18 Capital Journal. gaUm, uiMiraa unanDii rr lid 1M r Una I Unw pi LlM ilmu -M Bar Lino 1 nonlb U-00 OttUld at aalant IS. par Uu pal 4aT- U1B. lOtl I 1D1M BIB. MC llmaa mm. HJO. No nafiuuli MADURA B Laaal New CL Onl.1 rti ua. To Ple. an Ad Phon. t-Utt Thai .BtBM Ht far artlrlw aalUB far $10 or LESS Don't Save It Sell It! t Llntl For 8 Dayl, $1 00 Sm rclBBtU. I Wood m is and no MaoBOO. WrecklM Co.. 1J0 BowBrtNtt &HL8SON-RICC nt.. Jim wilkor O K.elr control for modal ptoat-IU. Br.y. Av. ML'. MAN'I 4 Buckle over.hoo., new lara. t. Prlco H PH. 77. fOLDINO PLAY Pen with pad. Ic. cond. 11.00. PH. 13701. M0J ,. ice .'.. i-Hk"ew'hV0?; Microscope i .au. Balv. hot water tank. side arm, 11000. Ph. 2-- br3"' FOR SALE HOUSES BY BMI.DKR Brand new S bdrm. home, He. iitllltlf rm . Id.. 11". rm.. din. rm.. db, r.. auto oil lurntce. tireplac. with mantla nd built-in book cue, yen. blind, hdwd. lira.. 100 al. per i hr. deep well. Lot 00x130, ahrubbcrr ' . j n immui niiu. Located ! on pavement, 810 mile 8. of Hort Trl-Mountain vlsw subdivision. Term, P.H.A. approved Priced to ell. Phone 1 nnn rvnwn Buy new 1-bdrm. home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, oil heat, un finished upstalra. hardwood floor, gar age. large lot. Immed. posa. SANTA CLAUS IS HERE! New 3-bdrm. atucco hme. knotty pine den, 3 Ilreplacei. basement, hardwood floor, an eiectric. - neighborhood. We want an offer and w can oner excenm. .emu.. ate possession. Call Crawford eve. 15390. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 23449. Ive. 25390, 31033. 37451. 337 H. High St. 30l A NEW BOME which may be bought on easy terms; It hai 2 bedroom, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, uiil Hy room. BaraKe, oil heat. DendK hAr and elertrle ttov may be tooutht. f8!)M. An older well built home with llvlnn room, dining room, kitchen, bath. 3 bedrooms, aleeplng porch, double garage AMredroom home with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, oil heat. All Insulated, dryer In baaement. Nicely landacaped. $11,000. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Cbemrketa Street Phone 1-1545. 3 4S06 Eve. 3-856S. 2-6686. l fcT OWNER Special price thla week. Oood 4-bedrm. home. City and arhool bua. Also new 4-bedrra. on one fir. Some thing really nlra. Will aeU either one. 36 Lanatag ave.. Balcm. 304 iTt.UK NEW 2 bdrm. Flee. heat. hdwd. fir 4 Loan, Mo. Payment. Im mediate Pom. 115 8. View Place. 'First Road ft. of Triangle Tavern) Ph. 3S4 a303 A A BAG, BOrsE City water, close In. J. A. 13350. IBO0 down. 10 a month. Vacant. . m JWflT COMPLETED room homt, 2 BR. Ige. LR DR. kitchen t bath. Hdwd. floor turnout. Auto, oil heat. 19300. r.H.A. terms. Joe Hutchison REALTOR 451 Court Street. Salem. Oregon ph. i.63; Bv. 2-4780, I-633, 3-3303. a301 fcMAS SPECIAL! WE1X OON8TRUCTEt5 9-RM. HOME, 1K1E. LR WITH FIKE PLACB, LOE. DR. DKN, RECEPTION HALL? OAK FLOOHfl. BASEMENT. AUTO. HEAT. WALK I NO DISTANCE. 13,750. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Faelualve Ltatlng Pergonal Service 164 Com'L St. Ph. 1-8380; Eve. 1-7440. a303 Bt OWNER, 3-bdrm. home ft room for more. LI v. rm., din. rm., kltch., bath, full basement, elea. water heater, fur naca. 1068 Norway St. Ph. l-DBfla. a3Ql' lAT NOBHIIX, New 3-bdrm. home. 1650 down. bal. P.H A.. 150 per mo. inc. taxea In. Ph. 2-5432. 303' RDBnmW. HOITSF. full baaement. auto, oil heat. Xf lntevtated Ph. 3-66SB or 3-67. 301- OPEN HOUSE an day Sat., Dec. 18. Very nice new 4 adnn., at 3115 J Win St.. ll4 blocks north off Bunnwiew ave. Atao good 4 bdrm.. ctty as achooi bua, 38 Lansing. aSOl flS.aoA Nlea home In walking dtst. ol Hieh Behool ft Fnelewood grade achooi. has I bedrma. Chlkl room wlih bunk bed, basement, fur., fireplace, hwd fir., lg. lot with garden ft fruit. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3H371 Eve. 25360 a303 tTT.u-TERM New 3 bdrm. home, fire place, had. firs, lawn and ah rub in Call nnrver Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 30271 Eve. 30441 aS03 NEW DELIGHTFUL Three bedroom, one floor, two fire place. HW floors, hot water radlsnt heat loll burner). Call Mr. Holme for details. Salem Realty Co. Realtors 14 If. Nieh St. Phone 37660 Ev. Phone 24773 S02 SALEM HEIGHTS A very good new two bedroom house, aleetrie heat. HW floors, bedrooms each 13x13: immediate rmrveasioni near good school. Price 7M)0. Salem Realty Co. Realtora 140 N Blah Bt. Phong 376(10 Eve, Phone I4T7I. 34601 aSOl down, btiv new 3 bdrm home, hwd. firs., fireplace, anfln. at tt. Call Harvey Buff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3(1371 EM. SD441 aHOS OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, 1 :30 to 5 P. M., SUNDAY 10 TO 4:30 P. M. AT 1596 SO. LIBERTY. Immediate pOAseaaion erf this ttlr Co lonial 4-bedroota home with double slambtnc. Lane livlni room with fire place, nlra dining ronm, the kitchen If big family type. Pull . basement with aeonomleal Sawdust heat to all rooms, double aarase. Fieellent corner lot with ferwd-ln back yard, outdoor fire place, patio, ftahpond. fruit tree. Thti homa may be sold furnished or un furnished, liberal terms arranged, ant reasonable efler will be given ca refill toaaiderntion. A Teal faintly hmr.e. that If not aoVd autckly will be leased. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 H. Capitol. Ph. 88311 a)0J iff OWNIvR Immediate possession. Sac rifice. 1300 down. New 3-bedrm , tg Uv rm. Encflwood. 