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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1948)
4 . sjrjwr New "Rocket" Engine The 1949 Series "98" Futuramic Oldsmobile club sedan is Just as fleet as it appears, because is is equipped with the new Oldsmobile "Rocket" high-compression engine, more powerful than any engine ever produced by Oldsmobile. The new Oldsmobile "Rocket" engine is rated at 13S horespower. Salem's showing will start Sunday at Loders. East Salem Xmas Party Includes All Community ' East Salem Members of Swegle Sunday School have planned the largest all-community Christmas party of the season to be held In the school auditorium Wednesday night beginning at 7:30 o'clock. There will be a gift exchange for all those who care to participate, with no gift to have a value of more than fifty 'cents. A program has been planned and refreshments will be served. Everyone living in the community is invited to this party. At a recent election the fol lowing officers were elected for the Sunday school to serve through the new year: Superin tendent, Mrs. G. T. Turner; as sistant superintendent, Mrs. Otis Compton; secretary, Lucile Ol son; treasurer, Clifford Roberts; chorester, Mrs. Albert Patz, her assistant, Maybelle Turner; pi anist, Mrs. Chapman with Mrs. Turner her assistant. For sev eral months a contest has been conducted between the boys and girls of the Sunday school for new members, and the results of this contest will be announced at the party and prizes awarded. Pupils Offer Yu e Program A Christmas program by pi ano pupils of Mrs. Feme Craven Is to be presented tonight at 8 o'clock' and on Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert 'Bchroeder, 1321 North Capitol. ' Christmas carols will be sung and played In addition to other numbers. There will be two pi ano, eight-hand numbers, and other two and four-hand num bers. ,i Following are the pupils tak ing part: r Freddie Tweedie, Ann Bag ley, Linda Schei, Sue and Gary . Zwicker, Lora Lama, Douglas Adams, Susan and Eldon Her lnger, Jerry and Gary Neal, Gail and Toni DeSart, Carol Ann Hudson, Judy Porter, Lar ry and Dennis Zuver, Judy Bar ry, Wanda Lee Noel, Karen Cov ert, Valdene Aebi, Carlyle Haas, . Mac and Paul Baker, Celia Wea ' ver, Margaret Sanders, Barbara ; jean Smith, Jerry and Janice Goertzen, Wayne and Allen Simmons, Richard Claus, Rol- ' and Schirman, Mary Lou Has - tings, Carol Stettler, Keith Lu- cas, Mary Jane Riches, Marlys . Clark, Jerry Hunsaker, Barbara . Garner, Ronald Cannoy, Eliza ; beth Tate, Diane Burkland, Bar- j bara Calloway, Eva Jean Miller, Natalie Cunningham. 1 PGE Advises Patrons i To Save Electricity In its billings to customers this month Portland General : Electric company reminds them of the emergency power short ' age and the necessity of con 1 serving electricity. The remind i er is also given by display ad f.vertisments in the newspapers. A Particularly the time of em ergency is from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. , Household appliances that , use electricity are listed, with the amount of energy they con sume, and the customers are ' asked to be economical in their use. Suggestions are given as to . how this can be done, ! The conservation program will continue throughout the ',' winter. ' Rural Truck Cqlled Dayton The rural fire truck was called to the home of Alvin Rutschman near Hopewell, Fri . .day morning at 6:1S a.m. The - fire was caused by an overheat : ed stove, and the fire was ex- tinguished when the department 1 got there. There was some dam ; age to the interior-of the house. Norton, Mrs. Otis Dawes, Mrs Elmer E. Terill. Mrs. William Hartley and Mrs. Swingle. Of ficers of the past year Mrs. Eloe, Mrs. Neuman and Mrs. Hein, were assistant hostesses. Mrs. Charles Jayne was unable to attend because of illness in her home. Mrs. Wilfred Wilier was host ess for the annual Christmas party of the Monroe Sewing club at the home of her mother. Mrs. Stuart Johns. All mem bers received gifts from their secret pals of the year. Present were Mrs. R. J. Becker, Mrs, Hugh Williams and granddaugh ters, Sharon, Mrs. Loran Richey, Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mrs. John Collins, a guest; Mrs. Roy Fow