AUTOMOBILES THEY'RE TRADIN' 'EM IN LOW ON THE NEW NASH AIRFLYTE! These cars at the new low book or less : 1947 Nash Amb. Sedan. Lots of extras. 1947 Nash "600" You can sleep in this one. 1946 Nash Amb. Slipstream Sedan. With heat and music plus bed. 1942 Nash "600" Sedan. Clean as they come with heat, music, and bed. 1941 Nash "600" 2-Dr. New paint. . MARION MOTORS "Your NASH Commercial and Center FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE room, private home, centle men. 3fl5 N Summer. Ph. 3-6368. j'a 17 QI'IET SLEKPINC. room. Men only. Ph. 2-6835. B85 N. Winter .jk 2 0 ROOM. Inquire Brownies, 1140 N. Capital. Jkl6 NICE WARM sleeping room with hot and cold water, business district, 256 Cen ter St. jk!6 n., llnht and 3-424B. Jk IB SLEEPING rma.' 634 N. Winter. Ph. 2-imo Jkl5 2 UOOMS, business men preferred. 748 North Capital St, Ph. 3-5323 or 2-6887. kl5 FOR RENT APARTMENTS KEW MODERN one-bedroom apartment, unfurnished, lame living room, dinette, kitchen, oath, two mi Irs out. beautiful view, $57.50. No children; Ph. 3-53G7. iin NEW 8-RM. modern apt. Furn. with elec. range At refriacrator and auto. heat. Available Feb. t. Ph. 2-0463. JplB 3 RM. APT. upstairs $35.00. 857 N. 16th. Jp-n 1 RM. FURN. prlv. bath, prlv. entrance, close to State Houre. 840 N. Cot t gar. Ph. 3-6960 after 5:30 p.m. Jpl6 t RM. furn. apt. to emploved couple. 460 N. 13th St.. after 5:30 p.m. Jpl6- NEW 3-rm. larRe lower apt. for couple with refrlg.. ranee and in-a-door bed. 170.00. 1065 Madison. Ph 2-8067. jpin- FURN. bsmt. apt., all elec. 607 N. Com) jpl6 ATTRACTIVE 5-rm. Sorry, no children. bsmt. fipt., 155.00 195 S. 24th St. Jpl6- COURT APT., 3 rms. At bath, refrlg, St range, clean, warm, comfortbale, adults. 1348 S. 12th. jpl6 8-RM. FURN. APT. for rent. 1855 N. Com'f. Jpl5 MODERNLY Furn.. all apt lances, bus At school at door. Re as. Rent. 3590 S. Com'l. jP;io FOUR NEW 3-rm. apts. In Hollywood dla. trlct, 159 At up. Partly furnished. Plen ty of heat. No children. Ph. 2-8067. . JP15' APT., alpg. rm. Ph. 34335. 790 N. Church. Jp32 FOR RENT HOUSES ONE BDRM, furn. house till March Ph. 3-9968 after 5:30 p.m. Jml5 3-BDRM. house, water furn. 1985 Brey man. Call 33222 from 8 to 5. 170.00 a mo. jmlT MODERN 5 room furn. home. Elec. heat. Weekly rental 140. everything, furn. Monthly riPtal 1120. But no elec. furn Phone 2-4446. Jm-IT HOUSE tor rent. St. Inquire at 1645 Berry Jm-20 MOD. UNFl'RN. 3 BR. North on Kappahn rd. Oil heater in. Rent 160 per mo. or buy with leasonahle paymtnt and pay out like rent. Strout Realty, 959 S 12st St. Phone 25323. Jm-16' FURN. room shingled bungalow, furn. vx cent for range. Write E. A. Fronk. Jr. 251 Magnolia Court. Jml9 SOMEONE to take over lease on 3 bdrm furn. home on 3 acres. Ph. 2-229R. Jmiej BUSINESS lady wishes to .share her mo dern home with another lady. Write Box 182, Capital Journal. Jml6 f BDRM. nouse. With 3 rm. apt. 1 blk, from bu.l At store. 1105 Leslie St. ml6 FOR LEASE. Completely mod. home, bdrm. All appliances. Near new clinic See W, L., 2235 Btate. Jml5 TRAILER SPACE $10 per month. Adults only. 1730 N. Witter. Jml5 TRAILER HOUSE. Water St. Adults only. 1730 N JmlB 8 BDRM. fum. home. Ph. 26040. Jmie MOD. FURN COT., one bdrm. Rose cot' tageji. 3 ml N of Brook.-- on DDE JmlT FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentaLs for home At in dustrla) use. Howser Bros. Ph 3-3646 TRAILERS, 12.00 per day Howser Bros 608 Edsewater St. West Salem )' TRUCKS and cars Smitt'ys Clipper Ser vice Ph 39600 Cor Center and Church 1 BUSINESS RM. for rem H L Stiff. J U DRIVE trucks cars Ph. 2-9103 1 GOOD USED PIANOS B L Stiff TO DO a good Job rem a good floor sand er W tell everything to complete thr HOWSER BROS.-Ph. 1-3646. IRONERS Dy week Phone 24439 Mopfgor rj J' WANTED TO RENT 8 ROOM APT. In small house. Have 18-year-old bov. Must be furn. White Charles Smith, Rt. 4. Box 354. Jal6- VETERAN At wife wish a small three rm. cot tage. Ph. 2-6445. Ja 1 ' BUSINESS girl desires small apt. Ph. 29042. jal5 TWO BEDROOM unfurn. home, family of three by Feb. 1. Will pay J75 per mo. Ph. 4-211. ext. 323. 8 to 5 p.m. Jal5 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Ladles leather purse ccntamlnc n lasses, key and Identification. Call 22714 after 5. kl7 LOST Gold lapel watch In vicinity 12th and State. Reward. Return to Mir Faret Piatt, Rm. 100 State Office Bid. LOST Sat. noon on State St., lady'c buckskin (clove. Lena Belle Tartar. Ph 3-3469. kl BLACK eat with white fret and mirklr.r Finder please call 34666. k!5 LOST; ELsenberg Rhinestone Pin Dee 24th. Possibly near State Capitol. R. srd. Ph. 2-1P2 kli- MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Filrni Projerton foi Rent Eddie Lewis. 412 Orecoi. Bidg. Phoo 3-4723 or 3-S3i5 B24 AUTOMOBILES Dealer" Salem ! MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 464 Court. m26 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SEtiVICL IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bids. State At Commercial Sui SALEM Phone. 3-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines Free estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N Com'l. m HEAT YOUR HOME electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us for free estimate Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., 255 N Liberty. m BUILDING MATERIAL WARDS have Just received a carload shipment of H" plasterboard In 4'x8 sheets at .OS' per square foot. Call Mr. Griffin at 3-3191 for free estimate. MONTGOMERY WARD Si CO. ma ROCK WOOL Insulate your home this easy, effective way with this safe, and lasting material. Save up to 30 on fuel bills. Get It at Wards for .05 per sq. ft. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. 155 N Liberty. malfl SHINGLES 13. SO per sq. and up. Insula tion board '.-).- per m. Rock lame 3.-c per sq. yd. Wood gutter, plaster, ma aonlte. St shakes Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 8. Box 757. Ph. 25950. Salem. ma21 1 mo ma22 FOR SALE Cn-ap Lumber Boards and Dimension By the Jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber St Manufacturing Company, Inc. ma BUILDING MATERIALS A new roof, sparkling wall tile, fuel saving insulation, attractive siding are yours for the lowest possible cost! Select tho materials and Wards do the rest. Ask today! - MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. 155 N. Liberty. mal6 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PLAY PEN with floor, (7.00. Stroller. $3. SO. Pi). 24383. nia ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. 724. Phone 3-5234. O. Box nl70 EASY SPIN DRYER washing machine. Like new. S125. 320 Sunset ave. nl7 WOOD CIRCULATOR. cookrr. Fh, 37226. WAX SEAL cleans, polishes, waxes. Pro tects your car's finish from rain and sun. Metallic like finish. Two years protection (1.75. easy to apply, average car 1 hr. Guaranteed. Ph. 2-3149. n34 A-l WOOD OR COAL circulator cheap 755 Bellvue. nli ELECTRO LUX. 2 months old, like new. $37.50. Ph. 28737. nl6 FT. GRUNOW refrlg. 1054 Howard. (A LED GRAIN and Vetch hay, M0.00 up. Phone 3-1822. nil 300 FIR HOP POLES. 3-speed lightweight bicycle, houte 1, Box 141, Brooks, Oreg. nl7 CHINA MINK cape, size 12 Christmas present (too small). Paid $705 including lax. win aacriiice ior ajou. can uroaa way 0077 Portland collect, from 12 ti to h p.m. n!5' till AN n NEW Duo Therm oil heater. 6 room sine. $78.95. Gevurtz Furniture. Phone 3-4615. n20 WniZZKH BIKE, a bargain. Brings Stratton gas engine model Y. 1775 Fir street. Ph. 28009. nlE WOOD ENAMEL wood St coal range comb. Nearly new. 165. 420 Evergreen ave. nlS HARDWOOD PLAY PEN, J15. Baby buggy 10. Table St chair set, 110. Rocking horse, 12.00. 1197 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-6825 nl5' NEW 1 t-GAL. Crown Kellogg paint pot complete. Very reas. Ph. 2-6630. nl5 COW FERTILIZER 5 a yard. 39 a load Ph. 36021. n20 PIANO WITH FENCH Mahonany finished Good cond. 1464 Hickory. Ph. 3-6514. nl7 BATIIINETTE, like new, $10.00. Also Tee ter Babe. $3.50. Phone 3-4687. nl7 EVINRUDE ZEPHYR outboard motor. Used very Utile. Four feather sleeping bags. Three folding cots with mosquito nets, camp stove, other misc. camping equip ment. nl6 MONTAG ELECTRIC apt. range, new. 4- Durner, sidh.uo. uevunz r urn. fa. 3-4615 n30 MOTOROLA RADIO combination. 1948 model, sold for $104.50. Now $49 50. Heiders 428 Court at. phone 3-7532. nl7 WAITRESS, coll springs, wood furn., aood cond. '30.00. Can be seen at 472 S. Win ter. Ph. 3-S918. nln like new fer nl7 3-Hli AUTO. COLT, 125.00. talkie system. 110.00. Ph. 2 2-wav . nl7 SMALL PIANO, fine condition, 1690 8 Cottage St. nl7 EI.ECTROLUX, 2 months old, like new. '37.50, Ph. 28737 after 5:30 p.m. nl6 YESVE H..VE PLENTY of everythinKTt barcain prices Air compressor $89 50. Elec. w as hers as low as 129.50. Gas. elec, wood, oil heaters 112.50 At up Gas, ?c, wood, kerosene ranges w low as (10. Bicycles $15 St up. Home At Car radios tl8 Ac up. Hot plates as low as 13.50. Eiec. irons, elec. mixers, toast er., waffle Irons. All kinds of furni ture. Hardman Bros.. ? mi. N of Salem on Portland hwy. Op-n from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 ays a week. nlS SILVER PLATING Tea sets, flatware, antiques. Complete repair ' service and metal finishing "Guaranteed Tarnish Proof inr" AV EK FLATING CO.. Call 37771. n29 GRY PERSIAN lamb coat, size 16. 135 Ph. 3-5271. ni5 PLUMBING STOCK Closing out at bl discount, w. A. Sicewis Co., 1390 Madi son in rear. nl LARGE DUO-THERM oil circulator h-at-er. console type with blower. Used 3 mo. Price reasonable. 2?SS Ei:is St Soutii of Mkt. between 23rd At 24th. nl5' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZER. Co or cnicven manure delivered In Salem. Well rotted or fresh 15.00 per cubic yard del Also manure by sack 11.00 pel ack at place or will del. five sick order. Phillips Bros., Rt 9 Box 118. Salem. Ph. 68F22. n32 ATMORAYS. Ozone Good Health. Tent Sell. H O. Push. 84 N. 17th Ph. 1-4693 "LEC. ROT WATER heater. 42 cal Col lins. New 187 Ph. 3-4234. o NEW GE VACUUM cleaner. Special at 149.95. oevurtz f urn. Fnone 3-ieia. nao WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fers complete service facilities for all Hon Women Ward appliances. Just call 33191. n' GARDEN RAND, ar&vei. crushed rock. Shovel it drac-Hne excavating. WALL ING SAND & GRAVEL CO Ph S-63IQ. SALEM SAND At GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer Ai Basement Equipment Rental 15 B A yds. .13.00 per hr. 10 B S yds. 9.60 per hr D-7 Cat At Dozer 10.50 per hr D-6 Cat At Dozer 8. 