12 Capital Journal Salem, Ore., Saturday, March 12, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING) Per Lin 1 Per Line I times oe Per Line time 0c Per Line 1 month M.00 Outside of Salem Ibe per line per d 11 mn. IOei 3 times mln. a. times roin 11.30. No Refunds BFADERS In Local News Col. Only: Per Line 30e To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES LET RENTAL take care or payment on small holme. 1815 N. Liberty. a61 BT OWNER: 3-bdrm. h.se. In Englewood dist. Ph. 21836 ee. lor appointment. 162" BT-OWNER: Attractive J Mrm, home. Hdwd. floor. Fireplace, dec. water heater, full basement, alr-cond., saw dust burner. Near huth school Ac bus line. Iot 50x160. Berrhs A nice yard. 748 N. ISt.h. Ph. 2-45.19. a63 t-BDRM. mod home nth 6 scrw. 368 Hol lywood Ave. Ph. 3-2355. 600 LOCUST STREET Owner occupied. This four bed room older home has an awful lot of room l.i It for the money. The lot loo la extra ntta and large with a walnut tree, sev eral cherry and apple trees. Irge lawn and garden apace. Room to build -.mail home and four rental. Owner la leaving. State an! will snow an-rumr. The price la $6500.00. (2200.00 down and 145.00 per month Include lntere.it. His phone number la 31453. or his agent 171)03. OLAF THONSTAD 941 N. Capital St. a3 NEW J-BDRM. Insulated home, concrete drive, lawn In. hot water heater. Ven etian blind, large lot g-.ree. good lo cation. 147(10. East off Center, 435 III inol Ft. "63 RT OWNER 3 bdrm. home. 1 yr. old. plastered Interior. Ven. hllnd. hdwd. flra., attached garage, lot BOxOO. Ex. loc. 17350. $42 per mo. Mr. Barne. 315 So. View P!.. So. of Triangle Tavern on Liberty Rd. "1 J85O0. 'A Acre with clean plastered 3-BR home close In. East, barn, poultry house. FamlW orchard. On bus line. Lota of shrubbery. Immediate posses sion. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1SS B. Htfh St. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 3-5561 14500. Clean modern l-BR home on large lot North. H. W. floors, elee. heat, V. blind. Immediate possession. 13750. Clean I BR home completely tur nthed. South. Large lot. But at door Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1H S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 2-5561 62 SUBURBAN A modern three bedroom home on Five acre, Just a mile or so from Salem attractive yard, nice harn, large chicken house and double garage Price 115.000. Call ua for appointment to aee this beautiful place. 8EVERIN REAI.TT CO. 213 N. High St. Dial 34016 NlghLj 27603 or 33084 afll 17.000.00. Clean modern 3-BR "home In West Salem. Fireplace, basement, saw dust heat, tl.nno down. Call Stanley Brown wiih State Finance Co. REALTORS 193 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Evr. 3-5561 afll 11000. Building lot outside eltr on Cen ter St Size 99'xl.lO'. 1600. Corner lot 55x100, No. 3 gone. 1100 down 125 per mo. 1450. Lot 100x180 located east outside city. Call O. V. Hume, with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 H. High Rt. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 3-5206 a62 17050 NEW 2 BR HOME IN KKI7.ER DISTRICT. Hwd. firs., Elee. heat, coved linoleum ha kitchen, attached garage. Terms. LOOKTNn FOR A NEW HOME IN WEST SALRM? Let us show you this 1 BR home with elee. heat. Insulated A weathers! ripped. Close to bus & school. Good terms. LET V8 SHOW YOU THIS 7 BR HOME IH ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT, oil heat. hwd. fir , fireplace, nlee DR, Venetian j blind. E71A terms. j ONE OP OOR NEW LISTINGS IN- j OLUDE a furnished 2 BR home. Bus hv door. low taxes, nlre lawn, shrubs A- , fireplace, flood heat in avMrm. I RALPH BENT REAL ESTATE PH. 3-3133 2330 S. Com'l. Street am i NEAR ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL IflSOO Attractive 2 bed R. home, Liv. It . Dining R., Kitchen, hath, frplce, nlrei Int.. Call Omrr Hull. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 31 Chemeketa St. Ph. 38371 Eves. 2M1B1 ar3 BT OWNER Pleas, hin. near Enalewood school. Just decorated, 3 bdrm.. la Iv. rm.. dn. rm. A ktlch A: bath. Dry basement, wood furn Lovely yard Wal nut tree. Priced right. 1510 N. 31.M St. Ph. 30663. afil 13250. New unfin. home located eaM on 6fix lf lot. About 900 so fi. floor space Attached garage. 1 errnx. Call O V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. J-5?nfi aflll' $750 DOWN I $40 PER MONTH Buv modern 1 Bdrm. hse, Large lot -lw.v. Full Price North olf Silver! on 11500.00. $1850 DOWN $40 PER MONTH Modern 3 Rdrm. H.-e Elee. Heat. South V Acre. FULL PHICF JM.'iO. $1500 DOWN $41.15 PER MONTH! Modern 3 Bdrm. Hse Attached Oarage Corner Lot. North 19lh. KM A Commit ment for losno. rin.L prick moon. Abrams & Skinner. Inc. Ph Mtg 1, 1 OR bdrm. houses for sale on your foundation, aamvle building on ."!4s N 4lh St. Ph. 2-6B12 or 3-8101. a4 113.500. Modern b room house with un fin. upstair Located Knglewood Dis trict. Basement, otl furnace. Thi is a 7 ?r. old home, nlre lawn and ghrub. Call O V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1M S. High St. Ph. 3-4171. Rvrs 3-53nf! a3 BUSINESS ZONE f) Tt. Frontage, Jui smith of the wnderpass. 3 B. R house, basin., fur nished, irtOOO down. bat. 155 mo. 5 e Ed Lukinbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 141 Chemeketa St Ph. 39271 Eves. Jso afl2 ENOLEWOOD DMTTH1CT 111.600 New 3 Bd. Rm. home. Intm nn . Electric Heal. Electric fireplace $11.600 3 Bd. room home. ery best location, basement, furnace, close to schools and store. Call Steve Sadowsky Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa Si Ph, 38371 Eves. 3-3775 t aer BT OWNKR-2 BR new home, auto heat, attached garage, cove retltngs, hdwd fir thruout. Yard fenced, firepic. Material on premises, beautifully land scaped 19750.00. 