16 Capital Journal, Salem, OLA8BIFIED ADVERTISING: Per Line 15c Per Line 3 times -40c Per Line 6 times 60e Per Line 1 month 32.00 Outside of Salem 15c per line per day. Min. 30c; 3 times min. 80c 8 time min. 11.20. No Refund HEADERS In Local News Col. Only: Per line 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES I7M. CLEAN one-bedroom home with 2 ' lot outh. Completely nirnianea. im- mediate oosswion. Call Stanley Brown f With State Finance Co. REALTORS 191 . High St. Ph. 3-4111! eve. 25361. alT t&lM.' KEW modern 3BR home Inglewood . dut. Close to scnooi. L,n. uk, Mnn at , bath. Attached garage. Immediate pos. , Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co, REALTORS 1 MS . Kith St. Ph. 3-4131; eve. 5661. NEED 4 BEDROOMS? Let Mr. Holme how you thi good older home on mrougn street, dus mi ' vlrtrtr. auto. gas heat. elec. water heater. Ye, thrre 1 dining room. Insured title 17000. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 K. High St. Phone 37860 Eve. Phone 24773 al7' ENGLEWOOD DIST. Dandy 6 room bungalow with large . living room and fireplace. 3 bedroom and beautiful shaded lot, only 4 block , from school. A bargain at 16500. NEW 11.000 DOWN . Two bedroom modern bungalow with large living and 11 relate, oil heat. Space In attic for extra bedroom. Attached garaite. Large lot In new addition close to bus. Price $8500. Call Mr. cieary. - Waller Musgrave, Realtors 1233 EDGE WATER PH. 3-5109 Eve. 3-9839 a IT IffMM). LATE built modem 2-BR home on bus line, close to school. HW floors, fireplace, oil furnace, Venetian blinds, - attached garage. Immediate possession. , 11,200 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 B. High St. Ph. 3-4121: Eves. 2fi!81 n fAMHi. CLEAN modern plastered late built home 3at on bus line. Attached gar afte. Large lot, immediate possession. ' 11000 down. Call Stanley Brown witn State Finance Co. REALTORS IM . High St. Ph. 3-4131; eves, 15861 a 17' $4200 BARGAIN . A 1e. 2-story hse. near city limits. 1 rooms. 80x150 ft. lot with lot of Irult trees. A handy man's chance. Set this it other. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11. Wallace Road. Rt. 1, Box 243 ' or Ph. 3-8830. 1289 6th St. W. Salem. 16 BY BUILDER New three-bedroom plus unfinished at tic, Bendix wnsher. $2,000 down, bal ance $H200 F.H.A. mortgage. New 2-bedroom, $1650 down, balance 17300 F.H.A. mortgage. For keys call at 1130 Oxford. aid" HEW 3 bedrm. house for sale. Bus by door. Ph. 2-2574. 10' $1500 DOWN Mr. Beckett will be pleased to show this neat two bedroom, northeast; plas tered, cove ceilings, wired for range, lec. water htr. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS " 14 N. Htiih St. Phonfl 37860 Eve. Phono 3(591 all $13,750 , arrangement exrellent; condition ex cellent; Iohii valuo excellent. Bedrooms, 2 ud and 2 down; full basement, auto. oil heat; hdwd. floors, fire plnce, 8 years Goodwin and McMillin Realtors ; 484 Court. Ph. 3-4707; eve. 27383 or 36I4R Today's Best Buys 2 bdrm. cottage , South Mono 2 bdrm. home, Salem Height ,...16500 . 2 bdrm. G. I. Loan 17250 - 2 bdrm. Kelser Dlst 18000 . 3 bdrm. Fireplace 18200 , 2 bdrm. Highland Dl.st 18500 . a bdrm. New. Bush School $n50 ; 2 bdrm. near High School 18050 : 2 bdrm. Inalewoml $0250 , 2 bdrm. Nvw. Hollywood 10350 . 2 bdrm. Inglewood 1 11.500 ; 3 bdrm. Inglewood $14,75n , 3 bdrm. Spacious grounds 116.500 , 3 bdrm. Fust 117.850 , 3 bdrm. South 12th 119.000 , 3 bdrm. Inglewood 121,000 3 bdrm. McKinlev School 135,000 TO BUY - SELL - OR RENT Ralph Bent ; Realtor 3-3123 Sun or Eve. call Klumpp, 2-0126 2330 S. Commercial St. - A BETTER BUY - A really well built 3 bedrm. noma with "" lots of room, nicely located on corner lot. 1 blk. to bus St stores. 3 bids, to - school. Full basement, oil furnace A lawn sprinklers. A little touching up will live you a home which would oat perhaps 113.000 to duplicate. A buy at 19300. CaU WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1233 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109 a!8 $6000 a bedroom 12-yr.-old. Wonderful loca tion. (North Church) This place had breakfast nook and dining room, elec tric cooking, full basement. Abo has a garase ant. This ts truly a bargain. HOME WITH INCOME Wo have a homo that affords a nice place to live ft an upstairs apt. renting at 150. prr month. Very nicely located, only 18500. ENGLEWOOD DIST. 3 bedrooms on 1 floor, elrc. cooking At water heater. Full basement, wood fur nace, older but nice, $8500. WANT TO SELL OR BUY GIVE RAWLINS A TRY Rawlins Realty Ph. 34664: eve. 36013, 2-5757, 32535. (Hollywood District) al6 3 BEDROOM HOME 1(500 12000 down. bal. 138 prr mo. Drive by 1785 fi Commercial St., thru see THE HEAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High 31. Ph. 34793. alT fM.ttw.Mi FK.A. term. 3-bd. rm., mod.. new home. hwd. fir., fireplace, auto. fun room for 3 bd. rms. up. See Harvey 5 Huff Real Estate Co. ': Realtors 341 Chemeketa St " Ph. 39271 - Ovo. 39441 a!7 3uST COMPLETED. Lovely 3 B R. honvT E H.W. Floors, Elect. Heat, nice kitchen. . restricted district. Equal house be in ': offered for 11000 more money, priced 7 it only 16950. Good terms. R. E. Meredith Z Realtor " 1,8 Commercial Ph. 3-8841 a!7 I'd SALE by owner. Modern a bedroom " heat. 1370 . 13 th. Ph. 3-SH for opM 11 Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 19, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW ALL MODERN By owner. 3 bedroom home, Karaite, utility room, oil floor furnace, lot fiox 125. Price 15500. Call at 2330 Hyde St.. Salem. -20 THREE BEDROOMS Mr. Spurlock Is anxious to show you this well located house; H.W. floors, fireplace, V. blinds, elec. watrr htr., oil floor furnace, fenced yard, nice garden spot. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 2ve. phone 28688 a IT BY OWNER, 2 ',4 year old house, excel, condition, price 39000. 3 BR, hdwd. firs., Weslx elec. heat, fireplace, garage, lawn. Lot 64x260, FHA terms. 1045 Vista. Phono 2-6829. a 16 Drive Out To 2280 Englewood Ave. (Juat off 33rd and D St.) Open All Day Evenings 6 to 8 P.M. 2 bdrm. house, llv rm.. din. rm. ft rep., elec, heat, extra table space In kitchen, plenty of built-in and clo set space. Coved linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors, and Inside utili ty room. Full Price $11,200 $3,000 dn. Bal. $51.91 mo. Abrams and Skinner, Inc. 411 Maaonlc Bid,. Ph. 39217 Innurance Mortgage Loans .18' F. H. A. HOMES A selection of lx nice well built F.H.A. hornet In the Englewood school district, all have fireplaces and hardwood floors thruout, some have three bedrooms on one floor, others have two bedroom down with unfinished upstairs, we are In position to give you your choice at very reasonable down payments. NICE HOME A very nice two bedroom home with city water, sewer, paved street, bus by the door. .iear grade school, landscaped. V. blinds, developed garden space, good area, will co P. H. A. 38500. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. a!7 MOOT DOWN and 160 per month. Immed poss. 2 BR, LR, dinette, bath with tub and shower, all hdwd. firs., large rooms, attached garage, electric heat, only 6 month old. 19500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Com' I. St. Ph. 38389; eve. 39989 Low Down Payments SI0O0 dn. Price 16950. 3 BR on one floor approx. 15 yrs. old. SIMM dn. Price 33976. 4 rooms and bath. Suburban oast. SI 500 dn. Price 37250. Nearly new a BR home., dec. heal, hdwd. floors. As sume OI loan at 4 per cent on bal. KOiio dn. Price (5950. 4 BR house plas tered up and down, see Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St., rm. 4 Ph. 3-9201 Eve. 3-4335 or 3-8763 a 16' UNFINISHED HOME In Kelzer district 13800 or trade equity for best large trailer nome and 1200. Ph. 25856. alfl BY OWNER new modern 5 room house at Woodburn. Iot 80x70. Price 33300. 4 rm. house, toilet, hoi water tank, wired for ranges. Also Woodburn, $2650. Call at 2330 Hyde St., Salem. a-20 $2900 Total Price Small cozy collage on Ige. lot south. Consider Trailer House to 11800, $3750 Total Price 3 Bdrm j., modern, close to city bus. Pay 11200 down. Move right In. $4300 Total Price 15100 Furnished 2 bdrms., mod., a blk. bus. 12500 mortgage, $6350 Total Price $9950 Total Price Walking dlnlanc downtown, 2 bdrms., hath, llv., kit., din., nook. Basement. But at door. $2000 down. bal. Ilka rent. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 I. Com. Ph. 246(025407 A-17 16500. Nice 3 brirm. older type home In good lorn t ion, corner lot with lge. trers, good taint., sawdust fur., pretty kitchen, full bath up, toilet down. A good buy. Gall Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 39371 - eves. 25360 a!7 U,fW)0. DO Complete fur. 4-B R. home, ev erything in tnp rond. run nastm. on ht. 1 A. of good soil, 1 ml. to city llmtta. 34.000 will handle. JAimum 2 vr. old fur amnll cottage, rlOKe lo city lmts. 61100 down, See Ed. Luklnbeal Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 3(1 Chemeketa St Phone 39271 - evs. 26BH0. a!7 $(.NIH1, good terms, buys 8 unit mod. court. Ideal location, hwd. firs., fireplace. Good rentals. See Harvey Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 1(1 Chemeketa St Phone 39271 eve. 26680. all WHY PAY RENT? 1750 down. Use your G. I. loon on thts new homo 6 blks. Ent of CUv limits. Paved St. Bus by door, 2 bedrooms. Brand new. Hdwd. floor thruout. Klec heat. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 9(5 . Commercial. Ph. 34590; vo. 11(68 $500 DOWN Modern two bedroom suburban home on tacre. Wired for range, elec. wtr. htr.. utility rm., garage, elrc. well. Terma 1500 dwn., 160 per month. Price J675D. $500 DOWN Modern. I't yr, old 3-bdrm. home. LR. DH, utility rm.. auto. heat, garage. On Ige. lot suburban. Price 19500. payments like rent. COLBATH LAND CO. Realtori 1683 Center St. Ph. 2(552 al7 BY OWNER New two bedroom home on i arr, pla-sterod. flrei'lncr. all hdwd. firs. Exceptionally nice floor plan. At tached sarase. utility room. auto. elec. hetit. 11500 wilt hnndlr. F1I.A. Route 3. Box 154 on East Center St., s mile pat tnticaster all FOR SALE LOTS COt'RT H1TE-. 110x156, 18 It. alley rear, close to all schools, easy walking dis tance downtown, state bid.. fc Wil lamette. 14500. Ph. 3-8H35. WALT SOCOLOFSKY. Heal Estate aal7 for 8AI.E l.or flo'simr. utility rm.. mod- em trailer hou.se. Ph. 2-3398. aal8 CITY 1.6 T6'7i35'"sewerwater.',VavV ment, restricted district. Call 24048 af ter 5 p.m. aa30 Sullivan Realty Co. CITY LOT In Nob Hill Annex. 30x130. city water. This I the best lot buy In Rnlrm at 1700 WE AlJtO have another good lot buy that has city water, on Orchard Hi. Road, and II ha a 300 ft. frontage for 11.300. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33353. eve, 23737. 37057. aal 4 LOTS for sale by owner. Located aouth. Jh. 2-5931. Rt 9, box 163. aa!9 3 VIEW LOTH, city property, sice 50'xl33: on Pelton St. off Hansen ave, 1750 per lot. By ;.wner. Ph. 36(00. an 19 FOR SALE FARMS SO ACRES located about 1 mile S.W. About )3 A. cultivation, bal pasture timber. Year round stream. Prico 11,000 Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS US . IHih St. Ph. 1-4111; ova 1M0I HI' FOR SALE FARMS SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 135 Acres North On paved road, all level land, about 90 acres In grain. Small house, practically al now. Farm equipment. Crop and all equipment goes lor quick sale. 316,000. Gooc term. i Act Quick on This One 25 acres good soil. 4 acres Oats and etVch. 