1 Capital Journal. Halem Or., Monday. Perember . 194 Record Breaking Mailing Of Packages for Christmas The largest volume of Christmas mail in the history o( the Salem postoffice if anticipated by Postmaster Albert Gragg. "Everything point! to a record breaking flow of mail and if It doesn't develop I will have been badly misled," Gragg stated. By way of backing up hi prediction, the postmaster pointed "to a comiderablt Increase In the Dashbach Mum On Red School ! September when the receipts Seattle, Dec. -John Dash-! off ilightly. The October bach, extension director of the; Win ai proximately 2 per Pacific Northwest Labor school, I cent and that of November was has declined to confirm or deny bit over 18 per cent. If the charges that it Is a communist trend is continued through De jhooj, jcember we will unquestionably nave a Danner year. Civil Rights Bill A Time Bomb Washington, Dec. 6 U The civil rights dispute lies like a time bomb today within the structure of the democratic party. The dispute is moving toward j a showdown In the 81st con gress. That could rock the ad ministration to its foundations. The vital decision whether the Until hnll h fnilDhl tVi Win. mumn increase u.- ..... - , or bf comprom iM1 in the jn the year with the exception of tere,t, of p,rty ntrmony iie, population served by the local postoffice and the snow-baii- ing of receipts during the year. "Our books show i month to es with President Truman. It will be among the most difficult de cisions he must make in his first year as president In his own right. The situation is developipg this way: Southern democrats: As a The house un-American activ ities committee issued a pamph-j Gragg gave assurance that his group they are looking for some let Saturday listing the school' office was ready to handle a way to reduce the scope of the lis one run by communist?. larger volume of mail. "We are cjvji rights program submitted ' That's none of J. Parnell in better shape than ever before to congress by Mr. Truman last 1 nomas business." Dashbach m the matter of trained per-1 February. Chambers Accuses Hiss Of Giving Him Microfilm Washington, Dee. 6 The house un-American activities com mittee released today sworn testimony of Whittaker Chambers that Alger Hiss, former state department official, gave him "re stricted" government documents that were relayed to a Russian agent. The testimony was read to re-1 porters by Rep. Nixon in.i Calif ). It was part of that brought out in preliminaries to a $75,000 libel suit Hiss has brought against Chamber! in Baltimore, Nixon read only excerpts. Chambers is a senior editor of Time magazine who says he is a former member of a pre-war Red underground in Washing ton. He has said, and Hiss has denied that Hiss was a member of the communist "apparatus." It is because of these state ments that Hiss, now president of the Carnegie foundation for said when asked to comment on .onnel ." he said. The crew of the charge. Thomas, New Jer- 149 regulars and extras will be sey republican, is chairman of augmented by the addition of 75 the committee. persons who will bi employed : them see civil rights as an is- nowever, uasnoacn mane mc whenever the volume or man j sue on which the administrat Republicans: Many of them want to enact all-out civil rights legislation Permit Arrest Jap Ex-premier Tokyo, Dec. i Japan's house of representatives voted today to permit the arrest of former premier Hitoshi Ashida, accused of involvement in a bribery conspiracy. j A special session of the house j voted 140 to is 10 waive par liamentary immunity for Ashlda who until recently was one of Japan's most influential politi cal leaders. from Letlerman hospital where Consolidation Vot he had been unaer treatment and charges Involving checka in Washington are reported to have been dismissed and sen tence in the court here has been suspended with directions for his release to the command ing general at the San Francis co hospital. Suspect Held For Burglaries A possible suspect in the wave of burglaries which has victim ized more than a dozen Salem residents in the past month was nabbed by police on a vagrancy charge Sunday afternoon. The man, Walter L. Loftin, who was listed as a parole from Nevada where he served a por tion of a sentence for burglary, was booked here on a vagrancy charge and a