3055 N. 18th. Ph. 38.17 At Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSE 18700-11000 down L. R.. X., Brklst nook, 2 B. R.. bath, utility R., L. trays, hwd. fir , 3 blocks to bus. 15.100 L. R.. D. R., comb. K. 3 B R. down, 1 up. fir floor, above r, gar age, berries, l'i block to bui, Call Mr. Chrtatensen. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 38371 Eves, a - 2 -1 3 ft ONE-YR.-OLD 3-bdrm. home. Open houe Sunday, March 13th, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Near Swegle school, Rt. 6, Box 115. a6: BY OWNER : 3-yr.-old 4-bdrm. home Fenced back yd. Easy terms. Ph. 3-675. a82 SPECIAL Clean small 3 Bit stucco house, alt garage, nice lot, pavement, sewers A: sidewalks in. double plot., and com pletely furniahed Inc. Westtnghouse Laundratnat. Ail for 17500.00. Owner going eM, Richmond school dlat. Goodwin & McMillin, REALTORS Phone 3-4707 484 Court St Nighu 3-7233 or 3-1715 aBS $650 Down Beautiful new 2 bdrm., East suburban, hdwd. fir, thruout fireplace, V, blinds, tt. garage, auto oil furnace, handy bus service. This 1 hard to believe at only 18500. Rawlins Realty 'Hollywood District) Ph. 3-4664 Eve. 2-6013, 3-7126. 3-8757 aJ' A Real Buy 1 jr. old 1 BR he. Pavliw. ald.wal, hd.ri fl.wir uiilit.v. ,.tm.. Only 16500 wltn 11.50(1 caAh. I 2 Houses, 2 Lots Only f 70(10 with 12500 canh. 2 blk. but One 1 BR. modern, one rented ai I4fl E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S Com'. Ph. 24649 - 35497. a 62 YO UAREI NVIT ED Sat. te. Sun. P.m. by owner-builder to see the 3 finest const . most reaa. ranch tvpn 2-BR PHA built homes on the mkt. Come south to 99 Cafe, turn rt. up Ewnld Ave., then 1st alreel to left foi a block WM L MUYSKENS SHB0 Welly Ave. afll' $1200 DOWN Neat, nearly new 2 BR plastered house with utility rm. Price I5.20fi. Call Pyle COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1033 Center St. Ph. 2-4552. Eve. 3-1405 or 3-9927. a61 BEST BUYS If you have a gravel truck that is worth about S2600 which you want to trade on a very good 2 BR home, we have the deal for you. Very low In terest on balance F.H.A. We have several 2 A 3 bdrm. homes. FHA approved in choice location. Low down payments. Let us show them tn HOLLYWOOD DIST. Very nice 2-BR home with full base ment, fireplace, nice yard, shrnhs, garnneP paved driveway. Well worth $8750. Terms. $5,000 Total Price 2-BR home, modern, corner lot. Owner leaving city. Will accept trailer house at. nnrt nn vni'tit. AI Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road h. 3-7120, 3-4506. Eve. 3-0473, 3-355B a3 ENGLISH STYLE 3 bdrm plaMrrrd home. H. W. floor, fireplace, basement, furnace, the price la f 10.500. you mav have F H A. terms, and the address Is 1320 Market Wed like to show It to you 3 HEDROOM HOME 14100 Paved Slrret, Living rm. dln Imt rm. kilchen. bath. elnr. Cook, and hot. water, oil circulator, gnriue. school two hlock.s. Cit y bus. Comer lot. SUBURBAN IIOMP: Aim wtlhtn one hlork of city and school bun, 2 bdrm, living rm. dining rm. kitchen, bath, garage, elee. cook ing and hot rater, oil furnace. Price J 5 70ft and 1)300 will handle, balance f5fl per mo INVESTMENT Two f I .it home, double plubiria. five rooms and three rnoms. Bib income on money invested. Price M75I) Burt Picha, Realtors BY OWNER, 2' i year old house, excel condition, price ffl!)50. 2 RR, hdwd. fir. Wesix elee. lira I. fireplace, taraae lawn. Irfl Hfixl'60 FHA terms. 104' Vista. Phone 2-6a2!i. afil BY OWNER. 1-yr. old 3 bdrm home with (tlniiiB rm , unfin unstalrs. corner lot, Jlloo down, 148 per mo. Int. it. Pli 3-43B9. a 66 CLU'TMOOR VII.LACK Del tu lit till Cminiry Ctly home. Ml f a now open VillaRn of 15 dlsi Inctive I rarU averaging acre In size. Wooded tracts with several on Olen creek. Ideal for ranch or ramblinn homes. Ueslrlrl ed residential, l'a mile north on Wal lace Road, then west, on Harrttt Drive. and NEVER BEFORE tins this, on of Salem's exclusive linmes, been offered for sale. 10 .spacious Rms, with hdwd. hiiKo firepl. full basm'l, new furnace. Make this a super value for private home or dcvelopm'l into rental prop erty. Loe. on deep lot. apt zone, only few blocks to city innlr .s.-.ri Fi.H in cill at $i2.ou. ILarsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive n.sniut.N im s. nonfl st. 3-Hclrm. Home, 1010 N. 22nd St. a well plntmrd lu' $0,750 $2,500 Down Roitaonatil'' monthlN pav hat rt. comb i on I Ion Iivin kitchen, basement. ec. ratine Auto, furnace, i iiient 3 bdrm.. - dmina rm water hemrr A rtrngc. Cloe to school.s A- hus luv P. II. Hell, Realtor 11 Chemeketa St.. Salem Ph. 2-1545. t4B'.iS. Eve JflSM. .m5 3fifiKS. 2J8.'fi Bill SlUOfl OOW N CENTER TIIOME I ae Itv. rm fireplace, lull bsmt , new fur nace. ge. kll A nook CORNER LOT near New Shopping Center. Only 17500 SltMMI DOWN- I'ltKWAR BUILT. Mod. 3 BU home w It h unlin mvU . V" pi ace. hdwd . full twin! . furnace. Excellent con. here foi IH7: ? I wo DOWN NEAR LESLIE BCHL. tractive mod. home ottering lne. L r hdwd furs . full KmiU , furnace, chmce r-d. dist 900 S1IMHI MOWN ENOLEWOOD DIST. eiiarniina stlcl home, on lie cor. lot. Features liv. rm A- dlnnetie with wall to wait rug. hdwd. flra. Ven. bid. flotr furnace. neRt lawn A ihnib IMMEIV POSS. t900 NEVER Rt:rOR: ha this, one o Salrm's xriusie home, been offered for sale 10 spacious, rm with hdwd. htue fire place. fi.il bsint., new furnace, make tin a surer alue ror prlate home or development Into rental prpnoert. l,oc on deep lot. apt. rone, only