1 14 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday. Vet. 9, 1918 Electronics to Aid Fishermen Great Neck, N.Y., Dec. 9 UP The day of the "electronic iishcrman" is about here. That is, the fishermen those who sail the seas will soon be using electronics to guide them to the good fishing grounds. The device is a new postwar Loran receiver-indicator. Lor an, a word coined trom lung range navigation, was one of the top secrets of the war and was used particularly where ships were not equipped with expert navigators. Spokesmen for the Sperry Gyroscope company, said today that the new small-craft model of Loran has more ease and speed of operation. II officially is called the Mark 2 Loran, and orders already have been re ceived by the U. S. aimy trans port service and the U. S. coast guards. The new device has been test rd by fishermen along some sec tions of the Atlantic coast, and Sperry believes it will become standard equipment on most of the commercial fishing vessels particularly those who work in the Bering sea and off the coast of California. The "portable" device oper ates similarly to its "big broth er" now being used by some ocean going steamers It picks up signals from master Loran transmitting stations A mil lionth of a sicond later it picks up the signal from the slave station so called because the master signal triggers the signal from the slave. The Loran device automati cally records the dillerence in time between the two signals and determines what line the vessel happens to be on the time. To make the complete fix the skipper, or naviftator. tunes in another pair of transmitters master and slave. This gives him the intersection of the two lines. A specially-designed Lor an chart is used for tht final fixing. Presto, the skipper knows ex-1 actly where he is. Bus Tragedy Inquest Dated Grants Pass. Dec. 9 if inquest into the Greyhound accident which claimed the lives of two Grants Pass high school athletes Sunday has been set for day ,flernooni with the deegll witnesses, Including the survivors, will testify In lhat the public may determine the facts, as compared to the flood of conflicting rumors in circulation. The condition of all hosDilaliz-1 tne American Legion and Grants Pass. Dec. 9 An ed victims continued good today. I Auxiliary was held at the city inquest into the Greyhound bus attendants said. I..,!! lnd wa. Dr-.jded over bv A community funeral was held Crash ft An tnn fnJ Anvilini' order v?w n""",ul; Will (.heer Veterans Lafayette The semi-monthly meeting of the Lafayette post Commander B. E. B Kennedy and Miss Deliliah Butte, vice president, respectively. Plans were made for sending Christ- Port land Veterans' hospital Milk bottles are to be distribu ted to the various business hous es in town for contributions for mas presents to veterans of the I Christmas gifts to any disabled at the high school here Wednes- Advtrtutment December 14. at 10 a.m., Coron- tions from most of the schools of western Oregon attending. er Virgil Hull said today. The victims were Sterling Healer, end. and Al Newman, sub halfback I Approximately 20 percent of r, . . . , gainfully employed people in District Attorney William F.jfie United States are engaged in Johnson stated that some 35 'agriculture, forestry and fishing SINUS CATARRH SUFFERERS Club Invites Teachers Amity The Bethel (Pol county) Community club will meet at the Bethel gymnasium, Friday evening. Teachers of the Amity schools are invited to al tend. u6&di StcvVi Candles TI1E FINEST CHRISTMAS GIFT Russell Stover Candies are made of the finest ingredients, scientifically blended to make the most delicious candies, appreciated by... and appropriate for . , , ever) one. 14t MliMiMkMlkMMMlM, Midget Market Salem's Retail Packing Plant 351 Slate St. What to Prepare Is a problem