10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 24, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Par Lino 16c Per Line 3 times 40c Per Line 6 times 60c Per Line 1 month 12.00 Outside of Salem 16c per tine per day. Mln. 30c; 3 times mln. 80c 8 times mln. 11.20. No Refund READERS In Local Newt Col. Only: Per line 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 Thli ola mo It for rllet aelllni for $10 or LESS Don't Save It Sell It! BABY PLAY PEN 110.00. Excel, cond. Ph. 2-6054 or 1726 N. Sumjne8tjtb21 for' V a l e ' h ouses MODERN sub. (7.875. Ph: 37113, ant. a 19 NEW ALL MODERN By owner, 2 bedroom home, garage, utility room, oil floor furnace, lot 50x 125. Price $5500. Cell at 2330 Hyde St., Salem. a-20 NEW 4 -BED ROOM Cape Cod l'a bath, ell hdwd. firs., two lireplaces, full base ment, oil, air conditioning furn., full In sulated, weatherstripped, double gar age. At builders cost price, 316,700. Oood PHA Joan. 505 Ratcllff Drive. Builders phone 34284. ft BEST BUYS Oregon G. I. Bargain 3-bdrm. house with unfln. upstairs, close ' In north. 1 A minus. Sevtral trees, chick " en house, lawn St shrubs. Will take car ' as down or part payment. Approved for 15400. state O. I. Loan. Full price only ' 18800. T $2750 Down ' Almost new, 2 bedrooms, with unfln. upstairs. Hdwd. firs, throughout, fire place, att. garage, paved street. 1 blk. ' to bus. Just Inside city limits. Full price only $10,600. Al Isaak &Co., Realtors 8036 Portland Road. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596; Ph. 2-0473, 3-3553. a20 IfEW MODERN 2 rm. house, furnished sere with walnuts and berries. Full price 32900. Some termi. See Kllcore Real Estate. Ph. 3-4855. 23 West Salem Homes I RM. furnished cottage on corner lot. Rm. for another hae. (3500. NEAR CANNERY 4 BR home. Lot 60x 125 to alley. Very nice and clean. 17150. OWNER LEAVING Where can you find a 4 BR home, hwd. firs., IpJace, taint. Nice location for 1R500? Terms on these. : B. Isherwood, Realtor - Ph. 6Flt. Wallace Road. R. 1. Box 243 or 12B0 6th St. Ph. 2-8836 West Salem. a20 BY OWNER new modern B room house at Woodburn, Lot 60x70. Price (3300. 4 rra. houso, toilet, hat water tank, wired for ranges. Also Woodburn, 12650. Call at 2330 Hyde St., Salem. a-20 TWO BEAUTIES at $14,700 ENGLEWOOD A pre-war 3 bdrm. home wwlth double plumbing, full bBsrmonl, fine location. KINGWOOD Lovely 5 room view home on lane lot with extra bdrm. In basement . Also lovely Kins wood Heights home for swap. Burt Picha, Realtors Office phone 2-3649 BventnK calls 2-1032. 2-5390, 3-7451 337 No. High St. 21 aUlJE OR TRADE 13500 Equity In Modern Home and Apt. Each 4 rms. and bnth. Trade for smaller modern home. Bal. 15,000, 6 Interest, 350 per month. 1298 N. Church. a21 Englewood Dandy 6-rm. bungalow with good slued rms. Fireplace & garage. Beautiful lot with large shade trees. Price 16500. 3 Bedrooms North Neat all mod. home on large lot with attached garage. Very clean and only S yrs. old. Price 37000. Large new all mod. 3-BR bung, with fireplace Ac unfln. attic. Price 18900. Walter Musgravc, Realtors 1333 Edge water. Ph. 35109; eve. 300.10 a34 REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENTS I10O0 DN. PRICE (6R50. 3 BR. on one floor, approx. 15 yrs. old. 31500 dn. Price $3976. 4 rooms and bath. Suburban, east. 11500 dn. Price 17250. Nearly new 2 BR homes, elee. heal. Hdwd. floors. As sume OI loan at 4 per cent of bal. 13000 dn. Price $5950. 4 BR house, plas tered up and down. Bee Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St., Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9201 Bve. 1-4335 or 2-0431 or 3-8783 B20 Drive Out To 2285 Englewood Ave. (Just of 33rd unci D 8t.) Open All Dtiy . t bdrm. house, llv rm., din. rm., '!. heat, extra, table space In kitchen, plenty of bullt-lns and closet space. Coved linoleum on kltctirn and bath room floors, and inside utility room. Full Price $10,800 $3,000 dn. Bal. $-19.37 mo. Abrams and Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bid. Ph. 30317 Insurance Mortgage Loans. a24 BY OWNER New two bedroom home on Mr acre, plastered, fireplace, all hdwd firs. Exceptionally nice floor plan. Al r tached garage, utility room, auto. elec. ' heat. (1500 will handle. F.H.A. Route S. Box 154 on East Center St., mile ' past Lancaster. 2 .OWNER leaving town, must sell new 2 bedrm. nome, ac , plastered, lusul . weather stripped, elec. heat, wall to ' wall carpet. Private well, near Sweglc school, bus by door. FHA approved. Located on Garden Rd. Rt. 5, Box 115 ' 23 BY OWNER 1 A ' ith 2 bedrm. plastered house. Small barn, fruit and berrl... ;. 250 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 3-6518. a204 iff. 500 buys new 3 bdrm. suburban home on large lot, hwd. firs., fireplc, double - car. See Harvey Huff. ; Huff Real Estate Co. t REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 10271 - eves. 30441 a30 iWo.flOd New 2 bdrm. home on Falrmount Hi 11 hwd. firs., fireplace, flee Harvey Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. one 39271 - Eves. 39441 BlO' BEST BUY Beautiful 2 year old 3 bdrm- ranch style home, lovely 33x16 LK, fireplace, tile bath and shower, all hwd. firs., din. rm.. beautiful kitchen, large utility room, dec. heat. dble. enrage. M acre lot on pavement. 1 10.000 lull price. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 39271 - Eves. 28658 a20 fctOOM HOME on one floor. Insulated, attached garage. Sacrifice for 14900. Will sell furnished. 1751 N. Front. a34 BY OWNER, new 3-BR home, hdwd. firs., auto, furn, fireplace, util., att. gar. FHA Com't., $8100. 