14 Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Wednesday. Jan. 5, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVEftllftlNOl pn lid 1M Per Lint I tines Per Line I tinea Per Line 1 month 82 00 Out I da of Salea ISf Pr P dar afin. I Oct t tlmw Bin 10c tlmw mm. 11-30. No Refund BEADEUH la Ueal News Cel Onlyi Per line To PUcu an Ad Phone Z-J406 Thi to for ortlelea telling $10 or LESS Don't Save It Sell It! 1 Lines For 6 Days. $100 Km ret nod. tO GIVE away, gray tat. 3-7087. a b8 JAPANESE ceremonial aaber, like new, ton. ph. 3-2314 ; FOR SALE HOUSES LESS THAN COST A wry oxl B R. plastered home, a lew yri. old. lot of ahrub ft hade tretu. l'i Acre fenced with good barn All for 87500. Immed. Pom. NEW WEST SALEM HOME A better built I BR. home. Very nice L R. hdwd. fir, thruout. Elect, heat. ITxaellent location, Eay term, WOO. Call Walt Musgrav. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1333 EDOEWATER - PH. 1-5100 7 SMALL HOI'St. bathroom and furnished. Price 12400 witn terms. Journal Box ie RAft Fiir.i. PRICE 3 Bdrm. ft Sleeping Porch. Near State St. Wired lor range. Ue. LR & DR, Kit., Oarage. 12500 will handle. $1500 DN. But. 1 Bdrm.. new. Attached Oarage. Hear bu. Wired for range. 87350. For these As other t B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. Sri!. Wallace Road. R. 1. Box 343 Of PH. 2-8838. 1380 6th St., W. Balrm $500 DOWN 18400. STRICTLY MODERN K you can make ubtantial monthly payments, aay 1100 a month, 1 will aetll you my home and live Immediate poMWlon. Ranch style, built about 3 year aito. Knotty pine finish, electric heat, floor covering wall to wall tn all room. Two bedroom, built-in kitchen, lot of closet apace. Colotyle bathroom. One acre of around, ahade tree and all year creek. Less than 4 mile from Ladd ft Bush Bank. Phone owner 36693. all KEIZER DIST. $1,000 DOWN Furnished Plastered modern 1 brdroom home about aeven year old. Very good cond. Corner lot about V, A. Prult tree ft garden Pca, drilled well, double a rase, laundry tray. block to city tu ft grocery. Orade school 3 block. Immediate Possession. Easy Payments. Full Price $6800. Abrami cV Skinner Inc. 411 Masonic Bid. Ph. 3-0311 Inaurance, Mortgage Loan a4 Happy New Year Homes P1rt time advertied- Only 1800 your lai moaei car u oown payment, thl 3 bedrm. home near Lea 11 School. First time advertised- Over 1000 q. It Piu garsr. Jirw bedrm. home, dining rm.. convenient hall. spacious living for only 18950. Pint time advertised: For 18500. new home on corner ioi. bedrm.. large garage, paved t., 3 blk to achool. PH A term. First time advertised: McKlnley achool flist. on noo run New 2 bedrm., fireplace, garage 111, BOO. term. First time advertied: 3 bedrm. down. 3 unfinished up. Base ment, dble. garage. Exceptionally fine home for 1 13,400 TO BUT - BELL - OR RENT Ralph Bent Realtor 3-3133 Run. or Eve. call Klumpp, 3-0138 2330 S. Commercial St. 4 4M. Late built 1BR home Kelier dlst. Bee. heat.. V-bllnd. attached garage. Large lot. Immediate possession. Call O. T. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS lit S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 15308 a' ELL OH UK NT 3 bedrm, house at Lron. Oregon, 13.350 of will rent lor 131.00. Be Earl Moslander, 1 mile north of A urn v Hie on 333. 5 ftftM. Attractive 3-RR home well lo cated KaM on h acre. Uarate for 2 ear. Poultry house. Fruit. Immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS MS S. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 18309 6 BT OWNER: 4 rm. house. S lot near achool bu ft atore. 2310 Laurel. Ph. 3-8770. ' gll.RM. Late built B-room home Inside city N. E. Oil heal, fireplace, room up talr to finish 3 more hrdrooms. Lot 0x100. Term. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 183 B. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 35308 OLD 1 HR hJ-e. Equipped auto-oll heat Only I79W. One bl. off of N. Capitol at Goodwin & McMillin Realtor. 484 Court Ph. 3-4707. Evening 2-7383 or 38148 18,909 , A , English type home. 1 bd rm. down. 2 up. Hd firs . fireplace. full fin. basement ft air cond. Oil pipe furnace. Call Harvey Hutf. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9311 Eve. 3-0441 B I tS A. Ml. EAST for 10000. Clean 3 PR house, deep well, barn, chicken house, a., fruit house Oood family ore herd A. of dandy berry ground all cleared 1 would Ike to how you thta. See Ed Laklnbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. flee Hon 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9271 Eve. 2-800 a MM. (MILL very neat 1 bedroom home math Lara lot Immediate possession. 4HM Btanle Brown with State Finance Co. REALTOR tM S MMh St Ph. 3-4131 ??MLSS,IJ Bf'M NEW 4 bd rm. home with-oil p'P furnace fireplace. 1. lot In new frddttoa overlook ina Salem. Call Mr Walter. Huff Real Estate Co. fUaltor Ph. 3-3371 141 Chemehrta St Eve. 3-5360 S rTM, NEW modern 3-RR home 3 blorks from Salem Hlih School. Lliing room, dining room, kitchen and bath, at tached taraae. Immediate poieion. Call Stanley Brown 1th State Finance Co. REALTORS S. Eia-h St Eve. i-6l Ph. 3-4131 a6 FOR SALE BY OWNER t bdrm. horn with large lot. Enough l pulld I 3 house or rental Oood location for apartment or court Ph. 1-1901. 