18 -Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 8, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I Prr Lint 15c Per Una times 40c Per Line 6 times 60c Per Line 1 month 1200 Outbid ol Salem 15c per IIdi per day Mtn SOc; I time mln 80c 1 lime mm 11.20 No Refunds HEADERS In Local New Col. Onln Prr i.ne jOc lo Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES S-VK -OLD, 1-bdrm. home. Furn. All new 18",0.00 down Must tell this month. Ph. 2-32 50 Rt. 6 Box 705A. a 62 LOVELV 2 bedrm. rancri style home, Ige. Ivunir rm. with fireplace, dble. Karaae it put to, on 125x165' lot. Beautiful landscaping. Will sell lurn. or unfurn. Sec owner, 445 Sunset Ave., Salem. a57 gp.non a rm. bungalow. 3 bedrm.. fruit tree, 6 btdg. lots, new addition, con tract assumed. Ph. 3-1712. 3775 Monroe. a57' BT OWNER: Attractive 3 bdrm. home. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace, elec. water heater, full bailment, air-cond. sawdust burner Near hlali school it bus lines. Lot 50x160. Berne & nice yard. 748 N. 16th. Ph. 2-4539. a.VJ IN KEI.ER, by owner, newly complctrd 2-hdrm home, attached Barn nr. eler Irtcally healed. (7,550. Ph. 2-B3B9. a57 SEE THIS beautiful arrangement of rms Living rm. 22x32, mahogany fire place, din in rm. 12x15. ultra modern kitchen, breakfast nook, two 12x14 bdrm. it ex tra Jar bp bath up, lame laundry rm. with blowr type automatic oil, air fil ler furnace. oversize double garage & built in fruit rm.. fenced in yard it play yd. Cemrnt patio. Ill, 000.no, by owner Ph. 3-6363. b5T NTW .1 RM. home, large attic, fruit l tees la rue lot. 938 Locust St. aSO JOMlO HOUSE 1 YEAR OLD 5 room. II W floor, oil furnace. G. I. Loan J7000 at 150. per month. 3256 Knox Avenue. LOVELY NEW 2 BR HOME IN THE FNGLEWOOD DI6T. and close to high school. Blk to city bus. City gewer A water. HW floors. 19000. Call us for np'-.iiitment to sec a house you will he pi ond to call your home. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 4S5 Court Street, Salem. Ore. Thone 2-3629 Eve. 2-4789 or Clark Craig 3-5053. VI' mvm. I. ATE built, modern 2-BR horn! on bus line, close to school. Hdwd. floors. fireplace, oil furnace, V blind, attach ed garage. Immediate possession. 16&0 dow n. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 151 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2561 B57' S3. in. CLEAN one-bcoroom home with 2 lot South. Completely furnished, Im mediate possession. Terms. Call Stan ley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1M S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 35561 MTVi. CLEAN mooein I-bdrm. plastered home. Two years old. Completely fur nished. Large corner lot. Good location Fast. 1800 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 13 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 2551 a. ST KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Just Reduced to $10,750 115(10 DOWN FHA LOAN 8 bedrooms, living room, fireplace, wall paneled hemlock, else, heat, lota ol hinll-lns In kitchen built-in seat In view window of nook, bath, taint. Un oksl meted view. Beautiful lot. Tress. ThU U a bur. Chas. Uudklns & Son REALTOR fl N. High St. Ph. 2-4130. a57 WEEK-END SPECIAL! H acre wtt.h 5-rm modern home In Keiser. Hdwd. firs. A electrically heat ed. water svstem As walnut trees. A real buy at hson. ART MADSEN 1I3S State St. Ph. 3-55B0. Eve or Sun call 3-9612. h.'.7 BARGAIN 4-HR, larae I,R with fireplace, larae DII. den, reception hall, all oak floors, basement furnace, excellent con dition, walking distance. 112,600. Shown by appointment only. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Cnm'l. St. Ph. 38389. Eve. ,30980 n;H' S3 1 .Ml. NFIV unfinished home apprnx. 030 so. ft. floor space Located East Can he. good terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1H S High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve 3M.61 aT LIT RENTAL take care of payments nn .'mull house. IMS N. Liberty. afil' f a tit mo 0 n r"n ifi-i Vi EvovEn ri v tn Onlv iniin down for this I BR. home, lire. llv. rm , dinette, new fin. kitchen, un win upstairs, lncls. new rce.. water heater A- on nrculalor. You'll see great Possibilities in this at 4350 WE KNOW THIS IS THE BEST BUY IN SALFM ri(v.e In 4 BR Home wtih 1BP. LR.. firrplHre, din. rm.. den, study, sleep ing porch, hwd. firs., loeiy kitchen, lull basement, new auto, furnace. Luc, lot, apt. one. Exi ra good for rentals. HO NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS. 113.6U0. Shown by appointment only. Larson Home & Loan Co. Filiisic LtM lints Per.Nonal Service 164 S. Ciim l Ki. Ph. 3-8339. Eve. 3-9!i8!i a59" LOTS LOTS - LOTS We have several lots at attractive price." FURNISHED SUBURBAN 3 yr. old. 3 bdrm home south, lire riace, Kino nil air rond. turn. hwd. Ilrs. Extra well furnished. Lot 100100 Pr;ce Hlnonn. nail Harvey Jt.ilf. Huff Real Estate Co. Benito 3d Ch-roekeia St Ph. .11J71 Eves. .19441 BY OWNER.: 3-bdrm hse. IrT Ens le wood dut. Ph. 21fl:i eves, for appointment, aR3 BV OWN! R: 3-bdrm. home. pncei'li.500 Hollywood dutrlcl. newly painted, full base men t, block to bus. close to sc hoots. Sawdust heal. Write Box 274 Capital Journal. aw KMC, US HT YTE tB7.iOOO-3 bdrm home, full (win I with new auto oil turn., dble garage North 9H,so,00 New hdrm home, llv. rm. kilchen. fleet, heal, utility room, one ' hlock lo bus, neatherstrtpped anil Insulalrd Huff Real Estate Co. Call Steve Sadowskv Realtors 341 Chemeketa St PH. 39271 Eves. 3-3775 59 NEW, ranch t vpe home, suburban. eVe liet. plastered, hwd T'ds. Me rid -uwfic. imm. poAs. 17850. Call KENNY Hit. I NICE AND CLfc AN. Eiwlbrt sUlr home, 2 BR and iinfin ned up. hd fli.