few blk. to r:t center. Sacrificed to aell at 113.800. Larson Home & Loan Co. Etcliume l.lslinas Personal SerMre 164 S. Com ! St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 a84 New Mod. Brick Homp 3 hdrnu , Iwe din, rm , kitchen and nook. Uar. and barn. Loi 78x315. On bus line. Price 115,750 General Real Estate Co. 3.S.V Colter St PH 33389 aM' Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE Open Sunday 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. . NO. 1 New. gracious, river view, the particular buyers will find a pleasure in seeing thix home, designed for a large or small family, full plastered basement with view window, two fireplaces, dbl. garage, novel hemlock den, beautiful oak flooring throughout, fully insulated and wea the rat ripped, automatic elee. beat, spacious kitchen with nook space, covered patio off basement entrance, yard all leveled and covered with silt ready for planting. NO. 2 Fair Oaks Way. view home. This spacious 2 B. R. home with den has a full bsmt with knotty pine rumpus room, nice separate utility, large finished guest- B. R. and bath plus ample storage room. Home Is fully Insulated and weatheralripped, automatic elee. heat, double garage and 3 fireplace. Has a nature view of valley orchards, river and hills that 1 hard to beat. Home Is occupied by owner who la transferred to Calif, after living here only 3 months. Blh of these homes are FHA constructed of the finest of materials and workmanship. Both were built by Sullivan Taylor Builders. Our representative will be available at the properties to answer your questions, quote price, terms etc. Drive through West Salem, turn right on King wood Drive one block and follow sign. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 8305 Portland Road Phone 33255 REAL ESTATE McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 S. High St. Daytime Phones 3-5131 or 3-8620 NORTH BALEM 18.750 Very good loealion. Bungalow style. Auto, oil furnace, fireplaes. full base ment; 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath. Oloa to schools and bus. SOUTH SALEM moso Buneslow style. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, 3 bedrooms. bath, full basement, auto, oil to grade school and Jr. High School. SOUTH SALEM 110.750 Brand new. Well built. Nicely arranged. Good location. Modern style. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room, patio, pic ture windows, fireplace, auto. heat. Attached garage. Let us show you this houoe. EAST SALEM 110,500 New. modem home. Built under FHA specifications. iT.KOo committment.. 140.37 a month. 30-year loan. 3 bedrooms, living room, dinette, kitchen with nook, utility room off kitchen. Attached garage. Lots of little axtras that you do not find In most new homu. A good buy. BNGLEWOOD DISTRICT 113,5008 vears old. Modern home. Good ! rooms. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, large kitchen, bath, full basement. Auto, oil heat. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Don't miss seelnr this good buy. Daytime call 3-5131 or 3-8620 Evenings call 3-7183 - 1-9094 - 3-4937 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE lflB S. High St. 7 acres with nice home, good barn, filberts, walnuts Ac berries, S13.800. Will lake Salem hm as part payment. For further inform, about this call Noon ehester eves. Ph. 20103. Knglewood 2 bdrm.. nearly new home, nice lot, fireplace, hdwd. firs., near bus & store, til, 000. GEIGER 33DS Portlnnd Hr. FOR SALE HOUSES CAN YOU AFFORD TO PAY $3,300 down & $57.00 per month; If the1 answer La yes, let us show you a modern 2 bdrm. ranch sype home on S. 13th St., nice large room: lovely bn ",fast nook and a spacious utility room, it's a buy ai only J9.500 ONE OF THE BETTER HOMES Iet, us submit your offer on this 3 bdrm. home located In the Entile wood district : double plumbing : basement with oil furnace: 2 garages; sprinkl ing system; immediate possession; ask to ee it at once, BUILDING BITES We have a number of these locaied within Salem city limits from 1500 and UP. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5R38 331 N. Nigh Across From Hotel Sena tori Eve. Ph. 3-7534 or 3-1724. a3' Open for Inspection 2285 Englewoorl Ave. Uu.H off 33rd ft 'D' St.) 3-Bdrm. Hse. All on one floor Elee. heat. Attached gar. $10,800 Full Price $3000 Down, Ral. on FHA $40.37 per mo. 2280 Englewond Ave. 2-Bdrm. Hse. $11,200 $3000 down, Ral. on FHA $51.01 per mo. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Blda. Ph. 39217 Real Estate - Insurance Mtg. Loans $6500 Exclusive Noat clean, oi with endowed tue kitchen, lent soil, lot t hard top 10m year old 2-bdrm. home nt tlit v and larsr am de limit one acre ol excrl lon Fruit hind area, good near school, owner will itn medial it.sp..sion. ye terms arc available to reliable parly. 1000 down. bRlnuce like rent This Is a honey of a plnre for the inter and should be Just w lid h n u tu her of people are look inn (or and haven' I been able to find, places like thin and in n Jfi.iOO price rane are hard In dud. net now on this one Call Wiiinlicrti 38.M8 Exclusive Drivebys 3210 AND 3216 NORTH COM 51 EH CI AL, iwo verv nice 2-heiroom houses on two lot, plent of rnoui to develop a rtdi tionnl lioiise.s lor a conn sue. corner Incut ion 16 00 n BUHINKiJK CORNER ON NORTH CAPI TOL W ITII 10fi front on Capitol St Ftrst time for sale in 39 years. 1412 N Capitol 8.15 HOOD SrilEPr. I. A HOE S-BEDROOM HOME. DOUBLE PLUMBING full ba.-ement. large garage, immediate possession. 10.000 333?. CHESTER AVE. Very nhe large 3 bedroom home Good term.- 18400 1170 1.HVK, NICE 2-BFDROOM FHA TERMS. 