16 Capital Journal, Salem, .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: ,: Per Lint , 15c i Per Una 2 times 40c , Per Line 6 times 60c i Per Line 1 month . . 12.00 4 Outside of Salem 15c per Una per . day. - Min. Iftc; S times mtn. 80c , 6 times mln. (1.30. No Refunds .READERS In Local News Col. Only: Per line 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 This column Is for articles clllos lor $10 or LESS ! Don't Save It ? Sell It! BAHf PI.AV PEN 110.00. Excel. COnd. -Ph. 3-4954 or 172fl N. Summer St. ab22 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW 4-BEDROOM Cape Cod V,v bath, all ,hdwd. lire., two fireplaces, full base- 'ment. oil. air conditioning lurn.. lull in -aula ted. weatherstrlpped, double gar- age. At builders cost price, 115,700. Oood ?FHA loan. 698 Ratclllf Drive. Builders pnone sm. Englewood TJandy B-rm. bungalow with fond sited Vnu, Fireplace At garage. Beautiful lot fwith large shade trees. Pries (6500. i 3 Bedrooms North 'Meat all mod. home on large lob with attached garage. Very clean and only 1 yrs, old. Price $7000. Targe new all mod. 3-BR bung, wltl fireplace ft unffn. attic. Price $8600. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 Edgewater. Ph. 35109; eve. 39939 a24' Drive Out To 2285 Englewood Ave. (Just of 23rd and O St.) Open All Day I bdrtn. house, 11 v rm., din. rm., elec. heat, extra table space In kitchen, plenty of bti lit-Ins and closet space. -Coved linoleum on kitchen and bath room floors, and Inside utility room. Full Price $10,800 $3,000 dn. Bal. $49.37 mo. Abrams and Skinner, Inc. -411 Masonic Bids'. Ph. 39217 Insurance Mortgage Loan. a24 OWNFB leaving town, must sell new 2 bedrm, nome, 4 ac, plastered, Insul.. we nth cr ."tripped, elec. heat, wall to "wall carpet. Private well, near Swegle school, bus by door. FHA approved. Located on Garden Rd. Rt. 5, Box 115. g23 (J-ROOM HOME on one floor. Insul at rd. attached garage. Sacrifice for 14900. .Will sell furnished. 1751 H. Front. a24 $6000 t bdrms. 12 yr. old, wonderful location N. Church St, This place has break fast nook. elec. cooking. Full bosement. Also garage apt. This Is truly a bar g aln. If you want to Sell or Buy five Raw Hns a try. Rawlins Realty 1060 M. Capitol Ph. 1-4684 eves. 1-5787 or 3-9535 023 , 13000 buys one acre tract on Holly wood Ave. 3 room home. W. G. Krucger 147 N. Coml. St. Ph. 3-4728 22 110600 Hew 3 hd. rm. home on Falr Vnount Hill. Hwd.. firs, fireplace. See Harvey Huff Huff Real Estate Co. 341 Chemeketa St. eves. 39441 a 23 112,500 buyi'new 3 bd. rm. suburban home on large tot, hwd. firs, flreple. double par. See Harvey Huff Huff Real Estate Co. 841 Chemeketa St. eves. 39441 a23 POftSALE by owner. Modern 3 bedroom home. 3370 8. 13th. ph. 3-8093 for appt. a26 GOOD HIM FULL PRICE J rm. house with bnth. Inside ellv. Onod cond. Will take trailer house as pert payment. BETTER ONLY 17750 3 BR almost new. Inside city, North. Attached garage. Wall to wall carpets. Very close to bus. Walking distance from St. Vincent's ft grade school. Will carry F.H.A. loan. BEST 110.500 A Try nice I BR house. Spacious Tms. Elec. heat. Insulated, lite, utility, attached garage. 1 blk. to bus. Well worth the money. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 9036 Portland Rosd Ph. I -1830, 3-4500; Ph. 2-0478, 3-3553. a23 ftt OWNER, 3'i year old house, excel, condition, price 19000. 3 BR, hdwd. firs.. Weslx elec. heat, fireplace, garage, lawn. Lot 66x260. F II A terms, 1045 Vista. Phone 2-6829. 22 FOR SALE: My equity In 3 -bdrm. modern house with oil furnace. Nice quiet res idential dist. with 'a acre. 1st hou.se on rltilit past Colonial house going south on 09 E. $1,350. Rt. 4, Box 326. n24 . SPECIAL DELUXE Can't beat tr.tst This Is a doll houe. View proiMty. This home has a title 4 loan on it . 4 Int ., smalt monthly -payments. First call gets this home at this low price. Call Madriy for appt. . C. W. Reeve, Realtor 946 S. Com'l fit. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. Ph. 311536 or 2-348H. n24- , 11000.00 DOWN, 6 MONTHS OLD . Nice 3 bedroom home, Lr. Dr. , Kit. bslh. Unfinished Up. Hud , Floors, oil fur. utility. Oar At- , tched. L;ut:e Int. ; ED BYRKIT & CO. , Phono 8-3101 Eve 3-3277 or 3-3434 , a23 Vbl'R CHANCE 2 small unfinished h"iites on lot 65x160. Full prire S295Q. 700 down. See Mrs Reevrt with Alfred Dumbeck, Real Estate J Evas. 3-0181. 22 Open House Daily NEW F. II. A. HOME $1400 Down Twn bedrooms, dtntng room, unlin fefceri upstairs. nved linoleum. 3l2f Byrem, Just off Sunnyvlew. Ph. 3-6474 B34 HUDKINS BUY LINES BEAUTIFUL TREKS, new 3 bdrm. home, leme rooms, dream kitchen, automatic heat, nice hath, lane lot, A real buy today at only 8!10. DOR OF TOWN, nice BR house only 1P500. Over I acre, larse room. bent. The price Is right. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 360 N, Hith St, PH. 3-4129. a33' SPECIAL PRICE J850O WAS fio.soo. Out or town owner will sell his 3 yr. Md modern home at this low price. T.n.y terms. Living rm. din ing rm., 3 bdrms., balh, nice kitchen, utility rm., hriwd. floors, Venetian .blinds, t'.ec. hrat Uarae. ' THE SEAL ESTATE MARKET 469 N. High St. Phone 34793. a23 BEST BUY Beautiful 3 year old 3 bedroom ranch style home, lovely 22x16 L. R. Fire place, tile bath At shower, all hwd. firs, din. rm., beautiful kit. large utility room, elect, heat, dole garage, H acre lot on pavement. 