1103 M. 35th. Ph 3-KH7. a30 RENT SLAVES LOOK $1000 DOWN Ewva you thla l-vr. aid 2-bedroom home with avte LR. tut hitenen. wired for range and ha electric water heater Att, taraae. Large lot North and close to bus and tore. Price I47. SEE IT NOW. CQLBATH LAND CO. Ph04 l3 Oregon, Friday, Dec. 17, 1948 FOR SALE HOUSES HUDKINS BUY-LINES $6850 block aenlor btih school. Cute 1 bed room hornt. LR. dinette, kitchen, bath, lirw. smell lot. Tnu i e dream house $7000. Salem Height. 1 block to eitr bug, I bedroom house, large rooms, bath. Al ston H Mrt. pavement. ltj water. You aa mill ft good buy an thla place. $8950. t ew. I room. Beautiful tree. LR 14x18. Hdwd. fir , a large kitchen with snack bar an4 dinette, tllJlj. Hear .Liberty school. $15000 LR 16x31, large DR, kitchen, I carpeted bedroom. I of them huge, taint , oil furnace, dbl. garage, near Fairish achooi, sprinkler system, corner lot. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTOR 0 H. High Bt. Fn. J-4129 J01 New 3-Bdrm. Home I10O0 down, bal. P.H.A., for key call owner. Ph. 35423. aaoi S BR. LR, BATH, DINETTE, wall to wall carpet, excellent condition, full base ment, oil heat, new aarage. 17350. IMMED. POBS. on this I BR home, well located on xh acre. By school, store ft bus. Oood Jtrong loan available. Only 16800. NEW ALL-ELEC. IMMED. POKS. Excep tionally well const. 2 BR home on paved at. by achooi, bus ft store. All hdwd. firs. Ue. LR ft BR', extra lge. lot. Very good at 17500. NEAR PARRISH ft SR. HIOH. Late mod. home, 3 BR. Ven. blind, hdwd. firs. 4 loan. 18000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Lltlng personal Service 164 ft. Com'L St. Ph. 3-8380; Eva 3-7440. aaoi TAKE LATE model car on modern two bedroom home, bal. 4 . Owner. 3065 Bruce st. Tel. a-osao. ajoi MERRY CHRISTMAS IT WILL be extra merry for you If you buy for yourself and family this un usually neat ft rm. house. N.E. near Salem High. It' vacant, the price Is reduced to S7900. To get the key call Lelac H. Ellis, Broker. 2-1231. a303' TODAY'S BEST BUYS It' new. It' nice and 16500. 2 close to State CapltoL Term. Here' a 2 bdrm. new home with a 15500 O.I. Loan 4. Will aeU thU week for S7350. Hollywood District, new 3 bdrm. LR. DR. kitchen, utility rm., garage, insu lated ft weatherst ripped, 19850. TO BUY SELL OR RENT Call Ralph Bent Realtor Ph. 1-3123 Bun. or Eve. Call 20130 or 10IM 2330 S. Commercial St. a303 BEST BUYS $2000 Full Price 21 Acre, well, garage, enough mater ial Including plumbing to bulk) a 2 bdrm. house. 81000 down will handle. Reduced to $7100 Almost new 3 bdrm. suburban home, at tached garaae. 1 blk. to bus. Well worth the money. Terms. $1500 Down 2 bdrm., close In East. t Acre, pri vate well, garage, several fruit ft nut tree, Immed. com., 2 blk. to shop ping center, full price S6000. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7630, 2-4506; Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558 eW FOR SALE LOTS 1 CORNER LOT, Kelaer Height. Ph. 2-4683. eajqa Keizer District Large Lota Near Bus and School Price $700 W. J. Krueger Realtor Ph. 34738. 147 N. Com'l. aa301' APARTMENT HOI'SK LOCATION Very Close In. Only 13700. Ph. 3-8835. WALT SOCOLOFBKY, Real EM ate a a SOS FOR SALE FARMS 73 ACRES Mostly In permanent production. About 40 acre prunes. 11 acres filbtrta, 80 walnut trees, variety family fruit; old house, barn, pressure water system , on pavement, about 8 mile out. Price I10.500, or will take Salem horn in exchange, Salem Realty Co. Realtors 141 N. Bith St. Phone 37660 Eve. Phone 34591 b302 St ACRE 13 mile North of Salem. 176 A. tillable, the bal. In good pasture land and oak timber. Large barn and other outbulldincs. Asking price 133,000. Will consider term or house In town as part payment. IS9 Acre East of Salem on paved rd. 80 A. under cultivation, ft A. timber. The rest In good pasture land. Year around creek. Deep well with water system. 3 -bedroom house, large barn and other good outbuUdlnaa. Easy terms and email down payment to the right party, or will trade for house In town. Total price 815.000. For mora infonnattoln call Pat Jarvlll with R OSTEIN ft ADOI.PH. INC. UO'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3MO Eve.. 3-BS6H. bSOl FOR SALE ACREAGE SUBURBAN Comfortable 8 bdrm. home. In a get ting of natural beauty. 7 ml. from city center, 30 A. In all. 11 A In cultivation, the rest In beautiful wood lands and pasture, lots of out building, house Is modern, wired for range, large base ment, 13 ru. ft. derp freeze included, near grade achooi. Only 113.650, some term. B. Isherwood. Realtors Ph en I Wallace Rd. Rt. 1. Box 343 or Ph. 3-8816. 1368 6th St., West Sslem bb303 ACREAGES 14 acre filbert. 1 bedrm. house, nice chicken house, $4000 full price. II acres filler!, nice clean 2-bedroom home, 1 75(H). 7 68' 100 acres, nice Sbedrm. modern home, very Rood large barn, good soil, 1 10,. WO our beet buy. Call Ray Davis Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 30371. Eve. 36R bfiSOS' OLENCKECK ROAD Nearly new 1-bedroom home located Rt. 1. Box 178. A nicely arranged com com fort able home with basement and larte lot. Price tlfl.MW I'i ACR F-17500 One of the finest suburban home In Salem for the monev. Located north east A dandy 3-bedroom plastered home, elec. heat. Clean thruout. Beau tiful lawn and ahade tree, plus a good barn, easy term, call Walt Muegrave. Waller Musgravc, Realtors 183 Edcewater. Ph. I MM bMfll" REAL ESTATE CALABA'S COLUMN WILL TRADE Nice) little 3-bedrom home worth $5000 for nice larger 3-bedroa home worth more NORTH 15TH STREET Evtra nice home, 2 bedrema plus fin tatted bedroom In basement, double plumbing, large rom. fireplace, etc. 113.700. GROCERY STORK Building and all, new can (patent, a a wen aeiup. Rudy Calaba & Co. Realtors 111 B Hitn St PMM cJI. area. Ult at WTT REAL ESTATE STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS $1109. Located East an Alma Ave. Lot 100217 with 24x44 concrete foundation and house started. Call Mr. Bum 25104 or Mr. Brown 35561. 