40 per hr D-4 Cat At Dozer 7.00 per br Phone Day l-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon D HEAT TOUR home electrically. It'a con venleoi, clean, economical. See us for free estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty D WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO CBUSTIF.D ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, fardeo and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching A -yd shovel and drag line Ph 3-8249 0 KELVIN ATOR. RotDomt appliances: Fow- ler hotwater heaters Ralpb Johnson Appliances. Ph. 3-3139. THOR A u torn agio Washers. Gladlrons Hollywood Appliance Co. Ph 3443B GENERAL ELECTRIC, crosley, Gibson and Montai Appliance at Gavurtz FOR RALE Man's bike, good cond., 125. Ph. 2-8381. nl6- CARDBOARD Ins. sheets At boxes. 1790 N. Front St. n39 ! WORLD Bikes, 118.00 each. Ph. 3-9065. ni5 15 TRUCK loads of chicken fertilizer Lawrence Kirsch. St. Paul. Ph. 104. nle FIRESTONE deluxe car heater. Hoses new switch. Guaranteed. S17.50. Chet Bovce. Signal Sntion, Chemeketa At Li berty Sts. nl6 HFRVEL refrlg. and Magic-Chef range, Like new. Ph. 2-2574 1 RESTAURANT booths for sale. Also, grid die. 1391 Broadway. Ph. a-sooi. nie STEEL clothes line posts. Railings In 1145 N. Liberty. n3fl stock and to order. BLOND dinette table. 6 or 8 chairs. Brownies, 1140 N. capital su nie HOTPOINT oil burner with controls for furnace. Good cond. 256 s. ntn. pn. 21606. nl6 CREATOR corn popped. Coml. size. Like new. Kiavonn bnacK onop. rn. bj. Sllverton. n!6' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Piano, small size preferred. Phone 33735. nan SAWDUST CONVEYOR. Ph. NEWSPAPERS boualit. 1790 N. Front. na43 SEWING MACHINE, any make or cond Davenport. Ph. 3-7tm ibjo n itn na20 FOR EXTRA cash, sell us your feed ano grain bags. K As S Bag Co., J47 Kear ney, or large lots call 21877 or 20208. eves. na NEWSPAPERS wanted. 17B0 N. Front. na!7 USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185. PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for debts other than my own. 5ilah u uison. aia n. in PROFESSIONAL Advisor, Mrs. Phillips, Make appointment now. Ph. 2-9313. pl5" STANLEY Home Products. Ph. 2-5305. 555 Cross St P28 AUTOMOBILES tflSX CHEVROLET coupe. Good cond. Ph. 3-8130. 1" 103(1 MASTER CHEV. Way. Ph. 26471. 128 Carton ql7 IY OWNER 1947 Dodce Custom 4-door Sedan. Fully equipped. J2050. Will take older car and terms. Ph. 2-6150 or 3320, Sunnyvlew Ave. q20- 1HH7 DODGE COUPE. Ph. 3-6240. after S:00 p.m. week days. 1937 DeSOTO 4-dr. sedan. Overdrive. Good cond. ehonc 2-S6:i 41 CHRYSLER Windsor sedan A-l cond Howard's Trailer Park. Mr. Hill. ql6 I9lfl BUICK super sedan. One owner, 32.000 miles. Black, radio, heater. Hitrh sperd rear axle. Ph. 3-9563 days. After 6:30 p.m. call Z-448B. Mill price jiv.t. Private party. No dealers please. qlT 1!37 CHEVROLET. 2-door. new rlnits and pistons, radio and heater. Perfect con- dltton. Ph. 29091. ql7 '.10 LASALLK 5-pass. Good motor. 95 tires. HAiH. Mv equity or trade for cheaper car. Call after 5:30 p.m. Ph 28737. . fl.17 Oil) l-DR. PONTIAC sedan. Heater, new tires, ood cond. M050.00. Ph. 2-919R: eves. 2-4950. ql7 AUTOMOBILE Dodae Sedan 1946. Fulh equipped with foK-liKht, backing llnht heater end radio. In iiood mechanical cond. May be seen by appointment af tor January 20th. Telephone 3-6472, ql8 BY OWNER. 1941 Dodce two-door Luxury Liner. Good cond. sons. Pn. 3HB03. ql5' 1940 CHEV. coupe, price, after 5 p. Ph. 28797. Excellent cond., bonk n. 164 W. Wilson St qlfi I MR FORD pFinel In good shape for 1575 J. E. Derry. lflo Bradley Drive. Ph. 23377 416 NOT REBUILT B-U-T COMPLETELY Re-Manufactured WITH NEW PARTS THAT 18 WHY ' Ward MOTORS Are the Best Buy! . Ward Builds Quality FORD CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH DODGE MOTORS BUY NOW PAY LATER On Ward's Liberal Payment Plan MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty Eisner Motors to Buy ThU Tim It'a HUDSON I Service Sales - Parts Rome of Good Used Can SHROCK MOTOR CO Church CHemtitta Su. Pb 1-9101 AUTOMOBILES REBUILT MOTORS Oive your old car new life. Get a re built motor from Wards. 35 new part, rebuilt 10 Wards high standards. For Fords A, AA, V8, Chev., Plymouth and Dod?. MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. 155 N. Liberty q!6 1939 MODEL ton panel. Good cond Spuare Deal Used Cars. 1155 S. 12th St. ql5 1911 PLY. coupe. By owner. Excel, cond. thruout. 1850.00. Ph. 3-9593 or 2-2657 af ter 6 p.m. q!5 BUY AT Zip, Zub. Zeb or Zeeb'i, Fairgrounds road. rn. z-coi. If HI WILLYS 4 -dr. sedan. Excellent run ning cond. Ph. 3-3736 or see at 650 Locust St ql7 Eisner Motors to Sell NEED A SPARE? Ward's have a huae selection of good used tires taken In during our Pre holiday sales of tires. Some have many thousands of miles of service In them Priced From $1 UP FARM STORE Montgomery Ward & Co. Trade At High Phone 3-7948 q Eisner Motors Fine Cars PONTIACS 1S47 Sedan Coupe II 1936 Ford Sedar 1935 Pontlao Tudor Herrall Owens Co. 660 N. Liberty Ph. 24113. '11 BUICK Super 6-pass. coupe. '48 motor. Prlv. owner. 