116,000 Full Price, Call Jtay Davis Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 141 Chemeketa St. Ph. 19371 evu. 1680 Ph. M371 nil, 16680. aJJ Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 26, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW MODERN 2 rm. house, furnished Vi acre with walnuts and berries. Full price $2900. Some terms, flee Kllgore Real Estate. Ph. 3-4fi.i5. a22 FOR SALE LOTS MORNINGS IDE HILL Exclusive district, view, 30x272. Price reduced to 13000 Walt flocolofijky. Broker, Ph. 3-8835 aa23 FOR SALE FARMS RV OWNER: 1 bdrm.. modern house, excel. cond. on ll'.v acre tract, 2',i miles from Salem. 6'. acres 20 yr. old Franquetl walnuts. Balance cherry and fa mil orchard. Small tractor and other equip ment. View property. 18900. Terms. Ph, 3-7089. b2B' BY OWNER Ready to go. 45 acre farm, very good buildings, 40 acre cultivated, 14500.00. Income last year gross from cows, chickens, hogs, turkeys, Irults. ft nuts. Take all live stock at time of sale, also some equipment go. Inven tory at time of sale, lots of shrubbery, lb ml. to pavement, bus, new school, store, all routes at the door. 116,000.00 takes all. Write James R. Manchar, Rt. 3, Box 125 Dallas, Oregon for more In formation. b22 CHOICE 73 ACRES, 10 acres filberts, 12 acres pasture, balance high prducing farmland, livable. Improvements. Close In. On pavement. Excel, buy at 1300 per acre. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Phone 3-4707; Evt. 27283 or 35148. b23 Strout Farm Buys NORTH. Choice 22A. Dairy. All tillable Excellent 30x50 barn, mach sheds, pltry hse. etc. Oood 8 Rm home. $16,000 Terms. STOCK RANCH. 354 A with 110 cult. 80 A bottom. Excellent 5 Rm home. 3 Rm truant hse, barns, etc. Only 120,000 '.'.down. IIIWAV FARM. All till. 20 A. can be irrig Oood S BR plast home, 6 pltry hses, good Darn, etc. Only 10,000. BROAD ACRES. Choice 7 A all tltl. Will a meete Silt. Oood 5 RM home, Dole gar- ame. uniy jojuo terms. MAN V choice listings available. See STROUT firstl Strout Realty Agency 960 S. 13th St. Phone 25323 b23' $9000 26A. FARM Located west. B bedrm. home. Oil clr eulator. elec. lights and water pump. 11 acres of cultivation, 16 acres pasture, large barn. With 6 stanchions. Poultry houAe. Hou.se has a good furnace. Can be Irrigated. If you want to sell or buy give Raw 11ns a try. Rawlins Realty 3060 N. Capitol Ph. 3-4664 eves. 3-5757 or 3-3535 b23' REAL ESTATE New Modern 2 BR Home North Salem. Lot 60x217. Well built. Venetian blinds all around. Living rm. rug, and .'ante oil circulator goes. 3 blks. to school ft bus. Streets all paved ft paid. Price 18950. 12000 down. - Do You Want To Build An Apartment Oo up ar.-1 look at the So, East Cor. Lot of Capitol ft Center St. 62x108. Can get financed for 4 money, up to 60 lor cost of building, I own the lot. Come up ft see me. New Modern 1 BR Home With attachrd garage. Lot 75x217. A well built llltl iiome north. 3 blks from school. Re ited now for 155 month. Price (0850. W:!l consider trading for smn 1 1 acreage ot about same value. Do You Want A Nice 4 Bch-m. Home? A colonial home close In, Large II v, rm. ft din. mi. Fireplace. Auto. hrat. Shade trees, flowers, sunken garden wlih .'prlnkllng system, etc. Come ft see It at 645 6. Church. $16,500. Bungalow 3 Blks. Off State 3 bdrm. plastered. Well built hou.se Just south or Slate St. 16400. $2000 cash payment. Art Madsen 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5560. c22 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS HOftn IK THE FITIJ, PKirE of this cute comfortable cottage nestled among larae fir and oak trees on a 50x140 Int close to Highland srhool. Why not look at It? 10 REASONS WHV this home Is a good buy: 8 yrs old. 2 nice bdrms.: living rm. wltili fireplace; cute dinette and kit chen: lidwd. floors; Insulated and wea thers! ripped: auto, heat: att. garage: fenced yard with patio; and fruit trees. Priced -hrlit at 1B950 MR. FARM III! Y EH. 304 acres almost all In cultivation; part under Irrigation. 3 springs. Some timber. 5 rm. home. Burn. Exre.leut for dairy or stock ranch. 125.000. If you don't see It advertised CAM. US. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS "33 Years of Dependable Service to Home Owners." 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: 3-4007 or 3-1121. c33 EXCLUSIVE HOME SITE CROI8AN CREEK. When you see this 7 acres, on pnvem't, lovely trees, ks. front age on Yr. creek. Near golf club, fle only l'.fc ml. out, you'll snap It up for this low price of IP300. WAREHOUSE WITH OFFICE SOUTH. 2500 sq. f. pa ved alley . Im ncd. poss . JH1M). im.AI. COURT SITE -No 16th. No. 2 sone. Lot 'MInISO. Bargain. 13150. NEAR SR. HKill. Uliplrx. 2 BR. lge. kit., bat h, partly furnished 3 room apt . up with outside ent ranee, only Ii500. Terms a r r a n k ed . I tn in t'd . poss NEW STUCCO, 1 BR. LR. DR. St kit., shower, new furniture, ow tier leaving state, Immcd pass. Onlv $4500. Terms. 35 ACRE RANCH FEW MILES OUT. 12 A. in crop. bal. pn.t. ft timber. 3 BR hse., new garane. small barn, lue. pltry.. Inc.. 220 etec. YOU'LL LOVE THAT YR. ROUND TROUT STREAM. See this to day. 16500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive 1. 1st inn n Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389; eve. 3-7440 C22 SHMHV MODERN Sbedrooin home with basement. Nice back yard, some fruit and nut trees. MUKtn THIS Is a very nice 8-bedroom home, automatic heat Has garden spot, family fruit. jim.ooo ire A. farm, all UHable, year round errrk, 12 stanchion barn, new milking parlor. 8 room modern house, plenty other buildings. Ideal dairy set- up. T. II. BELL Chemrkela St. Salem. Ph. 3-1546. 3-4896 Fve. 3-6686. 3-7565. 2-8568. c33 C. W. Reeve. Realtor I BEDROOMS With larae unfinished upstairs All hilwd. firs. Fireplace. Eire. heat. Beau tiful home. New. Oood location. About 13500 will handle. Csll Dent. 7 ACRES $7 000 6 room modern hse. with un finished attlr. Plnstd. Wired tor range. Water tyntem. 