16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIES ADVERTISING! Per Line Ifte Per Line I times 40 - Ter Line t time OOo - Per Line 1 month $2.00 Outside of Salem l5e per line per da j. Mm. IOC! t lime mlo. 80c 6 time mia. $1.20. No Refunds HEADERS Id Local Newt CoL Onlyi Per Una 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 Tbia aolomB ! for arllrlei telling lor $10 or LESS Don't Save It - Sell It! BABY BUGGY SkToo. bassinet 17. SO, abM' nursery chair iz.oo. rn. a-wai. CRIB, complete, $8.00. PH. 2-6865. 4095 Ear! Ave. nl2 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER Suburban. Five rm. plast ered house, oak lira. Utility, good Ilre plaee. elect. HW heater. 2 bd. rms.. auto oil ht.. In. 2-car gar. Deep well. A ac. fruit, berries, Ik. gardm apace. Close to trans. St stores. 405 Sunset Ave.. $12,000. 813 X. MRD ST. 2 BR. Lit. DR, kit., bath, wall to wall carpet, bsmt., oil furnace, new ar., excellent condition, quick nnu. 17. ISO term. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 1M S. Com"! St. Ph. 38389; Eve. 3m0 ;25(l. Late built 2-bdrm. liome. im.atfl nntti nrar .rhnnl and bus "Well Has hdwd. floors, rice, hrat, attached garage .S1S00 down, hal $42.00 per mo. Call O. V. Hume with - State Finance Co. REALTORS 1SJ . High St. Ph. 3-4121; eves 25206 0750. New Modern 2-BR home 2 blocks from Salem Hiah School. Living room, dining room, kitchen Sz bath, attached -garage. Immediate possession. Call Stan- - ley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121; Eves. 25561 al2' 1500. Late built modern 2-BR home with unfinished upstairs. East on bus line. Close to school. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, oil furnace. Venetian blinds, attached garage. Immediate possessions 1,000 dn. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4131; Eve. 25581. alH 2100 DOWN Balance 4"i. long term loan, will buy a new RANCH TYPE HOME -on a view lot. Hardwood floors, auto. -oil heat, fireplace, picture windows and everything nice. FULL PRICE ONLY 19500. Goodwin and McMillin Renltors 484 Court. Ph. 3-4707; eve. 27283 or 25MB a 13 $M00. Neat attractive 3-bcdroom home located Enst on bus line. Large corner lot. Oaraae. Fruit trees, berries St gar den space. Call O. V. Hume with . State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121; Eves 35208 a!2- BT OWNER, new two bedroom home, 60 X 125 corner lot. 13.800, 2405 Ad ams street. a!2 BT OWNER Suburban. Five rm. plaster ed house, oak lloors. Utility, good lire place, elec. ht. wtr 2 bdrms. auto, oil heat, lge. 2-cnr gar., deep well, Vt A. fruit, berries, lge. garden space. Close to trans. ft stores. 405 Sunset Ave. $12,000. a!3 8-BDRM. new home, N., sawdust heal, maple foors. On bus line, priced to sell. Inquire eves. Ph. 2-4361. aJ2 BEAUTIFUL NEW 2-bdrm. home; large living room, dining room, F. H. A. wilt glvo n.ono, prlca 18,800. Home worth eon.iidcrar.la more but will sacrifice for quick sale. Ph. 35278. 15 A CLEAN, comfortable cottage with im mediate possession. Living room. larne kitchen, nook, bedroom. creened-ln porch, wired for range, large garden spot. Priced to sell at (5.U00.0O. P. H. Bell, Realtor Ph. 3-1545, 1-4898; Eves. 3-8686, 3-7585. 2-8568. al&' VACANT Newly furnished. Immediate possession, 2 BR. Twin beds, elec range, refrigerator. Auto, oil heat, at tached garage. 3330 8. 12th St. Key at office. 18500. Joe Hutchison - Realtor 455 Court St., Salem. Oregon Phone 3-3829; eve. 2-31103. 3-3632. a!2 HOMES NEW PARTLT FURNISHED. See this plastered 1-BR home on lae. lot, good location. IMMED. POSS. 14500. ROME A INCOME. 3 BR home, plasl Int. Highland dlsl. Apt., with separate en trance will rent for $40 or more. Incls. 2 raes. and circulators, extra lot. will accomodate 2 or 3 more units. VERY GOOD at $0500,00. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 S. Cotn'l. St. Ph. 3-8380; Eve. 3-7440 air BT OWNER, well built 2.BR home, full bsmt., unfin. Bttic. fireplace, elec. hot wtr.. 1005 Norwway .Ph. 31)868. a!3' W(iflfl Nice 3 bed rm. older type home In good locat ion, corner lot with Ik , trees, good bsmt.. sawdu.il fur., pretty kitchen, full bath up. lollei down. A good buv. Cnll Mr. Walters. ; Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa fil. Ph. 3-0271 - eves. 2-5200 a!4 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4 rm. house, elec. water heater, for elec. ranee. Water system, l'n to bus. 3 blks. to grocery More. 13075 11500 balance $40.00 per 4 Interest. Contact Allen Jones or Mabel Needham 841 Slate St. Rm. 4 - Ph. ResldMico 3-4335 or S-8783, or 3-9:01 2 -04 J! nl-J WHY PAY UK NT? " $1000 down. ItiO.OO 'per mo. buys till new 3 BR home with unf. Bttic. Ltv. R., dining r.. kitchen, hwd. firs., frplace.. Oil heat. Nice location. Call Omrr Hull Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 311 Chemrkcta St. Ph. 3-9271 eves. 2-5091 a!4' ENGLEWOOD MKT. r-Dandy 5 room bunt! alow with large Jiving room and fireplace. 2 bediooms -and beautiful shaded lot. only 4 blocks i-Jrom School A hsriJiin l B'iOO. - NEW It. 000 DOWN iT"wo bedroom modern bminalnw with ..arga living and flrelace. ml hrnt. 6incr jT-in attic for extra brdroom. Attached ..arage. Lame lot In nnv Addition clo.r ;.to bus. Price $8500. Call Mr. Clearr. r Walter Miisjjravo, Renltors r 1233 EDGE WATER - PH. 3-5109 '. Eves. MT li BDRM., 4-rm. home. On oil road, mod ;,,irn, near school and bus line, Attach ed garage, burn, 2 acre.1', Sell cheap, lii. Box 177, Gervals, Orca. H. L. Blair. Hl4 flO.OOO 2 bd. rm. down, 1 up, double r . plumbing, full fin. basement, pipe fur- -i, nace. hwd. floors and fireplace. Close ln. See Harvey Hull ; Huff Real Estate Co. HURT SELL my 2 BR home, large lot. - double garaae. Will take good car or "- pickup up to IlaOO. Also furniture for ' salt. 398 Missouri Ave. Call 2-0940. al4 J-BDR.M. 4-rm. home. On oil road. Mo V dern, near school and bus line. Attached , garage. Barn, 3 acres. Sell cheap. Rt .1, Box 177, Gervals, Ore. H. L. Blair . 