1070 N. 33rd. all Beautiful View Home KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Tf large picture windows In Iv. rm. and dn. rm. Coved celling, fireplace, hdwd firs.. 3 idrms.. full bath ft tile shoner. kitchen with loads of built-lns. Beauti ful windows and nook. Weatherstrip. ped and tnuslated, Pull basement with sleeping rm. Oil furnace, garage, on v A. of ground. Ready to move Into.. You will love this home. For app't. Ph. 3-3289 General Real Estate Ph. 3-3283 251 Center St 40' FOR SALE LOTS BARGAIN suburban lot. Terms or trade for car. Phone eve. 2-2866, aa21 BY OWNER, reduced price on two busi ness lots in Hollywood. One lot Join ing bank pioperty, other second house from Rohlands Dept. store, for ap pointment phone 3-9620 from 13 to 2 P. m. and 8 to 10 p. m. aa20 S10 DOWN Lots with water, bus service, close to school. Balance 31a per month. Reimann for Real Estate 201 S. High St. Phone 3-9203 CITY LOT 60"xl25 Sewer, water, pave, ment, restricted district. Call 24048 af ter 6 p.m. an 20' FOR SALE ACREAGE Immediate Possession ACRE, with new 2 bedroom home, at tached - a rage, elec. water system, Close In East. For quick sale price (6950.00, Ed D. Potter REALTOR 215 8. High St. Ph, 3-3630 bb21 88 Acres and 7 rm. mod. home, 7 ml. from Salem, school bus by door, barn, dbl, gar. and work shop. 2 good spring, 8 acres oats and vetch, pasture. 3 acres boysenberries, orchard, some livestock ana implements, m.&uu.uu or win iraae for 3 bdrm. home In Salem. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 30271 - Eves. 25260 bb20 740 ACRES. 30 head heifer cowi. Near Blodget. Oretcon. 316,000. Will sell cattle separate. Fiione 4&i jeiierson. ddzu 30 ACRES Swegle district. Oood subdivis ion property. (1000 down, bal. month ly payments. Ph. 3-9460 or 3-5437. bb30 REAL ESTATE EXCLUSIVE HOME SITE CROISAN CREEK. When you see this 7 acres, on pavem't. lovely trees, Igs. frontage on Yr. creek. Near rolf club, St only Vh ml. out, you'll snap It up for this low price of 16300. WAREHOUSE WITH OFFICE SOUTH. 2500 aq. fe. paved alley, 1mm ed. poes. (3150. IDEAL COURT SITE No. 16th, No. 2 zone. Lot 160x150. Bargain, $3150. NEAR SR. HIGH. Duplex, 3 BR, Ige. kit., bath, partly furnished. 3 room apt. up with outside entrance, only $6500. Terms arranged. Immed. poss NEW STUCCO, 1 TUtt, LR, DR. kit., shower, now furniture, owner leaving state, Immt'd. poss. Only (4500. Terms. 35 ACRE RANCH FEW MILES OUT. 12 A. In crop, bal. past. St timber. 2 BR hse., new garage, small barn, Ige. pltry. lise., 220 elrc. YOU'LL LOVE THAT YR. ROUND TROUT STREAM. See this to day. (6500, Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 3-8389; eve, 3-7440 C22 RUN OUT, look IhN over, '28(1.1 Rogers ijane, i yr. oin, d oarm. nwn. nrs., fire place. V blinds, all for 18200. A BUY hard to duplicate, new 2 bdrm. nome, i,k, ijh, utility room, Kitchen bath, aenarate garage. Only 1B750. LIKE TO jKK a good buy St only (7250? i yr. oin, j Dorms. un, xiicnen, v blinds. arnge nUat-hcd, 4 pel. O.L. loan. Call Mrs. Ueane 20204. p J, EASE look (his over. 1260 Peace St., jwu.iu. a yrs. oin. a bdrm, nowa. riri.. fireplace. V blinds, very cany terms. HOW'S THIS for a buy? 1975 N. 5tli St.. cute nine oungaiow lor oniy se.au. Terms. HE SURE o Inquire ahnut this one. Lovely nome with 10 acres, 6. River no. St only $16,500. Terms. EASY TERMS on this new 2-bdrm. home. Keieer uistricr. oniy shgod. NOW Is the time to Invest In a beautiful nome. Meres one lor 111,000. 1 yr. old, close In, p rived streets, hdwd. firs., nil furnace. Terms. fAKE n look at this bra lit I ful home In new addition, cast view, $ IB, 000 value. Ralph Bent Realtor 3-3121 Sun or Eve. call Klump 3-0126 2330 S. Commercial St. c23 Wt.-MiO MODERN 3-bedroom home with basement. Nice back yard, some fruit and nut trees. MWftO THIS la a very nice 2-bed room home, automatic .neat. Has garden spot, family fruit. Slfi.ooo M A. farm, all tillable, year round creek, 12 stanchion barn, new milking parlor, 8 room modern house, plenty other buildings. Ideal dairy set up. P. H. BELL Chemeketa St. Salem. Ph. 3-1546, 3-4898. Eves. 3-8686. 3-7565. 3-8568. e22 New Modern 2 BR Home North ftalem. Lot 50x217. Well built. Venetian blinds all around. Living rm. rug, and large oil circulator iocs. 3 blks. lo school At bus. Streets all paved paid. Price $8950. $3ioo down. Do You Want To Build An Apartment Oo up and look at the So. East Cor Lot of Capitol A Center St. 83x108. Can get financed for 4 'e money, up to 8(' for cost of building. I own the lot. Come up A; see me. New Modern 1 BR Home With attached garage. Lot 75xai7. A well built little home north. 3 blks from school. Rented now for (55 month. Prlre (6B50. Will consider trading for small acreage of about same value. Do You Want A Nice 4 Bdrm. Home? A colonial home close In. Large llv. rm. ft din. rm. Fireplace. Auto. heat. Shade tres. flowers, sunken garden with .pr Inkling system, etc. Come & see It at d45 S. Church. $16,500. Bungalow 3 Blks. Off State 2 bdrm. plastered. Well built house Just south of Slate St. $6400. 12000 cash payment. Art Madnen 15-6 Sltltr St Plv 3-SSflO. f0- Honieseekers Agency Specials I rm. A baih. continuous foundation, close In, extra large lot, a good reas onably priced home. $4500.00. $2,000 down. H acre, l-rm. k bath, new plumbing, dux basement. Wired for rente, urate, barn, chicken house, electric wstet heater. 14, 500 00. New l-rm A bath, cement foundation, double constructed, electric heat, wired for ranee, electric water heater. 