4 A. tillable land. Bal. timber. 80 ACRES Oood farm lih lame new wbarn CWe In Sjuth. Fair hse. ft other out blrtxs. Will tke small hse. In town as part. Call Pent. SUBURBAN Make offer on this lovely 3 bdrm home with 1'., acres. This home Is 9 years old. Hdwd. firs. Fireplace, oil. B.mt. Deep well. FHA. Terms, On city bus line. Call Madd MAKE OFFER Lovely 3 bdrm. home. Readv to move In to. Fireplace. LH. BN. kitchen, lame bath. Oar. Larue tot Very good terms at 4'.. .Small monthtv payments. This won t mst so call Maddv tor appt. C. W. Reeve. Realtor 94ft . Com'l. Ph. 3-4590; eve. 3-3488. LOTS, two-room cabin. Small down pav ment will handle. Balance lUt rent. Price lasoo. inquire at Associated Sta tion, Brooks. Oregon. jl 1 REAL ESTATE SULLIVAN REALTY CO. MR. AVERAGE We have two new suburban 3 bdrm. homes In a nice district, both have large un finished attics with convenient stairways, both have auto, heat, hdwd, floors, and are finished nicely. They are selling at a honey of a price and with a small dawn payment. SUBURBAN EAST A neat little cottage, with one bdrm., nice kitchen, living rm., bath, utility rm., elect, water heater, wired for range. Located on a good lot 3 blks. to bus and 4 blks. to stores. O. I. Loan, 11,400 dwn. and all for 13.&00. KINGWOOD VIEW HOME Here Is that Ideal home with everything and the price Is right, large dbl. garage, two fireplaces, lmlshed rumpus room, I1.? plumbing, large FHA Loan may be assumed. Look this one over and you will look no further Only 314,500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3865 Portland Road Ph. 33255; Eves. 37057, 35831. c22" GRABENHORST SPECIALS DUPLEX A STEAL Just reduced from 1 10.000 to 17.400 to effect a quick sale. Income 1120 per mo. In lor lor recently redecorated. Call Peter GeLser Immediately ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL 3 bdrm. home '4 block to Englewood School. Home in excellent condition on paved st. 2 lots Included In price of 66,800. Call Roy Ferris. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 2-2471; Evenings, 2-2048, 3-7772, 3-9068, 33-F-14, 3-8010. For prompt and courteous service list your property with us. REIMANN FOR NEW 3 BEDROOM All hardwood floors, Ilreplace, built in bookcases, large kitchen, dining and living rooms. Double garage. Price $12, 600. FHA terms. No. 315 $1,000 DOWN 165 Der month, 6 room house. Very neat and clean. All large rooms, plas tered, across street from grade school. No. 202 REIMANN FOR i Eves ft Suns 3-8341, REAL ESTATfc GOOD ACREAGES N. & EAST 69500. 1 Ac. good 10 yr. old fur. house. 10500. 3 Ac. good house ft barn 19000. IV Ac. fair bides. Excl. berry ground. BUSINESS PROPERTY 16500 Warehouse location 125 ft. R. R. Front. 168 Ft. deep. Neat clean, close In 8 unit court. Rea sonable trade or terms. GOOD HOUSES $5100 $1100 down, 3 yr, old fur. cot tage. 112,500 to 1183008 beautiful ranch style hoins. these are tops In con struction. I'll furnish my car and time to show you these at your convenience. 8ee Ed Luklnbcal Huff Real Estate Co. 341 Chemeketa St. eves. 20680 C231 RUN OUT, look this over, ZftflA Rogers Lane, l yr. old, 2 ourm. nwa. itrs., ure- niace. v Diinas, an lor suaou. A BUY hard to duplicate, new 3 bdrm. nome, lk, uh, utility room, gncnen a Datn. separate garage, uniy gtrou. I.IKE TO jVK a good buy ft only S72507 l yr. oin, 2 Dtirmfl, lk, uii, Kitcnen, v blinds, garage attached, 4 pet. O.L. loan. can Mrs, ma no auaiH, I LEASE look this over. 1260 Peace St., jutou. i yrs. old, 2 bcirm, nawa. nra., fireplace, V blinds, very easy terms. IIOW'S THIS for a buy? 1975 N. 5th St., cute nttie oungaiow ior oniy sewo. icrmi. 1K SURE .o Inquire about this one. Lovely home with io acres, B. River Ra. ft only siB.auo. Terms. ftASV TERMS on this new 2 -bdrm. home, newer jJtstrict. only iflfloo. NOW is the time to Invest In beautiful nome. Heres one lor sil.soo i yr. old, close In, paved streets, hdwd. firs., on nirnace. -terms. TAKE a look at this beautiful home In new addition, east view. II), 000 value. Ralph Bent Realtor 3-3123 Sun or Eve. call Klump 2-0126 2330 S. Commercial St. WANTED REAL ESTATE IF TOUR FARM or acrenRe is for sale or fcrodp, we need your listing. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3-3649 337 N. High Rt. ca24 WE ARE In need ot good hoiues to sell in or near eaiem. ir you who to usi your property for aale iee UKAIlr.NIIURsT HKOS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phona 2-3471. e" NOTICE! If your property n ror gale, rent or exchaiiRe, list It wilh us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 B High Bt. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Swap - Sunnyside District oood 4-onrm. modern home, oarn, gar aice. chick house, tractor and attach ments, 4 rows, Oncres pasture, 7 acres oats, 1 acre prunes, 1 acre strawber ries. Priced at 110.950. Will consider swap on i-orirm. home in town. 37 Acres 4-bilrm. home with ba.semrnt. barn, chick house, double Burner and work shop, 3 cows. 1 call. 3 hogs, horse and colt, truck, tractor and equipment. 6 acres berries, 9 acres feed crop, prunes, cherries, tiinber. 114,500. Consider swap for 3 or 4 bdrm. In town. 1 Mile From Underpass 10.7 acres, 3- bdrm home. barn, chick en house, ether out bulldine. Cherries and other iruit. very good soil. Will ex change for 2 bdrm. home in city. 7 Acres North 4 acres In boysen and filberts, oilier fruit. 3-bdrm. hse., new bnrn. sar. other bullritntcs. win rxctiiuitic for 2-bdrm. home iear lush school Burt Picha, Realtors Office phone 2-3649 337 N. High St. Evening calls: 3-7451, 3-1032. 