnace. This Is a 1 yr. old home, nice lawn and ah rubs. Call O V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1M S. Hlih St. Ph. 3-4131. lives 3-5106 afi3 BUSINESS ZONE 93 Ft Front are, jiut south of the underpass. 3 B. R. house, hasm , fur nished. 13000 down, bal. 155 mo. 5 T See Ed Luktnbral. Huff Real Estate Co. Raltor 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 30271 Eves. 36f.no a62 ENOLKWOOn DISTRICT til. 600 New 3 Bd. Rin. home, living rm , Electric Heat. Electric fireplace. 1 1 1 600 3 Bd. room home, very best local ion, basement, furnace, close to srhools and store. Call Steve Sadowiky Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors .Pll. 33371 IV OWNICR mod 2 bdrm. house In Auma vllle. my water. Rras. Joe Nicholson Aiirnsville. fi4 3 Bit RM, Iwe. be.tl offer t Pni tly mod, cm v eau. . Ray Luthy, Orrvals, 13 H A c wntfi Charming Small House Charm, Individuality alt blend perfectly In I his uUra mode in 1-story home. Knolly pine tnterlor A built-in fea ture)! and eirculatlnr fireplace. Wnds setting. Lot 75lll'. Also has oufdoni ftMplacr. Price 17850. Not far from t n'. B." Isherwood, Realtor 5"07 N OanHol Street ftffiei Th, 3-3863. Eves. 6ri! or 3-9816 C. W. Reeve. Realtor 3 BlfDROOMS Wear HI School LR d;netle. kitchen Nice lot. Paved St.. tar. Pnw 15.50. Lo cated 1145 N. I.Mn St 1750 DOW N Appraised for Oreaon O I. Loan New 3 hedrooms. Lane living rm with hdwd , firs. Kitchen A nook Utllitv rm Att tar. acre. This house Is really nice A a food buy FULL RASFMVNT . Thts clean 3-bdrm. home well located Sawdust furn Fenced in back yard. Al: redecorated. NEARLY NEW f eAoom home. East. Clean A neat. IHOftft, Anprov 11800 down. " C. W. Reeve. Realtor " ' "" 945 8. Commercial Wv 3-4590. Fve. 3-SS36 or 3-3088. a3 !67OOV0ftOwIRK PrkfM nook. 3 B. R , hath utility R., L. trays hrd. firs., 3 blocks to bus. 9AMII L. R.. D. R.. comb. K. 1 B W. down. 1 up. fir floors, shower, gur tie. berries. I'ij block to bus. Call Mr Christen en Huff Real Estate Co. attntt 341 Chemeketa St PH. 39371 Kvm. J.3M.S a6:" BY OWNER . .!-yr" old 4-bdrm, home 7lWd back yd. Eur ttrnu. Ph. S-n7 62 FOR SALE HOUSES SPECIAL Clean smnil 2 Bit stucco house, alt. garage, nice lot, pavement, wr A sidewalks in. double Plb... and com pleic'y furnished Inc. Westinflioi.se Laundramat, All for 17500.UO. Ownei soma en-st. Richmond school dist. Goodwin & McMillin, REALTORS Phone 3-4707 484 Court St. NiahU 2-7281 or 3-8715 a62 $650 Down Beautiful new 2 bdrm.. Fast suburban, hdwd. firs, thruout fireplace. V. blind., att. garage, auto oil furnace. iiindv bus service. Tnu Is hard to beiteve ai onl" 18o00. Rawlins Realty 'Hollywood District Ph. 2-4664 Eve. 2-6013, 3-7128, 1-571 eS2 A Real Buy I yr. old 2 BR rise. Paving, sidewalks, hdwd. Moor, utility, laraie. Only (6500 wltn S1500 cash. 2 Houses, 2 Lots Only 17000 with 12500 cash. 3 biks. bus. One 2 Bn. modern, one rented ai 140 E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 S. Com'l. Ph. 34649 - 25497. 8J- BEST BUYS If you have a gravel worth about 13500 whtc trade on a very aood I have Ine deal for you. truck that is h yon want to BR home, we Very low In- tere.it on bslanc F.H.A. We have several 33 bdrm. homes down payments. Let us show them to I you. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Very nice 2-BR home with full base ment. flreplHce, nice yard, shrubs, gnrase, pnved driveway. Well worth 18750. Terms, G. I. Special, $6000 total price. Almost new 3 bdrm. house inside city, elec, heat, Rtt. garane, paved driveway. Insulated. Owner leav ing clly, 10ei. down will handle. $5,000 Total Price 3-BR home, mode leaving city. Will corner lot. ownei accept trailer housi as part payment, Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 103.1 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596. Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558. a62' KNOLIBH STYLE t bdrm plastered home. H. W. floors, fireplace, basement, furnace, the price Is 110.500. you may have F.H.A. terms, and the address is 1330 Market Wed like to show it to you. 2 BEDROOM HOME 14100 Pnved Street, Living rm, din ing rm. kitchen, bnth. elec. Cook, and hot water, oil circulator, garage, school two block. CM v bus. Corner lot. SUBURBAN HOME 4 Acre within one block of city and school bus. 3 bdrm, living rm. dining rm. kitchen, bath. garaKP, elec. eook Inir and hot water, oil furnace. Price 15700 and 11300 will handle, balance 150 per mo INVESTMENT Two flat home, double plublnt. five rooms and three rooms. Big Income on money invested. Price 14750. Burt Picha, Realtors Office 3-3619 Eve. 2-5390. 3-1033. 3-7451 337 N. High St. aG.f NEVER BEFORE ha i this, one of Salem's exclusive homes, been offered for sale. 10 .spacious Rms, with hdwd, luiRe firepl, full basm't, new furnace. Make this a super value for private home or dcvelopm't into rental prop erty. Loc. on deep lot, apt. T.one, only few blocks to city center. Sacrificed to sell al $12,600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exrl rn. afi3' 3-Bclrm. Home, 1040 N. 22nd St. ntnln rm . larue Iiv. rm. with corner fheplncr. This is a well planned home 215 Usher rd. a 63' $9,750 $2,500 Down Reasonable monthly payments. 