charge of carry ing a concealed weapon. Marvin Hettick, 10B8 Larmer street, tipped off police with a 1 story which led to the arrest of med b cj, Recorder Ilda will be J. Granville Jensen, pro- f as.m U at4 1 i a lr wahnAi aa that - m a. Slated for District Unionvale A special school election will be held December 6 from 8 to f p. m to decide on consolidation in Grand Is land district, No, 94 Hopewell, Nos. 49 and 52, Yamhill and Polk district, Unionvale, No. 44, i Wheatland, No. 20, Mrs. Arl I Launer, clerk of Unionvale dis . trict, announces. Lebanon Poll f I -l" li J ;Forum at Lebanon eC Oni mdUCiW.iI Hear Jensen Lebanon Polling places for the special city election Decem ber 21, on the proposal to sell 8100,000 in bonds for drainage and sewer lines in Lebanon are Lebanon Chief speaker at the monthly meeting of the Leb anon Chamber of Commerce, scheduled Monday night, De cember 13 at the coffee shop, latter their will be services following comment: i warrants. The "Any statements of Thomas notified when should be placed under the head- are needed. Ing. 'red-baiting.' " j Th, n,,irA fi,,rp to show the upward trend. Re "We feel sure Thomas' dream of an America in which all schools conform to his bigoted . .. ..71 ana , lliuuK.il will 11.1, nunc ,u imbb. for last year they were $835,183 For the first 11 months of 1948 receipts were $88,580 would corded. A 15 per cent increase over December of 1947 when reeciipts were S88 580 would mean that the final month of 1948 would top the 8100,000 mark. "Higher receipts mean a larg- can be heckled, needled and damaged politically. Minority groups: The more aggressive minority groups will demand that Mr. Truman and the democratic congress make good 100 per cent on the demo cratic platform. Loftin. Hettick reported that the man had aU-mpted to "mooch" a meal. The officers located Loftin in a box car where he was at tempting to sleep for the night. House Permission was neces- ,u.pect",iipped .hunting rv because Ashida is a mem- . A.. . - .1.. Knue oemna mv seat 01 mc prowl car. Evasive answers concerning the weapon he was carrying "for personal protection" combined with the fact that he served time in Nevada for burglary led to suspicion that the transient might be behind several burg laries. wounding of four other members; said. of his family. And, because everything Raymond E. Jensen, 32, tele-points to a record handle of phoned police last night and said Christmas mail, the postmaster "come and get me." They found 1 pointed out that patrons could him waiting In his parents' ,ave themselves considerable in home. I convenience if they would an Sheriff's Lt. Vic England said ticipate their postage require that Jensen went berserk Satur-! ments and secure them early, day during a quarrel with his Buying of stamps now that will international peace, is suing Chambers. nary because Ashida Nixon quoted Chambers' tesber of the Diet. Ashida's arrest timony In Baltimore this way: is expected soon in connection "Sometime In 1937. about the! with disposal of funds in the 2, middl. of the vear. J. Peters 000.000.000 yen Showa Kenko Practically all of: introduced me to a Russian who Fertilizer Co., scandal. identified himself under the The scandal forced the resirf- lon (pseudonym Peter . . . The Rus-i nation of Ashida and his cabinet sian, Peter, was one uoionei in October. Asnica acimmea nc Bykov. . . . (Rep. Rankin (D.,had received money during his Miss ), said Bykov has been 1 term, but insisted it was "a poll identified as head of the Russian tical contribution" and not a secret police in the United States, bribe. at that time). "Colonel Bykov was extreme ly interested in the Washington apparatus, ... in August or the early fall of 1947, I arranged a meeting between Alger Hiss and Colonel Bykov. For that pur pose Mr. Hiss came to New York, at a total of $185 were looted where I met him. . . . from the residence of W. G. "Colonel Bykov . . . raised the Fisher, 540 S. Liberty, Sunday Question of procuring documents bv a burglar who smashed in a forgery charge on November 3 Hermis'on. Dec. 6 11 School from the state department and door Dane to gain entry to the! was on his wav back to Letter- mail and that's district voters crossed each Mr. Hiss agreed." At that point home. ,man general hospital in San A sDlittini wedge, taken from Francisco