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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1948)
18- mi 1 Nil II Oil 11 W5 i- 7ii B (i 55 L WO FC rc Nl 1 I N I Capital Edited by MAKIAN 6 Capital Journnl, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1948 Bethrothal Told at Sorority Al a surprise for her Delta Gamma sorority listers at Wil lamette university, Miss Alone Axelson. sophomore in the house, last evening announced her engagement to Roland Hen drickson during the dinner hour at the chapter. The bride-to-be is the daugh ter of Mrs. Verne Axelson. Mr Hendrickson is the son of Mrs. Mary Hendrickson of Salem and C. H. Hendrickson of Newberg. No date is set for the wedding. Christmas decorations featur ed the dinner. A Santa Claus and his sleigh were arranged on the mantle with notice that he was making an early visit for Miss Axelson the ring being found in the sleigh. Junior Women Initiate 11 Eleven new members were Ini tiated at the meeting of the Junior Woman's club, Monday evening. They included Miss Betty Jean Bergner, Mrs. Jack Baker, Mrs. Donald Cooper. Mrs. Robert Copley. Mrs. Har old Heiserman. Mrs. William Judson, Miss Marilyn Nelson, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Wake field Walker, Mrs. Thomas Gab riel. Mrs. William Habernicht. New members accepted in cluded Mrs. Edgar E. Woodson and Mrs. Vernard Bean, initia tion to come later. Mrs. J. M. Harper was accepted as a trans fer member from Olympia, Wash. Mrs. Arthur Roethlin was named to the safety committee. Mrs. Jack Strickfaden, Mrs. Eugene Morrison, and Mrs Thomas Gabriel were named Boomerang reporters for next month Mrs. A. C. Newell re ported on the Girl Scout troop sponsored by the club and Mrs. Carey Martin, Jr.. reported on the meeting of the Salem Coun cil of Women's Organizations. Mrs. Wesley Goodrich discuss ed the Christmas party of t h e club to be held next Monday night at the home of Mrs. Arthur Roethlin Members are asked to go dressed prepared to go out caroling. Gifts for patients In the state tuberculosis hospital, Hillcrest school, the state blind school, and the boys training school were voted at the meeting, also $5 was approved for tjic fellowship loan fund. Plans were discussed also for the Valentine dance. SPENDING the Christmas holidays at her home in Salem Is Miss Margaret Aileen Hedges, freshman at Mills college. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hedges. She will resume her studies at the college, Jan uary 10. HISTORIC MEDICAL -Foxglove Strengthens, Slows . '. '. Folklore and history . . . the garden plant. Foxglove, has made both. It wos dubbed Di gitalis by a 16th Century herbalist, "Bloody Fingers," "Fairy Gloves" and similar imagma five names by others In 1785, the clinical research findings of Dr. Wm. Withering of Strafford, England, brought Foxglove out of the superstitious realm of folklore and use, into scientific medical practice. He hod work ed tor ten years on Foxglove, starting from on old Shropshire woman's locally famous reme dy tor Dropsy in which Foxglove wos the mom ingredient. Modern treatment of certain heart ond cardioc disorders stems from these findings. is! U1SC11 kit DIC HI CfNTM ItAhfCH t ! I'lffl V 1 Women LOHRI FISCHER Holiday Event Friday evening brings the an nual Christmas party for the Women's Faculty club of Wil lamette university. The event will be at 8 o'clock in Baxter hall, husbands to be guests. An informal program is arranged and refreshments will be served On the committee for the event are Mrs. Arthur Bates. Mrs. Paul Beal, Mrs. Maurice Brennen, Mrs. Charles H. Der thick, Mrs. E. C. Foxley Mrs. Carl Hall, Miss Lorena Jack, Mrs. C. R. Nelson, Mrs. R. C. Ropping, Mrs. Clarence Wicks. Mrs. Ray Smith, Miss Joan Ess ley. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schirman announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Lucille Schirman, and Rev. Douglas R. Brown, son of Mrs. Margaret Brown and the late Dr. Gordon Brown of Boston, Mass. Mr. Brown is a graduate of both Colgate university, Ithaca, New York, and Andover-New-ton Theological seminary. Bos ton, Mass. He is at present work ing on his doctor of theology de gree. Miss Schirman is on the facul ty of Northwestern schools, Bible school, college of liberal arts and theological seminary, Minneapolis, Minn., and a gradu ate of that school. She attended Salem schools and Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland. She is spending the Christmas vacation with her parents in Portland. SALEM chapter, American Gold Star Mothers, will meet on Saturday at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Olive Olson, 861 South 12th street, for a Christ mas party and exchange of gifts Last week several of the mothers met with the chapter hospital chairman, Mrs. Jessie Sanders, to wrap packages for the veterans hospital In Port land. A total of 401 gift packages were delivered to the hospital. Two large boxes of gifts will also be sent to Roseburg veter ans hospital. SHOE REPAIR SPECIAL For All the Family Thur. 16 Fri, 17 Sot. 18 Leather or Composition HALF-SOLES 1.69 PAIR WHILE-U-WAIT Downstairs Shoe Repair HIGHLIGHTS No. 12 . stkt optratt mo' flerru , Miss Roberts Wed Dec. 1 1 Announcement is made by Mr and Mrs. Donald C. Robtrts of the marriage of their daughter, Miss Georgia Ruth Roberts, to Robert Edgar Miles of Oakland, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar A. Miles of Detroit. Mich. The wedding was an event of last Saturday, December 11, in St. Paul's Episcopal church in Oakland, Rev. Calvin Barkow officiating at the service. Small white chrysanthemums and can dles decorated the church for the service. Miss E. Day played "Ave Maria" before the ceremony. The bride wore a hunter green and off-white worsted suit with brown hat and accessories and a white top coat. With the costume she wore green orchids and car ried a white prayer book. For the "something old" she carried the handkerchief carried by her mother at her wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, also his sister, Mrs. Gayle Roberts Fin ley, went south for the wedding and Mr. Roberts gave his daugh ter in marriage. Mrs. George B. Sperry (Adele Hayes) of Hayward, Calif., for merly of Salem, was the bride's attendant. She wore a cocoa brown suit with brown acces sories and a corsage of yellow and brown orchids. Albert H. Brown of Oakland, Calif., was best man. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Roberts wore a two-piece black silk suit with matching hat and accessories and a cor- ,-'s ''-' .'. ,7 At.- A .t v; V.-JC ? . .-.t if J ;Vt.-.v".----V.-";A tznj yj Announces Engagement Recently announced was the en gagement of Miss Geraldine Ann Majeski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Majeski, to James Roger White, son of Mr and Mrs. John D. White. No date is set for the wedding. (Kennell Ellis studio) sage of gardenias. The wedding reception fol lowed the ceremony. The couple have gone on a trip to southern California and Palm Springs and will be at home in Oakland, Mrs. Miles will continue her studies at Mills college. Mr. Miles, who attended Lawrence college in Appleton. Wis.. Is in business in 5.95 pr. Hayward. The parents of the bridegroom were unable to come west for the wedding. SPIRITUALIST Sunflower club is to meet Thursday at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Elvera j 'Beard, 550 Tryon. I jp Parties Set For Friday Several parties are being given in conjunction with the Cama club dance on Friday eve ning. The dance is to be at Crys tal Gardens with Mr and Mrs. Donald Steppe as chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll -Robinson are among those entertain ing before the dance, their guests to include Mr and Mrs. Val JohnBon, Mr. and Mrs. Wen dell Willmarth, Mr and Mrs. Joe DiFilippi, Mr. and Mrs. Les Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Omart, Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mulkey. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Reefe. A buffet supper is being given after the dance by Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McMillan at their home Their guests will include Mr and Mrs. Vern Reimann, Mr and Mrs. Wilbur McCune, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ebner, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gottfried, Mr and Mrs. Arnold Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Muhs, Mr and Mrs Jack Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kin zer, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Van Houtcn. ADDITIONAL guests at the dinner party and evening of cards for which Mr. and Mrs Ralph H. Cooley will entertain for their bridge club on Friday will be their daughter, Miss Margaret Cooley, and Mrs. James Nicholson, Sr. IS THE Whether it's flatware or holloware... silver is the gift every woman is delighted to receive. Here is your opportunity to give her a complete service in any of these famous silver plate patterns ... or to give her useful, decorative holloware pieces. See them all in our wonderful Christmas gift selections I Tudor Plate Dy uneiaa lommuniry auversnums 53-pc. Service for 8 in a lovely m tarnish resistont chest. 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate 75 52-pc. H d.t oerrui larmsn resisrani mcH. Community Silverplate 75 52-pc. Service for 8 in four out standing patterns. The tornish resistant chest is included. Silver plated HOLLOVJ1RE Beautiful gifts in a wonderful variety of styles... Tea sets, bread troys, compotes, sugar and cream sets, mayonnaise sets, candle sticks, bon bons and a host of other lovely silver plated pieces, subject to fed. tax Better Jewelry Department MAIN FLOORS Rebekahs Fete State President Fifty-seven members from 20 visiting lodges attended the Monday evening event for the Salem Rebekah lodge when Mrs. Christine Smith of Lebanon, state assembly president, made her official visit. Mrs. Smith was accompanied by Mrs. Helen Davis, associate warden. Others recognized dur ing the evening were Mrs. Ber nita Newby, a past president; Mrs. Robert Henderson, a past president; Mrs. Mary Anna Bean, past president; Carl Eng strom, a past grand patriarch; Mrs. Viola McLaughlin, presi dent of the auxiliary to the Patriarchs Militant; Robert Hen derson, past grand patriarch: Mrs. Clarence Townsend, past secretary of the auxiliary to the Patriarchs Militant; Mrs. Jewel Lynch, Mrs Katherine Ohlsen Mrs. Elsie Barger, Yamhill, and Mrs. Hazel Gibbs, Amity, all four district deputies in the Re bekah order; Judge Grant Mur phy, past grand master. A class sf eight was initiated Announcement was made the encampment would have a pot luck dinner Friday evening of this week, a social following; and that the Past Noble Grands club is meeting this Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. L. A. Petter, 1040 North 18th for a Christmas party. WEST SALEM Woman's club is meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. in the city hall for its Christ mas party. GIFT OF Service for 8 In four fom ous patterns. Included is a won- i i i . i . . i . JtfffHtHf fibcut Gift Suggestions For Her . . . A Delicate Gown . . . from Carter's, Colleen; Blue Swan, Truzette. 2.98 to 12.95 A warm Gracious Robe . . . quilted, woolen, gabar dine, duvetyne, jersey. 10.95 to 25.00 A Beautiful Slip . . . from Hole Proof, Fray Proof, Colleen, Carter's. 2.98 to 8.95 A Pretty Apron . . . Tea aprons and Mother-daughter sets. 1.49 to 2.98 A lovely pair of Nylons . . . From Townweor ond Wisteria. 1.59 to 2.25 For Your Convenience We Will Remain Open Friday Nite, Dec. 17th, Until 9 P. M. 464 Stat St. ( i