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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1948)
Local Paragraphs r?r fleeter Tape The Si-1 Icrta UMI ciud win purchase tulfieiant amount of reflecting to equip 300 bicyclei, ac- L.u Jlng to action of the board M 5 rectors of the organization. i Dejrimanis nave Deen conouc- kd by Lloni club committee By Stan crown in me kat of the tape. The tape reflects Bi' hi to a nign aegree ana in flluj manner protects the riders Lrom accident at night. Reduced The post of- MUo department is announcing L reduction in postage on gift for relief parcels 10 ureal oni- bin, Northern Ireland, naiy. 'including the republic of San jUrlno and Vatican city, ine new rate, effective Dec. 13, will ft a reduction from 10 to six ceitta pound. 4 Plans Announced Re vival Of Interest in Highway 99 association affairs was seen at a meeting of association represen- tativete-and boosters and officers Of the Cottage Grove Chamber of Commerce held tnere tnis week. Attending from Salem ; were tan nogg, presiaeni ana A. Larson. A tentative bud il of $20,000 has been set for 1 tu year. ' lilt Auto Plates Sold A to tal of 5233 automobile license elate were issued over coun ten of the newly established branch offices of the motor ve hide I department during the flrtt week of operation, Secre tary of State Earl Newbry an nounced Thursday. The branch offices are located in Oregon Ci ty. lugene, Roseburg and Coos Bajr.i! '" Leave Salem General Dis- mlated from the Salem General hospital are Mrs. LeRoy Dowler and daughter, 538 Liberty street, Bilverton and Mrs. Raymond Rappe, Rt. 2 Box 1S5-A and son. Grange Plans Social Hosts for the monthly social night of thv Union Hill Grange at the ball Saturday will be Mr. and lira, Arthur Mulkey and Mr. and lire, Ed Mills. t Leave Salem General Dis mlsaed from the Salem General r-wpital with recently born in 1 nts are Mrs. Theodore M. '.arck, Rt. 3 Box 703, and son; lira, Frank Steuder, Molalla 1 1..2 Box 200, and daughter and Ij. C. L. Stickard, 4835 Ryck Diari, and daughter. i kijuree Shoulder Don Ethlr- fe, Rt. 9, was reported by po- to have sustained an In- shoulder in a collision car driven by Dwain F. t time, Lebanon at the intersec tali of Center and North High let. Bingsplratlon Another inter rlnirch Youth Singspiration will ? i held Sunday evening at Sa : n's Youth Center. 375 Che i keta street. Everyone is in ed. i (Communicable Diseases Sev tateen Instances of chickenpox ijtrt reported in Marion county Utiring the week ending Dec. 4 '(cording to a report issued by He state department of health. K her cases of communicable 1 pease reported included 10 of umps, four dysentery, three eumonia and two each of in Utienza, measles, and gonorrhea add one each of tuberculosis and tetanus. !j Loucks to Talk Al Loucks campaign chairman for the re nt Salem Community chest rive, will be guest speaker dur- g next Monday's luncheon of fee North Salem Kiwanls club, ihe board of directors will as- mble next Tuesday evening to scuss plans for 1949, 13 Applications The city re ader's office reported Thurs day that 23 applications were Ibmpleted by prospective fire- ien who want to take the civil rvice examinations December Ten men who took out ap plication forms did not return Sfiem. The deadline for filing pplications was Wednesday. Yardleya Working Here Mr. nd Mrs. Freeman A. Yardley, 'ho live at Turner, are now em ployed in Salem. Their chil- ren are being cared for by Mrs. lodgett. BORN Th. Coital Jo.rnal wclcom following B.w eltlaena: BAMETT To Mr and Uri larl 1 Baaaett. Mill citr. tt tht Stltn Otacr.l mpltM, tor, DfC. I. ATrDlMON Ta Mr. tnd Mrf. A. Grant anderion, tio It. lath, at tha Saltn Oan. rai nMpital, a boy, re. 10. LATHRO To Mr. and Mr.. C. W. a.ihrop. Turn.r Rt. I. Box IK. at tht valtm otntral hotpttal. a bor, Dtc. ID. HOSTETLni To nr. ana Mr.. T N rfoatttl.r. Woodburn Rt. 1. at tht Salrm tntral hoapital. a firU Dtc. 1. MtMrLLATf To Mr. and Mra. tv.rttt VcMin.n. Dallu al tha tUlara Otntral voapital. a bor. Dtc. 10. Lrwia To Mr. and Mra. A:btrt lu. rtrtau. at tht Saltm Mtntorial hat. tal. a tlrl, Dtc. t. KfBlM To Mr. and Mra tM:n Kubin. lahama, at tha flalrm Mtnorlal hot tal. a bor. Dta 0. WirrMAMTo Mr and Mr. H fl tU'tttman. 