that puzzles the housewife. Choose any item from our fine assortment prepare it your own way then listen to your family voice their approval of your shopping ability. BOILING BEEF ib. 30c SWISS STEAKS ib. 55: POT ROASTS . ib. 43c RIB STEAKS ib. 55c T-BONE STEAKS ib. 55t FRESH GROUND MEATS To the thinking eu.slomer it doesn't sound reasonable that Rood meal can be sold cheaper after it is ground. Well, II can't be. Our ground meals are a (rifle higher than some. This i to explain why. "NuffSed:" Pure GROUND BEEF 48c ib. Pur Pork SAUSAGE 50c b PICNIC Mf PORK ROAST Lb 40C LEAN FA PORK STEAK , 50C LOIN ROAST .... 50C ENTER Ct'TS m ft LOIN CHOPS ,.. DOS SIDE BACON ib. 50c BACON SQUARES ib. 22c 'FLAVORIZED' HAMS ib. 60c WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO LADD'S Market Open 9 to 9 Every Day tjuick, Courteous Service Shop and Save 1705 South 12th Salem, Ore. Phone 2-7462 Specials for Friday & Sat., Dec. 10 & 11 QUALITY MEATS - Pineapple, Hawaiian Crushed or Sliced, Large I'i cans 39c Canned Milk Darigald Tall Cans 2 25c m ran m Dates, Pitted New Crop, 1 Ib 29" Flour Fisher's Blend 10 83' Dog and Cat Food B-Sure Brand 2 25c Fans s QUALITY MEATS Veal Roasts Shoulder Cuts, Ib 49c Pork Chops Lean, Tender, Ib Picnic Hams Shankless, Lean, lb 49c 49 Pork Roasts Fresh Boston Butts, Ib. 49. QUALITY PRODUCE Cabbage Large Green Heads, lh. Oranges Sunkist Balls of Juice, lh. 9C Calavos Fine For Salads 2,35' I it R i? w it it it it it it it Si? t It it it it it It it i ft it it ft ft If if it it ft ft ft it ft t it it y it it it ft. it ft 5 OREGON PRODUCTS For Gifts When sending Christmas presents to the East and Middle West, why not send products that are distinctly Oregon and Northwest. Something different and pleasing for the whole family. OREGON (ITALIAN TYPE) PRUNES ' In five-pound, 10-pound and 25-pound boxes. W ALNUTS AND FILBERTS in five-pound bags. TILLAMOOK CHEESE in three-pound Gems (round) aged and in two and five-pound loaves. MT. ANGEL CHEESE in five pound loaves. LANGLOIS (Roquefort Type) in the five-pound round loaves, Wfsl's Pre.serves A dainty decorated box of 12 Jars of preserves. $3.00, Raspberry, strawberry, Logan and Bovsenberry. (A Salem packed Item). Hood River D'Anjuu Pears Assortment of Northwest Fish Packed in boxes of six and nine cans. Apples The northwest apple confection. In sizes for "Sc. J 1.51) and S'J.75. Boxea packed with any assortment For Your Fruit Cake Candied cherries, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, lemon and citron peels. Lyons' Radiant Mix, pitted dates, shelled walnuts, almonds, blanched almonds, filberts. Currants, raisins, seedless, seeded, bleach ed. Also cluster raisins for eating. California dates for stuffing. Model Fruit Cake Our fruit cake was made several months ago and romes In one to three-pound sizes wrapped in cello and dec orated. Other Items Thot Could be on Your Shopping List: FANCY Gl.AO.n FRUITS in one and one-half and two pound canons and redwood boxes. IMPERIAL CANDY in the l.JS. LSI and 1.7S fancy Doxes. MIXED CANDIES, chocolale cones, candy canes, large barber poles and great variety of items you will want for Christmas. Elmer's Bubble Mints, Elmer's Fruit Runlet. Younter'a Ruttrr Mint Shop our market for all I.G.A. specials. MODEL FOOD MARKET 215 N. HIGH ST. Next to City Hall. Phone 34111 I i R R R R R R R R R R R R I R R R R R R R R R R St R R R R R R R R R R R R ft R R R R R R R, R PINO CUM FOR MISftT DUt TO NASAL CONGESTION. SUPPLY KUSHID HIRII Klif Bt Ittt from torture of ajnm, r!irh, snd hiy fever dut to natal conirr tiun 1a inb tndar In rrporta ol euccoaa with formula which haa the powtr to rduc natal roniPttiun. Mn and women with aKoniiiriK ainii haadachra, roggd noatrila, rararh. hawking and anaering miiary tll of hlasaH relief after turn