14 FOR BALE 4 rm. home, all elec. attach :.d garage, furnished, $6750. Would sell ,-unfurn. Must sell immediately. 1751 N ; Front St. 15 BY OWNER, very nice modrin 2-bdrm ; home. West Salem. F. H. A. approved -r Call 16189, All Ore., Friday, January 14, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BEST BUYS $1000 DOWN Furn. house north. Private well, garave 2 blks to grade sch. St shopping center Immediate possession. Full price orly $4200. $7350 Brand new 3 bdrms.. plastered, garage. Clo.tr in east. 2 blocks to bus. Terms ar ranged. WANT TO SWAP? A very nice 2-bdrm. house, new. Close In east. Hdwd. firs., fireplace. V. blinds, auto, oil heat, garage, several irult trees. Full price lio.sou. will ac. cent smaller house as part payment. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596; eve. 2-0473, 3-3558, al4 Englewood District We think this Is good 2 bedrooms with extra room made Into an apt. in rear of garage HW floors, coved ceilings. living int.. din. rm.. nice kitchen, full basement, fireplace In back yard and very nice. Sevenn Realty Co. $950 DOWN CUTE AND CLEAN plastered 6-yr.-Old 2-bdrm. home with dinette Garage, utility, elrc. well. Located norm on l-i acre. Price only 16950. call mk, PYLE RIGHT AWAY COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center St. Phone 24552. al2' SH7.MI. Clean one-bedroom home with 2 lois South. Completely furnished. Im mediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 25561 a!3- GOOD 2-BR HOME, on corner lot, nicely located South, has LR, DR. Kit., nooK fireplace, basement, att. garage. 12.500 dn., bal. fi' 17a per mo. Total price $10,500. Call Lloyd Kice. This Is the Home VERY NICE 3-BR colonial type home In Englewood district, has lr, dk. Kit., nook, fireplace, V. blinds, basement, with party room, auto, oil furnace, att. garage, nice shrubbery, fruit & nuts. Ph. for an arpt. to see this home to day. Price 114.500. Call Oscar Zeller. Eves Phone 2-1888 for Lloyd nice, or 2-7374 lor Oscar Zeller. John H. Hansen, Realtor Ph. 3-7819 or 3-4522. 1997 Fairgrounds Rd. al2 3-nsi. HOUSE, bath. 2-rm. house, toilet. Elec. range, some furn. Small lot. All for 14500. Highland dlst. I'll. 33351. 8)3 Drive Out to 2285 Englewood Ave Just ofr 23rd Ac D. 3 bdrm. housn Junt completed. Is now open for Inspection. 13000 down will handle. Month pay ment $49.37. Full price 110.800. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. ?ur.l Insurance - Mtg. Loans all WHY PAY RENT? 1750 down. Use your O. I. loan on th); new home 5 blks. Enst of City limits. Pved St. Bus by door. 2 brri rooms. Brand new. Hdwd. floors thruout. Elec heat. C. W. Reeve, Realtor MAKE OFFER We have 2 nice homes In the Englewood dlst. lliat will sell en a aoori offor Hdwd. firs. Fireplace. One has elec. hrat. Unfinished attic. Good terms. Ci.li. m:ike nn nppolntnient. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial. Pli. 34.100; eve. 234PB a!3 S. VV, HWV.. Into built, modern, furnt.ih- ed small home. 13,740. Hollywood 4-rm. house, large lot, pav ed street, 13950. Inn le wood. 2-BR home, basement, fur. hent. SU250. Ingle-wood, pre-war built. 2-BR home fireplace, hdwd. floors, attached gar age, auto. heat. 18950. R. E. MEREDITH B. M. MASON Realtor 176 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-8841. al2 LOOK ONLY $4,000.00 This 2-bdrm. house with separate gar age. 2300 blk. 8. FIRST TIME ADVERTISED Very well built. 2 bdrm. home, hdwd, floors, lame utility room, garage. A good buy at $11,500.00. A DREAM HOME 4 acres 2 nil. from center of Salem. New secluded, adorable small tnu.se beautifully landscaped. Over 00 16-yr. Franquett walnut trees. Small new greenhouse - lath house, all for 18,760.00 A home wllh seclusion and panor.unlc view. 10 wooded acres iintunilly land scaped, LR, DR, K A den. Hdwd. floors. 2 bdrms., lint h. basement, funnier, dble. ynrnnt All this tor only lit. 500.00. TO BUY - SELL - OR RENT Ralph Bent Realtor 3-3123 Run. (-r Eve. call Kliltupp, 2-0128 21330 S. Commercial St. al3 JfllHin. Clean modrrn plastered late built home clo.se to Park Ave, Large lot, Im mediate posse.vsion. 11000 down. Call Stun ley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S Hiith St. Ph. 3-4121; Eves. 2.V61 FOR SALE LOTS LOT FOR SALE. Call 248H7 eve: anK USE ZONE 3 LOTS :un ft. frontline vjono 215 X 403 12000 172 X IHH. 3 SLs. . 13700 WALT SOCOLOFSKY, Broker Ph. 3-8ii;t: nl3 l,AH(;i:loli"inKeler dlst iict7" Price' 17Cc' W. G. Kruegcr REAL ESTVVE 147 N. Cmnml'. Ph. 3-47: n a 1 3 $10 DOWN Good building lots. Price 1450 on up. Terms -10 down and 110 month. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 center St. Phone 34552. aal2 FOBl' irk "SALE,- fots$430.00eachT Ph 3-9A40 aal2 FOR SALE FARMS PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD! Cilv lot.-. $11 : ranch, timber, w raxing la mil in Ctllf . Orraon, Washington 11.25 to 5 Per acre. FREE CIRCUIAHfl. Pacific Lamb. Box 2350 -PJ. Hollywood. Calif. bl'J FOUR ACRES EAST Only two mile from cily. Clean 5 rm modern bungalow, large new 4-stall horse nam. 3 -car xarage and poultry hou.se. Family orchard and well fenced. On bus line and a real setup for a family who likes hovse.i. Price 111.500. 20 ACRES Moitern 5 rm. bungalow with full base ment. Ato guest collage, lame barn and poultry houses. Ideal for berries or c At He. Six miles from city on pave ment. Attractive price. Call Mr. Clear y. t:il Ednewater St. Ph. 3-6109 Walter MusKrave, Realtors Eves. 3-9939 bl7 FARM GOOD INCOME HIRE. This IS acres, good loam at edne of Woodburn has a lot of lue for low price asked. ' In producing berries. Irrigated. Attractive mod. 4-HR home. 3 barns. Only $11, 900. 