tl If h 1 h N u ai C v t I r tl d t n N y i m m H y m "1 I B hi w bi ut th h in cl. Pi th m hi Oi in kl hr dc m r m cl Si fr to m .v OS OM In G. w. i 12 Capital Journal. Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING) Per Lm ...1M Per Lin times 40 Per Lid I time 60c Per Lin 1 month 13 00 Out id oi Salem 15s per lln per day. Uin IOci I lima mm 80s times mlo. 11-30 No Refunds READERS In Local New Cel 3olyt Par Ud SO To Place so Ad Phone 2-2408 ThJ calaaaa It fer article eelliag far $10 or LESS Don't Save It Sell It! 2 Lines For 6 Days. SI 00 N. relundt. BAKSINITTE nd p.d. Like n.w. $7 08 Ph. 3B054. '' FOR SALE HOUSES LESS THAN COST A very good 3 R R. plastered home, a few yr. old, lot of shrub At shade trees, m Acre fenced with good barn. AH for $7600. Immed. Pom. NEW WEST SALEM HOME A better built I BR. home. Very nice LH.. hdwd. fir thruout. Elect, heat Excellent location. Easy terma. 17700. Call Walt Musgrav. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1331 EDGEWATER PH. 3-5101 a7 $500 DOWN 19500, BTRICTLY MODERN If you can make substantial monthly paymentfl, aay 100 a month, I will aelll you my home and give Immediate possession. Ranch aivle, built about 2 yean ago. Knotty pine finish, electric heat, floor covering wall to wall In all rooms. Two belroom. built-in kitchen, lota of closet apace. Colotyle bathroom. One acre of around, ahade tree and all year creek. Lea than 4 mile from Ladd ft Bush Bank. Prion owner 36893. 86-00. Late built 3-BR home Ketrer dut. Eire, heat., V-blinrts, attached garage. Large lot. Immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTOR fl ISt 8. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 35300. aS piuHo. Attractive iTbh home well lo cated Eiust on ' acre. Garage for 3 cars. Poultry Iioum. Fruit. Immediate po&se.vslon. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. Huh Bt. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 3 MM a6 BV OWNER: 4 rm. lot neat school bus ft itore. 3310 Laurel. Ph. 2-8770. g 11,830. Late built 5-room home inside city N E. Oil heat, fireplace, room up stairs to finish 2 more bedroom. Lot 0x100. Terma Cull O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS lt3 . Hlh St. Pli. 3-4131. Evrs. 35308 $330. SMALL very neat 1 bedroom home aouth. Lance lot Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High 81 Eve. 3-5581 Ph. 3-1131 a fSl.W. NEW modern 3-BR home 3 block from Salem HlKh School. Living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, at tached garage. Immediat possession. Call Stanley Broun with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High St Ph. 3-4131 Eve. 2-5581 a6' ONE BEDROOM SPECIAL Neat and clean, north Salem. Only I37SO. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. HlKh St. Phone 37880. a6 VtwiTLATE BI'H.T modern 3-BR home with unfinished upstair. East on bun line. Clfle to school. H.W. floor, fire place, oil furnace. Venetian blind, at tached caraa. Immediat possession. 11000 down. Call Rtanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 158 8. High St Ph. 3-4131 Eves. 3-6561 afl 3-nnuM. home rcooo Well located. Will tak In good trailer houxe. Terma on bal. THE REAL ESI ATE MARKET 433 N. HlKh St Phone 24703. 8 SALE BV OH NI B. Mod. 4-bdrm. plastered houxe. Pull basement, do to school At bua line. Located at 236 N. Liberty. Call at 2234 N. Liberty If Interested. alO' gtt.ioo ft BED RMS. on 1 fir. Full base ment, luriiRre, 3 block to Ernie wood School ood terma to right party. Call Mr. Waller Huff Real Estate Co. Real torn Ph. 3-0371 341 Chemeketa St. eves. 3-5380 SAIM t-'OOO DOWN. bua 3 houc on S acre. Ltrge ru.r., modern 2 bedroom don. 3 unfinished up. Small house, 3 room, wired for range. Rents for 130. See Harvey Hull Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-11371 eves. 3-9441 fllt.Nim 1rms. buys "brand nTw3 rmrnij bd. tin. home. Unfm. attic, hdwd. firs . aulo. heat, brunt if ul kitchen, Ilrrplace C'ntt lUi vev llulf. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 141 Chemeketa Bt I'll. 3-9271 Evrs. 3-B441 LOOK A Cl'TIE Notice Lot Me tinxlioi a blk. to ach. pd. t. Hdewalks, new. well-built brick trim. home. 2 la Hit din. A utility rm , lire pic )k Hour, est I. Ilr. plan. See : I t.ukitibrl Huff Real Estate Co. ALL MtrnrKN BT OWN I R -1 bedroom hom. garage, utility room, oil floor furnace, lot 5tixl3V Price $5500. Call at MM H)d St.. Salem an t-RM. HOI sr., amall atorage room In bark. All new aiul mod Kuril s acre walituti Full prlre 83.H50. Will consider small trailer houne on my equity. Balance 810 a mo. hee Kiigore at 43S s. 13th. I-RM. MOllKRN home. 15h0 down. Will tak car or pit k up prt payment. Furniture for rate. Phone 20040 a8 BY nWNm -Price retlured to 87()06niy 91000 d wn, new, well-ronitrurled, 3 Aeiirm. noue. nit-e, laroe llv. rm,. din ette, kitchen, corner nook ut i lit v room hardwood floor k, garage. Paved at. Clote to srhool and bu. I'M j-7312. 3 Exceptional Buys 3 ere" a home with a O. I. loan. 7JM - 3 bdrm , hdwd floor attacltrd gar- ate, small down payment ONLY 18150 - It s worth many dollars more. New, eatra lane rm , iHlwd lira.. 3 bdrm , large wardrobe closet, dinini rm , utl -rm , separate garaae, paved at , Clone In. NEW hoiwe. corner lot, 3 bdrm. 18500 Eft teim.. TO Bl'Y SELL - OR HKNT Kalph Bent Realtor 3 3133 Bun or aUe call Klumpp, 3-0138 23150 S. Commercial SU if 1943 SPKCIAL A OOOtt four h ed room house located on through street, near schoola, stores, bwi J nr. automatic heat, good condition throuahout Sensibly priced at 17000 Call Mr. Holmes Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 14 N Hih St. Pnaot 1790 Eve Phone 34773. 