84959. al ONE BEDROOM SPECIAL Umi .n. cl.tn. north A.l.rn. Only MTU . Salem Realty Co. MUUTOM 14. . BKk at. ftMM IMW. FOR SALE HOUSES LATE BI'ILT modern 3-BR home with unfinished upstairs. But on bu line. CIO to school. H W. floor, fire place, oil furnace. Venetian blind, at tached garage. Immediate possession 1 1000 doan. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS IBS S. High Bt Ph. 1-4131 Eve. 1-9591 YES We need luting on your property In and around Salem. Prompt, courteoua ervlc. CALL US TODAY. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1883 Center Bt. Ph. 3-4563 Eve. 2-6S23 a4 ALL ELECTRIC Brand new 3 bdrm. bom with per an fir., utility rm., on paved at. Price I7i0. FHA term to ult. (Take lot a part payment $1000 DOWN 3'i year old 3 bdrm. home on paved atreet near achool, bu and atore. Price 17300 COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1082 Center SI. Ph. 3-4BS2 Eve 3-1405 a 4 LOT ON country road. Near proposed achool. 4 -corner dlt. Inq. 7S5 S. El mtra Ave. a 6 BEST BUYS $1000 Down 4 room house, can be made into B very easily. Full bsmt.. wdut furnace, aar aie. Lot of ahrub and tree. Very close to school, bu and atort. Full price only 16000. Brand New 3 bdrm., 900 xq ft. floor apace, attach ed garage. Immediate possession. Locat ed In Oerval. If you ar for a email city, thl U a real buy. We believe It would easily brine 19000 In Salem. Full price only 16700 Approx. $1800 Down Brand new t bdrm., all on one floor. Very well constructed. Bu at door. Stone throw from store and achool. Close In east. Full price only 19750. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 303B Portland Road Ph. 3-1820, 3-4598; Eve. 2-0473. 3-3558. $5500 3 bdrm. plastered home. Located with in aaxy walking distance to atore and atato office bldga. $10,500 4 bdrm. modern home, fireplace, full basement, large spacious rooms, on 6 acre of good aoli, excellent well. lamiiy orchard. acre of strawberries. Bee H. E. COREY, REAL ESTATE 1484 Marlon St. Ph. day or eve. 33816 or 35243 4 FURNISHED 2-BDRM. Largo lot, living, dining, and kitchen. 3 block bu, immediate poeton, part term. E. M. Hunter REAL ESTATE 170 S, Com'l. Ph. 2-4849; Eve. 3-B497. 3 Exceptional Buys 3 Here a home with a o. I. loan. 72Mi 3 bdrm.. hdwd. floor, attached gar aae, small down paymrnt. ONLY taiSO it' worth many dollars more. New, extra large rmi.. hdwd. firs., 3 bdrm., large wardrobe closets, dining rm., utl.-rm., separate garace, paved St.. close In. NEW house, corner lot, 2 bdrm., I8SO0. Easy terms. TO BUY - SELL - OR RENT Ralph Bent Realtor 3-3133 Sun. or Eve. call Klumpp. 2-0126 2330 S. Commercial St 3-BDRM. HOME S5000 Well located. Will take In good trailer house. Terms on bal. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793. a6 YOU WIf.L BE PROI'D to own this spa cious lover 1200 q, ft.) modern home. 15x19 LR.. fireplace, Ige. DR. 2 Ige. bdrm., knotty pine drn, Younastown equipment It kit., Ige. laundry rm., at tached garage. Coved celling, all hdwd. fir., fully Insulated. On Ige. corner lot, paved atreet, near school, bu. store & church. Wrll landscaped, ranch style fence. Truly a sacrifice at 110.900. BEAI'TIFI'L ACRES NORTH ft this at tractive 3-BR home. Eire, heat, ke. var iety fruit ft berries. 18700. Sf.Vi HOME A VIEW. 3-BR. LR with view window, hdwd., fireplace, auto, oil heat. $7400 loan at 4. Extra good at 19750 Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St Ph. 83R9; Eve. 3-7440 NEW, MODERN, nearly finished 3-RR house, close to bu and achool. Ige. lot. apace for another house. 1 10.500. Very good 1 BR home with sleeping porch. Located in Keiaer district, on pavement, bu by the door. A good buy at 14200, See thl place betor you buy. Lovely 3-BR home, fireplace, DR. elec. heat. close to achool, close to bus. on paved street. Inside city limit. 113.500. Keizer Real Estate and Insurance 655 Chemawa Rd. " Mile West of Krixer School Phone 3-1380 or 23373. a4' 1949 SPECIAL A CiOOD four bedroom house located on 111 rout h street, near schools, stores, bus l:ne. automatic heat, good condition t hrouehout Sensibly priced at I Call Mr. Holmrs Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N High St. Phone 37680 Eve Phone 34773. 36605. a8 V-ROOM House. 3 bdrm , utility rm" ood shed, and garage. 3 lot Included Uli 3rd St. 81 avion. 6 RV OWNt-R. 2' yr. oM hottsr. Excel. cond. Price I9OO0 2 BK. hdwd. lira Wesix Flee hrat. ftreptacr, tarsi r lawn Lot 66x260 P H A. terms. 1045 Vis ta. Ph. 2-68:9. a4 KEIZER 1 BR house, large lot, wal nut trees 13 9 0 HOI.I.rnoon. Small 4 rm. hse., lot SMI 20. 2 nice alnut tree, apple tree, pa ted t. IJ9.S0 KOI Til. New. modern style, 1 BR house. restricted district, ready to occupy close to atore. school and bu. Only 1.1500 ENtiLRWOnn. I vr old. lovely 3 BR home Hdwd. firs, fireplace, modernistic kit chen, furnace heat, attached aarage extra atorate apace, best ot surround- in. A good buy at 18950 N. E. Extra aire, extra quality. New I room home, hdad floor, fireplace. Ven blind, furnace heat, lovelv kitchen, dming rm., china closet, largg It v. rm attic, apace for mora room, attached garae. paved street. R. E. Meredith B. M. Mason 176 S Commercial. Phone 3-8941 BY OWNER, new 4 -bdrm. house. Ph. 30557 FOR MALE OB TRADE by owner, t bdrm home In excellent condition ft location, hdad floors, fireplace, full barmrnt II 600 00 will handle Will trade t Klamath Pal la property. Call 2-0910 at- ter 5 o'clock a FOR SALE LOT LOT BARGAINS