2-530. cb24 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CABINET SHOP AND HOME Out of town cabinet shop with approx imately 13O00 in equipment. Shop fully wired ior cabinet work, the building Is 36x56. Home of four bedrooms, with gas range, gas water heater and refrig erator. Price 16500. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3-3649. 337 N. High St. cd24 HARDWARE STORE, ExcdoWDtownToca tlon. Hood clean stock. Price right. Come in and talk It over. No phone In formation please. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTOHS 350 N. Hlh St. Plume 2-4129. eJ23 FOR8 A1.KOr"tra1K tor TourT ormoun- tatn resort a new ft used furniture store, bide, and living quarters. Alo apt. house and motel. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6PU. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 343 Or 1389 6th St. Ph. 3-8836. West Salem cd23 A Business to fit your purse 11500 Beauty Salon 13K00 to $15,000 cafes. 14000610,000 groceries 19000 Appliance ft gift 113.000 Bus. Bids, ft Lot. 119.000 to $73,000 Court. Apis. 1 30. 00O Tavern ft Bldi. 1170.000 Hotel ft Furnishings. See Harvey Huff for appointment Huff Real Estate Co. RpAllors pn. jmii I4t Chrmrketa t. cvts. 39441 Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE RANCH-STYLE 3 bdrm. home, 11 v. rm, din. rm, fire place, elec heat, This can be had for I3.ooo.oo down, call Earl West KEIZER SPECIAL Cosy 4 rm. bungalow with 3 bdrms, rm. to eat !n kitchen, hdwd. firs, thru- out, utility rm. ft attached garage. 1, 700 down balance at 136.50 per mo. Price 17.350. Call G. H. Orabenhorst, Jr. REAL ESTATE NEW 4 BEDROOM All hnrdivood floors, fully plastered, wired for range, built-in wardrobes, large garage. 11,500 down. No. 424 9 UNIT APARTMENT With monthly Income of 3520. Lots of room for expansion. Auto oil. hot water heat. Close In. Only 17,500 down. No. 729 REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. 3 - 5905, 3-4628, 3-2846 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS BUILDING $4250 A rent buy In a 2 story frame build ing on highway. Easy terms. WALTER MUSGRAVE 1233 Edgewater Ph. 3-5100 cd26 WANTED Small going business UP to 10 to $12,000. In ans. give location, lease, volume. Write Box 188, Capital Journal. cd22 MR. INVESTOR WE'LL snow you the books on this one. Better than 30 i net return on In vestment. Operate completely furnished apartment and rooming house In good county teat town. 18 apartments, 14 rooms. Five year lease. For particulars apply Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High 8t. Ph. 37660. Cd- ONE GARBAGE ROUTE, truck and dump grounds, $3,000 Ph. 2-6754 after 7 p.m. cd22" FURNITURE FOR SALE WESTINGHOUSE range, like new. Late model Prlgldalre. one 5-piece Walnut bedroom suite, fireplace screen, and irons, curtains, chest of driwers. Ph. 2-8880. d23 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICES paid for used furniture, Call Mr. Reiser, 29285. 1900 State St. TOP PRICE pd. for furn., households. Ph, 33311. 694 N. Liberty. Sundate Exchange, UIGIIF.ST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Wood r j Auction Market. Ph. 3-5110. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION TONIGHT 7 P.m. Lane Su (It ell's Auction Sales Yard, located ll miles East of Fair grounds on SUverton Rd. Ph. 3-6098. dd22 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BLACK JERSEY HEIFER, now milking. Lloyd Wickett, 4 miles north of Jef ferson. On old highway 9iiE. e23 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED ft LICENSER livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 B. 25. Ph. 3-8147. ea46a PETS REGISTERED Springer Spaniel puppies cheap. Ph. 2-5192. cc23 CANARY singers, res. priced. Mrs. J. R. Barnes, Rt. 8. Box 387. Ph. 2-3469. ec24 CANARY Singers 110. Ph. 3-4385. CHOICE Canary Birds. 260 N. 18th. ec30 FUEL FOR SALE: Saw dust. Close In. You haul. Ph. 3-5339. ec22 OAK WOOD 4 ft $10.00 a cord, you haul. Kenneth Ellis, Rt. 1, Jefferson. Ph. 527 Jefferson. ee24 DRY Ift-IN'. fir wood. 115.00 delivered. Oak ft maple. 114.00. delivered. Call 935 Tur ner. ee24 DRY FIR HOOD 24" $10.00. 4 ft. 18.00 11. n. Johnston, Rt. 8, Box 861. At Heights Rd. e23 DRY OLD and second growth fir. Also knots. Delivered. Write H. Casebeer, Rt. 1. Box 174. Lyons. Ore. ee22 CALL HIGHWAY POEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 WALNUT SHELLS for fuel Klorfeln Pack ing Co. 4(i0 N Front Bring sacks ee """West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. PRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1635 Edgewater St W Salem ee" FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS, E. C. Arbaaast. Rt. 6. Box 343. l mile east oi Lancaster on rra turn Road. 134 HELP WANTED MALE AMBITIOUS young man with some cleri cal inn DooKKrepina riptr, mibi or noir to type. Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St. Ph. 3-148S. sa22 BODY ft FENDER A auto painter. Rel- Phone37U0 ' g24 HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER for 3. stay nights. 165.00 Plus room ft board to start. Saturday afternoon ft Sundays off. Ph. 2-1554. gb34 HOUSEKEEPER with soma nursing ex perience, vtne ill. i nree in lamuy. rn. 2-0005. 