5 blks from business section, 18.400.00. Very good 8-rm. mod. home, best or lo cation, basement, worth your Investiga tion, (9...00.00. $ cash. 3 brick business buildings, one single story 40'xftO, one two story 44 x70'. In Silver ton biwln.s section. If you want Investment property look these over be fore you buy, I3O.0O0.00 both buildings. acres, nearly all cultivated, well built 3 bdrm. home, (unfinished with base ment. t,n highway, a real bargain for a carpenter. (S750OO Terms. 35 acres, nearly all cultivated, about 3 miles out, new 3-bdrm. mod. home, oil furnace, wired for range, etc.. good sired barn, two brooder housej, a bar gain, $13,000. 1M arres. about 60 acres cultivated. 5 rm. A bath, plastered, full basement, large osrn. and other bulldinis. yr round stream, about 6 mile out, $13, 800 00. If you do not see what you want above, write for fre sale list, lust off the press Homeseekers Agency Silverton, Oregon PHONE 16t e30' Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE REIMANN FOR ONLY $3,200 DOWN On this (15,0003 bedroom .home all on one floor. Lovely setting on V2 acre of excellent ground. Lots of shrubs. 2 garages. New, very modern home. Bal ance FHA terms. See U today. No. 305 $1,000 DOWN 6 room home across street from grade school, wired for range. Very neat and clean. Balance only (65 per month. No. 302 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Phone 3-9203 201 South High Eves, and Sun. 2-6343, 3-8241, 3-5905, 2-4628, 2-2340 c20 INCOME: Six unit apartment completely furnished. Net Income $273.50 per month. (20,500.00. MODERN two bedroom home, with 1.85 acre, located on the hills south, a wonderful view. Will exchange for home In city. Price (10,500. OUT OF CITY, new one bedroom home with 1 acre. (3000. CAPE COD 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors and plastered, Utility and Oarage, insulated and we a there tripped, located on McCoy St. within three blocks of the Hollywood District. (9850. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Office Phone: 2-3649 Evening Calls: 3-7451, 2-1032, REAL ESTATE $750 DN. Use your atate veterans loan to buy this new, modern 3 BR home with le. unf. attic, hdwd. firs., gar., 'h acre, rull price (6000. (6000. 2 BR home on 2 acres. 3600 down. 3 BR home, 1 acre. (7950. 3 BR. LR, DR. acre. $4350. 2 BR home on 2 lots. (6250. 2 BR home on 3 acres. (8900. 2 BR unf. homo. acre. 18600. 1 BR home, 8 aes. Fruit. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. Onas S. Olson C. R. Rlckard 665 Chemawa Rd W mi. west of Keizer School. Ph. 3-1380 or 2-2273. C20- LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS HERB IS YOUR CHANCE to Bet that Mi acre Just outside the city limits with a nice 2 bdrm. home, chicken house, fruit and nut trees. Paved road and bus right by the door. Better take ad vantage of this for only (5950. ANOTHER i ACRE within city limits with approx. 80 ft. frontage on busy street. Zoned for commercial bldg. A nlcs 2 bedrm. home. (7650. Will trade for a 2 bedrm. homo and small lot in town. QUALITY WORKMANSHIP was not spared In the construction of this per fect whits rancJi type home located on N. 18th. 5 delightful rms.; a kitchen any woman would love; H. W. fleers. Why not see It for yourself today. $10,500. MR. NVESTOR: A gas station locat ed on 99E leased for 10 years showing good returns on your investment. $16,000. tf you don't see it advertised CALL us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS "33 years or dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph. 2-3863 Evenlnus 2-4007 or 3-1121 c20" BEDROOM Home, Southeast Salem. Fur nace and Fireplace. Price (7S00. W. G. Krueger 147 N. Com'l, St. Phone 3-4728 C20 CALABA'S COLUMN VERY NEAR HI SCHOOL Neat and modern 2 bedroom home, about 2 years old, garage, only (8000. SUBURBAN SPECIAL Nearly i acre located on Ral cliff drive, nice yard, attractive small home with large double garage, about 2 years old, see It at Just (5750. DRIVE BY 9B5 FAIRVIEW And check on this good buy has very comfortable 2-bed room home, 1 full acre land, rmnll barn and family orchard (6000 moves you In NORTH RIVER ROAD Attractive and modern 5 room home, fireplace, etc., Btt. garage, large rooms, 73x276 lot, move right In, good terms price dropped to $11,300. Rudy Calaba & Co., REALTORS 281 N. High St. Ph. 3-3770; eve. 3-5514 or 3-3779. c LOTS, two-room cabin. Small down pay ment will handle. Ilalanre like rent. Prlre $3500. Inquire at Associated Sta tion, Brooks, Oregon. r2tf WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE tn need oi good houses to sell In or near Salem If yon wish to list your property for sale see UKAHENIIOKKT nROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. -Phone 2-2471. ca NOTICE) If tour property n ror gale. rent or exchange, lint It with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 s nigh st ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Small going business up to 10 to $12,100. In ans, Klve location, lease, volume. Write Box 188, Capital Journal. cd22 COM 'L OAR AO t" " A ND AUTO WRECKERS WILL TKMIK for farm, motel or court. Includes approx. 3'T A., bldgs., a large quantity of tools, stock and equip., has large business with IokiMuk trucks for tires, rcpnlrs. gas and oil. Also several cars to be wrecked for parts. All goes for (19.00- What have you to trade? See Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St.. Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9201 Eve. 3-4335 or 3-0421. cd20 MR. INVESTOR WE'LL suow you the books on this one. Better han 30 net return on in vestment. Operate completely furnished apartment and rooming house in good county icat town. 18 apartments, 14 rooms. Five year lease. For particulars apply Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 37660. cd20 MOVING TO PORTLAND Will sell or trade for Salem proper! y this 13 unit brick arts. In very good W. Side location. Full price (32,500,00. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271 - Eves. 25091 cd30 A BUSINESS TO FIT YOUR PURSE $1500 Beauty Salon (1650 Radio Repair. (3800 to $15,000- Cates $4000 to (10.000- Orocerirs J9000 Appliance and Oitt. (13.000 Bus. Bids, and Lot (19.000 lo (71.000 Court Apts. 130.000 Tavern and Building (170.000 Hotel and Furnishings. See Harvey Huff Tor appointment. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 PhemeKeta St. Ph. 39271 - Eves. 3:1441 cd20 RV OWNER. Richfield station, shop. groc.. living quarters. 99E Hwy.. Hubbard. Ore. Consider trade and terms. Rt. 1, Box 305A. Hubbard. cd20 SACRIFICE Reduced from $38,000 to (32.000. almost new oustnSA bulldina with extra large lot. Oood location. (400 per mo. Income Owner leaving state. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3C3S Portland Road Ml. MJ0. !., Pll. l-Mll, I-JW3 Mil (REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE $1,300 DOWN 2 bedroom home on 2 acres of excel lent soil located north. Concrete found ation, wired for range. Quick posses sion. No. 845 $1,000 DOWN 4 bedroom home north. This home has lots of 'Ivlna space and is not old fashioned. Large lot. Just out 01 city North. No. 426 2-5390 337 N. High St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $8,500 Service ttaiion on 99 E. North, a real money -naker. Books to prove it. 2 bdrm. home. Call for appt. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate Ph. 3-32B9 255 Center St. cd20 SALEM TAVERN An old established money-maker doing a fine business, (26,500 buys lot, build ing, fixtures and business. Sorry, no phone I ..for mat ion. Burt Picha, Realtors Ph. 2-3849 337 N. High St cd21 THE SURE way to sell a business, write "Business Opportunities," Address 690 Market St., Room 622 DeYounK Bide., San Francisco, Calif., or call Salem 27970 for Information. cd-20 ONE GARI1ACE ROUTE, truck and dump grounds, (3,000 Ph. 2-5754 after 7 p.m. cd22 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICE pd. for furn.. households. Ph. 25511. 594 N. Liberty. Sundala Exchange. da HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-5110. da LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED St LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 26 Ph 3-8147. ea20 RABBITS PETS REGISTERED COCKER pups for sale. 1132 H I nes St Ph. 39909. ec20 SPRINGER SPANIEL female 9 months, with papers, (35.00, without $30.00. A. B. Black, Rt. 3. Box 41. ec20 CANARY singers, res. priced. Mrs. J. R. Barnes, Ht. 8, Box 387. Ph. 2-3469. ec24 WIRE HAIRED terrier puppy. Ph. 2-4829 ec20 CANARY singers (10. Ph. 3-4385. CHOICE Canary Birds. 260 N. 18th. ec30 FUEL DRY OLD and second growth fir. Also knots. Delivered. Write H. Casebeer, Rt. 1. Box 174, Lyons, Ore. ee22 1(1 In. DRY WOOD. $12.00 cord. You haul. 1 west ul Keizer school. Rt, 2, Box 154. Ph. 3-1160. -CO 20 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dle.ic and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 WALNUT SHELLS for fuel. Klorfein Pack. Inn Co., 460 N. Front Bring; sacks, eo West Salem Fuel Co. U-IN. DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St W Salem eea FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS, E C. Arbagast. Rt. 6. Box 343. 1 mile cast of Lancaster on Pra tum Road. (24 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets. Ph. 20238. f20 HELP WANTED MALE S APPLIANCE SALESMEN. Connect your self with a live denier who Is nat'ly rec ognized, ss a leader. Exp. not essential, must have car. Vince Electric, 157 S. Liberty. ga20 HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER, steady employment. Some knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. Tallman Piano Stort. Ph. 35707. gb22" STENOGRAPHERS it typist Positions In Slate of llces. Exc. working conditions. 40 hr. week. Apply Cicil Service Com mission, 444 Center St. gb21 LADY TO CARE for child in own home 5 day wk. Preferably West Salem. Ph. 2-7485. gb21 EXPERIENCED Stenographer. Homer R Smith Ins. Agency. Ph. 3-9181. gb21 WANTED lady for house work, from 9:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Ph. 3-5114 or 3-8869. gb21 COOD steady position for experienced salesman. Loral family man preferred. ARC Insulation. Ask for Vergets. Ph. 3-3748 gb20- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMEN RELIABLE MAN with car to call on farmers In Marlon county. Wonderful opport unity. $13 to (20 In a day. No ex perience or capital rrqulred. Perman ent. Write today. McNESS COMPANY. Dept. B, 2423 Mattnotta St., Oakland 7, Calif. gg20 MAKE MORE MONEY WITH THIS IN VENTION. Established company. Every home, factory, store, farm a prospect. Low price. Long profit . Exclusive. Free outfit. No deposit. Local territory. Big opportunity to establish your own bus iness. Sell direct from factory to user. Fire Extinguishers. Profit check mail ed weekly. Commissions. Cash In on big demand due to huge fire losses. Make more money. Write today for free facts. 