'. 10 Capita! Journal, SaUm, CLASH FTID ADYRBTIUNOl Par Lid ... 1M Per Line I lime 40 Par Lin t times . Ptr Lin 1 month I oo Outid a Balem II pr Him per dr. Mia. IMi t time mil. It I time mm. II JO. Ko Refund BIADIRS la LeeaJ Nv CeL 0r?l Pir Um to To PUe as Ad Phone 1-1406 TBI eetasM I lr Brtlete llli lr $10 or LESS Don't Save It Sell It! t Lines For Dbtb. $1.00 M relent. OTRLS FlOl'BB SKATES, fit . Like Mf. MM. Ph. 1-II4I er 100 p..m bl jAPANEftl ceremonial ebr, like biw, M j'Jil:.. FOR SALE HOUSES BR, hdwd. fin. firepc, tut) bin ment lec. heat Immediate poion Call O V. Hum with State Finance Co. REALTORS 1SI 0. Htin St. Pit. 1-4131; wt. "306 till 8M00. 1-BR HOME located aat at edtt of city. On bus line. Nice Ian corner lot. Otrtta fruit trees, berries, tarden paee Call O v. Hum witn State Finance Co. REALTORS Ml S Ruth St. Ph. 1-4191; Ivw. 14306 till' 897M. NEW MODERN 3-BR home I blk. from fltlem HWh School. Llrlni room. dinint room, kit hen As bath, attached araie. Immediate possession. Gall Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS Ml S. High St. Ph. 3-4131; Bvi. 10581 311 tBJMM. LATE built modern 3 BR horn with unfinished upstslr. East on bus una OlOM to ehool. Hdwd. floor, fireplace, ; ell furnaca, Venetian blinda attached rate, Immediate possession. 1 1000 dn. call Stanley Brown wnn State Finance Co. REALTORS MS 8. High St. Ph. 3-4131; Ever 36561 111' OWNER leaving town. Must aell. Prle re duced 13000 for quick aale. Modern 3 B R. noma on a. mo. oio. large rmn, Blattered, Insulated, weatheratrlpped electric heat. Wall-to-wall carpet throughout, private wen. close to acnooi, bus by door. Complete line of new fur niture could be purchased with house .. Located en Oarden Road. Rout I, Box .. 115. a3ll IMMW. LATE built modern 1-BR horn Id eated on Garden road. Rdwd. floors very modern kitchen, larte attached arat. lawn, ahrub. Term. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS IN . High St. Ph. 3-4131; Imi 16M! til' $500 DOWN 10,000. STRICTLY MODERN If roil can make auhetantlal monthly payments, aay IT 00 a month, I will aell you mr horn and give possession January 1. Ranch style, built about 3 year aao. Knotty pine finish, electric ' neat, floor cover) n wall to wall In all rooms. Two bedrooms, built-in kitchen. loU of closet space. Oolotyle bathroom. One acre of around, hade trees and all year creek. Lsa than 4 ml 1m from Ladd Bush Bank. .Phone owner 16893. asia SPECIAL BY OWNER Oood 4-bdrm, home, LR, fireplace, DR, larte kitchen, fruit room, utility. New eras 11x30. Lot S6xlB3 ft. School and ity bus. Must sell this week. Reason able offer takes it. IS Lansing ave. al . NEW ENGLEWOODHOME I bdrm . llvln room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with nook, hard wood floors, electric heat. Insulated un finished up with stairway in. 13660 will handle. Burt Picha, Realtors Office 1-1641. Bvenlne calls 1-1093, 1-6190, 1-7451. 117 N. High fit. Ill Psrllr Plnl,h.. H.H. In K,ltr dlatrltt. ISBAO. or trad. Mtiltr for btjtt 34 ft. r Inrctr trailer horn, .nd 1300. Tl, phon, 1-AA.S6. till Reduced to $10,500 Brand new 1 bedroom east, very close to school, atore. bus at front door. Hdw. floors with wall to wall carpet th rout fl out. Elec. heat. Will tarry P H. A. loan. Two Bedroom, New FuH basement, corner lot. hdw. floora, I brocks to bus, V-bllnda. II fruit traes. very well built, well worth 110,500. Will aarrr P.M. A. loan. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 1016 Portland Road Ph. 1-7610. 1-4596; Bvea. 1-071, 1.1661. alll I RR' sbl'TH, 1 rr old. hdwd. firs., eiec" heat, alec. wtr. heater. Van. blinds, Immed. pou. Only 17160. Terms. 1 BR. EAST. Lr. dinnette. wall to wall carpet, kit. bath, ear., basement, oil furnace. Bice lien t condition, immed. pom. A ban sin at 17160. 4 BBS., walkint distance. Lie. LR with fireplace, lerte PR, dan. lee. recent ion hall, alt hdw. firs., bsml., eutomatio heat, only 114,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Eicluaiv Llstints Personal Aervlc 164 B. Com 1. Bt Ph. 1-1188; Bv. 1-7440 alll swvoa 1 bed rms. on first floor, full bsmt. furnace, 1 blka, to Fin le wood school. Oood terms to right party. Call Mr. Walters Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Street Ph. 19371 Eves. 35100 alll BV OWNER, very gtod buy for two. One bdrm. home, cute and modern. Also corner lot that goes with the home. 16600. 13400 down, 117 t mo. Ph. 10416 eves, for location al BPfCClAL 1 NRW 1-bdrm. house, Insult ted, with garate 1 1-BDRM. house. If sold bv the llh of Jan. will sell for ITI00.M. Lebanon Ores on. Ml N. gin. alll Hompi for Happy Nbw Year 171 -New 1-bdrm. home Lll achool bus by doer P R a. terms, I WOO -New 1-bdrm, horn. Block o school, paved street f R A. term. MS9 tfew 1-bdrm . nfner, ptd atretU, I blocks to school. P H A. term IfttMV New 3 bdrm. Roily wood A beau tiful home. Terms. Ill OOO-Beautlful home on H. llh St Close in. spacious yard. Terms TO BL'T BFLL OR RENT Ralph Bent Realtor, Ph. 1-sni thin or Eve sail 10ll or 1-0304 2330 S. Commercial St. SILVERTON ROAD Only 1500 Partially finished 1-BR home. Wired for rente. Well else pump Livable. Immed pose. Terms it dlrd. 11600 DOWN Me t-BR home Baal Attaahad taree Modern Pull price ijlfto. FOJJR CORNERS H er eomftrtabl 1- BR tvomt Poultry hse Barn. Modern ITtIO, For These and Others Bee ' B. Jsherwood, Realtor Pi Ifll Waller read Rl. 1. Boa 11 T Tlx. 1-811. 