1 2 Capital Journal. Salem. CLASSIFIED ADVMTUINOl Ftf Uni 1st PI Usi I time 0t Fwf Lint I time 00 Ptr LID 1 month 32 00 Outsldt of Salem IN r Una pi dar. Mm. lOet 1 times vm 00 limat in Id. II 30 No Refund BEADIKt ! Local New Cel Oalyi hi Ubi 30e To Piaes an Ad Pbont 1-1406 Tats tattaaa ta for articles mIH lr $10 or LESS Don't Save It Sell It! 1 Line For f Dayi. 1 1.00 Ke reloads. BASSINETTE and pad. Liat new. l Ph. 38u54. CRIB, complete, M Earl Ave Ph 3-686. 4095 b13 FOR SALE HOUSES T OWNER: 4 ' school bus -'- 3-6770. rm. home, lot oeat tor. 3310 Laurel. aB SALE BY OWNER. Mod. 4-bdrm. plastered house. Full basemen i. Close to cnooi at bua line. Located at 3346 N. Liberty. Call at 3334 N. Liberty II interested. aiu HEW 1-3M1RM. hw., lnul. ft alec. heat. 483 Illinois St. by owner. Ph. 3-6761. aayw. s BED EMS. on 1 fir. Pull base ment, furnace, 3 block to Knglewood School, nood term to rlfht party Call Mr. Walters Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa Bt. ' Ph. 3-9271 eve. 3-53M a Imm $3000 DOWN, buy 3 house on i aert. Lara hse., modern 3 bedroom down, 3 nflnishtd up. Small hou. 3 rooms, wired ror range, neni tor no. Bee Harvey Hull Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 3-0371 tve. 3-0441 fio.tmt TEEMtt, buy brand new J roomy bd. no. homa. Unfin. attic, hdwd fir., auto, heat, beautiful kitchen, ' fireplace. Cull Harvey Hulf. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8371 Eve. 3-9441 a8 LOOK A CUTIE Notice Lot sise (78x110) 6 bits, to ach pvd. t. Sidewalk, new, well-built brick trim. home. 3 la.. BR. din. utility rm.. flreple. Oak floor, exel. fir. plan. Bee : I Luklnbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-0371 eve. 3-6681) a8 ALL MODfcRN BT OWNER 3 bedroom home, garage, nMllty room, oil floor furnace, lot 60x136. Price $6500. Call at 3330 Hyde St., Salem. 11 3-RM. HOUSE, fmall storage room In bark. All new and mod Furn. 'j acre walnut Pull price 63.060. Will consider email trailer house on my equity. Balance 910 a mo. See KilROre at 436 8. 12th. aS l-RM. MODERN house. 31650 down. Will take car or ptrktip aa part payment. Purniture for aale. Phone 20840. al BT OWNER Price reduced to 67000. Only 11 000 down. new. well -con itructtd, berirm. house, nice, lame llv. rm.. dln - ttte, kitchen, corner nook, utility room, hardwood floor. iaraite. Paved at. Close to achool and bui. Ph. 3-7313- aA Vr OWNER, well but 2-BR home, full bmt., unfin. attic, fireplace, elee. hot ; wtr. 1065 Norway. Ph. 39868. alO 3a)15A Low down payment, balance like rent. 1 BR auburban home on a large lot. 9I0MI 1 acre tn citv limit plus a 2-BR HOME. EXCELLENT FOR DEVELOP MENT. fftSO ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT, 3-BR. In aulated and weather-stripped, fireplace, hardwood floor, patio and workshop. About 6 year old. See this. gtrtOfl 1975 down, balance easy. 3-BR, al most new home and Is very nice. Ha Ore. State VrU loan. Suburban lot l()0x 180'. THE BEST BUY ON TODAY'S MARKET. . Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 44 Court. Ph. 3-4707, Eve. 37383 or 35148. a6 jl.'tAR O-ST. i BR.' LR, DR7k It., bath, wall to wan carpet, bemt.. oil furnace, new gar., excellent condition, quick poaa. $7350, term. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 B. Com ! 81. Ph. 38389; Eve. 37440 13 tltM. Late built S-ndrm. home. Well . located south near school and bur. Has hrtwd. floor, eler. heal, attuned garage 81800 down, bal $42 On prr mo. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS ' M3 B. High St. Th. 3-4131; eve 35306 all' mil. New Modern 3-BR home 3 block from Balem Huh School Llvtna room, dtnlnt room, kitchen A bath, attached gnraae. Immediate poAArsslon. Call Stan ley Brown with State Finance Co. i REALTORS 158 S. High Bt. Ph, 3-4131: Bves. 3o.S61 all" flfUMffl. Late built modem 3-BR home with unfinished umtair.. East on bus line. Close to achonl, Hdwd. doors, fireplace, oil furnace, Venetian hhnt attached araie. Immediate prv-.esvtlonf l.flDO dn. Call Stanley Brown with Stat? Finance Co. R EAI TORfl 11 A. Hish Bt. Ph. 3-4131; Eves. 36561 all- M780. Clean one-brdroom home wtlh 1 lou South. Cnmplrlrlv turnLMied Im mediate possession. Call Stanley Broun With State Finance Co. Eve. 3.NS61 84NHI. Clean modrrii pluMcied late home close to Park Ave lame lot. mediate poseMion. : poo do n. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS m S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Etc. : MM. Neat attractive I -bedroom home rated East on bus line larae corner lax. Garaae. Fruit trees, berries to gar den space. Oall O. V. Hum with State Finance Co. RF.Al TORB V6S S. Nigh Bt Ph. 3-4131. She 3n all Late model ear on down payment. New 1-bdrm. home, hdwd floor, attached garage, cor. lot. Close in. Pull price $8500 00, It 1 year d has 3 bdim . hdwd floor, fireplace, Ven hlinds, aarase. extra larae lot only 18200. Will trade for 3 bdrm. home 3 to 10 mile from town with acre or two. bdrm hon En tie wood district Full basement, furnace, double car ace 14.750. TO BUY SELL - OR RENT Ralph h Rent Realtor SHUS i Bua. or Ev all Klumrp. 6116 12330 S. Commercial St. '"' BRICK 1 10M E'DELUX E Styled for luxury w th nothine spared ' New brick house with 3 bdrm en one ' floor with floored upstairs, Lae llv m..4tinlng rm . nook, utility rm., hdwd fir, eoved eeilini fireplace. Qr 1604) ft. fir. snare Located east. A lot f house for 117.000 : COLBATH LAND CO. REALTOR 14)64 Oeaui Bt. PH. !