6bJ3 STENOGRAPHER. steady employment. ome Knowledge oi oooKaeepins nripiui. Tallman Piano Storl Ph. 35707. gb33 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency M0 IMU U FX 1-1446. gf REAL ESTATE LEE OHMART & AN IDEAL FAMILY HOME Located amongst a beautiful setting of tall firs In the King wood Hts. area, al most one acre of land: It's a large Dutch Colonial; 4 bedrooms; double Plumbing; latee sun room or den with extra fireplace; basement with air-conditioned ll furnace this home will take an F.H.A. loan of 112,000. Its your op portunity to obtain a really nice large family home; price Is right at 116,800. See Bill Stewart. DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT Just listed a money making restaurant with dining room; seating capacity for 136 persons; favorable lease; price 110,300. fiome terms. See Thelma Man- kcrtz. Lee Ohmart & Phone 2-4115-6 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 S. High St. NORTH $7,950 3 -Bedroom home Automatic oil heat. Paved street, corner lot, close to schools. EAST 18,500 3-Bedroom home. Basement, sawdust h-at. corner lot. Paved streets. Close to school. SOUTH 19.950 3-Bedroom home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, basement. Cor ner lot. paved streets. Walking distance to downtown. Daytime call 3-5131or 3-8620 WANTED SALESMEN ADVERTISING SALESMAN with car to cover Portland and Coast areas. I'none 24552 for appointment. gg24 SALESMAN with car to demonstrate and sell farm tools and equipment. Must be financially able to receive direct ship ments. Give particulars. Write box 189, Capital Journal. ge22 WEATIIERSTRIPPING and Insulation good commission. Phone 30500 evenings. gg24 WANTED POSITIONS auto PARTS ft service salesman. yrs. exp. Dealership write Capital Jour nal. Box 100. n'it DRESSMAKING, alterations and repairs. 1343 Wilbur or phone 3-?2i. mo- UPHOLSTERING furniture. Pickup ft deliver. 107 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 2-6321. h47 FURNACE CIRCULATOR repair serv ice. Call Dvorak. Ph. 2-4983. nis PRUNING TREES, shrubbery, roses, land scaping. Free estimate. Richard Boyer. Phone 2-8110. h45" PUBLIC stenographer available Satur days, Sundays, and evenings, uan at 1820 Cross St., Apt. 3, or Phone 28301, h24 CARE OF children in my home. Large fenced play yard. Ph. 24828. nzz WANTED nursing, day or night. Experi enced. Reference. Ph. 26253. h42" CARPENTER WORK, finish or rough. new or remodel, large or smalt, win go any place. For free estimates and ad vice Phone 38281. h24 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h34 SPRAYING ft pruning. L. W. Candle. Ph. 37900. n30 BABV SITTING. Phone 30580 or 3-3991. H38 CARPENTER work, new, repair. Ph. 3-1 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK ft chimney uuiiding. rn. 2-B9. rree estimates, no- POE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. b.41 SERVICES Valley Sand ft Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, sand ft silt. Tractor dozing ft grading, tractor shovel for dirt moving. Ph. 3-4002 off. Res 37146. h WANTED FURNITURE to glue ft repair. Lee Br os's. Ph. 2-1233 h AUT PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter. Call ShrocK Motor Co. 3-9101 h OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming, topping and removing. Ins. oper. Free est. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h29 TREE WORK: Trimming & topplnd, and removing. Insured operator. John Payne. 248 S. Church. h23' CARE for children in my home. Prefer 6 mo., 5 yrs. 183 8. 18th St. Ph. 3-6876. h43 FOR RENT ROOMS QUIET SLEEPING ROOMS for men. Ph. 2-6835. 885 N. Winter. Jk27 HEATED SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 2-4H86. Jk24 FURN. SLEEPING RMS. Close In. 650 Marion. Jk34 PLEASANT SLEEPING room. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk26 CLOSE-IN. Women only. 425 N. Winter. Ph. 2-1835. Jk25 NICE ROOM, with kitchen prlv., no drink ing. Phone 20467. Jk22' SLEEPING Rooms, H ft C water. 461 N. High. Jk23" 2 ROO.MS. business men preferred. 745 North Capitol St. Ph. 3-5323 or 2-6887. lk22 HOLLYWOOD sleeping rms. 2035 McCoy Ph. 3-B093. Jk31 FOR RENT APARTMENTS TWO RM. furn. apt. 627 N. Winter. Ph. 2-6592. Jp22 GOOD LARGE 3-rm. apt., fully furn. 132.50. 160 Union. Ph 3-8048 Jp23' FURN. APTS. from 130.00 to 160.00 at 2310 N. 4th. JP23- APT., alpg. rms. Ph. 34335. 790 N. Church. PJ J FOR RENT HOUSES NEW 5-RM. HOUSE tor rent. auto, oil heat, water lurn.. 175.00. Ph. 2-1255. Jm28 4-ROOM HOUSE. Inquire 1345 N. Coml' Ph. 3-846B. Jm25 ', MODERN HOUSES, one 4r-m. one 5-rm. at Woodburn. 135.00 ft J40.00 per mo. Call at 2130 Hyde St.. Salem. Ore. Jm23 RM. Fl'RN. CABIN. All utilities furn. 133.50 per mo. Fircrest Trailer Court 3910 N. River Rd. Inquire at cabin 1 Jm24 I RM. HOUSE, kitchenette and bath. 1175 Nebraska. Ph. 3-4494. Jm23 NEW J-RORM. house, all electric, range ft refrigerator. Utilities. 180.00. Ph. 26781. Jm23 NE ffTSnHM. HOME. hdwd. floors, elec. heat. 170. iW. Ph. 38389. Jm22 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS PARTIALLY TIRNISIIED cottage. 140.00 month. On bus line. Couple only. No pets. Ph. 2:396 522 WANTED: Some one to take over lease 3 BR furn. house. Exchange tor furn. house tn city, must except children. Ph. 3-2298. J24 POWER TOOL rentals for home ft in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph 3-3646 J TRUCKS and cars Smltfys Clipper Ser vice Ph 39600 Cor Center and Church TRAILERS. $3.00 per day Howser Bros 60S Edfewater St. West Salem 1 BUSINESS RM. for rem H L Stiff. J' U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 3-9103 GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand er We sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROeX-PtL 3-3946. J IRONFRS 6 j week Phone 34439 FLOOR SANDER fo' rent Uontgorr ry Ward ) WANTED TO RENT WANTED: furn apt. for emp. couple. Fh 3-4915 or 3-3913. Ja22 FAMILY of 3 need 3 bdrm. aomi by March 1. Up to $65. Ph. 3-MM. H24 REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS LONE OAK VILLAGE See our signs on 3 excellent building lots; 2 at 1850 each; one on corner at $1,450. Extra large lots; good, clean restricted