6000 loan at hT, available. CllOiri: VAll.EY FARM ONLY $130 per At'HK. Over 300 acres, well located north of Salem. Mostly in crop. Good barns, slloa, fences. A 115.000 mod 4- BR home, hamt and furnace. SEE THIS TODAY I ONLY 1120 per A. Larsen Home & Loan Co, Exclluhf LlMinn? Prrsonsl Srrvlr. 164 8. Com'l. St. Ph. IS389; Kv,. 3-7410 til' REAL ESTATE "Good Enough" Is Not Enough When "Better" Can Be Found Here Strictly modern two bedroom home, on large lot. To exchange for small acreage with modern home with bus service. A new house with one-half acre. Electric pump and hot water heater. Oil circu lator heat, garage. Price $3150. 1650 wll 1 handle. 2& ACRES EAST 2 bedroom home, living room, kitchen, wired for range and hot water heater, garage, chick house, rabbit hutches, family fruit. 16500. LARGE LOT 2 bedroom home, living room and kitchen, wired for range, elec. hot water heater, 1 block to bus, garage. Neat and clean, close to stores. 14500. MINT FARM 100 acres, bottom land, mostly Newberc sandy loam, 05 acres mint ground, small hcuse, machine shed, 2 good tractors and all attachments. 2 irrigation systems, mint still, consider small home in swap. Everything goes for 122,000 or may be purchased without equipment. 7 ACRES NORTH Excellent filbert orchard and variety of family fruit, modern 2 bedroom home, good barn, chick house, double garage, Less than 6 miles from downtown on pavement. Consider good 2 or 3 bedroom home in vicinity of hiah school in swap Full price only $13, i BURT PICHA, Office Phone 2-3649 Evening calls GRABENHORST SPECIALS 255 E. WILSON A bdrm. recently decorated inside, liv. rm., din. rm., den, fireplace, full basmt., oil heat, dble. garage No. 3 zone. Easy terms available. Call Roy Ferris. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Modern 5 rm. home with den, beauti ful view, nicely landscaped. A home to be proud of. FOR PARTICULARS Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 2-2471; Evenings, 2-2948, 3-7772, 3-9968, 23-F-H, 2-8010. For Prompt and Courteous Service List Your Property With Us. REIMANN FOR $500 DOWN Or late model car or lot on this small 3-bcdroom home with auto, heat, clo.se to schools, bus, and store. Immediate possession. No. 320 BUSINESS grocery store and gas station with G room living quarters, netting 1400.00 per month, ail stock, equipment, buildings and furniture, goes for $14,000. In near by small town with no competition. No. 745 REIMANN FOR Pit. 3-9203. Eve. ft Suns. 2-8241, 3 FOR SALE FARMS 20 ACRES 5 A. berries. House and barn. Nice spring. South. 10750. $1000 will handle. Good tf rms on bal. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 34590; eve. 23488. b!3 LAB1SH AREA, BEAVER DAM LAND III health forces owner to sacrifice 19 acre plnce, 6 rm. house, large shed, Irrigating system, trnctor and other equipment for only 110.000, 'a cash. Will consider house In Salem. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Ph. 24793. bl3 :S 4 ('RES All under cultivation, seeded, 6 rms.. barn, hay shed, garage. Family orchard. Close to public & Catholic school & church, store. Electricity, pressure system. 17,500 cash. 14 mile . of Shaw. Box 268. b!2 FOR SALE ACREAGE f,M .i ncre south on paved rd. Close to school. Neat alt i Active 1 oeoroom liome. Garage and utility room. Poultry house for 300 hens. Garden space. First time offered for sale. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121; eves. 2520B bb!4 ACHES, good berry and fruit soil. Nent 5 room bungalow. Elec. water system. mil-Hue. Near 2 room school. Price 14100. Some terms. 5'a ACRES, close in south. 7 rm. colon ial house with plumbum, 2 wells, other farm buildings. Price $7500. LOTS 5350 and up. See Mrs. Reeves with Alfred Dumbeck REAL ESTATE 147 N. Commercial Ph.2-3531bbl3 .1 ACRES to sell or trade. Lot 48, Henshnw Fruit Farms. Write Capital Journal Box 249. bh!2 REAL ESTATE To Drive By 1680 South Commercial. 17000. 890 Hntcliff Drive. $11,500. 1780 Kansas Street. 110.500. 2005 Soillll 20th. 15.000. OR If you' arc inteicsled In 143 acres CI good farm land north of Salem it will pay you to contact this office. For full particulars regarding any ol above properties, call us. We havo otaur good list Inns to choose from. SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. High St, Phone H-'MflO Eve. phones 2-6005, 2-4773, 2-4591, 2-8688 Cl2' LEO N. GUILDS, INC. REALTORS 3 FINE bulldlns sites, one with a 66 ft. well with sufficient water to supply all on Lancaster Dr. and Garden Rd. All for 11800. FINES l apartment site In town on Stnte St. Just above 12th St. 120x103. 25.0(H). SHE THIS 10 null residential court only 145,000 or a 5 apt. building ret urn inn 1450 per month. We have these and many lher income properties for thr conservative Investor who wants a good return with safety. H you don't see It advertised CALL US LEO N. CH1LDS, INC. REALTORS 'MS years of dependable servire tn home owners." 344 Stale St Ph. 2-3683 Evenelmis cnll: 2-4007, 3-5H30 or 2-5B55 cl4 NELSON NEWS SOUTH SIDE COTTAGE An oiitslandum (cut lire of this 4-rm. cottane with an extra lac. L room and D room wllh rustic finish, mod. bal It. price of 14700 includes elec. range, lot l 60x1 00. GOOD SUBURBAN 19850 4 miles out on secondary state high way, about 1 ac. ground, exceptional private water system artistic L room, with attractive fp'lnce. D rin . 2 bdrms., mod. bath, full bsmt. with laundry, good terms, EXCELLENT AFT. SITE One of the finest apartment loca tions tn Salem - 80x151. priced only $4750 for ciuick sn'e 32 ACHES W SILT 30 ac. cult.. 2 ac. pasture and timber, creek, Isc. family orchard. 