16400. Well located an Park Avenue, attractive home. Oarage. Nice lawn ft ghrub. fruit tree ft garden space. Lot 10x203. Call Mr. Hum 3&304 ar Mr Brown 35541. STATE FINANCE 163 ft. High St. Ph. 1-4121. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY REALTORS 169 South High - Phones 38620 - 25131 APARTMENT BOl'ttK Cloae la, good location. One af the best In Salem, ahowina excellent return. PIRNISHEO DUPLEX Well located, toed ment. We Will Be Olad to Contact This REAL ESTATE WANT TO SK1L OR TRADE YOUR HOME, FARM OR BUSINESS? IP SO, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OP PICE. MANY OUT STATE PEOPLE MOVINO HERE WHO ARE INTER ESTED IN BUYINO SALEM PROP ERTY. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Phone 24552 C301- Olson & Reeve, Realtors XMAS SPECIALS LOVELY MODERN HOME 11300 down. 1 blk. from school and store in Ketier on the pavement. 3 bdrm., dining rm., ell heat. hdwd. firs.. Vi A. City bus. A fteal at $8500. 4 per cent Int. on bal. ENGLEWOOD DIST. Hake an offer on this modern 2 bdrm. home. All hdwd. fir. Bsmt. Sawdust heat. Very nice fir. plan. Fireplace. V. blind. I mm. poss. CLOSE TO ST. VINCENT I bdrm. home all on one fir. LR. DR, B. 1C. nook, kitchen, plastered, bsmt., fur. Corner lot. Walnut tree. $3500 4 acre. Back from highway, private driveway. Beautiful bklg. spot with creek and trees. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'. Ph. 34590; Eva 23488 C301 HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS City Homes H acre Inside city limits, ft rm. ft bath, wired for range, concrete foundation, dug basement, barn, chicken house, garage, lots of fruit. 44.000.00. 2 lots, ft rm. mod. home In neighbor ing town (north! on paved atreet. $4,000.00. S rm. ft bath, continuous atone founda tion, building In good shape, lot 40x200 gt., close In. 44,500.00. $3,000.00 down. New B rm. ft bath, cement foundation, double constructed, elec. heat, wired for range, electric water heater, ft blocks from business section. $6,400.00. 7 rm. ft bath, plastered, basement, auto, gas furnace, double plumbed, wired for mime. auto, water heater, good location. $6,950.00. Terms. $1,500.00. Two brick business buildings in Silver-1 ton. One single story, 40x60 ft. and one 3-story 44x70 ft., showing good return on Investment. Worth Investigation. Both building for 130,000.00. acres, nearly all cultivated, well con structed, new ft rm. house with base ment, partly finished, barn, chicken house, spring water, on paved hitthway. About 1 mile from achooi and atore. Priced for quick sale. $3500. Term. 200 acres farm, t rm. house and full aet of buildings, about 75 acres culti vated, 4 miles out. Look It over, $12,- 000. 00. 119 acres, about 60 acres cultivated, fine 9 rm. mod. home with full basement, fireplace, furnace, etc., barn and other buildings, on highway, good aoil. $19, 000.00. If do It see what you want above, write for free sale list. Just off th pre. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon Phone 161 c301 THREE A RfcR Very good soil, 2 B. R. lue., barn for cow, chicken, hog and ealvea. Family fruit. Can all be Irri gated. Only $8450. Three bedroom hse. Large lot. on on paved road. Oood soil for garden. House almost new. Only 19250. Very low terms. See this before buying. Parma All size and for all purpose. Let us know your need. We may have Just what you need. Goodwin & McMillin Realtor. Phone 3-4707. 484 Court Evening 37383 or 35184 r303- LEO N. CHILDS, INC REALTORS LA ROB BEAUTIFUL view lot. South': City water. 11600 3 ACRES RUII.D1NO BITE on Chema ma rd. $3400. Another 6 acre available for an additional 13800. 3 STORIES. Old. ye, but a roof and a cement foundation. Neighborhood not loo good, but not to bad either. A double lot running right thru the block. A Place for children, as It ha 4 bdrm. and is naht across from Richmond school. Terms. $3950. THRIVING SMALL OROCEHY STORE Very well equipped with favorable lenxe. S4300 NEW. VACANT, AND READY for you. We 11-arranged 2-bedrm. home, lne. liv ing rm, dinette, kitchen, utility rm. Lot 40x369 with plenty of room for garden. Located Insule city. $7950. It you don't see It advertised. CALL US Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS "It years ef dependable aervlre t heme owners" 244 Btate St Ph. 3-3643 Evening call 1-4007, 3-5620 or 3-5855 f303 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE NSTD lUtlnas on Income property- courts, apartment or wttal have you? Prompt, courteous service. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3644. 337 N Hlsh St Eve. 35390. 31031. 37451 caSOl WE ARE In need of good houesto aell In or near Salem. If you wlih to list jour property for sale nee l.K4HrM10R1T BROS., REALTORS 1J4 8. Liberty St. Phone 3-3471. aa" NOTICE If your property Is for sale. w ecnnite, I ml It WllR us. We have all kind of canh buvrrs. TATE PIN SV CO.. REALTORS 153 S High St ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES USED CAR LOT Office bid and all equip Neon start, hraba, rent by mo ar lease. ll.oo. I Unit Court Just luted, close in. excl. loe. In top cond Ornea over 1500 mo. Reasonable term. Sre Ed Lukmbeal Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors i Chemeketa St. Ph. 39171. Eve. 26M0 cdJOS- SOLID BRICK I STORY APT BLDO VEHY CUV I IN EXCELLENT CON STRUCTION. CONDITION ft INVEST MENT. Will. NET t'W $2.000. Larsen Home & Ixan Co. Baelujive Lut tries Personal Service 144 COm'l. St. Pn. 1-839. $. 