East tn Hater's Subdivision ,...1350 N Near Cherry Ate 10x100 1900 00 1 Lu N. of Aluminum Plant. Bach IMM90 Call Mra. Reeve Ph. I-Olll Alfred Dumbeck REAL ESTATE 14T n Commercial St. Ph. t-SMI a5 COTRT 9ITF-1I01156. II ft. alley rear close to all arhoola. easy waiting ditt tat bides ft w r ph I -tut WALT eVJCCIOraaTT, IV at SaU.19. ftA REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 10 ACRES WITH POND Ha I rm. home with utility rm., 3 bdrm., bath, nice liv. rm., with H re place, well and elec. pump, amali barn and ehlcken house. Nice garden spot Lge. pond which could be made Into nice fish pond. Price only 18,700. Call O. H. Orabenhorst, Jr 255 E. WILSON 4 bdrm. recently decorated Inside, llv rm., din. rm., fireplace, lull burnt. , oil heat, dble. targae. No. 3 ion. Easy term available. Call Roy Ferns. 10 ACRES FRUITLAND Small house in beautiful etting. Thl Is priced at 16,750 for immediate le. Call Earl Writ, Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 2-2471; Evenings, 3-3948, For Prompt and Courteou Service REIMANN FOR 3 BEDROOMS Neat, attractive home. Clone to Cath olic achool, bus. and stores. Fenced In back yard. Wired for rante. Price 18,500. Easy term. No. 320. FARM FOR HOUSE 38 acre. lots of berries, barn, chicken house, nice 4 bedroom home. All stock and equipment goes. Pull price 114,500 trade for town home up to 19,000. REIMANN FOR 301 So. High Street "BETTER BUYS" 154. tO. Tao bedroom home on paved street, two b loots to school. Bus, elec. cooking and hot water. Oil circulator. 11500 will handle, balance on contract. $1000 DOWN 3 bdrm. home on one floor, double aar age on I acre of aood soil. Suburban N E. Oood well and pressure system, chick house. Full price 16350. TRADE FOR BUSINESS PROPERTY 5 room home with full basement and fireplace, good residential district. walking distance to downtown. Value 19500. BURT PICHA, Office 3-3643 337 N. High Street $6500 NEW 2 Bedroom Houf 30x100 lot. paved atreet 4 block to best grade school In town. Plastered int. H.W. floor, bullt-tas. nook, hot water healer, Venetian bllndg. Imm. pots. 91500.00 will handlg. Phone 3-4016 for appointment. $6850.00 NEW Her Is a new four room houiie with everything; clone to grhooli. store. Inexpen alve to operate, and 91000.000 will handle. Remember thla Is new. Phone 3-4016 for mora detail. $11,0000 NEW, INGLEWOOD Nlra Lot. new one story stucco two bedroom home. H.W. floor, fireplare auto-oll att. garage. 82900.00 will handle, then 957.00 a mo. Phone 3-4016 for the rest. Severin Realty Co. 212 N. High Phone 3-4010 At Nieht Dial 3-3084. 3-6901 FOR SALE LOTS LARfiK lots In Kelzrr district. Price (700. W. G. Krueger FOR SALE FARMS BEST FARM VAM'E. 100 A. all cult., ailt loam, close to town ft Pacific Highway. Mod. plant. S BR home, basement ft furnace. Ige. bam, 3 silos ft other blrfgs. BldKt. could not be replaced for price asked. This farm It well loc, Rood fen ces and Idenl for stork ft dairy. You can't buy more for $20,000. STOCKED ft Eqt'll'PEII. 36 A. very prod slit loam. 2'a ml. from town. Irrlg. wa ter. Ideal for truck ft berry crops. 4 A. Improved Marsha Ms. perm. past. Inrls all elec. equipment, good 28x32 harn would convert to grade "A." PHry. bldas. All rts. bv door. Don't fail to see this. THAUE FOK HUME UK XU1 313.900. Larsen Home & Loan Co. - b6- 110.000 SPECIAL 34 acre farm. 3 acres pears. 1 acre ber ries. 4 brdroom modern home with fire place, bath, lance sun room, basement, auto, oil pipe furnace, bnrn. chicken house, brooder hou.se. The beat buy In the valley. Call Ray Davl. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 3-9271 341 Chrmeketa St. Eve. 2 -8 65 b5 10 ACRE FARM Located close in east. Atl under culti vation, Ideal setting, very good soil. Two bdrm. hsr.. small barn, chicken hue., elec. well. Price 7350. 12250 down. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS :63 Center Si Ph. 2-4553 Eve. 2-6923 b4 tft ACRKK All under cultivation, seeded. rms.. barn, hay ahed. garage. Family orchard. Close to public A Catholic chool ft church, store. Electricity, pressure system. J7.500 cash. mile . ...h of Shaw. Pox 268. b!2 $10,500 74 arre 11 mile from S;ilem. Bulidinis old but are good A: llvahle. soil excel cellent A alt can be irrigated See H. E. COHEY REAL ESTATE 1464 Marion 81. Ph day or eve. 31816 or 3.S342. t llifAlfmrBARGMN" All tillable black soil. 28x34 tt. plastered new house. Nerds some flnlshlna. 2 aood wells, barn, aar.itie. Pr. low at 110.500 With (4 310 down E. M. Hunter Real EMste 770 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-4649 or Eves. 2 MAT or 25377. FOR SALE ACREAGE ACREAGE bum a In cloe In south. acres, subdivision possibilities, 7 room colonial house It h ilumb;itg. Barn A poultry bkigs: 2 well. Worth inicstl eating. S.-e Mrs Reeca with Alfred Dumbeck REAL ESTATE BROKERS 147 N. Commercial 81 Th. 2-3531 Eves. 2-0181 bbV 12 ACRES Ideal home lte. beautiful timber, fine aarden ground, tart creek,, spring brdroom house, barn, chick house, the price 19000 is not too much. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 950 N H:ih St. Phone 3 4129 bos n.anoo, AIRE with rlran 3-BR home close in east. S block lo bu. Oood barn, chicken house This is a beau tiful acreage lust outside the city. Call Stanley Rroan with State Finance Co. REALTORS US S Htch SI Ph. 3-4121 Eve. 1-5541 te 3-5561. bo 97 MM. t ACRE with good 9 BR home close tn nortn. On bus line, bain, ehlcken house, lots of fruit. Call Stanley Rrown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 193 High St Ph. 3-4U1 Fvei l-MeM bt6 REAL ESTATE 81 4. INCOME property a duplet, ft 3 room house and a 5 -room house, alt rented and bringing good return. Clou to but line ana ihool iKMMt A 9 bedroom suburban home wi'h Uvma room, dining room, kitchen, bath oil floor furnace, clone to bus and grade school, unfinished attic. 11 a. mm A 3-bedroom home. hath, living room and dining roon. combined. 1 tt ehen, basement, automatic furnace, ga rage Cloe to bus and schools. P. H. Bell. Realtor 341 Chemeketa Street. Salem Phone 3-1M 3-4996 TV. 1-9999, 3 4946, 3-19W I REAL ESTATE SPACIOUS LIVING & INCOME SpscIou llv. quarters, tor owner lo cated i mm. walk from the business district. Apartment house In excellent condition. 7 rental, steam heat, oil fired, ranges and refrlg. in most apt Don't miss thl opportunity to provide yourself with excellent living quarter and Income. Call Peter H. Oeuer. APARTMENT HOUSE LOT 150x134 ft. corner lot. paved t . bu In front, close to grade school. Ideal for court units. Price 13,150. Call Coburn L. Grabrnhorat. 3 - 7772, 3-9968, 23-P-14. 2-301O. List Your Property With Us. REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR LESS only 10c a square foot for lots with wa ter, bu service, Libert tree, close to school. Only 110 down, 115 per month. BUY TODAVt BUSINESS LOT 80x265 w:th railroad trackage. Street on 3 ldes. Excellent for warehouse or business. Located on South 13th Street. Only 13750. REAL ESTATE Eve, ft Sun. 2-8241, 3-5905, 3-4638. CAN'T BE FOUND! NORTH RIVER ROAD 15 6 A. good soil, some timber, modern furnished 4 bdrm. home 3 year old, barn, chick house, worK shop and gar age, cow and 3 heifers, chicken, every thing goes for 19950. A HOME AND COURT SITE New 2 bdrm. plastered hdwd. fir. Liv. rm , kitchen, elec. heat, garage. Lot sise 100x101. perfect for court, 13300 down. 138.50 per month. 2 ACRES 3 bdrm. modern home with unfinished upstair. Liv. rm., kitchen. Oil heat, double garnite. For sale or trade. 17500. REALTORS Evening call 2-1033. 3-5390, 3-7451 ce REAL ESTATE NEW I bedrm. 11650 down. bal. $7300. FHA IMi a month. Ph. 2-5422. CALABA'S COLUMN HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT $800 DOWN 3 year old, modern home, living-room with fireplace, dining room. 3 bed' rooms, kitchen and bath, needs some redecorating but a good deal at only 37950. CLOSE IN ON MARKET STREET Business zone, good modern 2 bedroom home with basement, auto furnace neat, etrellent rental property. Full price 17500. DALLAS HIWAY Almost 'i acre, good S room home. 2 bedroom., fireplace, basement and fur nace. Price is right at 110.000. SOUTH SALEM NEW HOME You will love to move into this brand new 3 bedroom home. It's well arranged and ha large closets. It' a plain good buy at 39000. FHA term available. BUILDING LOTS 2 good lots on Breyman. pavement and sewer in. 11250 each. 50 X 100 lot on S 20th (550. Rudy Calaba & Co. REALTORS 231 N. Hieh St Phone 3-5838 Eves. 3-5514 or 3-3779 STATE G. I. OR TRADE Very neat nice new plastered 3-bedroom home. In a restricted district north east. East Front hardwood floor thru out, aitached garage, auto, oil heat. Will consider late model car for down payment, or will go State O. I. with moderate down payment. BUSINESS PROPERTY NORTH, ha three rentals. 1 well located and cat. be aold reasonable. Ideal for small busmev such a Barber shop. Beauty shop, or combination, ha nice three bedroom apartment rental Will net better than 10', on investment. See Joe, eve. Ph. 37217. KEIZKR DISTRICT. Nice large home with two brdroom down, and large unfin ished garage, liberal term arranged, an excellent buy for 98500 Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38216; Eve. 28516 or 28746 c5 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS VALUE PLUS 5 nice acres with ber ries, fruit and nut. 2 bedrm. home. 2 well. Burn and chicken house. Located just outside city limit on paved rd. and b is line. IS9S0 INCOME AND HOME OF TOUR OWN 3 complete 4 r apts. with private en trances and baths. Pull basement: Ira. gnrnne. Some furniture Included at JfiH.-iO. ONE OF THE NICEST NEW 3 bedrm home in Salem Complete In every re spect. H.W. floors. A kitchen any wom an wou'd loe. Lociird in an excellent neighborhood. tlO :.oo IF YOU ARE LOOKINO tor a beautiful home ask to srr this lovely 3 bedrm. home setting on an exceptionally wrll lamtscaped wooded lot Jut outside city limits. flD.500. U you don't see It ad vert Lied, CALL US LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS "AS ear af dependable service la home ewnera." 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evening call: 3-4007. 1-3630. or 3-5854 c5 C. W. Reeve, Realtors WHY PAT RFNT" 1750 down. Use vour O I loan on thl new home. Few blk. east of city limits. Paved St. City bus h door. 3 bedrm.. LR K with nook. Hd f'.ra. thruout. Elect, heat BEAUTIFUL HOME In Englewood dist. Priced to ell. Full basmt. with brdrm. Large living rm fireplace, hwd thruout D. rm. Lot of builtin. See this before you buy. 13 A Largg new unfinished bid Watr aya tern Some fruit Well located South. f0OO. i cash. 39 A I A berries Nice spring hse ft barn South. 