-. A: plastered, ittilitv room and atchd Gaj.iiie. laun and shrubs 19250. Call KKNNY HILL Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 39271 341 Cheinekela St Eves 3177 a 59 BV OWNFft t bdrm ha. 1150 Jamos St Ktlaer Dint ftA9 FOR SALE HOUSES WHY PAY RENT 1615.00 Down buy a thU new 2 bdrm home, nice llv. rm., dlnlm space, kit chen. Attached garage. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Raltorp 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271 Eves. 35091 59 J7,00(i.OOLiv. rm., K.. 2 BR., bath, utility, L. trava. oil furnace, tar. bus line, wired for range. Call Mr. Chris teneen. It 1.500.00 LR., DR.. Kit.. 2 bdrms hath, L. trays, hwd. lis., all elect. Call Mr. Chrittensen. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemekefa St Ph. 39271 Zi-. 32535 a 59 BEST BUYS 3 BR, $6500 New, tiiMde city limit. Immed. pass Priced Jor quick sale. Bargain 12,000 down. New 2-BR.. Could be made Into 3 very easily. Elec- heat, attached garage, paved street. Selling price includes extra lot, '31 pickup, 2 tool sheds, some lumber, blu prints for a 4 unit court. Everything goes for only 17700. 5 Acres $4500 3 rm. house with bath. Close to town. Paved street. 5 acre tract. Could be Mihdivided. Will trade, for city property. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596. Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558. a59 SUBURBAN NORTH CLOSE IN Lei. us show you a 4 bedroom home lo cated on a tract 65x200: llv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen & 2 bedrooms down; good elcr. water system; only 1 blk. to city A: Keizer school bus: you may have pos sesion very soon. Price is $8,750. See 11 today. TWO BOTH TOPS TWO We can offer you 2 suburban acreages with lovely 3 bdrm. homes: 1 located east; 1 north: both close In; 5 acres each. These properties are worth in vestigation. Each 121,500. Call for de tails. MATTSON & ROETHLIN REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838 23! N. High. Eve. Ph. 3-7534 or 3-1724. a58- SB50 DOWN Suburban 3-bdrm. home, modern, full cmt. bsmt., gamae, chick, rise,, on 1 acre. Price 148.10. $1200 DOWN Older but clean 4-bdrm. suburban plas terrd home on 2 acres. Cmt. fdn., full bath, ge. kilchen wired for range, lge. utility rm. with trays, garage, small barn and chick hse. Price 17350. Or will trnda for smuller suburban home. WEST SALEM Two bdrmx., living rm., dining rm., full cmt. bsmt., sawdust furnace, gar age, nice lawn. Immediate possession. Price IB950. terms COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS IHR1 Cnter 81. Ph. 24553; Eve. 3H05 or 39927. aW FOR SALE LOTS ENCil. F.WOOD district. 1970. 60x108. Ph 2-4048 after 5 p.m. aafl3- EXCLUSIVE RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL Home sites 78x156. city water Jfc sew er. Trees. Only tfiOO. LGE. LOTS RESTRICTED CHy water, near bus, stores and school. JRMI.00. CHOICE HOMB SITES City water, sewer. VIEW. One Is cor ner loc 3 for price nf 2. 11800. COURT SITE NORTH ENOLEWOOD 1 Sox 150. only 13150. LGE. BUSI. LOT CENTER ST. Will build lo suit tenant. Choice loc In bust, section. You won't beat this (or 115,750. EAST CENTER STREET 8un-nt vision 111 acre, rolling k round, in fast de velop! tin section. When the new High way goes In on Lancaster Road, you'll he glad you slole this at 18400. EXCLUSIVE HOME SITE 7 beautiful acres, close In, on pavm't. Near golf course. Ynu should see the YEAR STREAM A: ihe LGE. TREE3. 10300 Is truly a bargain. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exrluslve Listings personal Service 164 S. Com' I. St. Ph. 3-8380. Eve. 3-7440. an 59 LOTS We have 3 lots, close In north. 0x190 ft . at 1650 each. Priced for quick sale Restricted district. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7B30. 2-4596. Eve. Ph. 2-0473. 3-3553 aa57- A STEAL! Pull Acre lot, paved street, and city later on Vfsta Avenue 11350. Burt Picha, Realtors CHOICE LOTS cl.ise to school and bus with water and nut, trees. Only $10 down. 115 per monlh. Reimaim for Real Estate 301 South High Slreel Ph. 3-E an VIHV lots 500 blk. Vlsla Ave., wooded tnU, 600 blk., RHtclilf Dr, City water. Own ers. I'll 34JH4. i ,8? OF AN ACHK, T0rx3M' lust off Lnn cn.sler Dr. on McCleay rd. Easy terms, Ph. 2-3323. a58 FOR SALE FARMS 0; Acres Newberg Loam 3 houses, one 8 rm , the other small er. Hum, chicken houses, family frull This la r m ts suitable mint, vegetable Hardening or dairy ins. Has 4 wells and Irrigation. Fenced. Ill health forces this Siile. Price 133.MI0. General Real Estate Co. 3S. Center Ph. 3-3JR9. b59 nit THl)i: for i-itv property. 5J acres of a ood irrlKiited Mia.--I on Bottom land with Boori .1 HR mod. house equipped to ral.e valuable seed crop.. Goodwin & McMillin, REALTORS Phone 3-4707 484 Court St Nishl 2-TJR3 or 3-4707. b59' TAX LAN D AUCTION'S FnFE LITERATURE on how to buy rsrvh. Mmhnr, traptn lands throush oui California. Presort and Washi ni ton st Wc to j:t. per acre mm, bid Write Pie if le tnds, Box 3350. P,l, Hollywood 38. ChM b57 :ti AC HI' S,Bnlles-N,-of,, Sare'rrTToof walnuts. 3 A f llherts. 6 A cherried, balance new Willamette soil. Close lo school A store. Vera Zlellnskl, Execu trix. 795 South S(. Ph. 3-9010. b.57 Disgusted! plumb disgusted with that 68 Acre farm tth the 4 bedroom house, ham. chick house, tractor and other niachlnerv (out in the red hlllsi. 1'vr been asking 17500 for the whole she bang, but If somebody doesn't make me an offer soon darned If I'm not aoitw to seriously think about giving it away Burt Picha, Realtors Office- 2-3649 317 N. High 8t 3-7451 058 Kvt 2-53-0. 3-1033. FOR SALE: 80 acre grade A dairy ranch, also 30 acres of Taylor grailng. $1 ac res of water. 