district. $1,500 DOWN CLOSE IN A good 2 bedroom home In an excel lent location only 7 blocks south of downtown area. Fireplace, good de basement : new automatic piped fur nace; attractive corner lot. If you're looking for a close-in property don't fall to see this one. Price Just reduced to 19.450. See Bill Stewart. EVENINGS PLEASE CALL Thelma Mankertx 2-1222 Bill Stewart 2-4722 Warren Brasher 2-5996 Bob Sullivan 3-6770 Co., Realtors 477 Court St. c23 Phones 3-5131 or 3-8752 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT $10,500 2-Bedroom home. Eight years old. Basement, automatic oil furnlce. Good terms. EAST SUBURBAN $10,5502 Bedrooms, UvtnE room. 9inlns room, kitchen. Electric heftt. Electric wuter ayatem. Evenings call 3-7163 or 2-9894 CIS- WANTED TO RENT TWO-BEDROOM unfurn. home. Reas. rent Ph. 3-8910. Ronald Boyd. ja23- STATE EMPLOYE, wife and son, need small 2-bdrm. partly furnished or un furnished house close In. Reasonable rent. I'hone 2-9009. Jn22 LOST AND FOUND SHORT-TAILED WHITE CAT. One green and one yellow eye. Strayed or stolen from Fairmont Hill section over week end. Reward. Ph. 2-9831 or 3-3533. k23 MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films ft Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis, 413 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4703 or 3-5355 m34' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State ft Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m1 HAVE YOUR S'NGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started Singer Sewing Machine Co. no N. com'l. m HEAT YOUR IIOME electrically It's con venient, clean, economical. See us for free estimate. V EATER APPLIANCE CO., 255 N. Liberty. m BUILDING MATERIAL GOOD QUALITY plywood at reject price or lower. Car load quantity. Vi" as cheap as 8c. i" as cheap as 19c. C. G. Long. Rt. 2, Box 31, Salem. Ph. 3-5821. One mile north of Keizer. ma25 WRECKING HOUSE at 355 N. Church St. All materials for sale. ma41 NOW in stock for immediate delivery, Reject plywood 14 In., 9 cents per foot. In.. 14 "i cents per ft. lA in., 16 cents per ft. In., 18 Vi cents per ft. In.. 20 cents per ft. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court St. ma INSULATION and Weathers tripping. Cro foot Brothers. Ph. 24656. ma RED CEDAR shingles. Ph. 68F33, 1 mo. charge account. ma23 FOR SALE Cheap Lumber Boards and Dimension By the Jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mil) Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing Company, Inc. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BRAND NEW GE vacuum elenner with set of Kellogg brushes. Special $49.05. GEVURTZ FURN. Ph. 3-4615. n26 COLEMAN OIL CIRCULATOR, with two 50 gal. drums and pump, ho.oq. pn. 3-9831 or 3-3722. n23 ONE 6" Duro Jointer and stand, good as new, SBO.'iO. 1648 S. Cottage. n32 BOY'S BICYCLE, Firestone, good, $12.60. Ph. 3-8376. 2055 N. lBtn. n23 BRAND NEW GE electric range only $190.95. GEVURTZ FCRN. Ph. 3-4615. n26' MUST SELL QUICK: Maytag Washer $40.00 Universal Elec. Range 125.00 Bedstead Complete $15.00 1098 Mill St. Ph. 3-6847. Il23 KNAPP MONARCH elec. mixer, four black walnut chairs, table model 'radio ft phono, combination. 1288 8th St. W. So lem. Ore. n22 BRAND NEW Duo-Therm oil heater, 5- room size 178.95. GEVURTZ FURN. Ph. 3-4615. n26" FOR SALE G. E. Refer. 160.00. R. C. Wat kins, 1540 Shady Lane. n23 USED REFRIGERATORS, ranges, water heaters. Yeuter Appliance Co. n45 USED WASHERS 130 to 149.50. Yeater Appliance Co. n45 BRAND NEW GE washer with pump, fam ily size. $119.95. GEVURTZ FURN. Ph. 3-4615. n26 GOOD USED WASHER, $35.00. Ph. 2-1761. 298 N. 2.trd. n22" GIRL'S BICYCLE $25.00. Boy's bicycle 122.50. Inquire after 4 p.m. anytime Sat. or Sunday. 1313 Cross St., Apt. 2. n32 BOY'S WORLD TRUCK bicycle $25. Looks like new. 1365 N. 4th St. n22 PLUMBING STOCK at discount. Some at wholesale. Fittings, fixtures, pipe, etc. W. A. Sxewis Co., 1390 Madison, n BRAND NEW GE automatic clothes dry er. 1249.95. GEVURTZ FURN. Ph. 3-4615. n26 CONSOLE RECORDIO radio-phonograph. Make vour own records. Regular $360 now 1275. Yestcr Appliance Co. n45 WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden sind Bulldozing, drainage and ditching K-y& shovel and drag line Ph. 3-9249 K.ELVIXATOR, Hotpomt appliances; Fow ler hotwater heaters. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph. 3-3139. Q BRAND NEW Quick Heat oil heater, 5 room size; was $126.501 only St $74.50 GEVURTZ FURN. Ph. 3-4615. n26 THOR Automatic Washers, Ol art Irons Hollywood Appliance Co.. Ph 2443B USED WASHERS. Easy Conlon. Barton. Tiior, Speed Queen. Yeater Appliance Co. n45 STEEL clothes line posts. Ratling tn stock and to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n39 BRAND NEW Charter Oak oil heater, 5 room size; was $116. 50 1 only at 169.60. GEVURTZ FURN. Ph. 3-4615. n26- WAX SEAL cleans, polishes, waxes. Pro tects your car's finish from rain and s-in. Metallic like finish. Two years protection 11.75. easy to apply, average car 1 hr. Guaranteed. Ph. 2-3149. n34 LOOK! 1943 S-cu.-tt. Coldspot refriger ator. In perfct condition 1139.00 Toastmaster 30 gal. hot water tank, like new 75.00 Apt. sue A B. range 69.50 White enamel late' model washing machine 45 00 Others as low as 619.50 ft 129.50 GLENN'S FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer n23 FERTILIZER. Cow or cnicxen manure drllvered In Salem. Well rotted or fresh $5.00 per cubic yard del Also manure by lack 11.00 per sack at place or will dfl. five sack order. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6 Box 118, Salem Ph 68F22. c32 ATMORAYS. done Oood Health. Rent 6U. H & Push. M H I7th Ph. 1-4693 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CARDBOARD 1ns. sheets it boxes. 