13 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday, March 9, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Lm 16e Per Una I times 0c Per Lane 6 time 0e Per Line I month 12.00 Outside ol Salem 15c per lint par day. Mln. 80ei I time mln. AM 8 lime mln II. JO. No Refund READERS In Local Kewi Col. Only: Per i.nt -0c to Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW S KM. home, large attic, fruit tieet. large lot. 998 Locust 6l. aflO BARGAIN 4-BR. large LR with fireplace. iBrge DR, dm, reception hall, all oak floors, basement furnace, excrllent con dition, walking distance. 112,600. Shown by appointment only. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 2tM. Eve. 39989 a 53 LET RENTAL"lake care of payment on amall house. 1815 N. Liberty. "61' PAIRMOUNT DIST. VIEW OVER RIVER Onlv 1600 down for thl 1 BR. home, lie. liv. rm.. dinette, new fin. kitchen, un;n upstair. Incla. new rge.. water heater A oil circulator. Vou'll see great possibilities in tilts gi J43.il). WE KNOW THIS IS THE BEST BUY IN SALEM Close In 4 BR home with lge. LR., fireplace, din. rm.. den. study, aleep- Ing porch, hwd. fir., lovely kitchen, full basement, new auto, furnace. Lxe. lot, ant. zone. Extra aood for rentals. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS. 112.600. Shown by appointment only. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive LiMlnirx Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-99B9 a 59 LOTS LOTS LOTS We have several lot at attractive prices FURNISHED SUBURBAN 1 yr old, 3 bdrm home south, fire place, auto oil air cond. turn., had. firs. Extra well furnished. LoL 100x100. Price 13, 300.00. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor. 341 Chrmeketa St Ph. 39271 Eves. 30441 a 59 BV OWNER: 3 -bdrm. hse. In Englewood dLst. Ph. 31836 eve, for appointment. 62 S Yb VVNER: 3-bdrm. home, price lll.5U0 Hollywood district, newly painted, full bnsemoni. 'i block to bus, close to srlinnl.s Snwdu.it heat. Write Box 374 Capital Journal. af9 ENGLISH TYPE IR7b0.no 3 bdrm home, full b.imt. with new auto oil Turn., dble Karaite North. 1(1850 00 New 2 bdrm home. tiv, rm., kitchen, elect, heat, utility room, one block to bu. went her I ripped and Insulated Huff Real Estate Co. Call Steve Sadnwsky Realtor 341 Chorneketa St. Ph. 39271 E've. 2-377S RS9" 3 YRS. OLD. 3 BDRMS, LV. "RM. dm. rm.. kitchen, brrakta.il nook. Ven blind, maple, fir., ail elec, knotty pine dm with lirrplace. dble. Karaite., Ik. lot. Good J'HA terms. Srillna price 112, 50n Cnll Ed ED BYRKIT & CO. REALTOR5 312 Portland Rd. Office Ph. 33101 Eve. 338.16 or 33277 P60 NEW. ranch type home, suburban. Ire. heat. plnMrrrd. hwd. f ld.s. at end. parage, 1mm. pom, STBoO. Call KENNY HILL. NICE AND CLEAN. English tye hntne, 3 BR mid unf Itilhlied up. hwd fir As plastered, utility room and atchd garage. In wn and shrubs iOl'50. Call KENNY Hill. Huff Real Estate Co U ors 332T1 341 Chemekeia St Eves. 31770 a 59 BV fiWNHt 3 bdrm hst ?i.r,r Dl.'i. 1150 James St a 59 WHY PAY RENT ffil5.0ft Down buys this new 3 bdrm hntne, nirp 1 1 v. rm., dining space, kitchen.- Atlnrlied aarni:e. Call Omer Huff JIuff Real Estate Co. Realtor ' 341 Cliemeketa 8t Ph- 39271 Eve. 35091 a59 17 000.00 Liv. rm . K. 2 BR., bath, utility, h. trays, oil furnace, tar. bus line, wired for range. Call Mr. Chris ten.' rn $11,500 00 -I.n . DR., Kit , 3 bdrm.V t-nth, L. tray., hwd. fls , all elect. Call Mr. Clirl.sten.srn, Huff Real Estate Co. riltor 541 Chrmeketa St Ph. 3P371 Er.V 33.i3.' 859 BEST BUYS 3 BR, $6500 fitv 11 in II. I mined. pos. Q'i:ck Ble Bargain I! 000 down. New 3-HR. Tmiid be mn tie into 3 very enlly. Kiev, heat, atlnrhrd aarniir. paved Slrert. SrllniK price liu'ludeft rxt ra lol. '31 pickup. 2 tnn slicris, some lumber, blueprints for a 4 unit court. Everjllilin goes Joi only 17701). 5 Acres $1501) I rm P. cd Ith bnlli CliKse to town 5 acre tract. Cuuld be uhdiidcd. Wi trade for r:ty property Al Jsaak.& Co., Realtors 303S PorllKiid RoHd Ph. 3-71120, 3-4.i!tfi. Ktf. a-0473. 3-3.Vi8 a.i s va tin it a nT7"n n ht i i.T"(;i7osei n l.t u.s .slion you a 4 bedroom home 10 cntrd iui a tmct B.ixJiiO: llv. itn din. rm . kitchen A- ?. Ixdrnonis down: good eler w ater Mrm. only I hi, to cit A' K"i.:ii scliool bus. toii may have pos- ! ciy aooii. riive is 8.7.sn. sr It Tilay TWO -- BOTH TOPS - TWO suburban aii c"Z"'i:,toiVri MATTSON KOETIIL1N ItKAI, ESTATE H Ph 3 7.V14 N. Hik-h .1-1724. a8- Sfi;l) DOWN 'iljiirtmn 3 -Mi in. home, modern full ent. b. ml . gaunt, cluck. iL.e., on 1 acre. Price Mft.'in. SI -00 DOWN Older hut clean 4-bdrm. suburban ps u-tctl iiqmr on 3 arie Cm. UU , fui; bith. Is'. kili'irn wired tor range. Ice ui H, '.v rm nil lirtv.-,. parage, small brn rtiul crm-k lr. Pi.ce J7;t;.n Or wlil tradf! lur MiuiUer .Miburtuiu home. W LS I' SALK.M hriu Mir, riii rm .-Attdu't hi COLBATH LAND CO. .'EAt'lOKS 1B3 Center St is$2, tlM. 2Un: or 3WJ7. a-,a iv nwM.R IU1w d. il.i tlCHtH, fill Att i. htlnn. ) n. I' licplai-e, i irc. i bii.-mrnl. alr-rond., -. Near high school At Ox HSU. Iterrie A: met 74ft N. lilii 2-4:,.i9 II Y (llt.Mlt: AtliaitLte 2-HR hume. bae. mrm. oil fui ii , fireplace. Iidd. fir L irve lot. ii il t 1 1 pes, berric.v garrirn vmf. On b.tt. lin- 50 Carlton Wv Ml JJ4M or AVMh eve. a60 SPECIAL l ' .nt o.vner w 1 He reduce price to n.l o:Kr .'.! 5-i in. coitavf. It's con "ijily ioc.iKil A- worm tuorr tinu .n p.- L-e Of j:.70U Will aciept niod ei .ufiv pnrrd lot - a rail rn- nirni if v.