1IH tth Bt , Wast Balem ! SrAfTIFI't new l-bdrnirToua In ntee location on center ' Will take good ear In deal. Ph. 3-6171 t Journal Want Ads Pay Ore., Thursday, Pec. 30, 1948 FOR SALI HOUSES COZY AND WARM This I year old b'tuty can be your for only 11350 DOWN and assume 4 O. 1. LOAN on balance. (The monthly payments are less than rent and include taxes and Ins t 1 nloe bdrms. wtth lara )oU, full bath, extra lert LR, lisht roomy kitchen, utility room with trays, auto, las furnace At water heat er, wired for ranee, rate, paved streets and walk. Located In city close to school, bus store. PRICED TO BELL. 17350. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTOR MM OetSUr Bt. Ph. 14661; Bvas. 10911 113' nm Dew New I bed rm. home, kitchen, llvlni room, fireplace, hdw. firs., oil furnace. t airway to attle. Pull price 16000. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtora 141 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 10371 Bvea. 15091 alll FOt'B BOOM house (moveable). Bast of North Howell school. Bee R. W. Stev ens, Rt. 1, Box 334. Sllverton, Ore., alll NTTE 1 bedroom house, almost new. Lo cated north en 4 acre. Price only 15350. ALFRED DUMBECK 147 N. Commercial St. Ph. 1-3131 Bve'a 1-0161 eJll l-BDBM. on 1 floor. 1 yr. ld. Wall to wall aerpet. Truly bargain at 18600. $ ! 3 5T) Down Lovely 3-bdrm. 1 yr. old. Hdwd. firs. Breakfast nook, dlnlna room, large utility, lane living room, attached tar- age. Tnh terms. Will take late auto as down payment Beautiful 3-bdrm . hdwd firs In u Is ted weatheratrlpped. Full Price 16900. 1-bdrm. on one floor Bnilewood eit Pull basement only 16800. Want to sell ar buy Give Rawlins a try Rawlins Realty 'Hollywood District) Pti. 1-4664; Eves. 3-6013, 1-5767, 3-3MS al FOR SALE LOTS TWO OOOD CORNERS I, W. cor. Oarden rd it Park ave. B E. cor. Lancaster St Bunnyvlew. Ph. 1-6836 for detail. Walt Soeolofsky Real Estate aal Klntwoed Helthls, 1 la rite view lots on paed drlvve. f 1000 each. Bargain on all three. Too good to last at these prices. Oood Lot on pavement South at city limits. Oity water, 330 power. Only 81350. Larte Lot near Di ckon 'a Mkt. 109x175, city water, elec. trees, J850. Nice KbxIM lot, ltrte oak tree On West Meyer, paved at Only 618M). Mi 1 4.1 View lot. Fairmont Hill. 16.000. Business lot 150x150 Hollywood diat,, suitable for warehouse. 13150. Larte Business lot. on East Center Bt., 115.750. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclufllv. LiAtlnis P.r,n,l 6rvlr, i a. oom'l. st. Ph. .ji. ivi. i.74n 111 LARGE kits In Keli.r district. Prlct 1700 W. G. Krueper REAL ESTATE 117 H. Oom'l. Ph. I-41M xl' FOR SALE FARMS 6 Acnra No bulldlnts: seeded to oeti and vetoh, located NE. 13500 15 ACRFS Oood blark soil (no bids) on pavement, tat, 10000, or may take some trade. 85 ACRES 6 acres ultlvted, balance timber, wide frontate on pavement, east, lovely bui Id I na sites, Only 16750. Salem Realty Co. 140 N. Hith St Phone 1-7660 Eve. Phone 1-4.S91 - 1-4773. b3U HUGE PROFITS! Oov't and Riate land sales offer ranch, timber, grating land In Calif., Oregon, Wnslilntlon at tl .50 to 13.00 per acre mln. bid Free Circulars. Pacific Lends. P. O. Box 3350-PJ, Hollywood. Calif. Mil UPARKMNO NBW 1-BDRM. HOME. NFW BCNDIX At CLOTHES DRYEH. BEAU TIFUL RUII.T-INfl, FIREPLACE NO KinniNO THIS lfl A OOOD DEAL. LARGE F.H.A. LOAN. Joe Hutchison REALTOR 456 Court Street. Balem. Ore on Phone 1-1630; Bve. 1-1103, 1-1033. 3-4780 b313 RANCH BARGAINS 84 A. Paved rd. 110 cult, with M A. bot tom land. Mod. I rm. home. 1-rm. tenant rue. OutbldHS. Bargain at 130.000. Vi down. No. 606. lOft A. Oram At stock farm. 610.000. 100 A. cult. Gentle rollint land. Oood l-rm. home, mod. conveniences. Will consider Balem home, No. Still. DAIRY FARMS TOO HUD A KUMPT 130 A. dairy North. Bxcel. barns. 1 yra. old. Oood small home. 17 head dairy stock, complete lint nearlv new machinery, included at 110 ooo. Terms. No. 638. Will trade for smaller farm. CHOICE 33 A. North. Nearly new bnrna. Good older type home. A real bartaln t 116,000. Terms. No. 61B. Many choice farm and ranch ban a Ins available, STROUT R BAITY 9.M fl. 11th St. Ph. 3 MS J. bill 10 Acres & Bungalow Located out Prultlnnd way. Nice 1-bed-room bunaalow. choice soil, barn, chick en house, electric well. Price I73M) TFHMS 13350 DOWN balanc by the COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center Bt. Ph. 34661; Kvea. 16831 blia 5 MIl.KK EAST on pavement. 71 acres of the brjit soil. 10 acres filberts 11 years old. This La a good buy at 1100 per acre. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors. 484 Court Ph. 1-1707; Kvenmns 3-7383 or 3-518 bill MAKE OFFER On of the best I acre tracts In valley, larte 4 bdrm. home, aewint room, den, living room, dinins room, kitchen, aulo Ml furnace, hardwood floors, t arete, barn, brooder house, lfc acre in straw berries second year. Burt Picha, Realtora Offle 1-3641. 117 N. Htth Bt. Evening call 1-110, 1-10)1. 1.7461. bin ACRES about 8 miles from downtown Salem. Has tnod 1 story home with I bedrooms, flrr place, basement, wood furnace, Oarate and workshop, barn, poultry houe. About 11 A In fP, bal pasture. Price ill d0 Call O V. Hume with State Finance Co. RRALTOBS 111 B. High St. Ph. 1-4111) Bve 15301 Mil FOR SALE ACREAGE CHOICE SUBURBAN ACREAGE CROISAN CREEK 7 acres. 