1111 S. 10th. at th. Saltm Fntral hoapital. a bor. Dtc. f. KOTKA Ta Mr and Mr. John Kotk. SHrton Rt. 1. Boi lit. at th. Bairn fotntral hoapital, a bor, Dtc. t. MtTfWVnT T If, and Un BAhart i trl, Clantdn Rd , at tht Saltm Otn- k J hoapital. a firU Dtc. I r HIPMAN To Mr. and Mn Dt'.hart w vmtn. rsao Mrtit. at tna saltm vtn ftraj hoapital, a bor, Dta. I. Postal Rates Effective 1m- mediately on all parcel post des- tined to the Soviet zone of Ger many, including Berlin, the rates will be advanced from M to 17 cents a pound, ac cording to a new schedule re ceived here. U. S. gift parcels for the American, British and French sections in Berlin have been upped from 10 to 13 cents. No changes have been made In the rates to the American. French and British zones of Germany. Club Aiding Needy The home economics club of the Rob erts Grange will meet at the hall Thursday night and make up a box for a needy family. The Christmas tree will also be trim med and gifts exchanged. Serv ing on the social committee for the evening will be Mrs. Paul Marsh, chairman; Mrs. Rose Howland. Mrs. Floyd Plank, Mrs. L. F. Clymer and Mrs. Carl Bragg. Missionary to Speak Mrs Helen Duff Baugh, national di rector of the Christian Business and Professional Women's coun cil and Youth Home Missions. will speak Sunday evening, De cember 12, 7:45, at Bethany evangelical at Reformed church Marion and Capitol streets. Pic tures of the council's missionary work in rural America will be shown at this service. Pension Club Meeting The American Pension club is meet ing Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Salem Woman's club house. Jo seph E. Harvey of Portland, APC state representative, is to be speaker. Sings at Reception Mrs. Ron ald Craven was soloist at a re ception for the faculty of the Independence school given by members of the Independence Woman's club. She was accom panied at the piano by Ivan Mar ble. Willis Keithly showed mov ing pictures. Hostesses for the reception were Mrs. Ivan Mar ble, Mrs. Ross Oberson, Mrs. Fred Calef. Mrs. Joe Rogers and Mrs. Clyde Hunmcut. Unit Filling Basket Food to fill a basket for a needy family will be contributed by members of the home extension unit at Roberts at a meeting at the Grange hall Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Members are also asked to bring materials to make scrap books for children Refreshments will be served. Find $150 on Drunk Frank lin V. Blank, 1545 Trade street, was separated from two drink ing companions Thursday night oout a block from the river and jailed on a drunk charge. Police found $150 in cash In Blank's pocket. After that, they kept a close lookout for the two friends he had met for the first time in a cafe. NEW California modern pot tery in sets and open stock. Wallace Hardware, the Marshall Wells itore in Hollywood. Ph. 3-6877. 293 Keizer Community Church will sponsor a chicken supper & bazaar at the Grange Hall Fri., Dec. 10, 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. 294 Rummage and White Elephant Sale Fri. eve. & Saturday eve ning. Ph. 2-0736. 1240 N. 4th. 295 Castle Per manent Waves, Livesley Bldg. Ph. 3-3663 for your Xmas Special Permanent 305 Distinctive Christmas cards boxed wrappings. Mra. Julius Pincus, 845 N. Liberty. Ph 3-9342 after 4 p.m. 296 Used Atmoray. Ph. 2-5890. n297 Wreaths. Swag & Sweet Sale, Salem Rotana club. 453 Court St. Saturday, Dec. 11. 293 Cooked Food & Bazaar Sale Saturday Dec. 11, Neighbors of Woodcraft at Capital Press Of' fice, 270 N. Commercial. 