8-rm. house, barn and oilier bids. . well with elec. puiu!. Price 112,000 Will trade for house In Woodburn. Hubbard or Aurora. SPECIAL NOTICE Material for our midwinter Issue of "NFJON NEWS" is now being com plied. ThLi issue will be widely dis tributed in the middle west and Cali fornia. If we have g lifting of your property In our office before that Is sue goes out one or more of the thou sands who will see It, mlsht be a buyer for your property. NELSON & NELSON Specialiiing Realtors 702 N. Huh Phone 3-4622. cl2 SUPER HOME VALUE. Well const. 2-BR home. So. Cottage St., with Ice. LR fireplace, hdwd. floors, bsmt.. furnace. nook, unf urn. attic Close to schools. Only 11250 dn $60 per mo. priced to sell this week. S7?P NEW Al I. ELECTRIC. 2-BR home features Ue. LR A dinette, attractive kitchen, lots of budl-lns. tub ft shower bath, all hdwd. Ilrs., Ven. blind., attached gar Idral toe. near bus. school A stores Only ItS.'sO dn . bal. 160 per mo. Immed poss, A Big Value at 187 SO. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Fxftn.lv, Llattnt PrrsonBj 8rrv!cf 1S4 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. evf. 3-144H Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE REALTORS 337 No. High St 3-1032, 2-5390 3-7451 Cl2 DOWNTOWN BUSINESS LOT 30x165 ft., to paved alley, 1 block from city center. Price $12,000. Excellent va lue. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. TERMS CLOSE IN Nice liv. rm., with fireplace, din. rm., kitchen with nook, 2 bdrms., attached garage, full basin t-, 5 min. walk to town. TERMS. 110,500. Call Peter H. Geiser. 1 REAL ESTATE VALUE PLUS in this 3 bedroom, new home with all hardwood floors, fireplace, large kitch en with eating space, large double gar age, patio. All very conveniently ar ranged. Only 112,800 with FHA terms. No. 315 YOUR CHANCE to beat the spring rush on these beau tiful lots with water for 110 down, $15 per month, north or east. Close to school and bus. See them todayl REAL ESTATE - 5905. 2-4628. 2-2346. 201 SO. High St. REAL ESTATE Wonderful Business Opportunity New mid used furniture Si appliances Includes bldg., equipment and spacious 3-bdnn. living quarters. Clean 1st class stock, located in live town near Salem. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11. Wallace Road, Rt. 1. Box 243 or Ph. 2-8838. 1289 6th St., W. Salem. C!3 S4200 NEW U-BKIHIOOM HOME, not complete ly finished, but being lived in at pres ent time, deep well electric pressure system, full bath, electric hot watei lien ter. wired for electric ranae, about 1000 sq. ft. of floor space. Located on a large suburban lot N. E. Can bo handled for 11000 donn on contract, or we may be able to handle for state G. I. with 1500 down. STATE VETERAN VERY NICE 'i-HEIKOOM HOME, Insu lated, automatic heat in all rooms, large garage, city sewer, water, near Highland school. Can be purchased by anyono on contract basis, some furniture if de sired, has very advantageous 4 loan which can he taken over by anyone. Here might be a break for a vet, at least we will try for you. Exceptionally Nice Home HANt'H STYLE, il IIKDKDU.VIIS, living room, dining room, fireplace, a dream of a kitchen, utility and oil furnace, witli heat piped to all rooms, everything on one floor, oh, yes, there Is room for two cars. This home almost complet ed and will be sold for F.H.A. apprais ed value. $15,000. We Invite your com parison to anything In the vicinity of Salem, for a fair value. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Phone 38218. c!3 CALABA'S-COLUMN JUST INSIDE TOWN Nearly 2 acres land, number of cherry trees. In me chicken house, good 2 bed room home, about 10 years old all for on:y 17000. NEED 3 BEDROOMS? Here's one for only S780O. all on one floor too part basement with oil fur nace and double garage, large corner lot with cherry and walnut trees, Hol lywood Dlst, Cnll us. It's a good one, IF YOU LIKE LOTS OF TREES AND a REAL yard! Don't miss seeing tins 3 ncre place with the modern 2 bedroom home located on the South River Rd. The yard has many huge natural trees and lots of lovely shrub hery, secluded patio with fireplace, etc. It can he bought at the low price of Just $10,500. We have an opening for an experienced real estate salesman or saleswoman. Cnll at office. Rudy Calaba & Co. REALTORS Phone 3-5838 Eve. 3-5514 or 3-3779 SHSftll. Well located North. Home with 6-room apt. up. Apt rents for per month. $3500 down or will $50.00 trade equity I or small clear home. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121; eves. WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property f for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us We have nil kinds of cash buvers KTATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S Ulnh St ca WE ART In need of goon n'otiseiTlo sell in or near Salem If vou wish to list your property for sale see UK AltENnORS T BROS., Kf.AI. TORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 2-2471. ca ACREAGE for growing tomatoes with small house. To lease. Write Capital Journal Box 175 ca!2 WANTEll to buy good neighborhood store located in restricted residential section of city. Send information to P.O. Box 272 Aberdeen. Washington. ca!2 RESORT PROPERTY WECOMA BEACH Retire !n beautiful Wecoma. Nice home. 3 -bed rooms and den. H.W. heat. Hard wood Irs. Terms. Mia lit consider trade Owner, Box 82. Wecoma. Ore ccl2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT PRESENT I have 3 good neighborhood gro. raiis. in from 14000 to 16000. See Harvey Huff. Huff Real E: ;tate Co. SI .i.ooo Buy large comer lot and build ing. Good location for most any kind of business See Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 3-9271 341 Chemekrta St. eves. 3-9441 cdl4' ILL HEALTH forces sale of this nice cafe, nnd modern bakery, doing a fine business. ill inventory the selling price. Will take trade or cash. $15,000 full price. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St. P:i. 3-9271 eve. 3-8658 cdl4' NEAT. CLEAN 8 unit court In top cond. close In. reasonable trade wilt be con sidered. See Ed Lukinbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Cliem-keta St. Ph. 3-9:71 e.es. 2-6680 cdH ONE r.ARIlMiF ROUTE, truck and dump ground!, 13,000. Ph. 2-57J4 alter T p m 0422' FOR SALE FARMS SULLIVAN HOWELL PRAIRIE A fine Grade A Dairy, on 88 acres, most all under cultivation and irrigation. All stocked and equipped, fine 25 stan chion, 2 silo barn and other outbuild ings. Very nice 1 room home. Borders creek on paved road. See this one If interested In a real dairy. 82 ACRES NORTH All level on paved road. Fenced suit able for dairy or stock raising. New 5 room all modern plastered house. Water system. 2 barns, shed and chicken house. A good buy. Price $13,000. Terms. SULLIVAN 3365 Portland Road REAL ESTATE McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 S. High St. Phones 3-5131 or 3-8620 SOUTH SALEM $7,850 2-Bedroom plastered home. SOUTH SALEM 19,000 2-Bedroom home. Large living room with fireplace, nice dining room, kitchen, nook, well-landscaped, fine location, close to school and bus, DUPLEX - FURNISHED $11,250 2 rentals. Each has two bedrooms. Good location close to schools. HAYESVILLE DISTRICT $8.500 2-Bedroom house, small barn. One acre, close to bus and school, WEST SALEM $7,500 2-Bedroom home. Electric heat. Good condition. Paved street, close to school and bus. FARM 20 ACRES $12,250 Good, modern house, barn, poultry house, garage. 18 acres cultivated, 2 acres pasture. Close to school on paved road. Daytime call 3-5131 or 3-8620 Evenings call 3-4937 or 2-3775 SULLIVAN REALTY CO. $7,900 For quick sale. New 2 BR home in Reimann Garden.1?. Auto, oil heat, large kit., HW floors, elec. W.H.. wired for range, utility and att. garage, 1 large lot. Some terms. Will take good car as down paymt. Bal. S80 per mo. $3900 Suburban east. A neat little cottage, 1 bedroom, lovely kitchen, LR. nice bath, utility room, electric water heater. Wired for range. On large lot. 2 blocks to bus, 4 to store. $1400 down. $ 975 down, bal. at 4C on this new 3 bedroom suburban home east. Auto, oil heat, hardwood floors, electric water heater, wired for range, Venetian blinds, garage, on pavement, close to bus and stores. Owner being trans ferred. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Road BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S'.tum BUYS this Jewelry store. This price includes stock fc fixtures, lease 150 per mo. Sales and repairs show good returns. See Harvey Hull. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9271 eves. 3-9441 cdl4 BE INDEPENDENT Complete Ice cream V sandwich shop. Very fine downtown location. AH good equipt. One person operation. Paper service. Excellent income. This will bear investigation If you want a business oi your own. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129. cdl3 SMALL suburban Gro. Ilv, qts., long lease. $4950. USED furniture, hardware, doing good bu siness, low monthly rent. 14500. NORTH SAI.EM : Going grocery store, building, fixtures, stocK, nice Jiv. qts., good community. $12,000. R. E. MEREDITH B. M. MASON Realtor 176 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-8841 cd!2 BUS. LOT Center St. No. 3 zone, 109x150. Will build to suit tenant. $15, 750. NEW BUS. BLDO. Long lease pays 1165 per mo. Very good at $18,000. BUILDING and lot. suitable for whse. purposes. Excellent location. Short dist. from town. MODERN APT. BLDG. by state offices and new shopping center. Good const. Steam heat, all furn. corner apLs. Ex tra bldg. site for similar unit. Paying 0co on investment of 134,000 DEVELOP this for rentals. 10 rm. mod. home close to city center. Hdwd., fire place, full bnsemcnt, new auto, gas furnace, lge. lot. extra building site. Bargain at 116,000. INDUSTRIAL sites with highway, rail road and river frontage. Best loc. in Pa lcm. Larsen Home Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service. 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389; eve. 3-7440 cdl3' APARTMENT HOUSE 3 units, each with private bath, base ment. 2-car garage, very large lot, bus at front door, completely furnished. Full price $12,000. Will accept 2-bdrm. home as part payment. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596; eve. 2-0473, 3-3558 cdl3 NICE STORE RM. for lease. Very acod location, for any business. Across from Hollyywood bank. Ph. 2-4526. cdl? pImM'ERTY" "lN " HENo'i by owner; 9 lots fe bldns. 3 lots zoned, Central Com mercial, 6 lots res., 10 mln, walking dis tance from city center. 115,000. Liberal terms if desired. For further bides. Info. iV pictures of btdgs. call at 1577 Rugc St., West Snlem. cdl3 IF YOU HAVE the location we have the equipment, fixtures and stock tor a gro cery store at a sacrifice to close an es tate. 2 mas. rent goes In deal. Call Os car Miller, eves. Ph. 27374, with John H. Hansen Realtors, Ph. 37819. 1997 Fairsrounds road. cdl3 BY OWNER, 3-bdrm, house wired for elec. heaters and range. Shop bldg. 24x50 ft. No. 3 business zone. 11500 down, bal ance like rent. Ph. 20276. cdl6 Hardware Store Sm, hardware business in good loca tion, reasonable rent or building may be purchased. This In located in rapidly expanding community Ac Is a good buy. Your opportunity to get Into a good business for yourself. Grocery Store A stiDurban market, new bldns. with L. quarters, good clean stock, substan tial equipment, some terms may be con sidered. Cash business & beer license. 