'SHOO 315 N 34TH ST LARGE THREE BED ROOM HOME in restricted district, won derful linnnrini 97sn. GOODBU ILD1NO LOT. 1900 block Ma ple St. li.0 IN EXPENSIVE HUILLHNO LOI', CITY SEWER AND WATER 1 black to bus. In 3300 block Shelton St jooo. your own terms to reliable par'v IF YOU DON'T SEE SOMETHING YOT WOULD LIKE AMONG THESE. STOP AT THE OFKtOF WE WILL TRY TO FIND SOMETHING TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N Capitol Ph. 38218. Eve. 37217 afll FOR SALE LOTS .81 OF AN ACRE Ifll x lM' Just off I an rastrr Dr on McCleay rd. Eav terms Ph 3-3UJ. aS3 CHOICE LOTS, reasonable Call 33288 aa65 M'Bl'RHAN VIEW "lot" fit wtte'r."bv owner. 9"xl87 , 41250 Ph. 3-3723. a.m. lo 3 p m. aa65 KEI7rERllEl7HTSIEv"TbT8 93x140 and 70x340. huh and dry terms at A, Interest, 1(00. Call Kennv Hill. NEW WALNUT LANE ADDITION LOTS All lots at Irast 10 000 aquar- ft. Walnut trees and fruit trees. Macadam roa.1 Call Kennv Hi'.l Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 39271 341 Chemeketa St Eve. 1-1710 a63 IFOR SALE HOUSES I REAL ESTATE furnace. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. Close 2 bdrm. hm. with 1 acre good ground, near Salem. Family orehard. 18,500. Nice 3 bdrm. hm., alee. ht.t Is. lot, fenced tn back yard. Chick, house, REALTOR Phon, 1-1073 FOR SALE LOTS VIEW lots 500 blk. Vista Ave., wooded loU, 800 blk., Ratcllff Dr. City water. Own ers. Ph 34284. I 50x150 on Falrmount Hill. Ph. 3-7881 after 4 p.m. aaBl 13400. 5 Acres located about 9 miles NE. Two bedroom home, barn, garden space pasture. Call O. V. Humt with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 . High St. Ph 3-4121. Sves. 3-5206 aa62- ENGLF.WOOD district, 2-4048 after 6 p.m 1970. 80x108. Ph FOR SALE FARMS 343 ACRES Good rich soil north, all cultivated. considerable growing crop, set of older buildings, fine well of good water, elee. pump. On pavement. Owner Atrs sell It for 1200 per acre. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 1W N. High Phone 37Bfl. bf.! 93 Acres Newberg Loam 3 houses, one 8 rm.. the other small er. Barns, chicken houses, family fruit. This farm is suitable mint, vegetable gardening or dairying. Has 4 well and Irrigation. Fenced. Ill health forces this sale. Price 122,500. Would consider trade for income property. What have you? General Real Estate Co. 2hS Center. Ph. 3-S289. Ml Outstanding Value 27 acre nil cultivated, 8 a. tine bot torn Irrigated land, balance tiled Wil lamette llt. Large barn, fair house. bath, wired for range, deep well. $10.(100 DUNN REALTY EXCH. 984 N. Pacific Hwy. Ph. Main 13fi Woodburn. Oregon b61 TRUCK FARMER? Be sure to call on tin. 84 Acrrs tall black as your old halt pracl all cull. 4 A. timber. Irrig water available. 8 Rm ptaxt hse, wired for elee rae. 13 stanch barn 40x60. 3.ix 10 pllry building, with hot water heat. Tim farm t hUhly productive for beans, corn. etc. Micht be your deal for a dairy and pltry set up. Only 3' miles from town, on mall. mil', and school Rts. Certainly a good buy at J19.M10 RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 80 Acre of the Valley's besl soil with yr. stream for Irrig. 40 A in crop. 23 A. of that priceless deep silly Chehalis loam. ' proriuciui! (800 to 31000 per A. in t ruck crops i . Good set of bldn on main hlahway. all rt Incl. Greyhound bus service by door. Vast possibilities here for dairy inc $29,500. Terms. PUDDING RIVER FARM. 37 A. roll in Wil. A Chehalis Sill, unlimited irrt. 14 A in fine perm Past, few A. limber. 3 BR hse. wired lor elee rae. 40x6 hip-root barn with 16 steel stan chions. Ik e bldg tor pltry. In excel I. d:.st, big scr.ool close by. Too goad to last at 'loono. Term Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive LtMint - Personal Service 164 S Com ! St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440 b 38 ACRES-NORTH Amur Silt Loam, aood 3 bdrm. house, double garage, barn, chicken house, tenced. With furniture and M4kchlnpry 130.000. without 1 15. 000. 5 ACRES N. T Owner get tins very anxious to sell, nice modern horn', income last year 11600 nel. About 5 mile out. why not make us an olter? Burt Picha, Realtors 0 ACRES. 5 -room mod. home. 3 -room guet house, garage, outbuildings: W ml. N. Santiam river front: near hlway 333. 6 spring. Ideal tor motel, resort, home. suhdtvtston. Consider small mod. home Salem part payment. $9000. Rt. 1. Box 119. Lyons. Ph. Mill City 1137. b65 H U R R A H 1 At last A poet war ranch at a pre war price. A beautiful 366 acre spread of bottom land, all in cultivation, most seeded. .15 stanchion barn Old house In prrttv setting, good view, on pave ment, just 10 mi. Irom Salem. Creek, fenced and all eroas tenced. less than 1133 00 per acre Including equipment. A aood ds:ry or stork set up. Truly a Meal at $33 000.00 No trade Call Ray Davis Ph. 3.1849. Eve. 38658 Walters Real Estate 960 s. Commercial bSJ FOR a ALE: 80 acres grade A dairy ranch, also 20 acres of Taylor a rat tog. II ac res of water. 40 acres tillable and bal ance In pasture. A l-rm. semi-modern home, a grade A milking parlor and plenty of other good improvements Price 130 000 00 See Clifford Dickson Powell Butte. Oregon b7 Journal Want Adi Pay REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS KE1ZER SPECIAL Cosy 4 rm. bungalow with 3 bdrms. rm. to eat tn kitchen, hdwd. firs., thruout. utility rm. attached gar age. J 1.700 down balance 136 50 per mo. Priced J7.250. Call G. H. Graben horst, Jr. A FEW EXCLUSIVES LEFT 1350 N. 18th Street. 1 bdrm 534 North 17th St.. 1 bdrm 450 S. Winter St.. 1 bdrm '." 175 S. 18tn Street. 2 bdrm !.' 1140 N. 18th Street. 