12- n 10 J, r a - b i i lfi CapHal Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTIIINQi Par Lin 19 Per Lin t time 40c Per Dm f time .... 60 ' Per Line 1 month 13 00 Outside al Salem lit per 11m per day. Min, loei I llnu min. SO ' I time bib. 11.20. No Refunds BEADEKH lm Lcal New CL Onlyt Pr Lot .... Sta To Place an Ad Phone 2-2400 Thli l fr ft HI r In selling ft ; $10 or LESS Don't Sove It : Sell It! DAT BED It. lat house past Colonial. On hwy. 99 coins Bouth. Rt. 4 Box 321. 611 BABY BUGGY 110 00. bassinet 17 JO. nursery chatr 12 00. Ph. 3-4037. hi' CRIB, complete. M00. Ph. 2-5865. 4095 FOR SALE HOUSES SALE BY OWNER. Mod. 4-bdrm. plastered house, Full basement, clo to school if bus linn. Located at 3213 N. Liberty. Call -at 3234 N. Liberty If interested. alO NEW I-BDRM. hut.. huul. St pla-tered, lec. heat. 4113 Illinois St. For naif toy owner. Ph. 3-0141. alO BY OWNER Suburban. Five" rm. plast ered house, ok lira. Utility, aood lire place, elect. HW heater. 9 bd. rm., auto oil ht.. If. 3-car gar. Deep well. ac fruit, berries, Ig. garden space. Close to trans. A stores. 404 Sunset Ave 113.000. a 13 BY OWNER, well built 1-BR home, full taint., unfln. attic, fireplace, dec. hot wtr. 1065 Norway. Ph. 19808. N. XSBD BT. 3 BR, LR. OR, kit., bath. waii to wail carpet, bamt., oil furnace, new gar., excellent condition. Quick pom. 17940. terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co, 104 B. Com'l Bt. Ph. 38389; Eve, 37440 a i 3 17-250. Late built 3-bdrm. home. Well located south near school and bin. Ilai hdwd. floors, flee, heat, attached garage 11800 down, bal $42 00 per mo. CaU O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1B3 8. High St, Ph. 3-4131; eves 34200 all 87S. New Modern 2-RR horn 3 blocks from Blrm High Bchool. Living room. dining room, kitchen St bath, attached garage, immediate possession. Call Stan ley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORB 103 I. High Bt. Ph. 3-4121; Eves. 35601 all 0M-VH). Lata built modern 3-BR home with unfinished upstairs, East on bus Una. Clog to school. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, oil furnace. Venetian blinds, attached garage. Immediate poasesalonll.000 dn Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 103 B. High Bt. Ph. 1-4121; Eves. 35501. all 7M. Clean one-bedroom home with lots South. Completely furnished. Im mediate possession. Call Stanley Brown wiui State Finance Co. REALTORS 163 0. High Bt. Ph. 1-4131. Eves. 36501 all1 ftlMO. Clean modern Plastered late built home close to Park Ave. Large lot. Im mediate possession. 11900 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 B High Bt. Ph. 1-4121; Eves. 35581 all Aoa. Neat attractive I -bed room home located East on bug line. Large corner lot. Oarage. Fruit trees, berries A gar den apace. Call O. V, Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 163 B. Blah St. Ph. 1-4131; Eves 26206 Late model ear on down payment. New 3-bdrm. home, hdwd floors, attached ' garaxe. or. lot. Close tn. Full price If 1 year eld. hag 1 bdrms., hdwd. floors, fireplace. Ven. blinds, ggrage. extra large lot only 18200. Will trade for 1 bdrm. home 3 to 10 mlleg from town with acre or two. I bdrm. home. Enalewood district, Full basement, furnace, double garage 14.750. TO BUT - SELL - OR RENT Ralph Bent Realtor 1-3133 Bun. or Eve. call K I union, f-0130 t J 2330 S. Commercial St. ?' n . .10 " t OH'NtR. two bedroom home F g na corner tot, 13.800, 2405 Ari ms street. au BT OWNER: Due to health am forcedto gell my home. Large living room with fireplace, dining room. 8 bedrooma, hatha, til kitchen A nook. 9 10 acre, lovely grounds, trees, hearing fruit and berries. Some furniture. Call 24735 be fore 10 or after ft at night for appt. aio BT OWNER Suburban. Five rm. plaster ed nousc, oak floor. Utility, good fire place, elec. ht. wtr., I bdrms. auto, oil heat, le. 1-car gar., deep well. 't A fruit, berrlea, lae. garden space. Clrwe to trans. stores. 405 Sunset Ave .J.IJ'000- W $1950 FULL PRICE flood livable three room house located N E. on large lot Elrrtnc well. Extra lumber goes in al. Better hurry :f you want a buy - c SEVERIN REALTY CO. Prion 1-4010 313 N. Htth Nice larae home on corner lot, north. 1 bedrooms, dm. rm . Inma rm . kitrli On, nook, auto oil furnace. Well worth ! the nioney, fl9'0. Eve. 3-6901 3-3084 I all BR home. llv. Hx22t n. rm Built in ranse and refrn. tr kitrh. Full bam. OH ht. U sa. lor north, close to Jr., Sr. See Bd Luklnbeal grade sen Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 1-0271 141 Ohemeketa Bt - etes. 2-6080 all BT OvTNrK, 3S year old house, excel fond It ion. price 19000 1 Br. HW. floora Wests; elec. heat, fireplace. aerate lawn, iot Hx3fl F HA terms. 104 Vmta. Phone 1-0870 to l-RDRH. new homa, N . sawdust heat, maple fcr. On bus line, priced to sell Inquire eve. Ph. 3-4161. u BJtM'Tlri'l. N E W 3 - brl r inThonie ; " 1 a r a living room, dining room. F it A. will givo g7,0. price I8BOO. Home worth onswerabl more but will sacrifice for m if a. sate. Ph. l-3.8 15 A I.I.FA.X, comfortable cottage ouu ,m- psse.Mon i.uing room. ;re nu-nen, noog. bedroom, screened' pore n. wired for ranae. large sardrn pot n-iren in ten at 13 000 00 P. H. Bell. Realtor Fh. 1-1548, J-4HW- Frea 9-080 l-Te. al5 TiCAVT Newly furnWed, Iriimediite pCMsaaalon. 2 RR. T win beru. eler ranae, refrigerator. Auto oil heat at tached garage. 