116.000 Excellent Apt. Site One of the finest apt. locations In Sn lem, 80x151. Priced only $4750 for quick NELSON & NELSON FURNITURE FOR SALE RILTWELL matching davenport and chair, excel, cond. 881 Union St. dl4' BEAUTIFUL new B-ptrce walnut dining room set. Will sacrifice: can be seen at 1518 Elm St.. West Salem. Ph. 38542. d'.3 HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, 823 N. 15th. dl2 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICE pd. for turn., households. Ph j35U 594 N, Liberty Sundale Exchange HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. J-5110. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 3 CHOICE SPRINGER heifers ft one sprlimer cow coming third calf. One choice fat hog. ready to butcher. Hugh E. Coyle. Rt. 2, Box 115. Solo. Oregon. -14 FRESH GUERNSEY heifer. unusually nice, Rt. 4 Box 458 Sunnyside road. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSEDlvestock ' biiver E C. McCandltsh. 1137 S. 35 Ph 3-8147 ea20 PETS THE IDEAL house pet. Purebred Shet land sheep doa.v Puppies. iToy Col- ' lp 1745 S Cq!"' ' M 1 4 CANARY singers for sale, reas. priced Mrs. J. R. Barnes, Rt. I, Box 387. eel" IFOR SALE FARMS REALTY CO. 28 ACRES CLOSE TO SALEM Willamette silt soil on paved road. Grade A dairy, 15 stanchion bam, milk house, machine shed. New 4-room all modern home. Electric heat. 20 ACRES 11 acres cult. Bal. pasture and timber. Close to Salem on paved road. A real nice 6-room home all modern, fireplace, full basement, furnace heat. Nice barn, chicken houses, shop, 12 cu. ft. deep freeze. See this if you want a nice place to :ive in the country. Price 113,650. Terms. REALTY CO. Phone 3-3255 b!2- I REAL ESTATE Phone 3-3255, Eves. 2-5831, 2-5993 C12" iPETS SAWDUST FOR SALE. Call 3-3735. ee!2 CHOICE Canary Birds. 260 N. 18th. ec3"o FUEL WALNUT SHELLS for fuel. Klorfeln Pack ing Co. 460 N. Front Bring sacks. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edit e water St. W Salem ee CALL HIGHWAY PTJFL FOR Diesel and Store Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-444 FOR SALE POULTRY LIMITED TIME. Fat white hens, $1.50 ea. Ph.226101 f!3 !i ELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED shirt press operator. Sa lem Laundry Co., 263 S. High. gbl4 ACCOUNTANT & typist. See Mr. Fentx, Eaton Hall, Willamette university. Ph. 3-9266. gbl4 CLERK STENO for State Office Position Ph. 42171 Ext. -288 for App't. gbl3' EMPLOYMENT ANOeT" OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St. Ph. 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN WANTED: Man for profitable Rawlelgh business. Products well known. Real op portunity. Write Rawwlelgh'a, Dept. ORA-155-U9. Oakland. Calif. ggl2 WANTED POSITIONS UPHOLSTERING Furni tureTPickup fc De liver. 197 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 2-6321. hlfl- WANTED: Hr. work. Can give refer. Ph 2-5149 eves. hl3 ODD JOBS. Full or part time. Vet. 24 yrs. Ph. 25377. hl3 AUTO PARTS counter salesman. Yrs. of exp. Box 177 Capital Journal. h!3 HOUSEWORK or Babysitting. Ph. 3-7176. hl2 THEE WORK: Trimming & topping, and removing. Insured operator John Payne, 248 S. Church hl3 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h34 SPRAYING & pruning. L. W. Candle. Ph 37900. h30 BABY SITTING. Phone 30580 or 3-3901 h28 CARPENTER work, new, repair. Ph. 2-2093 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK & chimney ouiiding. Ph. 2-43B9. Free estimates. h26' PRUNING TREES, shrubbery, rases, land scaping Free estimates. Richard Boyer Phone 2-8110. hl9 CARE FOR CHILDREN in my home. Pre fer 8 mo.. 5 yrs 183 S 18th St. Ph 2-6876 hl7 POE'S mimeographing, tvping service quality work, lower prices 69 N. 16th Ph. 3-3643. Prompt service. hlfi' SERVICES Valley Sand it Gravel Co Pit run travel, sand & slit. Tractor dozing ft grading ractor shovel for dirt moving Ph 3-4003 off Res 37146. h WANTED FURNITURE to glue ft repair Lee Bros's Ph 2-1233 h VT" PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter Call Snrork Motor Co 3-9101 OREGON TREE SERVICE Trimming. topping and removing. Ins. oper. Free est. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. i29' WILL CARE for girl between 4 & 5 yrsT old days. 2775 N. Liberty. h!4 FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT SLEEPING ROOM, employed oris, meals arranged. 060 Marion. Ph 37884. Jkl4- ATTRACTIVE room, private home, gentle men. 985 N. Slimmer. Ph. 3-6368. Jkl4' WARM 1.ARGF. RM. Cook prlv., on trans portatlon. Ph. 3-9923. Jkl3 2 ROOMS, business men preferred. 745 North Capital St. Ph. 3-5333 or 2-6887. Jkl5 WARM sleeping room. H.A.-C. water tn room. bus. dlst. 355 center. Jkl3 LARGE light room. Oil heat. 130. Take care of children. Ph. 27675. Jkl2- CLEAN SLEEPING room. Men only. Near state House, pn. 2-8526. Jkl2 CLOSE IN heated room, for clean em ployed man. 540 S Liberty. Jku CLOSE IN. Women only. 425 N. Winter. P'.i. 3-1835. jk!4a SINGLE sleeping rm. 461 N. High St. )k!3 HOLLYWOOD sleeping rms. 3033 McCoy Ph. 3-6093. jk31' LARGE attractive rm.. ample closet space, for employed gentleman. Fh. 3-4248. )klJ FOR RENT APARTMENTS l-BM. ft KITCHENETTE. 4 blks. State House. 132.30. Prtv. ent. 2-rm. yd. house, shower bath, utilities furn.. 137.50. Ivan O. Martin, Ph. 34419. Jpia WFLL FURNISHED sleeping room close In H ft C water in room. Men only. 73" Center street jpH NEW THREE-ROOM A bath. Partly furn. elec. heat, utility rm. App, 1555 McCoy JP1V FOR RENT APARTMENTS I FURN. APT. Emp. couple. No drinking or moking. 1254 Ruse St. W. Salem. JPI2 FURN. apt. Ph. 3-6E84. 1475 N. Commer cial St. JPH"- MODERN slnzle and double cabins, oil heat. 2860 S. Com'l. JP" MODERN'LY Furn.. all appliances, bus &. school at door. Reas. Bent, jssu a. com i. jP30 NEW furnished 2 rms. Air cond. heat. Close State Bldgs. Very nice. 1434 Ferry. jpl3 FOUR NEW 3-rm. apts. in Hollywood dis trict, 159 ft up. Partly furnished. Plen ty of heat. No children. Ph. 2-8067. jp!5 FURN. 3-room ground floor apt. Children and pets considered 145.00. 