3 bdrms. bath, combination living - dining rm. kitchen, basement, elec. water heater A rnnae. Auto. 1 urn nee. garuge. Close tn schools & bus line. Carpel.s, curtains & drnnes Inc. Immcdinte possession. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St., Snlem Ph. 3-1545. :HH06. Eve. 38568, 37565 366R6. 22826. a63' iinnfl noWN CENTER ST. HOME. Lite llv. rm. fire nl a re, full bsml.. new fur nace. Lge. kit. A nook. CORNER LOT n'ar New Shopping Center. Only 17500. SIMM DOWN PREWAR BUILT. Mod. 2 Mt home with unfin. upsl. F'place. hdwd., lull bsml . furnace. Excellent const here for 18750. $IOM MOWN-NF.AII LESLIE SCHL. tractive mod, home offering lge. L i hdwd. furs., full luint., furnace. In choice resld. dist. 1900. 31000 DOWN ENOLhWOOD DIST. charming styled home, on lee lot. Features llv. rm. A dinnette with wall to wall rug, hdwd. firs.. Vrn. bids., floor lurnare, gatatie, nrnt lawn A shrubs. lMMi:n. POSS 19500. NKVKK nrnilti; Iira this, one of Salrm'i exclusive homes, been ofleted for sale 10 spacious rms with hdwd.. huge fire place, full bsml.. new furnace, make this a super valur for private home or development Into rental prpoperty. Loc. on deep lol. apt. rone, only few blks. to city center. Sacilllced to sell al 112.600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive l.lMmtts - Personal Service 164 8. Cum'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 aH4 REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENTS SWI.Mt 11770 dn.. bal. terms. 3 bdims.. liv , dm rm. A kilcln n wired for range. H. W. floor in llv. rm. Oood variety of fruit. 3 nlk. to bu.v S.VMM-S1000 dn. 14MH) per mo. 3 bdntls. llv. A din. tin., kitchen wired for range. Elec. water healer. L. trava In Karaite. HIM 12300 dn., bal. IftO.OO per mo. ft bdrms.. wired for elee. range, full base ment, sawdust furnnct, lawn, some fruit. considerable furniture. Ull.lit Sm nil S-rm. hoime. iSufl dn . bal 125.(10 per month. Rnsnberrles, boysen A si rawberrlcv Lot 80x90. See Alln Jones or Mrs. Neeclham 141 Slat Kl , Rm 4 Ph 3-9301 Res 3-4335 - 3 8163 3-04J1 iJ- $600 DOWN and ISO a month inc. 5'. Int. bus I hi neat S-rm. h.e on 3 acres choice soil north Not Modern. Price 1.1500. 5 ACRES $1500 DOWN located notih All level Willamette Silt loam Older 3-bdrm. plastered, senit miMtern hu.e Kith unlin. unstrs. Small bam. chick, lise . garaae. Price 1300 140 month Inc. 5 Int. Consider good home up tn ifliOO SUBURBAN Neal. plastered houe with 2 bdrms A unfin. up&ir. Dinette, hardwood floors, fireplace automatic floor furnace, Us. garage Built 1944. located i block from bus north. Price 18300. Oood terms. Call PUc with COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center 81 rn. 345: Ktt A Sun. Ph. 31405 or 39927 a3' Reasonable Homes 1 vr. old mod. fully insulated, all elec, home Paved St. close in. Lee. rooms, attach, tarate A utility. M)130 lot Walks, lawns, shrubs, fruit, berries. 16500 -11 S00 dun. Oood new furniture aailahle cheap SUBURBAN ', A. Mth 3-HR home in fruit. Only 13700 inrludmi. mewt furniture Bath tutmes not installed yet. Strout Realty 13lh St. Ph. 35333. REAL ESTATE 1 acres with nice home, eood barn. I filberts, walnuLi A: berries. Ill), 800. Will tk Salem hm as part payment. For further inform about this call Noon Chester eves. Ph. 20103. Rnvleuood 2 bdrm., nearly new home, nice lot, fireplace, hcivtd. firs,, near bus A store, 111,000. CiEIGER )?(?. Portland Rr. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS GOT SPRINQ FEVER? Hrfj4 a sure cure 1 .swell acre on '. Falrview Ave. wuh very comlortable 2-! bdrm . umall barn and nice family or chardall for just 16900. Ask for Rudy. A 1040 SPECIAL ModTn and well-built 2-bedroom home, insulated and weatherslripped. fire place. En Hie wood sciiool district. Let Warren show you thru, price Is 1895Q. NORTH SUMMER STREET A dandy 4-bedroom home with double phnubmK. full basement and oil heat, fireplace, lovely corner lol. secluded back yard a real family home. See The! ma. OHMART & 477 Court St. Eve. Phone 2-1232 - 2-5996 - ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Very attractive . 3-bdrm. house near schools & bu.s, LR, DR. i repiace. Hdwd. floor. 2 BR down, 1 up. Full basement. S. dust f urn. Very nice yard. Built in 1939. Call Ralph Maddy. now to sec this. 3 BKDHOOMS ON I ACRES CILy conveniences with a country at mosphere. A very lovely home Just old enough to bo well built. Modern In ev ery respect, Oood burn and chicken house. 5 acres of good berry land, or a place to keep that cow or horse. 116,000 Is the price. Call Mnddy. 81LVERTON FARM 22 acres nar Silverton with a modern older 3-BH home. 40x,r0 9-stanchion b rn with room for expansion. Lame chicken brooder houses. 15 acres in cultivation, balance In fescue & sudan gm.s. Tins won't last long at 115.000. Will trade for Salem home. Call Maddy. For Evening Appointments Call Bill Stewart or Ralph Maddy PHONES 3-3488 OR 2-4723 STEWART REALTY FOR SALE HOUSES CAN YOU AFFORD TO PAY 12.300 down A 157.00 per month ; If the answer Is yes. let us show you a modern 2 bdrm. ranch svue home on S. 13th st.. nice lartte rooms; lovely breakfast nook and a spacious utility room. It's a buy at only 19.500, ONE OF THE BETTER HOMES Let us submit your offer on this 3 bdrm. home located in the Englewood district : double plumbing : basement with oil furn nee; 2 garages: xprlnkl lna system: Immediate possession; ask to see It at once. BUILD1NO SITES We have a number of these located within Salem city limits from 1500 and UP. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE 3-5838 'Across Eve. Ph. a 62 BY OWNER, 1-yr. old 2 bdrm home with dining nn unfin. upstairs, corner lot, 11.700 down, 148 per mon. Int. 4. Ph. 3-4389. 866' FOR SALE LOTS HAVE A VERY deslrnblr building lot foi snle. 11500 down will handle. Call Nor ma Ooddard, 3-81148. Geiger Real Estate LOTS Severn! good subdivisions to ehoose your lot from. 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3Bfi2. aa64" CHOICE-lToTSreasonable. Call" 22268 antio StiRI'RHAN VIEW lot. city water, by owner, 97'xi87", 11250. Ph. 2-2723, ft a.m. lo 2 p.m. a65 KEIZER HEIGHTS VIEW LOTS 93x140 and 70x240, high nnd dry terms at 5", Interest, 1600. Call Kenny Hill. NEW WALNUT LANE AUDITION LOTS All lots at Ifa.st 10.000 square Walnut trees and fruit trees. Macadam rnnd. Call Kenny Hill. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271 Eve. 3-1770 an62 VIFWMotrSOO blk. VUla Ave. wooded lot. 600 blk., Ratdiff Dr. City water. Own- ers. Ph 34-J84. a a 13400. 5 Acres located about 9 mile NE. Two bedroom home, barn, garden space pasture. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1M S High St. Ph 3-4121. Evei. 3-5706 ENOLEWOOD district, 3-404B after 5 p. in 1970. 60x108. Ph FOR SALE FARMS A OEM of a farm. 44 A. all tillable. 3 mi. Independence, I A. wnlmiln. 23 A, wheat. 4 A. ted clover. In in tly orchard. Mod 8-mi. home, good bldtts. Some equipment Incl. 1I4..100 TERMS. Many more choice farm and ranch bars n In available. Strout Realty 959 8 lUtli SI. Phone afl323. b6.T TRUCK PARMER Be to call on thh 84 Acres mil bliick as your o:d hull praet all lull. 4 A, liniher. Irria water available. 8 Rm plnst h.e. wired for elec me, 13 slnmh burn 40x60. 3.ix 150 pltry building, with hot water heat. This farm la hlchly productive lor beans, corn, etc. Might be your deal for a dairy and pltry set up. Only 3' miles from town, on mail, milk, and Nchool His. Certainly a good buy at IlP.sno RIVER BOTTOM FARM 80 Acres of the Valley's beat soil with yr. stream (or irrla. 40 A m crop. 33 A. of that priceless deep silty Chrhalis loam, iprodurina 1800 lo 11000 per A. in I ruck r row. Good set of hldas on main hlahwa. all rU tnrl. Greyhound bus service by door. Vast possibilities here for dairvina 130.500. Terms. runniNO river farm. 37 a roll ing Wil. A Chehalis Silt, unlimited Irrht. 14 A in tine perm past, few A. timher. 3 BR hse. wired tor elec rge. 40x60 hip-roof bain with 16 sfel stan chions, lee bldt for pltry in excell. dist, big scfool elrwe by. Too good to last at 110OO0. Terms. Larson Home & Loan Co. Fxcluaive Listing Personal Service 164 S. Com'1 St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440 b63 38 ACHES NORTH Amit Silt Loiim. good 3 bdrm. house, double garage, barn, ehlcken hou.e. fenced. With lurnituie and Machinery $30,000. without 115,000. i ACRES N. E Owner tettlna ery anxlou to sell. n;ce modern home. Income last year 13600 net. About 3 miles out. way not make us an offer? Burt Picha, Realtors Offlc 3-3649 Eve. 2-5390. 3-1033, 3-7451 337 N. HighJH. 063- FOR MI E: 80 arres grade A dairy ranch, also 30 acrej of Taylor trarlni. 61 ac res of water. 40 acres tillable and bal ance in pasture A 8-rm. semi-modern home, a grade A milking parlor and plenty of other good improvements Price !:4.ll0(V0Q Set Clifford Dickson Powell Butte, Oregon b6"i To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE 3 bdrm. hm. with 1 acre good t round, near Salem. Family orchard. 18,500. Nice 3 bdrm. hm., elec. ht., Is. lot, fenced in back yard. Chick, house, 17800. REALTOR phoni 3-1073 63 BE SURE AND READ THIS AD We think it's one of tne best J-bedroom homes we'e had to offer for .some time at the low price of only 19500, It has full basement with oil furnace, lane garage, huge lot 50x304. You may move right in. Call for Henry any time. 0 ACRES TO IRRIGATE 74 acres In all, located near Turner, 60 A. now under cultivation, bat. pasture and timber, good black soil, 7 room modern house, S stanchion barn, poultry house. A good buy at 110. 500. Call for Mr. Tor vend, our farm represntatlve. RUDY CALABA Phone 3-4115-6 2-3539. c64 3-3632 - 3-3779 ENOLEWOOD Someone Is aolna to buy a good house when this 3-BR home with all the nicer features goes. Auto, oil furnace. Hdwd. floors. 2 BR down. 1 up, with extra plumbing. Priced at 114,700. Call Bill to see this one. SMALLER 3 BEDROOM 455 Ford St. Very nice lot, yard, 2 bdrms Modern 15950.00. 1735 Fairmount. Very nice sealed 3 BR home. Older hut very comfortable. Only JI7O0.0O down. Full price 16350.00 BUSINESS BLDO. In a very good No. S zone. Ideal for dress shop, Jewelry, antique shop, etc. Living quarters very easily arranged In back part. Call Bill Stewart. COURT SITE Excellent court site near State Bldgs. Room for 6 or more units. BUILDING LOTS 3 very good lots located South City water available 1700 each. Bill Stewart or Ralph Maddy. PHONE 3-79M. c2 FOR SALE FARMS H U R R A H I - At last A post war ranch at a pre war price. A beautiful 386 acre spread or bottom land, all In cultivation, most seeded. 