2310 8 11th 81. Key at Office moo. Joe Hutchison - Realtor 48ft Court St., Salem, Oregon PJtcme t-3079: Eve 2-1203. S-J0J2 gllj HOMES NEW PARTI T tlMIUn ftee tni plaatered 1-PR home on Ur lot. good location. IMMFH. POSS 14.VO0 HOME i AMI. I BR home. pSaM Inl Hiehiand dUt. Aot , atth separate en trance win rent for 0 or moi. Incls t rte. and etrculatora. extra lot wii; aeenmodate I or 3 more units. VERT OOOD at 10500 00. Larsen Home & Loan Co. f ! islve Ust'ng.' Pe.onal Servire M4 B. Ooml. Si. PC. I-U89, a..,. -1440 ll-l Ore., Wednesday. Jan. 12, 1919 FOR SALE HOUSE $1200 DOWN and balance less than rent bur this new 3 pdrm. home with lie. cluru, dinette, attached garage, price tTJW. FURNISHED ON 1 ACRE Clean, pre-war 3-bdrm. home. NE with hdwd fin ., dinette, utility rm.. attach ed irate, nearly new, furnished. Price 19400. C0LBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1613 Center Bt. Ph. 34642. alO' 14 1 00 Furnished 11100 down.'- lVrTold' 1 BR home, bus by door. Furn. all new 18400 Clean 1 BR home on 1 ac. of good toil N B. Call Ed. Luklnbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtori 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 3-1371 vs, 3-0000 all' 18.100 New 3 bed rm. hwd. fir, elec. heat! Insulated, att. carage, Ig. lot, oa but line, call Mr. wa.ter. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor S4I Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 3-0371 -. eves. 1-5200 all gie.Aoo Lovely new 3 bed rm. nomewlth stairs to Ig. attic, oil furnace, fireplace, hd. firs. Lot 00x140. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Re alt or a 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 3-9271 eves. 3-4300 all ALL MOIIERN BY OWNER 2 bedroom home, garage, utility rofm, oil floor furnace, lot 40x125 Price 05600. Call at 2330 Hyde St.. Balem all WHY PAY RENT? COOO dn. 800.00 per mo. buys this new g en noma with unf. attic. Llv. rm, dining rm. kitchen, hwd. firs., frplace, oil heat. Nlci location. Call Otner Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 3-0271 eves. 2-5091 all BY OWNER: New three bedroom modern home, til bath, guto. heat, double fireplace, den, double garag with a new 1940 Ply mouth club coup fully equlpt. Terms. Will accept lot In trade. 1580 N. 10th. summes"t7homeT 1025 N. Summer St. Drive by and see this then call us for appointment. Please don't bother owners. 2'4 bedrms, liv. rm.. den rm., kitchen, full base., nook. A beautiful home in a beautiful I location. ' $15,000 Severin Realty Co. Ph. S4016 212 N. High St all gie.soo 2 bd. rm. down. 1 up. double Plumbing, lull fin. basement, pipe fur nace, nwo. rioors and fireplace. Close in. eee Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph 3-9271 eveg. S-9441 a I FOR SALE LOTS FOR QUICK SALE, P)l. 3-9840. 2 lots, 1450.00 each. aal2 LA It (IE lofs in Kelzer district. Price 1700. W. G. Krueger REAL ESTATE !47N. Com'l. Ph. 1-4728 aalO MWift Terma. buvs 425 ft. frontage on 99E hlway. South Salem. Approx. 1 acre Bee Harvey Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 141 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-0171 eves. 3-9441 aall" LOT FOR BALE. Call 34837YeaalO 5 ACRES located N R., dandy building site. i nine o Krnooj. rrjee izaoo. LARtiE view lot 150 ft. frontage. Beati- nrui view. Trees. Water piped past lota. Price 12250. Call O. V. Hume with . State Finance Co. REALTORS 453 B High St. Ph. 3-4121; eves. 34300 1 FOR SALE FARMS FARM GOOD INCOME HKBE. This IS acre, good loam at edge of Woodburn has a lot of value for low price asked. 't In producing berneg. Irrigated. Attractive mod. 4-BR home, 2 barns. Only Oil.. 000. IWmo loan at 5 available. CHOICE VAI.l.ET FARM ONLY (120 per al-kic. uver 300 acres, well located, north of Salem. Mostly In crop. Good bnrna, alios, fences. A 315,000 mod. 4- BR home. bamt. and furnace. SEE 1MIB TODAY 1 ONLY 1130 per A. Larsen Home & Loan Co, Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 8. Com'l. Bt. Ph. 3BJ89. Eve. 3-7440 b!2' 15 ACRE FARM $1000 Down All cultivated. Six 6 bedroom mod em house wit h LR, DR. part bae ment, barn, garage, elec. well. Located near Silverton. Price 10000 COLBATH LAND CO. Real tore 1083 Center St. Phone 34442 bll' OWNEr LEAVING STATE Must sell this nice 34 acre farm at a lox to himself. Has good 4 bedroom modern home, good barn, and chicken houses. Very good pear orchard, and berrlea Aoine good equipment goes al so. tooooo down will handle. Full price nnooooo. cu rv na.ia. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa SI Ph. j-SZ.I . ee. 2-86.S8 bii 3 U'RES All under cultivation, seeded. e rms.. barn, hay shed, aarace. Family orchard. Clrw to public A Catholic minti cnurcn. jiiore. Electrictlv pressure system 17.400 cash. H mil . Of flu Tlnx I'flg ci; FOR SALE ACREAGE 3 Af'RKS to sell or trade. Lot 4. Henahiiw rnm r arms, write Capital Join h. 349 bbl2 4 ACRES Northeast. 3-bedroom house. Jiut re- finuhed, good barn, chicken house. This is a nice p.ace with excellent soil. 10 ACRES $7500 Large clean house, good barn, chick house. Boyaen A strawberries Spring water. Ouerruey tow a calf. 25 laving pullets. 