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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1948)
fjizpah Circle Has Election ; SUverton The Mirpah Circle of Immanuel Lutheran WMF met in the Fireside room of the parish house. An exchange of Inexpensive guts and a inrist mas program was enjoyed. ; Hostess for the afternoon was Mrs. R. J. VanCleave. ' Officers elected for the com tng year are Mrs. E. V. Swayze. chairman; and Mrs. Jonas By ' .berg, secretary-treasurer. The committee personnel named to (arrange the hostess appoint ment for the year includes Mrs. B. E. Gaffey and Mrs. Kenneth Henjum. ' The holiday program planned ;by Mrs. Tom Lynch and Mrs. E. V. Swayze followed the business session. Christmas carols were sung by the group, Mrs. Jonas Byberg and Mrs. S. L. Almlie were heard on seasonal readings. Mrs. Justin Dyrud with Mrs. Elser Aarhus as accompanist ve a vocal solo. Mrs. 0 1 e Melund, retiring chairman, presided at the punch bowl, and the new chairman, !Mrs. Swayze, poured coffee. fervais High School Seniors Offer Play I I Gervais The Gervais union high school senior class will pre- sent a murder mystery play "Apartment 13," Friday night December 17, at the high school auditorium. The cast of characters in cludes Norman Hall as Leo Scott; Betty Harvey as Loretta Tentrees; Lois Martin as John Bellings; Lila Duggcr as Mar tha, John's wife; Anita Manning as Janet Price; Wanda Merrill as Beth Carter; Jerry Zellner as Gus Mapleton; Cecil Phillips as Alice. Gus' wife: Robert Kel- ' so as Flanner; William Snider srs Fogan: Gloria Kleczynsk; William Thompson as Martin Somerset. Audrey Jaenicke is general manager; George Andres, assist i ant manager and Principal Paul Reiling is coaching the play. j Unit Entertained ;At Central Howell Central Howell The Cen tral Howell home extension unit met at the home of Mrs. George Plane. Co-hostesses were Mrs Lee Dow, Mrs. Emory Goode and Mrs. Bertha Wilson. .Twenty-four members were present. Visitors were Mrs. Har old Beeson, recently of Los An geles, Calif, and Mrs. Laura loves of Salem. t The Christmas program for the afternoon consisted of group carol singing, duets by Mrs. Harold Roth and Mrs. Leonard Roth, solos by Mrs. Milton Kephart and two and one-half year old Dianna Rotn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roth. The unit sponsored a candy and popcorn sale at the corn show Saturday evening at Cen tral Howell. Past Matrons Elect Officers at Gervais Gervais Mrs Sumner Stev ens, assisted by Mrs. William Oddie and Mrs. C. M. van Zuy- en, entertained the Past Matrons club at her home with a one o'clock luncheon. Covers were placed for Mrs. Sam H. Brown, Mrs George T. Wadsworth, Mrs. George A. Ramp, Mrs. J. P. Aspinwall, Mrs. Marion Henning, Mrs. T. A. Ditmars, Mrs. Raymond Jef ferson, Mrs. Clara Jones. Mrs. John Imlah, Mrs. Howard Booster, Miss Amy Harding and the hostesses. Election of officers was held with Mrs. Raymond Jefferson elected president; Mrs. T. A. Ditmars, vice president, and Mrs. Sam H. Brown secretary treasurer. A gift exchange and Christmas party followed the business meeting. East Salem Units ! Offering Parties East Salem, Dec. 13 Several of the home extension units are having Christmas parties this month as there are no regular meetings. Mrs. Roy Lively was hostess for members of the Lan sing Neighbors unit at her Sa lem home Thursday afternoon. A dessert luncheon was serv ed to 21 members and a special guest, Mrs. Emma Torbend. Mrs. Harry Otte and Mrs. Ethel Sion were co-hostesses. The afternoon was spent so cially with the singing of carols and playing of games. Members brought articles to make a bas ket of food for a needy family at Christmas time and a col lection was taken for a silver of fering to be used with the bas ket. A gift exchange closed the afternoon meeting. The Ametie club of Middle Grove community will meet on Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. Paul Bassett on SUverton road. It will be a Christmas par ty with gift exchange. The regular executive meet ing of Swegle P. T. A. will be hedl at the schoolhouse Tuesday night. Cnpilnl Journal, Salem, Oregon. Monday. Dec. 13, 194 A -3 I, lie (hat 6. "ON A PEDESTAL" Beautiful sheer nylon stockings. . . . Gotham Gold Stripe I Our salesgirls will gladly advise about styles, colors