10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Feb 19, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING) Per Lin . 18 Per Line 3 time 40o Ptr Line time 60o Per Line 1 month .. 13.00 Outside of Salem Ibc per line per day. Mln, 30c: I timej mln. 80o e time mln. 11.20. No Refunds READERS In Local News Col. Onlyj Per line Wo To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES 1 A., 3-bdrm. home, $8,000. ffi. 38236. a54 3-YR.OLD, 1-bdrm. home. Furn. All new. 18500 down. Must sell this month. Ph. 2-3350. fit. fl BOX 105A. a45 tmteo. CLEAN late built home East on bus line. Attached garage. Larue lot. immediate possession. $1900 down. Will take ear In trade. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1H . High Bt. Ph. 3-4131; Bvea. S55B1 a4S' BEST BUYS $3150. t BK house, close In, east; bath, gar Me, about I yrs. old. Terms. Keizer Brand new, 2 bdrm., unfin. upstairs, hdwd. firs., elec. heat, 1mm. poss. Ap proved for Oregon Veteran's loan of laooo. run price oniy nouu. 3 Bedrooms , A very beautiful 8 BR home all on 1 floor. Elec. heat, att, double garage, hdwd. firs, thruout. Wenthorstripped and Insulated. Lots of bullt-lns, FHA approved. Full price 112,500. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3036 Portland Road Ph. 8-1830, 3-4596. Ph. 3-0473, S-3S58 BT OWNER St Just finished. 2-bdrm. home High and dry out of the flood area Llv. rm.. dinette, kit.. St utility. Fire place, insulated At weatherstrlpped, high trade oak floors throughout. Garage attached, large lot. 212 W. Rural. Phone 3-8228. V 43 WHY PAT RENT? 31700 down. 148 mo., Interest i. 1 yr. old., 6 rm., 2 lame bdrmi., unfinished upstairs. Ph. 3-43R9. a t tl Ooo.OO DOWN, several nice new mod era homes, with auto oil heat, hdwd. fire., fireplace, ready to move Into. 18,500.00 full prele. ftl8.AM.00. Pretty English type 3 bdrm. home, hdwd. firs., fireplace, auto, oil pipe furnace, party room and bar In the full finished bsmt, Englewood dlst. 80x180 lot. Call Ray Davis GEO. A. WALTERS REAL ESTATE 080 South Commercial Phone 1-3840 Eve. Ph. 2-86GB. a44 tll.flOO.OO 3 bdrm., hdwd. firs., fireplace, elect, heat. Close to school. 810,100.00, F.H. A. terms. 2 bdrm., unfln. upstaJrs. Hdwd. firs., fireplace, oil fur. On lot 80x140. Cnll Harvey Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 30271 S41 Chemeketa St. Kvci. 30441. a44 7RO 8 BED ROOMS on one floor J 'A bloom from finale wood irhoot, full bsmt. with extra room and shower, nice lot. Co i. Karaite, call Jvan Severs. GEO. A. WALTERS Phone 33B40 080 S. Commercial fit Eve. Ph. 37012. 45' OUTSTANDING VALUE Oape CM home, prewar const. Immacu lately cared for. Three bdrms. (one master), lame llv. rm., fireplace, hdwd. firs, thruout. Auto, oil heat. Insulnted and weathersrtlpped. Lot 80x200. Com plete with curtains and drapes. Ex. loan Ttilue. Located In college town. Ex. Investment for rcntnl purposes. Shown by appt. only. Ph. Monmouth 384 after 7 p.m. 14,800 A 6 bedroom home in wood loca tlon. Has l'.i hatha, living room, dlnliiK room, kitchen, basement, automatic oil heat. P. H. Bell, Realtor 881 liemekela Street. Ph. 2-1545, 3-4896 Eves. 2-B568, 3-7565, 3-8086. a44 geWOO. LATE built modern 2-BH home on bus line, close to school. HW floors, fireplace, oil furnace, V blinds, at tached ears tie. Immediate possession. 1680 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 118 S. Kleh St. Ph. 3-4131; Eves. 35581 45 SUBURBAN 18400 00. t bdrm. home 4 yr. old. on 1 acre, nice chicken house, orchard Sx berries, on pavement St bus line. Furnished Home with Incomi 19800.00. One bdrm. home nicely fur nished tnoludnli refrlg. 8c range, has Bice apartment In basmt. Also fur nished, renting at (45.00 mo. 88800.00. I rm. lv. qtrs. with mod. apt. upstarts, separate entrance, bsmt. Si fur., garden, flowers and shrubs. NEW HOME 110,500 00 . 8 nice rooms St bath with unfinished upstalra. fireplace, oil. fur., hdwd. firs,, in Englewood school dial. GEO. A. WALTERS , REAL ESTATE 080 South Commercial Phone 23840 Eye. Ph. 25360. 44 if7M. NEW modern 3-DR home Initie wood dlst. Close to school. LR, 1)H. Kitchen St bath, attached garage. Im mediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REATORS 188 . High St. Ph. 3-4121; Bvea 35561 8780. CLEAN one-bedroom Home with 2 lots South. Completely fiirnLshrd. Im mediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R EALTORS 151 a. Htth St. Ph. 3-4131; Eves. IMfll $1,000 DOWN Older 3 Bdrm., grand location only 14600. Very easy monthly payments on balance. This place Is worth more. Call Mr. North. RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood District Ph. 1-464 Eve. 25757 or 36018 a43 Home and Income Combination living and dining room, itehen, one bedroom, bath, inilei down living rnom, kitchen, two bedroom, bath and toilet up. Contract of $40011 can bt annum ed payable at $90 monthly Full price 85800. Investment Two homea on one lot, 1-one bed room 1-two bed room, modern, with double garage hetween. paved street, hu ser vice. Now rented at 850 each. Mortganr 84000. Price 80500. Two Bedroom Home Plastered, modem except baiement , large lot, pavrd tteet, elec. cooking hot water and healing. Oarage. Mort gage of 12,000 at 8 per cent pavablt 135 monthly. Priced at 36050. Shown by appointment. Burt Picha, Realtors Office 1-3649 331 H. High Bt Eve.J-5J90,I-1033. 3-7451 a45 jglWWNE W t Itrn ROOM homeonlarKe lot near but line, has attached garage, hwd. floors, yerjr ntre. Call Ivan Revert GEO. A. WALTERS 60 8. Commercial St a45 Four Corners Lovely View I bedroom, plastered home, Hdwd. firs., lec. pump, fine water. Owner trans ferred. Priced for quick sale 17,600. Ph. 33389. General Real Estate 355 center St. a43 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNKK 1 year old, 2 bdrm. home. Ven. blinds, elec. heat, hdwd. floor. (Enrage Attached. 