1S7P R. C. Building. Red Comet, Inc.. Littleton. Colorado. g30 SALESMAN with car to demonstrate and se'l (arm tools and equipment. Must be financially able to receive direct ship ments. Olve particulars. Write box 189. Capital Journal. gg23 WE AT HERS TRIPPING and Insulation good com mH.it on. Phone 20500 evenings. g?4 WANTED POSITIONS HOUSEKEEPER wiih some nursing ex perience. Wife ill. Three In family. Ph. 2-0005. h22 PRI'NINO TREES, shrubbery, roses, land scaping. Free estimate. Richard Boyer. Phone 2-8U0. h45 PUBLIC Menoarapher available Satur days. Sundsva, and evenines. Call at 18J0 Cross St., Apt. I, or Phone 28391 b34 REAL ESTATE SULLIVAN REALTY CO. MR. AVERAGE We have two new suburban 2 bdrm. homes In a nice district, both have large un finished attics with convenient stairways, both have auto, heat, hdwd. floors, and are finished nicely. They are selling at a honey of a price and with a small down payment. SUBURBAN EAST A neat little cottage, with one bdrm., nice kitchen, living rm.. bath, utility rm.. elect, water heater, wired for range. Located on a good lot 2 blks. to bus and 4 blks. to stores O. I. Loan. $1,400 dwn. and all for $3,900. KINGWOOD VIEW HOME Here Is that ideal home with everytnlng and the price Is right, large dbl. garage, two fireplaces, finished rumpus room, l'j plumbing, large FHA Loan may be assumed. Look this one over and you will look no further Only $14,500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland Road LEE OHMART & AN IDEAL FAMILY HOME Located amongst a beautiful setting of tall firs In the King wood Hts. area, al most one acre of land; It's a large Dutch Colonial; 4 bedrooms: double plumbing; large sun room or den with extra Ureal ace; basement with alr-con-dlttoned oil furnace this home will take an F.H.A. loan or $12,000. Its your op portunity to obtain a really nice large family home; price Is right at $18,800. See Bill Stewart. DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT Just listed a money making restaurant with dining room; seating capacity for 136 persons: favorable lease: price (10.500. Rome terms. See Thclma Mnn- kerlz. Lee Ohmart & Phone 2-4115-6 GRABENHORST SPECIALS A HAUNTED HOUSE This is the type of home we've been haunted fori 3 bdrm. home with rumpus loom in bsmt.. located In En glewood. Call Earl West. HOME AND COURT SITE 4 bdrm. home, full bsmt., garage, pri vate gas pump, lot 115x156 ft. Excel lent court site. Located at 1189 D street. Call Peter Oeiser. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 2-2471; Evenings, 2-2948, 3-7773, 3-9968, 23-F-14, 2-8010 For prompt and courteous service list your property with us. c20 VrrlSToSrTloHs'" TfoTTrENT MISCELLANEOUS CARE OF children In my home. Large fenced nlay yard. Ph. 24828. h22 WANTED nursing, day or night. Experi enced. Reference. Ph. 20253. h42' DRESSMAKING, alterations and repairs ' 1343 Wibur or Phone 3-9721. h20' SPRAYING and pruning. Ph. 3-6021. h-30 CARPENTER WORK, finish or rough, new or remodel, large or small. Will go any place. For free estimates and ad vice phone 38281. h24 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. Ii34 SPRAYING & pruning. L. W. Candle. Ph. 37900. h30 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK St chimney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates. h26 POE'S mimeographing, typing service. prompt service, quanvy ur, luwn prices. 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. h.41' SERVICES Valley Sand ft Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, aand St silt. Tractor dor lot St grading ""ractor shovel for dirt moving Ph 3-4002 off. Res 37146. h' WANTED FURNITURE to clue & repair. Lea Bros's. Ph. 2-1233 h AUTT PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter. Call snrock Motor Co 3-9101 OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming, topping and removing. Ins. oper. Free est. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h29 TREE WORK: Trimming St topping, and removing. Insured operator. John Payne. 248 S. Church. h33- RELIABLE LADY, care for children. In my home or yours. Ph. 29213. h20 CARE for children in my home. Prefer 6 mo., 5 yrs. 183 8. 18th St. Ph. 2-6876. FOR RENT ROOMS CLOiE-IN. Women only. 425 N. Winter. Ph. 2-1835. JkZo NICE ROOM, with kitchen priv., no drink ing. Phone 20467. JkZ2- SLEEPING Rooms, H St O water. 461 N. High. Jg-"' ATTRACTIVE room, private home, gcntle- len. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 3-6368. JK2D- 3 ROOMS, business men preferred. 745 North Capitol st. rn. or z-otisf. Jk22 QUIET SLEEPING rooms. Men only. Ph 2-6835. 885 N. Winter JKZU- HOLLYWOOD sleeping rms. 2033 McCoy Ph. 3-6093. FOR RENT APARTMENTS PRIVATE PT. partly furn. Clean. Ph. 2-9213. 3560 Portland Rd. (50.00 mo. jp22' TWO RM. furn. apt. 627 N. Winter. Ph. 2-6593. JP" LARGE S-RM. furn. downstairs apt. Close In. Reas. Ph. 2-9881. JP20 ATTRACTIVE unfurn. apt. near Wlllam i ette. water, lights, heat, refrlg., gar bage disposal furn. Fine for couple. 55.00 mo. I'll, 2-9221. 450 S. Capitol St. JP21 LARGE 3-RM. furn. apt. Pri. bath. All uumies. wniKin vimc. pret. No children or pets. Ph. 2-7625. Jp22 GOOD LARGE 2-rm. apt., fully furn 532.50. 1160 Union. Ph. 3-8048 Jp21- NEW MODERN one bdrm. apt., unfurn. large living room, dinette, kitcnen. bain, stove, refrlg.. suburban, beautiful view (57.50. No children. Ph. 3-5367. Jp21 UPSTAIRS APT. Large comb. kit. A: LR Oood lzcd bdrm. Private bath. (50.00 Ph. 3-3748. Ask for Vergets. JP2 FURN. APT. 1710 N. Ojipltol. Pll. 26429. JP20 FOR RENT 3 room apt. neatly furnished, refrlger ator. electric ranse, etc. 156 S. Co:taRf St. 1P21 FURN. APTS. from (30.00 to (60.00 at 2310 N. 4th. JP23 MODERNLY Furn., all appliances, bus & school at door. Reat. Rent. 3590 S. Com'l jp30- APT., ilpg. rms. Ph. 34333. 790 N. Church Jp32 FOR RENT HOUSES SUBURBAN HOME. 6 rms and bath. Kei zer district. Would sell. Ph. 3-1101. (50.00 month. Jm22 NEW S-BDRM. HOME. hdwd. floors, elec. heat. (70.00. Ph. 38380. Jm22 FOR RENT: 3-BR furn. home. 975 Pine St. Ph. 2-8949. Jm4 f7 FT. TRAILER house. 1946 model, oil heft. Ph. 22270 after 6 p. m. Jm20 NEW 3 RF.DRM. furn.. elec. heat, home at 1030 Parkway. $75.00 mo. Ph. 2-0806. Jm20 t-RM. FURN. mod. cottaee. Ph. 26618. Jm20 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS BLDG. with extra large lot. suitable for used cars, good location north. Long lease available. (200 per. Al Isaak & Co.. Realtors 103$ Portland Road Ph. 3-78.'0. 