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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1948)
j Skating Artist Claims Posture Gives Balance By BETTY LVTI.E Ace Roller 6katlng Professional (Written ftpeclslly for AP Newsfeatures) Thil column Includes i few pointer you must keep In mind to skate well. First of ill, you need balance. And to attain balance the chief requirement if good posture. I was ona of those "teen agers who became so used to hearing i my elders say: "Betty, stand up straight!" that it had no mean-1 lng to me at all. " Second of a Series Impressed by photos of glam orous actresses and models' walking with books balanced on i their heads, I tried it ton. But I found It very boring. The only time I would stand straight was when I had a book on my head. It was only when I started to roller skate that good posture i m m tmnirtnnt tn m T wh determined to become the best skater in tne neinDnrnoon. ann the rink Instructor finally con vinced me that the only way to do it was by keening my back straight and my head and shoul ders where they belonged, r I've never forgotten the meth od he taught me, because I prac ticed It so much. My spine was Ji rod that supported my body, 'and I always made sure it was straight not curved or arched. I would take a deep breath and I mean a deep one that would raise my diaphragm and then pull my stomach muscles tight. I marie sure that my shoul ders were down and my head up. I would then exhale, but with out slumping, or changing my body position. That was it the correct posture I needed to skate. If you're wondering what all this has to do with balance, the next step is to bend the knees slightly, so that your weight is J over the center of your feet. There you have your center of balance and you'll never lose it when skating if you maintain proper posture. 1 1 - ' - f .. 1 t ' ' 'I i I ' ;v I Ij i. v , Betty shows proper posture. I Students Ballot On Coaching Job For Stuhldreher Madison, Wis., Dee B U. University of Wisconsin stud ents will vote next Wednesday on whether football coach Har ry Stuhldreher shou.d resign. The vote, however, will not be binding upon school author ities. The student board unanimous ly authorized the referendum af ter 685 students signed a peti tion asking for the vote. The number of petitioners was more than required to make a refer endum mandatory. The vote will be only advis- ory. Stuhldreher, m was un der heavy student fire all sea son, when his team finished last in the Big Nine, is a full profes sor, and cannot be dismissed ex cept by a faculty ruling of inef ficiency. However, the faculty could remove him from the coaching job. Duckpin Bowling tClt aalU) MIN'f At'TOMOTIVI LEAOl'E Dlek Dodtl. Cfccvroltt duekptn prtouioaut. copp4 Individual honor with 111 cam and a, ft 01 riu WadnMday while irta HiMUMi loam took aquad honors with 7H tarn and a 0I rl. Baaca ttt Ceotar 44 1. Campbell 114, Kioar 119, J ona Sl. eVoH IM KaUar Fraiar ( 4 1 Brand 4, NtUon 131. Him by 111. Mink 451, Aahanmachar 154. Caalllaf lt Bowtra M. Ttt It Bhld- lar 111. Bhlnn 411, C.mPtU JTT. Tr4 Hi Boock HO. Burnt hi, noimaa i7. PlMk 387, Bchrorar 111. adtatt Si Harold 4M. Wan Shuck 175, Zoba) I, WhiM Ml. Chavralat li Oibb 412. Chambrra 171, Mlttan- dorf 191. Dodd 504. Wirklandar 461. Bakk - Hodira It. Wllaofl HI. Hall 103, Moon 117. VanDfll 411. Olt.m-hi.if (1Canfiald M. Chakarun 404, Shuck 11, Downey K5. Baumiart 401. RECORD TROUT LANDED Sandpoint, Ida. U Joseph W. Bates, Jr., a visitor from Mas sachusetts, landed the largest Kamloops rainbow trout ever taken on light tackle. It weigh ed 31 pounds, 12 ounces Pro Grid Lacks Appeal for Doak; Wants to Coach New York, Dec. 9 ('South ern Methodist's Doak Walker, outstanding of the nation's pres ent college grid crop may fore go professional football for a coaching career. The two - time all-America halfback, who still has another year of eligibility, expressed faint interest in the money game last night in an informal talk with newsmen after receiving the Helsman trophy ai the out standing college player of the year. "I'm majoring in physical ed ucation," he said. "I'd like to coach when I'm through." He added that a pro grid career didn't appeal to him at the moment. Capital Journal, Salem, Ort.. TTiurgday, Dee. 9, 1948n Advert larmrni "0tdat40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy Pnrcvt tiw Thouaaada are peppT at 7ft. 1 1? "PP?50f UP" ""'th Ottrei. Contain mala for tik. rundown tollng tue solely to bodr'a lark ol Irou S'cn man men and women rait nlrl." Trr (tri Ton if Tbita for pap. ynnnxar tWHtf, thia very tUr. Naw "t MQualniad" aiaa Oft Novice Nimrod Practice this in front of a mir-lii u . or, so you can see what's taking place. After a while, you won't have to struggle to fit the parts of vour body into position. It will feel natural and easy. That was a lot to take in one lesson, and I haven't even put you on skates yet. But you'll appreciate time spent before hand on straightening your pos ture. Tomorrow a little bit about poise and body control, and a lot about you on roller skates! ' Predicts Ducks To Be Extinct - Lincoln, Neb. (U.R1-The trou ble with