;'1 4 Police Operate two Ambulances I Albany Operation of the two ' municipal ambulances has been transferred from the fire depart 'l ment to the police department, v e f f e c 1 1 v e immediately, and henceforth persons desiring am ' bulance service will phone the ; city police Instead of the fire de ; partment. 'i The change was announced by , Mayor Ralph Banton after eoun ) ell members had informally ac j cepted a recommendation of the . ambulance committee that the J transfer be accomplished. For ' mal ratification of the change is scheduled for the next meeting ( of the council, December 22. The council had been previ- ously Informed by Fire Chief ;' Don Hayne that the Oregon in ' surance rating bureau has re '$ peatedly warned the fire depart- ment that the city's accreditation I with the bureau is endangered by detailing the firemen to op- erate the ambulance. This, he said, would have the effect of , ;( Increasing the town's deficiency ' points with the bureau, which would obstruct progress toward raising Albany's classification s with consequent lowering of in surance rates, unless extra men could be employed. Chief Hayne pointed out that on several occasions fire fighting has been hampered because fire men were out with the ambu- lance when major fires occurred. Lebanon Churches 1 Presenting Concert ? Lebanon Four Lebanon 5 churches will combine choirs and soloists for a Christmas con ' S( cert at 5 o'clock Sunday after- ! noon in the Methodist church. j Numbers on the program In 'i elude, "There's a Song in the ! Air," sung by Hal Burgess; "Ca- rol of the Russian Children, j John Crosby; "Cradle Hymn of 4 the Madonna," Jeanne Mary and "Ava Maria," Vadne Gill, j Josephine Drapela will sing. ; "Joy to the World" and "There : Were Shepherds." Duets by Berniec Duncan and Ellis Gardner, "Beautiful Savior" and "Hark, Hark, My Soul." Sanctus by Helen Price. Organists are Mrs. Joel Booth and Mrs. Lawrence Page. The program is under the di rection of Mrs. Hugh Kirkpat- rick, assisted by Ellis Gardner, Mrs. Frank Brannon, Mrs. Paul McCracken and Mrs. Claire Price. Brothers to Spend Holidays in Jail Independence Arraigned be fore Justice W. A. Wiest on charges of disorderly conduct J. D. and Gene Russell, brothers, are now in the county jail at Dallas. J. D. Russell drew a four month jail term and a $50 fine while Gene was let off with a sentence of one month in the county jail and a $50 fine. Mrs. Dorothy Russell, wife of Gene, was fined $30. The trio was charged with cre ating a disturbance in the Pas time and Palace pool halls on Saturday night, the affair wind ing up in a free-for-all fight in which the police had to inter fere before the situation was finally brought under control. Other offenders appearing In Ju.llce court here during the week were: Robert K. Roub, Jr., Corvallis, fined 925 end co.'ti for overloadfnK his truck. i;neier a. jjetneu, lined 91 ana costs lor leuure to observe a stop sign. Homer Peter Hansen, and Waul O. Han sen each fined $2 and costs for no motor vehicle license. John Lee Meyer and Phillip Edwin Lev eque each fined SI and costs for no op erator a license. IN JOY THI MANY IXCIUSIVI flATURIl Or THI HUNT, CLIAN Conversion BURNER Have greater comfort and be dollars nhnf Patented burner desian... no moving parts. Underwriters listed (or lowcoit furnace oil. factory vuar anteed. Seven sites. See It today I 279 N. Com! Dial 3-4141 Army Man Expected Unionvale Sgt. Norman Gub- ser, in the army stationed at Fort Ord, Calif., expects to be at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Gubser for Christmas for a few days. Marion Scout District Elects Stayton Election 'of officers featured the annual Marion dis trict meeting of Boy Scout lead ers in Gates. F. M. Forrette, Stayton, was elected chairman, a post which has been held for the past three years by L. E. Spraker, also of Stayton. Barney Kirsch of Mehama was elected vice chairman. Raymond Frey, T. R. Burton, E. T. Moore. Glenn Julian, C. R. Baldwin, L. E. Spraker, Kenneth Hanson, George Huffman, T. C. Martin, Clyde E. Golden and Otis White were elected to dif ferent district committees. According to committee re ports heard at the meeting, scouting in the district has ad vanced generally and the sum mer camp at Camp Pioneer was particularly successful, 30 per cent of the boys having attend ed. Each report stressed the fact that leaders are being sought. It was reported that Stayton troop 55, has been disbanded. Recounting what scouting meant to him, M. D. Wooley of the Woodburn State Training school, was after-dinner speak er. Present at t h e meeting and dinner which was prepared by Mrs. Velma Carey of Gates, were M. D. Wooley, Mr. and Mrs L. E. Spraker, Clarence Bald win, Frank Forrette of Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Howe. Clyde Golden, George Veteto, R. L. Stiffler, of Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. Chet Grimes, Lyons: Mr. and Mrs. Barney Kirsch, Meha ma; Harry Harmon, Gale Carey and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Burton, Gates; Walter J. Scott of Salem and Eric Soderberg of Albany. The latter two are assistant scout executives. The next meeting will be held in the Mill City high school on January 13. Neighborhood Club Guest Myers Home Silverton Mrs. Fred Myers, president, was home hostess to the members of the South Water street Neighborhood club for the annual Christmas party. The secret pal of each mem-1 ber was revealed and a new one selected. Gifts were exchanged. The hostess was presented a shower of birthday anniversary rememberances. Mrs. Nellie Lorenzen was awarded the game score prize. During the late afternoon so cial hour Mrs. Myers served a luncheon. The January 11 after noon meeting will be with Mrs. Clayre Skaife. Used Toys Wanted Woodburn Local residents who have used toys to donate for distribution to needy fami lies here by the Cub Scouts are asked to get in touch with Cub master Robert E. Lantz. Rural Linn Family Routed by Flames Albany Flames completely destroyed a rural residence in the Tallman district Friday morning and turned out into freezing temperature a family of five, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sims and their three chil dren, who had moved here from Alaska two months ago to es cape cold weather. The house was owned by W. L. Jackson of Albany, who said the loss, estimated at $5000, was partially covered by insurance. The Sims family and neigh bors removed much of the con tents, including clothing, bed ding and some furniture, but part of the contents also went up in flames. Albany and Lebanon fire de partments sent equipment to the scene, but the blaze was beyond possibility of control, Fire Chief Don Hayne reported. Sims discovered the fire in the living room when sparks started dropping from the flue. An overheated flue is suspected. The Sims family is reported to be receiving shelter in Lebanon. Aurora Citizens of Aurora have erected a huge Christmas tree at the intersection nt Main street, which adds much to the festive spirit. Many homes have been artistically decoratert and elaborate dinners are being planned. Church Tour' Ended Lyons The Missionary Friendship tour, "Tomorrow Is Here." wna rnmnlptprl with ihf last meeting, held at the Meth- Good Position for Experienced BOOKKEEPER 44 Hours Per Week Excellent Pay J. L. BUSICK & SONS 197 N. Commercial Street Apply in Person at) s,p TWEED 11.75 to $57.50 Phi Tens A timeless classic with its own coterie of matching bath and toilet accessories. Capital Drug Store State end Liberty Haile icu VISITED OUR LIGHTING STORE? We Have Many Items in Stock Which Would Be Delightful, Useful and Lasting FOR MOTHER Juicer Floor Lamp Electric Mixer Lamp Shade Iron Coffee Maker Electric Blanket Kitchen Clock Waffle Iron Coffee Grinder Sterilamp SWEETHEART Travel Iron Table or Floor Lamp Spertilamp Sandwich Grill Electric Clock Xmas Tree Lights BROTHER Sun Lamp Ash Stand Corn Popper Portable Radio Radio Alarm Flashlight Set DAD Chimes Electric Razor Barometer Germicidal Lamp Desk Clock Electric Blanket SISTER Figurlnei Radio Hair Dryer Vibrator Portable Heater Rangette FRIEND Boudoir Lamp Bed Lamp Hurricane Lamps Egg Cooker Pressure Cooker ENTIRE FAMILY) Beautiful lighting fixtures for every room. Christmas Special. Our OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO. 236 N. HIGH ST. Senator Building Ph. 2-9412 OH! W! HERE'S FUN! cSJ" .g?Saesl"v iiat'irs'iSt PUFF SMOKE wmsm LIKE REAl TRAINS Bring the Kids In! Watch their faces light up like a sema phore when they see this complete miniature railroad system. Watch Dad's face light up, too! Who said Christmas is just for kids? It's fun for everyone. See the complete line at Elfstrom's. 340 Court Dial 2-2493 Open Until 9 P.M. on Fridays X TTedWhUky Is Scarce The shortage of 0f'e brands. While total behind the withdrawal Bmexe99 of 400,000,000 0f irbuH 8 youn -hisky not aged unnn-the bulk 01 " ,,,ias. enough to fit into 7u M.tr.- FIRST LOOK ...Symbol of Quality The front label Is your guide to selecting the brand you want. "Second Look" shows you rare FIVE, SIX, and SEVEN-YEAR-OLD whiskies are in today's superb-tasting THREE FEAT HERS RARE BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 Proof. The straight whiakics in this product are five years or more old. 33 straight whiakey, 657c grain neutral apirilt. 