2oQ6 N. Mil. after 6 p.m. ipl2 3-RM. FURN. APT. by week, close In. Ph. 3-6633. JP12" 2-RM. FURN. apt, to employed couple. Near State Office building. 460 N. 13th St. after 5:30 p.m. jpl2' APT., slpg. rms. Ph. 34333. 790 N. Church. 1P32' TWO 3-rm. gr. fl., furn. emp. 640 Chem. FOR RENT HOUSES NEW UNFURN. modern house. For couple omy. no pets or cniidren. 70.uo a month. Ph. 3-5667. JmI2 3 BDRM. furn. home. Ph. 26949. 820 CASCADE DR., King wood Heights, per mo. 167.50. Ph. 2-1235. Part. furn. Iml2" ONE BDRM., all elec. house, 155. 1935 N. 20th. Call afternoon. Jml3 FOR SALE Vacant, newly furnished, move right in, elec. range, refrig., auto, oil heat. 2 BR, att. gar., 2330 S. 12th St. Key at office. 18500. Joe Hutchison, 455 Court St. Phone 2-3629. jml2 BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom home, partly fur nished in fine district. Automatic oil heat. Available Feb, Reference re quired. Write box 174. Capital Journal. jml2 .MOD. FURN. COT., one bdrm. Rose cot tages. 2 mi N. of Brooks on 90E. jml7 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home ft in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. TRAILERS, 12.00 per day Howser Bros sou Edgewater St. West Salem. j TRUCKS and cars. Smltt'ys Clipper Ser vice, pn 39600. cor. center and Church. BUSINESS RM. lor rent H. L Stiff. ) U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Band er. We sell everything to complete tbr lob HOWSER BROS. Ph. S-3646. ) IRONERS by neck. Phone 24439 FLOOR SANDER for rent Moptgwrj Ward. ) WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS MAN and wife need unfurn. 2 bdrm. house. Prefer North end. Phone 34667. Jal3 POSTAL EMPLOve, wife ft small child de sire unfurn. 2-bum;, home in Salem (on bus line). Ph. 3-7381. Jal3 ROOM AND BOARD GOOD bd. & rm. for working men. 492 N. Summer. jjl4' LOST AND FOUND LOST: Eisenberg Rhinestone Pin Dec. 24th. Possibly near State Capitol. Re ward. Ph. 2-1132. ki5 ONE CARTON of flax twine, weighing 122 lbs. For information leading to its recovery, 110 reward. Lost between Sa lem Linen Mill and Thomas Woolen Mills. Ph. 2-4067. k!3- MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 464 Court. m28 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films fz Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis, 412 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 2-6355 m24 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. state ft Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'l. m HEAT YOUR nOME electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. See us for free estimate YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 255 N Liberty m BUILDING MATERIAL FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatforms ft Bennett circs. Salem's leading masonry & plaster sup ply house. Ph. 2-5643, "PUMILITE" WEST SALEM" mal4 WARDS have Just received a carload shipment of -V plasterboard in 4'x8" sheets at .05 per square foot. Call Mr. Grifftn at 3-3101 for free estimate. MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. ma ROCK WOOL Insulate your home this easy, effective way with this safe, and lasting material. Save up to 30 on fuel bills. Get it at Wards for .05 per sq. ft. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. 155 N Liberty. malS SHINGLES 13.50 per sq. and up. Insula tion board 155 per m. Rock lathe 35c per sq. yd. Wood gutter, plaster, ma sonite fz shakes Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 8. Box 757. Ph. 25950. Salem. ma21 XEV PLYWOOD Low priced, five dif ferent thicknesses, H " 4' x B sheets only $8.25. New top quality, 1 panel doors 18.75 and $9.00. C. G. Long, Rt. 3, Box 31. Salem. Ph. 25821. One mile north of Keizer. maU RED CEDAR shingles Ph. 68F22. 1 mo. :harce account ma22 FOR SALE Cheap Lumber Boards and Dimension By the jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber fz Manufacturing Company. Inc. ma BUILDING MATERIALS A new roof, sparkling wall tile, fuel saving insulation, attractive siding . are yours for the lowest possible cost! Select the materials and Wards do the rest. Ask today! MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. 155 N. Liberty. mal FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BALLOON TIRE Bicycle. Good cond. $12.50. 930 N. Commercial 8 to 6 p.m. n!3' SEE US for the best values tn used ran ges, refrigerators, and washing ma chines. Ralph Johnson Appliances, 355 Center St. n!3 WOOD FURNACE, cheap, 555 Center St. nl3 OIL CIRCULATOR outside fuel tank complete, like new. 9x12 rug St mat. Ply out h sedan. 1937. Good cond. Ph. 3-673S or 17672. nl3 PLAY PEN: Excellent cond., $15. Ph. 2-6954 nl3" LEAVING TOWN, best offer takes 8 cu. ft. Grunow refrigerator and Admiral de luxe ranee, used 14 mo. Ph. 28806. 1054 Howard St. nl3 CEDAR POSTS 7 ft . fence posts any amount 20 ft. hop posts, or other lengths cut to ord?r Write or Ph. B. L Sellers. Banks, Ore COW FERTILIZER $5 a yard. 19 a load. Ph. 36021. n20 SILVER PLATING Tea sets, flatware, antiques. Complete repair service and metal finishing "Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing' AVEK PLATXNO CO., Call 1-7771. sift FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MAYTAG washer In excellent condition. May tie aeeu e to o p.m. mv a. 12th St. nl3 ACCORDION. $36.50. excel, cond., all but. ton Hohner. Call after 3 p.m. 66S N. Summer St., upstairs. ni2 PIANO In fine condition, beautiful tone. 1690 S. Cottage- nl2 CHROME dinnette set St buffet to match. Daveno As swing rocker. Blue velour 9x12 Alexander Smith wool rose rug. Dark finish roffee table. All articles reasonable. Ph. 3-7773. nI2 HAVE large assortment of children's clothes, sizes 4-6. Ph. 3-7773. n!2" SALE starts Thursday at the Baywlndow Antique Shop, upstairs. 