100 ft. front on yr. creek, beau tiful trees, on parrnnt near olf tin, exclusive horn site. Only ll mi. from ear limits, moo Larsen Home & Loan Co. Baeluaiv Liatlnta Personal Service 164 B. Com 1. Bl. Ph. Bv. 1-7440 Ml! 4 ACRES PLUS Mo I business son, in titl limit, bounded by 1 street. 14100. M aer pear orchard in A-l eondition ' Last year crop 100 ton " True bed room home, Vou t out bultdlne. "Boll Newkurt and Che ha ll am," I an Ilea from Balem Burt Picha, Realtors Office 1-J641. BvtniiM rslla 1-10)1 1-ajW. 1.1461. 811 M. B h Bt Bbltl REAL ESTATE McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS 169 So. High WEST SOUTH SALEM IIMt DOWN. S Bedroom Plastered Horn. On Tear Old. These are both good buys. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Evening. Phone J4937 or 17163 GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. 18S3 N. Capitol. Phont 3-3031 l-bdraa. plastered bungalow. Kte lot 100x100. Double garage. 16000 1 acres North, t-bdrm. bunt alow with kth, LR, DR, kitchen, built-in, all electric heat, Bom fruit trees. 11000 down on 19 acre with 1-bdrm. home I year eld. Possession II dare, bus. Small chicken house. Hie 1-bdrm. home, basement, Ml furnace, LR, DR, kitchen. Oloa In Hollywood. Fruit trees and tarden spot. 1)000 down Assume contract 10 per mo. Older typ 4-bdrm home, fireplace, Int. pi altered, aerate. Immediate possession. Corner lot. Downstairs rente for 150 per month. 65100. Evening Phones 1-6661 J. Beeh. 1-6161 J. Herr 1-0103 Moon che iter. 1-4617 H. Clark clll' FOR SALE ACREAGE 7!UWt. ti ACRE with good 1-BR home elos In Nortn. On bus line, barn, thick, en house. Lots of fruit. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS IN S. High Bt. Ph. 3-41311 Bvea 15561 bbSll' t7MM. U ACRE with clean 1-BR home close In East, V block to bus. Oood barn. Chicken house. This Is a beau tiful acreaee. Just outside the elty. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. REALTORS 161 B. High Bt. Ph. 3-4131: Bves 35561 bbll REAL ESTATE TWO HOUSES on 1 lot. owner says "Sell." These houses ar located near the new medical center, are both rented, and ilv int tood return. Call us soon. 810.600. THIS Is priced to sell 3 large bedroom, wall to wall carpeting in llvtnt room and dinint room, has lane taraae, au tomatic furnace, dryer, basement. This 1 tood. 110 600 P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 1-165, 1-4896: Eve. 3-7666, 3-8568. 3-6686. c3" A NEAT ONE bedroom plastered house, Insulated, north Salem, small lot. two stove and washing machine Included. Only $3750. SUBURBAN "j acr on pavement, two bedroom he. with basement, wired for range, elr. water htr. Price 16000. Can be handled for I150O etah. Salem Realty Co. 141 N Hith St Phone 1-7680 Eve. Phone 1-4561 - 1-4773. clll LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS NEW t BEDROOM HOME. Priced below the averat with a view in good aectlon of new homes. 17500. NEW 1 BRDROOM HOME. Oak floors. Bendix wtsher included. 18300 m or taste at 4'', 810.750. .Of ACRE and lovely 4 bedrm. house with sawnust neat. Every peax in run view. Double garage. 613,000. If you don't aec It advertised, CALL US. Leo N. Childs, Inc., REALTORS "H ytart of dependable aervlc to home owners" 344 Stata St. Fh 1-1663 Evenlngt Mil: 1-6630, 1-6856. or 1-4007 C311 ACRES, small house, South. 13350. EAST. 1 BR house, lot 100x180, 13050. NORTH, smaller type 4-rm. house, paved street, close to Hollywood. Oood lot 55x130. 14350. SOtiTH. in a restricted district. Hew 1 BR home, ready to occupy, clot to ach. and atores. Ftv per cent loan, priced at only 15500. INOLEWOOB, new. different, I xtra site rooms, fireplace. H W. floors, elec. heat, modernistic kltchtn. amall down payment. Could not be built for th selling prtc of 110,000. R.E.Meredith- B.M.Mason 111 . CommtrcUl rh. I-M4I. CALABA'S COLUMN A GOOD SUBURBAN BUY A H aer land, right on bus line, grade school very close, .1 bedroom home, fam ily orchard, nlre shade trees very good terms and only 16000. Range and heater Included, DRIVE BY AND SEE Cute modern 1 bedroom home with nice Ume lot. attractive and convenient throughout, located at 3330 8. 13th St. Full price Is 1ut 16100. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Modern I room home with unfinished upstairs, basement and furnace, about I years old, good terms, good district, priced at 614,600. Will consider lower prlred horn as part payment. Rudy Calaba & Co. Realtors Maalfora 131 N High Bt. Phon 3-68JI Ev. 3-6514 or 3-3771 f 31 1 Season's Greetings Want to b in your own homt to wel come the New Yearf We hav several you can tnov rltht into. W have dandy northeast with 1H A . a nice lawn with shade trees and even a tood amall barn, all for 175001 P. say terms. We have ft new pumllit block house with radiant heat that Is very attrac tive. Priced at 110.600. An ttcellent rental corner In class one rone reaoned for apt. 100x100 for 1100. Call Walt Mu.trav WALTER MUSGRAVE, Rpsltor 1111 Bdtewater St.. West Balem Ph. l-iio m Holiday Specials tap HO 61004 dn 1-bdrm. horn. Im mediate possession north. MOOO Ant. house. Income 116100. Lo. rated 117 N. Liberty, No. I business inne, I8N00-Require imi dn , up and down duplet, Owner s liv. quarters, plus ftpt. rtnu for t5oo per month call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 3i state si. sm. t Phone 1-1101 Sunday and v. 1-4131 or 1-1761 clll WANTED REAL ESTATE W. ARE tn need of good houses to ell in or near saiem. II vou witb M list