17250 142 per mo Prig.. Elec. Range, 48 model 1S0. 315 6. View PI. South of Triangle Tavern on Liberty Road. Mr.i. Barnes. a45 DRIVE BY 1640 Jefferson and then call Maddr to see this lovely 3 bedroom home, all hdwd. floors. Fireplace. Very nice floor plan. Full buement with auto, heat, nice yard. Brick front. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 946 8. Commercial Ph. 8-4590; Eve. 2-3488. WALNUT PARK 17,500 older 3-bdrm. home In finest condition. Happy "to show you this. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center St. 43 A VERY NEAT, new, two bedroom house with fireplace, floor furnace, V blinds, electric water heater, wired for ranee: wall to wall carpet Included. Call Mr. Beckett. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 M. High St. Phone 3-7660. 43 88400 This Is a steal at this price. 3 bed room home. Hdwd. floors. Full base ment, alt. garage. Very nice kitchen St nook. 8 yrs. old. Owner leaving. Call Maddy. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Ph. 3-4500; Eve. 2-3488. a43' DRIVE BY 1680 South Commercial street, four bed rooms, plastered, dining room, electric water heater, gas floor furnace. We'll be glad to show you through and take your offer. Call Mr. Holme. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. HUh Bt. Phone 3-7680. a43 ENGLEWOOD BAROAIN8 113,500. 3 bedroom home with unfinish ed attic. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace. Att. garage. Basement. Oil heat. 7 yarg old. This home Is In the best of Eii glewood. Call Maddy for appt. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 948 S. Commercial. Ph. 3-4590; Eve. 3-3488. 43' TODAY'S BEST BUYS Here's one for 18500, 2 yrs. old, large lot, 3 bedrms., with double garage that could be used for rrntal unit. Lovely home on State street, 4 bdrm., basement, large garage. Only (10,800, terms. 111,800 buys this new oorner home, au tomatic oil heat, dble, garage, terms, Tho best buy In Xntdewood district, 3 bdrms., basement, dble. garage, only 114,750. A home with beautiful grounds on a. River Road, 118.600. RALPH BENT Realtor 3-3123 2330 S. Commercial Street 44 HIGH AND DRY Close In. 3 bdrm. home. hdwd. firs., fire. Place, din. rm., large kitchen, new oil furnace, full basement, fine condition. Make an offer. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center St, a43 FOR SALE LOTS LOT FOR, SALE 68x108. Restricted dis trict. Water, pavement, sewer. Phone 2-4048 alter ft p.m. aa44 COURT KITES 188x218 South 13700 110x158 North 14900 WALTER SOCOLOFSKY, Real Estate Ph. 3-8H35 a43 FOR SALE FARMS 80 ACHES Good fnrm with lame new barn. Close in South. Fnir hse. St other out-bldga. Will take small hse. in town as part On It Dent. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 845 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4500; Eve. 3-0536. FARMERS Don't Look Further 100 acres close in. east, with an ex ceptionally good 6-bdrm. home. Double plumbing, hdwd. Hrs., fireplace, elec. dtihwHSher, good soil, no waste lttnd. Irrigation system with deep well, barn, several out-nidus. School bus at front door. Full price 145.000. Will accept a 4 or 5 BR home with double Blumb tng In Salem as part payment. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road. Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. Ph. 2-0478, 3-3558. b44 FOR SALE ACREAGE 8 ACRES B-rm. lwe., also small he , barn, chick en h.se. Clar. Fruit trees. W under cult, tlood (.oil. Elec. w. system. Close to school. Price 16300. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 5 Acres Northwest This acreage, has a 4 bedrm. home. lit. rm . dm. rm., den. sewing rm.. kitchen, auto oil heat, hwd. firs., bam, brooder house, garage, good well. 3' acres In strawberries. About 8 miles out, 315.500. Burt Picha, Realtors Office: 3-:tfi49 3.17 N. High St. Eve.: 2-103-.'. 2-5:100, 3-7451 bb45 WANT ACKK.tf IE listing ;"have several buyers for acrcitsc near Snlem. C. W It EKV E. It F.ALTOR 845 8. Com). Ph. 3-4500; Eve. 3-0536 bb43 W. G. Kramer REALTOR 147 N. Com'! 1.28 ACRES EAST 3 modern 3-rm. honors, large work jih np, double earatie. Ideal location for buMne.u on black top road. Total price 10500.00. Contact Reruland. Art Madsen 1136 State St. Ph. 3-5560: Rves. 3-6438 bb43 1 o Acre East Modern 3 -bdrm. home, not completely finished, very livable and In excellent location. 14050.00. Contact Rerglaud. Art Madsen 1336 Slate Bt. Ph. 3-5580; Eves. 9-8438 bb43 REAL ESTATE LOW-rKU'KO, MOHKRX. attractive 3 BR. home on S acre. Elec. heat, hdwd.. Instil, attached garage. Fine lee. wal nut treejt and berries. Close to stores and school. A buy at 10500. LOVELY SUBURBAN ACRE, 3 BR. mod home with unM. floored fro 3 more bdrm. This late built home is sur rounded by the finest of nut and frutt t rrrs. Priced to move, 11000 W A. Q 1500. MIDDLE QROVI D 1ST. ACREAGE, 3 BK. plast. home, wired for elec. rt.. barn, pltry. hse on several acres of rolling Wtl. loam. Close to school. SEE THIS TOIUY. 16950. Terms. THIS HAS EVERYTHING! Well built pre-ar 4 BR. plast. home on paved highway, with L and PR., elec. heat, 3-car garage. Barn end pltry, hse. Fam ily fruit and berries on 1 15 acre, close In. Oood loan available. Only Bi00. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 104 S. Com1. St., Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-7440 C44 REAL ESTATI REIMANN FOR $1000 DOWN! Nice 2-bedroom homa, located north.ait. Larg. lot, nlca lovely kitchen, hardwood Jloora, attached garage. No. 200-A MOVE RIGHT IN! Completely furnished 2-bedroom modern home, very excellent buy. House ap praised at $8,000 with $1,700 worth of furniture, full price only $7,950. Easy terms, quick possession. No. 260 REIMANN FOR Ph. L-8203 Eve. and Sun.: 3-3738, 2-6343, 2-8341, GEORGE W. 1853 N. Capitol 3 bdrm. home with 9 lots. LR, DR, K, 2 car garage. Very nice place. Some fruit trees. Priced for quick sale at 110,800 Suburban. Apptox. 