ducks, according to Lloyd Vance of the Nebraska (am department. Is nobody knows enough about them. Vance wants to know where t h birds are going, where they've been and why they left In the first place. There are fewer In Nebraska now than when the Indians roamed the plains, he said, and civilization la to blame. Farming, draining and grazing have scared the fowl away, Vance said. Since civilization apparently Is here to stay, Vance thought It likely the duck eventually will go the way of the dodo. But don't sell your shotgun. He adds "not in our time." Luck With Deer Montgomery, Mich. UR) Lo well Hawkins can thank a pa tient deer for his success on a first attempt at game hunting. He saw a 10-point buck graz ing with a herd of cattle and called conservation officials to find out what he should do about it. "No," said the conservation de partment. "You can't shoot it with your rifle because you don't have a license, and besides, you must use buckshot for deer." Hawkins drove into twon and got 'the license and buckshot. The deer was waiting In the pas ture when Hawkins returned and he dropped it with one shot. Scotts Mills Cut Lumber by 20-17 Ccotts Mills The Scotts Mills town basketball team de feated Evans Lumber of Silver ton, 20-17 Tuesday night. Kcolli Mill, t0 (HI Evan, Smith, I p 3. Bvr Mack. 3 p 3. Simrralt Km. 3 c 4. Jarhui Landon. T G 1. Jnharurn Nl. G WickHam Scortnt auba: Evans. T. Haium OREGON SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Ground Floor -MO N. Liberty Ph. 1-6800 . Permanent Waves From $195 All Work Supervised 140 Comifl - "y Dial 2-2493 HID Grroar rtte Iff Avlamatlt V Ifl osf lt'$ ifHtmlcel $289" OPEN UNTIL NINE ON FRIDAYS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NO WAITING Better coffee -every time quality is so much better 'It's Getting Mighty Thin on Top!' Unsightly, worn-out spots on your roof and leaky, fall ing shingles are danger signs that should receive prompt attention. If you have a roofing or siding problem, use the experienced facilities available here to help you achieve a permanently satisfying solution. Stat St., Four Corners Dial 3-8515 FREE REFRIGERATOR DRAWING-SAT. DEC. 11 7 PM Free Coffee, Ginger Cake, Prizes, Demon strations, Five Minute Specials All Thru The Day. WHITE STAR TUNA SOLID PACK 39' RAZOR CLAMS m.hhLvs . 3....S100 CRISCO 3". $r GINGER CAKE MIX BETTY CROCKER ... 27c BISQUICK .- 45c CORN HID WHOLE KERNEL 2 for 35c TOILET TISSUE 3 ... 23c POP CORN 2 LB. CELLO BAG 33c HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE ..... 2 ... 23c SOAP DUZ, RINSO, OXYDOL 33c pka. TOMATO SOUP CAMPBELL'S 10c GRANGES JUICY It SWEET 2 doi. 25c CELERY .uch 15c CABBAGE SOLID HEADS OC lb. BACON SLICED LEAN 59c i.. PORK CHOPS LEAN CUTS 55C lb. Ooomlsr & f z ' GROCERIES, MEAT, HARDWARE, APPLIANCES OUR NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER IS 2-0220 4390 N. RIVER ROAD (Free Delivery) PH. 2-0220 Hubbard The Hubbard fire department was called out to ex tinguish a fire in the attic of Mrs. Gertrude Adams' home Dpmagt of the fire was slight but to extinguish the fire a hoi was chopped in the roof thus causing more damage GA5C0 BRIQUETS ot Shryder Transfer IS YOUR WATCH TAKING TIME OFF? yam wafeft info ariion tt it the job yot expert of if Bring it in and let our ipecialisH look it over. Reliable service is our watchword. And for new beauty, restyle your watch with a imort fujutt, w.tcH lura BIB Schilling Spices and Extracts make Christmas Foods what you want them to bc a real Holiday Joy! Check your cupboard now to make sore yoa have a fresh, complee usoruaent on hand. There are 36 Schilling whole and groaad spices and 29 extracts, flsa-ors aad food cotaea. Schilling MM 11288 I State St. I n?ccB I 3 - 6489 I I Phone I 8 , PRICED "KASH AND KARRY" LESS CASH AM) MORE CARRY Again this week we are able to offer you the ultra in good quality waste - free meats at prices that will actually save you 20 to 30 on your meat bill. If you are not now one of our regular customers, you owe It to yourself and your family to come In and let us prove to you that Randall's have found a better way to save your money on that most essential Item of your food budget, Fresh Meats. The prices below effective till Thursday next week. STEAKS BEEK ROUNDS BEEF T BONES BEEF RIBS VEAI. I.AMB PORK 49, ROASTS BEEF PORK LAMB VEAL 45 c lb. PICNICS Hormel't Bast Grade. Shankleis Sugar-Cured Tenderized. Lh 49c FRESH HAMBURGER COUNTRY SAUSAGE Try Our Ground Meats Any Way You Like We Guarantee Them Lh. 45c Northern 'Halibut Steaks lb.. . . Fresh Salmon Steak lh 43c SSc KKKSH rAC'IFir OYSTERS S3 69c Rahv Rerf LIVER Lb. 49c I Ot"lCD RCCC Eastern Oregon Hereford Baby Beef 701i lh L-UCINCK DUCT (350 to 400 lb.). Half or Whole a7ZCIU. BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 STATE ST. "The Home of Better Values" TUNA FISH Solid Pack Fancy Light Meat Can 35c NUCOA 2 ... 73c DREFT n9. 27c KLEENEX 2 35c KARO b,u. 5 pan 53c nm Large Size EGGS Gt, ooc CRISCO 3 1.15 lettuce 25: DOG FOOD 3 .... 29c grapefruit m 5c SWANSDOWN Cake Flour Pkg. 37 Carrots Turnips 19 3 lbs. apples 3 19: .19: EASTERN CRANBERRIES ORANGES New Crap Navels Juicy Sunkilt . , . 2 Dot.