-T?m. For fuitiier Information oi to thl.s I . If. I I I. I nnoKi n 3 i JO C.arden Rd i-nnmi mod 1m P-nouri Ate Pi ir wiMi & acres. 365 Hol- Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES FAIRMONT HIXL. BEAUT. 3 BDRM. hm., lv. rm din. rra, nice kitchen, col ored bath room fixture. Kdwd. lira., fireplace. Bend I x washer. Insulated and weather atrlpped, att, garage. 111,000. Call Ed. ED BYRKIT & CO. REALTORS 3425 Portland Rd Office Ph. 33101 Eve 33836 or 33377 a 60 $2,000 DOWN Balance 4'.i for tht new a rmi. & bath with hdwd. fir.. V. blind. Oar are. Paved St. Sidewalk, lane lot, 100' xior. Room for court St, the zona is Okay too. Burt Picha, Realtors Office 3-3649 Xva. 1-5390, 3-1032 St 3-1451 aAO' 600 LOCUST STREET Owner Occupied. Thl four bed room older home ha an awful lot of room in It for the money. The lot too I extra nice and large with a walnut tree, sev eral cherry and apple tree. Large lawn and garden apace. Room to build a small home and four rental. Owner ! leaving State and wlil xhow anytime. The price ix $6500.00, J 2300. 00 down and I4.'i. 00 per month include Interest. His puone number I 33453, or hi agent 379113. OLAF THONSTAD 941 N. Capital St. a83 NEW t-BDKM. Insulated home, concrete drive, lawn In. hot water heater, Ven etlan blinds, large lot. Karaite, good lo cation. 14700. East off Center, 435 111 mob. St. a 63 Reduced $1000 $10,500. Nearly new 2 -bdrm. home near Leslie school, living room, flrrplace, bath tub A: ashower, la rse kitchen, utility, gar., electric heat, very large unf. upstair. Easy terms Chas Hudkins & Son REALTORS 150 N. Hleh St. Ph. 3-4139 Englewood Special Owner leaving beautiful 3-bdrm. home. Li vine rm. Ac dining rm., urn wood, fire place, hdwd. fir., tile drain boards, bath w 1th hower, full basement with auto, oil furnace, 3 -car Karaite, lovely back yard, Ii.sh pool, garden A, tiers. Rest buy In town. Price 1 13,000. Ph 3-3'JH9. General Real Estate 2S5 Center St. a.SB G. I., $2,000 Down Owner out of town. Lovetv 3-bdrm. home. Karaite, nice location. Price 17,500 Ph 3-3289. General Real Estate 3,'tft Center St. aSR Moderately Priced Homes ffi.H.Ml Larue lot, 3 bdrm., basement, nent A: clean Hollywood dlst. S7.3.i Two bdrm., basement, fireplace near Hnthland school. i.M:i.-i Two bdrins.. 3-yr.s.-old. att. sarane. JLVTiBS down Ac SOO per month. B. Isherwood, Realtor Office 3007 N. Capitol St. Ph. 1-3KB2 aOO I,MH. Nt:W. Starter' home. Complete plumbing. Wired for ranse. Nr. Swettle school. Will cou-Mder a good trailer hsc. Make an offer on this l'a story 3-BR hse, on Cherry Ave. Needs a little fin ishing. B. Isherwood, Realtor Office 2007 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3-3hfii afiU" FOR SALE LOTS COURT OH HOME KITE Trees, siunll STREAM acros back, lRBxaiB. mnn. WALTER flOCOLOFSKY Ri'ill Ktnle Ph. 3-8035. an 5!) r.Ntir rivoon district, joto. eomo . Ph aafl.l 2-404A after 5 p.m. EXCLUSIVE RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL Home sites 78.x 15 A. city water ew- er. Tree.. Only 600. LO E . LOTS R EST R ICT ED City w ater. near bus, jtore and school, jnsft.no. CHOICE HOME RITES Cttr water, aewer. VIEW. One I eor nr lor 3 for price of 2 ilflOf), COURT SITE NORTH ENGLEWOOD 150x150. only 13150. 1.C.E RUSI. LOT CENTER ST. Will build In ah R tenant. Choice lor In husl. section. You won t beat thl for JI.S.7M). EAST CENTER STREET Stni-DIVISION Iff. acres, rolluiw ground. In fast de VeloiHiiit section. When Hie new High way aie in on Lancaster Road, you'll be glnd von .io!e thi.i at 18400. EXCLUSIVE HOME SITE 7 beaulilul acre, rlo.se in. on pavm't Near golf course. You should see the YEAR STREAM A- the LGE. TREES. Jli.KlD Ia tnilv a bnrnrtin. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings -- Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. SI. Ph. 3-8.189. Eve. 3-7440. aa50 A STEAL Full Acre lot . pat rd street and eltJ Artier on VMa Avenue 1 1 u. ll . Burt Picha, Realtors VII W lots 500 tilk. Vista Ave . wooded lot.i. 00 blk., Hiilillfl Dr. City ater. Own em. I'h ;t4JHl. an .H-r OK AV A('llK7ini,x351i'usrn'ff"l,nii ci.vtrr Dr. on Mi Clcny rd. Easy terms Ph. 2--J123 h:.8 - ''ftl"0 on 1'airuinuilt Hill. Ph. 3-7881 attci j i' anm , 'FOR SALE FARMS Acres Netvberp Loam 8 rm , the uther small- I H.'i n. cMii k. n liousci. ( uuily fruit. :.s f :i rm i. suit ible mini, ve-rlali'.e 1eninr. or dull-vim Hs 4 wel!. and il 111 health forces t'lLs ale. , Mt(t Ccnoral Real Instate Co. J.HS Center Ph. 3-328H. hrtti- OK TRADE lor rll yVr'upert V. 53 acres of good Irrigated Mission Bottom laud with good 3 HM mod hou.e equipped to ra'-e va'uaole si rd cmns. CJoodwin & McMillin, REALTORS Pll e 3 1707 484 Court Pf Nmht 3-:r1 or 3-4707. bSfl Disgusted ! Y"p, 1 in plumb di.sRiiMed with that 8R Acie farm witli the 4 bedroom house ham. cinck liou.e. tractor and ollin niai'hmeiv tout m the red n tils' . Ite feen g.'sliig MSW tor the w hole she bang, bu' If souicbndy doen't make me an offer soon darned tt I'm nai (itlng to seriously think about alt ini Burt Picha, Realtors Office' 3-1M9 117 N. High 6t EM ), 2-1032. 3-74M h.i KHK Stli; SO acres grade A dairy ranrh also acies of Taylor grazing. 61 ac re of water 40 acres tillable and bal ance In p. tst ure. A K-rrn. semi-modern home, a grade A milking parlor and pnt f of ot her good improvement Pi ice 120 000 U0 Sre Clifford Dickson Powell Hutte. Otevon ba: FOR RENT FARMS Ellilir At It f: 5. three roomhouse)arte culeken house, o:it blrigs.. orcuard. ber r!s. all ler and well fenced at 1 30 per month n. W. Tucrtr-r, '9 m.le north of Aunisvilie. ual FOR LEASE 10 acre tract eg.