200 fryer. this b a real buy Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTOHH J H'lh S' Pltone 3-4130 bhlrt REAL ESTATE CALABA'S COLUMN JUST INSIDE TOWN Nearly t acres land, number cherry trees, tare chicken house, good 9 bed room home, about It year old all (or onlv 17000 NEED 3 BEDROOMS Herea one for ontv fTOOO. all on one floor loo pan baeemeni with oil fUr nsce and double Aerate, lane corner lot w:ih cherry gnd walnut trees Hol lywood 1-M rail ua )'. a a good one. IF YOU LIKE LOTS OF TREES AND a REAL yardl Don t mum see ni th 1 acre place wiir tne modern 1 bedroom home lot-atcd on fie South River Hd. The yard has many huge natural trees and lota ol lovely shrub bery, secluded patio with fireplace, eic It can be bout hi at the low price of lust 110 too I I We have an opening lor an experienced resl estate aalesman or sales oman Call at olfke Rudy Calaba & Co. REALTORS Photw r9, j.aji f 1.177 To Place Classified Ads rhone 2-2406 , REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 3 BDRM CLOSE IN 3 bdrm. 1 down and 3 up. living rm, kitcheen. bath, full bum I. sawdist heat, garage. Priced to sell call Peter H. Oeistr 5 ACRES Locate Eatst on McCleay ro4d. 7 rm tioue on 1 fir., double ping . unfln. at tic, lie. chick, howe. good barn with ce ment firs . family fruit and nut trees. Best of soil. Call O. H. Grbennomt, Jr. BUSINESS LOT SACRIFICE No. 1 xone. 50k ISO ft . located on North Commercial St., 1000 block. Prlct 12,740 Call Coburn L. Grabrnhorst, Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 3-2471: Evenlnis. 3-2940. 3-777?. 3-9008. 23-P-14. 3-8010. Por Prompt and Courteous Service List Your Property With Ul. "Good Enough" Is Not Enough When "Better" Can Be Found Here Strictly modern two bedroom home, on wnn mooern nome wun om service. A new house wi'h one-half acre. EJectrk pump and hot water heater. Oil circu lator heat, garage. Price 11140. 56 io n 1 handle 2 ACRES EAST 3 bedroom home living room, kitchen, wired for range and hot water heater, garage, chick house, rabbit hutche-v family fruit. 10400. LARGE LOT 2 bedroom home, living room gnd kitchen, wired for rang, elec. hot weter heater, 1 block to bus, garage. Neat and clean, clo.se to stores. 14400. MINT FARM 100 acres, bottom land, mostly Newberg sandy loam. 05 acres mint ground, small he use, machine shed, 3 good tractors and all attachments. 2 Irrigation systems, mint still, consider small home In swap. Everything goes for 123.000 or may be purchased without equipment 7 ACRES NORTH Excellent filbert orchard and variety of family fruit, modern 3 bedroom home, good barn, chick house. doub garaae. Lew than I miles from downtown on pavement. Consider good 2 or 3 bedroom horn In vicinity of high school in swap BURT PICHA, REALTORS OIllc, Phone S-3649 Bemng calls REIMANN FOR BUSINESS Grocery itore w Ith 080 sq. ft. of floor space, walk in cooler, 2 gas pumps. 2 car garage, P O.E, pay station, ft room nome. ah goes including stock, equip ment, buildings and house furnishings, for 114,000. No. 745 POSSIBLE 15 RETURN on 38 unit apartment house. Close In. down town. Steam heat. Only 105,000. No. 744 REIMANN FOR Eves. A; Suns. 1-8341, REAL ESTATE NOTICE Will take your late model automobile as part payment on my 6-room home. Well located south. See my agents. LEF OHMART & CO. 477 Court St. Ph. 24116-0. clO fAMO. Well located North. Home with 6-room apt. up. Apt rents for 850 00 per month. IJ500 down or will trade equity for email clear home. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131; eves. 352no til V,i ACRES and neat 2 bedroom home. All Insulated and weather-stripped, chicken house, large garage. East near Rwegle grhool. For 3 bedroom home In Salem gall 2-4701 or ALDEPf BOWES, Real rotate 2280 Fairground Road c LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORB 11 000 CASH and 150 per month will put you on a desirable acre northeast close in with a new 2 bedrm. home. Full price 17600. O.I. 2 BDRM. HOME with unfinished at tic. Northeast. Oil floor furnace; fire place; hdwd. floors. S2450 ca-h, bal. 147 per mo. at 4-". Full price 18400. A PLAYGROUND for papa, the home mnn has always wanted when the fam ily was grown. Thexe 0 acres are com pletely planted with all types Trutt. nuts, berries, shrubs, bulbstruly a city farmer's paradise. 1 22. 400. BUY THIS well located apt. houne In are of State Office b!dcs. and have a good home yourself pliu $189 Income per mo. 123.500 If you don't see it gd- vertlsed CALL US LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS "OS yeara ef dependable aervlee t home owners." 344 State St. Ph. 3-3003 Evenings call- 3-4020, 3-5855, or 2-4007 ell' NELSON NEWS 10350 NEAR STATE A plastered home with combination living A: dining rm.. hwd. firs., beau tiful bark yard, variety of fruit. You can a.vume mno loan. NEW SUBURBAN 810 600 Flv rms.. bath, utility rm , pumice blk construction, radiant fir. heat, sawdust fuel, fplace, gar., lee. lot. private water gv.vtrm. NEW AIT. COURT Excellent cliv-e In location. 6 units, low up-kerp. Ideal long term Investment. Income 1375 per mo. Price 933.000. 617. 000 will handle SM. OKADB A DAIRY 13 ac. 14 stanchion barn, equipped. 19 head reKistered stock, milk machine, tractor etc. Big income the day you take over. Price 117.500 SPECIAL NOTICE Mn tr rial for our midwinter Issue of "nkuson news u now being com Piled. This issue w 111 be widely dis tributed In the Mlddlewest and Califor nia. If w have a listing of your prop erty in our office before that issue goes oui. one or more, of the thousands wht see It. might bs a buyer tor your prop erty. Nelson & Nelson Specialirlng R-altors 13 N. Hun Phone 3-40-33 clO' BEST BUYS $2500 Full Price 3 ' j acres. 4 room house, barn. Priced for quirk unle. Term. $8000 Bai-Rain A verv nice 3 bedroom home, brand neu. norih. Hnrdwood Moor through out, e'ectrlr lirnt. insulated, attached a rate. Close In to bus and stores. School bus very close. One of our best buys. $2000 Down 2 bedroom nrw, close In east Oil heat, asraiie. Full price nil 17350. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3039 Portland Road Ph. 1-7830. 1-4590. Eve. 2-0471, 1-35M LET UJ HELP YOU find your home, or a business opportunity. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 0FU. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 243 or Ph. 3-8836. 1389 0th St., W. Balem elO WANTED REAL ESTATE A Rt !E for stowing tomatoes with small house. To lease. Write Capital Journal Rot 173 call r.H BUYFR for ultra modern 3 -bed room home in Fnslewood school dis trict. Up 10 (20 000 We need lutings of all I pes in and around Sam COLBATH LAND CO. RFALTOKS 1081 Center St Phone 34S3. calO' NOTICE! If four property I for gate" rent or exchange, llt it with ua. We have all kimt of ca.h buyers TTB HN4NCE CO., SKA I TUBS 1AJ S High St ea WE ARE tn need of (rood hPuet t ell in or nrar Salem If von wish u lut your proper! frr sale ee uRAntNHoRST RBos.. artiroRS U4 B- utei:y St. rhon 2-2l. ea WANTED lo buv good neighborhood ator located tn restricted residential sect low of it- Send informauoe) to P O. Boi JTJ Aberdeen HasMnv'on call business opportunities rOR l.9AE 1 188 q ft Lnng tarn e J. . Kiah, 194 8. IgtB. leae OdU I REAL ESTATE APARTMENT HOUSE 150x124 ft. corner lot. paved at., bus In front, clo to grade school. Ideal for court uniu. Pr.c 13.150. Call CoDurn L Or-'benftorat. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Modern 0 rm home. w:in den. beauti ful view, nicely landscaped. A home to be proud of. Call Richard E. Orabanhorst. BUSINESS SITE Dr:v by 053 No. Commercial fit. A big 4 bdrm. home in excellent condition, room for uuslnej bulldim in front, aont. Call Rov Ferris, C10 lane lot. To exchange for small acreage 1ST No. High St 3-1032. 3-5390 3-7441 REAL ESTATE $1,000 DOWN Cute 1 bedroom homi, wired for range, auto heat, close to bus, stores and schools. Immediate possession. Located north. No. 320 $10 DOWN on lots with water In La blah Village or Middlei rove tracts. Close to scnools. Bal. at 115 per month. REAL ESTATE 201 So. High Street 1-5905, 3-4028, 2-3310 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hardware Store 8m. hardware business In good loca tion, reasonable rent or building may be purchased. This is located in rapidly expanding community & Is a good buy. Your opportunity to get Into a good business for yourself. Grocery Store A suburban market, new bldzg. with L. quarter, good clean stock, substan tial equipment, some terms may be con sidered. Ca&h business St beer license. 116.01)0. Excellent Apt. Site One of the fine.st apt. locations in Sa lem, 00x151, Priced only 64750 for quick NELSON & NELSON Specializing Realtors 702 N. High. Ph. 3-4022. cdl2 An Opportunity to Be Independent! II rentals, all furnbhed but one, bring Ina in approx. 1400 per month. Won derful location. $23,000. Ph. 8-F-ll Wallace Road. R. 1. Bog 343 or Ph. 2-8836, 1280 0th St. B. Isherwood, Realtor West Salrm J11 17 stool downtown confectionery. piT 3-4750. cdlO GARBAGE ROUTE Inquire 714 Hayter, Dallas, Oregon. AT PRESENT I have 3 good neighbor hood sro. ranging from $4000 to 10900. St-e Harvey Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 1-0271 eves. 1-9441 edit' SM.mtft Buys large corner lot and build ing good location for most any kind of business. See Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 1-9271 eves. 3-9441 cdll RADIO RALES and Service Shop. Down town location in automobile district at less than Inventory. For quick sale 91850 00. Goodwin & McMillin, Realtors 484 Court Phon 1-4707; Eve. 2-5149 or 1-7283 cdlO' FURNITURE FOR SALE LOOK 9-plec beautiful walnut waterfall bdrm. suite. Consists of roomy chest of drawers, lovely vanity, vanity bench, nlte a'and and full size bed. A regular 1140 value for only 199.95. See tills today. H. & H. Furniture Co. 15.i0 Fairgrounds Rd. ph. 1-3797 dll COMPI.FTEfurnisl.Tns"rnclnew refrig" bedroom sets, wash niach.. vac. and att crdar chest, etc. May be aeen at 2330 fl' U'h8t. ,0 EHSHT PIECE Duncan PhTf enVnTToom j set. Walnut Tinish . Excellent condition.' Also one coflee table, and end table, price reasonable See at 985 Pine St 2 1 bIoc North of Hiehland Ave dll1 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICF pd for furn.. households'. Ph 89511 591 N Liberty Sundale Exchange da' UIGIIFHT PRirES paid Phone Oleno at Woodr? Auction Market Ph 3-5110 da AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION TOMfillT. 7 p m . Lane Sudtell s Auction Sales Yard, located IW mtleg last of Fair grounds on Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-twn ddlO FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FBFSH GUERNSEY heifer, unusually nice, I i. nox 3 sunnvsid road e'J LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED LICENSED livestock buret 1. C. MfCandllfh, 1137 B. 31 Ph 1-8147 PETS BULLDOG PI PS. Arthur Fvans. Rt 2 Box 384, Salem. 0 miles north on Mission Bottom rd.. Clearlake eclO ftllNTEBrood'bftch. 4 rrs. o1d"Broken Reg. Alio one pointer pup, 1 mo. old. res . best breed in Ore. Joe B. New hardt. Rt. 4. Box 310. Salem. eclO CHOICE Canarv" Bt-dT-?"iT N 1th "e.