1 acre with 2 bdr Bung; LR, K, b-lna. Bug 1 blk. Will exchange for house close In. Suburban 14,300. 4 acre with new I bdr home. Ven blinds, all elec heat, garage. Will take In late model car. I7S50 Suburban. 9 acres with 3 bdr plastered home, part basement, trays, Oarage, barn, poultry house, rabbit hutch. Trade for Income property. 110,000. Suburban. About 3 acres, 2 bdr plastered home, LR, OR. K, bath, b-ins, ven blinds. Oarage, barn, poultry house,1 Bus by door. Very nice place, family orchard. $9500. Suburban. 8 bdr Bung, Int. plastered. Oil lre goes. Oarages. Bus I blk. Oood well, poultry house. 17500. City. IF INTERESTED IN BUSINESS PROPERTY OR FARMS, PLEASE CALL FOR INFORMATION. Eve. Phones: 2-6862, 2-0103, 3-8163, 2-4517, (2-5481 farms) McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 N. High St. Daytime Phones 3-5131 or 3-8620 SOUTH $3,15010 acres. 8 miles from city center. 8 acres filberts. 8 years old. 1 acre herries, 400 feet frontage. Beautiful building spot with view. You should see this. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 16,800 Lot 50x160. Bungalow style. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Cooking and water heating electric. Heating by oil circulator and fireplace, EAST $8,760 Lot 60x143. 2 years old. Hardwood floorg. 3 bedrooms, living room, kitch en, nook. Auto, oil heat. Owner would like to trade for small acreage, SOUTH $0,000 Bungalow style. Choice location for schools and bus. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, breakfast nook. Full basement with aut. oil furnace. Fireplace, beautiful yard and shrubs. NORTH 19,260 Cloi to Grant School on N. Winter Street. Bungalow style. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, sleeping porch. Full basement, auto, oil heat. Fireplace. Shade trees. MANBRIN GARDENS - KEIZER DISTRICT 110,750 Lot 80x170. 3 years old. Very well built. Nicely arranged. Hardwood floors, fireplace, good slued rooms. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, large utility room. Weatherstrlpped. Auto, oil heat. A good buy. Daytime Cnll - 3-5131 or 3-8020 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 1A0 S. REAL ESTATE Leo N. Ch'ilds, Inc. REALTORS DRIVE BY 1230 N. 18th and gee what 10500 will buy for you. This Is realty a lovely 2 bdrm. hpms with Ira. living rm. and & good fireplace, dinette, kitch en. Lrg. garage and fenced backyard with fruit and nut trees. Pleaae do not disturb the tenants. Shown by appoint ment. LOVELY SUMMER ST. h ome of 3 udrms. Nice living rm. with fireplace, dlnlm rm., kitchen and nook. Full basement; auto, oil furn. Very well shrubbed lot. Really a home of dis tinction. 113,500. WELL - LOCATED 4 unit apt. house. Each unit completely private. 3 apts. downstairs; 2 up. Full basement. Each unit has Its own stove, refrlg. and heating unit. Oood si no lot; double ga rage. Showing very good returns. Priced at only $18,000. If you don't see It advertised, CALL US. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS "33 Years nf Dependable Service to Home Owners" 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings Call: 3-1121 or 2-4007. c44 No Boat Needed To get to these homes or basements on N. 18th St. Each house has auto, oil lit., full burnt., 3 BR., din. rm. and nook, fireplc. Priced at 113,650 and 114,700. 18050.00 PREWAR BUILT f BR. home, auto.' ht., hdwd. floors, fireplc. Nice yd Enslewnod Dtst. See Ed Luklnbeal Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 30271 - Eves. 20680. c44a 1030 NO. 22ND ST. JUST NORTH OF D. ST. Packaged 2 BR. home COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Plastered. Ample closets. HW floors, auto. heat. Also LR suite, extra, chairs, Duncan Phyfe 7 PC. DR suite. Writing desk, lamps, rugs. Frig Ida Ire kitchen, a BDR suites complete with springs and mattresses. Hoover sweeper and lawn mower. We have a good value. Cnll for appointment. 3 BR HOME with full basement. Small barn. 1000 FT. FRONTAGE ON PAVED ROAD. Bus by door. IDEAL FOR SUB DIVIDING. Tractor and equipment. 310,000. Will trade for hse. In Salem m part payment. DRIVE BY 108 LANSING AVENUE then cnll for appointment to see this lovely 3 BR home. Luc. LR. oomb. kitchen and DR. F.H.A. Comniitmnet. Joe Hutchison REALTOR 455 Court Street, Snlem, Oregon Phone 2-3029 Eve. 2-363'J, 3-5053. 2-4789 c44a $5,250.00 3-bdrm. hse. Elec. heat, garage. Close to stores and city bus. Easy terms. South. $7,250.00 11700 00 down and 136.36 per mo. will buy this new 3-bdrm. lise. Oil floor furnace. Well arranged kitchen. At tached garage. Back yard fenced. Large lot. Keller Dlst $10,800.00 New 3-bdrm. hse. 1 story, elec. heat. Attached garage. 17800 FHA. 149.37 per mo. 13000 down. East Englewood. Just olf 23rd Si D. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Ph. 39217 Mtg. Loans C48 CALABA'S COLUMN WILL TAKE IN TRAILER HOUSE Will take tn trailer house up to $1950 an pari payment on tnia b room nome, located on State Bt., tmtilnefts (one worth the price nuked of 16.100. IF YOU NEED MORE ROOM And donlt need a brand new home, here Is one you should see. it's In very good condition, has 4 bedrooms, double garage, ana targe corner lot. 62x138. has 8 frutt and nut trees and la located In a good re.sideiitlnl district Owner has been transferred an1 has prleed bis nome ior quick saie at oniv 17500. PARK AVENUE SPECIAL For about $1800. down you can buy this home and assume the existing O. I. loan with easy monthly payment!. This home has 2 bedrooms. It modern, neat and convenient throughout, has a lot Sox 120. be sure to see It at the low price of only $8500. Rudy Calaba & Co. REALTORS Phone 3-8838 331 N. High St. Eve 3-5514 or 3-3779 e WANTED REAL ESTATE Want house a few acres Near Monmouth A Independence. Agent Ph. 3-7113. ca43 WE ARE In need oi good houp.ee to sell In or near Salem. If you wlab to Hit your property tor sale e GRAHKNHORST P.KO., KEALTOBS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 3-2471. NOTICE! If your property for sale, rent or exchange, list rt with tu. We nave an mii or cam burera. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTOR 153 8 High St fa Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TRADE! We have 4 properties that will accept traitor houses as part down payment. Call us today) $1000 DOWN! Almost new 2-bedroom home with fire place. Large rooms. Bullt-lns, wardrobe closets, ana drawers. Close to school, tores and bus. immediate possession. No. 206-A. REAL ESTATE 3-6B08. 3-4638. 801 South High St. c44 HUBBS, CO. Phone 3-3031 Evenings Call - 3-4937, 8-7168 or 2-9874 High St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A OOOD INVESTMENT The books on this deal Indicate better than 30 on investment. Completely furnished apartment and rooming house. 18 apartments n addition to owner's quarters 14 room; refrigerator In each apartment. Five year lease. Center down town Dallas. For further details come In and talk It ver. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phones 3-4591 - 1-4773 - 2-6605 cd43 A Truly Country Store In a. thriving farm section North of Salem. Store bldg. with 4 rooms and bath, living quarters. Groceries, meat, beer and sundries. 2 gns pumps, oil shed, rest 'ooms. All stock, fixtures, bldss. and Va acre of land for $16,000. Joe Hutchison REALTOR 455 Court St., Salem, Oregon Phone 2-3629, Eve. 3-3632, 3-5053, 3-4789 cd44- I WANT to borrow 18000.00 at 8 for 12 mos. on Gold Ac Monoslde Lease In heart of Government Monostde claims. Or will sell 5 of tease. Have good business Ref. Have samples St lease for Inspection. Writ Box 318 Capital Jour nal. cd43 WANTED TO lense or purchase. Meat Market. Write Box 331, Capital Journal. Cd43 PARK AVE. Beauty Salon, fully stocked ana equipped, iour oootnt. new ou lin ing, goad location. Priced for quick sale. Ph. 871 Lebanon. cd44 GROCERY In the best of farming com munity, uooa Business, low overneaa. Sacrifice for quick sale. R. A Stout, Perrydale, Ore. cd44 WAREHOUSE with Office. 2400 sq. ft.. concrete floor, plumbing, paved en trance. Immed. Poss. $3150. LARGE INDUSTRIAL BLDG. Approx. 4.000 sq. ft. otflce, heavy wiring. Vt acre, on paved st . $8500. Terms. FIRST CLASS APT. BLDG. 16 furn. apt. Solid brick const., central heat, private baths, elec. rgs.. retries, Ldry. rm. In basem't. 12 tile garages on paved alley. Only few blks. to Capital bldgs. and shopping center. In top condition throut. Safe, profitable Investment here for 182.000. NEW APARTMENT BLDG. Exception ally well const., elec. heat, hdwd. firs., all units hvae Indlv. rges. St refigs. Fine loc. In heart of bus. Sz Indus rial area. This pays off handsomely at 132,000. $100.00 PER MO. INCOME plus owners apt. 3 apt. home, basm't, and furnace. Separate entrance. Good loc. by school. Cor. lot, ertra bldg. site. Too good to pass up at $7900. SALEM CROC. COMPLETE, $3800. A profitable bus!, and choice loc. on main thorofare. Low lease. Incls. 5 rm. apt. Owner selling because or ill health. INVEST ONLY $2500, INCOME $108.00 PER MO This apt. bldg. will sell easy at 17100. Let us show you NOW. GARAGE BLDG. St NEW 2 BR. HOME. Best suburban loc. you'd want, well es tablished busl. on busy highway near stores and school. A FULL ACRE. May be tdeat for your busl. See this and hse. Can be bought below cost price. Only 18000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Servcle 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-7440 Cd43" FOR SALE OR TRADE Restaurant, In heart of Albany busi ness District. All new equipment, six teen stooles, terms. Doing good business. 327 West 1st St. cd43 FURNITURE FOR SALE 3 RM. FURNITURE. Complete set. includ ing runs. Like new. 1947 Cushman scooter, 818 N. Liberty. Apt. 4. d48 DAVENO makes full site twin beds, Large bedding compartment, $30. Ph. 3B401. d45 DOGONNIT. WE DON'T LIKE TO SHOW THESE RED HILL FARMS DURING THE DELUGE, BUT WE JUST HAVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT SIXTY-EIGHT (yfs. 88) ACRES OUT SOUTH. THERE'S A FOUR tyei. 41 BEDROOM MODERN HOUSE ON IT (not a mansion, but we've eeen worse, A ll STANCHION BARN, A GARAGE. AND A CHICK HOUSE. YES, IT HAS A GOOD WELL AND ELECTRIC PRESSURE SYSTEM, AND AS AN ADDED ATTRACTION. WE CAN THROW IN A TRACTOR. A DISC. A DRILL. A MOWER, A SEPARATOR. A BUZZ SAW AND ABOUT 60 CHICKENS. ABOUT 22 ACRES IS PLANTED INTO OATS, ABOUT 30 ACRES IS TIMBER iuh-huh, some brush, toot AND THE BALANCE 18 PASTURE. THE PRICE- OH. MAYBE $7500. BUT IF YOU THINK THAT'S TOO MUCH. WE'RE NOT HARD TO GET ALONG WITH. SOME TERMS, TOO. CALL CRAWFORD WITH BURT PICHA. REALTORS PHONE 23649 DAYS OR 25390 EVES. b43 8-PI 1X1 Sheraton dining rm. set. walnut finish. Ph. i-6318. d43 FURS. FOR SALE, Inc. refer. 2-5856. d44 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid, mone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-8110. da Calling Ole? Vm-Top prtopj pd. Turn . hjphold. Ph. 1JSU. Ml N, Llb.nr. unl'a h REAL ESTATE NEW LOCATION 2007 N. CAPITOL STREET NORTH OP THE HOLLYWOOD THEATRE INEXPENSIVE HOMES $3800. ' acre At 4-rm. garage house. Extra bldg. Not far out. $4,500. Hollywood district. Valuable lot St other 5 rm. home. Terms. $5,000. North. 3-bdrm. older home. Terms If desired. B. ISHERWOOD, REALTOR Office Phone 2-3862 Eves. 6F11 or 2-8836 GRABENHORST SPECIALS OUR BEST BUY 9 bdrms.. paved it. built In 1941, a spacious little bungalow with attached garage and Inside utility, hdwd. firs., lge. kitchen, fireplace, auto, oil heat, unfin. up stairs. Insulated and weather-stripped. 