ler, Mrs. Arlo McClain, Mrs Warren Shrake, Mrs. Arthur Stowell, Mrs. Glen Moody, Glennda Lee Moody, Greg and Dick Shrake, Fredie Wilier, Mrs. Johns and the hostess. House guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen on Monroe avenue the past week were his brothers and sisters and families: Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Olliver Hansen from Choteau, Montana; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swanson of Great Falls, Mon tana; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hansen and Beverly and Mr. and Mrs. Earling Lansen of Portland. Mothers Hosls" To Teachers Frank B. Bennett, superin tendent of the Salem public schools, and the teachers of Garfield school, Miss Edna Fery, Mrs. Faye Troth, Mrs. Thelma Lindstrom, Mrs. Neva Mundin ger, Miss Kathryn McKinnon, Mrs. Ethel Carothers, Miss Alice Twombly, Mrs. Mary Bradley, and Mrs. Caroline Blake were special guests at the meeting of the Garfield Mothers and Dads club which was held Thursday evening at Garfield school. During the short business meeting, Mrs. Warren Clark, club president, introduced the room mothers for the ensuing year. Room mothers for Room 1 are Mrs. Milton E. Hartwell, Mrs. Floyd McNall; Room 10, Mrs. Wallace Guthrie, Mrs. Wil liam Grief; Room 2. Mrs. Rus sel Forrest, Mrs. Alfred Henne; Room 3, Mrs. Russel Mayor, Mrs. Willard Taylor; Room 8, Mrs. W. C. Wells, Mrs. Edward A. Murphy, Room 4, Mrs. Mil ton Parker, Mrs. J. H. Bray; Room 7, Mrs. C. R. Hoffine, Mrs. Victor Mason; Room 5, Mrs. Louis Miller, Mrs. Ealph Eyre; and Room 6, Mrs. Don Baker and Mrs. Gladys Miller. The halls and classrooms were decorated for the holiday season by students and made a beauti ful setting for the musical pro-i gram which was planned by Mrs. Chester Hamblin, program chair man. E Donald Jessop, director of instrumental music of the Salem schools, discussed instrumental training offered through the Sa lem school system. Mr. Jessop introduced several of the mem bers of the senior high school band who played short solos. Be fore presenting each soloist, Mr. Jessop gave a brief history of the instrument to be played and its place in an ensemble or as a solo instrument. The musicians were Loren Bartlett who played a clarinet solo, "O Little Town of Bethlehem": Marilyn Broer. flute, "The Holy City"; Bob Wil son, saxophone, "Star Dust"; Mary Swigart, French horn, "O Holy Night"; Jim Todd, trumpet, "Adeste Fideles"; Bob Wichman, baritone, Deryl Peters, trom bone, "God Rest Ye Merry Gen tlemen"; and Ronald Little sousaphone, "Deep Sea Chanty." Mrs. Jessop was the accompanist for several of the numbers. The sixth graders who have been heard roeently over KSLM, sang several Christmas numlv-s under the direction of their liau er, Mrs. Caroline Blake. Their songs were "Jingle Bells," "Bethlehem Night," "Sing We Noel," "Christmas Everywhere," "When Nite Hung Deep," and "Lo' How a Rose." Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, De. 18, 1948 II Refreshments were served in the upper hall, Mrs. Milton Hart well, Mrs. Floyd McNall, Mrs. Wallace Guthrie, and Mrs. Wil liam Grief being in charge. Iceland, when discovered by the Scandinavians around 830 A.D., had long been Inhabited by a small colony of Irish Cul-dees. The annual covered dish din ner and Christmas party for members of the Swegle Woman's club in the home of Mrs. Mary Swingle in Salem was con ducted by the president, Mrs. Merle Enloe. Yearly reports were given and plans for the new year books made. For the social hour members answered roll call with reports of in teresting experiences they had at Christmas time in their child hood. With Joey Yost assisting gifts from under the large tree were distributed. Present for the day were Mrs. Enloe; Mrs. Ralph Hein, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. Clif ford Yost, Mrs. Homer J. Conk lin, Mrs. Walter Biggerstaff, Mrs. William Damery, Mrs. Rex Peffer, Mrs. Charles Bottorff, Mrs. Ralph Becker, E. E. Brandt, Mrs. Menno Dalke, Mrs. Charles PALMISTRY READINGS Will tell your past, present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are you worried? Why be tn doubt? Special Headings. Own 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ; 466 Ferrr