-V0 FUEL 1 IN. oun dry oa 115 a totd tl m 2nd arowtl f.r m flood tood. II a ford. Frfa tmmrdiatt dfllv.ry. Vh WAI-NUT gHrtll for fueL Klorfeln Pack. Ins Co. 4K N. Front Bring sacks ee West Salem Fiol Co. li-IN. DRY OR ORFEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER aTNlS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, ll-DJ CLR4.N. NO BARK BcsrrNrTn bawdpst Rl'RAL DEI rVERIBS PIFSFI. AND STOVE Oft Ptiw Salem 1-411 AUe picl up wood at 1325 Edgewater St. W Sa,em ee M-1N. OROAplTr311el0 REAL ESTATE LEE OHMART LOOK LOOK. $800 DOWN Buys a good ! bedroom home located at 3200 Laurel ave. It s racant. Imme diate possession; hardwood floors thru e ; tiled bathroom. Close to Catholic school, city bus at door. O. I. terms on Ui balance. Pull price 17950. See Bill Stewart at once. 3 B. R. AND BASEMENT 110.600 burs tt. L. R, O. R. flreplaca. full baiement. auto. a. d. turn. Very nica yard. Built in 1131. We think It's worth tit money. May we show it to rou today? Ask tor Mrs. Mankertt. pieavi. Lee Ohmart FOR SALE FARMS SULLIVAN HOWELL PRAIRIE A fine Grade A Dairy, on 88 acres, most all under cultivation and irrigation. All stocked and equipped, fine 25 stan chion, 2 silo barn and other outbuild ings. Very nice 7 room home. Borders creek on paved road. See this one if interested in a real dairy. 82 ACRES NORTH All level on paved road. Fenced suit able for dairy or stock raising. New 6 room all modern p.astered house. Water system. 3 barns, shed and chicken house. A good buy. Price 113,000. Terms. SULLIVAN .-3j?8-.0-rlL"Pd- Rl? FUEL CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOB Diesel and Stove Otis. FHE8H CUT SAWDUST Dry Blab Wood 3-0444 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED desirable lady to board In and taka care of baby while mother works. Ph. 3-7831. gblO PART TIME SECRETARY. Parrlsh Junior Huh School. Phone 2-2460. gbll EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial Placement Agency 360 Sta. Bt. Ph. 3-141 IflO' WANTED SALESMAN Opening for real estate salesman. Reimann Real Estate. Apply In person. ggio- WANTED POSITIONS Bt'TTONHOLES. ruffling, and hemming Ph. 2-1885 between 9:00 a.m. St 4:00 p.m. hlO TREE WORK: Trimming it topping, gnd removing. Insured operator John Payne. 248 S. Church hl3 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-0790. h34 SPRAYING St pruning. 37900. BABT SITTING. CARPENTER work, new, repair. Ph. 2-2093 h28 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK St chimney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates. h20a PRUNIN I TREES, shrubbery, roses, land scaping Free estimates. Richard Borer Phone 2-8110. bl9 CARE FOR CHILDREN in my home. Pre fer 0 mo., ft ira. 103 S 18th Bt. Ph 2-0870 hl7 POE'S mimeographing, typing service, quality work, lower prices 009 N. 10th. Ph. 3-3643. Prompt service. hlO SERVICES Valley Band ft Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, sand Sm silt. Tractor dozing St grading Tractor shovel for dirt moving Ph 2-4002 off. Re 37146. h WANTED FURNITURE to glue Si repair. Le Bros'. Ph 2-1233 h' A1'T" PAINTING lust a shad better by Ray Etter. Call Snroct Motor Co 1-9101 h TREE WORK Trimming, topping and removing. Ins. oper. Free est. Oregon Tree Service. 840 Trade Ph. 2-1496. h2!" FOR RENT ROOMS 1 BOOMS, business men preferred. 745 North Capital Bt. Ph. 9-3323 or 2-0R87. Jkl5' CLEAN SLEEPING room. Men only. State House. Ph. 2-8326. Near JU2' CLOSE IN heated room, for clean em ployed man. 540 8 Liberty. Jkl4 CLOSE IN. Women only. 425 N. Winter Ph. 2-183S. Jkl4" ELDERLY couple want 3-rm. furn. or unfurn. apt. Near Blue Lake Cannery. Inquire at Blue Lake Cafeteria. Ja9 lady. Ph. 34025. Jk 10 LOVELT large unfurn. room for quiet. refined non-smoklng, non-drinking lady. Ph. 34025. JqklO SI NGLE sleeping rm. 461 N. High St. )kl3 lit; ATE D Terse, well furnished room for man. Auto. heat. In mod. private home. Oarace available Good restaurant near by. 1141S. Liberty. jklO HOLLYWOOD sleeping rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk31" SLEEPING room, man. 660 N. Cottage. jkio LARi.E attractive rm . ample closet space. for employed gentleman. Ph. 3-4248. Jklj' FOR RENT APARTMENTS HtK. PT. 1 ROOMS, newfy furn. All elec Adults. ml. south of Colonial House on Hwy. 99. Jpll FOUR NEW 3-rm. apts. In Hollywood dis trict. $59 St up. Partly furnished. Plen ty of heat. No children. Ph. 2-9067. FURN. 3 -room ground floor apt. Children and pets considered (43 00. 2503 N. 5th after 0 p.m. Jpl2 I-BM. FURN. APT. by week, close In. Ph 3-0033. jpl2 MM. Fl'RN. apt. to employed couple Near State Office building. 400 N. 13th St. after 5 30 p m. Jpl3 Tt BOOM furn. apt., upstairs, 350 Water St. Inquire at 1000 Mi',1. Jpll : ROOM furn. Phone 35276. apt. (500 wk. 1 person. Jpll CLOSE IN Housekeeping Rm. 173 Marlon JpIO 1 RM. furn. apt., clean, mod Priv. bath elec. heat, refrig. Ph. 3-5463. Jpll HELP Remodel a 3 rm. housekeeping Apt Pay some rent by helping. Working couple. No Drinkers. 594 N. 13th. Jpll NEW J rm. and batltpertly furn," elec. heat and attlity rm. Apply 1535 McCov Jpll 4-ROOM APT. Downstair. No drinking. No objection to children. Phone 33777 Jpll FURN. APT. for rent. Ph. 3-9623. Jp NEw'i'NFUBN. Court apt. lrms St bath! elec. heat, til floors, V. blinds, elec. atov a refrta. Adult only. Ph. 3-MI2 1349 8 13th. jpll BASEMENT furn. apt., elec. heat. 007 N commercial St. jpio APT. for rent. Adults. 1471 N. Com'l. Ph. 30M4 jpio U1.T14. MODERN apt. Complete with ev. rthlng. 3 blocks from State House 4 ot'ks Irom city center. Located notth IS N. Winter jpio 4.NT A HOME tor 1 or 1 Then our rooms were meant for you. 199 t. 34th JP10 tiPT., sip, rm. Ph. 3313. 790 N. Church. ,pJ1 TWO 1-rrtv gr. fl . fu-n. exp gio Chen :pi2 HOI YHOOD apt l-ra.'A bsUu Pn 1-901. jpn I REAL ESTATE & CO., REALTORS WANT A FARM?? 21 acres of Willamette soil. It couldn't lsy better. Eicellent outbuilding. 2 small but tery good home. Near ctv. Clo to acnool. good roads on 3 nde This it the very best so call Bill Stewart now for further details. 2 B. R. AND DEN Owner Iraiing this new home. Well lo cated In eaxt Salem. Erulewood school dlstnet. New homes in surrounding area. 111.500. Call Mrs. Uankertg for an appointment to see It. For Your Convenience Evening Calls Are Invited. Warren Brasher Bob Sullivan B.ll Stewart ..... Taelma Mankerts ,.3-4990 ,. 