-t witn mod older tMe home 1 inn. All soil tillable. Set eral outbuildings Room for 5 cows. Ten ant.s tniLst be willing to accept lease for at least 1 r Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 1035 poitland Riarf Pll. l-78iO, J-4W6. E-e. 3-0471, j-issg ka&9 FOR SALE HOUSES SULLIVAN REALTY CO. NEW BRICK HOME Three bdrm down and a large unflnlhr4 upstair. All Insulated and weather tripped. Hdwd. floors, elec. heat, fireplace, llvlna rtn. and a nice dining room. Sua by the door and there 1 alio a good barn. All for 116,750. KINGWOOD VIEW HOME Terr nice 1 bdrm. home with a basement. ThU home ha a 19.300 P.H.A. eommtt mllment and the ale price 1 113,500. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT Thi EnclUh stvle home la a real buy at 113. MO. It hai 3 bdrnu.. llvinr rm. and dining rm.. unfinished upstairs, lull basement, and la just an all around good home on the market today. SULLIVAN 65 Portland Road REAL ESTATE OMXTHINO DIFFERENT 114,700 Drive by 156 FUher Rd. and than eall 3782 for more Information on thl lovely 3 -bed room home with 1 ore or the beat of olI. Barn & ehiek n house. Bu by the door. Oood term. 173& Fairmount Hill j J AH AO 3 bedroom home on an extra I nic lot Owner will sell for 11750 down At ISO per month, Jmm. pom.' I STEWART 1145 State Phone 3793 GRABENHORST SPECIALS SWEGLE DISTRICT 1 acre with 4 rm unfln. home but livable. Utility rm.. plbi.. elec. water heater, wned for elec. rantce. Oarage it amall chicken heue. Price 13.400 cash. Call G. H. Giabenhorst, Jr. STORE BLDG. WITH LIV. QUARTERS Lmaied in Liberty District, law corner lot at Highway intersection. A sacrifice at 16,300. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorat. A COURT BARGAIN 1 unit plus spacious owner' home one unit completely furnished, I unit have eler. ranae. end refris., elec. heat, excellent location on main t. Price 133,500. Call Coburn L Grabenhorat. VIEW HOME New. modern ranch -style home, 2 bdrm. lge. II v. rm. I ' bath, large utility, Bendlx waaher auto dishwasher. Thl home ha IT. Call Earl West. WANTED 2 bdrm. home In Snletn on paved at. at least 3 block from r.r. track. Must be ovrr 12 year old. have fireplace, prefer lnide utility. My buyer will pay J7.S00 Cash. Call Roy Fern. PARTICULAR BUYERS Above KinKWood Drive there 1 a home that ha everything Almost an acre of mound, beautiful shrubbery, an urban view from tiie liv. rm, and a rural view from the dm. rm, k kitchen. 2 lie. bdrm. den, 2 hatha, one tiled, full basmt, breezeway, iU enrage, finished rm. In basmt, auto-oil heal. It will U In a hurry. BEAT THE OTHERS TO THIS LISTING. Call Roy Ferri. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 K Liberty St. Sunday and Evening Call Roy FerrLs 3-8010 Perer H. Oelser 3-0068 Earl WcM 2-123J FOR SALE ACREAGE HELL OR TRADE for late model ear. i acre North. Some timber. Deep well A unftn. house. Ph. 3-1126. bb62 ITob in ACRES with or without bldgs. H. R. Bishop, Rt. 8, Box 253 at Friilt land. b62 REIMICKI) FOR quick aie, lovely home. 1 acre, 17,700. Write Box aei uapua Journal. bh75 (14.000.0013', ACRES WITH MODERN A ROOM HOUSE Only 3 mi. from down town, on pave ment, bus by door, furnace, fireplace, deep freeze in bmt.. new barn, chick en houv. lota of fruit, small creek. The place you've been looking for. Terms Call Ray Davia Ph 33B49 Eve. Ph. 38658 Walters Real Estate 970 8. Commercial REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS 3 HOUSES. ONE LOT 19500 Good returns on Investment. S-rm house rem for ISO. Live in newer house on rear with LR. BR. kitchen, utility rm. (Lot 50I60.) NICE SUBURBAN N. 18500 NIc 5-rm. home with all rm. ex posed to aunllRht. A't: 2 'place, lee bdrm., compact stepsaver kit,, part bsait., oil turn., several nut trees, on bu OOOD CITY GROCERY Owner of Irc. volume arm-pry In slra temc local ion for permanently expand ing business want to retire. About 70. 000 annual turnover. Ice. profit margin. m. operating cost. Operated 15 yr. by present owner. For ale without any 'good will" claim. Can be handled with about ttvoon. 35-AC. FARM 110.350 All In cult, extent S ac. pasture wotKl lot. wrll with elec. pump, water to house A: barn, alo creek A: prmg. 8 rm. home, bath, f'plare. barn, chicken hse. Team A; horse-drawn implements included. Some term. If any of the above do not meet your requirements tell us what you want; with detailed information on more than 1000 properties on our tiles we can save vou time and money In getting what you want Nelson & Nelson Specializing Realtors 703 N High St. Ph. 3-4622. rS8 .KWIXO STATE must ell 3-bdrm. hse.. 3 lots. Will take car In trade. 3280 Tew Ate. Ph. 2R744. cAV BUSINESS ZONE B3 ft. Uiwny front. Just South of the underpay-, 2 bdrm. part twmt, furnace, reasonable terms. 10.000.00. 18050.00 Nice 2 bdrm house built In 1940 Autn piped heat, nice frpl. fenced In yard. S.- Fd. LiiMnbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. ITS A OOOD IDEA For anvbodv to own a chunk of dirt n the Willamette valley. We have a cal buy for $tS7:so. ll'll get you ." acres vithin nine mile of Salem, with f i.ir.s cuitivuted. Come In let' talk il i er Salem Realty Co. I4n N. High St. Phone 37tw e. so 1 48 .SO Tw o room g a rage house: elec heat, la rue lot to build another house: ranse Included. Terms. Ask Mr. Beckett Here i a bargain with $I.lft0 down One-half acre wttli good five room house; basement , Four . mi out on ttiwMl road. Total price 14800. A.vk Mr Holmes. Salem Realty Co. 149 N. High St. Phone 376H You mav have lmmedtate po.e.s.ion of thus 3 bedroom home, completely furnished. Hs basement with shower, fireplace, bath. I A. witJi apples, wal nuts, cherries and berries. 