40 acres tillable and bal ance In pasture, A 8-rm. semi-modern home, a grade A milking parlor and plrni of ot her good Improvements Price 130 000 00. See Clifford Dickson Powell Butte, Oregon. b7 FOR SALE ACREAGE"""""' m;i.i. or tb Alr. (or late model car. Some limber, peep well unlin houe P!i 3-M36 3 OR 10 AIRES with or without b!dt. tt. R. Bishop, Rt, 6, Box 353 at Prull land. obl REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS KEIZER SPECIAL Cotj 4 rm bungalow with 2 bdrm. rm. to eat in kitchen, hdwd. firs, tmruouf utility rm. it attached garage. 11,700 down balance at 136.50 per mo. Priced 17,360 wu u. . uraoennorst, Jr. KINGWOOD One of the finest homes we have had Excellent view Irom llv. rm.. & din. rm.. 3 bnth. one tiled, full basmt. with uotc. iac ocBuuiuuy lanoscapeo. me price u rignt. can oy rerru. DUPLEXES 2 bdrms. each, income 110 per mo Price 110,500 Man an olfer. Income 1120 per mo Price 7.400 No. 3 zone Income J70 per mo Price 10,900 NEW Income 130 per mo Price 13,000 S de by side. Income S130 per mo Price 13.000 NFW. Income 1150 per mo Price 16,300 Close to school. Income J 100 per mo Price 9,500 Call Peter H. Oeiser MR. INVESTOR Income 1115.00 per mo Excellent warehouse bldg. 56x75 ft. heavy frame construc tion Good lease. Price 110.500. 10.500 buys this new concrete block bldg. occupied by hardware store, 6 yr. Itaig, at 170 per mo. A REAL BUY. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorat. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Office Phone 3-2471 Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 2-B010 Peter H. Oelser 3-9988 Earl Wet 3-1233 f5T SOMETHING DIFFERENT 14.700 Drive by 155 Fisher Rd. and then call 27962 for more information on this lovely 2-bcdroom home with VM acres of the best of soil. Barn A chick en house. Bus by the door. Good terms. 1735 Fatrmoiint Hill 16350 2 bedroom home on an extra nice lot. Owner will aell for 11750 down it 150 per month. Imm. pou. STEWART 1345 State FOR SALE ACREAGE REDUCED FOR quick sale, lovely home. 1 acre, 17,700. Write Box 261 Capital Journal. bb75' 114,000.00 13 'a ACRES WITH MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE Only 3 mi. from down town, on pave ment, bus by door, furnace, fireplace, deep freeze in bsmt., new barn, chick en house, lots of fruit, small creek. The place you've been looking for. Terms Walters Real Estate 970 8. Commercial bb59 JWW. M ACRE with good 3-BR home close in North on bus line. Barn, chicken house, lots ol fruit. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 6. High SI. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 35561 bh57 FOR RENT FARMS FOR LEASE If) gere tract eat with mod. older type home. Film. All soil tillable. Sev eral outbuildings. Room for 5 rows. Ten ants mtust be willing to accept lease for at least 1 yr. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596. Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558, ba5fl' REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS HOME IN BUS. ZONE Plastered, weatherst ripped. Insulated, cheap elec, ht., gar., pvmt., sidewalk, near school & bus. 14700. easy terms. 5 RM. COTTAGE NO, Newly decorated 2 bdrms. LR A: DR, f'place, bsmt., piped furnace, good slaed lot, shade trees & shrubbery, 1 blk from bus. 18750. HIGHWAY BUS. LOCATION T.e. lot on Lancaster Rd., in loaical bus. location. Will sacrifice for 11600 cash on quick sale. GOOD CITY GROCERY Here Is a rare grocery store opportun ity, a well located store In expanding community in same ownership 15 yrs. Can now be had because owner wishes to retire. Monthly cross 17000. Fixture; at a discount, merchandise on inventory basts, no blue sky. Can be handled with about 115.000. ACREAGE DELUXE 4 mile from city center, mod. 5 rm home, hot water ht. 3 bath mis., f'place Ksmt., mil. rm.. all hdnd. firs.. 5 acres mixed orchard, 2 wells, dblc. gar,. Ex ceptional mt. view. 120.000. If any of the above do not meet your requirement. tell us what you want, with detailed Information on more than 1000 properties on our files we can save yon time and money in getting what you want. Nelson & Nelson nltors 'h. 3-4623. c57 BUSINESS ZONE 93 ft. Hiway front, Just South of the underpass, 3 bdrm. part K-.mt. furnace, reasonable terms. 110.000 00. 18950.00 Nice 3 bdrm house huilt In 1940. Auto piped heat, nice frpl. fenced in yard. See Ed. I.ukinbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors rn. 39271 341 Chemeketa St, Eves. 36680 Cfi9' rrs A GOOD IDEA For anvbodv to own a chunk of dirt in the Willamette valley. We have a real buy for 16750. It'll get you 85 acres within nine miles of Salem, with 65 acres cultivated. Come in let's talk 11 over. Salem Realty Co. 14" N. High St. Phone 37660 e5B' 44850. Two room s a rase house: elec. heat, large lot to build another house: ranae Included. Terms. Ask Mr. Beckett. Here is a bargain with 11500 down. One-half acre with good five room house: basement. Four miles out on good road. Total price 4800. Ask Mr. Holmes. Salem Realty Co. 149 Jf. High St. Phone 37660 c59 You may have Immediate possession of this 3 bedroom home, completely furnished. Has basement with shower, fireplace, bath. 1 A. with apples, wal nuts, cherries and berries. 34 '-s A., 5 room modern house, 2 haths, a n rage. ham. large hn house, nice brooder house, all tinder etiltlva- ""V. II. Bell, Realtor 31 Chemeketa Street Ph. 3-1545. 3-4896 Eas 3-858, 3-7565, 3-68 f5P Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS NEW 2 BEDROOM plastered house. Lot 60x'J69. Price 16950 COZY 2 BEDROOM hoiL-e. Nicely furnished. Beautiful lost. House about 8 yrs. old. Price, furnished, only 17500. 