35 stanchion barn. Old house In pretty setting, good view, on pave ment, juit 10 ml. from Salem. Creek, fenced and all cross fenced. Less than 1123.00 per acre including equipment. A good dairy or stock set up. Truly a steal at 135.000.00. No trades. Call Ray Davis Ph. 33849. Eve. 38658 . Walters Real Estate 960 S. Commercial bM 0 ACRES, 5-room mod. home, 2 -room kucsl nous, Kara Be, outoulldinRs;- ', ml. N. Sanilam river front; near hiway 222, 6 springs. Ideal for motel, resort, home. subdivision. Consider small mod. home saiem part pnytnent. $!)0fl0. Ht. 1, Box 119, Lyons. Ph. Mill City 1167. b65 FOR RENT FARMS NEW PLAST. 2 bdrm., Llv., DR.. kit. with nook, dble. garage with utllltv. Hdw. firs., oil fir, furn.. V. blinds, fruit trees, lac. carden, bus, slore, nchool. 3 blks. 526 West Mndrona Ave. Pb. 32010. ba64 Eir.HT ACRES, three room house, large cnicxen nouie, out dioks.. orchard, ber ries, all level and well fenced at 120 per month. R. W. Tucker, 4 mile north of Aumnvllle. ba63 FOR SALE ACREAGE Nice Location 5 4 A. I'i ml. from City limit. Older 1 rm. home, 3 wells, barn A chicken hse Loads of frui!. Full price 17000. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. Ph. 3-3389. bb62 15 Acres, $1800 Cash Price only 15900. Partly furnished 4 room modern house on paving. 5 acres berries E M HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 So. Co ml. Ph. 34649 35497. bb63 GOOD BUYS 1 A. on Vista Ave., city water, paved 11350 S A. near Rosed ale School, orchard lino 5 A. McCain Ave., good soil .... 3750 4 A. between Hines and Howard St. No. 3 Business Zone, onlv .... 4IW0 5 A. South 12th St., lays nice .... 4000 65 A., 30 A. walnuts and prunes, 3 A. strawberries, well, ereek, (rood terms 6500 85 A. East on pavement, 65 A. cultivated 6750 34 8 A. Willameil at It. Howell Prai rie district, well drained, 3 shacks, well 8400 Burt Picha, Realtors Office 3-3649 Eve. 3-5390. 3-1032, 3-7451 .137 N. High St. bb63' ACRES, partly finished home. Cheap Rt, 9, Box 306, Rosed Me District. bb62 18500. Late built modern 3-BR home on bus line, close to school. H. W. floors, fireplace, oil furnace, V. blinds, at tached vara Be. Immediate possession. 1650 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Bvei. 3-5561 SELL OR TRADE for late model car. acre North, Some timber. Drep well A unfin. house. Ph. 3-U26 bb62 OR 10 ACRES with or without bldgs. H. R. Bishop, Rt. 6. Box 253 at Fruit land. bb63 BEDrCKn FOR quick sale, love'.T home. I acre, 17.700. Rt. 9, Box 186. Ph. 2-8335. bh75 REAL ESTATE BUY THIS! 1st Mortgage with balance ef 16 000 at 5".. oavment 170 per month. Secu rity of 118.000 home Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 3-9303 301 So. Hlih St e6S- 17500. A FINE OLD HOME IN AN excellent district close in. 4 BR. LR OR. dble garage. Irfit 63x133. Fruit A nut tree. Thts l all right. THE BEST S RM. HOME 19000 CAN miY Fn tie wood. Automatic heat. Attached carase. Nice lot. Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court St.. Salem. Ore. Ph. 3-3629; eves. 3-5053. 3-4789 Clark Craig. 3-5053 c63 Leo NTChlids. Inc. OUR BEST BUYS LARGE CREEK LOT with several trees 6 rm. old house in good repair. Oil heat er, elec. range and hot water heater to to. Only 14750. Pert terms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION" Of ID attrac tive late tyre home. 5 rms. and un finished upstairs, Floor furnace, h.w floors In part; bullt-ms: laundry room: tarate. Laria lot tn new district South. Price 111.300. Leo N. Chlids, Inc. REALTORS 344 StaL St. Ph, 1-3663 Evening Call 3-4007. e3 ! 3-BDRM. home that's different, for sale 1 by owner, w acre lovely oak. Beamed I living rm. Dream kitchen. 1 baths. I Klec. ht. 3 fireplaces patio, dbl, tr- we, 119,500. Pa. 3634). ' REAL EST ATI REIMANN FOR DOUBLE HEADER! 3 houses on one lot in an excellent rental district. Income 100 per mont h - renters pay utilities. Price onl 19 - 500. NO. 722 HOME RUN! 26x26 new home. FmLhed enough to liv m. Lot 65x117. Price 13.480. with 1350 down, balance 115 per month. Finished, this house Is worth 17,000 Payments include taxes. insurance, pr.ncipal and Interest. Veterans pre ference. REIMANN FOR Sun. St Eve. 2-3736. 2-6343, GRABENHORST SPECIALS S ACRES Located East on McCleay Road, 7 rm. home on one fir. dblr. plbg., un fin. attic, lge. chicken house, good barn A cement firs, family fruit A nut trees. Best of soil. Call O. H. Gra benhorst, Jr. CANDALARIA HEIGHTS VIEW HOME New. 3 bdrm. home, large llv. rm. din. rm kitchen with nook. hdwd. firs. auto-ol furnace. lg. 3 car plastered garage, lae. lot. Price 115,500. Call Earl West. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 Peter H. Gelr 3-9968 Earl West 2-1232 REAL ESTATfc WEST SALEM. New 2-bdrm. house. At tached garaec. Lot 75x124. Price 15850. Consider Rood car for part payment. ACRES with building 20x24 Kelzer dlit Price 13500. 1600 cash. See Alfred Dumbeck 147 N. Ph. 3-3531. c03 CLIFFMOOR VILLAGE Delightful Country - City homesites now open Village of 15 distinctive tracts averaging acre in size. Wooded tracts with several on Glen creek. Ideal for ranch or rambling homes. Restrict ed residential, l'i miles north on Wal lace Road, then west on Harrllt Drive. C69 NEW 6-unlt court near State Capitol. Liv. rm., bdrm., kltcnen. Full bath, A utility. Elec. stove, refrig. A washing mach. In each. Income 1370 mo. A bar gain at 132,000. To see this ph. 33289. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. r62 SELL OR TRADE FOR S TO 10 .ACRES a rm. modern nome on n. svnurcn St. with extra room in bsmt. 110.750.00 New 3 bed rm home with stairs to attic, Bendlx washer, imme diate possession. HOLLYWOOD DIST. New 6 rm home, fireplace A ell floor furnace, attached garage. Call Ivan Sivers Ph. 33849 Eve. 37013 Walters Real Estate 960 S. Commercial e62 XI 1,300 OWNER transferred. Must sell or wi! trade for Portlnnd property. This new 2 bedroom home with bath, combination living room and din. rm., unfinished attic, kitchen, hardwood firs., fireplace. Will five 1mm cd. poss. In good location. $10.0.10 l'j A. 3-bdrm. house with 2 baths, living room, dining room, kit chen, nook, fireplace, 3 garages. Close lo bus line. $8.noo 15 A., a good 4 room cottage, wired for range, cnlcken house. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St., Salem Ph. 3-1545, 3-4fl6. Eves. 2-8568, 3-7565. 2-6686. 2-2826. c63' WILL TRADE Attractive 5 rm. home on 10 acres 1 i.il. out for nice 3 or 3 bed rm home In Salem. Boysenberries. filbert., fruit trees. Hou.se has full bsmt., attached aaraae, pretty setting. Walters Real Estate 960 S. Phone 33849 Ph. 35260 C63 SUBURBAN 19850. This new 2 bd. rm. home, stairs to attic, hdwd. firs, and fireplace, going at F. H. A. appraisal. ENGLEWOOD 117,300 Rambling home, hwd. firs.. large liv. rm. with fireplace, nicely fin. basement with fireplace. Call Har- "Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271 Eve 39441 c63 LEAVING STATE must sell 3-bdrm. hse. 3 lots. Will take car in trade. 3260 Tr;; Ave. Ph. 25744. e83- WANTED REAL ESTATE I HAVE A PARTY who wants good 3-bdrm. home in or near End le wood district. Call Norma Goddard. 2-8848. Geiger Real Estate ca65' WANTED ' 3 bedroom home on one floor south or northeast up to 115.000. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9303 HAVE A CASH CUSTOMER who wants to pudchasc a corner lot. in or near Engle wood district. LISTINGS WANTED Have cash buyer for 60 Acre or more N-. N E.. or E. What have you? Burt Picha, Realtors Office 3-3649 Eve. 2-5.190. 3-1033. 3-7451 3,17 N. Htsh SL ca3- WE ARF In need 01 good hoiisee to aell In or near Salem If roo with tr list rour property for sale see GRARENHOKs I BROS.. KEAI-TUKn 134 8 Liberty St.-Phone 3-371 ea NOTICE! If tout property i rent or exchange list it wltn oa we have nil kinds of cash huvera 8TATB FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 H 1 B h JMgy EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANT LOT TN SALEM Trade '39 Chev. 5 pass, coupe for It 1150 Nebraska SI. cb64 HAVE A PARTY who will trade acreage close to Salem for income property. Will consider valley or coast property. What have you? Call Norma Ooddard. 3-8818. Geiger Real Estate eb63 WILL TRADE equity and love. 3-bdrm. for a smaller home. Contact Norma Goddard 2-8848. Geiger Real Estate cb6S- NEW 3-BDRM. HOME, In one of Salem's choice locations. Owner will consider taking In small cottage or home for down pavment. Contact Norma God dard 3-8848. Geiger Real Estate rbS5 FOR SALE OR TRADE HILLSIDE BUILDING SITE over 4 A. with paved road frontage, fir grove, fruit trees. ectncity. school bus. less than five miles from Court House. 1500 per acre. Liberal term and will con sider trade on city lot, acreaga, ex equi ty In home. EDW. A. DYCK. REALTOR 3-5311. 338 North Commercial 3-3303, 3-6056. eb6J- TRADE FOR ACREAGE Strictly mod. 3 rm. buna, full base ment, g a rase, corner lot. Hollywood Dist. Property 1i clear. Want 4 to 10 arres with house and barn of equal value within 6 miles of Salem. Call Mr. Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE. Realtors 1311 Edgewater Ph, 33109. Eve. 39939 cbS3 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 i REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 3 BAGGER! 3 bedrooms on one floor on a lot that has a reserved seat view. Basement and auto hear. Only 16,850. See at 935 Electric Street. BASES loaded: and no out. This large 3 bedroom liome with unfinished upstairs and full basement has everything you want In eluding i 110,000 FHA committment. See It today. No. 217-A REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street 3-5905, 3-4628 c6J 3-8241, APT. HOUSE OR COURT LOT 150x134 ft. corner It, paved its., bus in front, cloit to school. A real value at 13.150. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. CLASS "A" BUSINESS CORNERS South 13th Street and Rural 125x 110 ft. No. 3 business tone. Ideal for service station or retail trade. 43x100 ft. corner lot. No. 3 business xnne. both sts. paved. Ideal for retail business. Call Coburn L. Crabenhorst. Office Phone 3-2471 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILL SACRIFICE Hollywood business property for quick sale. Store buildinn and living quarters. Phone 26076. cdC4 Home And Income On Dallas Highway. Just 3 miles from bridge. Large building with living quar ters and atorare space. Greenhouse. Room to build 3 more houses. Owner leaving. Full price 18400. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590; Eve. 3-9536. cd63" SHOE REPAIR shop set-up for 2 men Also new stock. Lease on bldg. Sub stantial income. -AUTO PAINTING set-up with li-acre A smsll home. All toes. NEW A USED furniture exchange in valley town. LET US give you particulars on these Investments. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Street Office Ph. 3-3863. Eves. 6F11 or 3-SR36. cd64 COMPLETELY STOCKED A EQUIPPED GROCERY. In all our past listings we have never advrettsed any deal that sets us for real Income on the investment as does this! This mod. store bids. (5148 ay ft.) of concrete A tile const. A 3 BR plast. home on 4 lots. 443 lockers bring in approx. lisoo per year. Gas pumps. Books show 380.000 per yr. business. Truly a bargain at 135. WO. COAST INCOME PROPERTY. T modern homes, mostly furnished. Choice loc. be tween highway and beaches. Annual In come of $4900. Constant dividends here 142.000. SOLID BRICK APARTMENT BI.DG. story, 16 rentals furnished, private oains. eiec. ranges, refrigerators, laun dry room, central heating plant, 13 tile 1 a rage, excel, const, and eond., paved alley, elose to Capitol. A conservative value at 182.000. STUCCO APARTMENT BI.DG. 2-Story. 8 furn. apartments, private bath. elec. ranges A refrlgs., basement, laundry room, steam heat. Ideal for business building, near new Shopping Center. A tood invstment for the future. Only 133.600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve 3-7440. cd65 LUMBER Re-mfg. Plant On trackage. Three Acres Ground. 11,000 SF Fir. Bpe, rianer, niting roil re-saw, lmbr. car rier and other misc. equipment. Located Portland. By Owner. Phone KEnwood 7541. Mail P.O. Box 6085. cd86 FOR RENT shop space in good service station on very busy street. 135.00 per mo. Good spot for mechanic or fisit man. Ph. 3-0010. cd63 ATTENTION If you are Interested In the shoe bus iness, we have a real deal tor you. Very good location, good business, reason able rent. No phone information. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7930. 3-4596, Eve. 1-0473, 3-3558 ed62 SERVICE STATION 12800.00 Lease atock A equipment excellent location. Lube room, lots of spare. 8'iC A 7c margin on gasoline. 6 year lease with option to renew. Walters Real Estate 960 s. Commercial Phone 33849 Eve. Ph. 35260 cd62' FOR SALE: Two chair Barber Shoo In good payroll town in southwest Ore- j Cheap rent. Only shop In town. Roy J. Tate. Empire, Ore. cd6ft INTERNATIONALLY known paint line seeking exclusive store 01 store with kindred line for protected Salem ter ritory. 17000 will handle. Excel, oppor tunity for live wire. Box 382 Capital Journal cd65 BY OWNER Weld shop on highway to Detroit, excellent location, good busi ness and future for machinist. Priced right. P O Box 306, Sclo, or call 28FX cd63 FOR SALE Fashionable Ready-to-Wear store. Good location in down town Sa lem. Write to Capital Journal, Box 279 for further information. cdS3 GROCERY AND HDWRE. business lo cated in the best of communities. Oood business, low overhead, small Invest ment required. Sacrifice for quick sale. Stnut Orocery, Perrydale. Oreg. cd63 FURNITURE FOR SALE 8-IT. ZENlTn refrig. Dining room set. Spinet piano, 1 single bed, spring A mat tress, coffee, brftakfnst set. record cab inet. 2 end tables. Pt. A qt. fruit Jars, garden tools, almost new. 635 Norman Ave. Ph. 3-8183. d64 LEAVING TOWN, must sell Immediately electric stove, davenport, floor lamps. 3 occasional chairs, dining set, small table. S-plece bdrm set, library table, rugs A pads. Rt. 9, Box 394 Ph. 3-3097. d62 DAVENPORT good as new. Dk. blua vel our. 1330 Lancsater after 6 p.m. o weekends. Ph. 37384. d66 WANTED FURNITURE UIGREST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 3-IU0. 4a Calling Ole? Tm-Top price pd. Purn.. hsehold.. Ph 25311. 894 N. Liberty. Sundale Exch. AUCTION5 HI GRADE Purn. Auction Tut., Glen wood Ballroom. 15th. d62 Mammoth Furniture AUCTION TUESDAY MARCH ISTH. 7:30 P.M. GLEN WOOD BALLROOM 4 mile N. of Salem on Portland Hiway. Hua-e lot New A good used furniture. No reserve, no Junk. Don't miss It. There will be bargains by the doien. Glenn Woodry Auctioneer TERMS CASH dd63 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK HEREFORD Breeding bull registered and of rood breeding. Ray McKibben, Route T box 336, Phone 39P4 e65 PIGS. Rt 3. Box 193. Ph. 31764. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer B C- UcCandUB, 1137 . 34. Ph. 1-6141 MT3 PETS CANARY SINGERS. Chemeketa. Ph. 1-4385. AN OUNCI' of prevention U worm a pound of cure! Feed your dog plenty of meat. Pure horsemeat delivered twice weekly 300 in. ueuray iwein. Ph. 3-1398. CROICfTcanary Birda. 