4 IgllMlfil ' V A.' V i, 1 Ducks Snowbound Ton Snowbound wild mallards, win tering near Lewiston, Mont., nover over Warm Springs Creek where water temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees. BE PALS WITH 'EM Don't Throw Comics Away Or Keep Kids From Movies . New York, March 8 U.R) Don't throw away the children's com ics, a child study expert advises parents. Instead, she said, read their lavorite comics with them and dis cuss them .together. Don't shut off a child's favorite radio pro gram or drag him out or a movie, but instead watch his reaction. Josette Frank, educational as sociate in charge of children's books and radio on the staff of the child study association of America, expressed her views in a phamplet issued by the public affairs committee, Inc., a non-profit, educational organiza tion. Miss Frank said there was "no basis in fact for the current news headlines which blame comics for children's delinquent acts, or for reckless claims that they have caused a rise in juvenile crime." "The causes of crime are not so simple," she said. "They lie much deeper, in our society's failure to meet the basic needs of these children." In the pamphlet, entitled "Comics, Radio, Movies and Children," Miss Frank said that many of the recent attacks on the comics have made parents anxious. "This is unfortunate, because anxious parents may do more damage to their children then comics reading," she said. She advised parents to watch t r I Errol Flynns Talk of Divorce Hollywood HP) Nora Kdding ton Flynn, Errol's wife, says she's made up her mind to di vorce the screen's foremost swashbuckler. "We have reached an oral agreement and our attorneys are to put it into writing with in a few days," she said Satur day. "I'm going to a ranch out side Las Vegas, as I wish to live quietly there, and I'll have the children with me " Flynn was not available for comment. The two have sepa rated and reconciled several times recently. Mrs. Flynn has appeared in public often of late with Singer Dick Haymes, who has parted from his wife, Act ress Joanne Dru. their children's reactions to ex citing programs or movies. If they appear to be too upset ting, she said, parent: can sug gest that their youngsters skip them for a while. She added, however, that just sitting with the children while they are list ening or watching may be suffi ciently reassuring. "A child too preoccupied with crime or horror is showing us plainly that he needs help," she said. "Excessive comics reading, too, may be a symptom of dis turbance." The pamphlet suggests that parents see that their children have plenty of enjoyable things to do and varied experiences so that radio listening or movie going does not absorb them to the exclusion of other activities. Miss Frank suggested that parent-teacher groups and lo cal councils study what is avail able to children on newsstands on the air, and in motion pic ture houses and express their approval or disapproval in writ ing to those responsible. Farm, Garden Business Opens A modern farm and garden supply has been completed at 4345 Silverton road and the bus iness in the new building will be under the firm name of Valley Farm store. Most of the construction was done by the three owners, Bob and John Gray ana Don Schmidt. Bob Gray and Schmidt are operating the business. The doors are open for busi ness from 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and on Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m. Ample car parking space is pro vided during nil hours of busi ness. The sales room is a 40 by 44 foot pumice stone building color fully lighted and painted It ad joins a warehouse 40 by 60 feet with good dock facilities. Complete farm and garden items are stocked, including commercial feeds, sanitation and farm supplies, baby chickens, pet supplies, fertilizers, hay and grain, agricultural chemicals, tools, etc. Navy's Helicopter "Guard Plane" The navy's new HJP-1 helicopter hauls a "litter patient" in a basket suspenaed on a cable beneath it during tests at the naval air test center, Patuxent, Md. Built by the Piasecki Helicopter Corp., the versatile rotor wing plane will carry five passengers, or three litter patients in addition to pilot and co-pilot. It is designed for use with the fleet on carrieis as a "guard plane" to pick up pilots who have to "ditch" and on cruisers to re place catapult planes for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore pas senger and cargo carrying. (AP Wirephoto from U. S. Navy) Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 8, 1949 17 House Votes for Secrecy Bill Washington, March 7 'Pi The house passed overwhelming ly Monday a guarded, broadly worded bill to strengthen the U. S. intelligence network abroad. Approval came on a 348 to 4 rollcall vote voiced by Rep. Marcantonio (Al. N Y ), who op posed the measure. The bill went to the senate shrouded in the same cloak of super secrecy which has marked it since it started its legislative journey almost a month ago. In a report accompanying the bill, the house armed services committee said: "The report does not contain a full and detailed explanation of all of the provisions of the proposed legislation in view of the fact that much of such in formation is of a highly confi dential nature. However, the committee on armed services received a com plete explanation of all features of the proposed measure. The committee is satisfied that all sections of the proposed legisla tion are fully justified." Measure Intended To Protect Children A b.i to require motorists to come to a stop when approach ing school buses which havt stopped to load or unload chil dren was passed by the senats Monday and sent to the houst. The bill provides a $100 fint for violation. Frozen Packs Show Increase Over '47 Chicago, March 8 (Pi The amount of food packed by freez ing processes increased 120,- 000.000 pounds in 1948 over 1947, an industry spokesman said today. Fred J. Becker. Gresham. Ore., president, of the Nationaf Association of Frozen Packers, told the national frozen foods convention that pounds of frozen foods were packed in 1948. Fruits and vegetables ac (Advert Lsementl Mount Washington, N.H., the highest peak in New England, occasionally has temperatures dipping down to