304 ACRE FARM Mwt all in cultivation Part can be irrigated. & rm. hoime. Barn. Some tim ber Price only 135.900 Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-363 Evenings Call 2-4007 ci9 115,50000. Lovely 7 tm. home on 5 acres. gocd hiek soil N E. ot Salem, good barn. 3 acres strawberries. BEAUTIFUL BUILIMNO SIGHT 8 acres on top of morning side hill call for informal Ion. J". 00000-3 BED RM. HOME WITH DIN ING RM A- FULL BSMT Sawdust fur. Nice corner lot, large trees 16.300 00- -3 rm. Iv. qtrs with mod. am. upstairs, separate entrance, bsmt fur garden. florrs shrubs. Walters Real Estate 70 I. Commercial I REAL ESTATE HEIGHTS the pleasure of lifting In a long time. A: kitchen. 2 ae. bedrms. oliia lae. den. finished rm. auto-oil heat, breezewty, patio ENOLEWOOD 18400 2 bedroom home, owner out of town. This la 8 yrs. old, with full base ment, hdwd. firs., aut. heat, att. gar age. Don't overlook this (irU of the month bargain. 1mm, post. SUPER DELUXE 113.250 8 bedroom home with H acre. Close to Engtewood school, full base ment, oil furnace, hdwd. floors, fire place. Very nice floor plan, 2 oar gar age. Imm. poab. REALTY Street Eve. 338 or 3473). REAL EST AT t 1900.00 m acres North. Good bldg, site. Best of soil. Easy termo. SALEM HEIGHTS New 2-bdrm. home, modern, large lot. City water. Clone to school it bus, $6000. 11800. down. i ACRE Very clean 2-bdrm. home. Large work shop. Chicken hse. it garden space. Total 14900. Will take car or lot as part. 20 ACRES House. Barn. Berries. Nearly all till able. Lots of spring water. 17000. 11000 down. C. W. Reeve Realtor 915 S. Comm'l. Ph. 34590; Eve. 39536 or 23088. C59 SELL OR TRADE FOR 5 TO 10 ACRES 5 rm. modern home on N. Church St. with extra room In basement. 18950.00 CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL rm. with attached garage, llv. rm., dinette, kitchen, 2 bed rm., bath, util ity. 15.500.00 acre north, 3 bdrm home, garden, fruit, berries 4c some furniture. Call Ivan SI vers, phone 23849. Eve 37012. Walters Real Estate 970 S. Commercial c39 Small Home Specials Keizer Dist. 2 bdrm plastered home, A. Several fruit trees, fine Harden soil. 645 Cum mings Lane, 34750 West Salem $4800 A well built plastered one-bdrm. home, hdwd. firs, nice location. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1211 Edgewater, Ph. 3-5109. Eve, 3-9939. c6l Englewood Dist. Homes Comb. 5-room mod. bung., fireplace and garage. Beautiful, shady, well landscaped lot. 2 blks. to schl. H to bus. Price 16300. Col. bung., fireplace and auto ht Lg. att. garage, a real value at 18950. Lg. new ranch style bung, with 3 car garage, restricted neighborhood. Only 4 blks. from school. Price 311,600. Call Mr. Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1211 Edgewater . Ph. 3-5109, Eve 3-9939 C5B $1250 DOWN 2 btfrm.. ac. 2 years old. elec. ht. This is very nice place at only 14900. Balance on easy terms. $1000 DOWN 2 bdrm., older but nice. blk. from Leslie sch. (1748 S. Collage.) Drive by and see this. Can't be beat at 15600. $11,000 6 bdrm. city. Grand location. With very n'.ih nxins wouto oe ideal for apt house. RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood District) Ph. 2-4664 - Eve. 3-6013 and 3-5737 C5 WANTED REAL ESTATE Have Cash Buyer for 3-hdrm. home. Elec heat. What have .vo u. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. Eve. Ph. 2-0473, 3-9558 ca58 LISTINGS WANTED We need listings on suburban homes and farms of all sizes. Burt Picha, Realtors Office: 2-3649 337 N. High St. ca58B WE ARF In need oi good bouses to tell In or neat Salem If rou wlab t list voui property tor sale see GRABENHORS'I BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 3-3471. WANTED TO BUY from owner 3 bdrm hs. Ph 2-9951. caj8 NOTICE! If roui property it rot sale, rent or exchange, list it with ua We have all kinds of cash buvers STATE FINANCE CO.. RB ALTO att 153 8 High Bt eft- EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 10 acres, house, barn, chick en house. 4', miles Salem city limits, for house ft lot In Salem. Write Leslie M. Walker. Rt. 9, Box 693, Salem. eb57 RESORT PROPERTY NF.W MOD. ocean-front triplex dble. gar age. Take acreage for part. Write own er. Bo 84. Oteneden. Oregon. cc57 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOME & INCOME On Dallas Hiway lust 2 ml. from bridge. Larae bldg. with living quarters ft stor age space. Green hae. Room to build 3 more houses. Owner leaving. Full price 18400.00 Terms. C. W. Reeve Realtor 943 S. Comm'l. 81. Ph. 34590. Eve. 39536 or 23088. cd39 Warehouse Property or trailer court also has S rm, modern home with basement, on paved street. A bargain at 19,000. Ph. 3-3389. General Real Estate Co. 253 CENTER cd7 LETS SWAP Have complete restaurant ft ice cream equipment tn very good condition, all complete ft ready to go. Will sacrifice for cash or equity in house or suburban property. 660 N. Com'l, Ap(. No. 303. cd37 GROCERY AND ROW RE. business lo cated in the best of communities. Good business, low overhead, small Invest ment required. Sacrifice for quick sale stout Grocery. Perrydale. Oreg. ed63 Fl IX EQt'lPMFNT for donut shop, also 41 Cher, panel truck. 3661 Portland Rd. dM REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS VERY SMALL, VERY CUTE Small t room noma on 'A acre land, full plumbing, gas heat and cooking. Good "starter" house. Full prlee 12600.00. Good terms. BUILT IN 1941 Story and 4, English style home in Engl e wood school district, separate dining room. 3 bedrooms (1 down. 1 up. 1 unfinished), full basemeni with wood furnace, detached garage. Drive by and look it over at 1550 Roosevelt Street, but please d onot disturb the tenanu. Pull pries I8950.OO16800 F.H.A. loan may be issumed, pa j able 153.97 per month including taxes and insurance. Ask for Wsrren. YOU NAME THE DOWN PAYMENT Here's a little practically new 3 bedroom home, plastered (literally), suburban on large tract on pavement, near bus and school. Has existing GI losn of approxi mately 15300.00 which mar be assumed. Total price 16750.00. Ask for Lee. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL - PARRISH AND SENIOR HIGH Well located S bedroom home, dining room, full basement with sawdust furnace, fireplace, full lot to alley. 110,000. Ask for The! ma. 20 ACRE FARM East Middle Grovs district, older type home, good barn. 16 acres in crop, ideal for strawberries, all Willamette loam soil. Pull price 112.000. Call for Henry Torvend, our new. but experienced farm representative. Don't Forget, We Write All Types of General Insurance "Lee" OHMART T7 Court Street Evening Phones: 3-1332 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SOLID BRICK APARTMENT BUILDING 3 story, IS rentals furnished, private baths, elec. ranges, refrig., laundry room, central heating plant. 13 tile garages, excellent const, and eond.. paved alley. Close to Capitol. A con servative value at 183.000. STUCCO APARTMENT BUILDING 2 story, t furnished apartments, prl Tato bath, elec. ranges and refrig., base ment, laundry room, steam heat. Ideal for business building, near New Shop ping Center. A good Investment the future. Only 333.600. ATTENTION! MR. BUILDER If you want a lge lot suitable for Income development, please call us bo day. We hare 3 properties. In heart of new bast projeet. Both have large bldg. suitable for rentals. SHOES 1 SHOES! Salem's hottest shoe store it Tepatr shop for sale at cost. Exclusive loc. ft exclusive agency on major brands. Av erages 11200 per mo. sales. Only 16,600 Stock at inventory DOWN TOWN CAFE Hot location, low lease. Real profit here for only 13000, ' Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 ed69 FOR LEASE, dining room St coffee shop on coast. All new equipment, nothing to buy. Must be capable and financially able to operate. Good deal for right party. Tart Heights Hotel, Tsft, Ore. cd59 CAR DEALERSHIP Located In city of Salem, doing a very good business, 15,000.00 wilt han dle lease, franchise it equipment. Stock will be sold at Inventory. Good loca tion, long lease, cheap rent. Call Ray Davis. Phone 23849. Eve. Ph. 38658. Walters Real Estate 970 8. Commercial cd5B BY OWNER: Three plex. 2 cottages & trailer space for 18 trailers. Nice utility room with wash room. Good returns on money Invested. Rt. 3 Box 30, McMlnn ville. Ores. ed58 WATER SYSTEM 2 lot welt water system serving 47 customers at 12.00 each per month pd. in advance. A good Investment. Easy to care for. Every thing goes for 16,000. Rentals Four 2-bdrm. units plus owners home in a choice location. Very close in. Will accept nice home as part payment. Lib eral terms & interest on balance. In come 1350 per month. Could be raised easily. Call for LeClerc. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3036 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558 cd57 ON PAVED HIGHWAY SOUTH Service Station with Cabins and Gro cery stock. Shop for Mechanic. Living quarters with two bed rooms and bath. Net income 1300. per month, can be increased. Will sell all Real Estate, stock, fixtures, etc. for 1S000. or will sell for 16500. and Invoice stock. There is a mortgage of 14200., so 13800 will handle. This is an opportunity Ask us about it. Burt Picha, Realtors OfflCf : J-3SW 337 N. Hllh t. fvr: 3-7451. J-103J. 3-1390 1SI' FURNITURE FOR SALE Never Before!! A bedroom suite at this price New four piece suite, modern Plate mirrors wen bunt at only 159.50. Stock is limit ed so hurry to OLENNS FURNITURE MARKET today. 1605 N. Summer St. d5B' WHAT A BUY!! Beautifut 9x13 Berkshire rugs (broad felt) five colors, 119.75. Others as low a S13.95 only 30 in stock so hurry to ULBriW'S FURNITURE MARKET todav, 1605 N. Summer St. d58 WE SAVE "U" at Least 20 to .40 on you new furniture. Inc. davenos. awing rocker, bedroom suites, rugs, dinette sets, linoleum, etc. Before "U" buy give us a try. GLENN'S FURNI TURE MARKET. 1605 N. Summer, dfifi DES K VA N IT Y. 1 1 5. Davenport, cond., 140. Ph. 2-4343. good d58 The Hottest!! Buy in Years HI trade full Mint Swine ralcrj, mo hslr coven, hirdwood construction, t steal Rt 129.50. GLENN'S FURNITURE MARKET 1405 N. Summer dss WILL SELL at sacrifice beautiful match Inc French strle darenport, ehair A book case. Ph. 3-1033. d60- SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES BROADLOOM CARPET Cut Order Service five Colors 39S SiB 32.13 3x10 37.9S "12 MM fliS 113 ; n. U1S 85.95 31 97.50 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC 487 Court St. Phont S-9811 ' WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Olinn at Woodry Auction Market Ph S-SUo. ds Calling Olei Yes Top prices pd. Purn.. hsehold. Ph, 36511. 594 N. Liberty, Sundal Xxch AUCTIONS FURNITURE & LIVESTOCK AUCTION WED. MAR. 9 10 A.M. FURNITURE AND PRODUCE: 1 P.M. Furniture: 8 -piece rimed oak bed room set. 3-piece wine davenport and chair set, excel cond.; 5 pc. breakfast set: 3 pc. chrome breakfast set: 7 pc dining rm. suite: 6 dining rm. chairs: 3 9x13 rugs: 5 washing machines, beds springs, mattresses. 3 white enamel cook stoves; radios, new Ironing boards, new Revere cook ware. New Stanley and Duseptlon tools. Apple, potatoes, chick ens and rabbits, feeder and weaner pus. heiffer ari bull calves, cows, heiffers and feeder stock. To buy or sell call Lane Sudt ell's Auction Salesyard. m miles K of Salem on Sll-i verton Rd. Ph 3-6098 ddS7 , LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock bu'er B C McCandUsh 1127 8 35 Ph 1-1147 12 Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE "Rudy" & CALABA Phones 3-4116-6 3-3539 r.! PETS AN OUNCE of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Peed your dog plenty of meat. Pure horsemeat delivered twice weekly 20c lb. LeGray Kennels. Ph. 3-1398. ec62 PETS Cocker pups, black, blond, red. AKC champ, blood ltne. Reas. Ph. Tafl 391. Avalon Apts., Taft, Ore, ec59 CHOICE Canary Birds. 