12 wlii.kry S years old. 20 whiskey 6 years old. 3 whiskey 7 years old. Three Feathers Distributors, Inc., New York, N.K, The hark lalirl is required by the U. S. Government. It tells you the age and amount of base whiskies in the blend. There hat been no inmate in price. 360 " QT. aU tin ;""f:"V J"a auaaasgjaa m tjwaijg 1,29 Vour"u" itn' tcn"" 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Dec. 18, 194813 odist church. These series of meetings were held each week with Mrs. Lawrence Walworth and Miss Helen Queen instruc tors. CANADA BY CNR mm mmti mma mws mm C) Tin im.ll'TIMU tlMITEs (yO Tk MiPlE LEAF JAILY from Chicago to Detroit, Ottawm, Toronto and Montreal. Connecting aervicea from Toronto and Montreal for Boa ton, New York, Philadelphia and Washington. D.C sk-mj 'tetteflWiJrereWistertwtrre,' THE MiLWAV TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA Hutu JoMt.li Vaieta IW. Statu. Wed,. Wiooeji M tn mi . or m yoa ova ((( gerM. MO PAMIKMT MCtXWJ ANTA CLAUS IS HERE XPVkMl f ,l tiar ...rrnor or wuonry EETEATflW1 I gP? I Save $50, All This And . . . We Can . ""-on - ".t 'or. cr h?Uf-ha1?i " ft."" r h"J ,.. .coerf ;."rr r- i. cr. . ur Now s 3 J.. 3 Give Immediate Delivery On New KAISERS and FRAZERS TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty, Salem Ph.2-4173 MJHU8 FOR SICK PEOPLE STOMACH AILMENTS, WEAK KIDNEYS, RHEUMATIC PAINS, ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS Add iuch complaints m HetdRChM, NrvouneM. Acids, Toil in, Bloating, Lack of vitality, Energy, root Appetite, unaerwemnt, Dizzy epeiu. Colon Illustrations THE COLON li one of the mon Imiiortant organs of our body. Drugless Health IP YOU ARE s sufferer of these ailments, try GEO-MINERAL. You may be astounded at the results. You need not truess you will see facts. GEO-MINERAL comes from the earth Nature's Laboratory. Contains NO dope, NO alcohol, NO oil. ONLY Nature's mineral, the oldest, most reliable remedy for rheumatism, arthritis, kidney and stomach ailments. GEO-MINERAL will enrich your blood, help to make you strong, full of pep, life and energy. Lack of minerals in the blood causes ane mia, headaches, nervousness. Min erals generate mental brilliancy, give sparkling eyes, red cheeks, fight disease, build up health. Wonder Minerals RHEUMATISM, arthritis are dreadful diseases. Acid condition In the blond is ofttm their cause. What cnuld be the remrdy? For thousands c years, minerals have been used to relieve the pain and suffering of these ills. People, on the advice of doctors, go to mineral springs to find cure, or relief. The late I'resident Roosevelt used to go to Warm Springs in Georgia. He was helped or would not have gone there regularly twice a year. YEAR after year, people rush In mineral springs and spas, to drink and bathe in their miraculous wa ter. We have all heard of the won drous springs of Lourdes, France, and famous Thronion in ancient (ireece where, according to legend Hercules, the Rod of eternal strength and youth, drank Its waters and bathed to be forever young. Amazing Results GEO-MINERAL contains min erals you get at the world's best springs. Watrh your elimination from your bowels a day or two after using it. The waste, black as the color of your shoes, will start to break away, and you will SEE It. Also en amine your urine. You may see Impurities poisonous waste coming out of your kidneys, reliev ing you. And then realize the price less value nf GEO-MINERAL. GEO-MINERAL Is not a physle and does not Interfere with the foods in the stomach. It cleans and purifies the intestines, thoroughly relieving gas, toxins, acids, and bloating. After these poisons are out of the system and the kidneys purified, we begin to feel the arth ritis and rheumatism leaving, and Nature starting to complete the recovery. 100? ... 7o juaranreea : WF I!Rf;E everyone to try CifcO MINH1A1.. Do not hralUle one moment. Go to your druj a to re now. fiet on. bottle. Vvt it one week. If yoa are not 100 per rent aallanetl, we will refund your money In full. ItRr.ARDI.RSH of how lonir you h.ve heen aulTerlnit, and how many medlrlnea you have tried before, CifcO-MINKNAL may be the rem edy you need! TRY It today! It may do wonder, for you and he the heat Investment for your health. Make you feel, eat, leep, work and enjoy life better. (.f O-MINKRAI, Retail Price 1 Bottle 11.10 I Bottle, Sfi.00 t0 if j I av T TUB IDKAl. COLON. A peraon In perlert hfallh po'.semto. a rnlnn Ilk. 11ns Dim. nuiM'tikir and regular. i . Vviv - . - CONSTIPATION hlligea li vol thla atunlc abnnrmal rolitn. Keep colon, free fruin poKonous waste matter. V? HVsnC CONSTIPATION This fond i lion nfirn rstiMd bv ovet use of )iarh catlirtic, ph-iict. r iv- Lmm nowrt A i hk si on s Proper diet, ttThpplnf rolon clean, s1wsv. hrlps to avoid ths condition of t(iu colon. Fred Meyer Drug s.,irm, or. Mail order, to above address add 10c for postage - M 1