Monday accompanied involving plans for new high Marbury. inquired: "What?"i, tool shed at the rear of thelbv two United States army ser- school and grade school facili- Nixon said Chambers went on: J home, was found on a drain-1 geants. Runs Berserk To Stab Family Los Angeles, Dec. 8 f A young father was held on suspi cion nf murHpr tnHnv in the er Volume of stomping and stabbing death of, why I feel sure we will top alljother up in a special election Nixon said Hiss' lawyer, named his baby son and the critical previous marks, tne postmaster Voters Cross Each Other Up Burglar Steals 3 Suits of Clothing Three suits of clothing valued Unger. feasor of geography, Oregon Ward 1 (precincts 1 and 2) State college, according to John polls will oe located in the Prcs- Lrosoy, cnamoer manager. byterian church, ward 2 (pre cincts 3 and 4) polls at the As sembly of God, and ward 3 (pre cincts 5 and 6) in the annex to the First Christian church. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The election has been called to confirm approval of the prop osition shown in a previous elec tlon July 20. when it was passed 248 to 66. This election was de clared invalid, however, because of technicalities in legal adver tising, and the First National Jensen will talk on "A Geog rapher Looks at Oregon and the Northwest." He was committed to Jail on; Bank of Portland, low bidder, a 15-day sentence and for fail-(refused to accept the bonds. Meanwhile, Lee Scott has been awarded the contract to make the installation, and his work, nearing completion, was suspended immediately. A snail's pace has been scien tifically measured at 23 Inches an hour. ure to pay a $50 fine. Little Sent to Army Hospital Charles C. Little, who pleaded guilty in circuit court here to a be needed to greetings will mean a saving in time and temper, indicated Gragg. "And tell them to mail early," was Postmaster Gragg s parting shot. Mrs. Richard Adams Dies in Corvallis estranged wife and her parents England said he suddenly pull ed out a knife and began stab bing right and left. His wife, Helen. 31, was cut In the face and chest as were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bodner. Eighteen - months - old Raymond, Jr., was trampled and stabbed to death by his father, England said. The officer add ed that the couple's six-weeks-old daughter, Jenean, was pick ed from her crib and hurled; against the wall and then stab- runerai rvlces will be held ?- lat the DcMoss-Youngblood May- In a statement to police, Jen- ,flowPr chape n Corvallis Tues sen said his actions resulted ;dav December 7. at 2 p.m. for from a 'burst of anger andMrs Rjchard Adams, the for were not premeditated. mcr jeannette Helen (Bonnie) His statement related that he,Wat,on- wno di.,d at a Corvallis fled in a car which he later jho,pital Sundav night. Rev. abandoned He said he then !chari s .Neville will officiate walked all night Once he got;at ,e rites, which will be fol io hungry that he killed a chick-,,owed bv interment at the Oak en and ate it raw. ,awn Memorial Park at Corval- England said the knife was n jt orninary pocxet unite, nonea razor sharp. ties. -Mr. Hiss agreed. . . . Follow Electors rejected a bond issue. jng that meeting Alger Hiss to finance a new high school began a fairly consistent flow but the grade school district 1 Gf such material as wc have be okayed purchase of the existing tort us here. The method was high school building for grade ; for him to bring home docu school purposes. ments in his brief case which Union high school district Mri. Hiss usually typed. . . . electors turned down both the' -There occasionally came to rioor knnh send Christmas propo"d ,ale ' tne !cno' "nd: Mr- Hiss' knowledge certain Dona '' '"1 things, or he saw certain pa-.Malarlri Ihairman vote on the bond issue was 35!) which he was rot able to iMdlClM Uldll lildll no ann jii yes. hrinn nut nf the department for Grade school pupils are now ; one reas0n or another, either be cause they merely passed through his hands quickly or be- I Doara in tne risner iwiL-ncn. it oeveiopea at a nearing dc- Police surmised that it had been fore George R. Duncan Monday Water Problem Irks Jayvees Mrs. Watson, who prior to her marriage attended Willam ette university, had previously been hospitalized after suffering a cerebral hemmorhage in No vember, but had returned to her home. Early Sunday she be came ill again and was rushed to the Corvallis hospital. Born at Portland, Ore , Feb ruary 28. 