2 bdrms.. 2 lot ' 713 Kinawood Drhe. 2 bdrm . den 1540 B Street. 3 bdrms.. full basmt 119 D Street. 4 bdrms. full basmt, 2 Iota , 980 Fairview. 3 bdrma. 1 acre 853 No. Commercia?. 4 bdrms. No. 3 zone 1492 Center St., 3 bdrms. full bamt 1498 Center St., 4 bdrms, full basrnt Call Roy Ferris GRABENHORST 114 . Liberty St mg ft Sundays call: Earl West 3-1232 Roy Perns 2-8010 Peter Oelser 3-9968 REIMANN FOR DOUBLE HEADER! 3 houses on one lot in an exreltent rental district. Income 100 per month renters pay utilities. Price only 19.- 300. Ho. 722 HOME RUN! 36x26 new home, finished enough to live In. Lot 65x117. Price 13.490. with 1350 down, balance S35 per month. Finished, this house 1 worth (7,000. Payments include taxes. insurance, principal and interest. Veterans pre- fe rem REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Sun. & Eve. 2.1738, 2-6.43. 2-824,, 3-5905. 2.246285DUlh NELSON TWO UNUSUAL Bpst Buy in Town A very substantial 3 bdrm., weather stripped A: insulated home. Living room with attractive fireplace, hardwood floors, dining room, kit., nook, bdrm. A bath on 1st floor. 2 bdrms. A; bath up. Pull basement wiht playroom area & a ircondt Honing piped oil furnace. Lge. lot (57x1371. Beautifully landscaped Camelia. rhododrndron. azalias, etc.. play house, etc. Garage, paved St. A sidewalk. Convenient to store A all schools. Drive by 1065 No. 20th then arrange with us for inspection A; more details. Owner wants money to improve a recently acqurled apartment house and will sacrifice his home for 110, 500. NELSON & Specializing FOR SALE FARMS BUILDINGS ALONE WORTH THE PRICE. 5 Acre located East, very fine soil, all kinds of fruit St nuts, material enough for 2 houses in old buildina in good condition. Close in, on good road. Only J5750. See us today. SUBURBAN SNAP 15 Acres, excellent soil, fruit, nuts, excellent well, large house, close in St near pavpd road. More land available. Only 17000. EXCELLENT DAffiY SET-DP 3 Acres, best of soil. Improvements Ac location. Grade A Barn. This place Is a pro ducer. One look will convince you. Let us show you. BERRIr- FILBERTS 7 Acre, locat ed North, best of soil, very nice Im provements, on pavement sc close In. 114,500 with good terms. RALPH BENT REAL ESTATE PH. 3-3133 2330 S. Com'l. Street FOR RENT FARMS EIGHT ACRES, three room house, large chicken house, out bldgs., orchard, ber ries, all level and well fenced at 120 per month. R. W. Tucker", i mile north of AumsvlMe. ba63 FOR SALE ACREAGE 6 A. on paved rd.. mod. 5-rm. HOME, near NEW. garaae. poultry house, small barn. Choice well drained soil. 1-A. black caps, small wood lot. t". 850.00. DUNN REALTY EXCH. 964 N. Pacific Hwr. Ph. Main 136 Woodburn. Oregon hb61 GOOD BUYS 1 A. on Vista Ave., city water, paved 11250 i A. near Rosedale School, orchard 1100 8 A. McCnln Ave., good soil .... 2750 4 A. between Hine and Howard St. No. 3 Business Zone, only .... 4000 I A. South 13th St., lays nice .... 4000 85 A., 30 A. walnuts and prunes, 3 A. atrawberries. well, creek, good terms t. 6500 85 A. East on pavement. 65 A. cultivated 6750 34.8 A. Willamette silt. Howell Prai rie district, well drained. 3 shack. ell 8400 Burt Picha, Realtors Office 3-3649 Eve. 2-5390. 3-1033. 3-7451 3.17 N. High St. bb63 3 ACRES, partly finished home. Cheap Rt. fl. Box 306. Rosedale District. bb62 I8SO0. Late built modern 3-BR home on bus line, close to school. H. W. floors, fireplace, oil furnace. V. blinds, at tached garage. Immediate possession. 1650 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R E K LTO R S 155 8. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 3-558! bbfU BY OWNER: 3-bdrm. home. Imm. poss. with l'.i A. land on Croisan creek. Will sell furn. or unfurn. Ph. 2-4333. bb61 SELL OR TRADE for late model car. ; acre North. Some timber. Deep well A unfin. house. Pit. 2-1126 bb62 -1 OR III AC RES with or without bMits H. R. Bishop. Rt. 6. Box 352 at Fruit land. bb62 REDUCED FOR quick sate, lovely home. I acre. $7,700. Writs Box 261 Capua! Journal bb75 REAL ESTATE BUY THIS! 11 Mortgaie with balance of 16.U00 at 5",. payments $70 per month. Secu rity of $18,000 home. Reimann for Real Estate Ph, 3-9303 301 So. High St c63 17500. A FINE OLD HOME IN AN excellent district close in. 4 BR. LR DR, dble garage. Lot 62x138. Fruit A nut trees. This is all right. THE BEST 5 RM. HOME $9000 CAN H'Y En lie wood. Automatic heat. Attached garaie. Nice lot. Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court St , Salem. Ore Ph. 3-3639; eve. 3-5053. 2-4789 Clark Crats. 3-5053 c6I Leo N. Chlids. Inc. OUR BEST BUYS LARGE CRF'K LOT with several tree 6 rm old house in good repair. OH heat r. elee. ranie and hot water heater to go On! $47W Part terms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of an attrar tUe Is it tvpe home 5 rm. and un finished upstair. Floor furnace, h w floors in part, bull t -ins: laundry room, garage. Lane lot in new district South. Price 111.300. Leo N. Chlids, Inc. REALTORS 344 Stilt St Ph. 3-166.1 C63 E'eninis Call 2-4007 OPEN HOrE Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. 110 Dun csn Ave 3 bedroom beauty. Hdwd. fir and fireplace Plastered, garaie. FHA terms. Immed. poss. Full price 18750. ALPTTN BOWES REAI ESTATE Ph. 34791. Eve. 37371. 2386 Fairgrounds i REAL ESTATE CANDALARIA HEIGHTS VIEW HOME New 3 bdrm. home, large Itv. rm. din . rm. kitctien wit li nook, hdwd. firs, auto-ol! furnace, lie. 2 car plastered garage, lge. lot, Price 115.500. To see call Earl West. . 14.500.00 .. . SOLD , 5.50U.OO . 4.7.300 . 6 300.00 . . . SOLD .10,100 00 .12.000.00 . . . SOLD . 