295' Now ready for mailing the famous Gift Box of Aufranc Canned Fruits. Phone 38487. 303 Coming Tue. Dec. 14 Glen wood Ballroom Bob Willi 4 his Texas Playboys. 298 Steam bath and massage, 543 N. Church. Ph. 36253. 295 For the young artist's Christ mas, oil sets as low as $2.00 Elfstrom's Art Dept. 302" Karakul Karpet It's new. it's reversible. 'It's 100 virgin wool and woven through and through and only $4 95 per sq. yd. Phone 3-7648 or 3-3364. 2 Reroof now with Johns-Msn-vllle shingles. Don t gamble with an old roof. Mathls Bros.. 164 S. Commercial Free esti mates. Ph. 34642. Watercolor paintings by Lor en Boulier, this week only at Elfstrom's Galleries. 293 Quisenberry Comer at Court It Com'l. will remain open Fri. eves, until 9:00 'til Christmas. The Quisenberry Pharmacy. (That operates as one). 295 Pierce Rites Saturday Final rites for Donna Louise Pierce. 10-year old Keizer school girl who was killed Tuesday after noon when struck by an automo bile driven by Leonard Adin Pat terson, 745 Ferry, as she darted from behind a school bus, will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock, Rev. Lee Weines officiating and concluding serv ices at Belcrest Memorial park. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pierce, Rt. 2. four brothers, a sister and two step-sisters. Building Permits M a r v 1 n Lee, to repair a one-story dwell ing at 1083 McCoy. $50. H. Ver ges, to alter a two-story dwell ing at 659 Breys. $50. Henry Koehler, to repair a 1V -story apartment house at 1443 Court, $600. Alva Johnston, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 1215 North 24th, $9500. Ser- man & Thomas, for Truck Sales Service, to repair a garage at 555 North Front. S600. Frank G. Stanley, to build a garage at 2443 North Church, $1300. Cali fornia Packing corporation, to build a loading dock at 283 South 12th, $800. Hugh Fisher, to alter a two-story dwelling at 1143 South Liberty, $500. James F. Snook, to repair a one-story dwelling at 1925 Hines, $75. R. W. Land, to build a garage at 195 South 23rd. S2000. Students Win Posts Three Salem students attending Seattle Pacific college have received special recognition. Muriel Ste wart, daughter of Rev. and Mrs J. R. Stewart, 1032 Oak, has been elected secretary of the freshman class while Bud E Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs Herbert B. Hansen, Rt. 8 and Mary Lou Houser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Houser, 674 N. Church, have been named members of the a capella choir following try-outs. Mrs. Welter Home Mrs. Frank Welter and her recently born son were dismissed from the Salem Memorial hospital Thursday and are now at home in Stayton. Wlllet in Hospital J. Harry Willet, owner of the Capitol Drug company, was taken to the Salem Memorial hospital Thursday following a heart at tack. Firm Makes Filing Certifi cate of assumed business name for Van Cleave Brothers, 1103 N. Water street, Silverton, has been filed with the county clerk by George T. and Howard J. Van Cleave, both same address. Parents to Meet The joint meeting and dinner for the University of Oregon Mothers and Dads clubs will be next Monday evening, December 13, at the Keizer Grange hall. Jim Aiken, head football coach at Oregon, Leo Harris, director of athletics on the campus, and their wives will be special guests. Reservations for the din ner should be telephoned to Mrs. John H. Carson. FREE TEENAGE DANCE All teenagers are cordially in vited to a free dance tonight at Salem Labor Temple, 445 Cen ter St. Modern music. Sponsored by the Salem Trades and Labor Council and the Musician local union No. 313. 295 Lipstick Beauty Salon, com plete beauty service. We special ize In Permanent Waving. Eve nings by appointment. 1872 State St. Ph. 3-3838. 307 H. L. Sitff Furniture Co. will be open Friday evenings until Christmas. 