34 ' A.. 5 room modern house, 3 bat ii. garage, barn, large hen house, nice brooder house, all under culth a lion P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Cliemeketa Street Ph. 3-1345, 3-4896 Eve... 3-8.S8. 3-7585. 3-rt86 P' Leo. N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS NEW J BEDROOM plastered house. Lot ffO2M Price 16950 COZY 3 BEDROOM housr. Nicely furnished Beautiful lost House about I ji. old. Price, furnished only $7S0C 304 ACRE FARM M wt all in cull it at ion. Pm t can be lnuated. 3 rm. house Barn. Some Um ber Price only U.vOPO Leo N. Childs, Inc. RCM-tons .14 tlf SI. Ph. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES REALTY CO. Phone 1-3185; ftva. I-WS a.lK1 I REAL ESTATE ENGLEWOOD 14003 bedroom home, owner out of town. ThU 1 yr. old, with full base ment, hdwd. fir., aut. heat, att. gar sue. Don't overlook thU flrt of the month bartato. Imm, po. SUPER DELUXE 111,350 - 3 bedroom home with M aere. Close to Enxlewood school, full base ment, oil furnace, hdwd. floor, fire place. Very nice floor plan, 2 car gar aie. Imm. poss. REALTY Street Eve. 334X11 or 34733. e5B Office Phone 3-3471 REAL ESTATt 115,500.00. Lovely 7 rm. home on & acre good black oll N. E. of Salem, good barn. 3 acre strawberries. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SIGHT s acre on top of morning side hill call foi Information. t8, 000. 00-3 BED RM. HOME WITH DIN ING RM. At PULL BSMT. Sawdust fur, Nice corner lot, large trees, $6,500.003 rm. lv. qtrs. with mod. apt. up t a Irs, eparate entrance, bamt garden, flower is ahrubs Ph. 23849 Eve. Ph. 36260 Walters Real Estate 970 S. Commercial cfl 1900.00 I'i acre North. Good bldg. lte. Beat of aoil. Easy terms. SALEM HEIGHTS New 3-hdrm. home, modern, large lot. City watrr. Close to school & bu. 15000. I1S00. down. 't ACRE Very clean 2-bdrm. home. Large work shop. Chicken hse. A: garden apace. Total 14900. Will take car or lot a part. 30 ACRES House. Barn. Berrle. Nearly all till able. Lot of spring water. 17000. 11000 down. C. W. Reeve Realtor SELL OH TRADE FOR & TO 10 ACRES 5 rm. modern home on N. Church SI with exlra room In basement. 189.10.00 CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL 5 rm. wilh attached garage, liv. rm.. dinette, kitchen, 2 bed rm., bath, util ity. i. 300.00 'i acre north. I hdrm home, garden, fruit, berrie Ac omc furniture. Call Ivan Siver. phone 33849. Ive. 37012 Walters. Real Estate 970 S. CominercUl Small Home Specials Keizer Dist. 2 odim plastered home, 'i A. Several fruit tree, fine garden soil. 643 Cum min a Lane. 14750 West Salem $4800 A well built plastered one -bdrm. home, hdwd firs, nice location. WAITER MliSGRAVE. REALTORS 1311 Edgewater, Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-990 eBl- Englewood Dist. Homes Comb 5-room mod. bung., fireplace and garage, Beautiful, shady, well la ndsc a ped lot . 3 blk. to sc hi . 'i to bu. Price 16300 Col bung , fireplace and auto ht Lie. att garaee. a real value at 18950 I-c. new ranch ty)e bung with 3 ear garage, restricted neighborhood Only 4 blks. from school. Price $11,500 Call Mr. Cleary Walter TVlnsprave. Realtors 1311 Edgewater - Ph 3-5109. Eve 3-9939 C.iS $1250 DOWN 2 bilrm., ac. 1 year old, elec. ht. This la very nice place at only 14900. Balance on ea.-.y terni. $1000 DOWN 3 bdi m. older but nice. ' blk from Leslie ch. M748 S. Cottage. Drive by and se thl. Can't be beat at 15600. $11,000 6 bdrm cllv Grand location. With very little fixing would be ideal for apt house RAWLINS REALTY i Hollywood District! i. 3-4664 - Eve, 2-6013 and 3-5757 tbH WANTED REAL ESTATE II AYE CASH HI YER for 3-bdrni."hOiif all on 1 floor with full basement, close In North. What have you? Ph 33369. General Real Estate Co. 355 Center St. ca58- WANTED TO BUY Client moving here from the east desire to purchase by April I a 4 bdrm. mod. home. Near grade school. Must be in good location, Priced from 116. 000 lo 13.1.000 Call SEVER IN REAI.TT CO. Dial 340HJ 213 N. High c81 Have Cash Buyer for 3-bdrm. home. Elec. heat. What have you. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors .1015 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820. 2-to96. Ev. Ph. 2-0473. 1-3551 ca58" LISTINGS WANTED We need list mis on suburban hemes and farm of all sties Burt Picha, Realtors Office: 3-3649 WF 4, Br to need good bouei to fit tn oi neat Salem (f oo wtah t hit Tout property foj gale gee ORAnrN'rioRfi-t hboa.. acAt.roftS Ut ft Ubri Phone loen. m' REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS VERY SMALL, VERY CUTE Small t room home on S acre land, full plumbing, iu heat and cooking. Oood "tarter" houe. Full price (3600.00, Good term. BUILT IN 1941 Story and 4, English tyle home In Englewood school district, separate dining room, 3 bedroom U down. 1 up, 1 unflnUhed), full baaement with wood furnace, detached garage. Drive by and look It over at 1550 Roosevelt Street, but please d onot disturb tiie tenants. Full price $8950.00 16B0O F H.A. loan may be assumed, payable 153.97 per month including taxes and Insurance. Ask for Warren. YOU NAME THE DOWN PAYMENT Here' a little practically new J bedroom home, plastered llterally. suburban on large trart on pavement, near bus and school. Ha existing OI loan of approxi mately 15300.00 which may be assumed. Total price 16750.00. Ask for Leo. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL - PARRISH AND SENIOR HIGH Well located 3 bedroom home, dining room, full basement with aawduat furnace, fireplace, full lot to alley, i 10,000. Ask for Thelma. 20 ACRE FARM East Middle Grove district, older type home, good barn. 1ft acre in crop. Ideal for strawberries, all Willamette loam soil. Full price $13,000. Call for Henry Torvend, our new. but experienced farm representative. Don't Forget, We Write All Type of Genual Insurance ' "Lee" "Rudy" OHMART & CALABA 477 Court Street Evening Phones: 3-1222 REIMANN FOR 11.500 DOWN! Nice 3 bedroom home on lot 88x166 close to school, bus, and store. Bal ance 165 per month may be purchased furnished. No. 238-A $2,000 DOWN! I bedroom modern home with full basement within walking distance to town. Located north close to achool, bus and stores. Balance $75 per month. No. 322 REIMANN FOR Ph. 1-9308 Eve. & Sun. 2-3738. 2-6343. 2-8241. 3-5905. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY from owner 3 bdrm h. Ph. 2-9951. ca58 NOTICE! If jour property ror aa rent or exchange. list it with aa 1 haTtt all ktndi of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. RBALTOM -'"-8--tl'j-.-t c EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOR CITY 6 acres finest soil, creek, very good 2-BR houe. LR, fireplace, DR, kitchen, bath, full bamt., oil furnace, large chick, house, fruit Trade for nice 2-BR home In Salem. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High St. Phone 2-4139. ch60 DALLAS HOME for Bnlem home. 2 bed rms., 3 lot. On paved at., bus. Write box No. 278 Capital Journal. cb60 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES' Warehouse Property or trailer court also ha 6 rm. modern home with basement, on paved 'street. A bargg.n at 19,000. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate Co. 355 CENTER cd;8" FOR SALE Fashionable Ready-to-Wear store. Good location in down town Sa lem. Write to Capital Journal, Box 279 for further information. cdfl3 HOME & INCOME On Dallas Hiway just 3 ml." from bridge. Larse bldg. with living quarters Ac stor age apace. Green hse. Room to build 3 more houses. Owner leaving. Full price 18400.00 Term. C. W. Reeve Realtor GROCERY AND IIDWRE. business lo cated in the befit of communities. Oood busine-st, low overhend, small invest ment required. Sacrifice for Quick sale. Stout Grocery. Perrydale, Oreg. cd63 FULL EQUIPMENT for donut, shop, also '41 Chev. panel truck. 3667 Portland Rd. cd58 SOLID BRICK APARTMENT BUILDING 3 story. 18 rental furnished, private bath, elec. ranges, relne., laundry room, central heating plant, 13 tile garages, excellent const, and cond., paved alley. Close to Capitol. A con servative value at $82,000. STUCCO APARTMENT BUILDING 3 tory, 8 furnished apartments, pri vate bnth. elec, rnnaes and refrlg,, base ment, laundry room, si earn heat, Ideal for business building, near New Shop ping Center. A good investment for the future. Only 131.600. ATTENTION I Mil. BUILDER If you want a lge. lot suitable for Income development, please call us to day. We have 3 properties. In heart of new bal project. Roth have large bldg. suitable lor rentals SHOES! SHOES' Salem' hottest shoe store A: repair shop for .sale at cost. Exclusive loc. & exclusive agency on ma. lor brands. Av erages J1200 per mo. sales. Only IG.tJUO Stock at inventory DOWN TOWN CAFE Hot location, low lease. Real profit here for5 only 13000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Servire 164 Com! St. Ph. 3-8339. Eve. 3-7440 Cd.i9 FOR I.r.ASE, dining room fc coffee shop on coast. All new equipment, not h ma to buy. Must be capable and financially able to operate. Good deal for right party. Taft Height Hotel, Tafi, Ore. cdo9 CAR DEALERSHIP Located In city of Salem, doing a very good busme, 15.00tl.00 will han dle lease, franchise A equipment. Stork will be sold at inventory. Good loca tion, long lease, cheap rent. Call Ray Da vl. Phone 2HS49. Eve. Ph. 28F58. Walters Real Estate 970 S. Commercial Cd59 BY OWNER: Three plex. 2 cottage & trailer space for 18 trailers. Nice utility room with wash room. Good returns on money Invested. Rt. 3 Box 30, MeMlnn vllle. OreR. cdSS ON PAVED HIGHWAY SOUTH Service Station Willi Cabin and Gro cery stock. Shop for Mechanic. Living quarter with two bed room and bath Net income 1300. per month, can be increased. Will sell all Real Estate, stock, fixtures, etc. for 18000. or will ell for S6;00. and Invoice stock. There 1 a mortgage of 14200.. so $3800 will handle. This 1 an opportunity Ak us about It. Burt Picha, Realtors Office: 2-3649 337 N. High St Eve: 3-7451, 3-1032 7 Ul!rt cl.i- FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE Map'.e sofa with ainpe up holstery Tel. 3-3G74. d60 "TpinfTt GULBRANSAN "orcan. Solid wa! ntit. L.ke new. By Sat. J1J5 00.00. 3615 Garden Rd. or write Box 377 Capital Journal d39 , Never Before!! A bedroom suite at this price New four piece suite, modem plate mirrors well bit lit at only l"-9 Sfl. Stock Is limit ed so hurry to OLFNNS FURNITURE MARKET' today. 1605 N. Summer St d38- WHAT A BUY!! Beautiful 9x12 Berk.