-) Ore., Monday. January 10. 1949 FOR 5 A LI HOUSE BT OWNER, 3 -bdrm. unfin. home, tlee. heat. Insulated throughout. t acre lac ing tut. UMKUncutir Driva. BT OWNER, new two bedroom horn. 10 x 136 corner lot, 11.1(H), 3406 Ad am street, at) $750 DOWN and 140 per month Inc. Interest will buy thi small, clean 3 bdrm home north oo acres black loam oil. Well landscaped with nice lawD. ah rubbery, berries and fruit. Chic en rue. elee. well. Price 14660. NEW HOME EAST Larae llv. rm., 3 bdrm., with kuse eloaeu, dinette, teved tat ling, at tached terete. Small dwn. aymt. Con sider late model ear a part promt. Price 11360. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4553 a8 ONE WHEEL TRAILER. High box, lood shapg. 3240 S. Commercial St. t8 BV OWNER: "buao he'altVVm forced"" to ell my home. Larae living room with fireplace, dining room, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, tile kliohen to nook, 110 acre, lovelv ground, tree, bearing fruit and berries. Bom furniture. Call 24715 be fore 10 or after 6 at mini for appt. a8' Your Own Price & Terms Nice Jane two bedroom home with an unfinished upstair, with enouth ad ditional room for two more bedroomr and double plumbing. Beautiful large living room with rrreptaee, nice nar row oak floor, dining room, a hone) of a kitchen, which is taut enough tc eat in. and well arranged for work apace. Ye, there are good clothing cioi eta and drawer apace. The garage 1 at tached and large enough for that work bench you hve alwav wanted, auto matic oil heat. The property 1 located north in the Keller ditrict In a re atneted area, on a larae lot with x eellent oll for gardening. There an nice surrounding home. You may have your own term and price within rea son. Owner la in a position to take an- et ner building lot or consider a gooc used ear a a part down payment. Eve Ph 18518. Trade or State G. I. A very nice two bedroom plastered home with automatic oil heat, hardwood n nor uiruoui, iniayeo and coved lin oleum, large utility room, home he an Ideal eat front, on a large restricted lot, urroundd by good homes. The property ha been conservatively ap praised at 18,000 selllna price 1 17950. Immediate possession. Owner 1 In a po sition to aen to state a. I. ror reason able down payment, or will consider a 1st model car as a down payment. Eve and Sunday 37317. Joe L. Bourne Realtor Ph Sflllfl ' FOR SALE LOTS 6 ACHE located N .. dandy building site. Liur.r mj irnooi, rrira aaouo. LAR;E view lot 160 ft. frontage. Beau tiful view. Treei. Water piped past ioi. rnre iw. Call O. V. Huine with State Finance Co. REALTORS 163 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131; eves. 25306 i aall BY OWNER, reduced price on two busi ness loU In Hollywood. One lot Join ing bank property, other aevond house irom Hohland Dept. Store. For ap pointment phone 3-9630 from 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 10 p.m. aa8 LOT Watts. Reitrirted district. pave ment. water. Ph. 34048after 1 p.m. aaS fc ACRE BI'ILDING lot wITh' waterTsell or trade for car. 105 Evrrereen. aa8" FOR SALE FARMS BARGAIN HUNTERS SPECIAL Pin 84 acre farm. 2 acre fine pears. 1 acre boyenbcrrle.i, all In cultiva tion. Good 4 bed room home, with large sun room, fireplace, basement and auto, oil pipe furnace. Good barn, chick en house, brooder house, hay, and equipment, all lor 110.000 full price. TliU 1 a bargain. Call Kay Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 34! Chemeketa St. Pti. 3-9371 Eve. 2-8658 b8 38 ACRE FARM Modern 1 room hou?e, barn, double auras e, work shop, three acre boy sen -berries, orchard, pasture, some oat. vetch, livestock and Implement. Two aprlnv. achool bus by door. Prrtty jet tin i, 7 mile from Salem. 114.500. Call Mr. Walters Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 3-0271 eve. 3-9441 b8a 2ft ACRES All under cultivation, seeded. rm.. barn, hay hed, garace. Family orchard. Clrwe to publio to Catholic achool to church, store. Electricity, pressure rtem I7.SO0 cash. V mllr i Of Hr:w Box 2 b!2 FOR SALE ACREAGE $3750 $1000 DOWN 6.15 per mo. 1 acre plus 6 rm. house, wired for elrc rsnte, eler. water heat er. bMh. fruit to brrr:e. Pblc. anrase. hlsh school bus Near arade .school & bus line rail Mi Vlcary, with Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 941 State St., Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9201; Ees 3-4.135. 3-876S, 2-0421 bU8" A 1MNDY A acre tract ol good black anil. norilieaM all in crop mo bldn . fil ter take time oul to look ai this one 82MM), Salem Realty Co., Realtors 149 N. HiB.1l Bt. Ph 3-7680 bh8 4 ACRES Northeast 3-oedroom hou. Jii1 finished good barn, chicken house. This i la a nice piare with exrelienl soil. 10 ACRES $7500 larae clean house, tood brn. rh:ck hoiue. Rnysen to slrawberrl Bprlni w ater. Ouern.xey cow calf. 25 lav in pui;eu. 200 fryers., this t a real buy, Chas. Hudkins & Son HEM TORS :0 N H:u!i Si IVmne I f. 19 bblO It A.. HOIHK, with 8 bdrttia 'located 1 mile east of Pwrvla arhoo! on paved Mad. Inquire Fred Klein. Rt. 6, Box 343A bb8 A PINE A ACRE northeast, all In grow in crop Nicely drained ino h!d : ideal for that country home. 1)500. Bet ter see it now. Salem Realty Co, REALTOR 146 N Htth m - Phone 3 700 br.8 REAL ESTATE ...1 TO CLOSE I STATE Residence for small business Fairgrounds road. O P. Armstrong. 