38805. a8 t-llOOM House. I bdrm . utility rm", wond shed, and araae I kU included Ui tid, Ci. tiaitoD. 4 Oregon, Friday, January 7. 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES YOU WILL BE PBOtD to own thU apa- cioua (over 1300 aq. It.) modern home. 15x19 LR.. fireplace, lie. DR, 3 Is bdrma., knotty pine den. Youngatowo equipment it kit., Ige. laundry rm., at tached garage, coved ceilings, all hdwd fir., fully insulated. On Ige. comer lot, paved atreet. near school, bus, atorea if church. Well landscaped, ranch atyle fence. Truly a sacrifice at 110.900. BCALTIFLL ACBtS NORTH this at tractive 3-BR hom. Eiec. neat, lg. ar lety fruit it berries. 18700. NEW HOME VIEW. 3-BR, LR With view window, hdwd., fireplace, auto, oil heat. $7400 loan at 4. Extra good at 197 W) Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive List In ts Personal Servlr 184 t. Com! St Ph. 1389; Evt. 4-7440 $1,000 Down Unfinished 3 -bdrm. home, B.lvertoa rd.. 13830 full price. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 243 or n. 3-8838. 1389 6th St., W. Salem. A Few Days Only Apt. house close in. 11 rentals. 133,000 B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11. Wallace Road, Rt. 1. Box 343 or Ph. 3-8838. 1289 0th St., W. Salein 7' ALL ELECTRIC Brand new 3 bdrm. hom with pecan fir., utility rm., on paved at. Price 17950. PHA terms to suit. (Tak lot as part payment.) $1000 DOWN 3'i year old 3 bdrm. home on paved atreet near school, bua and stores. Price 17300. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1883 Center St. Ph. 3-4552 Eves. 2-1405 a5 BY OWNER, new 4-bdrm. house. Ph. 30557 FOR SALE OR TRADE by owner. 2 bdrm. home In excellent condition 8t location, hdwd. floors, fireplace, full basement. 12.600.00 will handle. Will trade for Klamath Falls property. Call 3-0910 af ter 6 o'clock. 6 DUPLEX at Dallas. Month Income for 19500.00. PM. 2015 Dallas. 3-BDRM. modern home. Wired for dec ranae. Mas not water. 15500. Ph. 3015 Dallas. g7 BY OWNER, well built 3-BR home, full Mini, unnn. attic, fireplace, eiec. hot wtr. 1085 Norway. Ph. 30868. alO $1400 DOWN $28 A MONTH Mod. 1-bdrm. house. Lot 130x80. last of town. Abrams & Skinner Inc. 411 Masonic Bids. Ph. 3-9217 Insurance, Mortgage Loans a7 f6-5ft Low down payment, balance like rent, l BR suburban home on a large lot. 170001 acre In city limit plus a 3-BR HOME, EXCELLENT FOR DEVELOP MENT. SdMSO ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT. 3-BR, In sulate and weather-stripped, fireplace, hardwood floors, patio and workshop. About 8 years old. See this. anno $975 down, balance easy. 3-BR. al most new home and Is very nice. Ha Ore. State Vet loan. Suburban lot 100s 1B0'. THE BEST BUY ON TODAY'S MARKET. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court. Ph. 3-4707; Evt. 37383 or 25148 ! YES We need listings on your property In and around fialem. Prompt, courteous service. CALL US TODAY. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4532 Eve. 3-6033 aS t FAMILY HOME with furniture, rugs, reingeraiora, range. Private batli it entrances. Auto. eiec. heat. Oarage. Near bus. Ctood Investment. Ph. 2-6463 a7 $1500 DOWN New 3-bdrm. auburban. hdwd. firs., eiec. heat, garage, only $7,250. $1000 DOWN 3-bdrm. 3-yr-old. near 4 -Corners. Lot 86'xlM'. Very comfortable & nice at 7300. $8300 FULL PRICE 3 -bedroom 8-yr.-old. Oil floor furnace, large rooms. Truly a nice home. Can be bought furnlahed. We think this Jj worth the money for 18300. Want to Sell or Buy Olve Rawlins a Try Rawlins Reaity (Hollywood District) Ph 3-4864: Eve 28013. 2253 3S797. 7 FOR SALE LOTS LOT M'xISB. Restricted district, pave ment, water. Ph. 24048 after I p.m. al LOT ON county street. Near proposed school. 4-cornera dut. Inq. TI3 S. la ma Ave. a7 CORNER LOT. 1 block from Capitol Market, 81500 00 Call before noon 3-8483. aa7 t A( RE Bt'lLDINQ lot with water. Bell or trade for car. 10ft Evergreen . aaB1 FOR SALE FARMS PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD! CITY LOTH 111; ranch, timber. raaln land i In Calif., Oregon. Waihlngrtton 11.3ft to 65 per acre. FREE CIRCULARS. Pariflc Landa, Box 3 350-p J, Hollywood, Caltf. be BARGAIN HUNTERS SPECIAL Pine 34 acre farm. 3 acres ftne pears. 1 acre boysenberrle. all In cultiva tion. Good 4 bed room hom. with large sun room. I Ire pi ace, basement and auto, oil pipe furnace. Good barn, chirk en house, brooder house, hay, and equipment, all lor 1 10.000 full price. This 1 a banain. Call Ray Davis Huff Real Estate Co. Realtora 341 Chemeketa SI Ph, 3-0371 Eve. 2-88,i8 hit 3H ACRE FARM Modern 7 room house, barn, double aaraie, work simp, three acres boysen berrle, orchard, r-s.-mre. ome oats ft vetch, livestock and implement. Two spring, school bus br door Pretty set ting. T miles from Salem. 114,300. Call Mr Walters Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph, 3-9371 eves. 3-9441 68 BENT FARM VAM'E. 100 A. all cult . allt loam, close to town Pacific Highway. Mod. plast. 