3-7440 CdJPJ' Journal Want Adt Pay (REAL ESTATE 18500. Lata built t-BR home well lo cated East on bua line. Close to school. Ha hdwd. fir., vera modern kitcnen. Lars a lac had garage. Nice lawn. Term. 18500. New modern 3-BR home close to set tool. East on bit line. Hdwd. floor, fireplace, V. blinds. 041 furnace, attach ed garage. $1,000 down. Immediate pos se asi on. I&100. New I BR home, well located en bua line. Close ft achooi. Hdad. floor. Ml furnace, garage. F H A. loan $6,600. Call Mr. Hume 35304 or Mr. Brown 25511. CO., REALTORS Eve. 1-5541. 1-1306. c301 eandition. Oood return aa your Invest Shew You These Office . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALI APARTMENT BLDG. 8-family unite, all furn. In good loca tion. A dependable Income. ThU I a safe Investment at a reasonable price. Let us ahow you this property. J. F. Ulrich, Realtors FURNITURE FOR SALE MODERN LL'XLBY living rm. set. 2 pc sectional club chair ft ottoman fire- aide chair. 1740 Yew St. d302' PIECES Met mahogany dining rm. act Corner cupboard, nearly new. Also ft piece mahogany bedrm. set by Drexel, 1190 N. 25th St. d302 MAHOGANY Duncan Phyfe dining aet, with 6 chair. 3120, also olId oak white enamel breakfast set with 4 red leather Chairs, 140. Call 25058. d301' WANT buy furn. Misc. article Ph. 3-4098 d312' WANTED FURNITURE TOP PRICE pd. for furn.. household. Ph. 35511. s94 N. Liberty. Sundal Exchange. HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 8-5110. da' AUCTIONS AUCTION Early Consignment For Sat. Dec. 18, 10 a.m. Living room aet. cabinet radio, lamp. library table, dining set, double ft twin bed complete. Dressers, chest, tables. chairs, electrical appliance, canned fruit, stoves, bike, wheeled toy of every kind, wagons, window with frames, apple, carrot, onion, rote. toe misc. of every kind. Almost new Klrby vacuum cleaner, all extra. An tique clock. Also Livestock Joe Burke Sale Barn, 3610 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-4074 dd301 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 3 REG. Guernsey bulls, yr. old and 6 month old. Priced right. Carl Schoen, 3020 State st. e303 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED ft LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 8. 25. Ph. 3-8147 eaSOS1 PETS MEXICAN Chihuahua puppies for sale, reduced price, at 420 Miller ave., Dal las, Oregon. ec308 A Ct'TE male toy terrier puppy. Phone REGISTERED tan male cocker pup. 8 u).. iu. rri. iiouj. ecaus GIVE AWAY Black part cocker male pupple. Pn. 2-1031. ec303 FOR SALE 1 male, 1 frmale A.KC res- tstered cocker pupple. Bat. ft Sun. 965 North 20th St. ec3u3 SEE our Cocker Spaniel pupple. Whelped October 19. 80ft Falrview ave. Ph. 3-6382 ec301 CANART SfNGEBS $10. Ph. 3-5920. Cc5 CANARY SINGERS. 1340 Chemeketa. Ph 3-4335. eeft S.V1 JCnJT Blrdf Jj Igtfv ec4- FUEL 16" Wood Old and Second Orowth Fir 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 112.00 For order please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing Company Independence, Oregon ee301' GOOD It IN. SLAB, also green alab for furnace use. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533 14 IN. GREEN EDGINGS. $5 50 load. dble. load $10 00. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533 ee6 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 14-IN. CLEAN, NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIFSEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 152S Edcewater St. W Salem ee CALL HIGHWAY FVFL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Drv Slab Wood Phona 3-6444 ee 14" Mlllwe"ed Immed! Del. T PhTrmsTSMSl eelll" I6-1N. SECOND GROWTH, Old !ir.dry or green slab wood, block wood ft also old firl1mbwood. Maker. Ph. 37868 ee34S WALNUT'S H ELLS ""for fuel. Klorfeln Pack-" Ing Co.. 460 N. Front Bring sack, ee TRI-CITY FUEL I Cord Load of 16 Millwood $14 Dry 16" Millwood Atk far S ft B Green Staaaee Prompt Delivery - Ph. 37442 YOU HAUL DRY WOOD 357 MISSION FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS Wfrkl Hatches Nea Hampshire Ph S?8l Lee's Hatchery f PRODUCE BEST QUALITY eastern Oregon alfalfa hay. 1st A second cutting $40 per ton delivered truck load lot. 13 ton. Free man ft Son. Ph. 3-3942, ftalem. Rirk teall. Orecon ff30 W4.UNVTS. bleached, graded. Stat tested Cracking nut 50-lb. beta, 10c. Phone 3-7315. ftJ03 CHOICE FBANQI FTTS walnut, washed, bleached and sorted kernel full af oil 3V a lb Ph l-S77 fflnf HELP WANTED MALE Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE REIMANN FOR 1000 DOWN 4 bedroom home north with nice kitchen, bath, good aiaed lot. 341 per no. on balance. No. 424. $10 DOWN $18 per month bur a lot with water, bus service and electricity, either North or Northeast. $4000 DOWN On 44 acre with 3 modern home. REIMANN FOR h. Sun. and Eve. 24421, 35905. 33344. GRABENHORST SPECIALS INCOME & LIV. QUARTERS I aleeping room, plug 4-nn. apt. Pres ent income $133 per mo., potential In coma much higher. No. 2 apt. house aone. $.000 down will handle. Call Peter Geiser. 