10 N. Church. 9 jl.waAPrROXrVlTPr bedrrWhms! bath, living room, dining room and kitchen combnied. Nook, all electric, att garage. Close to bus line $7000-W a. 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining iwm and kitchen com bined Nook, irate. Near bus line Tmmfld poMession IT90O -NEW 8 bedroom home, plastered bath, llvine room dlntae room, kitch en, all electric. Car part. Immed p sejvlim P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa Street. Sa'em Phone 2-1545 3-468 tve J-, 3 6M8. 3-765 f8 Nf W t bedrm 16M down bal 1731 6M a month Ph. 3 611 rt 11.000 DOWN New t brdrm binalo aith large llv ma room and f replore eVace for ev. tra room in att-e Attrhd garage and tare let clone to bu and stores. Price 11500. OWNER LEAVING CFI Y H err and practical! new modern 3 bedrm home, planted with cherr trees Clive to tomn and priced at 16.600. I lotto down 110 per month. Call Mr Clear Walter Minmve, H-altnr 3I Bdte water St. pa 6-HOt Brt. 3409 t8 REAL ESTATE ARC YOU A DISCRIMINATING BUYER? ? AND DO YOU WANT RIAL VALVIt IF SO LOOK! HOME AND COURT SITE Large corner lot lOOilOl plumbing in for courts, alio tome building material. A new 3 bdrm home all Elee, Hwd Floor. Venetian blindi, lot of built-in, but by door, garage. 62)00. down. Balance 816 60 per month FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 ACRES With a 6 year old home, 2bdrm. liv. room, kitchen And timing room combine ion, unfinished upstairs, bath, wired for range, elee. hot water heater, double garage, a very nice p. ace. Full price 67600 3 YEAR OLD STUCCO BUNGALOW 3 bdrm, bath, llv room, kitchen and nook, wired for range, elee. hot water heater, garage, large lot. bait, good location, 16000 FINE NORTH SALEM LOCATION 3 Bdrm home with fireplace, full basement, fenced back yard. Sell or swap for eerriea station. 4 ACRES NO. 3 BUSINESS ZONE 1T3 Pott Prontage on 2 streets. Pull price 84000. BURT PICHA, REALTORS OHM Mill 111 N. Him tl, IV.nlnU Mill 1-10!!. J-IIM. 1-7451 GRABENH0RST SPECIALS DOWNTOWN BUSINESS LOT 30x166 ft. to paved alley. One block from city eentvr. Price 112,000. An Excellent value. Call Coburn L. Orab enhorst. LOCATED EAST Good 5-rm. home, basmt., furnace, fire place, hdwd. fir., paved at., lee. lot, No. 4 j one. Room for home and busi ness. Price only 18000. Call Richard I. Orabenhorat. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 3-2471; Evening. 2-48. 3-7773, 3-0968. 3S-F-14, 3-8010. For Prompt and Courteous Service List Your Property With Us. REIMANN FOR 3 BEDROOMS Nrat. clean, attractive small home Wired for range, Venetian blind, large garage. Close to school, bua and store. Only 17950 with S1000 down. No. 330. $50 DOWN with city water, close to bus Balance 115 per month WE HAVE all type of business for sal. Oall or see us TODAY! REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 10. Hlfh AtTKt Ivel. A; Sunt. I-S241, 3-9303. 3-4631, S-3340 REAL ESTATE Homeseekers Agency SPECIALS 4-rm. residence, unfinished but livable. finish it yourself, about 4 acre land on East hill, city water. S35OO.0O1300 down. 6-ran to bath, clone in. lot 60x200, house In good shape, continuous stone founda tion, a buy $4,500.00. S2.O00.00 down. New 6-rtn to buth, cement foundation. double construction, eleciric heat, wired for ranee, electric water heater, 1 blockj from business section. $6,400.00. 1-rm bath. plaMered. basement, au to. aa furnare, double plumbed, wired for range, auto, water heatrr, good lo cation, easy terms. J6.950 00. Very good 6-rm. mod. home, best of lo cation, basement, worth your lnvtstiga tlon. 19.60000. cash. 2 brick business bides , one smule story 40"x0'. one two story 44 x70' These bides, aliow almost Bc, return above op erating coAt. If you want an investment look these over, both buildings $20,000. 31 acres, nearly all cultivated, about 2 mile out. new 8 bdrm. mod. hoiue, oil furnace, wired for ranne. etc.. good sized barn, two brooder house, a bargain. 112.600.00. 6 acres, all cultivated. 4 bdrm. mod. home, dandy family orchard, equipment and facilities for 700 laying hens, houxe pnrtly furnished, about 1 mile out, $8,300 00. 200 acres, 6 rm. house and full set of bulldlnas. about 76 acres cultivated, 6 miles out, look this over, $12,000.00. If vou do not ser what you want above, write for free sale list. Just off the pre.vt. Homeseekers Agency Silverton. Oreion Phone 161 c8 NOTICE Will lake your late model automobile at part payment on my 5 -room home. Well located south. See my atirnts. LEF OHMART & CO. 477 Court St. Ph 24115-6. clO CTwTREEVE, Realtor 12 A. No Bides. Creek Some timber. South S cash. 4 BEDROOMS I1.S00. Bal. like rent. Older type home. Very neat to elean. Wired for range. Close to bus and school 3 BEDROOMS Furmshrd. Close in '? acre. Chicken he. Fruit. r800 00. Call Dent. WHY PAY RENT? $7M) Down. Use your OI loan on this new home 6 blks, tut of city limits. Paved street. Bus bv door. 2 bedrm Brand new. Hdwd. firs, thruout. Elee. hent. OWNKR LEAVING KNULEWOOD DIS'l RICT This is a real buy lor the fir.t party ihiM look j. at tins home. All hdwd. firs. Lame I.H. A- DR. fireplace. Elee. heat. Unfinished attic Insulated and weath er! ripped. Alt. garaae. lmmed. pomm slon. Wry nnrt tfrnu C. W. REEVE, Realtor Ph. 3-4590 cB MHi. Well lorsted North. 