1925, Mrs Adams was crowded into library and church basement rooms. The school, with six rooms, has an enroll ment of 181. Officials had plan ned shifting three grades to the old high school. They are uncertain what steps will be taken next. E. M. Fou bert, union high school board secretary, said the town, with a pre-war population of 800. now has an estimated 3.500 persons. School enrollment is above 1,-200. used to smash in the window o( the rear door. Three suits, a dark blue pin stripe, a dark grey and a dark brown suit, were s'olen. Fin gerprints were found on the 20-30 Tree Planting that the man had a remarkable war record with wounds which left him more or less a mental case with lapses of memory and halucinations. He was absent without leave WARNEB Always I BROS. THEATRE B'tUr Shaw at Gene Malecki Salem 20-30 cause he thought It inadvisable. 1 ciub delegate to the northwest Food Chains Cut Retail Meat Prices New York, Dec. 6 (?.' major food chains announced to day reductions in retail meat prices. A i P Food stores said reduc tions of from 4 to 8 cents a pound on virtually every cut of beef, pork and other meats have been in effect since last Thurs day following a decline in the wholesale market. One food chain spokesman said meat prices were dropping because of a seasonal demand for poultry, particularly turkey. But notations in his handwrit ing are notes of such documents, such information, which he made and brought out in that form." Before Nixon made this testi mony public, Rep. Rankin (D-, Miss), had quoted a "former high official'' as saying that some state department docu ments dug up in the house spy hunt "undoubtedly contributed to the Stalin-Hitler pact." In addition, said Rankin, the official reported "it is entirely probable that they contributed to the Pearl Harbor attack e , Rankin, top democrat on the nouse un-American activities committee, said the official in a position to know." The documents turned up last , feathered flyer. week In microfilm fcrm hidden in a pumpkin on tht Maryland farm of a self-described former communist agent. Copies of these and other seized docu ments were handed today by the committee to a grand jury in vestigating subversive activities district convention of 20-30 clubs in Portland over the week end, was named state chairman of the district's new project of keeping Oregon green with re forestation. Clubs of the dis trict will supervise the planting of 50.000 trees during 1949. Attending the convention from Salem were Mr and Mrs. Malecki, Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Goodrich: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ingle: Robert Gray, Don Schmidt and Ken Dunnigan. The summer convention for the district will be held in Med ford. The frigate bird, clocked at 261 miles an hour, is the fastest ENDS TODAY! Dinufi lOT BOtttt ' MMttl BIT ' FMBtT BUST tOWoflMSIOmilt Second Feature "TENDER YEARS" Joe E. Brown, Noreen Nash el i'i" 'm itruum NOW! Musketeers TE C H NICOLOI alfti-rint LAN TIRNF.B OtENB KELLT JI NE AM.VSOS VAN HEFLIN JJ.I.J.i.lL Now "Apartment tor Peggy" Color by Technicolor JFANNE CIU1N WILLIAM HOLDEM and "13 LEAD SOLDIERS" Willi Tom Conwa Mat. Daily From 1 p.m. NOW SHOWING! 8 CHAT SIMS jfVmm' 49 I) lm innall jl tin - H IrtaMacMUMAT Aa A 1 n vf"r M00M THRILL CO-HIT! avb a" GAMBLERS Opens 6:45 P.M. LAST TIMES TONITE 3 3 11 fcwtaut'-z y "Ha3 1 1 ALT ' liKWl'AjF B M 1 -at'; Jk tittiia aBaa BBS BBW 7 amtRBBm BllinL! fflJEAllso IH II THRILL CO-HIT VAN HEFLIS 11,,, , IF L'l' H 1 V w 1 111 1711 -n Now Opens 6:45 p.m. Sonja Henie 'Sun Volley Serenaderi TexRitter 'OKLAHOMA RAIDERS Oregon Farmers' Sllverton Bruce Billings who was formerly wtli th IT S forest service, was speaker for the daughter of Thomas Bond the Junior Chamber of Com-1 Watson and Myrtle Crain Wat anerc when the vounser mem- son. She received her education tttra nf th rivi ornnn ks.ram in the Portland schools and was JO00 War Dead Arrive concerned about the local water graduated from Washington1 New York. Dec. 6 iUW Two nftmfl Tat or fiin system. high school. thousand American war dead lillUIIIC IflfXCj lIU The Jaycees feel that "too Julv 3. 