3-0170 ,.3-4i;2 .3-1222 & Co., Realtors 477 Court Bt. IFOR SALE FARMS REALTY CO. 28 ACRES CLOSE TO SALEM nii ,.,nr.le , .,, , ro.o. Orad A dairy. 15 atanchlon barn, mlik- hom,. machine ahwl. N,w 4-room all mnri.rn hnm n.rtpin h... 20 ACRES 11 acres cult. Bal. pasture and timber. Close to Salem on paied road. A real nice 6-room home all modern, fireplace, full basement, furnace heat. Nice barn, chicken houses, shop, 13 cu. ft. deep freeze. See this If you want a nice place to .lv in th country. Pile 113,850. Terms. REALTY CO. Phone 3-3246 blO FOR RENT HOUSES 2 Rm. House for Lease Kelzer district near school ft bus. Ap prox. acre. 125 mo. Must pay 1 months in advance. Call g Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State, Rm. 4 Phone 2-9201 JmlO' 7-RM. MOD. FLRN. cottage. Ph. 36sTn imll FOR SALE Vacant, newly furnished, move right in. elec. ramie, refrig.. auto, oil heat. 2 BR. att. aar.. 2330 S. 12th St. Key at office. 8500. Joe Hutchison. 435 Court St. Phone 2-3629. jml2' NEW BEDROOM, at 165. Appliances for sale at a bargain. Ph. 20331. Jml2" BCAt'TlFix 2 bedroom home, partly fur nished In fine district. Automatic oil heat. Available Feb. Reference re quired. Write box 174. Capital Journal. jml2 MOD. Fl'RN. COT., one bdrm. Rose cot tages. 2 ml N. of Brooks on 99E iml7 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER tool rentals for borne St In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Pa. 1-3640 J TRAILERS. (2.00 per day Howser Bros 608 Edgewater St, West Salem. f TRUCKS and cars Smltfys Clipper Ser vice. Ph. 99600. Cor. Center and Church . BUSINESS BM. for rant H L Stiff. J' U DRIVE trucks, ears. Ph. 3-9103. GOOD USED PIANOS. B L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor gand er. We sell everything to complete th lob. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1-3646. 1RONEBS oy week Phone 34439 FLOOR SANDEB for rDL Mootgorr ry JWard. ji WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS MAN and wife need unfurn. 2 bdrm. house. Prefer North end. Phone 34667. ja 13 BUTCHER and family need furn. or part- iurn. a-DOTm. nouse. Rent within reason. Ph. evenings 34987. JalO" POSTAL EMPLOYE, wife A: small child de sire uniurn. i-wrm. home In Salem (on bus Ilnei. Ph. 3-7381. jI3 ROOM AND BOARD BOABD BOOM in my home In coun- iry. write box ivi. jjh LOST AND FOUND LOST: Lady's Bulova watch. Lost some time Monday morning on Center or High St. Reward. Ph. 3-3161 days or 2-02j2 eves. kn LOST: Elsenberg Rhinestone Pin Dec 24th. Possibly near State Capitol. Re ward. Ph. 2-1132. kl6 NURSE'S WRISTWATCH. lost on corner or Fairmont and Luther streets, Frtdav 198 W. Luther. kio MISCELLANEOUS LE9 SPRINGER, men's' hatter, 464 Court B126 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Berrlce Bound Films i Projectors far Rent Eddie Lewis. 412 Oregon Bldg. Phon 3-4793 or 3-5353 m24' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bide. state St Commercial fits SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' UAVE VOIR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph 2-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines Free estimate given before work is Marted Singer Sewing Machine Co. no n com'l. m HEAT YOUR HOMI electrically If con venient, clean, economical See us for fre estimate YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. Ji5 N Liberty m BUILDING MATERIAL SHINGLES (3 30 per sq. and UP. Insula tion board 133 per m. Rock lathe 3,ic per sq. yd. Wood gutter, plaster, ma sonlte St shakes Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 9. Box 737. Ph. 35950, Salem. ma21 NET PLYWOOD Low priced, five dif ferent thicknesses, V 4' x 8' sheet' only 18 23. New top quality. 1 panel doors (g.75 and $9 00. C O. Long. Rt. 2. Box 11. Salem. Ph. 13821. One mile north of Reiser. mail NE Wgheet"rocli5r50er"M Rock lat h 133 per yd. S-in Simpson insula tint wall board. $65.00 per M. C. O LONO, Rt. 3, Box 31. Salem. Ph. 3-9821. One mne w. or Keller. ma 10' RED CEDAR ahlnglag. Ph. 08F33. 1 mo v'hgrg account. ma32 INSULATION aod Wsatherairipplng Cro fool Brothers. Ph. 2465$. ma FOR SALE Cheap Lumber Board and Dimension By th Jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber A Manufacturing Company. Inc. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CEDAR POSTS 1 ft. fence post an amount 20 ft. how poet, or other lengths cut to ordr Write ar Ph. B. L. Seller. Banks, Ore nH COW FERTILIZER 13 a yard. 19 a load. n. joum. n20 STOP, LOOR and listen. Bargains Oalore, giecric. wood, gas ranges, as low as 10. oil. wood. gas. electric heaters as low a 17. Dinette Beta, as low as lid. table as low as 17 50. btcvele as .ow as 110 0 Many other Items to choose irom Harcrman sro. four and one- - half mil North ml Salem on Portland I Highway Open 9 AM to ft F M seven dygaweek: nil WEOGEWOOD GAS Rsnge with trash 1 burner attached S. 19th St. nil I CUTPMRE "rile.rrj'torplPeft copper tuons I Thser bs biisy. 1 U W an aar Pa tai -ri., M. , g.e. aaer. Fa. &9 alter 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL SALE Quaker Oil Circulator Floor Samples 23 000 BTU. Reg. 304.05 ....no 14905 35 000 BTU. Keg. OH 4 95 ....now 164 0: 45 000 BTU. Reg 199.95 ... now 179.95 Save up to 40'. on your oil bill with one of thrjte line heaters. H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 1-3797 n 1 1 DOI BLE BED. col! spring and mgttress 135.00. Ph. 3-9829. nil FRIGIDAIRE- St. Apt. i. It., used S mos. 131 Mill nil Ql'AKEB oil heater. 