5-room ant. up A pi per month $'500 down or equity for sua all Hear home. Call O V. Hume W.lh State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St Ph 3-4131: eve i.t r i - tit i p vor tmd your home, or bu.Mmvsa opportk B. Isherwood, Realtor 1. Box 243 W. 8alem ctfl 6 3 750 - A neat plastered one-bdrm house. elee water Mr . ranae and clr eulalor included in price I 4.000 Suburban, lot 60x130. loan ol IHM may be assumed, one bdrm shower bath, bui 11 -In kitchen, wired for rsnse, tlec water htr., Immediate posA.s.ion. I 5,000 One bdrm , north Salem ex change on larger house I 000 One -ha If acre suburban. two bdrm.. basement, elee. water htr., wired for ranie 7.000 See It at 16rt South Commercial street. Pour bdrm , auto heat 110.750-Leree lot. ne house. HW floors loxelv fireplace, very attractive kitchen, larae rooms. ec. heat A really nice property. Salem Realty Co..Realtors Plone 3-76SO 2-491 3-fi" BEST BUYS $4500 Full Price 3 bdrm .? In nrth Reduced from IftMtO Alt earaae. Completely redecor ated renovated. Prt. well. tlM do will handle 3 Bedrooms A very lovelv home in S;H ernn Sr-a-c-ftii rooms ttivtairs to don Complete ly redecorated Full basement etra large lot. dble a at aae. ti rev '.a re, lot of built-in. Wrll aorih 113.000. $(W00 Full Price 3 bdrms Choice Wat ion good eond fl1M lot Several fruit to nut trees. 1 Mivk to sell (Vi 1 to bis Al Isaak S Co., Realtors 'oil Portland Rad P. 3 7610. 1-4566, Eve 2-4478, l-8M I REAL ESTATE OWNER PAID $5300 3 bdrm. home located cloe to State Bt, Plaster Interior, oil heat, an older home btit good one. Now priced at 14700 Call Roy Ferris. RANCH STYLE Beautiful Km wood home, 3 bdrm., lie llv. rm . din. rm , kitchen, brkft. nook, tile bath and shower stall, dble. aer ate, basement, fireplace, hdwd. firs., Insulated. weatherstnped. (3000 n landscaping. Den In basmt. FOR AP' POINTMENT call Peter H. Oeiser. REAL ESTATE MEAT MARKET with 141 cold xtoraee locker. 3 living quarter beside building and equip ment. 2-car garage. Nearby small town. Only 117,500. No. 735. 105 ACRES 70 dear, 36 pasture, 19 atanchion barn, 6-room house. Year round creek. Only 118.000 with 12000 down. No. 1063. ! REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS COMFORTABLE 3 BEDRM. HOME lo cated In Kairmount Hill Dist. Now rent ing tor SH5 month. 50x137 lot with large trre.. $4800. Convenient terms. EXTRA NICE fenced i acre lust eaat of 4-Corner on bus line. Very comfort able 3 bedrm. home with all modern conveniences. Garage; chicken house. $5950. Terms. NEW WELL BUILT RANCH TYPE home 3 lovely sued bedrooms w:th closet space galore. Lr. living room, dining room, kitchen. Extra larue one-car gar aae. Full price 18500. $1700 will handle. Bal. FHA. If you don t see It advertised CALL US. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS "88 years f dependable service ta home owners" 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evening call: 3-6656, 2-4007. or 3-6620 e8 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE NEED LISTINGS!! If your farm or acreage i for sale or trnde. call us for prompt service. BURT PICHA, Realtors Office 2-3649 337 No. High St. ca9 WANTED to buy good neifthborhood store located In restricted residential section of city. Send Information to P O. Box 272 Aberdeen. Washington. cal2 WE ARE In need of good houses to sell in or near baiem ir you wisD to list your propertv for sale see tiK AllbnlKIKsT HKOft., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 2-3471. caa NOTIUE! If your property la for aale. rent or exchange, list it with u. We have all klnda of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTOR! 153 8 High Bt ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 17 stool downtown confectionery, ph. 3-47a0. cdlO FOR LEASE 1.188 sq. ft. Long term lease. oee 4. &. nun, iu a. lain. cdii" SI.O0. TERMS. 3-unIt court, each unit hi 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors. V bllnds. Electric heat, electric ranges. See Harvev Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 3-9371 341 Chemeketa St. . eves. 3-9441 cd8 GARBAGE ROUTE Inquire 714 Hayter, Dalli Oregon . cdll WE HAVE several good business oppor tunities from filling station to court apts. If you don't ee adv. what you want, call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph 341 Chemeketa Bt. 3-9271 eve. 3-9441 cd8 S6500 Bi iness Bids. 76'x38' bids. Suit able for garaae. Call Omer. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICE pd for furn.. household. Ph 19511 694 N Liberty Bundale Exchange lildHFsT TRICKS paid. Phone Glenn at Vrtdry Auction Market Ph S-M10. LIVESTOCK WANTED OLD IIORsrs for fur farm feed Ca',1 Ba lem. 22$f- eat BONDED A I.ITFNSrD UveMOck buver C Mcfandllsh. 1127 8 33 Ph 3-8147 ea20 PETS GIVE AWAT l-vr.-old shepherd dot. Ph 2-3470 tell BI I I I) 00 Ft 18. Arthur Evans. Rt. 2. Box 3H. Hlem. 6 miles north on Mission Bottom rd . Clearlake eclO POINTER brood bitch. 4 yrs. old. Broken. Res. Alia one pointer pup. 34 mo. old. Tec . be.'t breed In Ore. Joe B. New hardt.JKt 4,Box 516. Balem. eclO CH till' It Canary Bird 360N. 16th. tf30 FIFE; 7 mos. part Beaile Hounds, female Nice pet for children Ph 37315 ee9 FUEL 16 - Wood Old and Sevond Growth Fir 2 I' NIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 118 00 For orders please call collect Independence 49 Independence Lumber to Manufacturing Company Independence, Ore -on e8 i6-lNC.RrKNOK.Phr2"-2l"36eel0' 16 IN. BOIin dryok. 