2-4596: eve. 3-0473. 3-3558 JJO' roWFR TOOL rentals for home Ss In dust rial u Howser Bros Ph 3-3646 TRAILERS. (2 00 per day Howser Bros 603 Edcewater St. West Salem ! TRUCKS and cars SmStt'ys Clipper Ser vice Ph 39600 Cor Center and Church BUSINESS RM for rem R L Stiff J U DRIVE trucks cars Ph. 3-9103. GOOD USED PIANOS, fl. U SUM. I REAL ESTATE Ph. 33255: Eves. 37057, 35831. c20 CO., REALTORS LONE OAK VILLAGE See our signs on 3 excellent building lots: 2 at $850 each; one on corner at (1,450. Extra large lots; good, clean restricted district. $1,500 DOWN CLOSE IN A good 2 liedroom home In an exr el lent location only 7 blocks south of downtown area. Fireplace, good dry basement: new automatic piped fur nace; attractive corner lot. If you're looking for a clo.se-ln property don't fall to see this one. Price just reduced to (9.450. See Bill Stewart. EVENINGS PLEASE CALL Thelma Mankertz 3-1222 Bill Stewart 2-4722 Warren Brasher 2-5396 Bob Sullivan 3-8770 Co., Realtors 477 Court St. c22 BUILDING SITE 10 acres with beautiful view, good road, drilled well, located South. Price only $3,150. TERMS. Call Richard E. Gra benhorst. A GOOD HOME 2 bdrm.. excellent close in location, llv. rm., din. rm., hdwd. firs., fireplace, full bsmt. Price (9.850. Call Roy Ferris. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor aand er We sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646. ) IRONERS by week Phone 24439 FLOOR SANDER for rent MontRorr ry Ward J WANTED TO RENT STATE EMPLOYE, wife and son, need small 2-bdrm. partly furnished or un furnished house close In. Reasonable rent. PUhone 2-9009 Ja22 BY COUPLE, unfurn. or partly furn. small house in North Salem. Ph. 2-3759. Ja20 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Five car keys, in town. Ph. 3-3960. k2I 350 REWARD for return of billfold, lost Jan. 17, containing approx. $350. Finder keep (50 and return billfold and con tents to Leo Jirges, Box 96, Woodburn. k20 LADIES' RED billfold. Lost In Met. Toy counter. Contained $13 and change. 695 S. 25th St. Reward. Ph. 3-8200. k20 MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films Sz Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis, 412 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 2-5356 m24 LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 464 Court. m26 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial 6ts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work la tarted Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 1.10 N. Com'l. m HEAT YOUR HOME electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us foi free estimate Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., 255 N. Liberty. m BUILDING MATERIAL GOOD QUALITY plywood at reject price or lower. Car load quantity. l " as cheap as 3c. V as cheap as 19c. C. G. Long. Rt. 2, Box 31, Salem. Ph. 2-5821. One mile r.orth of Keizer. ma25 WRECKING HOUSE at 355 N. Church St. AH materials for sale. ma41 WARDS have Just received a carload shipment of plasterboard in 4'xB" sheets at .05' per square foot. Call Mr Griffin at 3-3191 for free estimate. MONTGOMERY WARD di CO. ma NOW in ock for Immediate delivery. Reject plywood 14 In.. 9 cents per foot. In., 14'a cents per ft. ' in., 16 cents per ft. Ei In., 18'a cents per ft. In.. 20 cents per fl. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court St. ma FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatforms and Bennett circs Snleins leadlnK masonry & plaster sup ply house. Ph. 2-5643. "PUMILITE" WEST SALEM" ma30" INSULATION and We a ther.n ripping Cro foot Brothers Ph 24656 ma REJECT PLYWOOD LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Available in 4'x6'. 4x8', 4x10'. Price per sq. It. .-in 9c --ln lfic 4-ln 20c Shipment to arrive next week Call uf or stop oy tuday so we can reserve the quantity you need. Phone 2-2024 VALLEY FARM STORE 4'45 Silverton Road Salem. Oregon ma21 DOUBLE RUN windows complete (10.00 Window ash (3.00. Rt. 2, Box 31, Salem. ma21 LARGE SUPPLY new V sheet rock $52.50 M, or 5 cents per sq. ft. Rock lathe (.35 per yd. New plywood at lowest prices. V Simpson board. $65.00 per M. C. O. Long, Rt. 2, Box 31, Salem. tna21 SHINGLES (3.50 per sq. and up. Insula tion board (55 per m. Rock lathe 35c per sq. yd. Wood gutter, plaster, ma aonlte St shakes Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 8. Box 757. Ph. 25950, Salem. ma21 RED CEDAR shingles Ph. 68F32. 1 mo :harre account ma22' FOR SALE Cheap Lumber Boards and Dimension By the Jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber Sm Manufacturing Company. Inc. ma YOU CAN HANG our doors but you can't beat their quality. 1 panel doors (8.75 to (9.00. C. O. Long, Rt. 2, Box 31. Salem. m21 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LOVELY BDRM. SUITE, bed .Springs, mattress. $24 50: wood heater. (10.00: chest. (9.30: dresser. (8.50: Singer sew ing machine, recond.. (43.50: one elee. portable, rne cabinet e'.ec. like new: apt. Frigidalre and apt. elec. range: Rollaway beds: washer $34.50. No rent to pay and no meters, so we can save you money. We buy and trade. Sifn dale Exchange. 594 N. Liberty. Ph 25511. day or eve. n20 ZENITH RADIO. Phon. Comb. Exc. cond. ' Ph. 28449 between 1 and 4 p. m. or after p. m. nil BUTANE HEATER. Oood cond. Price 130 Ph. 3540$. B20 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED REFRIGERATORS, ranges, water neaters. yeater Appliance co. nto COMPLETE SAWMILL Including D-13000 caterpillar power unit, double head saws, canting gear, edger, etc. 15 to 20 M cap. Also logging equipment includes 1947 B-20 Skagit Yarder lines and blocks, RD4 cat. with drum and 8-ft. blade. 