295 Just Arrived another ship ment of new 1948 Bendix Ra dios. Save up to $200.00 un these amazing values! Ralph Johnson Appliances, 355 Center St. Ph. 3-3139. 295 Friendly Farm will be closed until March St. 297 Electrical wiring, installa tions, repairs. All work guar. Vlnce'i Electric. 297 Always a big line of artist materials at Elfstrom's Art Dept 302 Federally Insured Savings Current dividend 2to. See FIRST Federal Saving. FIRST 142 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-4944. Insured savings earn more than two percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association, 560 State street. Attention Christmas shoppers, don't forget your family car this Christmas. Come in and look over our complete stock of ac cesories. Salem Auto Parts Co. Two locations, 356 N. Liberty St., Ph. 3-9108, and 2002 Fair grounds Road, Ph. 24713. 295 Painting and Decorating. Ph. 3-7552. 302 Open everyday till p.m. until Christmas. Your dollar buys more at your Marshall -Wells Store, West Salem Hdwe. 296 GE 8-light Christmas tree tree string sets. 88c Limit 3 Marshall Wells Stores, West Sa lem Hardware. 296 Look to Cook for Christmas for everyone. Open Fri. eves, 'till 9:00 p. m. 'til Christmas. 293 Lullaby Baby Shop has re versible jackets, sizes 6 months to 6 years. Open evenings. 295 Barber Shop Moved The Senator hotel barber shop is now occupying its new location in the basement of the hotel. T. O. Adams is its operator. Musicians to Elect Election of officers of local 315, Ameri can Federation of Musicians, will be held at the labor tem ple Monday night. Glenn Hoar president of the local and Maurice Brennen vice presi dent. New Minister Rev. Orval W. Clemmens of the First Church of God, North Bend, Ore., has been selected to become " the minister of the Salem First church of the denomination. He will succeed Rev. H. A. Schlat ter who recently resigned. Rev. Clemmens will move to Salem early next year. Licensed to Marry Obtain ing marriage licenses at Van couver, Wash., were Charles M. Cully and Lavona I. Haynes, both of Silverton and Elmer C. Smith and Barbara H. Hard ing, both of Sheridan. Morton Rites Held Funeral services for Therese Heilborn Morton, mother of Marian Sten and Virgia Hund, both of Sa lem, were held at the Lincoln Memorial park in Portland Fri day afternoon. Mrs. Morton died at St. Helens Wednesday. Sh is also survived by her husband, Swepson Morton and a son. Choral Group Meets Final plans and a rehearsal for Han del's "Messiah" occupied mem bers of the Polk county choral society here this week. The presentation, with Ronald Cra ven, Salem, director, will be at Monmouth Sunday night, De cember 19, at 8 o'clock at the Christian church. Falrview Escapee An esca pee from Fairview home, listed as dangerous, was reported to Salem police today in a notice from the state institution. The man was described as 24 years old, five feet seven inches tall and was reported to be wearing blue overalls, a blue denim Jack et and brown hat and rubber boots. His name was listed as Jack Wills. Berlin Airlift (Continued from Page 1) In redeploying the three ov erseas units, the 23rd fighter wing, presently based at Guam, will be sent to Hoaard air force base, Panama Canal zone, next April. The 23rd now flies con ventional engined F-47 fighters, but will be equipped with jet fighters upon arrival in Pana ma. The wing has about 1200 men and operates with about 75 planes. The canal, for the first time since last summer, then will have a full group of modern jet fighters for its defenses. The 36th wing, a jet outfit, was shifted to Germany last August The perfect Christmas gift. 4ij min. to iron a shirt. Thor Gladiron. B. F. Goodrich Co , 198 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-9156. 304 FREE TEENAGE DANCE All teenagers are cordially In vited to a free dance tonight at Salem Labor Temple, 445 Cen ter St. Modern music. Sponsored by the Salem Trades and Labor Council and the Musician local union No. 315. 