7,B&0.. Call Roy Ferris. SOUTH SUBURBAN BEAUTY 3 bdrms.. all on 1 floor, lge. llv. rm., with fireplace, attractive din. rm., nook, Inside utility, dble. garage. Call Peter H. Oelser, 2020 SOUTH HIGH ST. Owner says not to quote price and get an offer. Customers here Is your chance. Call Roy Ferris. CALL RICHARD GRABENHORST 4 bdrm., liv. quarters, hot water heat, library, 2 bathe, open staircase, has one bdrm. apt. In basmt., with fireplace and 2 bdrm. apt. on 3rd fir. entirely separate from llv. quarters. Beautiful lot with creek, $156 coming In each month and a wonderful home to live In. MUST BE SOLD If you want a real nice, up-to-date farm, be sure to see this one. 40 acres beautiful farm land, 4 nice springs, modern home In wonderful condition. Very nice outbldgs., including barn, chicken house, brooder house, hog house, new ' corral. All bldgs., newly painted, light and water to all bldgs., cement sidewalks. This is first-class and worth the price of $13,500. Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. GRABENHORST BROS., Realtors . Phone 2-2471 Evenings: 3-1232 3-0D68 2-5080 - 3-7772 - 2-2048 3-8010 For Prompt and Courteous Service List your property with ua. c43 AUCTIONS WATCH for the opening of Kllgore's live stock auction On the Dayton-Amity Hiway. dd LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147. ea46 RABBITS WINGS RABBITRY needs fryer rabbits. Top prices. JBH6 state, rn. ioari. eoou" PETS REGISTER Ifl) Cocker Spaniel puppies fiom champion stock. Ph. 2-1252. ec43 ROLLER CANARY all colors. $10.00 St up. Hens $2.50. Ph. 2-5920. ec47 COCKER PUPPIES, cheap. 1157 N. Com'l. GC44 CHOICE Canary Birds, 200 N. I8th. ec58 FUEL GOOD 16-IN. green edgings 18.00 a load. Double load $11.00. Green 16-tn. slab St edgings 2 cord load 113.00. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 3-6533. ee86 CHOICE 16. IN. FIR. old St 2nd growth. Immediate full delivery Ph. 2-4729. ee46 West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN. DRY" OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN CLEAN, NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edge water St. W Salem ee WALNUT SHELLS for fueL Klorfeln Pack ing Co. 460 N. Front Bring aacks. ee' DRY OLD GROWTH FIR $14.00. Immedi ate delivery. Ph. 3-8284. ee43 16-INCH DRY SLAB and edgelngs. Big 2 cord load $0.00 Del. 4 ft. slab $6.00 per cord. Ph. 68F22. ee" WOOD 18 In. fir dry 112.00 del. Oak, green 16" 114.00 del. Dale Elsenmann. Rt. 1. Jefferson, Ph. Jefferson 407. ee46 DRY 16-IN. St 2-FT. FIR, Also ash, maple St cherry. Ph. 68F22 ee50 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY CORN & MILK FED FRYERS. 2nd house east of Kelzcr school. "J 'BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In cluding L'ghorns, Hampshire. Par mentera, Austra-Whltes and others. Phone 2-3861 or write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try information. Lee's Hatchery P. O. Box 725. Snlem Oregon." t HELP WANTED NATIONAL Concern can place several men or women In Salem, lull or part time. Excellent earnings, comm. See Mr, White, Marlon Hotel, Sunday, 1:00 p. m. only. g43 REPRESENTATIVE wanted in this urea for educational work. Excellent earn ings. Write giving full details to Wtst Coast University, Box 305. Oas Grove. Oregon. B44 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad in Instruction Col umn. g43 HELP WANTED MALE RESIDENT AGENT HIGH TYPE MAN OR WOMAN WITH CAR EARN 1300 TO 1500 PER MONTH AS LIFE UNDERWRITER Experience not essential but desirable We'll train you. List of excellent pros pects available to you If selected. Write giving britr particulars. E. B. McMonigle. Agency Supervisor, 1737 N. E. 67th Street. Portland 13. na4.i- HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN for generol housework. Private rm. St bath. Exc. work cond. Ph. 25350. gb44 EX PER. HOSIERY girl. Good working cond. Leeds Shoe Store, 170 N. Liber ty st, gb44' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 300 state st Ph. 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN 3 MEN to lenrn heating and air condit ioning business. Rapid advancement and good pay while you learn. (Not labor or mechanical work). Apply in person be tween 0 and 12 noon. No phone calls. Holland Furnace Co., 320 Kearney. gg45 WE HAVE an oncnlng fnr 1 salesman. Tht: is a year around position with unlimited earning possibilities. Should have car. inquire ajss Mission St., a to g a. m only. kr45' WANTED POSITIONS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Store work, cham bermaid, waitress, factory, housework, good pay. Write Box 234 Capital Journal. h44 LAVARS Nl'RSFRY for tnfants, register ed nurse In charge. Ph. 2-2291. h66' OAS"; R"ANGErMaglcChefI100, Refriger" ator. Serve!, $150. Ph. 2-2574. h45 MOTHERS In Kctrer district: Very good care and food for your child while you work. Kindergarten Instruction. Prefer children between $ and 5. 11.00 per day. Mrs. Joseph Johnson, 4754 Clark Ave. Ph 2-8315. h44' EXPERT FLOOR sanding Sz finishing New or good firs. Ph. 2-0594. h44' DIESEL TRUCK driver Sz cat skinner. Hold diasel theory certificate. Write Box229 Capital Journal. h44 EXP. PLANER man wants set-up Job. References. Rt. 2, Box 370, Sclo, Oregon. h44 BUSINESS GIRL desires small furn. apt. Write Box 230. Capital Journal. h43 PRUNING TREES, shrubbery. ro.e., land scaping Free estimate. Richard Boer. Phong 3-6110. H71 I REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHOE STORE. Good location. A 2-man setup. Nice Income. CAFE or tavern at coast 1 10.000 If taken soon. Best location on coast. WANTED POSITIONS ALTERATIONS and repairing. Men'i suits completely reconditioned. Ladles clothes restyled. 