it. KLOKONOL eoata I a. 00, but ronaidcrins mult, thia ia pot cupeniive. amnitait to only pennin par dot. KLORONOt, oaution. uaa only aa diractad) aold with money -bark guartniM by 3cbaafr Orai, lift N. Caaaasaretal. A Parry Drat, Ut ta. CaaaaiarciaJ. Mai1 rdera 1 Vou Want Real LUXURY HEAT With no soot, no oshes, no fumes and no fuel problems then you wont MARVAIR HEAT PUMP The Heot of Tomorrow Today See it at PATTON-MINTO Plumbing & Heating 1122S. 12th St. Ph. 26450 veteran. Better coffee every time fen &W quality is so muck better Go through the values item by item. Compare the quality. Check the prices. You'll aree that you save right down the line at ERICKSON'S. Yes you save from top to bottom of your food list because the hundreds of good things in our big mod-ern market are thriftily priced every day nf every week. Each department is abundantly filled with palate-pleasing foods at purse-pleasing prices and that why it's so easy for you to do all your food buying here. One stop. One bundle. Many savings! VAN CAMP LARGE CANS PORK & BEANS LARSONS VEG ALL CRANBERRY SAUCE JELLIED OR WHOLE TRULY RIPE PEACHES Mo. 2Vi cans 2 cans 47c No. 300 cans 2 cans 25c No. 303 cant Mixed Vegetables Ocean Spray 2 2 tall cant No. 2Vi can 33c 29c 29c Lafollette's Freestones In Heavy Svrup. CROWN POINT, No. 2 Vi can 23e RADIANT GLACE FRUIT MIX - - 43c Lyons diced glace citron, leman. orange peels, cherries and pineapple, mixed ready for a fruit cake or pudding. SPERRY PANCAKE FLOUR 1 98c The nomilar favorite. Albrrs' Flapiack. 41b. pke . 49 ) LOG CABIN SYRUP - 23c Two Big Complete Food Markets Open 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. - SAT.. SUNDAY CHOC OLATE SYRUP TOWN PRIDE K. 1 lb. can '' COCOANLT HIXON'S "lO Reg. oz. pkg IV TAPIOCA Instant l. Hixon's 5'j oz. pkg. CHOPPED OLIVES May wood, Q 4 '2 oz. can ' RIPE OLIVES 1Q Matmor, pint can -. STUFFED OLIVES Libby's Rosedale, 15r 2 oz. jar I s ORANGE MARMA- 1Q LADE. 1 lb. jar . . Weliman'f Fancy OC 2 lb. jar JJt ASSORTED JELLIES Chevy Chase, all 1Q varieties. 12 oz. jar ' ' DeLuxe PLUM PRESERVES Del Monte, 1T 1 lb. jar 16 SPICED BEANS Mexican, Gebhardt "JO . No. 300 can Jt CORNED BEEF HASH Hormel's 37 No. 300 can J w CHILI CON CARNE Ol Hormel, No. 300 can PORK & BEANS Hunt s. No. 2 '2 can Lge. cans Hunt's Quality LYNDEN'S TAMALES Boneless Or 7-n-oz. can 'c 19c Xmas Candies Satin Mix , 19e CHOCOLATE CONES e)Q( 1 Ib. cello JtmW CHOCOLATE CHERRIES Nutrine-in whipped AO' Creams, 1 Ib. box O M Fancy Assorted CHOCOLATES Jane Adair AAc 70 89 1 lb. box . . Jane Adair 2 Ib. box . . 1 Bishop's Fine Assortment CHOCOLATES 1.09 2 Ib. box BE SURE TO EAT 4 VWk -v ------ II J rwMml 11' 1 VAlf PORK CHOPS Lean Center Cut, 59c W. PORK SHOULDER ROAST 53c lb. country style PORK SAUSAGE 2 lbs. 89c SIRLOIN STEAK a,.i F,d ste 57c lb. RIB STEAKS 49c lb. GROUND BEEF 45c lb. Sunshine Krispy Crackers HiHo Butter Crackers 2 lb. box CRISP ROUND WAFERS 1 Ib. box 39c 27c HAMS SWIFT'S, MORRELL'S, ARMOUR'S 59c lb. ZT 63clb. SHANK END. .. Large Fresh Eggs i GRADE A, Dozen Glace Pineapple Venu. 4 oz Pkg Bartlett Pears Fireny. no 24 can Fruit Cocktail DP Monte. No. 303 can Del Monte Peaches "fc, rm Fresh Fruits & Vegetables oz. tube Florida Tangerines Sueet and Delicious. U. S. No. 1 Potatoes Peschutes Netted Gems. Pnrcnint Firm and Bright rarsnips Delightful Fried Cabbage Cnsp solid Head, Hubbard Squash f?33 Simonize Wax ill Self-Polishing rr 59c cg.un rt 98c ' ral. 139 can jlc "l"ne 'deal 0:c; J Xmas Gift X ?C ff Kerr's Fancy Jams 29c . . ... m 25c Jeines m IO l Xmas Pock Cartoned far Mailing lC M Box of 12 Jan 1 lfl I 3.89 n 19c i Cl J( . ... 1 2 d01 49c mk anaoy canned hruit m 'ML Assorted Fancy Quality Ml 10 ik 39c W. Cortoned for Mailing Mff WS. "No.2ViC.n. jfff 3.b. 23c 4Q8 IB. 4C 3720 women -"immmimmii""" I. State Kiln Dried