360 N. 18th. ec62 FUEL 16" Wood Old and second Growth Fir 3 Unit Loads Delivered to Salem 113 00 For Orders Please Call Collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber A Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon 62" 16 IN. ISO growth fir. Also slab, rresn rlean sawduet.J Mager jioqq. DRY FIR 16" wood. 112 delivered. Ph. 407. .lefferson. . Wood, all kinds. Ph. 3-3076. ee87 LVr MILL block wood. Ph. 3-8254. ce64 FRESH CUT screened sawdust. Immediate delivery OREGON r ueu r. 3-5533. ASHCRAFT 3-3374. for -vood. Ph. DRY OLD growth fir 114 00 delivery. Ph. 3-5284. GOOD 16-IN. green edgings 16 00 a load Double load 111.00 oreen l-in mbd a: edgings 3 cord load 113 00. Oregon Fuel Co.. Ph. 3-5533. "66' CALL fiflGHYTAY rUTEl FOB Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH COT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 West Salem Fuel Co. -IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS JJ GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 so pick up wood at 1525 Sdgewatei St W Salem eeB 16-INCH DRY SLAB and tdgelnis Big 3 cord load 1-0.00 Del 4 ft. slab 36.00 per cord Ph 68F23 ee FOR SALE POULTRY BROAD BREASTED Bronxe poults, Pol- orum clean U. S. approved. Nellie M. Compton. Rt. 1, Jefferson. Ph. 612 f79 'BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In cluding Lie horns, Hampshlres, Par menters, Austra-Whltes and others Phone 2-2861 or write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing fret poul try Information Lee's Hatchery P O Box 725, Salem Oregon." f PRODUCE HAY clover, fescue and oats and clover mixed, wire ties. Ray McKibben, Rt. BOX 336. Ph. 39F4. ff65 BALED FESQUE straw, reasonable. Ed ward Danskey Rt. 1 Box 313, Woodburn, Ore. f(64 BALED CLOVER RAY. 16 ml. N. on Sa lem. Dayton Hiway. Adolph E. Schutz, Cottonwood Farms. Dayton. f63 HELP WANTED IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Taieni lesi aa in education toiumn g67' HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: Man to build retaining wall. Contract preferred. H. R. Muhi. Ph. 3-8542. ga67 JANITOR FOR 4 room school, close In. Required to drive bus. Write Box 283 Capital Journal. ga65 ALL AROUND baker. Apply at Stayton Bakery, Stayton. Ore. Ph. 628R. ga65' HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY FOR office work. Must be able to meet public. Typing A shorthand neces sary. Pleasant working cond. Chance for advancement. In Willamette Vallev'a leading Furniture A Appliance Store. Apply Hogg Bros, 260 State St. ftb WAITRESSES WANTED. American Legion club. Ph. 37632. gb REGISTER practical nurses, day or night. 3-3072 gb88 SALES LADIES, telephone wk, local or free to travel, earn between S100 A 1150 wkly. Call Mrs. Rickey, call 27832. gb63 WANTED alterations lady, perie need. Esther Foster. Must be ex 360 N. High. Kb63 EXP. BEAUTY OPERATOR. See Mrs. Love- all at Miller's. gb62 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICI AND CLERICAL POSITION! CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 810 State St Ph. 3-1488. rf WANTED SALESMAN RELIABLE MAN with car wanted to call on farmers In Marlon county. Wonder ful opportunity. IIS to 130 In a day. No experience or capital required. Per manent. Write today. MeNFSS COM PANY. Dept. B. 2423 Magnolia St. Oakland 7. Calif. k62 IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE. Well-known company has territory open. Nearly ev ery home, farm, factory t itora a prospect. Earn weekly profit checks, commissions. No investment. Free outfit Fire Extinguishers. Write for fact to day. Red Comet, Inc., 177P, R. c. Bunldtng, Littleton, Colorado. geSI WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER Work. Repair, alteration new. Phone 2-4904. h64 HAND FINISHED drapes made to order in our home. Your material. Ph. 3-8863. LET US do Driveways, 39960. your cement work sidewalks, patios, eti JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE meehanic. Desires permanent position In or near Salem. 2280 S. 13th. , h62 PLOWING For Immediate 3-6608 noon to 6 P.m. BABY SITTING. .Ph. 2-0580. TREE WORK Trimming, Removing Insured Operator Free Estimates. John Payne. Ph. 36014 348 8. Church h84 CARPENTER work, new, depalr. Ph. 2-2093 h83' YOUNG VET. eolleae trad., desires gen eral office work. Write Box 376 Capital Journal. h62 DRESSMAKING, alt. Guar. Ph. 3-7004. h32 BABY SITTING eve. Your home or mine. 40c per hr. Reference. Ph. 37734. 1327 Ferry St. h83' CARPENTER WORK. Hew 33093. repairs. Ph, h83a T'.TCH DIGGING, landscaping. Ph. 3-4933 1764 Market. CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Ph 3-6876. 1B3 B. 18th St. hS3 LET ME make your aprlng clothes. Rea ion able. 15 year exp. Ph. 3-5073. hB4 OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming, lopping and removing. In, oper. Free est. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. hSl PLASTERING, PATCHWORK A Chimney ouiioing. rn. 3-43B9. Free estimates. h81 GARDEN PLOWING A discing. Ph. 3097 Dallas, collect. Kolll Blec. ht; PAINTING Decorating, mates. Ph. 37553. estl- h64 CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford trae. tor, D. E. Marshall. Ph. 31343, Garden Rd., near Bwegle school. h78 PTOWING A Discing. AJ Mas. Ph. 32957 h77 AI'Tl PAINTING lust shade better oj Ray Btur Call Snrock Uotor Co 3-8101 DISC SHARPTNYD on your farm. Cover orop 60c per blade, tsndem 33c per blade. Please drop card. L. A. Tunnell Rt. 3 Box 339. Salem. h83 WATERPROOFING, above ,nd below trade, window eaulklni, tuek-polntlnt Ph3-l!40 nsj IKTUUOR patntlna, Hp. Pb. .7H, b87 WANTED POSITIONS WANT POSITION as ailM clerk. Exp. . Oood rtf. write Box S8, Cpilil Jourp " IF YOUR TREKS need top trim, remove, or complete yrd work, Wo jpud.in. Bvp. man. Pli. 1-im. M LANDSCAPITTH Pruning. RototillmB New IIwm work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 3-8110 FIRST CLASS Carpenter work new, re. model oi repair large or email Phone 36281. ... TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 24-hr. serv ice former telephone operator. Ph. 3-5073 B71 POE'S mlmeoitraphing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower prices "69 N. 16tn Ph. 3-3643. Ml LAVARS NURSERY for infanta, register ed nurseincnarge. rn. INTER IO PAINTING, ewrlwneed Ph. 3-3979. RARV Shoe Bronzing II P Ph 3-3537. 