50 gal. drum. Call 1100 Spruce after 5:30. LARGE Wardrobe Trunk and Steamer trunk. Ph. 3-4017. nil SILVER PLATING Teg sets, flatware, antiques. Complete repair service and metal finishing "Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing" AVEK PLATING CO.. Call 3-7771. n20 WAX SEAL cleans, polishes, waxes. Pro tects your cars finish from rain and sun. Metallic like finish. Two years protection 11.75, easy to apply, average car 1 hr. Guaranteed. Ph. 2-3149. n30 j Bx,r1 NuiVtorI0BTpcai0i7?fy DU OEVURTZ TORN.. Ph. S-15. nlO- - 1 EEP H ARM- "vt 00 011 'ltn Du0 Tntrm up. OEVURTZ FURX. 3-4015. MO i M AV TAG waOicr In excellent condition May be seen 8 to A p.m. ACCORDION. 036.50. excel, cond.. all but ton Hohner. Call after ft p.m. 000 N. Summer St., upstairs. nl2" PIANO In fine condition, beautiful"" tone. lbMO S. Cottage. nl2 CHROME dlnnctte set A buffet to match" Oaveno 4c swing rocker. Blue velour 0x12 Alexander Smith wool rose rug. Dark finish coffee table. All articles reasonable. Ph. 3-7773 nl2 HAVE large aiortment of children's clothes, sises 4-0. Ph. 3-7773. nl2 SALE starts Thursday at the Bay window Antique Shop, upstairs. 430 Court. nil USED Berger wood burning pipe furnace. 825.00. Ph. 2-2118. nlO nl5 NEW SINGER sewing machine: women's clothes. a:zes 12-14: Thayer buggy. 2875 Rogers Lane, off Fairview avenue. nI2 HOYT ST. SURPLUS FURNACES hot air with blower: also Stram or Hot Water: low pressure steam unit heaters: OIL CIRCULATORS, coal or wood circulating heater: Wall Safes, small 111.50, also larger ones at (30 and 160; Kermath Marine engine. 22 dp., no: j oniy. tour section metal nnng cabinets, legal aUe, (50 ea.; Bur roughs aJding machine. Hi, Maple meat oiocx: dish washers: steam ket tles; Electric Bakery oven: Swivel cnairg. 9.73: pre-heaters for welding s.iops: apt. size electric ranges; refrig erators: table top water heaters: kitch en sinks; bathroom fixtures; house and outside wire: ranae cable and rgnie outlets. COME SOUTH ON 12th to nvn, turn east one block. Tel. 3-7916. nl2 PLUMBING STOCK Closing out at big account, w. a. BJcewis Co., 1390 Mad; fcon in rear. ni6 CASCWDE wood rge. and coils. Elec. hot Plate, lag 8. Com 1. nl3 LARGE DUO-THERM oil circulator heal er, console iype, with blower. Used 3 mos. Price reasonable. 2365 Ellis St. South of Mkt. between 23rd St 24th. nl5 SMALL Westinghouse range, excel, cond , 135.00. (40.00 mechanical drawing set $17.30. Ph. 2-4679 eves. n.Q HAND MEAT SLICEB. Ph. 3-4750. nlO Clearance Floor Samples APPLIANCES Aptx washer, reg. 9159.50 ..Now 1119,50 ABC washer (demonstrator) reg. 1149.50 Now 99.60 Apex vacuum cleaner, reg, ".50 ...Now S4.S0 Apex vacuum cleaner, reg. 139.SO NOW 44.50 Retina vacuum cleaner, reg. 39.50 Mow It OS n.aiser fJian wasner. reg. 1209.50 Now 99. Sun breeze clothes drier . Special 99.50 Progll oil heater (used) 29.90 Lrood Housekeeping, Inc. 467 Court St. Phone 1-9011. nlO CLOSE-OUT prices. Popular brand oil Dealers, (U6.00 down to 169.50. OEVTJRTZ FURN.. Ph. 1-4015. nlO fertilizer, cow or cntcTen manure delivered In Salem. Welt rotted or fresh 15.00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack $1.00 per sack at place or will oei. rive sack order. Phillips Bros., Rt t Box 118. Salem. Ph. 68F22. n32' BRAND NEW Duo Therm oil heater, 160.00 UKVUHTZ FURN., Ph. 3-4615. nlO1 SPECIAL Brand new never used Olbson i cu. n. reirigerator, (229.95. GEVURTZ FURN., Ph. 1-4615. nlO1 NEW DUO THERM oil heater, 41,500 BTU Output. 170.00. OEVURTZ FURN.. Ph 1-401S. HlO' 5-SlIT VAL-PAC suitcase, exc cond', 119.50. Phone 33453. nlO ' NEW GIBSON refrigerator spec. $229.95 OEVURTZ FURN.. Ph. 3-4015. nlO GENERAL ELECTRIC ranges available at vjcv u i c ruitw., rn. 3-ittis. nlO ISED washers, rtfrlgeratore, rangeg. water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO ELECTRIC room heaters. YEATER APPLIANCB CO ATMORAYS. Oione Good Health. Rent Sell H C Pugh 084 N 17th Ph. 1-4692 'ARMERS ATTENTION Electric fence controllers, bom milk pasteurizers, but ter churns. YEATER APPLIANCB CO- GENERU, Electric refrigerators available oevurtz. mo PI.ASTI-ROTE requires no waxing, us It vu iwui b. unoicum, woooworg. eiC YEATER APPLIANCE CO niS1 ILEC. HOT WATER heater. 43 gal Una New 187 Ph. 3-4:84. Col- REFRIGERATORS, ranges, water heaters. wanner, ironers. tran nurnera. VEATER APPLIANCE CO H13" WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. f- fer complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliance. Just ea!! 33191 n GARDEN SAND. Oravo. crushed rock Shovel drag-line excavating. WALL 1NO SAND ORAVTL CO Pb 1-9319 BALEM BAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental IS B '9 yds. 12 00 per hr 10 B H yds 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat A Dover 10.30 per hr D-$ Cat St Doier 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat Sr Dorer 7.00 per hr Phone Da vg 4-940f Eves 3-8240 or 3-4400 Salem. Oregon n EAT YOUR home electrically If con. ven tent, clean, economical Be as lot fre t!maes. Y RATER APPLIANCB OO 355 H Liberty WALLING SAND A U RAVEL CO CRUSHED st OCR for roads and driveways cement, ready bvi concrete, garden a.nd Bullforing drainaee and ditching -d shovel and drag Un Ph 1-9349 APARTMENT aire refrigerators A ranges various oranas ata.ioaie at Oevurtr nlO Bri.VINATOR, Rotpoint appliances; Pow ler hotwtter beaters Ralph Johnson .ppilances Pb 3-3130 ( THOB Automacte Washera. Hsi.ywood Appliance Co. Oi art irons 1 I4 a GENFRAL ELECTRIC, crosier, o bsoo and Montag Applianc at Oevuru . B WANTED MISCELLANEOUS jruiNG MliHivr , . w . . m, J, nfST. BP.V make or gond w. Davenpoit. Fh. J-TJU, 103ft M llth Sa30 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR EXTRA cash, sell ua your feed ana grain bagi. K 8 Bag Co. 347 Kear ney, or large lots call 2107T or 302H0. eve oa NEWSPAPt U9 wanted. 