6 acres Wheat. J acre Rasberrie. bat In pasture and timber. Family fruit and cows 3 calves, 3 hogs, 54 laying pullets. 12 rrutt house, 4 room house, cook stove, wood dr.. creaam separator, elec Close to school, good road. For quick sale price $8500. 33000 cash. North Howell 16'i A. Willamette soil. If you want to farm close to school, churches and store. enicnen noose, price 12,000. Terms. 20 11 acres cult. Bal. pasture and timber. 6 room home, all modern, fireplace, full en houses, shop, 12 cu. ft. deep freeze. in the country, For quicic sale price 112,100. Term. SULLIVAN 3366 Portland Rond REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS NEW 2 BDRM. HOME On nice, wooded lot. In peaceful set tins, Attached garage. This 1 of ex cellent construction. Price 16,950. Cell Earl West. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Beautiful aettlni, unlimited view, mod ern 5 rm, home with den, Ige. rooms, dble. garage. Call for appointment Rich ard E. Orabenhorst. 980 FAIRVIEW A fine 2 bdrm. home, 3 yrs. old, 1 acre of ground, full basmt, Insulated and weather .stripped, close to schools, city bus, TERMS. Call Roy Ferris. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 2-2471: Evenings, 2-2948. or prompt and courteous service REIMANN FOR 11300 DOWN 3li acre with 2 bedroom home. Locat ed north, quick possession. Full price 16300. No. 45 3 BEDROOM on one fmor. Hardwood floors, new large kitchen with nook, dining and living rooms, fireplace, built-in book cases, large double garage. PHA terms. Price 112,800. No. 315. REIMANN FOR A'!- -S-"I1;-- ?'. 3 - FOR SALE FARMS 16Y2 Acres 1 S-BR house. 2-BR garage house. All but 2 acres tlllabe. Well, elec. pump, north, rull price only 312.600. 4 cash will handle. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596. Eve. 2-0(73. 3-3558 bl7 35 Acres $1000 145 per month, 4 bedrm. home. Needs some finishing, plastered, barn, chick en house, garage, good black soil, two good welLs, 8 miles to Salem. Opportun ity Knocks, only 110.500. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Commercial Ph. 2-46(9 Eve. 2-5497 bl8 FARM AND RANHIT RARn a tnr IDEAL DAIRY setup North. Clone in. 22 A. 11 iinaoie. .Excellent barn and bldgii. Oood 8-rm. home. Wonderful buy at 116.000. Terms. STOCK RANCH and general farnl 454 A. with 1(5 A. till., 120 A. bottom, 145 A. water right. Good 8-rm. home, 3-rm. tenant hse. Another old house, plenty Kood barns and outbldgs. Most alt under good new fence. All crops in. 3(0,000 cash dn. MANY CHOICE sninll and large farms available. Came and Sep' STHOUT HKALTY B50 8. 12th St. Phone S-5333. blfi FOUR ACRES EAST Only two mile from city. Clean 5 rm modern bungalow, large new (-stall horse onin, 3-car gnrago and poultry house. Fnmily orchard and well fenced. On bus line and a renl setup for a family who likes hor.ie.s. Price 111,500. 20 ACRES Modern 5 rm. bungalow with full base ment. Al.so guest cottage, large bBrn and poultry houses, ideal for berries or cattle. Six miles from city on pave ment. Attractive price. Call Mr. Cieary Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 Edgcwater Si. Ph. 3-5109 Eves. 3-9939 bl7 6 ACRES. 10 miles from Satei nome. nrcpiace, larne barn. cul- iivation, bnl. pasture. 10 A. walnut " ". mm equipment . Take In Salem home to 16000. Price 616.000 Call o. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 133 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121; eves. 35206 bl7 FOR SALE ACREAGE 20 ACRES 613. 350.00 buys this nice 3 bedroom home with large LR. with fireplace, bath, lull basement, good pipe furnace, good bam and other outbuildings. This Is a good clean place thruout. located on pave ment, close to school. Call Ray Davis Huff Real Estate Co. RrHltor 341 Chemeketa fit. Phone 39271 - Evenings 2B658. bbl7 740 ACHES. 30 head heifer cows. Near Blodget. Oregon, tlfi.000. Will sell cattle separate. Phone (51 Jetferson. bb20 19750.00. TrrrnT s 'bdrm.. glassed in sleepinit porch. Mod home, bnscment and furnace. On 3 A. filbert, walnuts and fruit, good barn and garage. See Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. i-uone saa.l - eve. 39(41 bblT M.mW. i ACRE with clean 3-HR hnm. i East. blk. to bu. Good barn, chick en I10u.se. This is a beautiful acreage Just outviide the city. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121; eves 35561 bblT SO ACRES Swegle district. Good subdivis ion Piweny. muuu down. bal. month lr payments. Ph. 3-9460 or 3-5(37. bb20 !UHi. ACHE with good 3-bdrm. home vlimp 111 rtonn on bus line. Bain, chick en house. lot.s of fruit. Call Stanley Brown ivttn State Finance Co. HEALTOHS 153 S. High St Ph. 3-4121; eve. 35561 bbl7 SUBURBAN 2 A. East, sotwi garden soil, lot of fruit A nuts. Mod. 2 BR home, garage chlx Iwe. On paved rd. Bus by door. $6000 Will trade toi rt.ve. in city. Lovely 3 HH home on I A. East. Beau tifully laiulscnped. Fruit ,mits. Ji ber ries, chlx hse. Room for more houses. A good buy nir itWdo. Term. JOE HUTCHISON - REALTOR l.i.s court St.. Salem. Oregon Pll. 2-3639; eve. 2-3203, 3-3632, 3.(789 bb!7 $7500 10 acres. 5 bi-droom t-.ou.se. located 11 miles N.E. Loss than 20 minutes from Salem, jirgp barn, chick house, marh. shed, oerrtes, fruit, nuts, cow, calf, chickens, range, heater, priced for o,mck ale. $8750 T acre, (-bedroom house, bsmt., oil turn. Barn, brooder, chick house. Prune, walnuts, filbert, pears, ap ples, oerrie. cherries. plenty hay round A pasture. Spring, creek. Chas. Hudkins & Son Realtor 260 N. High St. Ph. 2-4139 bblti IA950. t A. cn Lancaster. New 2-BR home liveable but not finished 9MM. ti A. close to Four-Corners. 2-BR home, wilt trade for town property. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R EALTOR8 ll . High St. Ph. 3-4111; tve. 2430S IFOR SALE FARMS nuts, 2 tractors, plow, harrow, disc, I rabbits, 5 ton of hay, nice large barn, raise berries see this. Really a fine little Small strenm on place, I houses and Acres Close to Salem on paved road. A real nice basement, furnace heat. Nice barn, chick- See this if you want a nice place to live REALTY CO. I REAL ESTATE 5 ACRES Located east on McCleay road, T rm. home on 1 fir, dble. plbt,, unfln. attic, chicken houfle, good barn with cement fir, family fruit and nut trees. Best of sol, CaU Q. H. Orabenhorst, Jr. SPACIOUS LIVING & INCOME Spacious llv. quarters, for owner lo cated 5 mm. walk from business dis trict. Apartment house in excellent con dition, 7 rentals, steam heat, oil fired, ranges and refrig. In most apt. Don't miss this opportunity to provide your self with excellent Hvlnir quarter and Income. Call Peter H. Oelser. -772, 3-9968, 23-F-14, 2-8010 list your property with us. cl6 REAL ESTATE 11000 DOWN 4 bedroom home north on lame lot. Living and dining room. Wired for ranve. No. 426. 12000 DOWN 4 bedroom new home with hardwood floors. All plastered, large attached aa ratfe. Wired for range. Auto. heat. No. 424. REAL ESTATE 201 60. High St. f!6 S905. 2-1528, S-2346 REAL ESTATE Out of the Rain LARGE LOT 72x150 with trailer nouae 24 water and toilet, electricity, about oiock irom city HmlU and bus. 31800, terms. WANT A CITY BUILDING LOT with sewer and water, bu 1 block, for 150 oown, wnere you can build that mod erately priced home at your own con venience. Full price 1700. LIVAIILE. NEW THREE BDRM. HOME suburban not completely finished, a good buy at 14200. With excellent term. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38216. C17 SWHMl Finish this to suit yourself, a 3 bedroom house with bath, llvlnz room and dining room combined, kitchen, nook, fireplace, wired, and plumbed. 1mm. poss., bus at door. SH50H Need more room? Here Is a good older type homo with two bedrooms downstairs, batli. living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, room for ap artment upstairs, new double garage, atr-condltion furnuce heat. MAKE AN OFFER on this 2 bedroom home and 1 A. ground. Has bath, living and dining rooms combined, kitchen, all electric utilities, insulated. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1545. 3-48H0 Eves. 2-8568, 2-66H6, 3-7505 cl8 Vt ACRE small nent modern house. Bus at door. Price $(000. 8 BEDROOM modern house, West Salem, price .)iu. 1 BEDROOM modern house, partly fur nished. North Salem. Price 35000. Alfred Dumbeck 147 North Commtrcial St. Phono 2-3531 Eve. 2-0181 cl7 BEST BUYS 2 Houses $3200 Can bo. bought separately 1 house unfinished. 3 rooms for 11200 or 1 house finished, vrry livable. 12000. North. $6500 Full Price 9 BR house, good cond., garage, very close to school and bus, trees. $2750 Down 1 2-BR house. 1 1-BR house, on a choice Ige, lot. Excellent location to build for rentals. Poth houses almost new. At tached garage to each. Full price only 115.000. Terms. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors (035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7830. 2-4596. Eve. 2-0473. 3-355B LEO. N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS LOOK AT THIS. Very comfortable one bdrm. brick home. Living rm., dining rm.. kitchen, utility rin., garage. Fenoed 60x140 lot with large trees. Close to Highland srhool. (4950. 61600 DOWN and 650 a month will let you move into thts new two bdrm F.H.A. home. H.W. floors: lg. att. garage. Lo riited close to Leslie Jr. High. Full price 68950. 1100 6Q. FT. In this new ranch tvoe Mas tered home. Everything to add to your iuiuiuiv nuiuuiiiR mning rm., iirepiace. oak floors, and a 103x182 ft. lot. Yours for 111.200. If you don't see it adver tised, CALL US. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS "33 Years of Dependable Service to . to Home Owners" 344 State St. Phone 2-3663 Evenings Call: 2-6855, 2-4007. or 3-5620. clT NELSON NEWS 16950 NEAR STATE A pla.stered home with combination living and dining rm.. hwd. firs., beau tiful back yard, variety of fruits. You can assume $4400 loan. NEW 8UUURUAN 110.500 Five rms.. bath, utility rm . pumice blk. construction. radlnnt fir, heat, sawdust fuel, fplace, gar., Ige. lot. pri vate water systrm. NEW APT. COURT Excetlent close In location. 6 units, low up-keep, u,eal long term Investment. Income 375 per mo. Price I3:6'00. 117,00H will handle SMALL GRADE A DAIRY 12 ac, 14 stanchion barn, equipped, 19 head registered stock, milk machine, tractor, etc. Big Income the day you takr over. Price 117.500. SPECIAL NOTICE Material for our midwinter Issue of "NELSON NEWS" is now being com piled. This Issue will be widely distrib uted In tlu Middlewest and California If we have a listing of your property in our effiee before that issue goes out. one or nior of the thousands who see It, mitlit ie a buyer for your property. Nelson & Nelson fpecialiring Realtors 703 N HUh Phone 3-4622 CALABA'S COLUMN JUST THINK! All this for only 1(100.-8 acre, fenced and under cultivation, cute 2 bedroom home, nice view, drilled well. ONLY $1700 down toward Turner. NEED LOTS OF ROOM? Here's a lane 3 bedroom home, not new but in good condition, piped oil furnace, unfinished upstair 13.000 down, moves you In full price Is only 1T9.