your properly for sale Dee CI Ft ARI.NnORST BROfl., RF4J.TORB IJ4 SLIbWIMU. Phon 3-1471. NOTICE! If your property Is for tale. rent or evrnang. list it wnn na we have all kinds of eeh buvers STATE FINANCE CO.. R F.ALTO BE 15.1 S High Bt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS Ac TRADE Bqutpment A furnishings. Hotel in live vaner town ill ooo. Lee e brick hdt. Will consider any trad. B. Isherwood, Realtor Pti Plt Wauace road Rt 1. Boa 11 r Ph. I MS, lilt fth m . Wt Balem edl FOR Mil BY OWHFB A completely equippci restaurant an fountain in North Balem Reaonahly priced Make an offer Will trarte for house or take tn a la'e model far at part pvment Ac! tow thit wont last long. Phone i-tsi (REAL ESTATE Phont 35131 or 88620 SALEM B USJNESS OPPORTUNITI ES SERVICE STATION In Gervtl. Stock it inventory priced to sll Immediately. Ray Clipper Service. edl FOR SALE r LEASE. Lynoa Beauty Shop. Ph. 133 Lynoa. cd3 WANTED Per ma -stone dealer for Marion and Polk counties. Investment will be ra- ejulrad. If interested writ to Balem Prma-ton Oo. iota N. 11th Bt., Balem Cd311 IAf.60 3 bed rm home on rear of lg. lot in business aone, close In. Excellent location for court or apt. Call Mr, Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 141 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271 Eves. 35360 cd3ll' BUSINESS BLDG. Suitable for most any kind of bjslneu. 1600 sq. ft. Priced riiht at 81,000. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3015 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830, 3-4566; Eves. 3-0471. 3-3558. GOO OPPORTUNITY. Must sell stock & fixtures of small trocery. Approx. $3500 worth. Call 1-7433. 379 N. Hith. Cd3 F1M.INO STATION stock at Inventory. Station rents 111 per month. Rt. 7. Box 133 N. Portland Rd. cdlll 1X4.000 iet you Into a good aoint bust nefts. 3 story frame stucco bide., on lot 100X120 beer, meai and rooms. 14 rooms bnnt In 1260 per mo. Tavern seats 40, dining room seats 40. bar approx. to rt. lont. clean and mod. Show good net Income. Call Harvey Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 141 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271-Eve. 3S441 cd3U tlK,7ito Servvlce Station, new bids, and equipment. 13.000 tal. storage, 4 pump. Ideal location. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39371 Eve. 31441 cd3U 1-PIIMP Service Station with repair aar- ate. Located on good hwy. Bid. 34x50. Some equipment. Averate about 4000 aal. per month. Price for buildings and equipment 15,000. plus invoice stock. Owner say must sell. call o v. Hum with State Finance Co. REALTORS 151 B. High Bt. Ph. 1-4131; Eve. 35306. cdlll SOLID BRICK 3 STORT APT. BLDO., VERY CLOSE IN. EXCELLENT CON STRUCTION, CONDITION INVEST MENT. WILL NET 0'if-. 883.000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 Com'l. St. Ph. 3-1389; Ev. 3-7440 ed.lll- FURNITURE FOR SALE l-PIECE Eastern walnut dining rm. set. Excellent cond. 32ft. 983 Highland. Ph. 3-6373. d311 State Street Furniture 1900 State Ph. 1-7508 la giving another big reduction on the Final Closing-out Sal this week. din PRACTICALLY NEW, EXCELLENT COND BEDROOM SUITES, RUGS 9x12 and 13x30. Bed, Sprint and mattress. Roll away bed and mattress, chair, dinint and breakfast sets, wardrobe, deluxe Universal electric rante. Fritldalre re f risers tor. fireplace equipment, lawn mower, tarden hose, misc. article. See at 745 8. Com'l, or phone 1-994, d312 WANT buy turn. Mtao. article Ph. 1-flOBB d.112 WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICE pd. for turn., households. Ph. 33511. 594 N. Liberty. Bund ale Exchange. UMHRKT PRICES paid. Phon Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph. 1-6110. da rOR HALEOR TRADE, l-yr.-old Palomino brood mare. Gentle and wrll mannered. Cow or heifer preferred. E. E. Brandt. Rt. 6. Box 4.11. Ph. 3-1546. elll LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer . C. McCendUth, 1137 B. . Ph. 3-1147. PETS CANARY SINKERS 110. Ph. 3-5939. c CANARY SINCiKRV 1340 Chemeketa Ph 3-4335. ec5 t'HOICE Canary Bird.. 560 N 18th. er4 FUEL It. IN. Ot D (1ROWTH FIB delivered any where in Bakm 113 per cord, Leonard Pen rod Ph. 18371 after 4 10 p.m. or be tore 10 ftv eel WesTSalem Fuel Co. 18-IN. DRY OR ORritN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, ll-IH. CLEAN NO BARK RCFtFFNED BAWDIEST RURAL DELIVERIES OI EM EL AND STOVE OIL PhOn Saltm 1-4011 A Is plek up wood at 1611 Edge water Bt, W Balem IS" Mil! wee Immed. Del. Ph. 14111, ISlll till WtLNI'T SHELL! for fuel. Klorfeln Pack in gCaeoHLPront Brtnieacks. DRY lt-ln. 1-ft. to wood fir iimbwood. Ph. tlPll. Alt i-rt e7 CALL HtOHWAt FUEL FOR Plese) and Stove Oils PRI.H CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phon l-44 OOOD it IN. aiAR.a.sa green ibror turn . Oretosj Fuel Oa. PS. 1-Sl eg it IN, oirrw gnniNna, is to load. dVe load lio 0t Oregon Fuel Ce. Ph. 1-6M1 e6 TRI-CITY FUEL I Cord Loads of It" Millwood lit Dry It" Millwood Bat far t B Ore ttaae Prompt Delivery PR, 1741 YOU HAUL DRY WOOD 17 MISSION Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS DOWNTOWN BUSINESS LOT 30x16 ft. to paved alley. 1 block from City Center. Price 813.000, An excellent talu. Call Coburn L. Orabnhort. S. 12TH STREET Btore-buildtng. ahop-bulldlng and house. Income 1166 per mo. Price 115. 6000. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Oraoen hortt. REDUCED FROM $8,500 1 bdrm. Engltwood, 10 yrs. old. excel lent location, full baimt. Mew price , iw. iait no j-erria. Grabenhorst Phone 1-3471; Evenings, 1-3948. For Prompt and Courteous Service FOR SALE POULTRY SAM CHICKS, Wukl, H.tchu N,o !1r-.-.3'?1.--,-'.'.?'ttehfT' HELPWANTEDFEMALE WANTED; Lady to atay nights for room and kitchen privileges. 749 No. Liberty, gol STENOG RA PHE Bw n 1 1 di Ur. Bt d t e r . Plonser Trust Blda. tb311 HOV9EREEPER for husband, wife and 1 yr. old child. Am pit tim off. Private rm. Board ft wates. Writ Robert Auf derhcidc, 111 B. th St., Corvalll. gblll OIRL OR WOMAN for child, car and help Id home. Boerd and room, salary. Writ Capital Journal, Box 111. tbSll EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE Commercial Placement Agency 160 State St. Ph. 1-1488. tf4 WANTED SALESMAN WHAT are your plan for 1949? A good Rawletth Business is hard to beat. Big line well established makes tood profits. No experience required. Write today for Information how to iet started. Raw lelth's, Dept. ORL-135-354. Oakland. Calif. tl311 GOOD OPPORTUNITY with expanding business. Mu.st have car. Earnlnt un limited. 375 State St. 4 to 5 p.m. gtl WANTED POSITIONS IN OFFICE: Exp. In bookkeeping, typing. Ac clerical. Ph. 1-0377. h311 BABY SITTING. Ph. 30833. PEACH LEAF curl spraying now. Phillip W. Bulke, Ph. 3-1208. h3 CHILD CARE during day 3-0604. night. Ph. h312 PRUNING TREES, shrubbery, roses, land scaping. Free estimates. Richard Boyer. Phone 3-8 110. B19 YOUNG MAN out of achool wants work. Willing to learn trade. Ph. 1-9603. h3U IRONING in "my home. Ph. 3-8938. hSll Girl In hith school wilt work for room and board. Ph. 3-4931. h311 CARPENTRY work. Day or contract. House roughed In reasonably. Ph. 3-7860 hi CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Pre fer 6 mo., a yrs. IBS B. 18th St. Ph. 3-6876. hl7 POE'S mimeographing, typing tervlce, quality work, lower prices 809 H. lth. Ph. 3-3643. Prompt service. hll INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h5 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felllni, rcmovin. Ins. oper. Free est. W. H McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 11496. h3' PLAS T ERIN o , PATCHWORK At chimney building. Ph. 1-4389. Free estimates. b313 BABY SITTING. PH. 1-0580 or 1-3991. hill IRONING nr. wk- Pb. 1-4767 - 1 p.m. p.m. h311 SERVICES Valley Band it Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, and A nt. Tractor doxlnx H grading. Tractor ahovel for dirt moving. Ph 1-4003 Off. Re. 17146. h WANTRD FURNITURE to glut Al rtpalr. Lee Bros'. Ph. 3-1333 h' Al'TO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray rttar. Call Bntoctt Motor Co. 1-9101. FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING RM. in modern home. 745 N. Church. jkl SLEEPING rm., elos uptown. 407 Union Street. Jk3jl3 LARGE attractive rm., ample closet space, lor employed gentleman. Ph. 3-4348. Jk3Il HOLLYWOOD Aleeplni rms. 1036 McCoy. Ph. 1-6093 ikl ISLEEPINO ROOMS to 3 men or 2 alrls. Ph. 3-0804. Jk313 COZY House kee pint room. Furn, 1411 N. Cottate. Near bus. Jk3 CLOSE IN heated room for clean work in man. 540 8. Liberty. JkSll NICELY FURN. heated room close In. 1371 Chemeketa at. NICE SLEEPING room for business aentle man. Heat, hot ft cold water. Business district. 255 center St. jk3ll ATTRACTIVE Room Privat Home Gentle men. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 3-6368. Jt3U CLEAN sleeping rooms. Ph. 20467. Jklll WARM RM. for rent. 791 Winter Bt. Ph. 3-55J9. Jk3U HEATED, Carpeted. lee pint rm., down town one. Ph. 1-4863. Jk3 MODERN SLEEPING rooms for men Pri vate entrance and telephone, 1605 N. C a vrt 0 1 . Ph. 3-3435. J k 1 MCE SLEEPING room, H AC water. 461 N. Hlah. Jkl LARGE sleeping room. 2111 Center. HEATED 1LP. Rm. 120. 191 N. 14th. WARM SLEEPING RMS. APTS. 790 N. Church Ph. 34115. Jk312 FOR RENT APARTMENTS close IN furn. apt., auto. heat. H. L Stiff Furn. J pa" 0 RMS. 145. 3490 Myrtle. JP311- ONE large rm. apt., furn., elec. kitchen, also new clean sieepint rooms. w$ mo. Walking distance to town. 310 Mission. Jp311 RM. APT., elec-heat, re frig". Adults 1.107 Hines. Apply at Bids Door. jpl 1 RM. LARGE unfurn. apt:. elec rante inci . priv. pain. am, on neat, no Objection to children. Ph. 3-7773. jpan I RM. A- kitchenette, uttl. furn. 790 N. Commercial. Jpl TENANTS considered for new apartment. No children. Bat n room, tllrnen ann liv. room with in-a-door bed From 862 to 670. Refrigerator, range and bed Includ ed No gereae. No drinkers. Ph. 3-6067 t 1 p.m. before seeing at 106B Madison. J I RM. KITCHENETTE apt. Partly furn. Imp. person or cole. Ill for 1, 110 for 1 140 WUliamsAveh.BSai. Jpl l-RM. FIRM, APT. 715 Klthiand Ave" Jpl SMALL FI'RN. apt. for Reas. 1810 Trade Bt. Convenient. Jpl MODERN, new furn, apt. Adult. Air cond. heat. Clostw. 1434 Firry. ipSll 9RM. APT. Bath with anowtr Utility room. Furn. No children. 1130 Madison JP313 Tbm. FVBN. APT. PrlT. bath. Refrlg Quiet coupl. 141. 141 N, Cottage St JPllI l-RM. VNFIBN. 