295 Look for George's special 296 announcement. Look to Cook for Christmas for everyone. Open Fri. eves, 'till 9;00 p. m. 'til Christmas. 295 Less wear on laundry and laundress. Thor Automagic. B. F.' Goodrich Co., 198 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-9136. 304 Quisenberry Corner at Court k Com'l. will remain open Fri. eves, until 9:00 'til Christmas. The Quisenberry Pharmacy (That operates as one). 295' Look for George's announcement. special 296 Miss La men has returned to Salem and will be at Larsen Beauty Studio, 471 Court. Ph. 3-5053. 299 Decorating holly and holly wreaths. Basil Zell. Orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 58F12. 29S Announcing the transfer of the Senator Hotel Barber Shop to the basement of the hotel 296 Holy wreaths and door pieces 1033 Highland. Dial 3-3395. 295 Dance! New management. Bigger and better hall, over Hen ry's Cash Market, S. 12th at Leslie. Ray Weldncr and his orchestra. Old time and mod Every Wed. and Sat. Adm. 60c. tax incl. 295 FREE TEENAGE DANCE All teenagers are cordially in vited to a free dance tonight at Salem Labor Temple, 443 Cen ter St. Modern music. Sponsored by the Salem Trades and Labor Council and the Musician local union No. 315. 295 Notice! Churches, schools and lodges. Fancy hard mix candy. 144C lb. by the box. Barber s j Grocery, Turner, Ore 297 Grains Rally After Losing Chicago, Dec. 10 (A) Grains got back a part of their early losses in a rally which began during the last hour on the board of trade today. Prior to the buying movement all cereals had shown easiness in sympathy with renewed decline in soybeans and lard. At one time December soy beans were down around 4 cents. But beans also rallied toward the close, deferred contracts get ting back to around yesterday's finish. Crude soybean oil and crude cottonseed oil prices slumped fractionally in cash markets. December wheat made the best showing among grain cer eals, leading the late rally. Lift ing of hedges against sales of flour to the government was considered a factor in the up turn. Earlier, wheat had eased on increased receipts of cash grain at major terminals. Wheat closed ia-l?s lower. December $2.39'-l, corn was H-'a lower, December $1.42 'a 1.424, oats were '.-Us lower, December 81'-82, rye was l'i 2'2 lower, December SI .75 Vi , soybeans were 2 cents lower to '2 higher. December $2.69 '4 2.69. and lard was 10 to 22 cents a hundred pounds lower, Decem ber $18.05. Holland bought 9000 bushels of American corn, which aided that grain. Petticord Will Speak to Youth Dr. Paul Petticord, Jr., presi dent of the Evangelical and United Brethren seminary at Salem Court News Circuit Court Mibel I. t Nolan LrwU, imfndM complaint (or annulment kinf plaintiff b mtored former name of Mabel Irene White, and fund in a checking account. J. X. and Hael H. Try on v Joe L. Shaw and other, reply of H L Elfatrom and other aa R. L. KlUtrom company admitting and denyint allega tion in answer and croia complaint of Central Supply company. Victor L. va Marie L. Martin, motion of defendant for 175 a month up port money for a child and 175 a month alimony u well aj feea and cast pending ault. Vera Far Miller v Riuaell Taut feat, plaintiff motion for trial. Corda v Orvllla C. Howe, citation for hearing December 27 a to why defendant should not pay for certain feea, coat and disbursement. Stephen J. Foucheck and Harry L. Mc Burnett v Duane J. Janlcek, cae dU mlaaed, decree, in favor of defendant af ter trial. Harry and Melba Bercier v B ranter C. Small, amended anxwer and croris complaint alines plaintiff executed a not to defendant with chattel mortiare. made a amall payment and that It 1 now duo, and owing. Otto W. Helder v Mike Stelnbock. de. fen motion to allowed In part and to makg mora definite and certain denied In part. Look to Cook for Christmas for everyone. Open Fri. eves 'till 9:00 p. m. 