-0. A WOMAN'S DREAM HOME Lovelv large spacious rooms, 3 sets of Plumbing, plenty of closets, a real utility room, double tarate, a large lot In one of the best suburban dis trictsRanch style too re it at only $15 500. Rudy Calaba & Co. REALTORS PHOAl 1-M38. t. 2-3514 Of 1-177 REAL ESTATE LEE OHMART & OUR NEWEST LISTING AND GOOD A comfortable bungalow located at 655 auto. -furnace; oversize lot; bu at door; double zarage; load of expensive shrub bery with large outdoor fireplace & patio: It's a lot or home for $9750, folks. Just call Bill Stewart to see the inter ior. WANT TO SAVE MONEY? Who doesn't? Let Thelma MankcrU show you thi lovely ten room home lo cated at 1656 Center St.; 2 fireplaces; 4 bedrooms; sunroom 4c den; maid' quarters; 4 sets, of plumbing; an enclos ed yard with fireplace you will be proud of; large double garage; there are years of comfortable living ahead for the owner of thi family home. Ideal for physician' residence. See It yet tonlte. Lee Ohmart & Ph. 24115-6 GEORGE W. 1853 N. Capitol Beautiful 2 bdrm. home In Klncwood height, LR, DR, K, Venetian blind, base ment, HW floors. Imra, poss. 112,500. m story 4 bdrm. house, LR. DR, K, built-in, ven. blind, basement, oil fl. fur nace. Oarage. School close. 18750. 2 bdrm. Bung with LR, DR, goes. 14500. K, b.-in, 3 bdrm. Col. style house with fireplace, HW floors, LR, DR, K, ven. blind, base ment with new oil furnace, dble. garage. $8750. New 2 bdrm. Bung., HW floor, fireplace, LR. DR. utility room, garage. Imtn. poss., bus by door. $11,800. 30 ACRES all stocked and equipped, 3 bdrm. house, LR, K, built-in, basement, furnace, dble. garage, large barn, chicken house. 19000. WE ALSO HAVE MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS IN FARM PROPERTY. BUSINESS. 2 houses, garage, building, and Service station with 2 elec. pump. Located on busy hl-way. Largo corner lot 125x150. HARDWARE STORE. Small hardware store, well stocked and equipped. In heart ol Salem business district. EVENINO PHONES 2- 6862 J. Zreb 2-4517 H. Clark 3- 8163 J. Herr 2-0103 Noonche.ster c!6 C. W. REEVE, REALTOR AUTO COURT 10 up to date units. Plenty of room to expand. Beautifully landscaped. 5 rm. hse. with office. A real Investment. 100 ACRES 80 acres wheat, rye, fescue, some prunes. Fair Dldgs. $12,000. Will take some trade. About 8 miles south. Call Dent. 13600 Smal down payment. Unfinished hse. in good ocatioii. East on Hawthorne st. Will drill well and place partitions to suit buyer. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 945 8. Commercial REAL ESTATE i BEDROOM Home, Southeast Salem. Fur nace and Fireplace. Price 17500. W. G. Krueger 147 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-4721 8 LOTS, two-room cabin. Small down pay ment win nanaie. Balance like rent Price $2500. Inquire at Associated Sta tion, Brooks, Oregon. c26 $8500, NICE 2-bedroom suburban home with unfinished attic, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, auto matic heat. Some trees, flowers, shrubs, also chicken house. SSftOfl. OWNER will take late model car and some cash for hi equity in this well-built 2-bedroom home, bath, liv ing room, attractive kitchen and nook, all electric. S640O. THIS Is a well-built older type home with 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen. SH950. THIS new 2-bedroom home may be bought on easy terms. Has bath, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, oil heat, utility room, Bendix washer and " elec tric stove may be purchased. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St., Salem, Oregon Ph. 3-1645, 3-4896: eve. 3-7565, 2-8568, 2-6686. c!6' WANTED REAL ESTATE SWAP!!! 14500 2 B. R. 80. wants small acreage. 16000 2 B. R. for small acreage north. $6500 2 B. R. on 2 lot wonts farm. $7500 2 B. R. on 2 A. N. wants Salem house. 67800 2 B. R. on 2 lot Woodburn for Salem. $8000 2 B. R. 80. wants small farm. $8500 2 B. R. Ranch, Kelzer, for home In town. 19300 2 B. R. No. or Service station. 39500 2. B. R. Close-in for Income prop. $10,000 3 B. R. 5 A. Kelzer for 2 B. R. north. 110,950 4 B. R. on 18 A. So. 4 cow, tractor, etc. for 4 B. R. home so. 112,750 6 B. R. Englewood home for smaller home. 113.600 2.B. R. on 7 A. north, for home near H. 8. 132,000 100 A. Mint Farm, complete Ir rigation equip., 2 tractors, still, etc. Take Salem home in trade. BURT PICHA, Realtors Phone 2-3649 337 N. High St. cal8 STROUT SELLS Dregently need new lLstine on farm ranches, and business properties. Con stant flow of Inquiries from all parts 01 me country, contacts with earnest buyer everywhere through our bti catalogue and Main Offices Coast-to- voasi. STROUT REALTY AGENCY 959 S. 12th St. Phone 25323 ca-16 NOTICE If your oronertT is for sale rent or exchange, list rt with ui We otc an 1 mas or cash buvers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 High St WE ARE In need of good houses to sell in or near Salem. If you wisb to list your property tor saie see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTOK8 134JLlberty St. Phono 2-2471. ea1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAFE Grade "A" downtown location, lease. Just right for two. Price $3950, terms 11500 dwn. COLBATH LAND CO. Realtors 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552. cd!7 BY OWNER: 17-Stool downtown restau rant. New long lease on building. Terms. Ph. 3-4750. cdl8 BY OWNER. Richfield station, shop. groc.. living quarters, 99E Hwy., Hubbard, Ore. Consider trade and terms. Rt. 1, Box 205A. Hubbard. cd!20 Com'l Garage and Auto Wreckers Will trade for farm, motel or court. Includes approx. 3 A., bldics., a large quantity of tools, stock and equip., has large business with logging trucks for tires, repairs, gas and oil. Also several ears to be wrecked for parts. All goes for 119,000, What have you to trade? See Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St., Rm. 4. Ph. 3-9201 Eve. 3-4335 or 3-8763 cdl6' WE HAVE several small and large busi ness opportunities. &ee Harvey huh Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 ChemekMa St Phone 39271 - Evenings 39441. cd!7' I have m building for handling heavy equip. .'080 sq. ft. of floor apace on each floor. 