115 a cord IfTin 2nd growth fir verv good wood. (13 a cord. Pre Immediate delivery Ph. 3 4:if eelO W At.NI TIU OT7ueiKlorf.a Pact" teg Co. 4KO N Front Brine sacks, ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRT OR ORFFN SLAB WOOD PRT rLANrR ENDS OLD GROWTH BLCMTK WOOQ, 16-IN CI FAN NO BARK SCR KEN ED SAWDUST Rl'RAL Pta.IVWRlrS DIM EL AND BTOVI OIL Prooe Salem 3-4031 Also park u wood at 1618 Bdse water caii ntoNWAT rmrt for I Peel aiut Bte O ( I FRF.H CUT SAWDUST ' Drv :ab W-M 1 Phone 3-6444 M REAL ESTATI "LEE OHMART & LOOK LOOK. $800 DOWN Buy a good 3 -bed room home located At 3300 Laurel v. It a vacant. Imme diate poasauion: hardwood floor thru out; tiled bathroom. Close to Catholic achool, city bu at door. O. I. term on the balance. Pull price $7950. Bee BUI Stewart at once. 3 B. R. AND BASEMENT 110.600 buy It. L. ft., D. R.. fireplace! full basement, auto. a. 4. furn. Very ice yard. Built tn 1936. Wt think It worth the money. Hay wg show it i to you today? Ask for Mr. Menkens, ' please. Pn. 34115-1 Lee Ohmart & FOR SALE FARMS SULLIVAN HOWELL PRAIRIE A fine Orade A Dairy, on 88 acre, most all under cultivation and irrigation. All stocked and equipped, fine 35 stan chion, 3 alio barn and other outbuild In n Very nice 7 room home. Border creek on paved road See this one If interested In a real dairy. 82 ACRES NORTH All level on paved road. Fenced suit able for dairy or stock raising. New 6 room all modern plastered house. Water ytem. 3 barns, shed and chicken house. A good buy. Price $13,000. Term. SULLIVAN JtSS Portland Road HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNG lady to work at fountain. Exp. desirable. Call in person. University uruc store. 1220 state. gb6' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 3608Mne St. Ph. 2-1488 gflO' WANTED SALESMAN SALESMEN WANTED Opening (or real estate salesman Reimann Real Estate. Apply In person gg 10 MAKE MORE MONEY WITH THIS IN VENTION. Established company. Every home, factory, store, farm a prospect. Low price. Long profit. Exclusive. Free outfit. No depoMt. "Fire Extinguish er." Local territory. Bin opportunity to establish your own business. Sell direct from factory to user. Profit check mailed weekly. Cash In on big demand due to nunc fire losses. "Com mission. " Make more money. Write today for free fact. 189 P. R. C. Build ing, Red Comet, Inc., Littleton, Colo. g8 OPENING for real estate salesman. Rei mann Real Estate. Apply In person. 6v8 WANTED POSITIONS HAVE '40 CIIF.V. panel for pickup to de- W. Candle. Ph. h30 BOOKKEEPER with several years ex p. wlahea position. Write 1349 8. 13th St. BABY SITTING. Phone 20580 or 3-3991. h28 CARPENTER work, new, repair. Ph. 2-2093 h38 DISABLED veteran will do your mimeo graph in ft, typing and addressing Guar anteed work. Lowest prices. 944 Union. Ph. 3-66B5. h8 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK to chimney building. Ph. 3-43H9. Free estimates. h36 PRUNING TREES, shrubbery, rosea, land scaping. Free estimates. Richard Bayer Phone 2-8110. h!9 CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Pre fer 6 mo., & yrs. 183 S 18th St. Ph 3-6876. hi: POP'S mimeographing, typing service, quality work, lower price 69 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. Prompt service. hl6 SERVICES Valley Sand to Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, sand to silt. Tractor dorlng to grading Tractor shovel for dirt moving Ph 3-4O02 off. Res 37146. fa ff A NT FT n RNiTl RE to glue repair Lee Bros. Ph 3-1333 h ACT') PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray Etter Call Snrock Motor Oo 3-9101 TREE WORK Trimming, topping and removing. Insured operator. John Payne. 248 8. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h9 ADULT Baby Sitter. Ph. 24934. hS CARPENTRY work. Cabinet bldg., furn! repairing. P. W Pease, 1648 8. Cot- tase. TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing. In, oper. Free est. W. H McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 31496. h29' RESPONSIBLE girls tie 22, 24. Wish baby sitting eves. Ph. 3-3821. BABY SITTING Reliable. exper. Will care for children anytime. Refs. 2041 Center 8t. Ph. 2-3504. h8 EDUCATION Get Ahead With Diesel Fvervwhere Industry is turning to DIESEL for economical streamlined power: Railroads, trucks, tractors, fac tories, large and small power and lisht Ina plant.. Re ahead of the crowd prepare for thL opportunity now. You can start learning Diesel operation and maintenance while holding present )ob If you are mechanically Inclined write for free facts Utilities Diesel Training, write box 173. Capital Journal hr-9 FOR RENT ROOMS ELDERLY coup want 2-rm. furn. or unfu-n. apt Near Blue Lake Cannery Inquire at Blue Lake Cafeteria. ia9 lady Ph. S40:5 )kI0' LotEl.T laree unfurn room for quirt, refined noiwmokine . non-dnnk:ne lady. Ph. 34025 jqklO SINGLE sleeping rm. 461 N. Huh St. Jkl3 RFATED large, well furnished room for man. Auto. heat, tn mod private home anrase available Good restaurant near- by. 1143 8 Liberty jklO LARGE sleeping room. 3131 Center. Jk8 MODERN sleeping rm . 2nd floor" hot water heat, phone connected. 