'til Christmas. 295 Popcorn balls, carmel apples, Xmas candy. Karmelcorn Shop, 124 S. High, Ph. 9226. 295 Quisenberry Corner at Court & Com'l. will remain open Fri. eves, until 9:00 'til Christmas The Quisenberry Pharmacy (That operates as one). 295 LET GEORGE DO IT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: 10 discount on all home refrigera tors and freezers. (Until Christ mas only). Free coffee served from 2 to 4 p. m. each day. George Electric, of course, 493 Center St. 307 Do you have rare type of trees and shrubs in your yard such as Dove Tree, Silk Tree, Davidi oy Viburnum, The Dwarf Ever green Snowball, Raphiolipes and many others. These may be purchased at the F. A. Doerfler & Sons Nursery. Landscaping and Designing. ISO N. Lancas ter Drive at Four Corners. Ph 2-1322. 297' Clearance sale of tires and batteries. Woodrows. 295 All kinds of mending Ann the Re-Weaver. 1180 N. Winter St. 293 Auto glass Installed, senders for rent. R. D. row, 450 Center street. Floor Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730. 295 Air-steamship tickets. Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7691. 295 Unity books for Christmas gifts. Truth Center Library, 262 N. Cottage. 12 to 3 P m. Mon. to Fri. 295 LAUNDERETTE, 1235 Ferrv. 295 SAN Clothiers, the only men's store In Salem giving S tc H Green Stamps. 293 Pittsburgh plate mirrors. 20 off, Woodrows, 450 Center. 298 Used plumbing fixtures at bargain prices. Judson, 279 N. Com'l. 295 Look for George's announcement. special 296 Jennings Lodge, Oregon, will be tne speaxer ai me xouin lori Christ rally at 7:43 Saturday evening in the First Evangeli cal United Brethren church ai Marion and Summer streets. Having returned recently from Europe, he will show pictures of his travels and conditions in Eu rope. The KIngs-Harmonettes will be featured with several special musical numbers. Social Calendar Of Frat Suspended "The university feels a dis tinct responsibility to the par ents as well as to the minor stu dents who are on the campus." said Dr. G. Herbert Smith, presi dent of Willamette Friday in acknowledging that the Phi Delta Theta fraternity has had its social calendar suspended un til May 1. The suspension grew out of alleged violations of the university's rule against the serving of alcoholic beverages. The faculty committee on dis cipline in taking the action it did, had hoped to create group responsibility on the part of student organizations such as fraternities, President Smith ex plained. Furthermore, he added the "university would uphold the regulations of the univer sity and of the state" wherein they apply to the use of intoxi cants. Students involved numbered more than 20, a few of whom were 17 years old. Firebug Rock Island, 111. (U.B-Police arrested Fred Mullins, 34, for setting a bonfire at a railroad depot but they forget to confis cate his matches. No sooner was Mullins put in a cell than he removed his clothing and shoes and touched them off, too. Probate Court Jamra Wallact Knapp. minor, annual rtport of Oardntr Knapp, guardian. Laura B. Krrut tatatt. appralaad at 11000 by Francla Ftller, aola appralacr. William C. Harm, minor, luardlan hip tatatt apprautd at 1606 br Charlta Vinrard. Harrr Boach and Rar Da Rocht. Sttphtn Htnuhorn tatatt, ordtr au- thoritinf totinlr trtaauttr to par 16S0 Hugo Mamahorn. txteutor of tht ta- tata, to bt dlatrlbuttd in compliance a-tth auprema court dtelalon. Jant Sttclt. minor, Ora Pool, auardlan. authorlred to arcapt eompromlat art tlament of lM for pcraonal Injury claim and dumlaatd action with prcjudlet. Hrnrr Lloyd tatatt appralatd at IS71 by Dclphlna Oooly, aole appralatr. Frank H. Dtdcrlch. Jr.. minor, Ellen L. Drdtrlek named auardlan and Frank Hublu apprnlaar. Batata cnnalau of liquidated claim for damacea irowlni out of an automobile accident and valued at 114. SO. Fmma