2 story located on 3' acre, close to city limit, pvd. road. 8 unit court in top cond., close to down town Salem, reasonable trade will be considered. See Ed Luktnbea! Huff Real Estate Co. Reors 341 Chemeketa St Phone 39271 - tves. 26680 Cdl7 THE SI RE way to sell a business, write "Business Opportunities." Address 690 Market at.. Room 623 DeYouni Bldg Ssn Franc lsco. Calif., or call Salem 37970 for mformaf.on. cd-30 Journal Want Ads Pay IREAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS LOOKING FOR A LOT? Lower Waldo Ave 1450 each Corner Claude it 24th $650 each 101x195 on Larsen Ave 11.250 3 Lots on Hansen Ave $1,500 oach 100X170 N. River Rd 11,500 N. 17th Close to Grant St. ..11. 600 Best View Lot In S. Salem. . .13,200 See "Art" Rocthlln. CLOSE IN ON KNAPP ST. Cozy 2 bedrooms with basement: fire place Ac hardwood floors; small lot: only 8 oiks, to downtown Salem, Priced at 18,450. EVENINGS PLEASE CALL Thelma Mankertz 2'1222 BUI Stewart 2-4722 Warren Brasher 3-5996 Bob Sullivan 3-6770 Co., Realtors 477 Court st. HUBBS, CO. garage. Good location. Some furniture K. ven. blind, oil furnace. 2 BEDROOM New home in beautiful setting. Close to school and bus line. About M A. near Liberty. 19000. STEAL 19950 buys this nice 3 bdrm. home with unfinished aitic. Hdwd. firs., elec. heat. Fireplace. Very good term. Imm. poss. This is a buy. Call Maddy. Ph. 34590; eve. 93488 cl7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3 HOUSES TRAILER PARK One 3 bdrm. and 2 two-bdrm. modern ruses. Room for 30 trailers 2 acres Consider take In acreage, NO phone piease. E. M. Hunter REAL ESTATE 770 8. Commercial St. MOVING TO PORTLAND Will sell or trade for Salem orooertv this 13 unit brick apt, in very good w. siae location, full price 132,500.00. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 39271 - eves. 25091 cdl7- WANTED TO LEASE small rest. & equip. Pll. 20157. Cdl8- ONE GARBAGE ROUTE, truck and dump ground, sj.otjo. rn. z-6754 arter 7 p.m cd22 Investment Properties Side by ilde Duplex. Close in. 9 spacious rooms. Bsmt. 2 lots in one. Completely furnished. ONLY 112.600. Another one 11 rental. Close In. Lot 63X103. Good Income. $25,000. B. Isherwood. Realtor Ph. 0F11. Wallace Road. Rt. 1, Box 243 or rn. z-SB.ie. laao 6th St. cdl6' jBOOO 2-pump gas station and repair ga rage. Well located on highway In small er valley town. Doing good business. Bldg. 50x24. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTOR R 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-412!; eves. 25206 dl7 Restaurant and Good Business Nice and clean, good loralion. For appt call JOE HUTCHISON, Realtor. 45? Court St. Ph. 2-3629. cdt6' BY OWNER, 3-bdrm. house wired for elec, heaters and range. Shop bldg. 24x50 ft, No. 3 business zone, $1500 down, bal ance like rent. Ph. 20276. ed6" FURNITUR E FOR SAL E GOOD QUALITY genuine walnut dining room set. Table, 6 chnlrs, buffet and cnina closet. S70 Shipping St. dl8 HAVE FURNITURE for sale. Enough to turn, a ft-rm. home. All modern. Call 1163 Silverton after 6:00 p.m. dl7 USED davenport A chair, Haywood bleach ed wood, tapestry uoholsterv 679.50. Oc caslonal chair to match 319.50. -Sim mons rtoiiaway oca mattress $20.00. Woodry Furniture Co., 474 s. Coml. d16 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICF pd. for furn.. households. Ph. 3351 1. 694 N. Liberty Sundale Exchange. da- LIGIIEST PRICES paid. Phono Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 9-5110. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION TONIGHT 7 p.m.. Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard, lo cated IS miles East of Fairgrounds on ' Sllverton Rd. Ph. 3-6098. ddl6 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK S COWS AND CALF. Jersey, Guernsey. Rt. . Box 468. Ph. 107F11. el8 FRF.SII Gl'KRNSFY heifer, unusually nice. R:. 4 box 4.i8. Sunnyslde road. el7 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 36 Ph 3-8147. ea30 RABBITS NEW Zealand White breeding tock. Hutches, hardware, clock and rabbit wire. Ph. 3-1802. Rt. 7, Box 372. On Hayesvllle Drive. ebl9 PETS CANARY Singers 110. Ph. 3-4385. ec(! REGISTERED Springer Spaniel puppies. Ph. 2-5192. ecl8 COLLIE, 2-year-old male, sable and white. Call 3837(. ecl7 CANARY singers, re, priced. Mr. J. R. Barnes, Rt. 8, Box 387. Ph. 2-3(69. ecl7 CHOICE Canary Birds. 280 N. 18th. ec30 FUEL CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Store Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phono 3-6444 WALNUT SHELLS for fueL Klorfein Pack Ing Co. 460 N. Front Bring sacks, ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR OR FEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN CLEAN, NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1633 Ediewater St W Salem ee 16-INCH OAK. Ph. 2-3139 evenlnts eell Journal Want Ads Pay HELP WANTED MALI CAPABLE man for aervlce department. Must be able to do general repair work Apply at Montgomery Ward. ga" YOUNG MEN under 25 free to travel Calif. Ariz. Si return. Assist, manager circula tion work. Neatness essential. Seo Wm. Lind, apt. 3, L- IVsta Court on 6. Com'l. 6 to 8 p.m. Don't phone. gal7 A CAREER WITH A FUTURE Men are wanted who would like to go far with a company that train its men to do top in their profession. In our business we grow by promoting men, not by holding them back. There's a world of opportunity for you with Holland. Talk It over with us and see If you fit. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. World's Largest Furnace Installer Ph. 3-7603 430 N. Summer ga-20' PART-TIME doorman. Apply In person. Grand Theater. gal6 HELP WANTED FEMALE SOMEONE TO STAY with child 4'a years evenings, 5 days a week. Call at 350 Fairvlew. gbl8 WOULD LIKE Christian lady for com panion for elderly lady. Oood home, light housework. Ph. 3-5356. gbl8 ACCOUNTANT it typist. See Mr. Fenix, Eaton Hall, Willamette university. Ph. 3-9266 gbl8 S ATTRACTIVE young ladle, 18 to 33, free to travel So. Calif., Ariz., winter mos. $150 guaranteed comm. it bonus, trans, furn. Mrs. Lind, 10-12 a.m. La Vista Court apt. 3, on 8. Com'l. No ph. calls. gbl7 SUPERVISION for 8-yr.-old boy. 3 to 6 p.m. ecnooi aays. vicinity 01 urant school. Write Box 185, Capital Journal. gbtT WANTED AT ONCE Middle age lady who neeus a nome ana like cnuaren. to help working mother. Ph. 2-2863. gbl7 MIDDLE-AGED woman for hotel work, clerking and general help. Salary and room. Write Box 184, Capital Journal. Give references. gb!7 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St. Ph. 3-1488. CP WANTED SALESMAN MAN OVER 30 to represent old estab lished building material firm in this area. Product sold to property owners, farms, schools, homes, etc. Excellent Income many of our men earn 15,000 up to 115.000 per year. No experience needed. Write fully. Sale.smanager, Dept. S-19, Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. ggl6 WANTED: Experienced specialty sales man, on capable supervising crew. Ex clusive franchise new and exceptional Item. See G. M. Lowman at Portland Hotel. Portland, Oregon on Wednes day, Thursday, Friday this week. ggl7 MAN to travel with salesman. Must know territory. Commission In allowance. No experience necessary. Can build a nice steady business. Write Capital Journal, Box 179. ggl6 WANTED POSITIONS CAPABLE Woman Practical Nursing or hour work. Ph. 2-3146. hl6 IirGH SCHOOL BOY want Saturday work. Will do anything. . Ph. 2-7029. M8 PART-TIME stenograph work wanted. 12 years exper. Ph. 2-2515. hl6 DRESSMAKING, alterations and repairs 1343 Wlbur or Phone 3-9721. h20' LADY WISHES work by hour or baby sitting. Ph. 2-5409. hl7 ROOM & BOARD In exchange for work. Preferable around (-Corners dlst. CaU before 10:30 a.m. Ph. 35365. hl7 ORCHARD pruning. Phono evenings 34277. h-17 SPRAYING and pruning. Ph. 3-6021. h-20 HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Modern country home. Man and daughter in family. Write Capital Journal. Box 180. hl6 LIMITED TIME only. All painting at time and material cost. Ph. 26630. hl8 CARE OF CHILDREN in my home, targe fenced P.ay yd. Ph. 2482B. 1U5 CARPENTRY, How about that repair, remodeling or new work. Ph. 1-9457, hi 8 CARPENTER WORK, finish or rough, new or remodel, large or small. Will go any place. For free estimates and ad vice phone 38281. h2( UPHOLSTERING Furniture," Pickup iz De liver. 197 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 2-6321. his INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h34 SPRAYING St pruning. L. W. Candle. Ph. 37900. h30 CARPENTER work, new, repair. Ph. 2-2093 h2S PLASTERING. PATCHWORK is chimney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimate. h26 PRUNING TREES, shrubbery, roses, land scaping. Free estimates. Richard Boyer. Phone 2-8110. hl9 CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Pre fer 6 mo.. 6 yr. 183 8 18th St. Ph 2-6876. hl7 POE'S mimeographing, typing service. prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 669 W. 16th. Ph, 3-3643. 1141 SERVICES Valley Sand St Gravel Co. Pit run grarei, sand St silt. Tractor dozing St grading Tractor shovel for dirt moving. Ph 2-02 off. Res 37146. h WANTED FURNITURE to glue A repair Lee Bros's. Ph 2-1233 h AI'Tl PAINTING just a shade better by Ray Etter. Cal) Snrock Motor Co 3-9101 OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming, topping and removing. Ins. oper. Free est. 640 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h29 EDUCATION WANT A CIVIL SERVICE JOB? The U. S. Civil Service offers many opportunities if you can qualify. Know what to expect in examination. Inexpensive home study course for many positions are available. Address n card to your Pergande Pub lishing Co. Representative, 1139 Union St., Salem, for free descriptive folder. hhl7 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING Rooms. 790 N. Church. Ph. 3-4335. JklB ATTRACTIVE room, private home, gentle men. 985 N Summer. Ph. 3-6368. Jkl7 QUIET SLEEPING rooms. Men only. Ph. 2-6835. 885 N. Winter )k20 ROOM. Inquire Brownies, 1140 N. Capital. Jkl6 NICE WARM sleeping room with hot and cold water, business district. 255 Cen ter 8t jkl6 LARGE ATTRACTIVE rm., light and warm. 625 N. 15th. Ph. 3-4248. Jkl8 HOLLYWOOD sleeping rm. 3035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk31 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 3-RM. and 1 t-RM. furnished Apt., adults. Ph. 3-5372, 1935 Center. Jpl8 NEW 3-RM Apt. Pen 4 Corner. Ph.3-3611. JP16 WILL SHARE my apartment with young business man or student. See Johnson. 163 N. 12. Apt. 3. Jpl8 FOR RENT Apt. 1996 S. Com'l. BEAUTIFULLY furn. duplex. Ideal loca tion. Ph. 22374. Jpl6 NEW MODERN one-bedroom apartment, unfurnished, large living room, dinette, kitchen, oath, two mile out. beautiful Tlew, 157.50. No children. Ph. 3-5367. JP17 NEW 3-RM. modern apt. Furn. with elec. range St refrigerator and auto. heat. Available Feb. 1. Ph. 3-0463. JplS 3 RM. APT. upstair 135.00. 857 N. 16th. Jp-17 I RM. FURN. prlT. bath. prlr. ontrance, close to State House. 840 N. Cottgae. Ph. 3-6969 after 5:30 p.m. Jpl6 t RM. furn. apt. to emploved couple. (60 N. 13th St.. after 5:30 p.m. Jpi6 NEW 3-rm. large lower apt. for eoupie with refr'.g., range and In -a -door bed. 70.00. 1065 Madison. Ph. 1-8067. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN. bsmt. apt., all .lac. 607 M. Coml. Jpll ATTRACTIVE 8-rm. bsmt. apt., $55.00. 196 8. 24th Bt. Jpl' Sorry, no children. COURT APT., 3 rmi. it bath, refrig A range, clean, warm, comiortDaio, aouni. 