161. so 81009 will handle. Oood terms on bal SUBURBAN LOTS ll 00 Doan. 9 10 per month. H A Near store ft Bus At low a 3500. OWNPH LEAVINO 31904) Down. Bal like rent. 4 Int. Thia hse very well located. Close to chool. bu A Atore. reel heal. Hwd flra Att. Oar. 3 large bedrm. Imm Pos. NOTICE 11300 Down. 1 bedrm home. Sal. like rent 4, int. Small monthly paymtnu. i A. Thl u a bargain so don t delay First fall gelt It C. W. Reeve. Realtors to coal PH M: m. i-au To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE FARMS SULLIVAN 41 ACRES NORTH The best Willamette silt toil la the valley, all level, with creek. Can bo Irrigated, on paved road. Oood 1 room modern horn, with fireplace. Oood barn and large cmcken house. Don't fail to thl one. Price 117.00000. Term. 90 ACRES NORTH Alt Willamette and Amity ailt soil. 13 acre fresh land, fine berry ground. 4 bed room home, wired for rani. Largg barn, chicken house, on paved road. Price 111.000 00. Term. S3 ACRES This would make a very nice mall dairy, fine oll. New 9 room home all modern. Mew barn, 1 brooder housa. all fenced, beautiful view. A real buy. Price 111,000. 73 ACRES NORTH A real fin farm all under Irrigation, 10 acre In Strawberrie. 11 acre In Oat. 10 acre In Ladlna clover, 11 acre In Alfalfa, on paved road A very nice 7 room home, all modern. Large barn, corn crib, tool hed. Thi place can b bought with or without equipment. SULLIVAN 316J PortUnd RH REAL ESTATE SULLIVAN 335,000 09 One of the nicest 4 bedroom home In Salem. Sunken living room, I fire place 3 set of plumbing, double garage, with aeparat baement. Vary reasonable term. 311.900 00 New F.H.A. built 2 bedroom home, full basement, 2 fireplace, knotty pine den, could be used as a tnira Bedroom. Electric neat, on oairm Elec tric line where you will save about one-third on your electric bill. 97S00 Down Bal. at 4 on thi new 3 bedroom suburban home Eat. Auto. Oil Heat, hardwood floor, electric water heater, wired for range, Vene tian blind, garage, on pavement, close to bu and atore. Owner being transferred. 3 3,700 00 Suburban North, modern 3 bedroom, electric heat, att. garag. lot of shrub, fenced, an on on acre. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Road Eve. 2-5831. 3-7057. LEE OHMART & MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Owner out of at ate and very anxious to dispose of hi FHA-construe ted 2 bedroom home located at 1540 Pearl St., large unfinished upstairs, electric thru out; Insulated and weatherstrlpped: It' vacant and we have the key. Set It at cnee. Price 1 112.950. LOOK, $1,000 DOWN Will buy a good 3 bedroom home lo-catt-d Just west of Keller school; city bu by door; i acrt of excellent oll. See Mr. Brasher EXCELLENT BUILDING SITES W have 3 nice large residential lots located on Hansen Ave.; restricted dis trict: city water; bu. Priced right at 81500 each. Lee Ohmart & Ph. 24115-6 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 So. High SOUTH 31000 down. Balance 165 a mo. I-Bedroom modern home. Oood location. WEST SALEM 11000 down. Bal. 875 a mo. 2-Bedroom modern home. Paved atreet and ide-walk. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Daytime call 3-5131 or 3-3650 REAL ESTATE 81.000 DOWN New 3 bedrm. bungalow, with large liv ing room and fireplace. Space for ex tra room In attic. Attached garage and large lot close to bu and atore. Price 98500. OWNER LEA VINO CITY i acre and practically new modern 2 bedrm. home, planted with cherry trees. Close to town and priced at $6,000. 11.000 down, 150 per month. Call Mr. Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 Edge water St. Ph. 3-3109 Eve. 3-9939 c8 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED to buy good neighborhood store located In restricted residential aection of city. Send Information to P.O. Box 272 Aberdeen, Washington. cal2 Sullivan Realty Co. PROPERTY IS SELLING W want your listing on good city homes and farms. Our buainra hat been good and we expect It to be better with the trt of the New Year. Our location on 99E connect U with many or out of state buyer. Sullivan Realty Co. 3369 Portland Rd Phone 3-3255 WE ARE In need Of good houses to sell i or near saiem. ir vou wttn u usi your property for aale see ClRIHKNHOgST I1KU.. RCSlrUBS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 3-2471. ca notice If vour nronerty is for aale, rent or exchange, list tt witn u we have all kinds of cash buvers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S High St EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ISftMl. t acre close to 4-Cornerg. 3-room home with extra room started but not flnHhed. Nice garden apace. Will trade tor house in town. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 8 High. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 3206 cb6 19 A." HVVY.. by frontage at Tatt. What have you? H. Lattln, 1760 John St. Sa lem cb5 SWESOPPORTUNITIES $12,500 Best buv in Willamette valley. Ooinx restaurant confectionery Fully stock ed equipped. Building new site on six acres of choice Willamette silt soil. This property Is located on busy highway. 