1790 N. Front 6t. n39 RESTAURANT type range, 2 burner with grill. Yeater Appliance Co. n45' SILVER PLATING Tea sets, flatware, antiques. Complete repa: service and metal finishing. Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing AVEK PLATING CO., Call 3-7771. n29 BRAND new Vernols wood ranae, large fire box, full size oven, white porce lain finish. $89.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4615 n23' WARDS APPL1ANCB Service Dept. of fers complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call 33191. n NO WAXING whwen you use Plastl-Kote, the cellophane-like finish for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. n45 ZLZC. HOT WATER beater. 43 gal Col lins. New 187 Ph. 3-4234. D GARDEN SAND. Gravel, crushed rock Shovel ft drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND ft GRAVEL CO Ph 3-9319. Quality Used Appliance Trade-ins PRICED TO MEET THAT RESTRICTED BUDGET Apex Washer, reconditioned, guaranteed $74.50 Frigidire Refrigerator $99.50 Hotpoint Elec. Range, $43.50 Westinghouse Elec. Range $38.75 SW Portable Radio ..$12.50 Crosley Console Radio, $35.00 Spartan Console Radio $49.00 Record Player $10.00 Olympic (all cast) Wood Circulator $45.00 One Minute Washer . .$39.50 Gevurtz Furniture Co. 275 N. Liberty Ph. 34615 n24 ONE LARGE Furnace, one large and one small neatlng stove, two kitchen wood ranges. Highland Ave. Friends Church. Inquire 3166 N. Church St. Parsonage. n23 SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 15 B H yds. 12.00 per hr 10 B i yds. 9.60 per hr D-7 Cat ft Dozer 10.50 per hr D-6 Cat ft Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Dozer 7.00 per br Phone Days S-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon n' GENERAL ELECTRIC, Orosley, GlbsoD and Montag Appliance at Gavuru. HOYT ST. SURPLUS FURNACES, steam or hot water $90.00, hot air with blower $30.00: Butane range: OIL CIRCULATORS from 129.95 to $37.00; New Grey Hosp. blankets all wool $4.50; Tents and Tarps; wall safes $10,00: Swivel and secretarial chairs 19.75: Oak or Maple radio tables 14,00 to 17.50; All Jackets reduced: 716" Phosphor Bronze cable: Steam Jack ttfd Kettles for hotels and canneries; Steam low pressure unit heaters; Pre Heaters for Welding shops; Carrier Re frigeration unit capacity 5 ton; 2 '4 Ton Truck Winch; Bunk Beds and mattres ses: moving pads; Laundry presses: Bakery electric oven; Dish washers; Marine Engines; Fire Engine; Fire Ex tinguishers; Kitchen Sinks, bath room fixtures and soil pipe; Vi & ai" Gal. Pipe: i i " Galv. Serv Entrance con duit: Machinists vises 325.00: 6 clerk National Cash Register $100.00; House and outside wire, range cable, apt. size ranges xnd refrigerators: New and used washers. COME SOUTH ON 12TH TO LARGE HOYT 3IGN TURN EAST ONE BLOCK. TEL. 37916. n24 30-30 STEVENS Deer rifle, 140. 1242 Elm at., west saicru alter 5 p.m. n24 FOR SALE at 1840 So. High St. 3 hand nooxea rugs, new Dormeyer El. Mixer. Xylophone, Lionel El. train. New 6x8 cong. rug. Fluorescent It. fixture. Gem water softener. Many other Items lncl. shoes and clothing, no Junk, no dealers. au aay Tnurs., Jan. 27. n22 L SET WORLD BOOK encyclopedia, cost new iua. sacrnice hs. aeausoner slide trombone with case $45. 4 exceptionally good violins $95 to 1500. Ph. 2-8449 af ter 6 p.m. n24 .1 PAIR DRAPES 13.50 a pair. 1 19-ln. and z au-in. disc wneeis 11.50 each. Walnuts 20c per lb. N. H. Hens. Ph. 3-4921. n24 ELFSTROM'S Used Appliance BARGAINS Refrigerators GE Deluxe floor sample, slightly used. Good as new, 5-yr. guar antee. W?s 329.00 1279.95 GE 6-cu.-ft. 6 yrs. old. Excel lent condition 99.75 Grunow 8-cu.ft. Excellent cond. 69.95 Frialdalre. apt. sie. Recondition ed motor. All porcelain inside and out 100.00 Ranges Electrolux electric. Good as new. All-white porcelain. 7-speed switches. Storage compartment Deep well cooker. Utility out let. Less than year old 99.95 Westlnghou'.e automatic electric. Perfect cendition 39.95 Hotpoint automatic electric .... 35.00 Oil burning kitchen range. All white porcelain. Slightly used 59.95 W'ood burning range. All porce lain. Copp;- hot water coils .. 69 95 Ptrfection .3-burner kerosene. Like new. All white porcelain 15.00 Washers Bendlx deluxe. One yr. old Easy splndner. Good condition ., Kenmore late model deluxe type. All white porcelain. Elec. pump Zenith double thermal tub. Bal loon type rollers. Only 'slight ly used Mercury late model. Electric pun-p. . Montgomery Ward. All white. Ex cellent cendition Zenih 8-11- Good condition .... GE one control wringer. Exce.l Easy all pore tub. New wringer rolls Maytag. Balloon type roliers'i!!! Thor. Excellent condition Windsor. Guaranteed to work .. Montgomery Ward. Excellent condition Peerless. Fair condition.' ' wm' run 125.00 49.95 69.95 59.95 49.95 25.00 34.95 I 39.95 49.95 39.95 34.95 3B.00 3.00 Radios Phiko Touch tuning. Chalrside model. Walnut finish Excellent conditior 3991; Bendix automatic. Standard mod el. Slightly used 74 95 Firestone console. Touch tuning 35 00 western air patrol consolette. Thoroughly reconditioned .... 10.00 Miscellaneous Hotpoint rotary Ironer. Cabinet type. All white. Perfect cond. 15 00 Commercial vacuum cleaner Ideal for hotel use. Made by GE 50 00 Weber commercial frozen food display cae. was 995.00 809 50 Milking machines. New made by Empire. Never been used 69 50 Cream separator. Dynamic. Nev er been used. Hand driven .. 79 00 Electric driven 11900 R. L. ELFSTROM CO: 340 Court, Salem. Phone 3-3493. n22 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO BUY six second hand 4-lnch Jointer for cash. F. x. Roach, 674 S Capitol. ni23 FWIn l irmvr u. . l. . .1... uib&c 01 cona. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7671. 1930 N. 18th. na48 ANTIQUES, Bric-a-Brac. Ph. 3-5511. na33 NEWSPAPERS bousht. 1790 N Front. na43 FOR EXTRA cash, sell us your feed ano gram bags. K A S Bai; Co., 347 Kear ney, or large lots eau 11671 or 30308 na i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-9185. PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills contracted by anyone, other than by my. self. Dated Jan. 24, 1949. Eugene O. Robinette. p22 WILL NOT be responsible for any bills other than my own. O. R. Bhelton. p25 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. O. Box 724. Phone 3-5234. P170 MARGARET Jeffries. psychic reader. Without a question she will tell you. Until Jan. 38th. Room 3, Morris Hotel. Ph. 35133. P23 STANLEY Home Products. 655 Cross St. Ph. 3-5305. P28 AUTOMOBILES HUDSON 1946 Super Six Sedan. Heater, sportlight, foalites. W. Wall llres. Yours for only 1565.00 down. 1AVE AT SHROCKS Ph. 37932. q34 1848 STVDEBAKER Coupe Ex shape.R. overdr., cllmatlzer. No Dealers. One owner. 1255 Ferry St. Wed. ft Thurs. only. Q23" ALL OR ANY PART, model A Ford pick up. K. B. Reagle. Rt. 1, Box 100. gravel rd. at end of Parkway dr. W. Salem q22 LADY LEAVING TOWN, must sell '39 Plym. 4 dr. sd'4 exe, clean. 1369 Center St. q24 WILl"tr DE 1935 Ford for best pickup of fer. 1000 S. Com'l. q24 1910 FORD Deluxe tudor 1750.00. Exc. cond. 3690 Cherry Ave. Ph. 20085. q24 193 CHEV. 3 dr. sedan, good shape. $100 1368 N. 1th St. q24 WILL TRADE my equity In '39 Nash 4 dr. sedan. R ft H. New paint, good cond. thruout. For good '35 Ply. or what have you. 1031 S. 25th St. Ph. 25510. q24 Iflll FORD super deluxe sedan. Heater, good condition, equity 1400.00. Full price 1925.00. 1260 Nebr. Ave. q34 FORD 1947 Ford Deluxe Coupe, new paint and tailor made seat covers. One owner and ready to so for 1465.00 down. Better see this one. $AVE AT SHROCKS Ph. 37933. q24 1930 FORD cpe. Ph. 23380. q23 1014 INT. LOGGING truck. A-l cond. 1949 Jlc. with or without Job. 425 N. 22nd St. Ph. 2-7089 q23 1937 CHEVROLET coupe. Exc. cond. Best offer. 3690 Cherry. Ph. 2-0085. q23 WANTED: The best car 1350 cash will buy. Prefer Ford or Chev. Ph. 2-3512. q23 10.1.1 FORD coupe. Spotllte, heater. Good' cond. 1250. Ph. 2-0276. q23 1942 FORD pickup. Excel, cond. $985.00. Can be seen 1586 State. q23 1937 FORD 85. radio, $300. Earl Florer, Gervats, Ore. 3 blocks north of High school. q26 l3fl PLYMOUTH 2-dr. sedan. Good eond. New paint Job, new brakes, good tires. 1295. 1097 S. 13th St. q23 PLYMOUTH The popular 1942 model Club Coupe, heater, very clean, one owner. Only $450.00 down. Take ft look. IAVE AT SHROCKS Ph. 37923. q24 1911 FORD S-pass. coupe. A-l cond. Sell or trade for 3 or 4 dr. 3 ml. S.E. Wood burn on McKee road. Ray Stravens, Woodburn. q26 1917 CHEV. panel, spotlight, excel, cond. $1495.00. 1070 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-5648. q NICE CAR. '39 DODGE bus. Cpe. '46 mtr.. new paint, a-i cond. $879.00. Trade pos sible. 1207 S. Com'l. Apt. No. 2. Ph. 3-9991 q23 HUB STYLEMASTER CnEV. 4-dr. sedan, $1500.00. Fh. 3-7312. q23 1037 FORD, R ft H. 1434 Ferry. Apt. 3 q25 1037 FORD 4 Dr sedan, good tires, motor Sealed beam lights, terms. 1115 8. 17th Apt. I Vets Housing. q26 DE SOTO 1941 Convertible Club Coupe, new top, twin pipes, R ft H. Priced below book, IAVE AT SHROCKS Ph. 37922. q24 1918 FORD Ton Truck, stake bed dual wheels with spare, 4800 miles like new, bought new In August. See at 1945 S. 12th. 1945 S. 12th. q23 47 HUDSON super 8; 4 door Sedan. 3560 Portland Rd. Apt. No. 4. q23 WANT TO BUY good clean '37 to '38 Chev. pickup. Pay cash. 1186 Elm St., W. Salem after 4:30 P. M. or Saturday and Sunday. q23 1940 4-DR. PONTIAC sedan. Heater, new tires, original owner, new brakes, or iginal paint. Ph. 3-9198; eves. 3-4950. q23 ODD LOTS new retreads fully guaran- teea GWJXiB lo.eo and your old tire. Firestone Stores, Center at Liberty. q25 CHEVROLET Fleetline Aero Sedan, heater and other extras, like new. See this 1947 model. SAVE AT SHROCKS Ph. 37922. q24 1911 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. sedon. Very good snape. Must sell. Ph. 3-1321 q26 BI8 CHEVROLET, half ton panel, 2500 miles. 435 Jtfferson q23 '39 DODGE SEDAN. New motor, paint and oraices. Harry Woelf, Turn. Oregon. Rt. 1, Box 147. co Tom Webbs Dairy. q22 1917 PONTIAC 4-dr. sedan. Radio, heater. sunvlsor, seat covers, back-up light, and other extras. Low mileage. Good rub ber. See at 370 King wood Ave. Phone 2-1949. b22" H48 MODEL CHEV. A-ton plck-UP. Low mueage, gooa ruooer, good eond. Phone 3-6006. See at 1905 N. Commercial. q22 1911 MASTER CHEV. 2-dr. Exceptionally kikki conor.ion. rtamo and heater. Black original t'nlsh. Ph. 24801. q22 CHEVROLET 1941 Club Coupe, new paint, tailor made seat covers, a real buy at $425.00 down. IAVE AT SHROCKS Ph. 37922. q24 FOR FINE CARS AT FAIR PRICES SEE Teague's Used Car Lot 1948 Kaiser sed. like new. 1947 Frazer 6ed., radio, heater & 0. D. 1939 Chev. sed. 1939 Ford coupe. Radio & heater. 1938 Chrysler Royal sed. 1936 Pontiac Six sedan. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Coml. Ph. 2-4173 CHEVROLET 1940 Master Deluxe Coach, radio. See this now and buy. IAVE VT SHROCKS Ph. 37923. Q.24 1940 CHEV. coupe. Excellent eond., book price, after 5 p.m. 164 W. Wilson St. Ph. 38797. q34 Eisner Motors to Sell HUDSON 1948 Super 6 Sedan, a trade In on our 1949 model. This one has radio, air conditioner, vaeumatic clutch, sport liaht snd other extras. See tht one NOW. IAVE VT SHROCKS Ph. 37922. q34 (Continued on Page 17)