8 HH hom. basement A furnace, Ige. barn. 3 alios A other bldaa Bldgs. could not be replaced for prlr aked. This farm la well lor., good fen res and Ideal for atork A dairy. You ran i city more ror iju IMKI RT04 HFD UI irrrD. .18 A. ter? prod allt loam, 3'i ml. from town. Irrtg. wa ter. iaeai iot irurg a Berry rrnpa. A Improved Marshall, perm, past Incli all eiec equipment, good 26t33 barn would convert to trade A " Pltrt btdgs. All rtt. ov door Pon t fall to see 1hi TRADE FOR HOME OR B08I 313,900. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings . Personal Service 184 S. Com I. St. Ph. 3-IJ80, Eva. 3-7440 b6' 18 VRE All under cultivation, seeded, 8 rm , barn, hay ahed. aaraee. Family orchard. Close to public A Catholic school A church, store Electricity. pressure tem I7.MMI cash. mile i of S'nw Rox ja mj FOR SALE ACREAGE It A . t noi sr. with 3 bdrmi . located 1 mil eaH of Swegie school on paved .imu. iiiquirr rrro iviein, hi. . 3A bb8 A FINE I ACH northeast, all In grow ing crop Nu-ely drained tno bides). Ideal for that country home. 13300. Bet ter see it now. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 143 Tf High St Phone 9-7000 bbV II ACP.F. about I ml lei downtown Baler, nice bids Apot. .o1 ami. aacoo Ph 3-6931. Wall Bocololsky. Real Estate Hoi REAL ESTATE "BETTER BUYS" 5450. Two bedroom hom on paved atreet, two blocks to scnool. Bus, eiec. cooking and hot water. Oil circulator. 11500 will handle, balance on contract. $1000 DOWN 3 bdrm. home on one floor, double gar aae on 1 acre of good soil. Suburban N E. Good well and pressure system, chick house. Full price J 61 so. TRADE FOR BUSINESS PROPERTY I room home with full basement and fireplace, aood res.dential district, walking dlstanc to downtown. Value 19500. BURT PICHA, Office 3-3649 33T N. High Street $6500 NEW 3 Bedroom Houxe 50x100 lot, paved street 4 blocks to beat grade school In town. Plastered Int. H W. floors, built-in, nook, hot water heater. Venetian blinds. 1mm. poa. 81500.00 will handle. Phone 3-4016 for appointment. S6850.00 NEW Here Is a new four room houte with everything close to schools, stores. Inexpen sive to operate and S1000 000 will handle. Remember this is new. Phon 3-4010 (or more details. $11,0000 NEW, INGLEWOOD Nice Lot. new one story atucco two bedroom home. HW floor, fireplace, auto. -oil att. aarage. 62000.00 will handle, then 857.00 a mo. Phone 3-4016 for the rest. Severin Realty Co. 212 N. High Phone 3-4016 At Night Dial GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. 1S53 N. Capitol Phone 3-3031 OUR SPECIALS FOR THE NEW YEAR 1949 Corner lot 50x100 in No. 3 business gone. 1 bdrm. house, price S37SO. 3-bdrm. house on large corner lot 115x130, Prlca 14300. Let 05x103 3 bdrm. house 3 yrs. old. Cement fndn., cooking A water heat elet. 81500 down Price 34500. A 3-bdrm. home with rental income of 150 per month plus living Quarters. 3 blk. to grade school, bus by door. 11000 down. Price 14050. 3 bdrm. home. S) yrs. old. lot 70x100. Dblc. garage. 3 blks. to grade school. Prlc 34150. 3 bdrm. plastered home. Outside fireplace, part ba&ement, bus by door. Grade school 3 blocks. Price 15950. SUBURBAN Live Better For Less 1 78 acres with 1-bdrm home 3 yrs. old. Cooking it wtr. heat eiec. Barn 18x24. Eiec. water system. Price 14500. 1 acre wltn 3 bdrm. home 3 yrs. old All electric heat. Price 34950. i acre, 4 bdrm. home 14 yrs. old. Ven. blinds. Gas heat. Range, refrigerator. A circ. Included In price of 16950. Fruit trees. 1 acre wltn 3 houxe. One 3 bdrm. houe rents for 70 per mo., A one 1-bdrm. house for $45 per mo. Cooking it water heat eiec. Dble. garage. On paved road. Close In. Price 110,500. 30 acre 2-bdrm. house. 1 bdrm. down A one up. Basement, furnace, large tarn. Dbl. garatte, chicken house. 1 John Deere tmctor with rubber, 5 milk cows, other machinery it farm equipment all included in price of 19,000. WE ALSO HAVE MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS IN BUSINESSES, FARMS AND HOMES. Evening 3-6863 J. Zeeb 3-8163 J Herr FOR SALE ACREAGE 12 ACRES Ideal home site, beautiful timber, fine garden ground, large creek, spring, 3 bedroom house, barn, chick house, the price 19000 u not too much. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 3-4129 bb6 87,0000. i At' RE with clean 2-BR home close in east. block to bus. Good barn, chicken house. This Is a beau tiful acreage lust outside the city. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S High St Ph. 3-4131 Eve. 3-5561 Eves. 2-5561. bb6 S7MM. tt AIRE with good 3-BR home close In nortn. On bu line, barn, chicken house, lota of fruit. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eve. 3-S561. bbB REAL ESTATE 37500 APPRO X. I A., 2 bedroom house. bath, living room, dining room and kitchen combnted. Nook, all electric, att. garage. Close to bus line. 17000 S A. 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room and kitchen com bined. Nook, grage. Near bua lines. Immed. possession. $7900 NEW 3 bedroom home, plastered, bath, living room, dining room, kitch n, all electric. Car part. Immed. pos aesaion. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa Street. Salem Phon 2-1545. 