3205 Portland Rd. ql7 1038 LA SALLE icdan, heater. St.. Apt. 1 or Ph. 3400J. 152 So. 13th q!6 2f CHEV. with broken rear end. $75. Ph 25856. ql8' f37 liTON CHEV. pickup. As Is. $20000 Roy Steven's, 1055 3rd St., W. Salem. qlfi' PRICES Always the LOWEST at Teague's Used Car Lot Bank Terms 1047 Frazier Sedan with , radio, heater, overdrive 1942 Buick Club Coupe, radio and heater 1942 Hudson Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe, radio and healer 1939 Chev Sedan 1937 Chrysler Royal tudor Many Others from Which to Choose SALEM'S MOST PROGRESSIVE DEALER Home of KAISER - FRAZIER TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Commercial Ph. 24173 ql9 1B39 CHEV. 2-Dr. RArH. Original paint, aood cond. Sc.uare Deal Used Cars, 1155 S. 12th. n.16' MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS WORLD'S FINEST . MOTORCYCLB Repairing all makes and models. SHROCK MOTORCYCLB SALES -007 Portland Rd Ph. X1423. qa' FINANCIAL PRIVATE PARTY wishes to borrow : prox $800.00. Good security given. Write uapuai journal box ibj. SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST , Up to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Child.. Inc. REALTORS 344 State Phone 23663. rl.V PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and terma on larger loans long and short time payments ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phone S-0161 UTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 163 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No M-169 B-1M GENERAL FINANCE "ORP LOANS Lie S-133 and M-321 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St. Tel 3-9161 BILLS UNPAID? Let Personal's YES MANAGER Pay Them for You! Here's a sensible plan u.sed by nearly one million Personal cus tomers io clean up bills, etc. 1 add obligations and pay them with Personal loan S then make one reason able payment each month. LOANS $25 TO $250 OR MORE Don't o-rrow unnecessarily, but if a loan solve. a problem, phone or come in today. PERSONAL Finance Company . 2-3464 E. Galllnger, Manager : State Rm. 12! Lie. S122-M165 r0 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4' and 5 fOUR OWN TEK.MS of repaymeni within reason Cash (01 Real Estate Contracti ana second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 301 Pioneer TruBt Bldg. r'h. 3-7l62 r 4'A REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO 153 S Hitth St Lie 8-216 M-233 r TRAILERS WILL trade lot and 2 rm. cabin for hoiun trailer. Value (1,000. Ph. 3-8504. US COME and see the most livable apt. on wheels The Spartan Trailer. 130 Lana Ave. 2-3544. Mrs Dunbar 131 DIRECTOR AUTOM OTFVE Chuck St Al's Garage. 1150 N. Church, Salem. Ore. Ph. 3-7558. Open for bus o25 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing lervice day phone I 38ft Night 3-1B04 333 Center o' AUTO WRECKERS MOTORS REBUILT. Amazing low prices. Easy payment plan. 12ih St. Junction Auto Wreckers. Ph. 28208 o33 ADOING MACHINES All makes ufed machines, told, renter, repaired. Roe a. 461 Court. Pbone 3-6773 DIRECTORY APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Free estimates iraae-ins accepira on new appliance. Vince j Electric. Phone 3-92J9 157 S Liberty SL o AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station tor all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 153 S Liberty. Ph. 3 6956 o' BRAKES Mike Panek, 27i 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-51l Drake A: wheel aligning specialist. o26 BUILDING CONTRACTORS New construction or remodeling, tract or day labor. Ph. 2-2811. o33 Frame or masonry construction. Pumice blork Residential or commercial New foundations. Alt Brothers. Ph. 2-5909. 018 BABY SHOE BRONZING Baby Shoe Bromlng 13 pr. 3275 8. Coml. 016 air ldozing Bulldozing, leveling, road bids., clear ing teeth for brush. Vtntil Huskey. 1010 Falrvlew ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o30 BULLDOZING, GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wlrth 84 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 21367. o!8 BODY Af FENDER SERVICE Gus BrodhBen Body, Fender, Radiator Service. Estimates. 265 Ferry. Ph. 3-3B27. 023' CARPENTRY Cnrpentry. expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-4850. 026 CAS H R EGI ST ERS Instant delivery of new RCA register! All makes sold, rented, repaired Roen 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. CEMENT WORK General Cement Contracting. Cliff Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Phone 3-4071. o38 CHAIN SAW SALES SERVICE CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned Ensley. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o26 DOORS Crawford Upward Acting Garage Doors tier operators at an nvu waiao 3-7628. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce's Eelectrlc for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing 157 S Libert: Ph 30239. C EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth, Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3058. Lee Crass, 1555 Pearl. o26 BrelUiaupt's for flowers. Dial 3-9179. o' FLOOR COVERING Installationlinoleum, carpet, tile. Ph. 3-6354 or 2-9353. asphalt o2Q FLOOR LAYING Expert Flooring. Ph. 2-7401. HE TINCi tt CIRCULATOR REPAIR Servicing. Call Dvorak. Ph. 24963 ol8' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watklns Co products Free de livery 1717 Ccnfc-r Ph. 3-5395. o' INCOME TAX SERVICE Competent Income tax service at your home or my office, 1853 N. Capitol. Call 33031, eves. 3-8163 lor appointment, i LANDSCAPE NURSERY E. A Docrflei St Sons. Ornamentals. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 CorPh. 2-1322. ,AVN MOWER A KNIFE SHARPENING LAWNMOWERS scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter, 966 Center. Phone 3-6833 LINOLEUM I Inolcum installed At repaired, dlate service. Ph 3-3571. Imme o2S JVESTOCK PROMPT SERVICE Dead and worthless stock promptly re moved free of charKe horses, hnas, cows, calves, sheep or eoats. Phone col lect. SALEM 3-5000 Salem Fcrtllt7,rr At By-Producta Work Snlcm, Oregon WE HAUL THE DAY YOU CALL MATTRESSES Cnptal Bcddlns. Phone 3-4000. Smlttj's Clipper Serv. trucka, cars rented. Ph 3OGO0. eor. Center St Church MI'SIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Man dolin, Banjo, etc 1533 Court. Ph. 3-".iM 032' OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younser. Ph. 36072. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies desk lamo. typewriter stands, brief cases Plerca Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court Painting. Spray or Brush. Ph. 2-2B64 Roy Hansom. Work guaranteed. o20 Interior Painting C. Horn. Ph. Eltstrom's are equippeo painting. Phone 3-2493 to do rout PAINTING Si PAPER HANGING Painting and paperhanalnfr. Free estl faie. Ph. 1-0513. 857 Shlppina. o38 Call 22608 for your Painting haniflng Attractive rates P A I'eH II A Nfi INC. Expert Paiierlinnglng and Pn In ting. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-3015. Free est. PLASTERING ATftypesfJ Ph725"innT P I C T U It Fl FRAMING Picture framing Mutcheon Paint Store Phone 3-0flfl7. o PLUMBING John Fisher Plumbing At Heating Sup plies. 844 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-3019. o24 DECATUR At MAERZ plumbing, electri cal supplies, water systems. General repair work. Phona 3-6223. 173 S Com'l CIS f U ISO, SPRAYINO "phlMip W. BeTTke Ph. 3-1208. o22 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired J C Balr At Sons. Ph 21193 By Drive-In Theatre Since 1917 ROAD GRADING Road grading Private roads, lanes. Jf. per hr. Jay Strlrkfaden Ph 3-5410. o25 SAND St GRAVEL Cat. Shovel Ac Truck work of all kinds LLOYD M. HILL. INC Ph. 2-4367 Rt 2. Box 33B 025 Garden Soli, crushed rock Ghovei and dragline excavating Walling Sand A Gravel Co Phone 39249 o SEPTIC TANKS Septic Tanks Ar. Drain Lines Cleaned Jack Boenlng. Ph. 3-0633 1067 Elm fit o27' Mlkrx Septic Service. Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers 1070 Elm St.. W Salem Ph 3-9468 - 3-5327 TRANSFER St STORAGE Local At Distance Transfer, itoraire Burnet oils, cna, briquets Truck r to Portland dally' Agent Lyon Var Lines lor noiisenojo rooh to caillomla points Larmer Transfer St Storage Ph 3-3131 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Roval and Underwood portables All make usd marhinei Repalrr and rent Roen 458! Court. ot VRNKTIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7328. v f,a riir.Rvnuppi.NG Free estimate T. PULLMAN Ph. 3-5915 c29 Prompt iruitallation. Work guaranteed Barney 'Whelan. Pn. 3-2794. o23 HEAfliVTRrPPTsfl L ISSIXAflON Cathcart' service luar Ph. 3-0500. 017 WELL fJRIU.INn M. O ENLOE' Ph 2-51T8. Auburn rd Journal Want Ads Pay DIRECTORY WINDOW CLE A NINO Acme Windo Cleaners Windows, walls A woodwork rleaned Floors cleaned, waird and polished Ph 3-3337 347 Court. Langdoa Culbertsoo and Mather WOOD A SAWDUST WestSalera Fuel Co" Ph. 1-4031 WOOD SAWING Wood Saving. Ph. 3-6908 LEGAL ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN thai EVA . GO F FIN has been, by order of ihe Circuit Court ol the Srate of Oreaon for Marion County, appointed administrat or the mate of ARTHUR GOVFIN. deceased. Any persons having claim tnlnsi ?ald e.slate are requested to pre cut them, with proper vouchers, to said administratrix at 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Snlem, Oregon, within .mx inonthji from the date of this notice. Dated this IHlh dny of January, li49. EVA M. COFFIN Administratrix of the Estate of Arthur Goffln, Deceased RHOTEN A- R HOT EN SAM F. 8PEERSTRA ,110 Pioneer Tiust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys For Administratrix. Jan. 18. 25. Feb. 1. 8. 15. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Marlon. Probate, duly made and entered on the eighth day of January. 1949. O. LY MAN MCDONALD was duly appointed as administrator of the estate of ELECTA E. McDONALD. deceased, and that said O. Lyman McDonald has duly qualifltd as surh administrator. All persons nav ini cln:ms against said estate hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, to said administrator at 214 PlonetT Buildina, Sa!em. Mar. on County. Oregon, within six months aftf-r the date of the first publication of this nonce. Dated and first published the eltventh day of January, imp. O. LYMAN MCDONALD Administrator Aforesaid Wallace P. Carson Allan G Carson Attorneys foi said Administrator Jan. 11, 18. 2.v. Feb. 1. 8. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OS CAR D. OLSON nas been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, appointed administrator of the estate of BENJAMIN HOWARD L AH GENT, deceased. Any persons having claims n Inst said estaie are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to n Id administrator at 310 Pioneer Trust Buildintt, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the dale of this notice. Dated this 4th dny of January, 11)49. OSCAR D. OLSON. Administrator o the Eslate of Benjamin Howard Largent, deceased. RHOTEN A: RHOTEN S M F. SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Buildlnj. Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. Jan. 4. 11. 18. 25. Feb. 1. NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held in the County Court Room In -he Court House of Marlon County, Salem. Oregon, at 10:30 A.M.. laniiary 28. .049 for the purpose of con sidering, the exchange of timber now own ed by the tate of Ore con for the use and benefit of its Board of Forestry for lands of equal value now In private own ership and specifically described as fol lows : State Board of Forestry timber Township iO South, Range 4 East. WM E'a. F'a of W'i Section 34; E!7, F'v of W,, SWVi of NWS, W, of SWA Section 25. Private lands offered in exchange Township B South. Range 2 East. W.M, faction 10 NE'4 of SWH. s of SW'4, SE'-.: Section 13 NE'i pi NE'i, Sl, of N's, S'-v; Section 12 NE'4; All of Seclions 14. 