1780 Court 81. Call 3-8949. Jk9" SINGLE or double rooms for legttlature only. 3-32. JkP" WARM downstairs sleeping room near State House Ph. 34866. Jk9 TWO WARM rooms, private home, 795 N Winter. Ph. 3-5539 Jk9 SINoTe SLFEPfNG ROOM. 473 rt, Liberty Jkfl ROOM for rent for legislature. Ph. 30467 Jk8 t RMS, PrtT. entranc for gent. Bath, hot water. Ph. 3-5194 Jk8 SIFrpiNG ROOM for employed lady. Ph" 30J68. Ikfl" MCE Fl'RN. bdrm Kit. prtv Close in B is. people No drinkers. Phone 39430 66 H Cottage J8 ROLLYWOOO Sleeping rm. 3033 McCov Ph 3-6093 JkSl LARCR attractive rm . ample closet apace, for emploved gentleman. Pn. 3-438 ATTRACTIAE room, prlva'e home gentle man N Summer. l-6Ja jkH' NICE furn heatedJ rm . meketa St NICE altering room, clew in. Tunning wa-er 658 Center Bt kd VFOR RENT APARTMENTS MINT f.irr ArT r. r,nt. Pit. MM. I REAL ESTATfc CO., REALTORS WANT A FARM?? 36 acre of Willamette oil. It couldn't lay better. Excellent outbuilding. 3 small but very good homes. Near city Close to achool. good road on 3 aides. This ta the very best 0 call Bill Stewart flow for further detail. 2 B. R. AND DEN Owner leaving this new home. Well lo cated in east Salem. Enalewood school district. New home Id surrounding area. $11,500. Call Mr. Menkens for n appointment to e it. For Your Convenience Evening Call Art Invited. Warren Brasher .3-5996 Bob Sullivan 3-6770 Bill Stewart 3-4723 Tnelma Mankertg 3-1223 477 Court Si. Co., Realtors IFOR SALE FARMS REALTY CO. 28 ACRES CLOSE TO SALEM All Willamette silt soil on paved road. Orade A dairy, 15 stanchion barn, milk hou.se. machine shed. New 4-room all modern home. Electric heat. 20 ACRES 11 acres cult. Bal. pasture and timber. Cl we to Salem on paved road. A real nice 6 -room home all modern, fireplace, full basement, furnace heat. Nice barn, chicken houses, shop. 12 cu. ft. deep freeze. See this If you want a nice place to :ive in the country. Price 113.650. Term. REALTY CO. Phone 3-32.S5 b" FOR RENT APARTMENTS ONE ROOM and kitchenette nrar6tate House. 832 50. Also 3-room yard house, furn.. 3 blks. courthouse, utilities lurn, 837.50. Ph. 34419. Ivan O. Martin. Jp; t-RM. Fl'RN. apt. to employed couple. near State Office building. 460 N. 13th St. Ph. 3-9371 or 2-5091. Jp9 NTVV 3 rm. and bath, partly furn. elee. heat and utility rm. Apply 1515 McCov Jp8- L'LTRA MODERN apt. Complete with ev erything. 2 blocks from State House. 4 blocks from city center. Located north 468 N. Winter jpj(r WANT A HOME for 3 or 3? Then our room were meant for you. 195 S. 24th. JP 10" APT., slpg. rm. Ph. 34336. 790 N. Church. JP32 ONE at two room apt. Also trailer house parking. 160 Union. Ph. 3-8048. jp9 TWO 3-rm. gr. fl., furn. emp. 840 Che m. 2-RM. Fl'RN. apt., priv. bath, outside entrance, ground floor. No objection to small child. Apply 624'i N. Capiol St. Jp9 A 2 to ,1 RM. Turn. apt. Ground floor. No drinking. 2310 N. 4th. Jp9 2 ROOM APT. partly furnished, suitable for adulas only. Private entrance and bath. All utilities furn., 45 per month. Se at 1045 N. 8th. jpB- s M ALL furnished apt. No drinking. Ph! 2-4846. 1180 Ruse, West Balem. jp9 4-RM. FL'KV apt. Outside entrance. No drinker. Ph. 23769. jp SINGLE RM. apt. Utilities turn.. 125.00. 840 8. Capitol. )P8 : RM. APT., utility furn. No private bath. 640 8. Capitol. jp8" NEW APTS.. private bath, very nice Con sider child over 6. Colse in. 1434 Terry. . Jpa HOL'.YYYOOD apt. 2-rm. to bath. Ph. 3-8093. jpu PRIVATE 3-ROOM apt. partly furnUhed. laundry facilities, ground floor, gar aae. 150 mo. 3560 Portland Rd. Ph. 29213. jpg. NEW 3-RM. attractive apt. In Hollywood dist. 359 to up Partly furn. Ph. 2B0A7. No children. jpg FOR RENT HOUSES 3-RM. FL'RN. HOUSE. Shower, fireplace, aarase. 'io permanent tenants only. SJ0 per mo. Kin wood Heights. Ph. 3-4633. jmS SI'ni'RRAN home, 350.00. furn.. first and last montn rent in advance. 3985 Pie an -ant View drive. Ph. 35939. Jm9" BFAI'TIFVL 3 bedroom home, partly fur nished in fine district. Automatic oil heat, Available Feb. Reference re quired. Write box 174. Capital Journal. Jml2 EMP. LADY wishes to share 3-bdrm. home with another emp. woman. Oood dis trict, l blk. to bus. Large furn. heated bdrm. Ph. 27495. jm9 MOD. Fl'RN. COT., one bdrm. Rose cot tagex. 2 ml. N of Brooks on 99E )ml7 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SALEM BUNGALOW home in exchange for use of home In Portland. Address re plies to 3003 S. E. 28th Ave., Portland. 3. Ore. Ve. 3014. J9 POWER TOOL rental for home to In dustrlal use. Howser Bros. Ph 3-3646 TRAILERS, 12 00 per day Howser Bros 608 Eds e water Bt, West Salem j TRUCKS and ears. Smltt'ys Clipper Ser vice. Ph. 39600. Cor. Center and Church BUSINESS RM. for rent H L Stiff. J V DRIVE trucks cars. Ph. 2-9103 GOOD USED PIANOS. H L tiff TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand er We el) everything to complete th lob ROW8RR BROS.