J. Worden f uardlanjhlp, Arthur Rich, guardian, authoriipd to par all claima lor cxpttuaa tntalled. Cheater W. Mauldlnt eatate appraiaed at 114.603.90 bv Oeorat Hubba, Llord Over, osa and Odin Johnaon. William C. Van Cleave tatatt appraiard . I71M br Kenneth B. Delp. Sam Spetratra and Lillian Davia. Carl Temple Pope eatate. amended or. der flxea Januarr 10 aa tlma lor final hearing. Marriajre License Jack E Preaton, 47. tractor drlrer, and Pearl Mar Fountain, 45, houaewlfe. both Independence. irvin J. CutAforth, 34. aaleman. and Wanda I. Albert, ai. nurat. both Salem. District Court Non Support: Joaeph L. Mamptln, for grand Jurr, ball aet at 1300. Drunk driving: Frank A. Roblneon Portland, charge dlamlaaed for lack ol ?,fdenca and a new complaint charring reckleaa driving replaced It. Roblnaon pleaded guilty and waa fined 1100 and coata. Violation of baaie apeed rule: aeoraa w Sehoemalcer, Portland, fined 110 and cnata; Ror Saffe, Portland, fined 110 and coata. No mud flapa: Walter Sogge, 1091 Rule, fined la and coata. No driver', llrenae: Oacar D CUbourn. 73ft S. 11th, fined IS and coata. Mlarepreatntlng the age of a minor for the purpoae of a liquor llcenae: Ben L. Roten, fined I3S and coata. Falaelv repreaenllng ate: Olen W. Ro ten, fined S3a and coala. Police Court Violation o: Prante. 104S L. Weaton Jr . fined 13. aO atop aien' Clarence A Maple, fined 13 an. Alon 140 Hinea. f.ned 13 aft and n charge of no driver a llcenae. Violation of E. LnudTOark. Let us repair those leaky faurets open that sluggish drain. Our fleet of 20 well equipped trucks insures quicker, more complete repair service. PlUMOtN-fttATH 179 N. Commercial rhnne 3-4141 I Li Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Pudding River (continued mom iage it Judge Murphy is writing to Manton Carl in regard to possi bility of reopening the project, as Carl led the opposition to the district plan at the meeting last spring. At that time it was claimed by opponents the flood control district plan would throw the bars down so the district directors would have excessive powers both as to tax ation and otherwise. In his letter the county Judge asks Carl "it is your thinking that the people, or a majority of them, are opposed to the im provement under any circum stances, or if the opposition was confined to the method and type of district to be formed. I was under the impression from the statements made at the hear ing that the opposition was not against the improvement but directed against the methods and the powers that would be grant ed the proposed district. "The county court has no in terest or desire In the matter except to serve the wishes of our people. And, of course, if they do desire this improve ment, we would like tc do every thing to salvage this appropria tion before it expires. As you know, it would be a long drawn out process to get ii restored by congress in the event it does expire. "In the event the opposition is against the kind of district proposed rather than the im provement, I believe we could get remedial legislation at the incoming session of the legisla ture that would provide for the formation of a district for a spe cific purpose such as access rights of way." He asks Carl to express his views in the matter so such legislation could be put under way at as early a date as possi ble. The flood control project as planned by the engineers con templated cleaning drift and a general rehabilitation of the crooked stream. Hiss Brothers Continued from Page 1) Hiss has filed a $75,000 libel suit against Chambers in Balti more. It is based on Chambers' public description of Hiss as a member of a pre-war "commu nist apparatus" in Washington. Irvine was asked the usual questions the committee puts to witnesses whether he is or ever has been a communist. 