-h.re felt' five color.', r.9.7.V tbroad- a 112 95 on!v 30 tn stock so hurry ti OIFNNS FURNITURE MARKET todsv 1605 N. Summer S: diS WE SAVE "U" at Least 20' i to 40' c on you1 new furniture. Inc. davenos. swing rocker, bedroom suites, rugs, dinette sets, linoleum, eic. Before "U"' buy give us a tr GLENN'S FURNI TURE MARKET. 160S N Summer. d?8 DEK VANITY. JlV DavenVoVt" good cond.. 140. Ph. 3-4J43. l.i8 WILL SELL at sacrifice beautiful match ing French style davenport, oha.r book cue. Ph. 3-1033. 460 I REAL ESTATI 3-5996 Phones 3-4115-6 REAL ESTATE 13,900 DOWNI Large 2-bedroom home with full base ment and unfinished upstair. Vpry de sirable neighborhood, large lot. Bal ance FHA. No. 2 17-A $1,000 DOWN! Almost new 2 bedroom home with fire place and auto heat, large lot. close to bu, school and store. Balance 175 per month. No. 306-A BEDROOMS Double garage, corner lot. basement, fireplace, Englewood .school district. Bu by door. $14,800. No, 402. REAL ESTATE 3-4428 FURNITURE FOR SALE The Hottest!! Buy in Years HI grade full size Swing rockers, mo hair covers, hardwood construction, a steal at 129.50. GLENN'S FURNITURE MARKET 1805 N. Summer d5fl SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES BROADLOOM CARPET Cut Order Service Five Colors 4 13 95 6x9 24.95 T-iXi 32.95 8x10 37.95 9X12 44.95 9x15 64.95 12x12 69,95 13X15 flft.nR 12x18 , 97.50 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC 467 Court St. Phont 3-9611 WANTED FURNITURE .IGBEST PRICES paid. Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 3-5110. da Calling Ole? Ye Top price pd. Furn.. hsehold. Ph 25511. 594 N. Liberty. Sundale Exch da AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION TONIGHT 7 p.m. Lane Sudlell's Auction Sale Yard, lo cated l'a mile Eat of Fairground on Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-6098. ddSB" FO r' Va LE TwKTO C K ' FOUR HEAVY SPRINGER milk goal. L. C. Edward, Rt. 7, Box 407. Ph. 2-4372 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDER A LICENSED livestock buyer E C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 35. Ph. 3-8147 ea72 PETS WEEKS PUPPIES, male (5.00: female $2.00. Mother thoroughbred Cocker. Ph. 2-1392, 825 Cade St. ec59 IRISH Sr.TTFR, 8 mo, old. With paper Rea. Ph. 3-1222. ec80 COLLIE puppy, male, reg. Phone 22884. ecOO COLLI E A; Australian Shnpherd pups. Rea. priced. N. L. Create, Albany, Rt, 2, Box 356B. ecBO BLACK MALE cocker pup. 2-1106. ec60 fi MO. OLD black cocker spaniel pup. Ph 20223. ec59" AN OUNCE of prevention I worth a pound of cure! Feed your dog plenty of meat. Pure horsemeat delivered twice weekly 20c lb. LeGray Kennels. Ph. 3-1398. ec62 PETS Cocker pups, black, blond, red. AKC champ, blood line. Rea. Ph. Taft 391. Avnlon Apt..., Taft. Ore. ec59 clloic"prcanaryBlrdsr 260 N. 18th 80 FUEL 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 Unit Load Delivered to Saiem 112O0 For Order Plea.se Call Collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber & Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon ee58' ASHPRAFT for -rood. 3-3374. Ph. DRY OLD growth fir 114.00. Immediate dellteiy. Ph. 3-8'J84. ec71 GOOD IB-IN. green edgings 16 00 a load Double load 111 00 Green 16-in lat A- edging 2 cord load 113 00 Oreson f uel Co.. Ph a-5533 c-66' CALL" RIOITWA Y VoFt FOR Diesel and Stove OH FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 ee WesFSaTem Fuel Co. " 16-LN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST FtURAl DELIVERIES DIFSEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood al 1535 Edgewatet St W Salem ee 18-iNCfi DRY SLAB and edgelng Bis 2 cord l.id IIO.OO Del 4 ft. slab 16 00 per cord Pn 6"F2.' ee" FOR SALE POULTRY BROAD-BREASTED Bronze poults. Pol or u in clean U. S. approved. Nellie M Compton. Rt. 1, Jefferson. Ph. 512 (79 'BABY CHICKS all popuTar varieties. In cluding L -glioma. Hampshire Par menter. AuMra-Whlte and others Pa one 2-:'P(il or w rite today lot Lee' Baby 'Jh'.ck Chao containing free poul try information Lee's Hatchery P O Bo 725. Salem Orecon " f PRODUCE BALED CLOVER HAY. 16 mi. N. on Sa lem. Dayton Hiwny. Adolph E. Schuu. Cottonwood Farms. Dayton. fffi3 HELP WANTED CIVIL ENGINEER, draftsman, perm, po ;t:on In Saiem. for man w::h ex perience and training in draftins and design to serve a survey initrument man and make p. an and computation for airfield design and construction Salary 1170 to start. Statt Of. Orecon C Ml S'rt ce CiMr.m 444 Cenrer. HELP WANTALE EP. WELL DRILLER, apply n-. person. Fred Wymore, Rt. 3 Box 317, Salem. Ph 3M3.Y gfll HELPWANTEDFEMALE MIDDLE AGE women lor Y-'M house work for eld?r;y coup'.e. S.'ter and brother. 'No smoker.' 3 Hit from Xlt. Ansel Mrs. Jan.e ChriMmau. R 1 Box 91. Mt. Angel, Oregon. gb49 HELP WANTED FEMALE EXP. BEAUTY OPERATOR. t Mr. Lot all at Miller'. lb63a MIDDLE AGED lady for housekeeping and practical nursing for seml-tnvalid man in the country. 345 X. Lincoln after noon. HOUSEKEEPER, practical nurse, for perm, position. Age, ref,, wages expected. Box No. 371 Capital Journal. cb58 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 1-1418. f WANTED SALESMAN NATIONAL CORPORATION Needs 3 young men in Marlon eounty; age 25 to 35 to team salesmanship; qualifications: neat, ambitious and abil ity to foltow instructions: approximate Income while learning, $60 to 190 per week; approximate earning after 90 davs, 190 to $150 weekly. Write R. H Rest ad. 416 Park Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. WANTED POSITIONS NEED an exp. ateno.? hone 30873. CARPENTER work, new, depalr. Ph. 2-2093 YOUNG VET. college grad.. desire gen eral office work. Write Box 276 Capital Journal. nfl3 DRESSMAKING, alt. Guar. Ph. J-7004. J182 BABY SITTING eve. Your home or mine. 40c per hr. Reference. Ph. J7i. Ferry St. h62' CARPENTER WORK. New & repairs. Ph. 22093. naa- MTCH DIGGING, landscaping. Ph. 3-4932 1764 Market. ntu CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Ph. 2-6S70. 