3-4896 Eves. 3-8363, 2-6686, 3-7563 C. W. REEVE, Realtor 13 A No Bklas. Creek. Some timber. South H cash. 4 BEDROOMS 91500. Bal. like rent. Older type home. Very neat A clean. Wired for range. Close to bus and school 3 BEDROOMS Furntshed. Close in acre. Clitcken hae. Fruit 5B00 00. Call Dent. WHY PAY KENT 1750 Down. Use your GI loan on this new home 6 blk. east of city limit Paved st reel. Ru by door. 7 bedrm Brand new. Hdwd. firs, thruout. Eiec heat. OWNFR LEAVING ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT This t a real buy for tlie (lr,. party that looks at thi home. All hdwd. firs. Larve LR. A DR. fireilace. Eiec. heat Unfinished attic. Insulated and weath--erst ripped. Att. an rune. Immed. posse ston. Very coort terms C. W. REEVE, Realtor 943 8. Commercial Ph. 3-490 eve 2-3488 t'S BEST BUYS $4500 Full Price 3 bdrm Close In north Reduced from I.NMVO. Alt. earaae. Completely redecor ated A renovated. Prl. well, I1MJ0 dn will handle. 3 Bedrooms A very lovely home In Silverton Spa cious room upstairs A down. Complete ly redecorated. Full basement, extra lane lot. dble tarste. ftrrplnre, lot of bu tit -ins Well worth 113.000. $6500 Full Price 3 bdrm Choice location, good cond ftflxlsO lot. Several frtitt A nut tree. 1 Al Isaak & Co.. Realtors 1035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7830. 3-4S06. Eve 3-0473. 3-36 C8 HERE 1 an opportunity to finish vout house to suit yoursrlve Larse spacious house. Eirrllent location, with a nice view. Larae lot Near Sweale school A heatilitul 3 BR home, very well arranaed Wall to wall floor eovertnaa in all room A good buy at H0.35O. Owner going east. ITM buv a nice 9 BR home 1 acre nireiy lorated on paved road. About miles from Salem Keizer Real Estate & Insurance M Cheniawa Rd l Ml West or Reiser eVhool Phone 3-13M or 3-3373 e6 TR 4.DK OR SMI. Ptv room hse in West Salem with 3 apt, brinetn 99 mo Three yr old Will trade for 3 bedroom roe In Salem C. M. Craig. Realtor N. Hull Pn. IJHI, Evt. J. Ml.) t7- I REAL ESTATE CAN'T BE FOUND! NORTH RIVER ROAD 15 6 A. good soil, some timber, modern furnished 4 bdrm. hom 3 years old. barn, chick house, work shop and gar age. cow and 3 heifers, chickens, every thing goes for I1W50. A HOME AND COURT SITE New 3 bdrm. plastered hdwd. firs. Lit. rm , kitchen, eiec. heat, garaae. Lot size looxioi. perfect for court. 13300 down. 138 50 per month. 2 ACRES 3 odrm modern home with unfinished upstair. Liv. rm.. kitchen. Oil hest. double garaae. For sal or trade. 17500. REALTORS Evenings calls 31033, 3-5390. 3-7451 3-3084. 3-( Phones 3-4517 H. Clark 3-0103 Noonchester REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS COM TORT ABLE 2 BEDRM. HOME lo cated in Fairmount Hill Dlst. Now rent ing for 165 month. 50x137 lot with large trees. J4800. Convenient terms. EXTRA NICE fenced acre Just east of 4-Corner on bus line. Very comfort able 2 bedrm. home with all modern convenience. Oarage; chicken house i9i0. Term. NEW WELL BUILT RANCH TYPE home 2 lovely sized bedrooms with closet space galore. Lrx. living room, dining room, kitchen. Extra larae one-car gar Be. Full price 18500. $1700 will handle Bal. FHA. If you don't see It advertised CALL US. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS "33 years f dependable service te home owners" 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: 3-5855, 3-4007, or 3-5620 8 NEW t bedrm. 11850 down. bal. J7300. FHA s.-)U a monin. Ph. 2-5422. 1 1.000 DOWN New 3 bedrm. bungalow, with large liv ing room and fireplace. Space for ex tra room In attic. Attached garage and large lot close to bus and stores. Price 88500. OWNER LEAVING CITY ' acre and practically new modern 3 bedrm. home, planted with cherry tree. Close to town and priced at 11,000 down, 850 per month. Call Mr. Cleary. Waiter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 Edge water St. Ph. 3-5109 Eves. 3-0939 c8 CALABA'S COLUMN HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT $800 DOWN 3 years old. modern home, living-room witn fireplace, dining room, 2 bed rooms, kitchen and bath, needs some redecorating but a good deal at only CLOSE IN ON MARKET STREET Business eone, good modern 2 bedroom home with basement, auto furnace heat excellent rental property. Full price DALLAS HIWAY Almost 'i acre, good 5 room home. 3 oei rooms, fireplace, basement and fur nace. Price Is riant at 1 10.000. SOUTH SALEM NEW HOME You will love to move into this brand new 3 bedroom home. It's well arranged and has lame closets. It's a plain good buy at 19000. FHA terms available. BUILDING LOTS 3 aood lot on Brevrnan. pavement and ewer In. I12S0 each. 50 x 100 lot on 8 20th, T5S0. Rudy Calaba & Co. REALTORS 231 N. Huh St P'-orie 3-5811 Eve. 3-5514 or 3-3779 WANTED REAL ESTATE WNTEI to buy good neighborhood store located In restricted residential section of citv. Send information to P.O. Boa 373 Aberdeen. Washington call WF ARE In need of good houses" to sell In or near Salem If ?oo wish to list your propert? for sale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTOR! 1.14 8LlbertMit. Phone 3-3471. ea NOTICE! If your property la for sale. rent or eirhange. list it with ua We nave all kinds of cash buvers TATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 P Htnh St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Swna. act close to 4 -Corners. 3-room home with ettra room started but not finished Nice garden space. Will trade for house In town. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co. REALTORS 133 8. Hiah. Ph. 3-4121. Evas. 35308 eb6 RESORT PROPERTY WFCOMA BFACH Retire tn beautiful Weroma Nice hom 3 bedroom and den H. W heat Hdwd floors Term. Might consider trade Owner Bo 87 Weroma Ore rrg BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR IT ASK- M8B sq ft t on Urm 1eae J K Klsh. 190 S. 13th. cdll II.. TERM. 3-untt court, each unit ha 8 brtlr,xm hardwood floors. V Kiiui Electric heat, electric ranges See Haney Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St Pn 3-9171 fe 3-9441 edBB Mf STORE ROOM fnrleMeln lo cation. HollJ wood. Ph, -42f. CdT REAL ESTATE REIMANN FOR $1000 DOWN 3 Bedroom Hom. near public and paro chial school, bus and stores. Immediat possession, wired for range. Prlct 88 000 NO. 320. 10c A SQUARE FOOT on lota with water, bua aervlc. elec tricity and close to school. Some choice ones left at 810 down and 813 per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 So. High Street Evas. A Suns. 3-8241, 3-5905, 3-4629, 3-2346 C6 GRABENHORST SPECIALS BUSINESS LOT SACRIFICE No. 3 gone SOxlDO ft., located on N. Commercial Bt. 1800 block. Prlct 93,780. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. OWNER PAID $5,300 3 bdrm. located close to State St. Plaster Interior, oil heat, an older home but a good one. Now priced at 94.700. 91,500 down. Call Roy Ferris. CLOSE IN No. 3 business rone good 1 ocirm. home, lot 50x06 ft. Ideal (or home A busmen. Price only 86.000. Call Ri-nard E. Grab enhorst. NEW 3 BDRM. HOME Has hdwd. firs, thruout. auto-heat, fire place, llv. rm . 24x14 ft. din. rm.. lie. kitchen, laundry rm.. dble. garage, lot 98X314 ft. Call Earl West. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 3-2471; Evenlnga. 3-2948, For Prompt and Courteous Service McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 So. High SOUTH liooo down Balance 365 a mo. 3-Bedroom modern hom. Good location. WEST SALEM 31000 down. Bal. 875 a mo. 3-Bedroom modern home. Paved street and sidewalk. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Da vi line till 3-5131 or 3-8620 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GARBAGE ROUTE Inquire 714 Hayter, Dallas, Oregon. cdll TIRE recapping and vulcanizing shop In Spfld., Ore. for sale. Price 18,500. In cludes equipment and training for new owner. Call between 8 and 4:30 3-9283 Salem, or call at new Navy Armory, on Turner Road. Ask for Red. cd6 3SM00. Suburban grocery store. Well located in good building Must sell because of sickness. Reasonable rent with lease Call O. V Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 133 S. High. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 35208 cd6 NICE STORE RM. for rent. A-l location Hollywood. Ph. 3-4526. cd6 GROCERY STORE ESTABLISHED SINCE 1939 Price 16.500 Includes stock and Equipment plus a 5-rm. house with bath, attached to store, partly fur nished, must be sold to settle an es tate. Contact Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St.. Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9202 Residence 3-433S or 3-8763 cd6 WE HAVE several good business oppor tunities from filling stations to court apt. If you don't see adv. what you want, call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 3-9371 eves. 3-9441 cd8 fftftoo Business Bids. 76'x28' bids. Suit able for garage. Call Omer. Huff Real Estate Co. DEALERS WANTED Valuable franchise available to quali fied Individuals or business firms. The Goodyear Wingfoot Home la now Teady for delivery to this territory. This home la a one or two bedroom, fully quipped house that can be set on the customer's foundation ready for occu pancy for leu than 13500. Exclusive franchise requires about 14000 tor Inventory purposes only. Address In quiries to: Northwest Wingfoot Homes. Inc. 881S Aurora Ave KEnwood 0488 Seattle, Wash. FURNTUREFORSALE WANTED Used small chest of drawers or child's wardrobe suitable for nurs err. Call 3-4320 d6 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICF pd. for turn., households. Ph 29511. 694 N. Liberty. Sundal Exchange UIGHEST PRICES paid. Phon Olenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 3-5110 da" AUCTIONS Special Consignment For Saturday, Jan. 8 10 A. M. An unusual lot of antique furniture, d.-'ie. clock vase, lamp A- misc. Joe Burke Sale Barn 3810 Silverton Road dd' LIVESTOCK WANTED OLD HORSES for fur farm feed. Call 8a Vem. 2-3896. eat BONDED A LICENSED livestock burer E. C. McCandllsh, 1121 S. 2ft Pb 3-6147 ea30 RABBITS REG. (BRITS. Will sell cheap tak all. Rt. 4. Box 396. Ph. 3-2208 PETS SMALL COCKER SPANIEL, 12 50. Ph. 28301. 3 mo, old POINTER brood b'trh. 4 yrs. old. Broken. Reg. Also one pointer pup, 3i mo. old, rea . best breed in Ore. Joe B. New rtardt. Rt. 4. Box 816. Salem. eclO TO GIE AWAY 3113 Myrtle ave houaebroken CHOICE Canary Birds. 360J4. 18th. ec30 Pt'P8 moa. old. 44ftChemawa road. CaTl 3?M ec6 FUEL 16 Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 912 00 For orders plea call collect Independence 3 Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing Company Independence, Oregon eea leTlVoi ID dry oak. 113 a cord18 in" ! 2nd growth fir verv good wood. 1S( a torn, rret unmeciat oeitvery. rn 3-472 ftlO Wtt.MT SHE ITS tor f jel Klorfeln Pack' tna Co. 480 N Front Bring aarka to in. r.trrx roniNC. . MMoad. db load Hoot Oregoa rul Cv PB. 1-9"1 (REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE APARTMENT HOUSE Grossing 3530 per month. 