255 E. WILSON ST. 4 -bdrm. home, older tyle but In fine condition thruought. No. I ions, plaster interior, fireplace, den, lge. Uv. rm. and din. rm.. full basmt.. oil ht dtole. garage. TERMS. Call Roy Ferris! urabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phona a-J71; Ir.nlnu J-J9. I-777J. 2-4369, JS-F-H I-S010 r i --"-d-Cl!".ri" Service ml your Propm Wlih Ua J01' HELP WANTED FEMALE NEAT attractive girls for full-time usher- ia pengo. urana tneater. gb303 1TENO.-BKPR. (Shorthand req) . . $170 SECY. (Shorthand req.) $160 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 Btate S L Ph. 2-1488. gp301 HOUSEKEEPER Prefer one with aonie nursing exp. Wife 111, 3 In family. Good wases. Call 2-0005. gb302 EM PIGMENT 'aGENcTeS " Positions For Trained and Experienced Office Personnel Commercial Placement Agency 360 State Street Ph. 2-1488. gf304 WANTED SALESMAN EXC. OPPORTUNITY lor one food aalea bibb. Liberal commlulona. 2385 Mlaalon. Kt301 WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE or baby sitting, your home or mine, anytime. Ph. 21945. 1.303 EXPERIENCED Baker will go anywhere. Ph. 29313. h305 RE FINED young mother wishes baby sit ting. Eve, only. 287S Roger Lane. h301 CARPENTRY by contract or day. Houses roughed In. Reasonable. Ph. 2-7860. h304 WILL CARE for children In my homa by hr. or by week. N.E. Salem. Ph. 2-1615. h303 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h5a PRUNING tree and shrubbery, landscap ing. Rototllling. Free estimates. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-2256 1.305 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing. In, oper. Free est. W. H MsAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 21496. h3 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK ft chimney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates. h313 BABY SITTING. PH. 2-0580 or 3-3991. IRONING hr. wk. Ph. 1-4767 ft - I p.m. p.m. h3ii SERVICES Valley Sand ft Gravel Co. Pit run gravel, and ft silt. Tractor dosing ft grading Tractor shovel for dirt moving. Ph 3-4002 Off. Re. 37146. h wanted FURNITURE to glue ft repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 2-1233. h AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray Etter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101. h- FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE-INWarm" Sleeping" Water. 858 Center. JK302 FULLY FURN, small aleeping rm. Private entrance, near State Home, no drink er $18.00. Ph. 34419. Ivan Martin. jk301 LOVELY rooms for non -drinking, non smoking lady or couple. Ph. 3-4025. jk301 SINGLE aleeping room. 472 N. Liberty. Jk301' PLEASANT sleeping room for man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 34547. k304 HEATED sleeping room, hot and cold water, close In, $20.00 mo. Ph. 3-7955. Jk301 SLEEPING nns., cmp. man preferred. 461 N. High. Jk303 COZY houeskeeplng rm. Furn. Bedding If desired. Bus close. 1431 N. Cottage. JK3D1 LARGE aleeping room. 2131 Center. HEATED SLP. Rm. 820. 393 N. 14th. WARM SLEEPING RMS. ft APTS. 790 N. Church Ph. 34335. )312 FOR RENT APARTMENTS S-ROOM all electric, nice closei built in, private entrance and bath. Adults. 1460 N. Summer. Jp302 FI'RN. APT. close In. Furnace heat. Phone a bo. 1 light housekeeping room. 1271 Chemeketa. Jp306 i-RM. APT. Private bath. 722 N. Church. Jp303 FVRN. I-RM. APT. Private bath. $45. Jan. 1. Quiet couple. 549 N. Cot t see Jp303 t-RM. FI'RN. court apt. Modern. Near bus line. $40. 883 Bellevue. Jp301 i-RM. FURN. APT. Utilities furn. 1480 Broadway. Ph. 2-6509. Jp301 ONE ROOM ant., working lady preferred 790 N. Commercial. JP30Z LADY. 2-rm. unfurn. 701 N. Church. JP302 MODFRN FURN. COTTAGE, one bdrm.. 45,00. Rose Cottaae. 3 mile N. of Brook on 99E. Jp304 CLEAN FI'RN. 2-rm. apt. 1706 N. 4th. 1P301 S-ROOM apt., prefer middle aired employ ed couple. 145 E. Miller. Ph. 3-3035. JP304 NEW S room apt., stove A refrlg. furn.. prlv. bath. ent. curry Apti. Apply So. 13lhSt. Jp301 APTS. by week in motel. 3514 Portland rond. p301 SINGLE, double alt modern. Elec. heat. city, school bus ism S Com'l Jp305 FOR RENT MOUSES .VRM. MODERN house. Call 3-6341 or 3-31.S3. )m303 FURN. trailer house. 3 blocks from rou house. Phone, bath and washing privi leges, 425 00. Ivan Martin. Ph. 3-4419 Jm301 MM, turn, house, elec. heat, range. Call at 334 W. Wilson at. Jm303 t-RM. furn. cottage. Ph. 26414. Jm301 NEW t-BPRM. hse. lor teas Call at 450 Tryon Ave.. Salem Ttn FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS NICE STORE ROOM for lease. Oood loca tion tn Hollywood. Ph. 2-7814. J30S TrAii.FR. $3"6oper day. Howser Bros 608 Edacwatcr St, West Balem. J row r R TOOL 'rente la for home ft n dust rial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3444 FLOOR SAN PVR for rent. Norria-Waker Paint Co. 359 Court. Ph. 9-1904. 1304 TRUCK and cars. Bmttt'y Clipper Ser vice. Ph. 39400. Cor. Center and C hatch RUMNE RM. Tor rent R L Stiff 1 V DRIVE truck, car. Ph. 3-9103 GOOD I' ED PIANOS. H L Stiff. 1 TO DO a good lob rent a good floor Sand er Wa aeU everything la complete the fob HOWSER PROS -Ph 3-384 1 IRONFR t ae Prune 14439 I FLOOR SAND IB far tank Mevtgowvry Wars, r I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE large barn, good soil. Some berries. This would rat wonderful atrawber ria. No. 1054. HIGH INCOME Valuable property. Cloae In. I apart ments and ground lease. Only $10,000. terms. No. 734. WE NEED good luting. Call u and w will In spect. REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-4303 c301" 5 ACRES Located cast on Macleay road. T-rm. home on 1 fir., dble. plbg.. unfin. at tic, lge. chicken house, good barn with cement firs., family fruit and nut tree. Best ef aoll. Price $11,000. Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. CLOSE IN No. 3 business gone. Oood 3-bdrm. home. Lot 50x94 ft. Ideal for home and busineaa. Price only $0000. Call Rich ard IT flrahaBnhnrat WANTED TO RENT NEED 2-bedrm. house. Ph, 3-9593. from a. m. tin 4:ao p. m. Week day. j306 WANTED to rent, house with earaW prefer West Salem. Folsom Mfg. Co.. oaiem. rn. j-opoo between 6 and 7 Ja301 RESPONSIBLE Couple with amall child Wish 3 to 5 rm. aot. or house furn Know how to care for property. No or in King, permanent. Writ Box 154 Capital Journal. Ja302 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD ft ROOM In private home desired oy single young man. Non-drinker, non. smoker. Two meal required. Write Box H7, capital Journal. JJ3061 LOST AND FOUND LIGHTNING FLYER Bike lost. Now 4 at 360 Hood St.. color, blue ft oranaa. . ward. Return to Morgan Peterson, 260 Hood St. k302 940 Garnet. Call 3-4465. k301 LOST Young ladles' nurse In vicinitv at Woolworth's store. Finder may keep money dui pjease return earns and pic turea. Ph. 27356. k303 LOST: Child pet. All aha want for Amu. Male golden cocker, t mo, old Identified by spot of ringworm under right eye. treated with gentian violet Ph. 36927. Heartbroken. k303 LOST: Car key, Otto Oelke on key, near Montgomery Ward. Reward. Ph. 26832. k303 MISCELLANEOUS DEAD and worthless stork removed on moment's notice. Ph. 3-5000. mil LES SPRINGER, men'e batUr.64Court m312 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY B EM LER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State ft Commercial St. SALEM Phona 3-3311. m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all make of ma chine. Free estimate given before work 1 started. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'L m HEAT YOUR HOME electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. See u for free estimate. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 255 N. Liberty. m BUILDING MATERIAL FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform ft Bennett aire. Salem' leading masonry ft plaster aup- Ply house. Ph. 2-8643. "PUMILITE WEST SALEM" ma301a a-IN. SHEET rock, $55 per M. Rock lathe plaster board, 35c yd., Vi-ln. Flr tex, $67.50 per M, new grade A-l panel doors, $9.50. C- O. LONO, Route 2. Box 31. Salem. Ph. 25821, 1 mile North of Kelxer. ma301 8HIPLAP l"x6 to l"xl2" No. I ft No. 2 and better Highest quality, lowest price. West Balem Lumber Co., 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. Free delivery. ma303 BLOCK SIZE steel sash, fits the block, cost leu, save time. Now available Keith Brown Lumber Yard Co. ma INSULATION and We a the rat ripping Cro foot Brothers. Ph. 24656. ma FOR SALE Cheap Lumber Boards and Dimension By the Jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing Company. Inc. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 3 MEN'S dress suit, sites 42 to 44. Tailor-made. Oood cond. Ph. 3-0530. n303 REFRIGERATORS, ranges, water heaters, washers, ironers. trash burners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl3 STEEL swing trapeze set. $15 00. Woman's ski boots. I lie 7. Ph. 2-1292. n302 CHRISTMAS, birthday wedding gifts. Some hand made. 701 N. Church n302 EASY mangle In good cond. 1563 Court St. n302" ELECTRIC heaters, wall type with ther mostat, 840. Portable. $30. Both wired on 220 Volts. Ph. 3-6264. n306 GOOD used Maytag, new roll. Upright Victrola. Ph. 23131. n303 . CHRISTMAS-TREES " Finest selection, no Inflated price. Pur itan Cider Work. West Balem. n305 OIL STOVE, good cond. ft two barrels. Ph.2-5293. n30l NEW DINING rm. set. walnut, consist of 6 chair and buffet, table, eastern made aet. Queen Anne style. 1027 Oak at. n302 ONE CHILD'S aluminum jeep. $15; one rocking horse. $10. large dek, 35: 370 Fawk aye. n302 itVSEMI-AITO. rifle. Ph. 21573. n3 02 SEWING machine. Airflow electric sprayer. Ph. 2-8648. n302 TROMBONE, good condition. 1470 McCoy ave. n302 ELECTRIC room heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. NORGK washing machine, elec, sweeper. 1 wood furnace without pipes, all good cond. 1060 N. 15th. Ph. 24775. n302 BEAUTIFUL BLACK WALNUT dining rm. set. 4 piece. Upholstered chairs. Table sets 12 Ph. 3-4762. 1535 N. 19th St. O. E. apt. sir washing machine. 3 sheets capacity n302 WOOD LATHE, 30 In. between centers. 10 In. swing. Complete with S hp. motor, chisel. 3 face plate, $39.50. Howser Bros. 606 Edcewater. n305 BOY'S BIKE, new tire. 113.30. Slnile laundry tray complete with fixture A aland, 815 00. Oolf club. Wilson matched aet. Mirror, round plate glass. 34 '. $3 00. Ph. 34234. n303 AM. ORIENTAL RI G. wing back chair, walnut chest, aw. rocker, old g leas ware. Thayer buggy, bathlnett. crib, mat tree, tool cheat, trunk, and misc. item. 3873 Roger Lane. n303 ONE ONLY floor demonstrator 4 cu. ft.. O. E. Home Preeter, reg. price. 8534 54. apecial l 439 50 NEWMYER FARM BUPPLT 334 N. Commercial. n341 D4IRY WASH VATS. 3 com part menu with dralnboard. 135 35. NEWMYER FARM BUPPLT 334 N. Commercial nJOl ONE ONLY Used O K elec. re frig. Perfect running cond $135 00. NEWMYIR FARM SUPPLY 334 N. Commercial. n361 fS-JTWri. Walt ham railroad watch. Cheap Ph. 3-3643 nMl- REM I NG TONtvpe w rt 1 terand walouT d 1 tag set, 411 aV 3)r4 SI. B341 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS H0YT ST. SURPLUS Try an ell circulator for Xmas, a few left at $39 99. Xinu apeclal. apt. aiae electric lange. refrigerators and water heaters. New and used washer. Oiva him a tarp or aleeping bag far Km as. Swivel chairs $13.50. Oak bedside tab lea. 8$. Safe, amall and large. Plumbing supplies, t and " galv. pipe. Come outh on 13th to HOYT then cast 1 block. Tel. 37914. n301 CHAMPION Underwood typewriter. Prac tically new. Ph. 2-4064. neaaonaDiy priced. B301 HOP PLANTS 4123 Macleay rd. n302 ANTIQUE cupa and saucer. French and Chinese. 