17 miles from Salem ft Is an excellent tav ern site as a beer license Is obtainable to ruht party. See H E COREY. REAL ESTATE 1464 Marlon St. Ph. day or eve. 3-3816 or 3-5242. Cd4 250 FEET 5)9E Trade or ell 7-rm. older house, barn New business bldi . cabin. In good town Pr. llft.SMl. E. M. Hunter Real tate Ph. 34694 K En. 3-S497 or 3M77 dv OROCER Yl STOH TfsT ABU SH ED SINCE 19J9 Price 100 Include stock and 4iiipment plu a a-rm. house with bath, attached to atore. partly fur nished, must be sold to aettl an es tate. Contact Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St . Rm 4. Ph 3-9103 Residence 8-4333 or 3-8763 cd4a TIRE recaoplna and vulcantilng shop tn Sofld , Ore. tor sale. Price 18.500. In clude equipment and training for new owner. Call between 9 and in i-iim Salem, or call at new Navy Armory, on Turner Road. Ask for Red. ed6 tMUkft BUYS grocery, meat, ateck and fixture la tdeal location. Oood lease on ldt Walk-in cooler. P'.enty of parking space on properly Business lot on corner In HoOwood d st Approx. 100x150 tt. Call Harvey "i'luff Real Estate Co. Realtors 941 Chemeketa St. Pn. 1-9371 Ives. 3-9441 d3 FOR SUE BY OWNER A completely equ'ppcct restaurant and frumain in North Salem Reasonably prired Make an offer. Will trade for roye or take In a late model rar as part pavment Art ow thi won I last long. Phone 04 FOR SALE FARMS REALTY CO. REALTY CO. I REAL ESTATE REALTY CO. Phone 2-3255 2-5993. 2-3727 CO., REALTORS SUBURBAN GOOD TERMS Located at 450 Morgan Ave., It's an at tractive 2 bedroom electrically heated home; lot 00x318: see it today. 12.000 cash down. Price 38,950. WE INVITE YOU to drive by 490 Manbrin Drive: there you will find an extremely good-looking modern home in an excellent loca tion: 2 bedroom, coxy living room At dinette: city bu by door: nice wide xtreet with attractive well kept proper ie.t on atl aide; only 12.000 down, bal. FHA term. EVENINGS PLEASE CALL Bill Stewart 2-4722 Thelma Mankertl 2-1222 Warren Brasher 2-5996 Bob Sullivan 3-6770 Co., Realtors 477 Court st. Phone 35131 or 38620 ENGLEWOOD 313250 3-Bedroom modern horn. Base ment, oil heat, close to school. ENGLEWOOD 1 15750 3 -Bedroom modern home. Nea Very nice. Evening call 3-7163 or 2-98!4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S3H0A. Suburban grocery atore. Well located in good building Must sell because of sickness. Reasonable rent with lease. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 153 S. High. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 2506. cd6" NICE STORE KM. for rent. A-l location Hollywood. Ph. 3-4526. cd6 FOR SALE OR LEASE. Lron Beauty Shop. Ph. 923 Lyons ed4 FURNITURE OR SALE WANTED Ued small chest of drawer or child's wardrobe suitable for nurs ery. Call 3-4320. d6' WANTED FURNITURE ELECTRIC RE FRIG., apt. izc. Not over 1100.00 Ph. 3-5430. da 4 TOP PRICE pd. for furn.. hoiueholds. Ph J5S11. 394 N. Liberty. Sundals Exchange Ilir.HEST PRICES paid Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-5110. da AUCTIONS FI'RNITI'RE AUCTION TOSIOHT at 7 p m. at Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard, located I's miles East of Fair grounds on Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-6098. dd4 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK TWO REGISTERED milking shorthorn cowa lust fresh, one with bull calf at side. Ph. 2-3857 or W3S-M2til. FRESH Oernsey heifer, unusually nice. Rt. 4. Box 458 on Sunnyside Road. eS KIDS FONT for sale. Roy Luthy, Oerval. Oregon. e5 LIVESTOCK WANTED OLD HORSES for fur farm feed. CslI Sa Irm. 2-2896 eaS BONDED ft LICENSED livestock buyer E C. McCandltsh. 1127 S. 2ft Ph 3-8147 ea20 PETS CANARY SINGERS 310. Ph. 2-5929 ec5 CANARY SINGERS 1340 Chemeketa Ph 3-4335 S CHOICE Canary Birds. 260 N. lSthjecV I PI'P 6 mo, old. 443 Chemawa road. Call 2?6 ' FUEL 16" Wood Old and Second Orowth Fir 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 112 00 For orders p1ee call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon ee4 RITWFEN 19-19 cord of dry 16-ln. slab A: edgint. you haul, take all for 335 00 Ph. 3-S33S Eves ItT lN. Ot D GROWTH FIR de'lvtred any where in Salem 313 per cord. Leonard Penrod Ph. 28373 after 4 30 pi. or be fore 19 a m. !' West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR OR FEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 19-IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVER IBS DIFSEL AND STOVE OIL Pnooe Salem 9-4031 Also pick up wood at 1533 Edgewater St W Salem f WALNUT SHELLS for fuel. Klorfeln Pack ing Co. 490 N Front Bring sack ec DRY 16-ln. ft J-ft. m wood. Also t-ft. fir limb wood. Ph 98F33. 7 CALIThTOHWAY FUEL FOB Diesel and Stow Oil FRESH CUT SAWDUST Drr Slab Wood Phono 3-9444 GOOD 1 IN. SLAB, also green slab for furnace use. Oregon Fuel Co Ph 3-5M! e4 18 IN. GREEN EDGINGS. IB 90 load. dble. toad 119 (W Oregon Fuel Os Ph. 1-1519 FOR SALE POULTRY B4.RY CHICKS a'.l popular varieties Write today for Lee Bab Chick Chat containing fr poultry Infor- AUTOMOBILES L0DER BROS. Your Oldsmobile Dealer BEST BUYS IN TOWN 1939 V-8 Cabr. New Paint, New Top. Radio. Heater 9600 06 1939 Buick Special Sedan, Heater. Six Wheels 8693 08 1941 Olds 96 Club Sedan. Beat Covers, Radio, Heater 81300 00 1941 Olds 76 Club J -Tone Paint. Seat Covert, Radio, Heater 81310 00 1941 Olds 76 Sedan Hydramatlc Seat Covers, Spot Light. Radio, Hegtet ..91339 00 1944 Olds 66 Club Hydramatlc. Fog Bad Up Lights. Radio, Heater 11950 09 Sea these and many others before you BUY or TRADst OVER 20 YEARS IN SALEM Bank & GMAC Financing Phone 2-1490 2410 FAIRGROUND RD, PORTLAND HIGHWAY HELP WANTED MI she Hers wanted. 