1941 OMC 6x6 log truck. 1947 Studebaker lumber truck, both with trailer. Will sell one Item or all. FOR ETTE LUMBER CO. Phone 818 Stayton. Ore. n20 USED WASHERS $30 to (49.50. Yeater Appliance Co. n4S ODD LOTS new retreads fully guaran teed 600x16 (6.66 and your eld tire. Firestone Stores, Center at Liberty. n34 GOOD USED WASHER, $35.00. Ph. 3-17". 29B N. 23rd. n23 GIRL'S BICYCLE (25.00. Boy's bicycle (22.50. Inquire after 4:00 on Saturday or Sunday. 1813 Cross St. Apt. 2. n31 BOY'S WORLD TRUCK bicycle (33. Looks like new. 1365 N. 4th St. n22 PLUMBING STOCK at discount. Some at wholesale. Fittings, fixtures, pipe, etc. W. A. Skewis Co.. 1390 Madison, n CONSOLE RECORDIO radio-phonograph. Make vour own records. Regular (360 now (275. Yeater Appliance Co. n45 HEAT YOUR nome electrically It's con venient, clean, economical. Sac uj for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 253 N Liberty o WALLING SAND a GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete garden land Bulldozing drainnre anri dlrchtne i -vd !iovel and drag Una Ph 3-9249 KELVINATOR, Rotpoint appliance,; Fow ler hotwatiT heaters Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph 3-3139 n TnOR Automngle Washers. Oladlrona Hollywood Appliance Co. Ph 34439 CARDBOARD Ins. sheets & boxes. 1790 N. Front St. n39 USED WASHERS, Easy Conlon. Barton. Thor, Speed Queen. Yeater Appliance Co. n45 STEEL clothes line posts. Railings In stock and to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n39 WAX SEAL cleans, polishes, waxes. Pro tects your car's finish from rain and sun. Metallic like finish. Two years protection $1.76, easy to apply, average car 1 hr. Ouaranteed. Ph. 3-3149. n34 BRAND NEW Duo Therm oil heater, 6 room size. $78.95. Gevurts Furniture. Phone 3-4615. n20 COW FERTILIZER $5 a yard. (9 a load Ph. 36021. n20 RESTAURANT type range, 2 burner with grill. Yeater Appliance Co. n45 SILVER PLATING Tea sets, flatware, antiques. Complete repair service and metal finishing "Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing" AVEK PLATING CO., Call 3-7771. n29 ELECT U OLUX vacuum cleaner. Latest model. Perfect cond., like new, (39.50. 2105 University St., Ph. 3-0458. n21 BRAND new Vernols wood range, large fire box, full size oven, white porce lain finish, .89.50. , GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4615 n23 WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fers complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call 33191. n FERTILIZER. Cow or cnicxen manure delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh $5.00 per cubic yard del Also manure by ack $1.00 pei sack at place or will del. five sack order. Phillips Bros.. Rt 6 Box 118, Salem. Ph. 68P22. n32 NO WAXING whwen you use Plastl-Kote. the celloohane-Uke finish for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co. n45 ATMORAYS. Ozone Good Health. Rent Sell. H O. Pugh. 684 N. 17th Ph. S-4692 "LEO. nOT WATER heater. 42 cal Col lins. New (87 Ph. 3-4284. . D NEW G-E VACUUM cleaner. Special at $49.95. Gevurtz Furn. Phone 3-4615, n20 GARDEN SAND, Grave-), crushed rock Shovel St drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND Si GRAVEL CO Ph 3-9319 SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Si Basement Equipment Rental 16 B H yds. 12.00 per hr 10 B hi yds. 9,60 per hr D-7 Cat Si Dozer 10.50 per hr D-6 Cat St Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat St Dozer 7.00 per hr Phone Dara 71-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon n GENERAL ELECTRIC, Orosley, Gibson and Montag Appliance at Gevurtz. Quality Used Appliance Trade-ins PRICED TO MEET THAT RESTRICTED BUDGET Apex Washer, reconditioned. guaranteed $74.50 Frigidaire Refrigerator $99.50 Hotpoint Elec. Range, $43.50 Westinghouse Elec. Range $38.75 SW Portable Radio ..$12.50 Crosley Console Radio, $35.00 Spartan Console Radio $49.00 Record Player $10.00 Olympic (all cast) Wood Circulator $45.00 One Minute Washer . .$39.50 Gevurtz Furniture Co. 275 N. Liberty Ph. 34615 1124' BLOW TORCH 15.95. Solid Bronze 1-qt. wind-proof burner, lint, heavy duty eamle.u lead coated steel tank. SEARS ROEBUCK Ss CO. 484 STATE ST. n20" JAPANESE 3.5 rifle with bayonet and srabnrd. A collector Item. 30. Ph. 20G39. n20 DAVENPORT and chair Excellent con dition. He.st offer trite.. AsklnE 1110. Rear Apt. 1342 Wallet St. n20 DRAO SAW with five ft. blade nearly new. Side aim water heater used 2 years. T29 N. Liberty St. n20 RADIO TRADE-INS RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED Zenith Console (49.50 Zenith Chairside 49.30 Meek Table Combination 44.50 Richmond Chairside 37.50 Stewart-Warner Console 32.50 Phllco Portable 32.50 Temple Portable 29.50 Airline Console 22.50 GIlFlllan Table Model 19.50 Philco Transitone 18.95 Airline Portable 17.50 Mirror Tone Table Model 11.95 Brunswick Console 10.50 Philco Table Model 7.50 Mitchell Radio and Appliance "YOUR SERVICE DEALER State and 19th Phone 3-7577 n20' LARGE sire Selgler Oil Circulator, fine cond. Half the price when new. 3 blocks west of Water's Park. 2355 Cloud. n20 BEAUTY REST Mattress, like new, A B C springs and bed $70. Ph. 3-8447. n20" ONE LARGE Furnace, one large and one small heat'ng stove, two kitchen wood ranae. Highland Ave. Friends Church. Inquire 3165 N. Church St. Parson see. n33 ANTIQUES Exquisite Bavarian China: collector's items in bronze teakwood and Jewelry. 