183 B. 18th St. JiHJ LET ME make your spring clothe, Rea sonable. 15 years exp. Ph. I-&073. ns OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming, topping and removing. Ins, oper. Tec est. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h81a GARDEN PLOWING ft discing. Ph. 3-1160 or 2-3829. k nas PLASTERING, PATCHWORK St chimney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates, nei- RELIABI.E CHILD eara 11.00 per day. Play rm. & fenced yard, 946 8. 13th. h.18 CURTAINS washed 3-6008. & stretched. Ph. LANDSCAPING, pruning, general clean up. New lawns. 20 yr. exp. Ph. 1-1136. hl BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-0823. GARDEN PLOWING & discing. Ph. 3097. Dallas, collect. Hoi 11 Bice. he PAINTING Decorating. estl h64 iste. Ph. 37552. CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford trac tor. D. E. Marshall, Ph. 31343, Garden Rd., near Swegle school. h78 RE. SHINGLING and repair. Ph. 36752 3-5234 h51 AUTl PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter Call Snrock Motor Co 1-9101 h DISC SHARPENED on your farm. Cover crop 50c per blade, tandem 35c per blade. Please drop card. L. A. Tunnell. Rt. 5 Box 239, Salem. h63 LANDSCAPING Pruning. Rot ot 111 inn. Nrw lawns, tree work. Richard Soyer. Ph. 3-8110. MI- WATERPROOFING, above and below grade. Window caulking, tuck-pointing. Ph 2-2540 h62 FIRST CLASS Carpenter work new, re model oi repair large or amall. Phone 38281. h68 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 24-hr. serv ice. Former telephone operator. Ph 3-5072. h71 POE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower prices 69 N. 16tn Ph. 3-3643. h71a jAVARS NURSERY for Infants, register ed nurse In charge. Ph. 2 2301. h68 experienced. Ph. HABY SITTING. Phone 3-0580 or 3-3991 h59 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. hSl BABY Shoe Bronzing 13 pr. Ph. 3-2527 3275 S. COm't. h67 SERVICES Valley Sand A Orave) Co Pit run grafet, sand Si gilt. Tractor dosing St grading "rac; r shovel for dirt moving Ph 2-4002 off Re 37146. h EDUCATION TRAINING FOR GOVERNMENT POSITIONS THOUSANDS TO BE FILLED To J4479 Yearly to Start MEN At WOMEN AGES IS TO 50 Clerk, internal revenue agent, rail way mall clerk, accountant, post of fice clerks, mail carrier, Immigration service, custom service, veteran' ad ministration, stenographers, typists, ioi-ekceper.s, assistant meat inspectors and many others to choose from. Stea di em ploy mont. Instructions now being given. For complete information write today. WESTERN TRAINING SERVICE Established 19321 A12 PANAMA BLDG.. Portland 4. Ore. Snd me full inlormatlom. Name FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN HOLLYWOOD sleeping rm. Ph. 36093. Jk84 PLEASANT sleeping room. 1050 Norway. Ph. 24547. Jk60 LGE. SLEEPING room. 120 mo. 1 small apt. furn. pvt. entrance, 135. Ph. 3-5830 after 5. Jk60' CHEAP RM. for rent. Ph. 27734. 1327 Ferry St. Jk62 HSKKPING RM, 1st fir., for lady. Near bus. 14.50 per wk. 1431 N Cottage. Ph. 2 -0,151 Jk 62 LARGE LIGHT housekeeping rm.. e'jec. rante. clo e in, no objection to child. Ph. 3-4469. Ph. 3-8355 eve. Jk39- LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rm. Everything furn. For 1 or 2 people. Good bus serv ice. Ph. 2-7782. JkS8" FURNISHED sleeping room, double St sin gle. Steam heated, 6 blocks from Cap itol. 385 N. I4th. jk60 VERY NICE furn. rm.. air cond. heat. Close In. Re "ion able. 1434 Perry. Jk58 SLEEPING RM. H&C water. Close' to State House. Gentlemen only. Ph. 2-8S26 jk60 HTD. SLEEPING rm 2131 Center. Jk80 FOR RENT APARTMENTS ONE RM. APT. 2nd fir. Lady only. Ph. 3-1520. jp60- 3-R.M. APT. Prlv. bath. 58S N. Church. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING apt. 340 E. Wash- IngtOft St. Jp59 PULLMAN APT. with rff. Close In. 248 D. ;p5b SMALL 3 RM unfurn. apt., elec. range, auto oil heat inc. Children accepted,. Ph. 3-7773. jp59' FOR LEASE: March 17. modern apt., walk ing distance downtown Salem. A ad ul:, no pet, ref. required. 150.00 per mo. Wri Box 1042 or phone 337, New- port. Oregon. Jp62 FURN. ! e Kcta. RM. & kitchenette. 1370 Chem JP391 l- ;M. APT. one block from State House. Pn. 3-4258. Jp59 iRM.. Priv. bath. 633 Ferry St. jp59 CLOSE IN. Mod. furnished 3-rm. apt. Eiec. heat. Frtgidalre. 153. 535 N Winter. JpSS 3-RM. APT. Bath with shower, garage, utility rm. No children. 1130 Maduon JP58 DOWNTOWN 3-rm. heated upstairs apt. Sleeping porch fc prir. bath. Vacant Mar. 13. References. Capital Journal Box No. 371. JpJI FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL clean furn. apt. 135 Oerth. .W' Salem. JpM V LARGE t-RM. apt. 130. Ask about house, trailer space. 160 Union. Jpfr3 3-RM. FURN. sec. floor. Employed couple. Water, heat, light furn. No. 18th, bet. State Sc Center after Mar. 13. 145. Capital Journal No. 370. )pfj NICELY FURNISHED, auto heat. Close In. 1271 Chemeketa St. Jp58' SINGLE RM. apt. Suitable for 1. Utlil- tle furn. 135. 640 5, Capitol. jp5i NEW APT. Hollrwood Dlst., partly furn. Adult. 