469 N HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED IMMEDIATIt V. middle-aged ChrUtlan lady to care lor 2 small chil dren, in my home, room & board. Home privilege. Ph. 2-2526. gb6 EXP. RECEPTIONIST or knowledge of bookkeeping ft typing. Write Box 171. Capital Journal. gbt WANT EXPER. waitress Senator Hotel. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St. Ph 2-1481 gflOJ OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE Commercial Placement Agency 360 Slate St 3-1488. gf4 WANTED SALESMAN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME Opening for 4 men with car, age 25 45. No investment, and complete train ing given. Dec. earnings, C. L.. Salem. 1945.00: B. K.. Portland. 11160.00: P. L.. Port land 31420.00; O. L.. Dallas, 3750.00. Half an hr. of your time you may change your life and put you tn the higher Income bracket. See Mr. San der Friday. January 7, at 7:30, Hotel Senator. Inquire at det,k. gaS SALESMEN ATTENTION! Old established national food concern desire the service of an experienced salesman to sell to the grocery trade In Salem and vicinity and to llv In Salem. Must be between 25 and 40 years of age. have good car, furnish bond for which we will pay. Position pays aalary and expense. Application will not be considered unles follow ing Information 1 given: Age, married or single, experience in detail, and aal ary expected. Write Box 167, Capital Journal. Salem. gg4 SE VERAl OPENINGS with national OT denization. Salem district men and wo men. Car and sales experience pref erable but not necessary. Steady In come. Ph. 3-4807. For appointment. Rg4 WANTED POSITIONS WOULD LIKE work as a plumber's ai ltant. Some experience. Ph. zbsob. BABY SITTING. Phone 20580 or 3-3991. h28 TWO EXPERIENCED waitresses. Exp. ne- necssary. Apply at Capital Coffee Shop. State Capitol. h6 HOUR housework wanted. Ph. 3-9901. h4 WILL CARE for children In my home. Ph. 2-2532 after 3:30 p.m. n5 CARPENTER work, new, repair. Ph. 3-2093 1128 WILL CARE for children In my home day. 945 Union. h5" DISABLED veteran will do your mimeo graphing, typing ana addressing uuar anteed work. Lowest prices. 94S Union. Ph. 3-6695. hi" WORK done by the hour. Ph. 25409. hi PLASTERING, PATCHWORK ft Chimney building. Ph. 3-4389. Free estimates, nw FOR ANY KIND of brick work drop a card. Free est. John W. Hanna, Rt. 3. Box 146. Silverton. Ore. h6 PRUNING TREES, shrubbery, roses, land scaping. Free estimate. Richard Boyer Phone 2-8110. hl9 CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Pre fer 6 mo., 6 yr. 183 s istn St. pn 2-6876. hll POE'S mimeographing, typing service. quality work, lower prices n. itn. Ph. 3-3643 Prompt service. hi 6 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. hS SEP VICES Valley Sand ft Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, sand A silt. Tractor dozing ft grading Tractor shovel for dirt moving Ph 2-4O02 off Re 37146. h WANTED FURNITURE to glut ft repair Lee Bros Ph 3-1333 h ACT-! PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter Call SnrocK Motor Co 3-9101 BOY. 19 desires full or part-time em ployment. Willing to work. Ph. 2-1391 TREE WORK Trimming, topping gnd removing . Insured operator. John Payne. 248 S. Churchy Ph-OOlt. TdI'LT-Baby Sitter. Ph. 24934. CHILD CARE for working mother. 1825 N 18lh. Ph. 2489-1 h6 WILL KEEP HOUSE ft take care of el derly people or semi-Invalid. Exp. Box 433, Indeptndence, Ore. h6 CARPENTRY work. Cabinet bide.. Turn. repairing. F. W Pease. 1648 S. Cot- tag h9 TRTE WORK, trimming, topping, felling. removing. Ins. oier. Free est. W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade Ph. 314ft hji' FoV'rVnT ROOMS RMTO SHARE. Sep. beds. For men. Close in. 33.73 wk. ea. Ph. 33789. Jk6 SLEEPING RMS, near Capitol. Prefer rent lo legislators. Breakfast and gar aee privileges. Ph. 3-3528. Jk6 CHOICE SLEEPING "rooms for working men. 478 N. Cottage St. Jk8 LARGE DOUBLE heated bdrm. Home ft kitchen privilege. Suitable for 2 girls. Ph. 3-3983. J"a SLEEPING room for rent. 468 N. 18th St ATTRACTIVE room, private home, gentle men. 98ft N. Summer. Ph. 3-93M. jaa- NICE furn heated rm.. tn. 1271 Che. SLEEPING rm. for businessman, heat, hoi andcold water. 355 Center Bt jas- NICE sleeping room, close In, running aier. 658 center Bt. J- SINGLK sleeping room. 472 N. Liberty Jk6 nnr tv Ntnl room for clean work' LARGR sleeping room. 2131 Center. Jk! nEATED 91 T Rm 120 393 N 14th. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APTS. ft aleeping room. 790 N. Church. Ph. 3433 3 . JP IMRW. AFT., unfurn. in 4-Corner. Ph 33611. )P 1 RM. AFT., furn. Oil heat. elec. range, refrlg. inc. Wash:n facilities m base ment. 1431N JCottge: Jp4' Ft'RN, APT. Ph. 1-0383. Jp' APt!TA LSOi Steeping Rooms. Ph. 3-4133 790 N. Church. JP4J FOUR ROOM furn. apt. during leg jla tur Near capitol Call 3-0398 day or 3-9995 after ft 30 p m )o9a PULLMAN APT. Furnace heat. CoUe in 34 D St Refrt JP4 NEW 8-RM. attractive apt. in Hollywood dst ft up. Partly I urn. Ph. 39M7 Ht ah lid rt a. IH' IAUT0M0BILES FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. COTTAfiE furn. or partly turn. Bath, oil circulator heater and gas range. Haiel Apt., 2261 Haiel Ave.. Ph. -9034. jpS SMALL Fl'KN. APT 125 Oerth. Jp5 3-RM. APT. Partly furn. Hot ft cold water furn. Both with shower, garage. No drinking, no smoking. Ph. 3-6938. Jp5' FL'RN. clean 3-rm. apt. 419 S. 19th St. MODERNLY Furn.. all appl. Bu ft school at door. Res, rent. 3590 8. Com'l. Jp27" Ft'RN. 1 Rm. Apt. Single woman pref. Priced accordingly. 