425 N. 23rd. n20 LOVELY BDRM. Suite. (100. bed. springs, mattress. $34.50: wood heater. (10.00: chest. (9.50: dresser (8.50: Singer sew ing machine, recond.. (43.50: one elee. portable. ne cabinet elec. like new: apt. Frigidaire and apt. elec. range: Rollaway beds: washer (34.50. No rent to pay and no meters, so we can save you money. We buy and trade. Sun dale Exchange. 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 25311. day or eve. B21 MONTAG EIECTRTC apt. range, new. 4 burner, 3169.93. Otvurti Purn. Ph. 3-4613 D20 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BOY JR. SIZE BICYCLE, TCLE, 24 In. whirl,. 3-6205. na21 1456 N. ieth. pn PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy com plete, or part set of Havlland dtahrs. Ph. 2-455B. na3l ANTIQUES, Bric-a-Brac. Ph. 2-5511. naZ3 NEWSPAPERS bought. 1790 N. Front. na43 SEWING MACHINE, any make or eond. W. Davenport- Pb. 3-7671 1930 N 18th. na20 FOR EXTRA cash, sell ui your feed ana grain bagi. K 8 Bag Co., 347 Kear ney, or large lots call 31873 or 30208, ves. na USED FURNITURE- Phont 3-9186. PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills contracted by anyone, other than by my seir. Dated Jan. 34, 1949. Eugene O. Robinette. P23 WILL NOT be responsible for any bills other than my own. G. R. Sheltoiu p25 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. O. Box 724. Phone 3-5334. P170 WILL NOT BE responsible for any bills other than m own. G. R. Shelton. p20 MARGARET Jeffries, psychic reader. Without a question she will tell you. Until Jan. 28th. Room 3, Morris Hotel. Ph. 35133. P22 STANLEY Home Products, 666 Cross St. Ph, 2-5305. P28 AUTOMOBILES 11)48 CHEVROLET, half ton panel, 25,000 miles. 435 Jefferson. q22 '.19 DODGE SEDAN. New motor, paint and brakes. Harry Woelf, Turn, Oregon. Rt. 1, Box 147. co Tom Webbs Dairy. q22 1947 PONTIAC 4-dr. sedan. Radio, heater, sunvlsor, seat covers, back-up light, and other extras. Low mileage, Oood rub- ' ber. See at 370 Kingwood Ave. Phone 2-1949. q22a 1918 MODEL CHEV. 'i-ton pick-UP. Low mileage, good rubber, good cond. Phone 3-6006. See at 1905 N. Commercial. q22 Thrift Week BARGAINS BUY YOUR USED CAR NOW! Special 1941 Buick Super Club Coupe, R&R New paint job. (1095. 1941 Chevrolet Sedan, Special Deluxe, R&H, Defroster. 1946 Pontiac 6 Sedan, RArH, Defroster. 1940 Buick Sedan, RA-H. 1939 Buick Sedan, R&H. 1939 Studebaker Club Sedan. H. 1938 Plymouth Coupe, new Dodge mo tor, R&H. SPECIALS ON CHEAPIES 1935 Chevrolet Panel. 1935 Ford Panel, (li)5. 1935 Ford Coupe, (175. 1930 Model A $195. Ron's Motor Co. General Automotive Repair 240 S. High Phone 34598 a Block Below Elsinore Theater. q20 1941 MASTER CHFV, 2-dr. Exceptionally good condition. Radio and heater. Black original Unish. Ph. 24801. q22 FOR FINE CARS AT FAIR PRICES SEE Teague's Used Car Lot 1948 Kaiser sed. like new. 1947 Frazer sed., radio, heater & 0. D. 1939 Chev. sed. 1939 Ford coupe. Radio & heater. 1938 Chrysler Royal sed. ' 1936 Pontiac Six sedan. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Co'ml. Ph. 2-4173 q25- 1940 CHEV. coupe. Excellent cond., book price, after 5 p.m. 184 W. Wilson St. Ph. 28797. q24 41 PONTIAC 8 Deluxe Sedtnettt. extra accessories, mechanically perfect. Looks new. Make offer. Original owner. Ph. 2-0137. q21" 31 CHEV. Club Coupe. (Victoria stylo with truck.) Radio St heater. Fair mo tor and tires. See It at the Mobil Sta tion, 1090 S. 12. q21 1916 FLEET LINE AERO CHEVROLET, good clean car. Radio, heater. $1795. 320 Evergreen. Ph 38529 q2l lOfi BUICK sedan. R&H. By original owner. 460 Falrvlew, Salem. Ph. 3-6676 q20 WANTED best sedan 1 can buy for (500 cash. W. H, Evans, 1144 Madison, Salem. n2l 1938 LA SALLE SEDAN. R St H, motor needs some work. Otherwise good. (550. Ph. 24469, eve. 38355. q21 1939 BUICK SPECIAL, R tie H, new seat covers. Has 1946 motor. Will sell cheap. (650. i920 Berry. Ph 3-0620. q21 GET POLAR GRIP Retreading done nov for safer driving. Firestone Store, Center at Liberty. Phone 3-2491. q25 1940 4-DR. PONTIAC sedan. Heater, new tires, new seat covers, new brakes, or iginal paint, good cond. Ph. 2-9198; eves 2-4950. q;o BRAKES NEED RELINING? Bring It to Firestone Store Center at Liberty. Prompt service. Reasonable Prices, Phone 2-J491. q25 liill CHEVROLET Special Deluxe Coupe A fine car. A real buy. $1095. McCalls. 1297 State. Dial 3-8108. q20 I!i:t4 CHEVROLET 2 door sedan, good tires, heater, a clean car. (350. McCalls 1297 State. Dial 3-8108. q20 1038 FORD 2-dr. Sedan. Radio. (450. New paint, eat covers. Terms. McCalls Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 3-8108. q20" IM39 FORD 2-dr. Sedan. Original Jet black paint, good tires and a quiet running motor. (750. McCalL 1297 State. Dial 3-8106. qjn 1911 FORD Deluxe 2 door sedan. New paint, radio, heater, seat covers and in very good mechanical condition. Only (995. McCalls, 1297 State. Dial 3,8108. q20 If Seeing la Believing You'll Be Leaving in One of Our Bargains Prices Effective Friday Thru Tuesday Only 1948 Chevrolet Aero, R St it. Just like new. (1895. 1947 Chevrolet Club Coupe, one owner car. can't tell from new. (1895. Late 1946 Dodge 4-dr. Custom. R St H. Boucht June 4. 1947. $1795 MANY MORE LATE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM CHEAPIES IB36 Olds J -door. Oood condition. Heater. 1195. 1934 Buick. (95. 1935 Ford Tudor, new motor with 3.000 miles. Square Deal Used Cars 1155 S. 12th ph. 3-669 nmo 1941 DODGE 4 door, fluid drive, which .ait .t.j ui cie. uriginai throughout. (1195. McCalls. 1297 State Dial 3-8108. 0?n 194 DODGE Sedan. All accessories, radio. ' oacg'.ng llgnt. New tiret. Excellent condition. Phone 3-6472. olri 1941 DeSOTO sedan deluxe model. Oood con. i.iean inrougnom, HIPS. ph 3-8119. q2 (Continued on Page 11)