425 N. 23rd. n301 8AN1TIZER, used ou week. 340. Ph 24497. 489 N. Capitol. B303 KENMOBE oil circulator, like new. Ph 2-2730 after 4 p. m. n303 LADIES wrist watch. 14k, 11 Jewel, 4 ad justment. Ph. 2-6570. n302 SEWING machine for sale. new. used and rebuilt, also rented. Largest se lection in valley. W. Davenport, 1930 N. 18th. B306 t THOMAS down quilt (sateen), like new. Ph. 33723. nam- OIL STOVE ft 2 barrels wttb blower In A-l cond. 1015 S. 15th. Ph. 3-4754. nSOft USED washers, refrigerators, ranges, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nia IKW AND 2KW WESSIX wall type heat ers. Ralph Johnson Appliance, 355 Center St. Phone 33139. n302 MAYTAG washer, large capacity, good cond., reason a bis. 840 Plymouth Dr. Ph. 21367. 302 REX AIR vacuum cleaner, latest model, $37.50. Perfect condition. 2105 Univer sity. Ph. 20458. n303 DINING -LIVING room table, $25. 1321 N. 21t. Phone 3-8643. n301 PR. BINOCULARS. French make. Price reasonable. Rt. 3, Box 556, Salem. J. W. Aitalzoff. n302 I. E. L. Power Bucking saws, part ft service Industrial Supply Co., Salem. 354 Ferry St. Ph. 3-8023. n303 DISKTON CHAIN SAW sale ft repair. Bee our new shop at 554 Ferry. Indus- I trial Supply of Salem. Ph. 3-8023. n30fi t GIRLS Columbia Bieycle price of one. Ph. 34732 before 13 or after 4 p.m. n303 TWO PRACTICALLY new aldewalk bi cycle. Phone 3-6523. 1445 H. 34th. n305 CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 48-F-22. FULLER BRUSHES, 174S Grant. Ph. 38351. n3U ATMORAYS. Osone Good Health. Rent. Sell. H C. Pugh. 684 N. 17 tb Ph. 3-4893 FARMERS ATTENTION Electric fence controllers, home milk pasteurisers, but ter churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl3 EAST HEAT oil heater, gas 40 gal. hot water tank. Gaa stove. '48 Thor Au tomate washing machine and dish washer. Airline radio on legs. N. J. Brekke, 419 South Water St., Silverton. n302 '3S CAL. police special (Colt), like new. 80 rounds amm. $60. Bob Stanley, Rt. 7, Box 149, on Ptld. road, or call 2-2406. n301 A BUT! Cold Quarts Health Lamp. Cost $64. Will aell for $32. Phone 3-5190. n301 PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing, use It on floors, linoleum, woodwork, etc. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. SEVERAL model GE refrigerator avail able. Limited upply. Oevurta Furni ture. n301 ELEC. HOT WATER heater. 42 gal. Col lin. New. 3B7. Ph. 3-4284. n 14 DIAMOND wedding ring. Ph. 31048 after 6 p.m. n30l STREAMLINED Lionel "O" gauge train. Excel, cond., large layout, lncl. tables. Also nearly new "A" class model air plane motor and plane, equipped. 1989 Fir. Ph. 39508. H302 ASSEMBLED good Ford V-S motor, trans mission and differential, 4200. 1000 S Com'l. n301 HOTPOINT electric range. Ph. 25037. nSOl' BABY GRAND piano. Reflnlshed and re conditioned. Looks and plays like new. Stone Piano Co., 1840 Fairgrounds road. Salem. n304 WASHINO MACHINE. $20.00. Thur. or Friday. O. M. Wilson, 3 mile North of Marlon, Oregon n301 USED RANGES, refrigerators, washers, such name a Maytag. O. E., Hot point, etc. God value. Ralph Johnson .ptiance. Ph. 33139. n301 Christmas Trees Christmas Trees Leo' lot 1841 South 13th. Tree sprayed to order. B304 WALLING BAND ft GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway cement, ready mix concrete, gardes and Bulklosing. drainace and ditching -rd. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 3-9349 WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. af- fer complete service facllitle for all Montgomery Ward appliance. Just call 33191 n' CLOE-OUT bargain In hot plate, cof- feemakers. electric clocks, aluminum ware, electric raxora. These are all popular name brand, but mostly lngle item floor sample. OEVURTZ FURNITURE. n301 GARDEN SAND, Oravn, crushed rock Shovel ft drag-line excavating, wall ING SAND ft GRAVEL CO. Ph. 19219 SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 13 B H yd. 13 00 per hr 10 B i yd. 9.60 per hr D-7 Cat ft Doaer 10.50 per hr D-6 Cat A Dozer 1-40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Doxer 100 per hr Phone Davi ?-9404 Eves. 3-8244 or 3-4400 Salem. Oregon n KELVTNATOR, Hotpomt appliances; Fow ler hotwatcr beaters ftaipo jnnnson Appliances. Ph. 3-3139. n HEAT TOUR home electrically It's con venient, ciean, economic, im tree estimate YEATER APPLIANCE CO 355 N. Liberty n QUITE a number of gift Item In Oeneral Electric and sunbeam and otner popu lar small appliance available. Oevurts Furniture. n30l THOR Automatic Washers. Glad Irons Hollywood Appliance Co. Ph 34439 THREE Thousand Cholca Christmas Trees. Hollv Bows, two locutions, a.s norm Capital and Corner State and 13th. Ph 3-7900. fl303 SEVERAL model OE ranee available Limited supply. Oevurta Furniture. nBOl GENERAL ELECTRIC. Croaley. OlbSO and M on tag Appliance at uirum. WOODWORKING MACHINE AND SHOP SUPPLIES 1 Delta machines. Oood as new. To be sold In one unit. 1 large eh a per. I J00. 1 mortesen. $50. I I H 3 ph motor $40. I DeWalt arm saw, $150. Plywood cutback 4c. Paint, ell ataln. sealer, lacquer. Have aold my bldg. Must be sold by 20th. Unfinished furniture 4 child's wardrobe. 4 kitchen cabinet, base units. 