16.000 00 .15 000 00 .17,500.00 BROS., REALTORS Office Phone 3-3471 REAL ESTATE 3 BAGGER! 3 bedroom on one floor on a lot that ha a reserved srat view. Basement and auto heat. Only 16,850. See at 935 Electric Street. BASES LOADED! and no outs. This large 3 bedroom home with unfinished upstairs and full basement has everything you want In cluding a 110,000 PHA committment. See It today. Ka. 217-A NEWS BARGAINS A Real Sacrifice Because of owner's haalth about 1 'a city acres can he had at a real sac rifice on a quick sale. This tract I equal to more than 12 lots (50x100). It i on a paved street with city water & sewer available. There is a neat niod rnly arranged 3 -bed room bungalow in good condition except that it needs paint. There is also a large old poul try house on the rear of the tract. Good soil, all fenced. Drive by 840So. 25th street. Arrange with us for inspection At more details. It is listed for 17000 but can be bought for less. NELSON Realtors REAL ESTATE NEW 6-unit court near State Capitol. Liv. rm.. bdrm., kitchen. Full bath. & utility. Elee. stove, refrig. Si washing mach. in each. Income $370 mo. A bar gain at 332.000. To see this ph. 3328S. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. cfil 3-BDRM. home that's different, for sale by owner, j acre lovely oak. Beamed living rm. Dream kitchen, t'-i baths. Elee. ht. 2 fireplaces, patio, dbl. gar age. 119.560. Ph. 3634.1. c63- 8 ELL OR TRADE FOR S TO 10 ACRES b rm. modern home on N. Church St. with extra room in bsmt. 110,750.00 New 3 bed rm home with stairs to attic, Bendlx washer, imme diate possession. HOLLYWOOD DIST. New 6 rm home, fireplace A oil floor furnace, attached garaae. Call Ivan Sivers Ph. 23849 Eve. 37012 Walters Real Estate 960 S. Commercial c62 ftTI.HW OWNER transferred. Must sell or wl!l trade (or Portland property. This new 2 bedroom home with bath, combination living room and din. rm., unfinished attic, kitchen, hardwood firs., fireplace. Will give immed. po5. In good location. Sin.ooo m A. 3-bdrm. house with 2 baths, living room, dining room, kit chen, nook, fireplace, 2 garages. Close to bus line. SK.tMto 15 a. a good 4 room cottage, wired for ranae. chicken house. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St., Salem Ph. 3-1545. 3-4896. Eves. 2-8568. 3-7565. 2-6636. 2-2826. c6.1 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY PRACTICALLY new 2 BR. 1 mi on Wallace Rd. Full Bsmt.. double garage, oil heat, hdwd. firs, Unfin. upstairs, in sulated. About 'a acre. c61 WILL TRADE Attractive 5 rm. home on 10 acres 7 Ml. out for nice 2 or 3 bed rm home m Salem. Boysenberrlea. filberts, fruit trees. House ha full bsmt., attached garaae. pretty setting. Walters Real Estate 960 S. Commercial Phone 33849 Eve. Ph. 352S0 c62 SUBURBAN 19850. This new 2 bd. rm. home, stairs to attic, hdwd. firs, and fireplace, going at P. H. A. appraisal. ENOLEWOOD $17.300 Rambling home, hwd. firs . la ige liv. rm. with fireplace, mcelj fin. basement with fireplace. Call Har- 'Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 39271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves 39441 c63- LEAVING STATE must sell 3-bdrm. hse., 3 lots. Will take car In trade. 3260 Tew Ave. Ph. 28744. e63' Small Home Specials 1 Keizer Dist. 3 bdrm plastered home. A. Several fruit trees, fine garden soil. 645 Cum mina Lane. $4730 West Salem $4800 A well built plastered one-bdrm. home, hdwd. firs, nice location. WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS 1311 Edge water. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939 c6l WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED Have cash buyer for 60 Acre or more N., N E , or E. What have you? Burt Picha, Realtors Office 3-3649 Eve, 3-5390. 3-1033. 3-74M 337 N. High St. ca63" CASH BUYERS FOR THE FOLLOWING Neat 3 bdrm. Hollywood Dist.,- up to S90O0. 3 bdrm. or 2 with unfinished upstairs, up to $9000. Farms, targe and small, north and east, up to 140 000. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center Street Ph. 3-4553 MOT ! BEDROOM well constructed home with sleeping porch or unfinished upstair. Large lot or acreaae. $6000 to 17000. $1000 cash. Payment 140 per mo. Ph. 34219. ea61 WANTED 3 bedroom home on one floor south or northeast up to $15,000. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 ea61 WK ARE In need ot good bourn to sell In or near Salem. If too wish to list rour property for salt tee OKARRNHORSl Bit Of.. SEAL TORI U4 S Liberty St. Phone 1-2471 ra" NOTICE! V tout oroperry ti tot sale, rent or eiehaoge. list rt with aa We have alt kinds of cash outers. TATB FIN AN' CI CO.. REALTORS 1U sV High BV gft- WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY Client moving here from the east desires to purchase by April 1 a 4 bdrm. mod. home. Near grade school. Must be :n good location. Priced from 116, 00r to $2X000. Call SEVER IN REALTY CO. Dial 34016 212 N. Hlsh ea61 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE HILLSIDE BUILDING SITE oer 4 A. with paved road (rontase. fir grove, fruit trees, electricity, school bus, lew than five miles from Court House. $500 per acre. Liberal term and will con sider trade on city lots, acreage, or equi ty in home, EDW. A. DYCK, REALTOR 3-5211. 328 North Commercial 2-3203. 2-6036. Cb62 TRADES - TRADES Mod. 5 rm. LOG Bungalow, beautiful flowers A shade. 8i acres, about 4 cultivated, bal. wooded. 