nearly 50 de grees below zero. MorningCoughs Don't let morning and night coughing, recurring attacks o( Bronchial Asthma ruin sieep and energy another dav with out trying MRNDACO. This great In ternal medicine works thru the blood, thus reaching the bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually starts helping nsture Immediately to remove thick, sticky mucus, thus alleviating coughing and promoting freer breathing and more re freshing sleep. Get MENDACO from your druggist today. Quick satisfaction money back guaranteed. counted for 66 percent of the total, he said. Seafoods totaled 160,000,000 pounds, poultry 125,000,000 and fruit juices 30, 000,000 pounds. Becker said frozen vegetables consumption increased 20 per cent, while frozen fruit 'sales rose 35 percent. yurrn f FEMALE 1 COMPLAINTS Are you troubled by distress of female functional periodic disturb ances? Does this mi ice you suffer from pain, feel so nrioui, tired at such times? Then bo try Lydta B. PI Hicham "a Vegetable Compound M relieve such symptoms. Flnkhaan'i bju a grand soothing effect on on of tooman'M moat important or panel VLYDIA L PINKHAM'SSSSESi7 mt tlULLINS MULLINAIDER ELECTRIC GARBAGE DISPOSER Call 25643 for a Demonstration In Your Home. Pumilite Block & SUPPLY CO. Out Edgewater St., West Salem Conducts Service In Struck Cemetery Beside grave dug by volunteer students from the St. Joseph Seminary Francis Cardinal Spellman (with book) conducts first burial service at Calvary cemetery In New York since professional grave diggers went on strike. Grief-stricken husband, son and daughter of the woman, Mrs. Josephine Moore, for whom the services were held, stand beside the cardinal. (Acme Telephoto) Ex-Junior Police Member Arrested Dallas, March 8 The Dallas youth, who as a leader in the junior police organization here last year, gained wide publicity for capturing some auto thieves, today found the shoe on the oth er foot. Sgt. Art Teterud said that Earl Patrick Wyscaver, 18, had con fessed to implication in stealing an auto in Dallas on February 19. He said he was assisted by Ken neth Simon, now in the Marion county jail on another auto theft charge, and a third accomplice. Police have not apprehended the third boy. The black sedan was stolen near the Dallas high school and was recovered near Pedee a few days later. Wyscaver was a leader in the junior police which is no long er active here when he assist ed officers in locating and cap turing two youths who had stol en an auto from a private ga rage ASTHMA 1UWS FIND CUM FOI MISIHV VH TO ASTHMA ATTACKS. (USHID HIMI Kw hop for ralirf from tflthmft pirox jm ft teen todar in rvporu of aueeetl with a palhatiTt formula whirh acu to ralicva oetmtion. Man and women who formrlr tQfferH with dratd coufhing-. choking. wbMtinff aatbma mka now Ull of blcad MM aftar ualnr it. PflOUITIN eotta ft. but aonsfderint raautta. this ia not xpanaiT, Amount to onlr a ftw pnnitt pr do.. i Caution ua ontr aj directed.) MOMITIN I aold with atriet moncr-batk rtarantaa br Perry Drna lt So. rommarrlal Mall Orders Filled Simon has confessed to steal ing a Ford !lub coupe in Salem on March 2. With the youth who is sought in connection with the first theft, he drove to Pedee, Blodgett, Falls City, Dallas and out the Oakdale road. There the stolen auto was abandoned when It became stuck by the roadside. Sgt. Teterud and Officer Earl Anderson of Dallas city police recovered the car when notified by residents that it had been there for some time. One species of solitary wasp will feed only on spiders; anoth er requires a certain type of cat eroillar. and others dine exrlu sively on beetles, grasshoppers. ants, cricKets or cockroaches, to name a few specialties. Use Organic Fertilizer 77)e Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 sacks $5.00 Bulk 1 ton . $1000 Mor,. $17.50 Free delivery anywhere In Salem area Phone 3-8127 Any day now comes one of spring's biggest thrills that first carefree cruise into the country on the wings of your Buick with the air warm and full of promise, and yon falling in love with your Buick all over again! We want you to get the most out of this affair, because we've been around Buicks so much we have a deep and loving interest in them, too so we've got everything all set in our shop to get your car all set for the season. UjUP -w- , "--. - - aanwuij paniaaanaBaBmBManaa Changing your oil-flushing out your cooling system these are only starting points for usl Any machine as fine as your Buick deserves a complete check-up and tune-up and we have the men, the tools, the experience, to do it as no one else quite canl Drop in this week and let us fix a time for bringing your Buick beauty up to its new-car thrill-level. For that magic Saturday morning, sometime soon, when there's a heady invitation in the air to get under way someplace -ie ready! CLBAN pork plugs, diitrlbutor, car burtlor.radialor and eooling iyilm. botlery Urmlnali. ADJUST park plugs, Ignition Hmlng, valvB-toppel eloranc, ear burttor, gnrotor charging rota, fan-ball tamlon. crankcdi, transmit, ion, differential, ehaiifi, fronl wheal bearings, it ring TIGHTEN cylinder head, all hose connection, ALSO do complete engine tune-up, Impeet front broke linings for wear, last battery and add water. m$i care tefs luicls b OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 No. Commercial St. Sale m FREE - WESTINGH0USE (Made by Free) Electrified by WestingHouse SEWING MACHINES If 143.95 PORTABLE Full size electric sewing machine - lightweight - covered with durable leatherette in brown and beige. 257.00 MODERN DESK Handsomely designed, spacious, useful, beautiful, -convenient bookshelf and three spacious drawers. The en tire front is highly figured butt walnut veneer. HEPPLEWHITE A masterpiece in beauty and quality, stained and high lighted to conform to the traditions of the period furni ture from which it was adapted. Available in butt walnut or mahogany. America's Finest Sewing Machines je Built-in sewing lamp jf Instant control for backward or forward setting jf Plastic spiral gears jf- Automatic check spring jf Lock proof "floating gib hook" -j- Twenty years warranty YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Salem's Oldest Exclusively Appliance Store i 255 N. LIBERTY fa 3