1790 N. Front, na 1 7 l ED FI RNITI RE Phone 3-9185. Bt? PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL Ad.tior, Make appointment now Mr. Phillips. Ph. 3-0313 pis I01K Al'STIN' SEDAN, 7IMMI miles, cost new 11800. Our price 11395. Ebncr Mo tor Co..3 53 N. H i ah, Balcm .re. pi 2 566 Cross Bt. P2I AUTOMOBILES 114 1 Hl'OSON club coupe, good body and motor. Clean. Sacrifice equity. Ph. 3-7555. qlO SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1941 Chev. Club Coupe, new seat cov ers, heater. Better see this one. flu rock Motor Co. Ph. 37v22 i3a BY OWNER. '37 Chevrolet aedan, eond looks & uphoUtery good. Has healer. Car recently overhauled. Offered for sale this week only. Excellent buy. Call 29313. qlO SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1941 Oldsmobile Sedan, very clean, on owner, heater. Bhrock Motor Co. Ph. 17921 q!2 OrT(1. OWNER. '40 Chrys. Windsor 2-dr". sedan. A good, clean car at th rttiit price, 11095. Ph. 3-7377 daytime; 1-0877 eves. q12 SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1938 Oldsmobile Sedan, rebuilt motor, aood rubber, tops In ape ranee Sli rock Motor Co. Ph. 37923 q!3 '97 FORD "85" 3-dr. sedan, clean, very good cond., new brakes and tires. (375. BUI Jon"S 700 N. High. Ph. 1-3403. qll 1948 DE SOTO CUSTOM SEDAN, opalescent green, air ride white walls, radio and heater. Just broken In. Save 1200 from new ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 K High, Salem, Ore. SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1943 Ford Pick-up, good condition, net. motor, good rubber. Shrocfc Motor Co. Ph. 17921 qll '41 FORD super deluxe fordor sedan. II tr. Very clean. Exceptionally gd. thruout. (995.00 cash or will sell equity for 1470. 1260 Nebraska Ave. qll 1047 PONTIAC ronv. with RAH. Must sell soon. Price low. See at 275 Hood St.. or call 3-7295. qlO 1948 AUSTIN SEDAN T000 Milra Cost New $1800 Our Price: $1395 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High, Salem, Ore. 1940 STUDEBAKER. 4 dr. sedan, heater, 70 000 miles, new tires, (1500. 99ft Hea ther Lane. ql2 SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1940 Merc. Club Coupe. RAH, new mo tor. Wh. Wall tires. Twin pipes, rede signed grill. flhrock Motor Co. Ph. 27923 ql2 41 PLTM. 4-dr. PH. Exc. tnech. gond. A-l tires. (895. 1807 Le. Ph. 36550. qll 1941 PONTIAC 6 pass, coupe. Call 1-7171. qll 1947 SPECIAL deluxe Ply. business coupe, less than 0000 miles. Cond. Ilka new. Radio St Heater. Will take $1750. Can be financed for 11300. Ceah required only 1450. Call 1-4016, eves. 1-9311. qll SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1937 Pord Pickup, body sound, rung good, heater. Shiock Motor Co. Ph. 17921 qll 'SO FORD coupe, best offer take. 776 N Com'l. Apt. 1. qll SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1942 Plymouth Club Ooupe, very olean, tailor made seat covers, heater. Shrock Motor Co. Ph. 37923 q:2 1930 OLDS . R&H. Good eond. Beg at 823 N. 15th. u tMS H.D. (45i. Good cond. Winter shield. Very re as. Bee oetween ft and 7. 745 E Bt. qll SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1946 Nash Ambassador Sedan. RA-H, plus a lot of other extras. Mechani cally perfect and ready to go. Shrock Motor Co. Ph. 37922 qll 19- CHEV. 2-dr. gedan. Oood ghape. Reasonably priced. 1368 N. 4t. ql4 SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1B41 Pont lac Sedanette, RAH, new mo tor. See this one now. Shrock Motor Co. Ph. 97932 q!2 41 FOBD super deluxe. RAH. Excellent cond. Ph. 1-0588. qt 1905 FORD 1-dr. sedan. "41 Mercury motor. "40 running gear with hvdraulia brakes, parts, twin pipes. R&H. Den nis Manning. Oervala. Ore. qio 34 FORD, good cond., (298 or motor scoot er and cash. 583 Water, Stayton. qlO SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1937 Ohev. Sedan, heater, straight front end. Oood rubber. Shrock Motor Co. Ph. 1792J ql2 '47 CHEV. CONV. R&H. Def., cream color. lor pressure tires. Lots of chrome, 12130.00. 455 McNary Ave. ql 1031 PONTMC sedan. Oood cond. New tires, battery At lie. 1165.00. After I p.m. 1920 8. Church. qlO 1910 PONTIAC station wagon, RAH, $550 1213 Basin aw. Ph 33691. qll 'tt HUDSON. (300. 46 DOE. truck. 18 ft. bed. Cook tag along (2VW. CARL BUDEAU, 307 Mill St., SILVERTON. ql2 4t STD. CHAMP. 4-door sed. New '4$ mo tor, new transmission and overdrive, new rubber, this car Is in first class Ahape. Ph. Lyons 3655. Wayne Bmiih. Rt. 1. Stayton, Ore. qlO CONVERTIBLE, (800 down, buvg 1043 Bulck 5-pasa. cpe, body converted to 40 body style. Or trad In tour old ear. Super BO (l-eyl.) 124-ln. wheelbas model. Very good eond. Ph. dava 34122. eves:204U, qio 1047 SUPER Bt ICR sedan. Kxc. cond" Best offer take 239 Jerom St., Sil verton. Ore. aift ItM 4-DOOR DODGE sedan, radio A heater. SB. 1365 31st. ;o 1941 PLY. coupe. By owner. Excel, cond. thruout. (850 00. Ph. 1-9591 or 2-2637 al. tr Opm. q)t, li FOUR door Bulck -edan. Oood con oltlon. all new tires. $uoo. Bettt Ward. Stavton. Oregon. Box I. Telephone Bl'i "B qlO Eisner Motors Fine Cars PONTIACS Station Wagon ,,..13l'3 1949 Sedan ajqj, 194T Sedan Coup 19 1MI Ford Sedan 945 1940 Sedan lo 1935 Pont.ae Tudor 19 Herrall Owens Co. tiberty Ph 14119 OUR REPUTS.TION depends on your oau tafaetlots. Leea 04 Car. 2ft R Chgrth, Eisner Motors to Sell (Continued on Pagt 17)