3275 . Com'l " SERVICES Valley Sand A Oravel Co Pll run f ravel, and A ilt Tractor doitni A tradin. rac- r shovel for dirt molnf Pa. 3-4002 off Re 37146 WANTED FURNITURE to lu A repair. Lee Bross Pn jis - EDUCATION WOULD LIKE TO HEAR from reliable men who would like lo train In aparetlme to overhaul and install .Refrigeration and Air Conditioning equipment, should be mechanically Inclined. Will not in terfere with your present work. For information about this low cost train ing, write at once giving name, ad dress, age and your working hours. Util ities Inst., Registrar, 3535 Sheffield. Chicago 14. 111. hh63 IFY0il "like to draw, ketch or paint write for Talent Test 1N0 Fce. Otve age and occupation. Write Box 273, capital Journal. hh67 TRAINING FOR OOVERNMENT POSITIONS THOUSANDS TO BE FILLED To 14479 Yearly to Start MEN A WOMEN AGES 18 TO M Clerks. Internal revenue agenU. rail way mail clerks, accountants, post of fice clerks, mall carriers, Immigration service, custom service, veterans' ad ministration, stenographers, typists, storekeepers, assistant meat lnspectora and many others to choose from. Sleady employment. Instructions now beins given. For complete Information write todnv. WESTERN TRAINING SERVICE 1 Established 19331 412 PANAMA BLDO., Portland 4, Ore. Send me full Information. FOR RENT ROOMS NEWLY decorated, hot A cold water. M Center St. Jk64- R MT wiTH-baThTentl7man . Ph34791 . Jk64- PLEASANT sleeping room. Ph. 34347. 1050 Norway. Jk66 SINGLE SLEEPING room. 473 H. Liberty. jk63 RM. FOR employed fir, 35066. 1155 Leslie. Ph. Jk63 SLEEPING room, N. HiRh. water. 461 Jk64 HOLLYWOOD sleeping rm. Ph. CHEAP RM. Ffrry St. pit. mi. 1317 HTD. SLEEPING rm S131 Cental. ik80- FOR RENT APARTMENTS S 3 rm. apt. Private bath, N. Com'l. refrig. JP84- APARTMENT FOR HENT 3 Rm. furn. second floor apt. to em ployed couple. Prlv. bath, heat. light, water furn. 280 N. 18th. Ph. 26787. jp64 COMPLETE APT., all modern for 1 girl alone, 2 girls or couple. 468 N. Winter. JP62 2 RM. furn. basement apt. 637 N. Winter. Jp8 Clone In South, jP64- BY APR. 1. Mod. 3 rm. furn. apt. OaraRe. Bus line South. Adult. Ph. 3-7487. Jp64a WANTED: A college student or young bu ( In ess girl to share apartment. Call 3-0450 after 3 p.m. Jp64 NEW"ALL electric 3 rm. A bath. rVfrlgT, range A laundry rm. Apply 1556 McCoy. SMALL CLEAN furn. apt. 13S Gerth. W. Salem Jp63 I THREE ROOM, 481 S. Cottage. one room furn. apt. JP63 HSKPNG. RM. 315. 3-rm. apt., 630. 160 Union hse. for rent. Ph. 2-9835. Jp62' A kitchenette 1370 Che JP62 CLOSE IN 2- rm. apt. Modern, electric heated, private bath. 535 N. Winter. JP63- NEW APT. Hollywood Dlst., pirtly furn. aquits. iu? Maoison. Jp65 RM. Com'l. UPSTAIRS turn. apt. 1375 N. JP62 RM. APT. furn., big rms. 1431 N. Cot tagg. Ph. 3-0551. Jp62 FOR LEASE: March 17. modern apt., walk- m uinancB oowniown saiem. a ad ult, no pet, ref. required. 350.00 per mo. Wr: Bos 1041 phono MT. New port. Oregon. jpj FOR RENT HOUSES UNFBRN. S bedrm. home. Hollywood jm63 District. Ph. 3-4879. BEDRM. House with 3 or 4 Acres or ground. All kinds of fruit trees. On Port land Rd. Hear Hayesvllle store. Ph. 3-6961. jm64 3 BDRM. 1 yr. old unfurn., auto. ht. and washer, will rent until aold. 180.00 mo. Writ box 387 Capital Journal or Ph. Webster 0081 Portland. Jmfi7 MODERN FURNISHED 3-rm. house With bath. 137.50 month. GARAGE bldg. and equipment. 147. BO mo. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HOLLYWOOD LIONS DEN tor banquets. meeting., parurs, etc. capacity too. Caterer available. Ph. 3-8268. J82- SINGER Eleclrle Portabl. Sawlnf M- """ y n. monin. Keasonabii Kates. rn Delivery and Pickup. Phon. 3331J. Singer Sewtne Macbln. Co. 130 H. Commercial J7P- POWER TOOL renlala tor horo. A In- ouiiriaj nsa Howser Bros. Ph. 1-1648. . 1- D ORITE trucks aala. Ph. 1-8108. TRTJCKS and ear Smltt'ys Clipper r- ic. ro syeou cor centar and Cbarch. trailers, 13.00 par day Howztt Bros. oug ogewaw CI, WCSI BaieiB. J BP8P.1SS RM. tor rani H. L Stilt. ) GOOD USED PIANOS. B. L. Stltt. IHONERSbj week Phon. aiU9 "-"OR 1ANDEB to- rot Uentior -j TO DO a aood Job rant a cood floor tand r w. aall aTarrtnlni to oomplat. th. rrrf OWtn BRQgj-Ph 1-I6W f WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE COUPLE ion need 1 or 3 bdrm. house with basement. Ph. 1-1078. Ja64 STORE MANAGER Kama 1 bdrm. turn. bouse, reaa. Ph. Bob 35718. ), WANTED by employed couple 3-rm apt turn. Pb. 38470 after 3 p.m. Ja63 -BDRM. HOME, ,tb laraae. state em-.."iy.f-. baby. Ph. J-7343. )a2 ROOM AND BOARD R00. B" "o'rklnt couple. Ph. - )js- IT,I1E tN .r. eM"1" t(" country'. Wr" Bi 383capiw Journal. jjet Wi!'.I'..!!0AJD .im,n Children, day, week, month. Oood care. Ph. 3-6363. Jj63 convalescent home and care tor the tied 3393 D St Ph 1-3833 1J64- (Continued on Page 17) i