and sizes. Come get them soon! from $135 Exclusively Ours Ion a tofSTAi Corner Liberty and Court OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS A S wM-UjUUC AU4 CAS RANGE IS THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS PRESENT Priced 129" to 26450 Yes, every woman wants a Magic Chef it will bring cooking pleas ure lor many Christmases to come. It has so many features that make cooking a joy that make food taste delicious. And it is so beautiful to behold the smooth-flowing, modern lines add beauty to the kitchen and make cleaning so easy. IF YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY -4,500,000 modern farm and su burban homes use Propane Gas for cooking, hot water, refrigeration and house heating. It is quick, clean, dependable! Have your own fuel supply, not subject to shortages, or failure! PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCECO. 349 FERRY STREET- OPPOSITE MARION HOTEL PH. 3-5098 Propane Gat Systems and Appliances installed and serviced in Marion, Polk, Linn, and Benton Counties isss " ' SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH . A We Give and Redeem Green Stamp As Extra Savings Herel You Can Exchange Green Stamps lor Useful Artirles Herel 100 Worsted Wool Men's Coat Sweaters Reg. $4.95 Special $ 2.99 A warm practical gift . . . Well knit with double elbow . . . Button front coat . . . Ribbed cuffs . . Oxford Grey, Brown, Navy . . . Sizes 36 to 4 1. e f sir row White Broadcloth SHIRTS $365 to ... A NEW SHIRT IF ONE EVER SHRINKS White Stag "Storm Stopper" Parkas Reg. $14.95 Now 6.99 Back-to-School bargain that is timed to save you money ... Fa mous "White-Stag" parka that really stops stormy weather by the specially treated water-repellent poplin. . . . Holds warmth in its patented "Jen - Cel - Lite" lining that's padded perfection. . . . The hood folds compactly into conceal ed pouch when not in use. Sixes 12-14 enly A1 VM'-V A-Scr- fx V m r ' I 4L -sWwWRfc! We're very proud to be able to offer to you men o complete selection of 'ARROW brand products. Discover what a treat it is to wear 'ARROW shirts that really and truly fit; will not shrink; styled with the trim, tapered Mitoga shape. All with the famous non-wilt collars the fin est fitting collars ever mode. Take our word for it . . . 'Arrow' products are just about the finest made you can't make a mistake when you buy 'Arrow.' Something New! Men's Boxer Briefs $450 J&h film 1 Special . 79e "O'Kay" Sanforized Plaid BOYS' FLANNELETTE SHIRTS Reg. $1.93 $ PQ Special Insulated with Quilted "Jen-Cel-LiU" Lining . Here's a new atvla that men Ilk.. White knit back with .anforlled broadcloth front, ela.tle. walit band atl around . . . They fit comfortably under clolhinir and allow freedom of anion. . . . Kanily laundered and take, verv little Ironing . . . Fly front . . . Sanforized Broadcloth . Wat.t . Sices 28 to 44 'Arrow' Handkerchiefs 35c ... 3 - si oo Large regulation size handkerchiefs men like. Snowy white . . . soft to use . . well made with nicely finished hems. 'ARROW TIES $100 $150 I and Whether your taste runs to conservative or bright, bold patterns, 'Arrow' has just the tie for you. Wide as sortment of colors and prints . . . these Rood-look- ins ties have a resilient lininK to ward off wrinkles. mi li n MkMl M a&pji fv.'ii 'Arrow' Fancy Dress Shirts $3.65 Bright, challf nin(t plnnla that hovi like for M'orti and school . . . Warm and prarlirnt, too Snnforirfd . . . In or-Oul boHont . . Two-way collar. , ('onii)innt ion In Hed Blua Brown 4 to 18. 'Arrow' Athletic Shirts 95c Fancy pattcni! . . nct 5triprs--hrr are thr Arrow' shirts tni-n pn-fcr All with the pcirul;ir Ardslry' collar style. RcRiilar sir. 'Arrow' Knit Briefs $1 00 .0 Snug-fitting, white cotton Athletic Shirts ... cut extra long for comfortable fit. Strong tubulor binding on neck ond orm-holes . . will stand long wtfar and numerous woshings. For s Boy's Christmas "Buffalo Bill" Cloves Reg. $1.50 Special $1.00 f f v i Smooth Cfiltfin knit with comfortable dotiblp crotch . . fly oiitiiimr . . slronR tappd front. Klnstic waist. White only. Ths- Rlnvps will thrill any boy and ki-i-p hm hnml warm too! I.-athrr piilm. Klt hark glnva. . . . I.rithr like fnnttf. Com hmationa of Tan and Biown. Hliio and Krd . . lnthr rtt (Jmintlft ... A Rift nil boya will rhfiiah.