St, Am Wonted . . . Men 16 to 46 to train for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning in our well equipped school shop. We teach you to build, maintain and repair deep freezers, milk coolers, bottle coolers, walk-in coolers and all other types of domestic and commercial equipment. For Information on training, housing, terms, part-time em ployment, etc., see G. I. JENSEN MARION HOTEL Sunday, December 19th :00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Approved for Vets When You I Think of Think of !VT,- . NEW YORK LIFE And when you think of New York Life think of Walt Wadhams SPECIAL AGENTS 578 Rose St. Ralem, Oreeon Phone 27930 "If m Ilk. ne ll me W.H' FOR YEARS . . . Salem's leading Plumb ing and Heating dealers. There MUST be a reason! Why don't YOU give us a try? fjPLUMBINQ-HATINQ 279 N. Commercial Phone 3-4141 Let Us Recommend Your Painter or Paperhanger Through IS Years in the Paint Business and Close Co operation with Salem's Finest Decorators We Feel That We Are Well Qualified to Successfully . Cope with Your Every Paint Need. Call Us for Immediate Service. McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 N. Commercial Phono 3-8478 "DUTCH I0Y" QUICK-DRYING ENAMEL Renew furniture, toys and woodwork with the smart, bright colors of this durable, high glow onomel. It's easy to brush and flows out to a smooth, von finish. Dries in 4 to 6 hours. 1 SBOD PLACE TO IIT MOD PAINT F. 0. REPINE CO. V J I Onr If Location Phone 1-47SS 'HERE'S MY LIST SANTA!' Give your home a Christmos gift by making those need- ea repairs, cover cracked walls with wallboard, insulate, fix up an extra room do those jobs which spell greoter comfort ond charm. Come on in, talk it over with us this week. Our best wishes for a blessed, merry Christmas and happy, prosperous 1949. Convenient Monthly Payments Arranged ' if s 9 ? if it it n If if it if fftlVE ROWING I FTS iFSnewwiwwiees SHRUBS 1 ft f I Camellia Rhododendrons Azaleas Ornamental Evergreens Walnut & Fruit Trees wnniiiiinnmemen Gift Certificate Available FREE Delivery in City Limits F. A. Doerfler & Sons Nursery TtYfltlUBY miiiiHimn Iir. B. E. isorlnr Flatter Your Looks With Glamour Specs Optometrists I Us Sam Hughes Your appearance means a lot . . . your good vision means more, so enjoy these two supreme benefits with newer, smarter glasses. See them 1SS Court AT BORING OPTICAL DIGNIFIED CREDIT Phone 1-650 MIHM UUMLI IIMIIIj I M lAAX im.MHinni fo UmtH0 4isaa Newest, flneit folding typw Hoi lumnlnd f4.5 leni, 1200 shutter; built-in exposure computer. Ideol for color or black-and-white. CFIaih" shots too. Negatives, 2Vt x 3V. Range of lower-priced models also available. CfCottaA ScHlfct rfatfiut f4.5 see H here today $61.50 Plus Tax coun & commcioai t40 CHAl 111(11 scnDcrru MCHtttt operate as out Elf strom s Present o New Exhibition of Art. The First Showing of Oil Paintings by INEZ BEACH NEW YORK ARTIST Miss Beach, a Qualified Ma rine Painter who as one of a group of eastern artists, visit ed Oregon Shores this summer, sends to Oregon a group of paintings of the roaring Paci fic. Commencing Monday at 1 p.m. YOU ARE INVITED ART GALLERIES , Third Floor PH. 2-1493 40 COURT HsIlcr'sSRS is definitely not K' I ; , ; ' runproof. So you'd better run Waft1' (tAf down to your dealer's for it lAX W 1 jgS before bi runs out of it. For this Is I ?Mf ' 93 proof whiskey-remember that l-'lO, That means it goes farther in C 'J-H f tJf my drink. It means more for your j, "y money any way you look at it. .K5-sf'TTJI5it!l liller BLENDED WHISKEY 93 proof 72V5rf grain neutral spirits W. A. Haller Corp., Phi la.. Pa. 00 rca Victor A Heider's Pet ond a wizard of a set! Tiny enough to tuck into a topcoat pocket. A little radio with room size volume ond excellent tone. Just open the lid . . . ond it's on! Camera style construction mokes it strong ond durable. Cover in handsome liz-ord-grain plastic with polished chromium trim for beauty. A Hei der recommendation. RCA Vic tor's "Persono!" portable. Heider's Price $33.50 RCA Victor 'Tersonal'J Of if you're doubtful GIVE THE GIFT THEY CHOOSE THEMSELVES WITH A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM . 21322 At 4 Corners 3 SERVICE RECORD STATE ST. FOUR CORNERS PH. 3-8513