1047 Madison. Jp59 FOR RENT HOUSES 3-RM. MOD. furn. cottage. Ph. 36618. Jm58 SMALL t-BR unfinished house, not mod ern. Water In kitchen. 125.00 mo. One mo. free if you clean houae. Chas, Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 R. High St. Phone 1-4139 Jm58- Fl'RX. VERY NEAT two-room" house. $40. HOUSE for rent, close to state buildings, good income from second floor rental. Inquire Wills Music StoreJ Jm3 1-BDRM. USE, Elec. ht. and stove. 1 yr. lease $55. 2145 N. Liberty. Jm.i8 NEW 3-RMS. Si kitchen, comp. furn., elec. range Sc refrlg., auto. heat. Out 8. Com'l. on 99E "4 mile south Colonial House. Ph. 3-0334. JmS8 MODERN furn cottage 1 bdrm., 3 mllea North Brook on 99E. Rose Cottage. )m60 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS J'.i ACRES cane berries to rent on shares, l. o. Eowaro. ki. -i, do u. lo HOLLYWOOD LIONS BEN for banquets, meeting, parties, etc. Capacity loo. Caterer available. Ph. 3-8268. J02 5 MODERN baaement rooms for business. Apply grocery, 2153 So. commercial. SINGER Electric Portable Sewing Ma chines by the Month. Reasonable Raiea, Free Delivery and Pickup. Phone 33512. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 J4. Commercial J19 POWT.R TOOL rental for home ft ln- duatriaJ use. Howr Bros, pn I-364B. U DRIVE truck ears Ph. 3-9103 THICKS and cars. Smitt'y Clipper Ber vice Ph 39SOO Cor Center and Church. TRAILERS, 13.00 per day Bowser Bros. 60S Edgewater at, west saiem. . j BUSINESS RM. for rent H. L Stiff. 1 GOOD USED PIANOS. H L Stiff. IRONERS by week. Phone 34439 FLOOR SANDER for rant Uontgmr T Ward ! TO DO a cood Job rent a good floor gand er. We sell everything to complete the fob HOWSRR BROS. Ph 1-3648. ( WANTED TO RENT MEAT CUTTER, wife and small child de sire furn. or partly furn. 2-bdrm. home close-In. Call eve. 3-4987. Ja60 TWO-BDRM. unfurn. home, April 1, state employed couple. No children or pet. Ref. Ph. 2-4091. Ja.M YOUNG SINGLE man desires room (or rooms) In private home. Permanent college graduate, highest character reference furnished. Occupation: Hall mark Greeting Card Salesman. Will contact between March 10th A; 30th. Write Box 275 Capital Journal. Ja59 SMALL 3 BEDRM. unmrn. noma In area between State and Center Sts. east nf 12th by June 1, want to kaae for 1 yr. Write Box 233 Capital Juornal. JaflO ROOM AND BOARD CONVALESCENT home and care for the aged. 3595 D St. Ph 3-3853. Jj4 LOST AND FOUND LOST Sable Collie, right ear erect. An, name of "Prince." Reward. Ph. 3-3574. V k59 LOST: Yellow and green gold bracelet betw. IGA on state St. and 300 blk. 14th. Reward. Ph. 24803 aft. 5:30. MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Film A; Projector for Rent Eddlr Lewis. 412 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 2-5355 m81 HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative Ph 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on all make of ma chine Free estimate given before work la tarted Singer Sewing- Machine Co., to N Com'l. m LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. m78 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTLST Adolpn Bldg.--Slate Ss Commercial Su SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL WRECKING HOUSE at 444 Marion St., all building mat. for sale. Bathroom fixture, new and used, elec. water htr. new. New St used, soil pipe. Madi.o Wrecking Co. man ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 It. width In the following lengths: ' $1.74 3' 2.32 10' 2.M 13' 3.4R Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD Aj CO. SALEM, OREGON ma 1 SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing need. , Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free eetimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD Sc CO. SALEM, OREGON ma" NEW 0-LIl'E barn or garace sash. $2,'.n ea. 4"x4,,a' large sash, 10.50. Weather stripped. R. O W. Wlndofs, no welslita to install, some sizes on hand, order any sire at low prices. Ph. 3-5821. C. G. Long. Rt. 3. Box 31 Saiem. ma6t' xl0 Cedar Siding 1150.00 per m" 'ixs Cedar Siding 135.00 per m No. 1 VG 1" Shakes .... 12.95 per with undercou rse assorted colors. No. I Oak Flooring 175.00 per m Building Boards 4'-c per set It. up FOSTER ROAD LUMBER YARD 5816 S. E. Foster Road TA: 6684. ma67 PERM A STONE' your home. Call at Salem Pcrma-Stone Co.. 455 Court. niaUa USED DOORS with frames, new R.O.W. window A; window sash, bargain. Mod ern house type toilets 127.50. Kitchen sink cabinets. Roll blanket insulation. 85c per roll New V plywood. Ideal for flooring 16c per ft. Good V ply wjod for cabinet doors 22ljc per ft Call 2-5821. C. G. LONG. Rt. 3 Box 31 Salem. 1 mile North of Ke:zer. ma59 REJECT PLYWOOD V Sc per ft. V i4-,c per rt.. 'a' 16c per ft.. V IB'.-, per ft.. V 30c per rt KETTB BROWN LUMBER YARD FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 NEW CANDY BAR machines. Call niorn- ng. pu w. capitoi, Apt. 6. n63 1M MED. SALE 2 tru-rks. '46 Dodge and 43 uMt. ooin wnn joo. 12500 ea. '38 Hud son fully equip. $3oo. wood cookstote also equip, with oil burner $30. Mod. 6-rm. hse.. 2 extra lots. 307 N. Mill St. Silverton. Ph. 4824. ngj ICE CREAM machine complete with freest ing crblnct and can and gas pop corn machine. Phone 34750, SPRAY GUN S ANTJ COMPRESSOR " You can get the best tn spray paint ing accessories at Wards! Sturdy and efficient spray gunv comprewors. pres sure tank, etc. Spray guns for aa little as IS B5. MONTOOMFRY WARD CO SALEM. OREGON , n (Continued on Page 19)" ..wi