15. 21 to 28 Indus ive. .12, 33, 35, 3fi: Section lfi E'j; eection 20 S'-j of NW'i, S's; Section "jh tiecllnn 3 N'i. Township 8 Sout.b .nae 3 East, W. M Section 3 S'i, ejection 4 S'i; Sectini a W'j, SE'i; All Sections ft to in inclusive. 14 lo 22 Inclusive. 2fi. 2B, 30; Section 23 N"a. N'i of S1, S'j of SW'i: Sertion 34 N 'At ; Section 37 W'-i of NW',i; Section 26 N'.i, Nli or SW'i. Any and all persons Interested therein .shall nppnr m said hearing and pre sent flritmrnts for or against any or nil of the proposed exchange. STATE OF OREGON BOARD OF FORESTRY B.V N. S. RoRCrjI. Rtalu Capital Journal Jan. 17, 18, 1910. LODGES LOOP meets everv 1 Wednesday night Vls- Itors Welcome Fraternal Order or Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m More than a million members Salem Lodge No. 4. A.P & A.M. Wed., Jan. 19, M.M. de cree. 7:30 p.m. lfi" A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.P. Ajjy& A.M. 24B No. Com'l. Tues., s? Jan. 18th, 7:30 p.m. MM. de- SALEM MARKETS nmplcted from reports of Salem deal ers for the mldanre , ol Capital Journal Headers. (Revised dallr.t Ke'iill Feed Trlcei V.kk Mash 14.90. Kahblt Feed Pellrla 14.3ft Oiilrv Feed 1 96 Poultry: llutlng Price No 1, colored lien.1!. 38r: No. 1 Leghorn herw. 2Hr: No. 1 colored fryer, 3 lbs. and up, 33c. No. 1 fryera, 2'i-3 b.s., 30c lb.; No. 1 old roosterx, 17c. Egra rtuylng PrieeiExtra larae AA. 57c; larpr AA. Sac; large A, 5.1-56e; mediums, AA, 51r; medium, A, 51c; mediums. 51c; pul letv 30-.17r. Wholesale Prires -Extra larpe. AA, A4r; larRe, AA, 2c; larpe, A. fiOr, medium. AA, 6De; medium. A, 58c; mediums, 60c; pul it s. .17-40C. Batlrrfal Premium, 70c: No. 1, fl8-9c; No. 3 61-6Sc (buying prices) . Butter Wholesale irade A, 72c; re tall, grade A, 7'ic. Portr.inH I.lvel Porlland. Orr Catllr salabli .Isn. 18 'UPi l.ivesUM-k: ISO; raive.s 25; scatter ed early sales slead; I'll Moncav'x rer.tN to I 00 derllne, no ep.rlv artlon on MS holdover, thrj-e largely heifer-s: me dium to low good fed steers Monday most ly 3 1 00-23. .Hi . IMV Io ti.-. a r'wi ' 0112 -1 1 IH lbs 24.00: part loan lOOit lbs 24 511. rx tirni'" top; load (fond fd linfert Mnmlnv up to 21.00; oMfl rtiniinon steers today IB 00; few rannrrs and rutiers 1 .1.00-15.00 . mpfiium Bnri (tood rau.tge bullx If! 50-22 50 Hood and rholre venl Pierre; quotnlile 29 00-31.00 or above. Hob salable 100; market slow; lew sales steady With Mondavi 'x'reme 1 75 derllne; (rw noon and choice around 201 lbs 22 50; one sorted lot 105 lbs 22 75; lfii lbs 20.75; sows scant, quotable Ifl.OO l(t 00; good and choice feeder piRK quit able 2:1,00-24,00, Sheep ., h1 able 100; mark' .--t :(d On sizeable lot good and fholre B7 lb fer lamhs 3.1.00; nothing el?e offered early roo'I heavy ewes salable around 8.00. Chi- i I.jvelnrk ChlfBLO 18 'UPi- HoRh ih.ow). Fairly anivr bnu lO'-lly 25 (ents lower; rloMng teady to 25 rents Iowpt. Sows str-iKl; 5 cents lower. Pnort load of ch I 200 lbs 21 15: good and rhoire lRO-2iO 20.75-21.25; 2:10-250 lb- 19,75-20 50 260-2SO .b. iijo-19-j;t 2'J';-'i0 In. is'jj- 1 1900; a few 330-150 lb-. 17.75-125; h'-oi and (hon e 100-425 lb sows i7 00-17 75: 450 S0O lbs IB 00-8.75; 500 lbs and ovei 15,00 I 00 Cattl- 6500; calves 600. Slaiigh'er steer and h;fers steady to strong; cows and bulls steady to weax: vpnler (Inn. A load of rholre 1212 lb !d steers 31,25 A load of lonn year Unas held higher. Kev eral load-, of higit good and fhoif n'.' 2S 50-in, 75; b'lln medium ar.d d'ir.rt sirrr' 21 00-27 00; mrdlum to low -t:rr heifer 21 00-26 Ofi; criniiion to ((""d hef con !? 50-19 00; ranner and cj'ior 13.50 16 35. flood sausage bulK 22.25-2.1 00: fal bef bulls 23 00 down. Medium to choir vealers 28,00-34 00 IRS head good 1107 lb Dakota feeding steers 21 00. Shrp 5SOO Nothing done nn sla-ithter lamh' Oenerel killing lusli' 'nipntvffl ovr Monday. Dldrilna 24 75 down, flpveral loads held hither. Ewe very aoarce, steady at 11 00 down. Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Tuesday, January 18, 194915 Stocks Decline After Advance Now York, Jan. 18 The lock market developed a wob bly streak today afler a short lived morning advance. Early gains were either lost or trimmed as the market slowly settled down following advances of fractions to more than a point. , Turnover was at the rate of 750,000 shares for the full ses sion. American Telephone moved against the downward trend and advanced more than a point at one time. AT & T has been in I supply for the past three sts- 1 sions, largely because of a de partment of justice anti-monopoly suit. Commonwealth Southern at tracted considerable interest. and was priced slightly higher most of the day. Others among the steadier spots included Studebaker, Woolworth, Douglas Aircraft. Dow Chemical, American Wool en, Standard Oil N.J ). and Twentieth Century-Fox. Among the laggards were Bethlehem Steel, Philip Morris, International Paper, Boeing, and Glenn Martin. Wheat, Corn Gain Slightly ChiciiRO, Jan. 18 Pt Wheat and corn scored minor gains at Hit board of trade today, but other futures ranged lower. Some buying in wheat was at tributed to milling interests against sales of flour in undis closed amounts to the United Kingdom. Corn borrowed some of its strength from wheat. At the finish wheat was Va to r,R higher than the previous close. May $2.24-Va. Corn was 'a lower to 4 higher, May $1.4n-45's. Oats were h to lower, May 72 V-. Rye was n.i lower, May $1.64 V4. Soybeans were 1 cent to 2xz lower, March $2.42 V4 -42. Lard was 28 to 42 cents a hundredweight lower, January $14.20. Rabbits Pay Off Wattsburg, Pa, U.R) Thomas Coatham, Jr., has sold a pair of rabbits to Ihe Atomic Energy commission for $500. They're the only pair of "Eng lish lop ears" in the United States. They will be used in experi ments requiring rabbits that cannot move their ears. A species of water-lily grow ing in the Amazon has leaves so broad and firm they will bear the weight of a child. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem l.-teslork Mrei (Dr Valley Packing Company) Wnoled Iambi 10.00 to 121.00 Feeder Iambi $19.00 Eweji J2 00 to 16 00 Cutter cows $12.00 to 114.50 Fat dairy cows 113.00 to J14.S0 Dairy Heifer J1S.00 to $18.00 Hull. 1111.00 to 121 01) Calvea (300 to 450 Ih.O .120.00 to 125.00 Veal ( iau-3nn lbJ choice. 125.00 to 120.00 lIoa Crlce.i pntd w'thln 25c of Port and prlcex for each type. urtland Fasldr Market Lemons ol Me ."Ifid and larger sold for Slil.lllJ to 111.50 a rrale on the Portland Knslslde Fanners' Wholesale Produce mar ket today. HurbRtik polatoes wrrr offered at 1.1.25 tn l.4(i a hundred, pounds. Other nrlres remained steady to Irm and unchanged. irtlanri Prortiire lluttrrfnt Tentative, subject to Imme- (ilnto chnnce Premium quality maximum 15 tr 1 percent acidity dollvered In Portland 09-72c lb.; flrflt quality, 67-70r b.; .second quality 65-68c; valley routes ind country poinLn 2r, jeaa than first Ilulter Wholetalo FOB bulk cubea to aholr.saler.s. tiiadf A A B3 flcore, B7r lh.; . 92 score, filir lb.: B. 80 score. 64c lb.. 89 score, 6lc lb., Above price are itrlrtly nominal Clirrse Selling price to Portland whole Oregon .single;., 42-50 '7r: Oregon fi i. loaf; 4,1-52 'ac; triplets ',?c cm than naleA. Eggs ( To wholesaler) A trade larte 56-59 1 r; A medium 54-57 'ic; A small ! j-56'ir; nrvr. 4R'a-50,jr. Eggs Purchaseo from farmers Cur. lent receipts, 57l.V60Mic doa.; buyers J- e below wnoieanie quotanons on graa ed basli for beat hennery eggs. rtland '(airy MarUri lluller Prtre to retailers arade A A prints. 72c; A A cartons, 73c; A prints. cartons 73c; B prlnt.s 69c. Price to retailer AA larse -ernfled A large. 62r: A large. 61c; AA mrdi'im, 60c: cerlllted A mr- '.'ic; A medium 59c. Cnrtons 2c ad- dinonnl. 4'hrese Price tt retaller.s Portland Off on iinKle.s 43,'j-52I jr. Oregon losf, 6 lb, 45'j-54;3c; triplets l'ic Iff than sin gles. II 1 1 TT l.ivn c;hlrken No I quality FOS plants. No. 1 broilers under 2' lbs 30-l3c lb; frrrs. 2 to 3 Ibj , 33c lb. fryers. 3 to 4 lbs , 34c lb.: rosMer, 4 lbs. and over, 3 5 -3 Ac lb.; fowl Lewnonis, under 4 lbs.. 10-12c lb ; over 4 lbs. 34r. colored fowl all weights, 40c lb.; old roost r alt we:gnw. 18-19c lla hhl u Ave rag n to retailers for loeai ;y dreMed anlmAh 5ft-62c; fryers, white 4-5 11)5.. n-aric: 5-6 lbs. 25-27c; colored 21-2.'c; old or heavy dor. 13-15r; dreued fryers, to outchera, 57-flOr; old heavy one, 15-1 Turkeya ' Prices quoted are net to th urod icr on n dre.ssed weight bnxls U. 8. grade A young tnms, M-52c lb.; No 1 young hens, nominally file. Pressed turkey to retailors: Qrade A voung h'ns, 70-71c New Yorit style, dress ed. A trad" young toma. 58-59c. Port land Miscellaneous Casrara Hark Dry 20e ib . green 7r lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 4Se lb. Mohair 25c lb on 13-month growth II Idea calves 30a lb., according to t.egnt Kips 32c lb; bi 13- 14c lb.; bulls 3-3c ib , country buyers pay 3c less Nut tluntaOnna Walnutr -Kranquettea first quallt Jim oo. 34 7c; larae, 33 7c, medium 27 3c second r, nllty lumbos, 30.2c, large, 38 2c; medium. 28 3c: baby, 33,2c, soft shell first lualltr large, 39.7c; medium. 36 2: sec and qui!' large 37. ic. medium 24.7c I DAht 22 20. Mllierls Jumbo 10c lb i large 18e tie.iiim 16c. smill 13c 'Quotations above supplied 0y North west Nut Orowers Quotation are on tbs Dull ot 190-lb. bag purchase lob planu.) STOCKS QUOTATIONS B trie Asoclaied Pressi American Can M Am Pow At Lt 8'j Am Tel At Tel 148 Anaconda 34' Rendu Aviation 32' Beth Steel TS'i Boeing Airplane 32 Callt Packing 2V, Canadian Pacific H Case J I U Caterpillar W'J Chrysler iVx Comwlth Ai Sou 3'i Con Vultee Continental Can 3' Crown Zellerhach " f'tirtiAs Wright i Douglas Airrran Dupont de Nem l7'i General Elertrle ( Oeneral Foods 4' ' Hrnerai Motors ST CiOOdTi Harvester 27 ! Inl Paper Krnnecott Ilbby McN Ar L .. Long Bell "A ' Montgomery Ward lush Kelvmator ... 55 . .44j , 3ft' . US . ! J24 , 9i 441 , 13i , 2 , ,'V4 2:'-, . 27 '4 , ia . 47'4 Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific, .. Pae Am Fish . .. Gas At Eleg .. Pae Tel At Tel .... Penny J C Radio Corp R Ton ler Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway Stores .... Sears Roebuck Southern Pacifle Standard Oil Cal ., Studebaker Corp . 