-Ph 3-3846 ) IRONFRS 0? week Phone 34439 1 FLOOR SANDER fo rent Montgnr- y Ward r WANTED TO RENT BUTCHER and family need furn. or part- 1 furn. 2bdrm. house. Rent within: reason. Ph. evenings 34987. jalO POST A iTe M PL O YeTw Ife to small chiIddT sire unfurn 2-bdrm. home ;n Salem ion ! bus line'. Ph. 3-7381. ja!3 TWO ADULTS desire two-bedroom furn ' or unfurn apt. on downstairs floor by : Fh :t or aft'T Ph 3-613 i8 ROOM AND BOARD DOUBLE RM. for two. Fireplace, outside entrance. Breakfast and dinner. Bus line. Ph 3-6462 Jj8- BOARD A ROOM in my home In coun try. Write Box 161. JJU ROOM LOST AND FOUND LOST Pair of rimless glasses in blue case. Student ticket in case. 133 I. Mil ler st Ph. 3626. Reward. k9 LOST: Ladles' white gold Crosby wrist watch. Gen. reward. Ph. 3-434, Dallas Lost Thurs. morn, between Com I, St A Liberty on 8tste bR MISCELLANEOUS US irEINGI. mTl h!lr. 4 Court will' 16 MM Movie Library Talking Plrturt Service Sound Film 4k Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis, 412 Oregon Bldg. Phont 3-4793 or 1-5351 ifilV DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-rTrl SERVICE TN MOST CASR8 DR. HARRY 8 EM LtR DENTIST Adolph Bide State to Commercial 8ts BALEM Theme 2-1311 m IaSc TOUR SINGER Sew.nt machine repaired by t qual fid B.nger re arisen tative Ph 3-3513 for fret pick up and delivery service on All makes of ma chines Frew estimate given before work is taned Stngar Sewing Machine Co N Com'L tn BF AT TOUR HOME electrical:? It s fon- venient clean, econom eal See us Tor frt estimate TEATER APPLIANCE CO.. ! N L'.bertv an Journal Want Ads Pay BUILDING MATERIAL NE'T PLY WOOD Low priced, fivt dif ferent thlcknesse. V ' sheet only 18 35. New top tuallty, 1 panel door 18.78 and 16 00. C. O. Long. Rt. 3. Box 31. Balem. Ph. 35831. On mile norm of Keuer. ma 14 HOl'SEfor sale, wrecked or moved. Ph 3-6021. ie8 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform to Bennett circa Salem's leading masonry 4k plaster sup ply house Pn. 3-5643. "PI M1L1TE" WKSTSALEM m6" NEW ehTet rock7l53!50per M. Rock lath, 4 35 per yd. 's-in 8. mason Insulating wall board, 865.00 per M C. O. LONO. Rt. 2. Boi 31. Balem. Ph. 3-6631. One m 1 f N. of Keuer. m alO WANTED:" Cedar and Douglas Fir Poles, all aires. Advisa quantity can supply; prices fob. shipping point. Nieder meyer-Martin Co.. 714 Spalding Bldg.. Portland 4. Oregon. ma8 RED CEDAR ShlnsltS Ph. 68P32. charge account. INSULATION aod Weatherstripplng Cre foot Brothers. Ph 34656. ma FOR SALE Cheap Lumbar Boards and Dimension By tht jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can bt used for FHA building Independence Lumber to Manufacturing Company. Inc. I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS RADIO, eler trie iron, lronlnu board, chair. 696 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-9430. 116 WASHING MACHINE Just overhauled 3240 8. Commercial street. nl ALMOST NEW t ft. Zenith refrigerator. large freezlzng compartments. Reas 1540 Lancaster drive. nj BABV BUGGY, gray, colapsable. nearly new. Also baby scales. Call 21417 n9 n9 SILVER PLATING Tea sets, flatware, antique. Complete repair service end metal finishing "Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing" AVEK PLAT I NO CO.. Call 3-7171. n29 WAX SEAL cleans, polishes, waxes. Pro tects your car finish from rain and tun. Metallic like finish. Two years protection 11.75. easy to apply, average car 1 nr. Guiranteed. Ph. 2-3149. n30 BRAND NEW 4-5 room 53,000 BTU Duo Therm circulator Sepclal S78.93. GEVURTZ FURN., Ph. 3-4615. nlO' KEEP WARM, save on oil with Duo Therm 354.95 UP. GEVURTZ FURN.. Ph, 3-4615. BlO REDUCED TO SELL ELECTRIC RANGES Estate J burners, 6 qt. cooker, grid dle, broiler, large oven, clock and auto, oven timer. This ranee Is in exc. cond thruout. Only 8189.50. Elect romaster apt. site in very good condition. Priced to sell Hotpoint Auto, clock. 3 burners. qt. cooker, warming oven, large oven and broiler. A-l shape. 8169 50. Prlgidalre Exc. cond. with auto, cktek. lamp, minute-timer, warming oven and cooker. Only 8149.50. Also, several older elee. ranges that will still give lots of trouble fret serv ice. As low as 125. OAS Ac WOOD Comb, ranges. In very good cond. Two models Roper, 189.50: Wedaewood, 124 50. REFRIGERATORS Leonard Cold wall moist master, ac ross the top freeser holds 80 lbs. cu feet. Reasonable. M. W. 7 cu. ft. good cond. 1139 50. WASHING MACHINES Easy, Thor, Maytat Several to ehoose Irom. All in good cond. As low as 326. RALPH JOHNSON Appliances 355 Center St. Ph. 33139. r SMALL Westinghouse ranee, excel, cond., 135.00. 140.00 mechanical drill set, 317.60 Ph. 2-4679 eves. n9 HAND MEAT SLICER. Ph. 3-4750. nlO Clearance Floor Samples APPLIANCES Apx washer, ret. 3159 50 ..Now 8113.50 ABC washer (demonstrator) reg. 1149.50 Now Apex vacuum cleaner, reg. 99 30 169.50 How 14.50 Apex vacuum cleaner, ret. 159.50 Now Retina vacuum cleaner, reg. 44 SO 39.50 Now 19.95 Kaioer dish washer, ret. 209 50 NOW 88 50 Bunbreeze clothes drier . .Special 99.50 Frosil oil heater used) 39.60 Good Housekeeping;, Inc. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9611. nlO CLO-iE-OUT prices. Popular brand oil heaters. tllOOO down to 169.50. OFVURTZ FURN.. Ph. 3-4615. nlO FERTILIZER. Cow or cnicxen manure delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh 85 00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by ack 11 00 pet sack at place or will del. five sack order. Phillips Bros., Rt 6 Box 118, Salem. Ph. 68F33. n32 BRAND NEW Duo Therm oil heater, 160.00 GEVURTZ FURN.. Ph. 3-4615. nlO SPECIAL Brand new never used Olbson 6 cu. ft. refrigerator, 1229.95. GEVURTZ FURN.. Ph. 3-4615. nlO TAKE YOUR time trouble to the Clock Doctor 190 S. 14th. n9 NEW DUO THERM OU heater, 41,800 BTU OUtP'it. 170 00. GEVURTZ FURN. Ph. 3-4613. nlO MAN'S BROWN TOPCOAT, sire 40. 