180 E. Judson or Ph. 3-8909. h43 INTERIOR PAINTING, experienced. Ph. 2-2970. h65 INSTALLING St repairing drains, sewers. septic tanks, n. 2-49ZI. ft44 OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming. topping and removing. Ins. oper. Free est. 840 Trade Ph. 2-1496 h55 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h61 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK Sj. Chimney DUimmg. rn. rree estimates, naz- BABY Shoe Bronzing $3 pr. Ph. 3-2527. 3275 R. Com'l. h67' THEE WORK: Trimming St topping, and 248 S. Church. h56 DRESSMAKING, alterations and repairs. 1343 Wilbur or phone 3-9721. rue UPHOLSTERING furniture. Pickup St deliver. 197 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 2-6321. h47 FURNACE & CIRCULATOR repair serv ice. Cnll Dvorak. Ph. 2-4963. 1)45 PRUNING TREES, shrubbery, roses, land scaping. Free estimate. Richard Boyer. Phone 2-8110 h45 SERVICES Valley Sand St Gravel Co. Pit run travel, sand .Si silt. Tractor dozing St grading "ractor shovel for dirt moving Ph 3-4002 off. Rea. 37146. h WANTED FURNITURE to glue St repair. Lee Bros's. Ph. 2-1233 h AUT") PAINTING lust shad better by Ray Etter. Call Snrock Motor Co 3-0101 h CARE for children In my home. Prefer 6 mo., ft fit. 183 S- 18th St. Ph. 2-6876. h43 EDUCATION EDUCATION IS JOB TN8URANCE Learn the I C. S. home study way. Write or call for full catalog on 400 vocational courses. Don McNeill, Inter national Cores ponde nee School. 1553 State St., Ph. 3-6330. O. I. approved. hh43 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or pntnt write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Write Box 220 Capital Journal. hh43 FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN LIGHT housekeeping rm. Close In. 481 N. Winter. Jk43 VERY NICE, newly furnished room, pri vate entrance. Bath St fireplace. Light cooking privilege. Employed married couple preferred. 638 N. Church. Jk45 WARM CLEAN quiet sleeping room. Emp. laoy. b& erry. jKia ONE light housekeeping rm. with kitchen ette, utilities, women only. 840 Mill St. Jk44 PLEASANT Sleeping rm. for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk43 HEATED Sleeping Rooms. Ph. 3-6642 jkSO FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN. APT., will take children. No drink ing. 2310 N. 4th. Jp45 MOD. 3-RM. turn. apt. 640 Union St. JP45' 3-IIDRM. APT. Gas range. 1117 6th. Jp43 CLEAN APT. for 1 or 2 adults. Close in. 760 N. Church. Ph. 39201. Jp43 t-RM. furn. apt. Elec. heat, private en trance, Ph. 3-4440 or 3-7046. jp45 NEW IN HOLLYWOOD Dlst. 4 blk east of Capital on Madison St. 2 rms. and bath with bed, stove and refrig. Phone 2-3465. Jp43 1 BDRM. APT. furn. by 3 employed girls. Ph. 2-0327 eves. Jp44 NEW St ATTRACTIVE 3-rm St bath, elec. heat, stove A; refrlg., utility rm. 1555 McCoy Ave. Jp44 S-RM. APT., furn. pri. bath, 2600 N. Front. Jp44 I BASEMENT apt., 555 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-7615. No drinkers. Jp44 FURN. BASEMENT apt. Elec. heat. 607 N. Com'l Jp43 3-RM. FURN. APT. 2210 Hazel St. Jp43 rM. Apt. with refrig. 246 s7 i7thsT. JP45' FOR RENT HOUSES WANT business woman to share house with me. Ph. 2-8037 eves. Jm43 FOR RFNT NOW AVAILABLE 3-room, brand new- apt 150.00 5 -room and modern $55.00 2-room cabin. $40.00. and 3-room cabin, $50.00. Bath, modern, and fur nsthed, price Includes gas, lights, water and wood. Before You Rent or Buy. Get Latest Sale List from the H0ME3EEKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon Phone Ifil Jm43 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS APPROX. 30x65 Bldg. Suitable for Ware house etc. Located 10 blks South on Paved alley. Ph. 33424 days. 146" FURNISHED cottage 3318 Portland Rd. 148 POWER TOOL rentals for home St In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph 3-3646 J' TRUCKS and cars, fimltt'yj Clipper Ser vice Ph. 39600. Cor. Center and Church. i TRAILERS, 12.00 per day Howser Bros 60S Edge water St, West Salem. 1 BUSINESS RM. for rant H L Stiff. J C DRIVE trucks cars. Ph. 3-9103. GOOD USED PIANOS. H L Stiff. IRONERS by week. Phone 34439 FLOOR S ANDES for rent Montgotr" ry Ward t TO DO a good Job rent a good flooT gand er. We sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS Ph. t-3646. WANTED TO RENT WANTED: 3 or 3 bdrm. home or apt. Will furnish refer. Call 3-7123 or 2-S127 Sun day or eves. JM5' SMALL 2 BEDRM. unfurn. home in area between State and Center Sts. east of 12th bv June 1. want to lease for 1 yr. Write Box 333 Capital Journal. Ja50 WANTED TO RENT 3-BDRM. unlurn. home. Ref. on request. Permanent resident. Best of care. Ph. 3-6813. Ja45 URGENTLY NEEDED 3-bdrm. unfurn house. Homeless account of storm. Rol and Wirt. Ph. 3B147. Ja43 RELIABLE TELEPHONE MAN At family needs 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Reas onable. Prefer South Salem. Ph, 2-52D7. ja43 MEAT CUTTER, wife St child desire furn. or partly furn. 2 bedroom home. Rea sonable rent. All eves. 3-4987. ,a44' WANTED TO RENT 2 bdrm. unfurn. IW. Adult prefer. North. Ph. 2-3196. Ja43 MID-AGE couple, lrage quiet 3 or 4 rm. furn. apt. or house. Now or soon. Write Box 226 Capital Journal. Ja43 ROOM AND BOARD WILL TAKE convalescent women In my home. 855 N. Liberty. Ph. 3-7813. JJ44- CONVALESCENT home and care for the aged. 3595 'J St. Ph. 2-3853. JJ64 ROOM and board for elderly people In my home, 266 S. Cottage St. Ph. 3-6680. .USD- LOST AND FOUND LOST: Gold rimmed glasses In brown oase. Please return to Physicians Bldg, on Center St 13th. k44 LOST; Old liver St white pointer dog. Thursday. Vicinity East Superior, Please call 3-3186, Shell Oil Ci. or 3-3730. k45 LOST: 1 GMC wheel, 1100 by 20, Firestone tire. Highway tread. Ph. 2-5769. k43 LOST Lady's wrist watch, yellow and white gold, chip diamond band. Return to Frances Campbell, at the Golden Pheasant. Reward. k43 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court 17152 UAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines Free estimate given before work Is Uarted Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. ta DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. State St Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 ma BUILDING MATERIAL FIR FLOORING (USED BUT EXCELLENT) ALSO SOME DIMENSION LBR. PH. 3-7113. ma 43 WARDS HAVE IN STOCK available now. Complete plumbing. Including more than a dozen different bath room sets to choose from, nlso closet outfits, steel pipe, soil pipe At fittings; also three kinds of water heaters. See Mr. Beard at Ward's Plumolng Dept. for complete Information. Ph. 