1 ml. out on pavd rd. School bus, $8,500. or trade $7,500 equity for clear city home. 4-Rm. BUNGALOW, city water, bath, paved St. Near siore and Bus. A. Walnuts and fruit. DUNN REALTY EXCH. 984 N. Pacific Hwy, Ph. Main 136 Woodburn, Orpgon cb61' TRADE FOR ACREAGE Strictly mod. 5 rm. bung., full base ment, garage, corner lot. Hollywood DIM. Property is clear. Want 4 to 10 acres with house and barn of equal value within 5 miles of Salem. Call Mr. Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE, Realtors 1311 Edgewater Ph. 35109, Era. 39939 cb6Z B ; U 1 S I NESSOPPO RTUNITI ES COMPLETELY STOCKED fi EQUIPPED GROCERY. In all our Pat listings we have never advreti-sed any deal that seta us for real Income on the Investment as does this! This mod. store bldg. 514H sv ft.) of concrete A: tile const. A; 3 BR .Plast. home on 4 lots. 442 lockers bring In appro. $1800 per year, Gas pumps. Books show $80,000 per yr. business. Truly a bargain at 35.(f)0. COAST INCOME PROPERTY. 7 modern homes, mostly furnished. Choice loc. be tween highway and beachp. Annual in come, of J4900. Constant dividends here $42,000. SOLID BRICK APARTMENT BLDG. 3 siory, 16 rentals furnished, private baths, elee. ramies, refrigerators, laun dry room, central heating plant, 13 tile laraaes, excel, const, and cond., paved alley, close to Capitol. A conservative value at $82,000. STUCCO APARTMENT BLDG. 2-story. 8 furn. apartments, private bath, elee. ranges At refnas , baement, laundry room, steam heat . Ideal for business building, near new Shopping Center. A good invstment for the future. Only $33,600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve 3-7440. ed65 COFFEE SHOP and Restaurant. One of those long established down town Sa lem establishments, fine equipment, long lease. Offered at sacrifice price. Mr. Holmes will tell you about thi one. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS J49 N, High St. Phone 37660. cd61 LUMBER Re-mf f.PIant On-tracVageT Three Acre Ground, 11,000 SF Fir. Bpc. Planer. Tilting roll re-aaw Imbr. car rier and other misc. equipment. Located Portland. By Owner. Phone KEnwoori 7541. Mail P.O. Box 5085. rd86 FOR RENT shop space in good service station on very busy street. $38.00 per mo. Good spot for mechanic or fixft man. Ph. 2-0010. ed63 ATTENTION If you are interested In the shoe bus iness, we have a real deal for you. Very good location, good business, reason able rent. No phone information. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820. 3-4596, Eve. 3-0473. 3-3SS8. Cd62 SERVICE STATION $3B0O.0O Lease stork & equipment, excellent location. Lube room, lots of space. 6'c Si 7c margin on gasoline, S yenr lease with option to renew, Walters Real Estate 960 S. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. Ph. 25260 cd62 FOR SALE: Two chair Barber Shop In good payroll town tn southwest Ore gon. Lease and living quarters In back. Cheap rent. Only shop in town. Roy J. Tate, Empire, Ore. cd68 INTERNATIONALLY known paint line seeking exclusive store or store with kindred lines for protected Salem ter ritory. $7000 will handle. Excel, oppor tunilv for live wire. Box 282 Capital Journal cd65 BY OWNER Weld shop on highway fo ueiron. excellent location. Rood busi ness and future for machinist. Priced right. P O Box 206. Scio, or call 28FX. cd63 IF YOU are tired of the ranch and want to go into business we can make a deal. I own a nice little business with living room. See me or write 18934 S. 12 St.. Salem, Oregon. cd61 GROCERY STORE at fixtures St service station. Seven cabins, Rt. 7, Box 145 Salem, on 99 E. Ph. 3-4319. cd61 AN UNUSUAL value In buss. prop, in Sheridan on htway. Bldg. 42'x38 2 cor ner lots Worth $7500. $5000 for quick sale. J3500 Cash. Box 459 Sheridan. cd61 FOR SALE Fashionable Ready-to-Wear store. Good location in down town Sa lem. Write to Capital Journal. Box 279 for further information. cd6.1 GROCERY AND HDWRR. business lo cated in the best of communities. Good business, low overhead, small Invest ment required. Sacrifice for quick sale. Stout Grocery. Perrydal. Oreg. cd63 FURNITURE FOR SALE LEAVING TOWN, must sell immediately electric stove, davenport, floor lamps. 2 occasional chairs, dininit set, small table. 5-piece bdrm set. library table, rugs St pads. Rt. 9. Box 294. Ph. 3-2097. dG2 DAVENPORT good as new. Dk. blue vel our. 1330 Lancsater after 6 p.m. or weekend. Ph. 37384. dS6 8-FT. ZEMTlT7efrlB Dhilng " roomsT Snlnet piano. 7-ptere bdrm. set. 1 single bed. spring A- mattress, cotfee table. 3 way floor lamp, breakfast set. record cabinet. 2 end tables, pt. & qt. fruit Jars, almost new. 635 Norman Ave. Ph. 2-8182 d61 GREEN frieze club chaiPn7355987d61 DAVENPORT A CHAIR set. 3 iroiTb7rliiT I dresser, odd chairs, table, desk St j Edison phonograph, ice box, some of inri-c inr a mimic nr-tyming must go this week 2is N IStVi del WANTED FURNITURE .IGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph. 3-5110. da Calling Ole? Yes Top prices pd. Furn.. haeholds. Ph. 35511. 594 N. Liberty. Sundale Excn. AUCTIONS HI GRADE Furn. Auction Tues., 15rh. Olen wood Ballroom. M62 Mammoth Furniture AUCTION TUESDAY MARCH 15TH. 7 JO P.M. OLENWOOD BALLROOM 4 mile N. of Salem on Poriland Hiway. Huge lot New A- good used furniture. No reserve, no junk. Don't ml It. There will be bsrga.n by the doiens. Glenn Woodry Auctioneer TERMS V.APH dd6: FOR SALE LIVESTOCK PICS. Rt 3. Box 192. Ph. 31764. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer B C MeC and lush. 1127 8 35. Ph. 3-8147 ea73' PETS CANARY SINGERS. Ohemrketa. Ph. I-43SS. 1340 ecAl PETS AN OUNCE of prevention la worth pound of cure I Petd your dog plent: lenty. 1 nels of meat, rura noraemeat dellvei twice, weekly 20c Jb. LeGray Ken: ph. 3-1398. ec63 CHOICE Canary Birds. 360 N. 18th FUEL Wood, all kinds. Ph, 3-3078. 