0 units with room for expansion. Close In. A real In vestment at only 37500 down. No. 730. 4 BEDROOM new. plaster.. Insulated hom. dining room. lovely kitchen, hardwood floors, large attached garage. Only 88,400 with 83.000 down. No. 434. LARGE INCOME & LIVING QUARTERS Here Is an opportunity to provide your self with an Income of over 400 per mo. plus living quartera. located vry close In No. 3 business ion. FOR FUR THER DETAILS CALL Peter H. Gelser. WILL TRADE If you want a good farm for a city home. Investigate this. 310 acres lorated 10 miles out. 200 ac. under cult., 110 ac. pasture A timber. Year round creek, 100 acres In fescue grass. 14 ac, cheriies. New modern 5 rm. home, full basmt . oil furnac A fireplaces, garage, Ige ma chine shed A shepe sheds, will take mo dern home or acreage home up to 315.000. Will take some terma. Call G. H Grabenhorst. Jr. 3-7772, 3-9968. 23-F-14, 2-8010 List Your Property With Us Phone 35131 or 38620 ENGLEWOOD 313350 S-Bedroom modern hom. Base ment, oil heat, close to school. ENGLEWOOD 115750 3-Bedroom modern home. New Very nice. Evening call 8-7163 or 3-9Bf4 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCR FEN ED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edge water St W Salem ee" CALL HiaHwTYUEL FOR Diesel and Stove OH. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phon 3-6444 ea GOOD IS IN. SLAB, also green slab for furnac use. Oregon Fuel Co Pb. 3-5533 ee6- DRY 1-ln. A 3-ft trt wood. Also 3-ft. fir limb wood. Ph 68F22 ee7a FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. Writ today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing free poultry infor mation. Lee's Hatchery. P.O. Box 723, Salem f26 HELP WANTED EXPER. CHECKER In grocery store. Call 3-1838 after 7:00 P.m. HELP WANTED FEMALE YOl'NG lady to work at fountain. Exp. desirable. Call in person. University Drug Store. 1220 Stale. gb8 WANTED FMM K D I AT I L V. middle-aged Christian lady to enre for 2 small chil dren, in my home, room it board. Home privilege. Ph. 2-2526. ab6 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES orricr. and clerical positions CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 8t!t St. Ph. 3-I4HB ttf!0' WANTED SALESMAN RAWLEIGH Dealer wanted at once. Good opportunity. Write at once. Rawleigh's. Dept. ORA-155-105. Oakland, Calif, ggfi OPENING for real estate salesman. Ret' mann Real Estate. Apply In person. gg8' SALESMAN with thorough knowledge of farm machinery. Must be a worker. Car essential. Bird A Zysset Co.. 871 Wallace Rd.. West Salem. g6 OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME Opening for 4 men with cara. age 35' 45. No Investment, and complete train' Ing given. Dec. earning. C. L.. Salem. 1945.00; B. K.. Portland. (1160,00; P. L.. Port land 11420.00; G. L.. Dallas, S750.OO. Half an hr. of your time you may change your life and put you In the higher Income bracket. See Mr. San ders Friday. January 7. at 7:30, Hotel Senator. Inquire at dek. eirfi' WANTED POSITIONS EXPER. Christian lady want to care i or imant up to l yr. in my nome. rn 2-5913. hi BABY SITTING. TWO EXPERIENCED waitresses. Exp. ne necssary. Apply at Capital Coffee Shop, State Capitol. h8 CARPENTER work, new, repair. Ph. 2-3093 b3B DISABLED veteran will do your mimeo graphing, typing and addressing Guar anteed work. Lowest prices. 94 Union. Ph. 3-6695, h6 WORK done by the hour. PhJ25409. hi PLASTER INC., PATCHWORK" ft chimney building. Ph. 3-4389. Free estimate. h26 FOR ANY " KIND of brick work drop a card. Free est. John W. Hanna, Rt. 3. Box 146. Silverton. Ore. no PRI'NiVg'tkEES, ahnibbery. rose, landscaping- Free estimate. Richard Boyer Phone 3-81 10. hi 9 CARE TOR CHILDREN in my home. Pre fer 6 mo., ft yrs 183 8 18tb St. Ph 2-6878 M7 FOE'S mimeographing, typing service, quality work, lower prices 69 N. 16: h. Ph. 3-3643 Prompt service. hl6 SERVICES Valley Sand ft Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, aand ft allt. Tractor dorlng A grading Tractor shovel for dirt moving Ph 3-4002 Off Res 2 7146. h' WANTED PIRMTI RE to llu ft repair Lee Broil's Ph 3-1233 h AI T PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etur Call Snrock Motor Co 8-9101 BOY. IS desire full or part-time em ployment. W ilHna to work. Ph. 3-1391. h6 TREE W'ORR Trlmmmi. topping and removing Inaured operator. John Payne. 848 S. Church. Ph. 3-0014. h0' AntLT Baby Sitter. Ph. 24934. h9 CHILD CARE for working mother. 1833 N 18th. Ph. 34891 h6 WILL KEEP HOl'SE ft take care ot el derly people or semi-in valid. Exp. Box 433. Indeptndence, Ore. h6 CARPENTRY work, repairing. P. W taae. Cabinet bids . Pease. 16a turn Cot- TREE WORK, trimming, topping, removing. In, oner. Free est. Mc AH later. 840 Trade. Ph. 31496 telling. W H h39a I EXP. LADY want house work Middlesg- ed, good cook. Ph 3-4131. Mrs. Bevrns REFONIRl-l girl at- 32, 34. wish baby ;lting eve. Ph. 3-38 Jl. hi BABY SI TY IN G Reliable ixper Will care for children anytime. Rets. 2041 Cen'e- St PI 2-1MM FOR RENT ROOMS LA R o B aieeping rersi31CBtrr 1 Jkll FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING room close In. Emp. lady. No smoking. Ph. 3-1905. -Trmk. Prlv. entrance) for gent. Bath, hot water. Ph. 3-5194 )6 si.EtPIN'G BOOM for employed lady. Ph. 20J68 jm NICE Ft RN. bdrm. Kit. prlv. Close in. Bus. people. No drinkers. Phone 39430 606 N. Cottaae: Jk6 HOLLYWOOD sleeping rm. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk31 CLONE In. heated doubt sleeping rm. No drinker. eo& union. ja- CLOSE in room for women only, 820. 425 N. Winter. JkTJ SLEEPING room, man. I N. Cottage. jklO A ROOM In private home for employed lady or couple and will glv board If desired. Ph. 38406. Jk7 LARGE attractive rm.. ample closet apace, for employed gentleman. Ph. 3-4248. jkia SLEEPING ROOM for employed lady with kitchen priv. Ph. 3-7338. Jk7 ROOMSMod. Clean. Close to. 680 Marion St. Jk7 RM. TO SHARE. Sep. beds. For men. Close in. .75 wk. ea. Ph. 35769. )k SLEEPING RMS. near Capitol. Prefer rent to legislator. Breakfast and gar age privileges. Ph. 3-3528. Jk6 CHOICE SLEEPING rooms for men. 478 N. Cottage St. forking jk6" LARGE DOI'BI.E heated bdrm. Horn A kitchen privileges. Suitable for 3 girls. Ph. 3-3883. Jk" NICE furn. heated rm., close In. 1271 Cue meketa St Jk running jk- SINGLE sleeping room. 472 N. Liberty HEATED BLP. Rm S20. 395 N 14th. FOR RENT APARTMENTS SINGLE RM. apt. Utilities furn.. 123.00. IPS 10 S. Capitol. Fl'R.V. 3 bedrm. flat. Private bath. S. Com'!. Adult only, 160.00. BEDRM. APT. bath, living rm. upstairs. Kitchen & Ph. 3-157. Jp7 RM. APT., utility furn. No prlrate bath. 640 S. Capitol. JPB NEW APTS.. private bath, very nice. Con sider child over 8. Colse In. 1434 Perry. bath. Ph. JpII MODERN complete apt. No sharing. Fine location with no bus service required. 468 N. Winter. JP8 PRIVATE 3-ROOM apt. partly furnished. laundry facilities, ground floor, gar aae. i50 mo. 3560 Portland Rd. Ph. 29213. Jp8 3-RM. Ft'R.V. apt. Heat, hot water. . N. Liberty. JP7 I'PSTAIRS apt. for young employed couple. no orinKing. iuuv . otn. jpc 3-R.M. liNFt RN. apt., bath outside en trance, sjo.oo. . i mue west oi anaw. Ph. 85F5. Jp7 MODERN 3-rm. apt. with furniture, prlv. oam. auto eiec. neat, near dus, rn. 25463, JpT CLEAN t-RM. N. 4th apt 340 mo. furn. 1706 jp7' FURN. APT. Ph. 2-03B8. FOI'R ROOM furn. apt. during legisla- turr. Near capitol. Call 3-0395 days or 3-9995 after 5:30 p.m. JP8' NEW 3-RM. attractive apt. In Hollywood dist. 359 ft up Partly furn. Ph. 38067, No children. jp8 MODERNLY Furn., all appl. Bus it school at doon Rea. rent. 3590 S. Com'l. Jp37' FOR RENT HOUSES 4 BDRM.. 2 bath, good location. Ph 3-8178 after 5:30 P.M. JmT RM. CABIN at Aumsrill Pavilion. Aumsville, Oregon. 318.00 a mo. drinking. Jm7 NEW brick house. Three blocks west Salem General Hospital. 5 rm. A bath on main floor. Full basement with laundry room, playroom, bdrms. it bath Attached garage, 190.00 a mo, Ph 3-9589. lm FOR RENT One 2-bdrm. home in Hollywood District. Contact us. George W. Hubbs Co. 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3031. Jm6 3 BDRM. HOl'SE. on Madron a ave. Ph. Woodburn Blue 155, L. R. Caswell. Jm7 HOUSE Close In. No eltctrlclty. A mm on G rice. Rt. 8, Box 593, Orchard Height road. Phone 16F15. Jm6 3 BEDRM. Home, hot water healer, wired lor range. 134 3wilbur. Ph. 3-2850. jmfl' T BEDRM. houxe. On Viall. J. B. Crumb" Rt. 1. Box 18. Jm6 MODERN 2 bdrm. home on Crolsan Creek, ranch stvle, knotty pine interior Insu lated, eiec. heat, colotyle bath and bulltin kr.chen floor covering wall to wall. Tlertrie water heater, native trees and all year creek, will lease. 3-6393. Jml2 MOD. Fl RN. COT., one bdrm. Rose cot tsaes. 2 mt. N, of Brook on OPE. Jml7' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for hom Ac in dus trial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646 1' TRAILERS, 12.00 per day Howser Bro. 608 Edsewater St. West Salem ) TRI CKS and cars Smltt'ys Clipper Ser vice. Ph 39600. Cor Center and Church J BUSINESS RM. for rem H L Stiff. J' U DRIVE trucks ears. Ph. 2-9103. GOOD t'SED PIANOS. 3 L Stiff TO DO a good Job rent a good floor aand er w 1) everything to complete tar HOWSER BROS. -Ph. IRONFRS b week Phone 24439 FLOOR SANDER fd rent Ward Uonfgor-- ry r WANTED TO RENT TWO ADt'LTS desire two-bedroom furn. or unfurn. apt. on downstairs floor by Feb. 1st o: after. Ph. 3-8143. Ja8 MOTHER 3 children desire small furnish' ed house or apt Write Box 173. Cap ital Journal. Ja7 3 OR 4-R3I. unfurnished house. By young couple with infant. Good care. 133 to .M0. Ph. 36462 8 a.m. to tl a.m. Ja6 HOl'SE up to ISO 00, Ph. 2-8429. EMPLOYED VET. ft family want 2 bdrm. house. Not to exceed 830 rent. Ph. 2-TU0. Ja6 VET ft WIFE urgently need house ot du plex, permanently employed, no chil dren. Ph. 3-7842 Ja6 near bus Ja6 ROOM AND BOARD DOI'BI.E RM. for two. Fireplace, outside entrance. Breakfast and dinner. Bus line. Ph. 2-8462 JJ8 BOARD ft ROOM in my horns tn coun try. Write Box 161. Jill Homestyl cooking Ji LOST AND FOUND LOST: Frl. P M . tan leather billfold con taining currency and personal papers. Contact John H "Tommy" Thompson, at 3-3175 or 2-1813. Reward, k78 LOST: Ladies' white gold Crosby wrist watch Gen. reward. Ph. 3-434. Dallas Lost Thurs. morn, between Com L St. ft ttoeHT on State kl MISCELLANEOUS SILVER PLATING Tea sets, flatware, antlaue. Complete repair service and metal finishing. "Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing" AVER PLATING CO, Call 3-771. m29 LES SPRINGER, mens hatter.'"484 Court mil 16 MM Movie Library Talking Plrture Servle Sound Film A Projectors tor Rent Eadle tewl. 413 Oregon Bld. rnoni 4aj or a-au B341 DFVTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEVLiTR DENTIST Ado.pB i State ft Commercial Su SALEM PQOQ 1-3)11. ' MISCELLANEOUS I AVE YOU I LB SINGES Sewing machine by a qualified Singer raprasan-i, tame. Pn 3-313 for fret pick up and delivery service on all make of ma chines. Pre estimate given be for wort U started Singer Sawing Machine Co, 130 N Com'l- HEAT TOl'B HOME electrically It's con venient, clean, economical. us tor fre astlmatt Y EATER APPLIANCE CO, 3'3 N Libert m BUILDING MATERIAL HOl'SE for sal, wrecked or moved. Ph. 3-6021. KBl FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heat lor m A Bennett circa. Salem's leading masonry A plaater tup ply house. Pn. 2-5643. "PI MIL1TE" WEST SALEM msl 1000 CLEAN used brick, $30.00. 