438 court. n!2 GRAY PERSIAN lamb coat, size 18. $35. Ph. 3-5271. n!5 NEW SINGER sewing machine; women's clothes, sizes 12-14; Thayer buggy. 2875 Rogers Lane, off Falrvlew avenue. nl2 PLUMBING STOCK Closing out at big discount. W. A. Skewts Co., 1390 Madi son In rear. nl6 CASCADE wood rge. and colls. Elec. hot Plate. 1258 S. Com'l. n!2 LARGE DUO-THERM oil circulator heat er, console type, with blower. Used 3 mos. Price reasonable. 2365 Ellis St. South of Mkt. between 23rd fz 24h. n!5 NO ROE washing machine. Good cond. 1248 Chemeketa St. nl4 FOR SALE: Unset diamond H of a carat. Ph. 2-2583. nl4 FA RVS WORTH radio-phono, comb. Com plete with 50 records. Period cabinet. BeautifuJ tone. New price 1450.00. Must sell for $200.00. Ph. 2-1400. n!4- BABY buggy and playpen. Good cond. 630 Norman Ave. nl3 THOR Auto-Magic washer, good cond., 1135. See Glover, 2442 Lee St. Ph. 2-0638. nl4 CONSOLE radio-phono, comb. Some rec ords, neany new. sua. rn zizei after 5 p.m. nl4" DAVENPORT & chair. $40. 2 pr. drapes, su. new innerspring criD mattress, S5. Ph.2 1045 n14 DOUBLE garage doors, complete with track, $20. 565 N. 17th St. Ph. 3-5301. nl3 CRAFT ft-in. BLADE table saw it motor. Used 1 week, 65. 3-horse outboard motor. 113.40. Gal. galvanized hot water tank, coils and fittings, in good cond., 110. Rt. 4, .box 576. Ph. 22208. n!4 HOYT ST. SURPLUS FURNACES hot atr with blower; also Steam or Hot Water; low pressure steam unit heaters; OIL CIRCULATORS, coal or wood circulating heater: Wall Safes. small 111.50. also larger ones at $30 and 160; Kermath Marine engine, 22 hp., 1675; 2 only, four section metal filing cabinets, legal size, $50 ea.; Bur roughs adding machine, 145; Maple meat block; dish washers; steam ket tles: Electric Bakery oven; Swivel chairs, 19.75: pre-heaters for welding shops; apt. size electric ranges: refrig erators: table top water heaters: kitch en sinks: bathroom fixtures; house and outside wire: range cable and range outlets. COME SOUTH ON 12th to HOYT, turn east one block. Tel, 3-7916. nl2 FERTILIZER. Cow or chlcxen manure delivered In Salem. Well rotted or fresh $5.00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack $1.00 pet sack at place or will del. five sack order. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6 Box 118, Salem. Ph. 6BF22. n32 USED washers, refrigerators, ranges, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. B13" ELECTRIC room heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. AT MORAY'S, Ozone Good Health. Rent. Sell H C. Pugh. 684 N 17th Ph. 3-4692. FARMERS ATTENTION Electric fence controllers, home milk pasteurisers, but ter churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. H13- PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing, usa It on floors, linoleum, woodwork, etc. YEATER APPLIANCE CO- nl3 1LEC. HOT WATER heater. 43 tal. Col lins. New 187. Ph. 3-4284. -i REFRIGERATORS, ranges, water heatera, washers, Ironera, trash burners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl3 WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fers complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call 33191. a" GARDEN SAND, Grave), crushed rock. Shovel St drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND f GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-93 1. SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Dltchlnt Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 B '4 yds. 12.00 per hv 10 B S yds. 8.60 per hr. D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per hr. D-6 Cat ft Dozer 8.40 per hr. D-4 Cat St Dozer 7.00 per nr. Phone Dayi JI-S408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon n HEAT YOUR home electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical Sea us for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N Liberty d WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK tor roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden stnd Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. 14 -vd ihovaj and drag line Ph 3-0249. KELVTNATOR, Hotpomt appliances; Fow ler hotwater heaters Ralph Johnson Appliances. Pb. 3-3139. n" THOR Automatic Washers Gladlronf Hollywood Appliance Co.. Ph 24439 GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosier, Gibson and Montac Appliance at Gevurtr WANTED MISCELLANEOUS GOOD used dining room set, reasonable. Ph. 24521. nal4- WANTED: Eight used restaurant stools. 790 Lancaster Dr. Fred Nottingham. na!3 SEWING MACHINE, anv make or tend. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7671. 1830 N 18th. na20 , FOR EXTRA cash, sell us your feed ana grain bags. K & S Bag Co., 347 Kear ney, or large lota call 21877 or 20208, eves. na NEWSPAPERS wanted. 1790 N. Front. nal7 USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-9185. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL Advisor, Mrs. Phillips. Make appointment now. Ph. 2-9313. P15, STANLEY Home Products. 555 Cross St. Ph. 2-5305. p28 AUTOMOBILES 1941 CHEVROLET Tudor, original paint, good rubber, excellent condition. $1095 "SEE CAROL" 930 North Commercial 1948 FLEETHNE Chevrolet 4 dr. sedan. Practically new condition. Set Mr. Wes son at Bishop's Clothing Store, 0.13 1033 ' CHEV. Coupe." M 1535 Broadway St. ql3 '.Id FORD truck sed. Ex. cond. $365. 824 Breys Ave. Ph. 26737. ql3 1941 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Good cond. Clean. R&H. Ph. 3-1852. ql3 REBUILT MOTORS Oive your old car new life. Get a re built motor from Ward's. 35 new parts, rebuilt to Wards high standards. For Fords A. AA, V8. Cher., Plymouth and Dodae. MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. 155 N. Liberty ql6 194? FORD pickup truck. Ph. 1-S570 for Information. Can be seen 1386 State. ql3 FOR SALE by owner, 1948 Willys Jeep. Pn. (Continued on Page 17)