75,'p MILL block wood. Ph. 3-8354. ccS4 FRESH CUT screened sawdust. Immediate delivery. OREGON FUEL CO., Ph. 3-5533. ee84 A SIIC RAFT 3-3374. Ph. 3-3380 ee-71 DRY OLD growth fir 114.00. Immedtato delivery. Ph. 3-8284. ee71 GOOD 16-IN. green edgings $6.00 ft load. Double load 111.00. Green 16-tn. slab A edgings 3 cord load 113 00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 3-5533. ee66 CALL HIGHWAY rTTEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH COT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phong 3-4444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OHOWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-LN. CLEAN, NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4011 Also pick up wood at 1535 Edgt water St. w Salem cta 16-INCH DRY SLAB and edgeings. Big 2 cord load 130.00 Del 4 ft. stab 16.00 per cord. Ph 68F22 ee FOR SALE POULTRY HEAVY RI'O Fryers 36c lb. this wk. only. 3133 D St. 161 BROAD BREASTED Bronte poults, Pol- orum clean U. S. approve. Nellie M. Com p ton. Rt. t, Jefferson. Ph. 512. 70 'BABY CHICKS all popular varieties, in cluding bighorns. Hampshire. Par ol enters, Austra.-Wh.tcs and othi Phona 3-2881 or wrs today for Baby Chick Chats eolilning free try information. Lee's Hatchery Box 735, Salem Oregon." f PRODUCE DRIED ITALIAN prum nes, it, lb. Wil hip. P 20050. ! liver in Salem or shii Blankinshlp, R. 3, Box Salem, fl 61 BALED FESQUE straw, reasonable. Edr ward Danskey Rt. 1 Box 313, Woodburn. Ore. f ffl BALED CLOVER HAY. 1ft mt. N. on Sa lem, Dayton Hiway. Adolph E. Schutr, Cottonwood Farms, Dayton. ff63 HELP WANTED MALE JANITOR FOR 4 room school, close In. Required to drive bus. Write Box 383 Capital Journal. ga65 ALL AROUND baker. Apply at Stayton Bakery. Stayton, Ore. Ph. 628R. a65" PAINTER, union preferred. Must be good man. Steady work. Box 281. capital Journal. ga61 OPPORTUNITY, LOCAL FIRM requires outside salesman ovr 30 yr. of age with several years of exper ience in house-to-house selling. Must be neat appearing and have car. Large territory. Salary and commission. Call 3-9412 for appointment. caKl EPERIENCED TRUCK mechanic st weld er. Some automobile repair. Moatly lot truck and logging equipment. 48 hours St over. Apply In person. Lyons Garasse Mill Supply, Lyons, Ore. Phone 2424. ga6l EP. WELL DRILLER, apply n person. Fred Wvmore, Rt. 2 Box 317, Salem. Ph. 35135. . ga61 HELP WANTED FEMALE SALES LADIES, telephone wk, local or free to travel, earn between $100 ts $150 wkly. Call Mrs. Rickey, call 37832. gb63a W ANTED alterations lady. Musi be ex perienced. Esther Foster. 360 H. Hleh. tb63 LADY WITH ear to work on Ph. 3 days deliver 3 days per week. Oood Income, Call 329 Com'l St., Rm. 303 upstairs, Kb6l YOUNG WOMAN lor cooking A general housework in Catholic home with chil dren. Health ard. $100 per mo. Write Box 380 Capital Journal. gb61 EXP. BEAUTY OPERATOR. See lira. Lov all at Miller's. gb6J EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLKBICAL POSITION! CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 1-1481. f WANTED SALESMAN DRAW S75.00 WEEKLY against commission and small token quota In selling roof leakprooflng di rect to industrial, commercial and farm building owners. High prices new roof ing create live market for this ecno mlcal compound. Exclusive territory. Minimum supervision. Home every night. Enjoy own business. Write: M-20, Box 1766, Cleveland, Ohio. ga61 WANTED POSITIONS RELIABLE practical nurse, available for day or nite duty. Call 3-8519. hSt HAND FINISHED drapes made to order in our home. Your material. Ph. 3-6863. h67- LET US do your eement work NOW. Driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph. 39960. h65 JOURNEYMAN-AUTOMOTIVE mechtnicT Dpslrrs permanent position in or near Salem. 3280 S. 13th. h62 PLOWING For Immediate service call 3-6608 noon to 6 p.m. h71 BABY SITTING. .Ph. 3-0580. TREE WORK Trimming, Removing Insured Operator Tree Estimate. John Paynfl. Ph. 280U 348 S. Church r.84 CHILDREN CARED for days in my home. Ph. 33787. h61" CARPENTER work, new, depair. Ph. 2-2092 h83 YOUNG VET. college arad., desires gen eral office work. Write Box y6 Capital Journal. h62 DRESSMAKING, alt. Guar. Ph. 3-7004. r82 BABY SITTING eves. Your home or mine. 40c per hr. References. Ph. 27734. 1327 Ferry St. h62" CARPENTER WORK. New ft repairs. Ph. 32093. h83 VTCH DIGGING, landscaping. Ph. 3-4933 1764 Market. h3 CARE FOR CHILDREN in my home. Ph. 3-6876. 183 S. 18th St. h85 LET ME make your spring clothe. Rea sonable. 15 years exp. Ph. 3-5073. h84 OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming, topping and removing. Ins. oper. Free est. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h81 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK A- chimney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates. h81 washed A stretched. Ph. LANDSCAPING, pruning, general clean up. New lawns. 30 yrs. exp. Ph. 3-1136. h61 GARDEN PLOWING At discing. Ph. 3097, Dallas, collect. Hollis Bice. h67 PAINTING Decorating. Oat our estl mates. Ph. 27533. h4 CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford trac tor. D. E. Marshall. Ph. J1343, Oarrlen Rd- near Swegle school. h7l PLOWING Discing. Al Moss. Ph. 32957 h77 RE SHINGLING and repairs. Ph. 36733 -3-5334 n5T Al'T- PAINTING Just a shade better Of Ray Etter Call Bnroet Motor Oo S-lioi. DISC SHARPENED on your farm. Cover crop 50c per blade, tandem 15c per blade. Please drop card. L. A. Tunnel, R:. 3 Box 239. Salem. h63 WATFR PROOFING, above arid" belt grade. Window caulking, tuck-polnting. (Continued on Page 13) Par tner. Lee's "X m. poul- if P O. W