475 N. Capitol. jp4' 3-RM. APT. Bath with shower. Utility room. Furn. No children. 1130 Madison. Pl'LLMAN apt., furnace heat. 248 D St )P5' t RM. APT. 350. 674N. Church. Jp4 CLOSE IN. small apt, women only. 425 N. Winter. Ph. 2-1835. Jp5 VERY modern apt. complete with private Dam. rerng.. not water neat, z Diocxa from State House. 466 N. Winter. IP' NEW furn. 3-rm. apt., prlv. bath. Very nice. Close in. Auto heat. 1434 Ferry. JP4 SPACIot'8 3-rm. ground fir. furn. apt. 350S N. 5th. All day week-end. After work week -days. jp4 FOR RENT HOUSES HOl'SE Close In. No eltctrlcity. Ammon Once, Rt. 3, Box 593, Orchard Height road. Phone 16F15. Jml 3 BEDRM. Home, hot water heater, wired for range. 1343 Wilbur. Ph. 3-2650. Jm FOR RENT: 3 bdrm. home. 463 8. Capitol. Ph. 2-3629. lm5 i BEDRM. house. On Vlall. J. B. Crumb? Rt. 1. Box 18. Jm6 3 RM. FL'RN. cottage. Adult only 1955 N. Capitol St. Jm5 .VRM. HOUSE with bath, 15.750. V ml. east of city limit. Burt Pic ha. Real tor. Ph. 2-3649. 337 N. High. ImS NICE large furnished home. Immediate possession, city. Contact Mrs. Brown at Brownies 140N Capital. Jm5- MODERN 2 bdrm. home on Crolaan Creek, ranch style, knotty pine Interior. Insu lated, elec. heat, colotyle bath and builtin kitchen, floor covering wall to wall. Electric water heater, native trees and all year creek. Will least. Ph. 3-6893. iml3 MOD. FURN. COT., one bdrm. Rosa cot tages. 2 mi. N. of Brooks on 99E. Jml7 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE 3-room apt. partly furnished. 3560 Portland rd. J6 POWER TOOL rental for homo ft In dustrial use. Howser Broi. Ph. 1-3646. TRAILERS, 12.00 per day Hower Bros. 608 Edgewater Bt, West saiem. J" TRUCKS and car. Smltt'y Clipper Ser vice. Ph. 39600. Cor. Center and Church. BUSINESS RM. for rant. H. L Stiff. 1" U DRIVE trucks, ear. Ph. 3-9103. GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor cand or We eel) everything to complete lb lob HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1-3649. t IRONERS by week Phone 34439 FLOOR SANDER for rent HontgOD-Tp WANTED TO RENT EMPLOYED VET. ft family want 3 bdrm. house. Not to exceed 130 rent. Ph. 2-7310. J9 VET ft WIFE urgently need house or du plex, permanently employed, no chil dren. Ph. 3-7842. Ja f-BDRM. furn. house or apt. near bu line. Ph. 23313. Ja8 YOUNG MAN, 26, watchmaker, and wife, with boy age 3. desire a house or apart ment, preferably unfurnished with 2 bedroom. Am one of two brother who hope to live in Salem, contributing to It the remainder of our lives. My wife ft I are university educated (Stanford ft U. of Wash.), coming from fine, high ly regarded families. Our interest ex tend from children and their education, through athletics, fine music .phil osophy. Semantic ft religion. Wc are Christian Scientist. War record: 4 yrs. U. 8. MarlneCorpe: private to 2nd Lt., Guadalcanal (initial landing), al so with O.SS. as intelligence officer in China. For the landlord who rent "with children", he ha our admira tion for his integrity and conscience, and the evident regard for hi community. For the man who advertises "adult only," let him read St. Mathews, 13. I there someone interested In seeing such a family as we are settle here? Robert Hitt, Ph. 36233. 639 N. Cottage. Salem. Ja3 TWO WORKING girls, modern apt., turn., with refrigeration. Have dog. Writ Cap ital Journal. Box 170. Ja& REPUTABLE couple with 3 children transferred here from Iowa, desperately need good clean 3 bdrm. house or apt. furn. or unfurn. Beit of references. Call 29079 for Mr. Kimball or see at Rose Oarden Motel. )4 ROOM AND BOARD BOAD ft ROOM In private home. Down stair bedrm. for elderly women. Oood care. Ph. 2-4036. 3570 Maple Ave. J;5 ROOM ft BOARD. Homestylt cooking. 492 N. Summer Jl9" LOST AND FOUND LOST: Frt. PM.. tan leather billfold con taining currency and personal papers. Contact John H. "Tommy" Thompson, at 3-3175 or 2-1642. Reward. k76 MISCELLANEOUS SILVER PLATING Tea sets, flatware, antique. Complete repair ervice and metal finishing. 'Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing" AVEK PLATINO CO.,' Call 3-7771, m29 LES "sprIngeb. men's hatter, 484 Court. B3' 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Sound Films ft Projectors for Rant Eddie Lewis. 413 Oregon BWg. Phone 3-4793 or 2-33S9 Bt94 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bids. State ft Commercial St. SALEM Phon 9-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph 3-3512 tor free pick up and delivery service on all make af ma chine Free estimate given before work la started Singer Sewing Machine Co, 139 N Co ml HEAT YOUR HOME electrically It' con venient, clean, economical. See n for fret estimate T EATER APPL1ANC1 CO.. 355 N Liberty gn BUILDING MATERIAL WANTED: Cedar and Douglas Fir Pole, ail aire. Advuu auantity can supply; price fob. shipping point Neder-mevfr-Msrtin Co 714 Spalding Bldg , Portland 4. Oregon. CEDAR BEVELED SIDINO S I 19 Cedar Siding 1110043 m Ho. I YO 19 " Shake I colon with undercourae 12 95 ,. No I and B-r. Oak Flooring. 120 04) FOSTER POAD LUMBFR YARD 5916 8 B Foster Road Portland 9. Ore trial (Continued on Page 15)