260 N. 18th. 80 FUEL ASHCRAFt 3-3374. fOT "rood. Ph. 3-3380 ee-71 DRY OLD growth fir 114.00. Immediate delivery. Ph. 3-82S4. ee71 GOOD 16-IN, green edglnes 16.00 a load. Double load $11.00. Green 16-in. slab it edgings 2 cord load 113.00. Oregon Fuel CO., Ph. 3-5533. ee66' CALL HIGHWAY PtTEL POR Diesel and Stove Oils, FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, Ifl-LN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVS OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1625 Bdgewatet St. W Salem ee lfl-INCH DRY SLAB and edgelngs. Big 3 cord load SS0.00 Del 4 ft. slab 16. on per cord. Ph 68F22. FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED: LIVE FRYERS. Ph. 2-2873. f57 BROAD BREASTED Bronze poults, Pol orum clean U. S. approved. Nellie M. Compton. Rt. 1, Jefferson. Ph. f79 'BABY CHICKS all popular varieties, in cluding leghorns. H amps hi res. Par menters. A ustre-Whites and others Phona 2-3861 or write today for Lee's saoy Chick dhats containing free poul try Information Lee's Hatchery P. O Box 725. Salem Oregon." f' HELP WANTED crVTL ENGINEER, draftsman, perm, po sition tn Salem, for man with ex perience and training in drafting and design to serve as survey instrument man and make plans and computations for airfield design and construction. salary 1270 to start. Statt Of. Oregon Civil Service. Comm. 444 Center. cfiO HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MAN for general office work. Must know bookkeeping it typing. Ph. 2-1480 for appt. ga59 EP. WELL DRILLER, apply rt, person. Fred wymore, Rt. a Box 317, Salem, Ph. 35135. gnfll HELP WANTED FEMALE EXP. BEAUTY OPERATOR. See Mrs. Love- all at Miller's. gb62 MIDDLE AGED lady for housekeeping and practical nursing for semi-Invalid man in the country. 245 E. Lincoln after noons. Bb59 HOUSEKEEPER, practical nurse, for perm. position. Age. ret., wages expected. Box No. 271 Capital Journal. gb58 WANTED Studious young woman prefer ably with small child as foster mother to beautiful 15-yr. old high school stirl who seeks refined and understanding association. Liberal pay. Your home or mine. Write Box No. 269 Capital Journal gb57' RELIABLE SALESWOMAN with direct con tact sales experience sell house wivcj and business women 30 minute home hair dryer with pressurised helmet, na tionally advertised 112.95. Annette Lab oratories, Inc., 1108 Guardian Bldg., Portland. gb57 WANTED, experienced fountain girl. Good hours, nice working conditions. The Ace. 137 N High Street. gb57 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 860 Stats St Ph. 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN NATIONAL CORPORATION Needs 2 young men in Marlon county: ages 25 to 35 to learn salesmanship; qualifications: neat, ambitious and abil ity to follow Instructions: approximate Income while learning, 160 to 190 per week; approximate earnings after 90 days. 190 to 1150 weekly. Write R. H Res tad, 416 Park Bldg., Portland 5. Orcg. ggfio WANTED POSITIONS YOUNG VET, college grad.. desires gen eral office work. Write Box 276 Capital Journal. h62 DRESSMAKING, alt. Guar. Ph. 3-1 BABY SITTING eves. Your home or mine. 40c per hr. References. Ph. 27734. 1327 Ferry St. h2' CARPENTER WORK. 33093. New it repairs. Ph h83 "ITCH DIGGING, landscaping. Ph. 3-492: 1764 Market. hs: CARE FOR CHILDREN in my home. 3-6876. 183 S. 18th 81. LET ME make your spring elothes. Rea sonable. 15 years exp. Ph. 3-5072 h84 OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming, topping and removing. Ins. oper. Free est. 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h8l GARDEN PLOWING & discing. Ph. 3-1160 or 2-3839. h58 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK A chimney building. Ph. 3-4389. Free estimates. hBl WANTED: Washing, ironing, cleaning place. 3-4131. Mrs. B evens. h57 RELIABLE CHILD care 11.00 per day. Play rm. fenced yard, 946 S. 12th. h58 washed it stretched. Ph. h61 LANDSCAPING, pruning, general clean up. New lawns. 30 yrs. exp. Ph. 3-1136. h61 BABT SITTING. Ph. 3-0823. GARDEN PLOWING A discing. Ph. 3P97 Dallas, collect. Hoi Its Bice. n67 CAPABLE WOMAN wants cleaning er Ironing by hour. Ph. 39691. h57 PAINTING Decorating, mates. Ph. 37553. CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford trac tor. D. E. Marshall. Ph. 31343, Garden Rd.. near Swegle school. h78 FLOWING A Discing. Al Moss. Ph. 32?.v REMIINGLING and repairs. Ph. 3-5334 AUT1 PAINTING Just a shade better by Bay tfx. CaU Sbroo Motor Oo. 1-1101 b WANTED POSITIONS DISC SHARPENED on your farm. Cover crop 50c per blade, tanaem sac per blade. Please drop card, L. A. Tunnel), Rt. 6 Box 239. Salem. h63 RELIABLE CARPENTER new construction, fmihina. reoalrlne or remodeling. Ph. 3-9457. h57 LANDSCAPING Pruning. Rotoillling. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 3-8110. WATFRTKOOFING, above and below trade. Window caulking, tuck-polntlng Ph 2-2540 h62 first class Carpenter work new. model ot repair iarge or small. Phone 3SJ81. h68 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 34-hr. serv ice. Former telephone operator. Ph 3-5072. Ml' POE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower prices 9 N. 16tn. Ph. 3-3643. h71 LAVARS Nl'RSERT for Infants, register ed nurse in charge, pn. a-aaoi. noa' INTER 1 01 PAINTING, 2-2979. enced. Ph h65 BABY SITTING. Phone 1-0580 or 3-3991 h59 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h61 BABY Shoe Bronzing 13 pr. 3275 n. Com'l. 3-2537 h67 SERVICES VBlley Sand Si Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, sand Ai silt. Tractor dozing grading "ractr shovel for dirt moving Ph 2-4002 Off Res 37146. h repair EDUCATION TRAINING FOR GOVERNMENT POSITIONS THOUSANDS TO BE FILLED To t!479 Yearly to Start MEN 4- WOMEN AGES 18 TO 50 Clerks, internal revenue agents, rail way mail clerks, accountants, post of fice clerfc.