748 S. Commercial. ma 7 NEW sheet rock, 653.80 per M. Rock lath. 835 per yd. '-ln. Simpson insulating wall board, 665.00 per M. C. O. LONG. Rt. 3. Box 31. Salem. Ph. 3-5821. On mile N. of Keller. malO WANTED: Cedar and Douglas Fir Poles, all sires. Advise quantity can supply; prices f.o.b. shipping point. Nieder-meyer-Martin Co., 714 Spalding Bids., Portland 4. Oregon. ma8a CEDAR BEVELED SIDING i x 10 Cedar Biding 8150.00 m No. l VG 18" Shakes ft colors with undercourx 13.911 sq. No. 1 and Btr. Oak Flooring. .1200 00 m FOSTER ROAD LUMBER YARD 5816 S. E Poster Road Portland 6, Ore. ma7 3500 TUFF STONE BuUdlng Blocks 25c each. 35971. mil RED CEDAR ah Ingle. Pb. 68F22, 1 m. charge account. ma22 FOR SALE Cheap Lumber Boards and Dimension By th Jitney load or by th thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building f Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing Company, Inc. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ONE White Rotary sewing machine, 335.00. one wasntng machine, very good. See at 1491 Franklin St., West Salem. b7 FIVE sets of round steel bridge tables and cnairs. Like new, gaa a set. one 10-it. basement bar, 826. 168 N. 12th St. Ph. 36620. n7 8 KlRfjc'H draw curtain rods, earh 80-in. long, never usea, complete, aiu.uu. uni Electrostreem radiator, 310.00. One pair of figure Ice skates, shoe sute 3. Ph. 3-8491. n6' WAX SEAL cleans, polishes, waxes. Pro tects your cars finish from rain and sun. Metallic like finish. Two years protection SI.75, easy to apply, average car I hr. Guaranteed. Ph. 3-3149. n30 USED COLDSPOT refrigerator, good cond. 169.50. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 467 Court St. Phone 39611. na BRAND NEW 4-3 room 53.000 BTU Duo Therm circulator. Sepcial 378.95. GEVURTZ FURN.. Ph. 3-4613. nlO" KEEP WARM, save on oil with Duo Therm 854.95 up. GEVURTZ FURN.. Ph. 3-4611. n!0 ELFSTR'OM'S Used Appliance BARGAINS WASHERS Deluxe O. E.. 8 lbs. One control 1 year old. white t 99.50 G. E. One control, I lbs. green.. 89.91 Kenmore. I lbs. White 79.98 Maytag, s lbs. Excellent shape. Brown and tan 9.91 Zenith, 3 lb. Double tub. Ilk new, 1 year old, white Thor. 8 lbs. Very good, white , 79.91 54.95 Zenith. 8 lbs. Good condition. wmte 34 U Montgomery Ward, f lbs. Oood, While Bendlz Automatic, used very lit" 9.91 tl 135 00 RANGES Hotpo:nt Electric Ranse. divided cooking top, white, excellent .. 89.9 Hot point Electric Range, white, on legs 35.0 Deluxe Electric Range, excellent cond.. all white 1250 Oil Fired Cook Rang. Olympic. All white, like new 71.0 Wood Range, excellent buy, ill white, water colls 79.9 REFRIGERATORS it FREEZERS Gen. Electric, 7 cu. ft. Very clean, each 75.00 6 cu. ft. Mont. Ward 65.00 10 eu. ft, Coldspot Deluxe, very good 165.00 6 cu. ft. Frit Ida ire. 9 mot, old Just like new 169.93 Harder Freer. 3 yrs. old. As good as new. 18 cu. ft 430 00 4 ru. ft. G. E. Cheat Type Frees- er. s vr. guarantee. Reg. 239.9S Floor Model 150.00 Deluxe Zenith vac. cleaner, floor samples, reg I69.9S 49.98 72" Sink, white, floor samples, Were 1177.50 90 50 R. L. ELFSTR0M CO. 340 Cart galeae CRIB, complete. Ph. 3-5885. 4093 Earl ave. REDUCED TO SELL ; ELECTRIC RANGES Estate 3 burners. I at. cooker, grid dle, broiler, laree oven, clock and auto, oven timer. Thi ranae la in exc. cond. thruout. Only 9189.60. Elect romaater apt. sire in very good condition. Priced to jell. Hot point Auto, clock, t burners. 6 t. cooker, warming oven, large oteo and broiler. A-l shape. 8181.90. Ftigldalre Exr. cond. with auto, clock, tamp, minute-timer, warming oven and cooker. Only 1149.80. Also, several older tier, ranaea that will atm give lot of troubl fret arrv ke. As low as 123. GAS ft WOOD Comb, ranees. In very good cond. Two models Roper, 189 30; Wedaewood. 9134.30. REFRIGERATORS Leonard Cold wall wiotst master, se rosa the top freeaer holds 30 lbs. ff eu, feet. Reasonable. U. W. T cu. ft. good cond. 1139 Si. WASHING MACHINES Easy. Thor. Maytag Several to ehooat from. All in good cond. As low as 138. RALPH JOHNSON Appliances 353 Center St. Ph. 33139 nl' COAL OIL circulator with fan. Oak off.c desk. Two 9x12 rua with pad. Shallow well pump. L. J. Stewart. Rt. 8. Box 105. ml. t of 4-Cornara. Phon 3-4331 after I or all day Sat. ft Sun. o7 FOR SUE Hay: oats, vetch hay. 2-9608 eves. 4 to 7 p m. REMINGTON automatic 13 ga. ghwgun. Excellent cond.tlon. 363 00. 111S South 13th St. Apt. Na. 3. Ask tor "N:ck." nl ? CU At TO. ca water heater. S-hurn-r gas rant, oven below. Pn. Silverton 3812 E R. Borce. 4131 W. Main n7 (Continued on Page 13)