'I am not a communist." Le- vine replied. "I've never been a communist." Levine said he had no idea what was in the package until last Friday when he read in New York newspapers about the documents Chambers had surrendered to the house com mittee. "I put two and two together." Levine said, "and immediately called the U.S. district attor ney's office." L !pf I If A GRAND OLD W Jh PRODUCED IN THE U.S.A. Undae rh Direct iuaarvttlaa Owe tape! Canadian Bl.nalag CORBY'S is a light, socioble blend. It it our sincere belief you'll enjoy ill smooth, satisfy Ing mellownen. Next lime aik for CORBY'S.. a fine whiskey. .lint iim.,, U I ITt'ci t"-1 J fv 4.1 QUART PINT :?wi " tjzZJ' SMS 13AJ ii'itiiniln' Ml lAICLAT 1 CO, IIMITID, riotiA, iuinois OFFICE SPACE NOW AVAILABLE STEUSLOFF BUILDING Corner Liberty and Court PHONI 3-3711 Friday, December 10, 191817 Chambers Quits (ConllmiM from Page 1) "I cannot share this indispen sable ordeal with anyone. There fore, with a quiet and firm mind, I am withdrawing from among the colleagues with whom I worked for so many years and whose support has been loyal and generous." Shortly after Chambers' an nouncement. James A. Linen, publisher of Time, issued this statement: "Time has accepted Mr. Chambers' resignation for the reasons which he has so well ex pressed. In accepting his resig nation now, Time does not wish to prejudice and is not prejudic ing his recent disclosures. "Not until all the evidence Is in can the pros and cons be weighed. "Against the admitted disserv ice to his country, of a decade ago, must be set the service we are convinced he Is trying to perform, for his country now." Steelman Appointed Washington, Dec. 10 Wl President Truman today named John R. Steelman acting chair man of the National Security Resources board. Steelman, an assistant to Mr. Truman, will take over the duties of Arthur M. Hill, who Is resienini a chairman of the board, effective December 13. OBITUARY Mr. J. C. Pa tier, DBytnn Funnr-At ..,.. . day altrrnoon. In tht Davtr.n !.-- hlirrh. for Mr. t r ,.... Monday evening after a brf 1 1,, Harry Ryan officiating. Interment ,? ,n Evergreen Memorial Park. K.thryn. Cole. ?".'" born (n Hirkavllle. Penn.. Peh. '0. mo. aha waa united In minrlaga -o Jamea C. Patten on April 10. 1S3. ,t Warren Center Penn .u. moved to Dayton where they have alneo mane tneir home. Surviving bealdea her huaband. are two dauahtera hy a nrevlnua marriage Gertrude Heaih of Van Etten. New York and Loulae Halter. Courtland, New York. Three alalera. Ro.e Kinney Nw Albany. Penn.. Blanche Shore. Van Etten. New York and Uarlnn Mik.. Towanda, Penn. ' Lelghlnn Lea Pluard Dali.a-Funeral tervlrei for LeigMon Lee Pluord. 34. who waa killed when trap ped In a landallde near Valaeti Tueaday will be held from the Henkle and Bollman chapel Saturday at 1 p m. Burial will ha In the Odd Fellow, cemetery. Mr. Pluard waa born on Auguat 20. 1014. at Cottaga Orove. tht aon of Mr. and Mra. Leander Pluard. He waa married to Thelma Ruth Burrhfleld on Julv 30. lota. n Dallaa. During tha peat ten yeara. he had llvtd at Valaetg where he waa employed by tha VaUeta Lumber company aa a choker aetter. During the war he acrved with the army'a armored engineer., enllatlng on Ortnher 10. 1943. He aaw aervlce In the African. Middle Eaat and European theatera, and In Europe waa In the bat- ilea of Adrennea. Rhlneland and Central Europe. He attained tht rank of eereeant and waa discharged January 13. 1040. The arcldent occurred Tuearlay whlla he waa logging In a crew working with a cglerplllor-type tractor. Surviving art widow. Ruth of Valaetg, Hie father of Buroda. Waih.; three broth era, Leater Francla Pluard. Merlin Jamea Pluard. both of Bucrtda, and Tyler of Independence: and on. .later, Beverly Palmer of Independence, SALEM RURAL ROUTE MAPS Send SI. 00 to Mel Propp 341 State St., Km. 8, Salem, Oregon, C0I?3Y!5 m fcCDED WHIP'3 'aBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Bttteile'" anauaatjay a " I liHWJ.'l'i I