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. ma43 ARMSTRONG'S Temlok wallboard shin gles, shakes, plasterboard and other building material. All reasonably priced. We deliver. Eola -Lumber Co. Phone 2-5950 Rt. 6. Box 757. ma53 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Hen forms and Bennett circs. Salem's leading masonry and plaster supply house. Ph. 2-5643. "PUMILITE" WEST SALEM ma44 NEW SHEET ROCK. Carload quantity. " 5c ft., V 6c ft. Also bargain prices on Plasterboard and oak flooring. C. G. Long, Rt 2, Box 31, Salem. 1 ml. N. of Keizer. Ph. 25821. ma44 REJECT PLYWOOD V C per ft. H" Hlc per ft., 'V 14 per ft., " 18Wc per ft., i" 20c per ft. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma" FOR SALE Low grade Shtplap For General Building Purposes INDEPENDENCE LUMBER St MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. Independence. Oregon AT DISCOUNT Plumbing supplies. Bring your plan. Let us figure it. Also 1937 Ford panel, excellent condition. W. A. Skewla Co. 1390 Madison. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS EASY Washing machine, good cond. $45.00 Kenmore Vacuum sweeper, att., very good 135.00 '! bed size. Both '.325.D0 Electrosteem rm. heater, like new $15.00 1887 North Winter St. n45 COLLAPSIBLE leatherette baby buggy, $10.00. Hooded bassinet St stand $7.00. Ph. 2-1021. n45 8-IN. DELTA table saw complete. 604 Mar ion, apt. 3. n43 PRACTICALLY NEW, 3 piece maple set, 9x12 blue wool rug, grey frlza daveno At chair, dinette set. Call eves, or Sun day 2-2288. n44 LARGE OIL CIRCULATING heater. Ex cellent condition. Ph. 32374. n45 ',4 WHITEFACE steer beef 38c lb. Hind quarter steer beef 44c lb. Ph. 3-1639. n48 8-PIECE dining rm. set, waterfall design. Antiques. Yarn winder St spinning wheel sold as set only. A. Strecker fireside bench. Several copper pieces. Grandfath er clock with wooden works St kitchen clock. Ph. 3-8422, Can be seen at 2225 S. 12th. n45 SAVE 5128.50. De Walt model O. P. 12-ln. saw, 3 HP 3-phase, like new, $350.00. Ph. 2-4479 - 2-7579. n45 HAV1LAND GOLD RAND CHINA, S3 Pieces. Gift Box, Elfstrom's, n45' GOOD USED 9x12 rug. Enrly American pattern. Ph. 38071. n44 VOSS WASHING MACHINE, old type, new rollers. Good motor 8c does good work, 120. Ph. 3-7886. n44 FOR SALE Like new 1947 O. E. 8 CuTff. Refrig.. 1947 a. E. washing machine, 1947 Frlgldafre range. 3 pc. sectional davenport. Sunday only. 640 6. 13th n43 4 YR. OLD FURN. at 4 and less of orig inal price Daveno, pre-war springs and bedding compartment, blue swing rocker. pre-war springs, patterned rug 8x10, rose rug, 2 mattresses and covered spring seis uwini, rea mapie coiiee laoie, rea maple high end table with shelf, red maple mirror, large kitchen table and rhairs, unfinished chest of drawers, old electric stove with ex. oven, 3 elec, 220V portable heaters with fans, red maple gate leg table and chairs with cupboard and drawer space, large untrained mir ror, pictures and lamps. Ph. 3-3935. See at 1615 Winona Court, It a. m. to e p. m. Sat. and Sun. n43' FOR a limited time buy one gallon of our pure apple cider and one comb of honey at regular price and get one como oi noney jree. Funtan Cloer Works, West Salem. n46 SMALL OIL heater cheap. Ph. 3-7725, n44 CARPENTER'S tools, elec. grinding mach., standard thread set, drill and edge mach., cross cut saws, etc. 1150 N. Church. Ph. 3-7556. n44 DAVENO, GOOD cond. Reasonable. 530 N. 32nd St. Ph. 3-3552. n44 NEARLY NEW compact Call 3-4310 or see at 3645 Portland Rd. n43 BUESCHER B-FLAT trumpet, also case, good cond. Ph. 2-6846. n43 G. E. APT. SIZE REFRIG. Excel cond 1288 8th St.. W. Salem. n43 ZENITH RADIO PHONOGRAPH combi nation. Table model. Excel, cond. Reg, 1104, will sell for $69.50, Ph. 3 8449. n43 SMALL WOOD cook stove $15.0 19th. 714 S. n43' BABY CRIB, mattress, springs. Complete, like new. 1625 N. Capitol alter 6:00. n43 GIRL'S ROLLER SKATES, size 4t. Sli ver tone phonograph auto, record chang er. Ph. 3-5415. n43 11 TUBE G. E. Cabinet Model Radio 175, Wine colored Davenport Chair St loot stool In ex. cond. $100. One swing rock er $15. Ph. 3-3424 days. MO- DINETTE SET Light finish table St 4 chairs $40.00. Baby Buggy with pad 18.00. Grtswold Electric Grill 16"x24". 520 Falrvlew Ave., Salem. n43 BLUE DAVENO in good condition also iuLiut tunic. vu iitui aiier i p. m n43' OAKS OIL Brooder. ft00 chick, like new 125. Ph. 22210. Rte. 1. BOX 344. n4B SEWING MACHINES rented, repaired. All mixes new a used :or sale. Treadles, electrified or converted to portable. W Davenport, 1930 N. 18th. Ph. 3-T6TL. n6? FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW St USED furniture St appliances at a big discount. Dave ports it chair, 2 swing rockers, dining table and 3 rjAt'Ts, Phllco radio-phonograph comblKSPon, Mont. Ward Refrlg. 1 It. These Uema the same as new. Priced for quick sale. New 7-way floor lamps $13.50; aluminum cook wear set 123.50 Many other Items to choose from. HARDMAN BROS. 4 '4 miles notth of Salem on Port land highway. Open from 9:00 a.m. tilt 8.00 p.m., t days a week. n43 SERVEL Model 6-800 Gas Refrigerator. New Floor Sample, for Bottle or MIf. Gas. Regular $467.75. Special only $385. Installed. MARSH ALL-WELLS STORE Phone Black 157 Woodbum, .Ore. n43 COW FERTILIZER, 6 a yd. or $0 . load. Ph. 3-6021. n44 'FLOCK IT" Flocking the new velvet like finish for any surface. Complete electrical repair service. "Baby Shoes Bronzed". Avek Plating Co., 1440 8. 