4' long. 4 piece af black walnut furniture for hobby worker material. 12 trailer house window. Open till 9 00. FOLSOM MFO. CO.. 4th St. and Wallace road. West Balem. n302 PLATINUM wedding band. With 19 dte. mood. Ph. 37074 n303 The SPARK OIL HEATER Is real aid to the comfort of suburban living. Dteae: oil burning give abundance af warmth with emaiing economy. See It now at JUDSON S. 274 N. Commercial. n41' WATER WARMERS for poultry. Increase hi production, reg. 34.04, apecial while they last. J oo NEWMYER FARM SUPPLY $24 N Commerce! n34l USED apc-ol bed. steel bed, bed springs, elec. refrlg.. davenport, alec, ranie, tn-.iet call and make aa after 414 a. Cam mere) aL sju F0R SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS TREES i Buy your Chrlatmaa trees at the Vn Jfk OU station, corner ef Center and Liberty. All siae. reasonably priced, tlvr pray ad If desired. Bo buy those Fine Chriau gaa tree front BUCK ft RON. the twe CHRISTMAS TREES n303 SMALL PIANO in excellent condition. 1490 BO. (.suaae oi anwj- CAMERA, Speed Oraphlc 3i3. flash unit, film holder, pack adapter, fil ter, camera ease, tripod, federal en larger with easel, paper. A complete darkroom ft all equipment. 1144 North Liberty after 4 p.m. n302 FERTILIZER. Cow ar chicken manure. Delivered in Salem. Wall rotted or trash. $5.00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack 41.00 per sack al place ec win deL 4 sack order. Phillip Bros. Rt 4. Boi 114, Salem. Ph. 48K23. a WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FORD -FERGUSON tractor and plow. 4346 Hager St. Ph. 3-4021. na30S FOR EXTRA Christ ma cash, sell us your feed and grain bag. K. ft S. Bag. Co., 347 Kearney, or large lota call 31877 or 30304. evea. na SEWING MACHINE, any make or cond. wT Davenport, Ph. 3-7471. 1930 N. 18th. na304 USED FURNITURE. Phona 3-9185. aa PERSONAL SUGAR Sec you Friday nits at dance in school gym at Brook. L. L. P. p30L PROFESSIONAL adviser, Mrs. Phillips. Ph" 2-9313 for appointment. Hra. t to9 p.m. PJ02 HEY KIDS, write me a letter and I'll an swer It personally. Get a stamp at Mil ler's. Santa Claus. E?07 "Alcoholics Anonymous. PO Box 734. Phone 3-5234. p311 AUTOMOBILES $1735 1 1944 FORD convertible, A-l condition. Must be aold. Less than 20,000 mile. 3345 Portland Rd. or Ph. 33137 evea. 1935 DODGE 4-dr. with '39 motor. Good tires. $295 "See Carol" 930 North Commercial e.301 1948 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sedan. 1.000 actual mile. Th beat value In Salem at $1995. SAM'S MOTOR CO. 370 N. Church a.301 '34 CHEV., A-l. clean. Bell eqt. (100 00. 3365 May wood dr. Ph. 3-7120. q302 SELL EQUITY In '40 Bulck L. N. T. or aell outright for $900.00. Excellent cond. Call 38713 or 33377. q301 L. V. 4 ROADSTER, dual carburator. cam, hydraulic brake, $$$0 cash. 1698 Waller. Ph 3-4876. q303 13 CHEV. 2 door sedan. Heater. Thla la one of the cleanest '39 car In town. Stop and look at thla $935.00. SAM'S MOTOR CO. 370 M. Church a.301 194S-MERCURY 4-door. Fully eaulpped. $1793. Western Motors Corner 12th and Mission. Ph. 3-9422 q302 1947 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan. Excel, cond. 963 Marlon after S p m. a301 1941 INTERNATIONAL H ton pickup: 1939 OMC ft-ton panel delivery. Good tires, heater, spotlight. Terms cash. 8ee Ritchie ft Fagg, Inc., I860 State street. Phone 3-4900. q304 FOR SALE BY OWNER, 1947 Deluxe Nash 400 sedan. Low mileage. Look and la like new. Ph. 33139. q301" 1944 DE SOTO 2 door sedan. Heater ft de froster. A better buy can't be found. Mechanically perfect. A clean ear In side and out. $1045.00. SAM'S MOTOR CO. 270 H. Church eaoi '34 CHEV. $875. Good condition. Fh. 3-3865 V or 345 Fisher Rd. q301 Better Better Bet Ask Our Customers Ott J. Wlleea Cempaar 1941 Ford Dlx. 4-dr. Sdn. $895 CAPPS USED CARS 253 Union IMI GRAHAM llollr.ood. Trata aV .!. HO Marlon at. 1 to 1 b. bi. ,301 1941 Chev 4-dr. Spe. Dlx. 4-dr. Sdn. $1095 CAPPS USED CARS 253 Union St !' M CHEVROLET .-dr. atdan. If-lB KM,., tlrex. motor Ilk, new. 123,. S., ,t 1073 N. Capitol or call 34631, BPt. I. 4303- 1947 Buick Super 4-dr Sd. $2345 CAPPS USED CARS 253 Union H STt'DRBAKER, '17 -ord. 700 ft. HIirT a-aQ3. O303" 1946 Ford Tudor Sdn. $1395 CAPPS USED CARS 253 Union 1934 BUICK. Wonderful cond. Sec at 866 Shipping St. 4303 194 CHEVROLET coupe. Excellent cond. All new tire ft tube. Reaaonable. Ph. 36215. q303 NEW 1944 Oldsmoblle hydramatlc. White siaewau ruooer, radio and air condi tioner 12795. Western Motors Corner 13th and Mission. Ph. 3.9672 q302' ERE 'TIS 1937 Olds, club toap. Highest Diaucr. uowi conaiMon. ana owner. Can be seen anytime after 4:40 at 885 8 Liberty. '4 STUDERAKFR Champ. ATI extras. $3850. Ph. 23333. a302 1947 CHEV. Aero aedan. Radio, heater, defroster with 42,000 actual mile. Beautiful Sky Blue Punt. $149$, 04, SAM S MOTOR CO. 370 N. Chureh qSOl SALE or trade, '39 La Si lie 4-pass., R AH. .-.-i n. uuu.. ior viaer mooei car or ceih. After 4:30 p.m. Ph. $3737. a.301 1941 PACKARD sedan. 4 cyl. $250oT1447 3-ton Chev. 14' flatbed. Brown Llpe tranmluion. $2400. Call evening. Ph. qSOl Eisner Motors to Sell 1847 Sedan Coupe U?I 1444 Sedan Coupe .$16- 1141 Sedan Coupe $1194 1941 Sedan $149$ HERRALt OWENS CO. PONTIACS 444 R. Liberty p. t-41lf Eisner Motors to Buy WANTED CSED CAR SHOP AROUND THEN BRINO TOUR CAR HERB WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT rrs worth ANDERSON US FD CARS 244 CENTER BT. PHON1 3-2T36 1M4 DODGE a ton pickup. Oood moteT Heater. Oood rubber. 1395 40 SAM S MOTOR CO. 3T4 N Chureh q3(: I (Continued on Page 19)