-i, mail carriers, immigration service, custom service, veterans ad ministration, stenographers, typists, storekeepers, assistant meat Inspectors and many others to choose from. Steady employment. Instructions now being given. For complete information write today. WESTERN TRAINING SERVICE (Established 19321 412 PANAMA BLDG.. Portland 4, Ore. Send me full information. Name Get Ahead With Diesel Everywhere industry Is turning to DIE SEL for economical streamlined power: Railroad, trucks, tractors, factories, laree and small power and lighting plants. Be ahead of the crowd pre pare for tills opportunity now. You can start learning Diesel operation and maintenance while holding present job. If you are mechanically Inclined write for free facts. Utilities Diesel Training. Write Box 263, Capital Journal. hh57 BIG DF.MAND, hish pay for AUTO BODY FENDER men. Train in few hours week ly while, you keep present Job. In cludes welding, painting, metal work. Mechanically inclined men given per sonal interview. Write Auto-Crafts Training, Registrar, 2523 Sheffield, Chi cago 14. hh57 FOR RENT ROOMS CHEAP RM. for rent. Ferry S'. 1327 Jk62 HSEKPING RM. 1st tic. for lady. Near bus. 14.50 per wk. 1431 N. Cottage. Ph. -0551. Jk62 LARGE Mf.HT housekeeping rms., elec. range, close in, no objection to child. Ph. 3-1469. Ph. 3-8355 eve. Jk59- LIGIIT HOUSEKEEPING rm. Everything furn. For 1 or 2 people. Good bus sprv ice. Ph. 2-7782. jk58- FURNISHED sleeping rooms, double it sin gle. Steam heated, 6 blocks from Cap itol. .185 N. 14th. jk60 VERY NICE furn. rm., air cond. Close in. nct.sonablc. 1431 Ferry. heat. Jk58 ATTRACTIVE rm. men. Garage. Private home. Gentle 985 N. Summer. Jk57 SLEEPING ROOM. 3-5539. SLEEPING RM. HArC water. Close to State House. Gentlemen only. Ph. 2-8526 jkeo HTD. SLEEPING rms 2131 Center. JkftO' FOR RENT APARTMENTS AFTER .MARCH 15 furnished two-bedroom apt., living rm., kitchen and bath. 757 Center street. 175 per month. Call between hours of 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Jp57 FURNISHED Pullman apartment. 757 Cen ier street. 145 per month. Electric heai ana reirigeration. 1057 SMALL 3 RM unfurn. apt., elec. range. u,i ncai mc. uniioren accepted. Ph. 3-7773. iDw). FOR lease: .March 17. modern apt., walk- 1114 i.MHnce oowniown Salem. A ad ults, no pet., ref. required. 150.00 per ...i. nn.- nn iu4 or pnone 337, New porl. Orecon. jpK3 l-RM. it kitchenette. 1370 Chem- JP59' -M. APT. one block from State House. Ph. 3-4258, Jp59 J-RM., Priv. bath. 613 Ferry St. CLOSE in. Mod. furnished 2-rm. ant. Elec. heat. Frigidaire. 155. 535 N Winter. JP581 3-RM. APT. Bath with shower, garnge, vit.i nn. no onimren. 1130 Madison, JP58 j-km. i-URN. apt. for working couple n.ne.. may, jo.oij. 3291 Hagel Ave. Jp57' uim.-Niun.N a-rm. heated upstairs apt, oieepmc porcn a priv. bath. Vacant Mar. 12. References. Capital Journal small clean furn. apt. 125 Gerth. Salem. LARGE 2-RM. apt. $30. Ask about house, .iohc. apace, inu union. ip5B 3-RM. FURN. sec. floor. Employed couple. ater, neat, light furn. No. 18th. bet State it Center after Mar. 13 J45 Capital Journal No 270 jpse NICELY furnished, auto heat. Close in 1271 Chemeketa St. jp58. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 3 rms. & bath. Elec stove it refrig. Laundry rm. Apply 1555 McCy- Jp57- SINGLE RM. apt. Suitable for ties furn. 125. 640 S. Capitol. Utili- Jp58 IOUNG BSNs or Professional woman to share 3 Rm. Mod. Apt., close in. wi(h another prof. lady. Ph. 34033 after NEW APT. Hollywood dist, partly furn 2-R. it bath. No children, 39.00. Phone. 2fi0S7- ip57 I RM. FURN. apt. 1087 3rd St. West Salem .:S.H1 Jp57 NFW 4PT. Hollvwpod Dist Adults. 1017 Meduon. partly furn JP59' ,V'H Rm- F!ir" Also 3 rm. nicely furn. No objection to small child. 365 8. 16th FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RM. furn. mod, cottage. Ph. 36618. Jm57- ONE BPRM. unfurn. home. Ph. 3-3641. 1-BDRM. HSE. Elec. ht. and stove. lease 155. 3145 N. Liberty. 1 yr. Jm58 .Nfcv a-kmSi & kitchen, comp. furn.. elec range & refrig., auto. heat. Out 6 Com'l. on 99 E mile south Colonial House. Ph. 3-0234. Jm8 .nuur.K mrn cottace 1 bdrm.. 3 miles North Brooks on 99E. Rose Cottanrs. S-RM. houje. Adults. 150. 1318 N. 5th FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HOLLYWOOD LIONS PEN for bn"JSel7 m-enngs. parties, etc. Capacity lot) Caterer available. Ph. 3-8368. MODERN basement rooms for business Apply grocery, 3153 80. Commercial. J59 SINhC,,:R . Eifc,r,c Portable Sewing Ma- mi-inn. Kpasonaoie Fte8. Free Delivery and Pickup. Phone 33512 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Commercial J79 POWER TOOL rentals for home 4 Tn" Bowsef Bros. Ph. .1846 I FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS U DBIYE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103 TRUCKS and cars. Smltt'yg Olloner vie Pn- 19600. Cot. Center and Church 1 TRAILERS, 13.00 per day Howsar Bru BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L BUff. ji GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. I BONERS by week Phone 34439 FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgor-" TO DO a good Job tent a good floor sand, er. We sell everything to complete tha Job HOWBER BROS. Ph. 1-1946, m WANTED TO RENT TWO -BDRM. unfurn. home, April 1. stats 1 Ref. Ph. 3-4091.' ' Ja5 J YOUNG SINGLE man desires room (or. rooms) in private home. Permanent college graduate, highest charact-r references furnished. Occupation: Hall, mark Greeting Card Salesman. Will contact between March 10th ft aoth, Write Box 375 Capital Journal. Ja5) ATTRACTIVE ROOM, private home. Qtr. , tleman. Oarage. 