30 'i nnahlne Mlnlnf 0 Transamerlea !0'4 Onion Oil Cal ,., Oaten Paclfte . U ml tad Airline .., O Stael Warner Bros Pie WeelworUt SO7 "7 '4 13H Tl ln4 47H Pnrlland Oraln Portland. Jan. 18 i) Wheat future not quoted: Cash wheat (bid: Soft white 3. am: soft whit (excludlna rent a. 3m; white club western red 2.314. Hard red winter: Ordinary I.31H; 10 per cent 3.33; 11 per cent 3.23: 13 per cent 3.35. Hard white baart: U per eent S.M; II per cent 2.44. Today's ear receipts: Wheat 60: birlay 10: flour 9; mm 3fi; oats 1: millfeed IS, DEATHS Monica Weniel Monica Wenzel, late resident of 8a Francisco. Calif.. In that city Mday, January 14. Survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Weniel, Salem: sis ters, Mrs. C. J. Metisey, Salem, Mr. Oeorge E. steller. Portland, Mrs. Helen Wolf and Mrs. John Dolaasky. both o( Mllwaukir, Or.: Mrs John O'Kane, San Rafael, Calif.: Sisters Mary Josephine, of MiMOiirl: Herma Joseph. Philippine Isl ands; Mary of Carmel, Portland and SI frieda, of Los Angeles; one brother. Vic tor Wenael. Portland. Recitation of thg rosary at the Clouah Barrlck chapel Tues day, January Ifl, at 8 p.m. Requiem mui at St. Joseoh church Wednesday, Jan uary 19 at 9 a.m. itii burial in St, Barbara .-emeierr under the direction 04T the ClouKh-Barrlck company. Tern. Ret. Paul J. Trier Tech. Sgt. Paul J. Tyler, late resident of 1640 North Church street. In the Phil ippine Islands. July 17. 1945. Survived by wife, Mrs. Effie M. Tyler of Salemi and a son, Dennis Tyler of Salem. Mil iary graveside services will be held at Belcrest Memorial park Saturday, Jan- lary 33. at 1:30 p.m. with Salem post NO. 136, American Legion In charge. Mrs. Anna Bell Mlle- Irs. Anna Bell Miles, late resident of Corvallls, at the Good Samarilan hos pital in Corvallls, Monday. January 17, aft the age of P6 years. Survived by two daughter!. Mrs. Lyra M. Dann of Corval lls and Mrs. Eva Newlln of Oeneva, Switz erland; a son. Hoas C. Miles of Snlein: a, .sister, Mrs. Lydia C. Gardner of Portland; two brothers, J. A. Cook of Mt. Ver non, , and Alva Cook of Portland: xrandcmldrrn and one great arnna child. Services will be held at the Cloiiah- Bnrrick chapel Wednesday, January 19, at 1 :3ft p.m. with Rev. Charles Haworth and Levi Pennington officiating. In terment in the City View cemetery. Oenrae Alrin Rovle. Oeorite Ahin Boyle, at the reidencg 500 North 12lh street, January 17, at ih age of 77 years, Survived hv his wife. Mrs. Sarah Jane Boyle of Salem: two daughters. Mrs. Marie C. Matthew of Palm Sprlnis, Calif., and Mrs. Bessie R. Bower of Salem: two son, Alvln C. Boyle of Salem and Ralph O. C. Boyle of Taco- Wash.; II grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Announcement of rvlrex later by the Howell Edward. chapel, Christine Relene Bedehnft Christine Helen Brdehoft, at the Turner Memorial home at Turner, Oregon. Jan uary 18, at the age of 61 years. Survived her husband, John H. Bedenoft of Turner; and one daughter, two grand children and one great grandson, all In California. Memher of the Turner Ohrla- i church. Announcement of service later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Mrs. Sarah BHle MrKinner Mrs. Sarah Belle McKinney, at the res idence at 31)4 South 21at street, January 16. Survived by two step-daugh'ers, Mrs. n Hughoanks and Mrs. Ellen Ast la- ford of SpokRiie, Wash ; seven step-son. Martin OhriMensen of Spokane, Harry Christ of Oakrldae, Oregon, Laur ence Chri.sfensen of Salem, Walter Ohris ten.sen of fi-t . Paul. Minn., Lewis McKinney f Hnlcm, Flmer McKinney of Long Beach, CBllf., and Harold McKlnnev of San Francisco: and four grandchildren, Clif ford Halfhill of Tacoma, Lloyd Halfhlll of Seattle. Mrs. Zola Fleming of Msnson, Wash., snd Mrs. Anna Belle Grantham of CiiAlrk, Wash. Announcement of service! r hv CloiiKh-Barrlck company. OBITUARY Samuel R. llaumsn I-hnnnn Haimiel B. Bauman died Jan uary 17 at the Lebanon community hos pital. Born Jan. 13, innrt In Madina cnun t v, Ohio, he (amr from Pennsylvania 10 Oregon 10 years aao and for the past nine years ha,s been in the lumber busi ness In S'-'et home Survived by widow. Ma mi, two fin.1-. Wiiism of 8et Home and Elmer or Pnnv.-Uania ; four step nn... Wvn Hoolev or West Linn. Ore.i Hpr.srlie Honiev of Montana. Fdwin Hoo v of Hmbard and Virell Ho.Mtler of for! Is iid: . "en grandchildren. n;ne step t randrhtldren. snd a bro' i'.er and tiiree'. in Vun.s pin: a. Funeral service tit 10 a m Wednr.vdsv at t:ie Sweet Home Mrnnonlt church w.'h Rev N, A Lmd r'.' irlst mi . (tuns I In Wavr1nd rm ctcrv. Pa rrn:ements by Howe-Huston lunTal borne. Ilaniel VY. S;lvrnon A Water. Monday i i Daniel W Linn. 77. of 1030 :rd at the Sllverton hospital y f ;gh He was horn In Sumner, iiv i. :71. and had lived here 36 vrars. Survnins are his widow. Mrs. Ruth Linn; two h oihrrs, Leslie B. Linn, Salem, ind Solorn H. L,nn H.mcnrk. Minn.; Uiree .sisters, Mr.,. Abusll Hurst, St. Paul, Minn.: -lanlrtt L nn Hancock, and Mr, Orate Donat. Waterloo, la. Funeral serv ic'.v will be Vld from luc memorial chnp of Hie Ekman funeral home Thursday h; 1 in p m . Hev. Hen F. Browning offi ciating and burial in Bethany eemelery. (Advertisement) BEWARE OF N-W0RMS Medical report rerenl that an amaiinjt numtwr of children nd adult ar Tletinut of Pin-Worm. Watch for the warnintr elgni. mpeelallr the em bar rasa i qk. nagging rectal Itch. After ecu tune of Pin-Worm diatreat a really efirctive way to deal with them baa been established through JATNE'S P-W, the nrw Pin-Worm treatment developea in the lahoratorie of Dr. D. Jayne A Son. The email. easy-to-Ukt PW tableU givm eatufartion or your money back. So why tfckc chance on Pin-Worms I If you sua peel this uely Infection, ask your druggiaft for PW and follow the direction). It's easy to rtmembtr i f W tot PiQ.Woroc-1 1