1348 S. 12th. JpH MODERNLY Furn., all appliances, bua A school at door. flea. Kent, jouu o. wm i. JP30 APT., lpg- rms. Ph. 34333. 790 It. Church. FOR RENT HOUSES NEW 6-RM. unfurn. house for rent. Call 2-1357. Jnua- 5 SM. unfurn. home and 3 rm. furn. cot tage. Inquire laaft n- uapitoi. jmin- 1 BEDRM. Furn. Home. Available till Mar. 1. Call 39B68 after 6:30 p.m. JrnlS 5 ROOM Home near State Capitol, base ment, Oil Furnace, went Keasonaoi. Inquire 176 S. Commercial, b Jml6 3-BDRM. house, water furn. 1965 Brey- man. Call 33222 from I to &. svu.ou a mo. Jml7 MODERN 6 room furn. home. Elec, heat. Weekly rental 140, everyming iurn. Monthly rental $120. But no eleo. furn. Phone 3-4446. Jm-17" HOUSE for rent. Inquire at 1645 Berry St. Jm-20 MOD. UNFURN. 3 BR. North on Kappahn. rd. Oil heater in. Rent $60 per mo. cm buy with leasonable paymtnt and pay out like rent. St rout Realty, 969 S. 12st St. Phone 25323. Jm-16 FURN. room shingled bungalow, fum. ex cept for range, write k. a. rronx. jr., 261 Magnolia Court. Jml9 SOMEONE to take over lease on 3 bdrm. furn. home on 3 acrei. Ph. 3-3298. Jmlf' BUSINESS lady wishes to share her mo dem home with another lady. Writs Box 182, Capital Journal. Jml6 S HDRM. furn. home. Ph. 26949. MOD. FURN. COT., one bdrm. Rose cot tages. 2 ml. N. of Brooks on 99 E. Jml7 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rental for home St in dustrial use. Hower Bros. Ph, 3-3646. TRAILERS, $2.00 per day Howser Bros. 608 Edgewater St. West Salem. j TRUCKS and cars. Smltfy Clipper Ber rice. Ph. 39600. Cor. Center and Church. BUSINESS RM. tor renl. H. L. Stilt. J U DRIVE trucks, car. Ph. 3-S103. GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TO DO a good lob rent a good floor gand er. Wo tell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1-1644). IRONER9 by week. Phono 24439. FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgor'ry Ward. r WANTED TO RENT WOMAN to share apt. with woman and 14 Va yd. old daughter. 195 8. 24th St. Phone 3-1919. Jal8 REFINED COUPLE want to lease or rent 5 rm. modern home, city or suburban. Ex. reference. Ph. 2-0657 after I p. m. Jal8" 3 ROOM APT. In small house. Have one 8-year-old boy. Must be furn. Write Charles Smith, Rt. 4, Box 354. jal7 VETERAN St wife wish a small three rm. cottage. Ph. 2-6445. Jal7 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Ladles leather purse containing glasses, key and identification. Call 22714 after 6. kl7 LOST Gold lapel watch In tlclnity 12th and State. Reward. Return to Mar garet Piatt, Rm. 100 State Office Bldg. k-17 LOST Sat. noon on State St., lady'i buckskin glove. Lena Bella Tartar. Ph. 3-3469. kl6 MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Bound Films St Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis. 412 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 2-5356 mI4 LES SPRINGER, men' hatter, 464 Court. B126 Y DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EM L Eft DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial flti. SALEM Phone 3-3311. m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all make of ma chine. Free estimate given before work 1 started. Singer Sowing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. tna HEAT YOUR HOME electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. See mm lor free estimate. Y EATER APPLLAMCH CO.. 255 N. Liberty. m" BUILDING MATERIAL WRECKING HOUSE at 355 N. Church St. All materials for sale. mad WARDS have Just received a carload shipment of V plasterboard In 4'x8" sheets at .05 li per square foot. Call Mr. Oriffln at 3-3191 for free estimate. MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. ma DOUBLE RUN windows complete 110.00. Window rash $3.00. Rt. 2, Box 31, Salem. ma21 ROCK WOOL Insulate your homo this easy, effective way with thi safe, and lasting material. Save up to 30 on fuel bill. Get It at Wards for .05 per sq. ft. MONTGOMERY WARD 4c CO., 155 N Liberty. mal6 LARGE SUPPLY new V sheet rock $52.50 M. or 5L cents per sq. ft. Rock latho $.35 per yd. New plywood at lowest price. 4" Simpson broad. $63.00 per M. C. O. Long, Rt. 2, Box 31, Galem. ma2l" SHINGLES $3.50 per q. and up. Insula tion board $55 per m. Rock lathe 35e per sq. yd. Wood gutter, plaster, mi sonlte St shakes Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 8. Box 757. Ph. 25950, Salem. ma3I RED CEDAR shingles. :harge account. 1 mo, ma32 INSULATION and Weathers tripping Cro foot Brother. Ph. 24656. ma." FOR SALE Cheap Lumber Board and Dimension By the Jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber & Manufacturing Company, Inc. ma YOU CAN HANG our door but you oan't beat their quality. 1 panel door $8.75 t UN BUILDING MATERIALS A new roof, sparkling wall tile, fuel aving insulation, attractive elding . are yours for the lowest possible eostl Select the material and Ward do the rest. Ask today! MONTGOMERY WARD OO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, P. O. Box 72(. Phone 3-5234. B170 EASY SPIN DRYER washing machine. Like new. $125. 320 Sunaet ave. nl7 WOOD CIRCULATOR. Urge pressure cooker. Ph. 37226. nll7 WAX SEAL cleans, polishes, waxes, pro tects your car' finish from rain and sun. Metallic like finish. Two year Hiuiecwon ti.io, easy io apply, average car 1 nr. Guaranteed. Ph. 2-3149. n34 A-l WOOD OR COAL circulator ehr 755 Bellvue, ni ELECTROLUX. 2 month old, Ilka new. Ji.oif. rn. ao37. 8 CU. FT. GRUNOW refrig. 1054 Howard. BALED GRAIN and Vetch hay, 120.00 up. 00 FIR HOP POLES. 3-speed lightweight bicycle, l-oute 1, Box 141. Brook, Oreg. Dli BRAND NEW Duo Therm oil heater, 5- "" uevurtc rurnnure. Phone 3-4615. D20 COW FERTILIZER $3 a yard. 19 a load. "sO WITH BE NTH. Mahogany finished. " oi niciory. rn. 4 (Continued on Page 17)