115 See 1805 Fir St or call 34666. n3 BID SPRING and spring mattress, 119 50 Hurry! 1434 Terry Bt. ni EI.EC RANGE. Zenith, 3 yrs. old. Exc cond Ph. 3-6616 nS 3-siTT VAI.-PAC suitcase, exc. cond. I '.9.50. Phone 33453. nlO 6' NEW GIBSON refrigerator spec. $229 15 OEVURTZ FURN., Ph. 8-461S. nlO GENERAL ELECTRIC ranees available at GEVURTZ Fl'RN.. Ph 3-4615. nlO USED washers, refrigerators anges. water heater YEATER APPLIANCE CO ELECTRIC room heater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 1113' Rent ATMORATS. Osone Good Health Sell H C Push 664 N 17th Ph 9 FARMTRS ATTENTION Electric fl controllers, homt milk pasteurisers, 1 ter churns YEATER APPLIANCE CO GENERAL Electric refrigerators available Gevurtr nlO PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing, u9t tt on floors. linoleum, woodwork, etc YEATER APPLIANCE CO BI3 IMC HOT WATER, beater 42 gal Col lins New 187 Ph 3-4234. RFFRIGFRATORS, range&7 ater heaters washers, irortera trash burners YEATER APrLIANCI CO MJ WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept tf' fers complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances Jul call 13191 n GARDEN sand, Otavti, crushed rock Shovel St drag-line excavating. W ALL IN O SAND O RAVEL CO Ph 1-639 SALEM SAND to GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing D'tchtng 8wer Basement Equipment Rental II B-H yds. 12 00 pet nt It B S yds 9 66 per hr D-7 Cat Dwr 10 10 pet hr D-6 Cat to Doier 6 40 per hr D-4 Cat Doser 7 00 per Bt Phone Pavg r.fsoa tve 3-8346 or 1-4406 Sakm Oregon HI T 1 01 hoir. ..Mtrc.;lf It'. ,en t.n.nt , ,n ,r6nMnieti .m m fat IrM wvirt.t, TIATFR .PFLUNCI OO. li H. LIMrtr. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WALLINO BAND Si OKA V EL OO CBUbHED BOCK for roads and omtwart tenant, ready mis toatrttt. garde sand. Bulldotint, drainage and tltchint. tbeval and drag Una Ph 3-619. APARTMENT slit refrigerators to ranges. Various brands avallbtlt at Otvurtt. Dtfl KELVIN ATOR, Rotpornl ftppltsnott: Pow. ir noiwaur ncatera itaips Applltncts. Ph 3-313. THOR Automaglt Washer a, Oladirona Hollywood Appliaott Cob f 14438 GENERAL ELECTRIC, erosley. Olbsos and Montag Appllsaot at Oevurts WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR EXTRA cash, sell us your feed ana grain bags. K to 8 Bag Co.. 347 Kear ney, or largt loU call 31877 or 30201, tve. na SEWING MACHINE, any ask or condC W. Davenport. Pb. 3-7671. 1930 N 18th. na20 NEWSPAPERS wanted. 1790 N. Front. 017 PERSONAL PERSONAL adviser. Mrs. Phillips. Ph. 2-9313. p6 STANLEY Home Products. 8S5 Cross St. Ph. 3-5305. p3l AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE'S You'll be better by far with a Teague guaran teed Used Car BANK TERMS 1947 Kaiser sedan with radio & heater 1942 Buick 5-pass coupe. 1941 Dodge sedan. 1939 Chev. sedan, a nice clean car. 1941 Nash sedan. 1941 Ford sedan 1937 Pontiac sedan. 1937 Chrysler Royal tudor. Many others to ehoose from. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Commercial Phont 24178. ql3 '4S-CHEV."aERO Sedan, fully equipped. 31995. 345 Richmond. Ph. 3-7008. qi rMtPPLY. coupe, by owner, excel, cond. throughout. 8900. Ph. 39593 or 336ST after 6 p.m. flli 1847 FORD 6-eyl. pickup, begt In town, may be seen at 675 Mission. Beat offer takes. ' HUDSON. 1300. '46 DOE. truck. 18 ft bed. Cook tagalong 13500, CARL BUDEAU. 307 Mill St.. SILVERTON. ql2 1848 MERCURY 4 -dr. sedan. Low mileage, Exe. cond. One owner. 1380 H. 16th. 8 M PLYMOUTH Coupe or will trade for what have you- 3240 8. Commercial St. 1987 DE SOTO 4 door sedan. Ph. 1-5859. q9 1942 PONTIAC conv. with R&H. Must sell soon. Price low. Set at 276 Hood St.. or call 3-7395. qlO IA41 HUDSON club coup. Heater, new paint. 1895. Ph. 2-7557. i '4t STD. CHAMP. 4-door sed. Hew 48 mo tor, new transmission and overdrive, new rubber, this car Is In first class shape. Ph. Lyons 2635. Wayne Smith, Rt. 1, Stayton, Ore. OJO CONVERTIBLE, 3800 down, bUTi 1941 Buick 6-pass. cpe., body con vet ted to '46 body atyle. Or trade In your old car. Super 50 (3-cyl.) 124-1n. whaelbai model. Very good cond. Ph. darg 34122. eves. 20416. 0.10 1947 SUPER BUICK sedan. Exc. cond. Best offer takes 336 Jerome St., Sil verton. Ore. tl I9M 4-DOOR DODOE sedan, radio to heater. SB. 1365 21st. 10 191 PLY. coupe. By owner. Excel, cond. thruout. 1950.00. Ph. 3-9593 or 3-2637 af ter 6 p.m. 16 NOT REBUILT BUT COMPLCTCLT Re-Manufactured WITH NEW PARTS THAT IS wirr Ward MOTORS Are the Best Buyl Ward Builds Quality TORD CHIVftOLIT PLYMOUTH DODOE MOTOR BUY NOW PAY LATER On Wtrd'l Liberal Firmer Pun MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty t BUT AT Zip. Zub. Zeb or Zeeb'i. 2323 Fairgrounds road. rn. 3-8454. q 1941 CHEV. 2-dr. sedan, equipped with heater, excel, cond. 81065. Call at 3599 East Nob HIM after 5 pre 09 Eisner Motors to Sell Eisner Motors to Buy This Time It s HUDSON I Service . Salts Parts Rome of Oood Csad Cart 8HROC7C MOTOR OO Church ak Ohemettta Sts Ph 1-9161 t 1946 FOUR door Ruir-t edan Oood fon anion, all new tires 61100 Betty Ward, Stayton. Oregon Box 6. Telephone Blut B ql t Eisner Motors Fine Cars PONTIACS Station Watoti '.48 8edin , , Aedan Cniipe 1M0 Ford Sed a ... 31895 .... 3595 ... I1H5 .... 3 .... 195 IMS Sedan IMS PM1UM Tude Itl Herrall Owens Co. MJi uMr pn Hill nt R RIPI TTinM 4,rn4j m roilT ut,fiion tw u,.d c., 14a N cnuTpf, (Continued on Page 13) 1