14)41 Pt. Auto, heat Ph IpIii PT'BNISHED APTS.. electric heat. Close to achool bus. 1510 S. Oom'l. Jpll APTV.by wVel?rnOteriS It Portlant'rd- l-RM. Pt RN. APT. Heat. 1431 R Collate JPlll" NEW l-RM. modern apt Furn. with ec rant Si refrtgeratnr and auto, heat. Available Feb. 1. Ph. 1-I4M. jpl " 1 "M AFT "4 'tat Bt. JP311 WOt LD LIRE to share apt. th yount businessman, ill N. 11th after 4 o. Jolinjon Jpl 1 1 AVA1LABII .Tan 1st. tare 1-rm furn art Ideal for s'ne e persoa ejr vert n ouple. let OtvaMoa ia (REAL ESTATE MOTEL $ t $ On of Balem'a finest close In motels 11 units plus 1 bdrm. liv. quarters, elec. heat, good cond. thruout. Income aver age 8900 per mo. The price is right. Buy this and make some money. Call Roy Ftrrlt. LARGE HOME 4 bdrm. with den, Ige. liv. rm., din. rm., basait.. oil furnace, fireplace, No. 3 business aone. Oood for home and busi ness. Price only 610 500. Call Earl West. NEW 2 BDRM. $6,500 New 1 bdrm. home on paved street, near Leslie School. Inside utility rm , hdwd. fir . 11,500 down. 16,000 FHA loan. Call Paler H. fllmr. Bros., Realtors 1-7773 . 3 9961. 33-F-14, 1-gOlt List Your Property With Us rJtl FOR RENT APARTMENTS l-RM. APT. Privet bath and entrance. Near bus dt store. 735 8. 13th. Jp3ll NO SHARING, everything private, best location. 468 N, Winter. Jplll l-ROOM furn. apartment. 1191 Maple. Huhland bus line. jp3ll SUITABLE FOR ONE. Utilities all furn. 640 B. Capitol Bt. JP311 FOR RENT HOUSES l. BDRM. HOME. Ph. 35641. Rt. 1, Box 230 Jml COMFORTABLE 1 rm. homt for 4 mo. to quiet responsible couple. Ph. 3-5.130. Jml l-ROOM HOUSE, g tract and utility room. Prefer workint couple. No children. Rt. 4. Box 34. East on Mission to 33 nd and turn south. Jmail NEW fi-RM. HOME. 3 bdrms., uto. heat. flreplce. 3655 Scenic View Drive. Out S. Com'l. to 8. Ewald, 3nd block to right. j ml FOR RENT 1-bdrm. house. Wired for rente. Adulte only. No pets. Call after 1 p.m. W. L. Hennessy. 65 Hlway Ave. Jm311 NEW 1-BDRM. unfurn. home. Close-in. Can be seen at 1560 Trade St. between 0 8 m. & 4:00 pm. Ph. 3-4667. Jm 312- MODERN UNFURN. 3 -bdrm. On Kapp"- hahn Rd. 165 mo. BTROUT REALTY 959 8. 12th. Ph. 3-5333. JmSll FOR BENT, 2-rxlrm. house, modern. 2', yrs. old, 3't ml. from center of Salem, electric heat, knotty pine finish, colo tyle bath and kitchen, 385 month, Box 164 Capital Journal. Jml MODERN HOUSE 155.00 per mo. Unfurn. 3985 Pleasant View Dr. Ph. 3-6939. Jm313 4 RM. house, garden & berrlat, not modern. In city. Phon 33297. Jml 4 RM. furn. house to party buving tome furniture. Write Box 163 Capital Journal. Jm311 1 Ft FORM, unfurn. house. Call 8 am. to noon or 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1970 Maple Ave. Jm311 MOD. FI'RN. COT., one bdrm. Rose cot tane.i. 3 mi. N. of Brooks on 99E. Jml7 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rentals for home & In dustrial tue, Howser Bros. Ph. 3-1646 J TRAILERS, 82.00 per day. Howser Bros 60S Edtewater St, West Salem. i TRUCKS and cars. Smltfys Clipper Ser vice. Ph. 1S600. Cor. Center and Church. 1 BUSINESS BM. for rem. H. L Btlff. J U DRIVE trucks, car. Ph. 2-9103. GOOD USED PIANOS. B. L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor and er. We sell everything to 'oemplet the Job HOWSER B ROB. Ph. S-1644. f IRONERS by week Phon 34439 J FLOOR 8ANDEB for rent Montgoirr Ward. ) WANTED TO RENT LADY would like room in private home and care for 11 mo. old baby. Ph. 38885. Jal- DESPERATELY needed. Unfurnished hse. Willing to redecorate. Quiet, no drink ing. Call 3-5613. Ja311 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 2-bfd-room house, small children. Ph. 30827. Ja313 1-BDRM. HOME near elementary school or ou line in south Salem by business man. Ph. 1-3075 or 2-6417. Ja3 1-BDRM. unfurn. home. Responsible party. References given. Ph. 3-5051. Ja312 EMPLOYEE of the Capital Journal wants 2 -bdrm. house, turn. Has one teenate boy 12 yrs. old. Write Capital Journal Box 339 or call 1-3406 between I and I P m. JS313 ROOM AND BOARD ELDERLY people to board and room In my home In country. Write Box 161, Capital Journal JJ1 LOST AND FOUND LOST Ardath wrist watch on paper rte. N A W of Capital Mkt. Reward. Ph. 3-1663. fc311 GLASSES with natural plastic frames in readint case. Ph. 26746. k3 1 1 FOJND: Blouse. Identify pay for af Ph. days 1-6677. kill LOST: Small red female half-cocker dot between Balem St Dallas. Reward. Ger ald Vinton. Box 354, Mill City, Oreion. k3 MISCELLANEOUS 16 MM Movie Library Talking Picture Service Bound Films St Projectors for Rent Eddie Lewis. 412 Oretton Bldg. Phone 3-4793 or 2-5J55 m24 WANTED Oil circulator In good cond. Cheap. Write Box 165, Capital Journal. m3l2 LEAF MOLD, II 65 per sack del. In Sa-lem.Ph.3-684l. m31J DEAD and worthiest stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 3-6000. mil LEI SPRINGER, 'M'PtatlrTl40uri. RI312 DENTAL PLATE RFPAIR S-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASFS DR. HARRY S EM LER DENTIST Adolpb Bldt. State tt Commercial Bt. BALEM Phon 1-3111. m HAVE YOUR SINGER Br wing machine repaired by a qualified Sinter represen tative. Ph. 1-1519 for free pick up and delivery tervlce on all makes of ma chine. Free estimate gives before work U started Sinter Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. com'l. m BEAT YOUR ROME elMtrlcally It's con venient, clean, economical. See us for free estimate V EATER APPLLANCE CO., 1.15 N. Liberty. m BUILDING MATERIAL NOTICE HOME BUILDERS We eontract and build flues and fire places, all kinds masonry work, ash pits St barbecues, steps Ar Pumice Block Con crete blork or Brick bldg. Free tstlmatee given. All material furn. Call I8F5 Sa lem or 3155 Dallas. mat RED CKDAB thine led. Ph. I8F33, 1 IDS, c ha ret account. mall CEDAR shlnglea No. 1, 110 00 14. Ho. S. 1150. No. 3, 14 00 No. 4, 18 10. Lum ber, doori, plvwood. etc, Kola Lumber Co., Balem. Delia highway. Ph. 3-1950 01312 RLOCK SIEB teel a ash. fit the block, cost leas, ttve time Now tvallatl. Keith Brown Lumber Yard Co. me INSULATION and Weaihsrempplni Cro fooi Brother. Ph. 14151. , ma FOR BALI Cheap Lumber Board nd Dimension By IB Jitney load tr by th thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used rot FHA bulldtiw In dependence Lumber j MtnufaeturtH Company Ine ana FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS A. B. APT, (Mt RANGE. Unfinished "van" lly. Pn 36MI1. nl GOOD enamel wood range with eoilv 816 00. Jh. 3-ttM after I 30 p m, nl bicycle, make offer. Ph. 1-TlM. nl M4.GIC CHPF deiui model rt range, dirt cheap. 