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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1948)
Capital Journal. Salem. Ore,. Wednesday. Dec. IX. 1MR 3 Sorry No Phone, C.O.D., Mail Orders All S a I e s Final Limited Quantity! DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Doors Open at 9:30 A.M. C DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! STARTEX BORDER NAPKINS 4,or$100 All cotton. . . Size 12x12 Inches. . . Fast color printed borders in Red, Green. Blue, Gold. . . . Startex quality cotton that Is absorbent and eas ily laundered. . . Sorry! Limit 4 to a customer. Feminine New Boxed Jewelry 1.00 it5 Women's Attractive Boxed Handkerchiefs Reg. 79c to 98c ClMmina Safin - f ir rv an r n . i .. 1.00 each Lovely, gleaming utin boxes for hankies . . tissues . . hosiery . . gloves Feminine gifts that are sura ;k 10 pieass every woman on your f?hi-atmi.a llt Pnmi in and maka your selection today and save. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! 3- .,. Floral Printed Plastic Tablecloths Reg. $1.79 Now 1.00 Save time and money on these! Wipe clean with damp cloth No hard wash ing or Ironing needed. . . Size 54x54 Inches In attractive printed patterns. . . Heavy 4 gauge plastic. , . Sorry! Limit 2 to a customer. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! f y jl C'f 7 y' , "Lovable" Brassieres Special 1.00 Satin brassieres with circular stitched cups for perfect contour! . . Satin and net combinations! . . Stitched nylon! An outstanding combination of mate rials and styles that brings you value plus for your dollar Sizes 82 to S8 in A, B, C cups. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! SATEEN DRAPERY LINING d oa. ..j 2 yards for 1.00 Good quality sateen that hat ao many houiehold uaea Ecru, color, 45 inches wide. Shop early for this valu.. No work orders accepted at this pries. Reduced price for dollar day only. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Printed Flannelette Children's Sleepers Reg. $1.69 if Special 1.00 JVirm ami, lit. I. -I. a j -. ..UB nine wrcficie. , . nuur able Juvenile prints that all children leet. Good quality for long wear. . . Sizes small, medium and large. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Colorful Warm Head Squares Reg. $1.39 tat aOaa ataa 'si .30Speiol for l,UU VI orf, - pin Warm all wool and wool and rayon head squarea In the moat popular of patterns anrt mIam rkAt.. -. i . " , ; , r ui ifiam ana jay, col orful plaid., Headaquarea make nort pleaainir aifta for Chrlotmss. Come in and buy youra today and save. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Three Quarter Length ... Waterproof Block Oilskin Slicker ""roT M.00 Complttelr veterans! tllrkar . , but loo front . . with two roomy pock'ta. Cut for comfort and free dom In ihouldert snd arms. Sams with proUrtlft cor duroy collar. AMortfd s.ts. 59c 2 J!00 Gay. feminine . . adorable boxed handkerchiefs for Christmas gifts. Some boxes have 2, others have three handkerchiefs to the box. The kind of hankies you would like to buy for yourself . . that are sure to be appreciated as fifts. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Cannon Hand Towels Values to 59c Special 4 f.rJ1 Grand utility towels for all-around as. . . Famous Cannon quality makes them an outstanding bargain at this price. . Shop early for these. . . Rose. Blue, Green, Yellow. . . Sorry, limit 4 to a customer! DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Men's Dress & Sport Sox Reg. 75c Now 35e 3,or$1.00 Gifts for men that are always wel come. . . Solid colors, stripes, fancy patterns . . Rayons Cottons 50ff. Woo mixtures. . . Elastic top short socks and regular lengths. , . Sizes 10 to 12. . .No mail or phone or ders, please. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Red Pillows Reg. $1.69 $4 AA I.UU Special Size 17x24 . , . Covered with striped ACA ticking. . , 100 crushed chicken feathers. . . Ideal for extra rooms, dens, camping, etc. . . Sorry, limit 1 to a customer. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! r p vj Small Boys' Cotton Suits iPV v-"" 'too A Here is an assortment of washable suits for little fifj "r bys that have been reduced because some are f f(Jh& 8liKhtly soiled. , . 2-tone and plain colors. Brok- 1 V7 Y en assortment DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Gift Compacts Special $4 AA leUU A choice assortment of gift com pacts. . . Loose powder styles in smart round or square shapes. . . Metal in gold, red, blue, green, black. . . Unusual designs and pat terns that make perfect little gifts. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Women's Plastic Aprons Reg. 89c Special 2,or$1.00 Bib and waist stvles In Pastel or Bright colors. . . Ruffles or tailor ed . . Attractive and be coming. . . Budget priced for Christmas buying. . . You'll wsnt several of theee for yourself and for gifts. Rich looking . . enchanting costume jewelry to add a touch to your every cistume. Choose from a wide assortment of p'-. bracelets, earrings, scatter pins and necklaces. Gleaming rhinestones, rich jewel tones. Ideal Christmas gifts. Buy today and save. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Women's Extra Size Briefs Special 2 $f.00 for I Fine, first quality rayon briefs In full knit larger sizes that are an excellent buy at this low bargain price. . . Large and extra large sizes in white and tea rose. . . Shop early for these lingerie gift Items. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Boys' Cotton Plaid Flannel Shirts (necondN) Reg. $1.98 $- Now 1.00 Long sleeved shirts with In-or-Out bottoms In rich plaid combinations of Red. Blue, Brown. . . Slight imperfec tions that are hardlv noticeable. . . Sizes 4 to 16. , . Mo mail or phone orders. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Combination Toaster and Hot Plate $3.25 Now Special at Just 1,00 Combination three position toaster and hot plate complete with cord. Finished in shining chrome. Ideal for party rooms, for beach CHbins this wonderful one-burner combi nation ran be used right to the table. Shop early as supply is Urn ited. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Small Boys' Cotton Shirts Values to $1.18, Now 2,.r$100 Stock tip and save at this pik-e. . . Sams soiled but all are values at this price. Whit and colors in sizes 3 to 8 years. . . Broken assortment. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Cannon Checked Table Cloths Reg. $1.89 Now 1.00 Cannon's quality material In gay j checked table cloths. . . Ideal for a holidav or for gifts. . . Red, "rfdreen. Blue, or Yellow checks . . iKize 4.rx45 inrhes. No mail or phone J orders. , . Hotry, limit 2 to a cua 4 tomer. DOLLAR DAY B ARCAINS! Boys' Western 8-oi. Sanforized Jeans $1.98 Value A AA SPECIAL I.UU Sliirdr and atrorif mad, an(, , M lr.n.UhJ h"V,- Vby"' "-x- """rlrd Hullon front . . . cprr riv,,,d , point, of Mrain. Broken ir,. tyt' CipTimtnt DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Warm Practical Striped Outing Flannel Reg. 49c Now Special 3 Tor' M.00 Warm striped outing flannel for gowns . . pa jamas, children's sleepers. Full 36 inches wide. Sorry limit 6 yards to a customer. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! LADIES DRESSES Values to $5.95 Special $100 Just 20 of these cotton gabardine dresses broken sizes an assortment of current ly styled dresses reduced for this one day only. Come early for this special. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! New, Attractive Fabric Gloves Reg. $1.49 Special $1.00 A fine assortment of lovely cotton fabric gloves in popular slipon and novelty stvles. Sizes to 7'n. Buy for yourself, , , buy for iri'ts. Buy today and save! DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Plastic Material 79c Value New 2 ydi. $1 00 46 and M inch widths in colorful patterns on a white background. See this practical today at this very low price. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Junior Boys' Bib Overalls Reg. $1.98 Now 1.00 Sanforized, black cotton twill. . . Sturdy conttrue tion with double seami for extra strength. . . , Easily laundered. , . Perfect for plav or school. , . Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. , . No mall or phone orders on these. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Perma Kleen Table Cloth feo'.298 lOO Sue A2xf2, specially treated by Monsanto. . . Limited quantity. . . Floral patterns. . . Saves Wmihinji and Itoninfc. Sorry. Limit one to a customer. . . Come early for this bargain. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Stamped Bridge Cloths and Napkins Sti"" $1.00 Eoni ravnn faille, .limped . . Pi.ttf nr.Mi..l fnr tunrhpitn. nr hritlu. larti... . . rilv for .nibroidf rlna. . Buy yournrir and for gffta. for DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS! Startex Twinkle Toweling Reg. 39c yd. A yds. Special " tor '1.00 .oft TwtnBl. low.llns; that t sup.r-abumh.nt. . , llnn 75'i cotton . HurtK't pilred (or t hn? tnaa buylni . . . Tour rhoic. of Red. Blu. or Orf.n Bordna. Sorry! Limit a yds to a customer.