085 N. Summer. Jb&7 ; ; SMALL 2 BEDRM. unturn noma In ares on ween oibio ana center an. east ot 12th by Juno 1, want to kase for l jt . Write Box 233 Capital Juornal. Ja60 ROOM AND BOARD , CONVALESCENT home and care tor th anei. aaaa u oi. rn -Joaa. J)64 LOST AND FOUND LOST Sable Collie, right ear erect. Ans, name or "Prince." iteward. Ph. 3-3574 i ku , LOST: Yellow and green gold bracelet betw. 1GA on State St. and 200 blk. on 14th. Reward. Ph. 2480a aft. 5:30. k58 t LOST: Man's wallet. Int. R. C, M. First : national ant. ivii n, cnurcti. Ph ' 1 3-1543. kyi Vl LOST: Yellow crochet bag, crocheting ln-f siae, nciween oiaie ana Fredrick on 17th. Mrs. C. W. Inman, 581 8. 15th or Ph. 3-6632. 1(57. r LOST: Ladies billfold. Keep money and r mum Diniorfj. rn. aj.-.ifi. 1-51 - MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films it Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis, 412 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 2-5355 . mai HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine .; repaired dj a quaiuieo singer represent; tatlve. Ph 3-3513 tor free pick up and V1 delivery service on all makes of ma- V chines. Free estimate given before work it .V is started Singer Sewing Machine Co. m 10 N Com'l. m' ; LES srRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. : m7a 1 1 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR Y 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES U' DR. BARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. Stats A Commercial Sts I SALEM Phone 2-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL NEW 6-LITE barn or jtaraxe sash. 12.31 '. ea. 4 X4 'j- large sash, 19.50. Weather , j stripped. R. O. W. Wlndofs, no weights " to install, some siees on hand, order ; . any size al low prices. Ph. 3-5821. C. G. : 4 Long. Rl. 2, Box 31. Salem. ma61 - xl0 Cedar Siding 1150.00 per m J 4x8 Cedar Siding 133.00 per m No, 1 VO 18" Shakes .... 12.95 per rn With undercourse assorted colors. ! No. 1 Oak Flooring 175.00 per m iV Building Boards 4'ic per sq. ft. up " FOSTER ROAD LUMBER YARD 5816 S. E. Foster Road TA: 6684. 1 1 ma67 1'. PER MA-STONE your home. Call at Salem Peima-Stone Co., 455 Court, ma83 USED DOORS with frames, new R.O.W. : windows it window sash, bargain. Mod-: ern house type toilets 127.50. Kitchen sink cabinets. Roll blanket Insulation 85c per roll. New " plywood. Ideal ; I for flooring I6c per ft. Good ply wood for cabinet doors 22'c per ft. - 1 Call 2-5821. C. O. LONG, Rt. 1 Box 31 '1 Salem, 1 mile North of Keizer. ma59 REJECT PLYWOOD " 1c per tt. " I4',&c per ft.. W I60 per ft., " 18ttt per it,., " a oc per ft. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Portable. Like new. 1125. Ph. 29897. n59 QUITTING BUSINESS Selling all of my cars, trucks fj and machinery fm 1948 Ohev. 4-dr. sedan, lees Mian MOO " I miles. t 1942 Chev, 3-dr. sedan, alean, good shape. ; 1941 Ford 3-dr. sedan, new motor good condition. I. 1939 Chev. '-t. pickup, with flat bed . 1945 6x6 Studebaker truck, 10-ply tires, f' built up springs, less than 13,000 ac- ?;, v tual miles. t, : M. M. R. T. tractor with dual tires. &t dozer blade, M yd. bucket & lifting I forks 13000.00. P 1 concrete block machine mixer pellets. -; C. 8. BUCK. SILVERTON ROAD it LANSINO AVE.. SALEM. n63 v' WRECKING HOUSE at 1047 8. Com'l. All material for sale. n59 SEALY MATTRESS good Cond,. dbl. ' Call ;' ( A.M. only before Sat. Re as. Apt. . 64 h Marlon. n5 'i. USED Washers 130.00 to 140.00. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. WALKER TURNER drill press complete : with attachments 175.00 also 'A h p. fe heavy duty motor 135.00. Ph. 2-8494. 1 133 Park Ave. n53 f, COMPLETE garden and lawn supplies at i. Valley Farm Store, 4345 Silverton Rd. P. SINGLE Rollaway bed. lnnerspring mat- fC tress used 3 mos. Ph. Eve. 3-9976. n60 1 . USED Electric Refrigerators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ANTIQUE chairs upholstered with nee--1 die point 160.00 each. 455 University, xj n57 ft ELECTRIC water heaters, new dble. ele- 1..CU1, 9iv.va. uiosmg out sale on an, plumbing goods. W. A. Skewls Co, Ph. 1 w 34600. 1390 Madison. d" 1 VEWSPAPERS bought. 1790 N. Front. 1 w mail. FCLLE1 BRUSREA 1745 Grant Ph 38357 ; g USED Electric Ranges, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n83 MARION ELECT Rln pan(r. D.nttis Hollywood Appliance Co. Ph. 2-4439. n m Hogg Bros. Certified Rebuilt Washers GHOUP I 13 differ. nt washers to ehoost froffl, reconditioned, fully guaranteed. Tout choice for onlv 24.50 GROUP Wide selection of various make wash- H 4 jrs reconditioned, fully guaranteed. ! Your choice for only lm 37.50 g HOGG BROS. Ii mont 39H8 oopn Whitney coilapiibla baby buagf. If, al,o baRstn.t vlth tr.v ... .,!) .it, baby bed with mattreaa. Ph. 3-7457. i" na7" ELECTRIC Fence Controller. 8H.95. jcie.K APPLIANCE- CO. nB3' ! ATTENTION ...... ... I "que Freneh pocket watch. Hand en graved. Chlmea on the hour and quar ter. Key wind. Ph. 3(1721 n58 NF.W 30 VOMrMr w .!... I- ?i "n-'"-l'ed Funk Wamall diet, 1109.50 880 Marlon St nn 7 nST 11 " lTO. aoft or hard Ice eream ; " A-l har. will . reaaonablt. .11 RenclezTous Tavern, starton. Ore. f? - n(!3- r MILK pafteurizer lor th. home. ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nil" E . (Continued on Poge 19)