12th. nss GENERAL ELECTRIC, orosley, Gibson and Mont a Appliance at Gerurts. SALEU SAND &t GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental lft B H yds. 13.00 per nr. 10 B i yds. 0.60 per hr. D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per hr. D-6 Cat is Dozer 8.40 per hr, D-4 Cat it Dozer 7.00 per hr. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-6246 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon n Order early Manure yd or sack Ph. 37120 n50 USED REFRIGERATORS, ranges, Water heaters. Yeater Appliance Co. n45" USED WASHERS 130 to $49.60. retfier Appliance Co n45 CONSOLE RECORDIO racno-phonograph. Make rour own records. Regular 1360 now $275. Yeater Appliance Co. n45 WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway cement, ready mix concrete, gartten sand. Bulldozing, drainage and dltcbmsjp. 4i-yd shovel and drag Una- Ph S-S2tEfA FULLER BRUSHES. 174ft Grant. Ph. 38357 H73 THOR Automagle Washerg, Qladliont Hollywood Appliance Co. Ph 34430 WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fers complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call 33191. n USED WASHERS, Easy Con 1 on. Barton, Thor, Speed Queen. Yeater Appliance CO. D45 FERTILIZER, Con or cnicxen manure delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fiesta, $5.00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack $1.00 pet sack at place or will del. five sack order, Phillips Bros., Rt. 8 Box 118, Salem Ph. 68F23. N CEDAR POSTS, Ph. 68-F-22. n?3 RESTAURANT type range, 2 burner with grill. Yeater Appliance Co. D45 NO WAXING when you use Plastl-Kote, the cellopnane-like finish for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. B45 GARDEN SAND, arave., crushed rock. Shovel As drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND St GRAVEL CO Ph 1-9240. 7 FT. ELECTRIC REFER, $195.00 A-B electric apt. size range, $55.00, Univer sal Washing machine 125.00. Only used 4 mo. Ph. 2-6731. n43 HAVE YOU SEEN THE CLOCK DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR TIME PIECE? ISO 8. 14. n43 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Used Piano for Cash. Ph. 33110 ay. n43 FOR EXTRA cash, sell us your feed ano grain bags. K St B Bag Co., 347 Kear ney, or large tote call 2I87T or 30208, eves. na SEWING MACHINE, any make or eond. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7671. 1980 N. 16th. . na46 USED FURNITURE. Phone 1-9188. a NEWSPAPERS bought. 1790 N. Front. sa43 PERSONAL TRY Natural Mineral baths for Arthritis1 and rheumatism. Sunrise Mineral Springs. Hubbard. Oregon. Baths Sweats Showers, $2.00 complete. Spef :U1 Spef :U1 rates ior twelve Dains. Beauty Counselor Products. Ph. s-ftrW), P53v ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. O. Bos 724. Phone 3-5234. pl70 STANLEY Home Products. 58ft Cross St. Ph. 2-5305. P54 AUTOMOBILES 1011 FORD sedan deluxe. Cheep If taken today. Ph. 2-9802. q43 1940 MAROON MERCURY sedan. Excel, cond. '46 motor, R&H, $1046, will trade for newer car. 1083 Electric. Ph. 3-7836. q45 TO TRADE 1941 Ford business coupe or 1946 Jeep with aluminum top for 4-dr. sedan newer than a '41 model. Ph. 2-3738. q44 '11 MERCURY 4-dr. sedan, A-) eond., ra dio. $800. Apt. 2, 635 N. Summer. Q43 SPECIAL 1941 Buick sedanette, perfect through out. Excellent paint, motor At rubber. Car like new. A perfect steal, $1150.00. Cash or trade. Ph. 3-8892. 1610 N. Church. q48 TRUCK BATTERY Pay much less for a battery that gives maximum service, power and dependa bility under all conditions. Longer term guarantee, regardless of miles driven! Come In and see! MONTGOMERY WARD St CO., SALEM q4S REMANUFACTURED MOTORS Ford, Chev., Plymouth. Dodge ownnf . . . get power, economy, performance with a Ward motor. New motor guaran tee! Liberal trade-in 1 As low as $10.00 monthly. MONTGOMERY WARD St CO., BALEM q45 1918 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. Dore tan color deluxe, push button R., under seat heater, seat covers, W. W. 4 new tires. See at 995 N. 5th after p.m. A bunaay p.m. j4.i BEST SEDAN 380D.00 cash will buy. Write oox 232 capital Journal. q43 Eisner Motors to Sell CHEVROLET panel, 1940, ex. cond., heat er. Phone 2-0130. ' q44" 19S8 FORD Super 4-dr., 55,000 miles. Has new tires, motor and orig. green paint. A-l cond. 679 N. High St. q44 MECHANICS AND TINKERERS ATTENTION 1939 Plymouth coupe, good tires, need motor work. 210 N. 14th between 6 and 7 evenings. q44 '43 WINDSOR Highlander Chrysler, good rubber, excel cond. prl. owner. Salt reasonable. Inquire 199 Front St. up stairs. Woodbum. q43 MODEL A coupe. 16" tires. Reconditioned motor. Radio St heater. Call at 160 Union St., Salem, Oregon. q4$ '41 CHEV. 5 pass, sport Coupe, Fine cond. yours for best offer this wg. See Snyder 1149 Court. i4i EXCELLENT transportation 1937 Sulci. Coupe with 1948 motor. 1633. Sec at 236 17th. Ph. 3-7381. - q43 I9M CHEV 4 dr Sedan $171. 160 Willow or. rn. 3-ub. q SPECIAL Deluxe '41 Chev. t-doot fled., rno, unaer seat beater tt defrosters, exceptionally clean, good mechanical condition. 1586 Franklin St. W. Salem. q43 30 MODEL A coupe. Good shape. 1 in. wheels. Seal beams. $160.00. Ph. 3-3393. 1190 Reedy Drive. q4i "40 PLYMOUTH in perfect cond. Haa had good care. 1300 miles on recond. motor. 95 rubber. R&H. apotlitei St other extras. See St drive to appreciate at 1835 Trade St. Sat. St Sun. Ph. 36542. Reas. priced. q43" 1941 CHRYSLER "8", rah, overdrive. Good cond. $1095. 4724 Lowell Ave. (Kelrer.) q4 1918 CHEVROLET Pleetmaster. RAH. $1945. Ph. 2-3466. q7 (Continued on Page 11) 1