Scissors Swings Skater Back By BETTY LYTLE for AP Newsfeatures Backward skating, despite its title, la not for backward skat ra. It's for thoae who have their forward akating pretty well un der control, which you ahould by this time, after my last few col umns on the subject. Backward skating is a matter of balance and confidence, and here Is how you can get yourwlf a large helping of both You want to learn merely how to roll backward on one skate at a time, and it is done through a scissors movement of the legs which is mastered very easily First, place the feet in pigeon toed position (toes togethpr. heels out). Then press on the Inside of both feet and push the feet apart a short distance. You will start to roll. Now pull the feet into parallel position, keep ing them close to each other. When you find" that you're los ing momentum, or slowing down, repeat the exercise. It's easy, and when you've picked up a little speed and grace, it looks good! To keep yourself from appear ing awkward, don't exaggerate the distance when you push the .feet apart use just enough ''push to keep rolling. Push smoothly, not jerkily. Keep the knees flexible, and your weight over the middle of both skates. Remember: 1. Place feet in pigeon-toed position. 2. Presa on the inside of both feet. 3. Push feet apart a short distance. The principle behind skating backward is the same as in skat ing forward the good old clock aystem that I used in my last column. I'll go over it briefly. Skating is just one curve (or edge) after another. Imagine you are standing on a large clock drawn on the rink floor. You are at six o'clock, with your back to nine o'clock. Apply the three steps outlined above, with your body leaning toward the center of the clock. You'll start rolling, aimed at 12 o'clock. You've completed a clock-wise curve. Now do a counter clock-wise curve, and eontinue the sequence. By now you should know all you have to know to become an accomplished rink skater. If I sound too optimistic, it's be cause I haven't mentioned one other element practice, and lots of it. But skating is so much fun anyway that I'm sure you won't mind that! My next column will be de voted to a very exciting and dashing looking maneuver on i skates the spread-eagle turn. And you're going to be surprised at how easy it is. Durochers Return Child to Aid Home Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 14 A girl, 7, was back with the Texas childrens home and aid society here today after being returned by Actress Laraine Day and her husband, Leo Durocher, New York Giant manager. The superintendent of the home, Mrs. Edna Gladney, said the child had been with the Durochers about 18 months, but was returned because of phys ical ailments. She said services of several specialists had been obtained by the Durochers to try and correct the ailments. Mrs. Gladney then added that "we thought it best the child be returned to the home.' 0 V M n : rs f Capital Journal, Ralem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 14, 19489 wwiewWWW'ewewwe'ew'ewwwff'ceie ronmen'i sush 0 aC j Dark Foot It on the Floor I s I PREPARATION I FOR SKATING ' O BACKWARD 0 ! 0 Puih f BACKWARD SKATING BASKET BALL TONITE DEC. 14 8 P.M. Willamette Gym WILLAMETTE - vs. - OREGON STATE Preliminary at 6:30 P.M. WILLAMETTE FROSH vs. WOODBURN HI Reserved Seats $1 plus 20 C tax General Admission. . 75 plus 15c tudais 50c plus 10c NOTE: Seats will be reserved for this game. A Gentleman's IWiisfoy Jhm Kentucky Since 1 870, men have been serving Old Hermitage with pride and drinking it with pleasure. Famed for its rich Kentucky flavor and velvety-smoothness, this fine whiskey is a revelation in deep down drinking enjoyment. Try some, tonight. ' HentuchWiisieg-A Blend $460 4 jqt. $230 M PROOF ti GRAIN .NEUTRAL SPIRITS .NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORP.. NEW YORK 7mJT- ft OA "fcN NT With DFTTS for Your (HOME... Better Values - Wide Selections - Plenty of room to shop in comfort - and our own free parking lot - make it both convenient and pleasant to shop at Hamilton's. Also your budget will benefit by Hamilton's lower prices, only a few of which appear below. WALL RACKS Ornamental wall racks and corner shelves in pine, walnut, mahogany and glass. Specially ' priced as low as 00 HASSOCKS Group of medium and large hassocks In heavy covers priced from 795 BEDSPREADS Your choice of a group of chenille bedspreads, formerly priced to $12.50. Special now at 695 Whistling Tea Kettles I Chrome finish with copper bottom 395 FIRE SCREEN A three panel style with hammered brass finish frame. While they 'oit , 695 HARDWOOD STOOLS Bases in natural finish, tops red enamel. 24-inch and 30-inch heights. Special 195 SMOKING STANDS An attractive all metal stand with re movable glass tray. Two-tone finish. Special 95 Electronic Blankets Simmons, choice of colors . 3950 Plus fed. tax CARD TABLES Samson, with strong tub ular steel legs. Choice of top designs.' 395 Samson Luggage We have a complete line Nation ally advertised Samson Luggage individual pieces or matched sets. An ideal gift for any member of the family. Electric Mixers Several makes with various equip ment. Always an acceptable gift. Priced from . . . . 3Q95 Chair and Ottoman These are medium size and in your choice of several plain and figured covers. Regularly $34.50. Now only 1950 Our Entire Stock of Framed Pictures Is Now Offered at 50 Discount Make Your Selections Now Boudoir Chairs These chairs in bright, cheerful col ors are always a welcomed addition to the bedroom. A wide selection priced as low as ... , 995 Clothes Hampers Large and medium site hampers. Regularly $8.95. Now only 495 Victorian Organ Desk 150oo An authentic reproduction in all genuine ma hogany with carved pulls.. 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Special 59.50 Found in Hamilton's Toyland Salem's Largest Selection of Good Toys Priced to Save You Money Lionel Construction Sets as low at 2.95 Gun and Holster Sets, Special 1.00 Reg. 7.95 Jack's Pony, Special 3.95 Radio Flyer, Large Steel Wogon 9.50 Small Steel Wagons with rubber tires. . , . 1.95 Reg. 5.95 Microscope Sets, Special 2.95 Soft Animals, a very complete selection Including a group at only 1.95 Mechanical Bulldozer, large size with adjustable blode 3.50 Children's Firve Rockers, choice of two colors 5.95 Desk and Chair Combination, may be folded up for storage. Special 4.95 Lionel Scout Freight Train, a complete outfit for only 1 5.95 Footballs, large size 1.95 Flying Scott, hand lever propelled riding toy. Special 5.95 Large Tab and Chair Set 12.95 Mechanical Tractor with Scraper 1.65 $1.00 Special Table $1.00 Includes many special toy bargains at 1.00 each such as clothd oils, scooters, glass baking sets, dart gomes, chemistry sets and many ethers. See thl group for some big savings. Table Model Radios 1. Admiral combination radio-phonograph with special Admiral record changer that operates in 3Vi seconds. Only $69.95. 2. Packard-Bell small table model in brown plas tic case. Diols marked for Pacific Coast stations. A dandy 5 tube set at only 14.95 Chrome Dinette Sets ! Our selection of chrome dinette sets now includes the products of the leading manufacturers of this new tyoe furniture. Many new features are now included which add to the appearonce and durability of the product. Be sure and see this department. Sets (table ond 4 chairs) are priced as low as 49.50 HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. 230 CHEHEKETA SALEM, OREGON ijjlMjiijLijiaisisiiLiiSLiLsiiLjjsjiiwrrrrrr""-'-'' -. (