2.167 Staie. Ph. 1-1418. nl AUTOMATIC OIL Bt'BNPB j tank used one year. 131 8. 14th Bt. Ph. IHOt Bill oood Ol deb model refnt. 1IB aid nil, let. Fh. 1-IMI. Bin FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD LOOKING, whit, modern gas tov, circulating heater built-in, fine oven. 1100. Call evrmnit 20446. nlll GOOD GAS RANGE, side arm ess water heater, two-burner oil heater, small Ice box. Route 1, Box 71, Brown rd. off Oarden rd. Bill HOYT ST. SURPLUS SWIVEL CHAIRS one week 19 98. Safes amall and large. Filing cabinets, metal. Tsrps, sleeping baga. tents. Oil circula tors. Metal boxes, assorted sues. Bunk Beds and Mattresses. Folding rots. 160 to 380 H P. Marine Engines. 36 KW light plant. Electric Bakery Oven, steam ket tles, cookers, spud peelers, dish washers for restaurants or hotels. Steam Table. 845 00. Carrier Refrigeration unit. Toil ets, lavatories, sinks, plumblni supplies. V A V Oalv. Pipe; caulking lead 30c. lb. Electrle water heaters, washers, new and used. Oak radio tables from 14.00 to 17.60, Pre-Heaters for shops. Air Crop ping Hammers. Adding Machine. 145 00. Oas Range tor Butane or elty gas. Irri tation pump. Electric house and outside wire, range cable and range outlets. Come South on 12th to HOYT, turn East one block. Tel. 37911. 1131 1 OIL CIRCULATOR. 2-burner with fan. ISO Scellar At Foley Inc. Tel. llnSm USEDbPOINfelec, ranee, 151. Toilet 137. Davenport 124. Steel bed 16. Chair 11.50. 610 S. Com'l. n3 DELUXE 1948 WESTINGHOUSE 7 CU. ft refrl. Purchased new 5 moa. ato. Will sell for 150 below list price. 346 Union. Ph. 24451. n313 REFRIG. 165. Baby Bugty 16.00. Ph. 25939. n312 lt-TUBE PHILCO console model radio. Excel, cond. 150.00. Ph. 2-9812. n313 FOR SALE ONE tt REMINGTON repeater, slide ac tion. 122.60. Little Ben alarm clock. 13.50 each. CLOCK DOCTOR, 190 8. 14th BUNKS, metal, head, foot & sprints. Slntles size 35 In. by 76 in. Lane quan tity available used. Pr. 13.95. For in formation call 3-6813 dnys. n3 1 LATE model Crown its stove. 1 Chrome breakfast set. 1 lamp tables, 1 davenos. 1 matching chair and ottoman. 1 bedroom set. 1 single bed end sprints. All for only 1335. Inquire at His Shop, Independence, Ore nSU PHILCO floor model radio, 130. 1505 N. 21st. Tel. 3-3674. n311 FLOOR FURNACE, still in crate. 5-6 rm. size. Sacrifice 1125. 996 McOilchrbt. n311 LEAVING STATE, must sell Immediately our equity In 10 ft. Westing house re frigerator, deluxe mode!, elec. range, 2 sets box sprints it mattresses. AH used 6 months. Boy bicycle 125.00. O. E. console radio. 145.00. Breakfast set, 110.00. Bdrm. suite, 140.00. 1400 S. 22nd n3ll FOR SALE: One 67 Mi.uiion automatic water heater. 199.50. Brook Hardware. Brooks, Ore. nl FREE FILL DIRT for hauling. 1800 blk. Yew t Contact William Hlrsch. Fh 3-6153. nl WHEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, alao, for rent. Buren, 745 Court St. Ph. 3-7775 nl USED washers, refrigerators, ranges, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ni3 REFRIGERATORS, ranges, water heaters, washers, ironers, trash burners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. D13 ELECTRIC room heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ATMORAY8. Ozone Good Health. Rent Sell. H O. Push. 084 H. 17th Ph. 1-4693 FARMERS ATTENTION Electric fence controllers, horn milk pasteurizers, but ter churns. YEATKR APPLIANCE CO. B13 PLASTI-KOTE requirea no waxing, us It on floors, linoleum, woodwork, etc YEATER APPUANCK CO. BIS ELtO. HOT WATER heater. 43 gal. Col lin. New. 187. Ph. 1-4214. n WALLTNQ BAND A O RAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden and Bulldotln. drama) and ditching i -yd. ahovel and drat line, Pb. 1-9349. WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fer complete ervlce facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliance. Just call 33191. n GARDEN SAND, Oravei, crushed rock. Shovel Si dragllne excavating. WALL ING SAND Al GRAVEL CO. Ph. 1-0319 SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contraet Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Ai Basement Equipment Rental IS B H yds, 12.00 per nr. 10 B yds. 9.60 per hr. D-7 Cat As Doter 10.50 per hr D-t Cat At Doaer t. 40 per hr. D-4 Cat ft Doter 7.00 per hr Phone Dayi 3-9408 Ives. 3-8246 or 1-4400 Salem, Oregon n KFLYTNATOR, Botpomt appliances; Fow ler hot water beaten. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Pb. 3-3139, n HEAT YOUR homt electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical See m lor Ire estimates, YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 155 N, Liberty B' THOR Automatic Washer, Oladlront Hollywood Appliance Co. Ph. 1439 n FERTILIZER. Cow or chicken manure. Delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh 15.00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack 1.00 per tack at plac or will del. I tack order. Phillips Brat- Rt 6, Box 118. Saiem. Ph. 6SF33. n FULLER BRUSHES. 1745 Grant. Ph. 38357. B311 GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Olbson and Montkg Appiiano tt Gtvuru. CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68-F-33. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS POLE TIMBER, will pay good price. Re Ply Box 163 Capital Journal n3 sV.wiNO MAcriiNE7any make or cond. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7671. 1930 N 11th. naao NEWSPAPERS wanted. 1790 N. Front. na!7 FOR EXTRA Christmas cash, aril u your feed and grain baa. K ft 8 Bag Co 347 Kearnty, er large lot tall 11877 or 10308, evei. na USED FURNITURE. Phone I-91SS. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL adviser. Mrs. Phillips. Ph. 3-1311, pill Aleoholiea Anonymous, P O Bos 734. Phone 3-6234. pill AUTOMOBILES IBM MOD6.L A, good cond., 82&0 OO. 1935 Ply. coupe, extra tood. 1395.00, 1930 Butck sedan. A-l cond., must see te appreciate. 330 Mission. q31l ISM CHEVROLET- 1-dr. sedan. Very" good cond..155fl. Ph. l-313f; ql tM4V-l FORD lV-tOfTlrurk tractor With 10-ft. semMretler by Jorgensen. 1 speed Eaton axle. Lumber rolis. deck can be removed for loa b;innj Dry raparity 11000 lbs.. 19 wheels and 1 apart wheels and tlrei. 7.50x10 to pet. tires. 11975 00. 114 WHEEL V-8 FORD truck flat bed 10 wheels and tires and one spare. 7 60x30 10 pet. tlret. 1000 miles on new motor. II 00O 00 Contact Purchasing Agent, Willlamttte Valley Lumber Co. Dai,, Ore. qfl- Happy New Year! 1941 BUICK 4-dr. sedan, new paint job, new motor, tailor made seat covers, R & H, spot & fog lites. A pretty black color. For Onlv $320 DOWN ZEEB'S 232S Fairground Road Mil AUTOMOBILIJ f Happy New Yearl HJKLI 4-dr. custom deluxe fully equipped ior oniy $748 DOWN ZEEB'S 2325 Fairground! Road SPECIAL IMI Ford 4m. Hitr. nev motor. ,ood body, aooa upnouitrr. IS4V00. TliU won't lt,t lont. Sam's Motor Co. 7o N. Church alll FOR 8ALB BY OWNER, 1947 Chevrolet 4 -door sedan. low mileage, Llk new. 1167 R. winter. 1 tM! FORD 3-dr., motor new, recondition ed, new paint job, RAH. ont owner, call 34603 I am. to I p.m. 1 1088 DODGE pickup. Very good mechanic ally. Good body, good tire. Here 1 real buy. Only 1365.00. Sam's Motor Co. 270 N. Church ejlll Happy New Year! 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. sedan $678 DOWN This Is a Bargain! ZEEB'S 2325 Fairgrounds Road qlll I (M0 CHEV. 2-door sedan. Radio, heater, new motor, good body, clean in Id a. Try to duplicate this any place for 1895,00. Sam's Motor Co. 170 N. Church qlll . Happy New Yearl 1940 DODGE 4-dr. sedan $425 DOWN ZEEB'S 2325 Fairgrounds Road tin mil CHEV. club cpe. Radio, heater, def. Clean Inside it out. 61095.00. If there 1 better buy than this show u. Sam's Motor Co. 170 N, Church nSll Happy New Year! 1941 CHRYSLER New motor, tailor made seat covers, new tires Only $495 DOWN ZEEB'S 2325 Fairground! Road iii 1011 PONTIAC cluh cpe. fudto. hitter, w. C!?Rn lnmc out. ThU is a retl bur. iiosa.oo. Sam's Motor Co. 170 K. Church fllll Eisner Motors to Sell IBM PLT. club coup. R.dlo, hwtvr. lie. cone, en a-a27i. .Ill Western Motors Corn.r llth ft Muulon. Mi. I -III J. III!1 DON'T OVERLOOK Look Over Them Bargain! TEAGUE'S The Home sf Dependable Uaed Can MT rrun HdM with tl. U4T K.utr Moan with RM. 1141 Bulek ftp. I-PUI. .PI. 1141 DtAolO MM. 1140 Dock. Mdia. 1.40 ChT. 1-PfcM. P. mi Oh.T. Mdaa. MANY OTHBR TO FROM TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 161 M. Llbertr Ph. 1-4171 Balem CONVERTIBLE 1941 Buirk S pan, cpe.. oay converiea 10 ltfto ooay etyie, su per 10 it cyl.) 114-in. wb. model. Very good cond. Best buy of the week. Frlce 11800. Phone days only 34133. 8e It, drive It, and you will buy It. ql 194A PLYMOUTH. 4-dr. ThU week only 11645. Western Motors Corner llth Mission. Ph. 1-9631. QS1I BRAND NFW 1949 Bulek special Mdanett Lea tnan 100 nil. 410 Sunset ave. Ph. 1-3080. gl .1. FORD Deluxe 4-dr. sedan. Kxe. oond. New paint, radio. Many other acces sories. Priced to aell. Mutt be aeen to be appreciated. 265 Ferry. qlll FOR SALE '37 Ford 15 radiator, 130.00. capitoi. Q3l l MM FORD PANE!, with '41 4-tyllnder "lotor- 3330 n. Church. t!13 IMI CHEVROLET 3-dr, Sedan. Oood shape. Reasonably priced. 1361 N. 4th. EQI'ITY '40 FORD 3-dr. Clean. Cheap. opposite rarmert union co-op, jeirer on. 3ll DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION, 1931 cm. 4-dr. neater, it in. wheels: seal beam Hints: truck fllutch. Hit. Of ak offer. 540 Morten ave. till 917 FORD penel delivery, pipe racks, fot liahU. heater. 1350 00. 779 X. Cot tete. Ph. 1-6491 ejll till CHEVROLET te. ted an, !Ulpfd witn neater, Etc. eond. Cll at 1591. Ett Nob not after I p.m. Ph. S-ftttl. ! Eisner Motors to Buy Thl Tim R't BTTDBOltl Berviee Bale Part one of Oood Daed Can 8HROCK MOTOR OO. Chare OhemeMt 81. PR. I -tit! Eisner Motors Fine Cars KQl'lTT 40 FORD t-dr., Ota. theap, Oppotit Farmer Union Oo-., Jef- fersoB. PONTIACS 1147 dnn Coupe I1MI 1941 Bedan 991 1949 Pi mouth Bedan Ml 1939 Bedan ttl 193T Dod Sedan a......... HI 19SI Dode Sedan , III 1915 PontlM Twdor 1M Herrali Owens Co, lt W. Ltbertr Ph. i 11. t ur satJ rbnreh. Ot'B BKPI'TATIOK 6maAi an inut Ufaetieo Lee ut Car. I4t R Curr (Continued on Page 11)