1944. she was married arrived at Brooklyn army base little water in summer and the to Richard Allan Adams. In 1945 lhl morning from cemeteries in fortlanfl Dec. B Oregon grave danger of too much pol- the couple moved to Corvallis England and France aboard the j farmer didn t receive quite so Intion in winter" call for Im- and for the past two vears have army transport Lieut. James E.tmui 'or their crops this last provement in the present sys- made their home at Adair VII-: Robinson. Memorial services n,0",h- tern of waler supply to the citi- laee. while Mr Adams has been i ' to be held at 11:00 am.! The u s; department of agri lens of Sllverton. attending Oregon State College, i1 the army base prior to ship- culture said the average farm Billings told of recent surveys Surviving besides the husband mPnt ,0 xhr'T ,m1 resting plac- Product price declined from mid- r.uH" ""iriMirn ,hildrn RiharH A on I A. ST TIMf TONITE! area from where the present Arf,m. i. .h K.thi..n r-r.in supply of water is obtained, of Ad,n , Ad(Mr village: the pollution source. from hrr mo,hor, Mr,. Thomas B streams and creeks leading into w,tM)n 0, Por,isnd: ,nd four the Abiqua where barnyard and , M p,ulM,n 0 householn filth from wtc SB,fm. Mr, Er, O1?on of p,.,. yiH. nurses, cu . are oe iiiii dumped above the intake October to mid-November. Low- - -- 1 er livestock prices were respon- From 20 to 25 percent of the sible for most of the drop, al land surface of the globe is though the price on butterfat classed as colonial territory. 1 went down. too. Ppcna fi:4.y start 7:15 Alice Kaye Tyrone Power AI Jolson "ROSE OF WASH. SQUARE" Micker Rooner Wallr Beerv "Slave Ship" TARTOOX - XFHS' a.A7"J land. Mrs, James Ktnersly of I 1......1... .nil V l.kn n L,r. . r. uro(,. n prrmrn RK.hardi of Tri.mam.burg. N Y. of Junior group, viird future and fact in a blacktoard display officer. Dr. i" u rv i Western Union Dies a' lo.; Joseph L. Egan of es'ed citiren. present Several ears sko the main rism washed out an-1 since then dependence for extra supply and force has been upon the ue of pumps which have proved ma-ioquate with the cost more than 300 a month to operate one pump lt was brought out that the pres ent rhlonnation sstem is not sufficient to combat the adverse conditions Tans. Dec. Joseph L F.gan. president of Western Un ion Telegraph company, died of a heart attack today at Monte Carlo, company officials here announced. F.gan. 2. was elected presi dent of Western Union In Nov ember. 1945. after serving as Clint Weiby. Errol Row coun- vice president in charge of pub- eilmen, and George Wiener, at derman-elect. and Allan Grib- hc relations since 1939 He Joined Western Union ss ble. president of the state Iraak an attorney In 19U Later he Walton League, were present Three suggestions were con sidered with figures presented by Mayor Dickerson for each, none of which was completely was placed In charge of con tracts and railroad relations. As an officer In charge of governmental, stockholder and public relations he played an Im- feasible: a dam IS miles up -,, rrt in n.Mi.fina ti. stream on state owned land; or the purchase of Postal Telegraph a dam five miles upstream above jn 1943 the present pollution: or a dam . of rock one mile up stream from 1 .. the present IntaVe. .Warehouse Destroyed . I Dundee. Dec. ( i A boiler One type of t fish In the Nile house was destroyed by explo gives off an elecuic shock hen sion and fire here esterday at touched. the Hudson-Duncan warehouse. WW .0 1 mtn 1 '1 t PRicrs single .90 1.S0 2.40 1.80 3.60 6.00 All seats reserved. Series Includes I concerts. Tax Inrl. The Portland Symphony Orchestra Salem High School Auditorium Tuesday Evening, Dec. 7th, 8:15 P.M. You Will Be Sorry If You Miss this CONCERT Tickets on sale al High School Auditorium on evening of per formances and at V. S. Nat'l. Bank Lobby up to Tuesday, 3 p m rra' in. ni Travel home for B. . hmftttas Across the miles home beckons at Christmas time. Speeding over prairies . . . through mountains . . . down valleys in wind and rain ... in ice and snow Union Pacific will carry you safely home tor Christmas! The warmth and good fellowship ahead are echoed in the unsurpassed service, excellent food and comfortable accommodations which Union Pacific provides on each of its fine trains East. . rat DAILY SERVICE EAST Streemttoer "City el wtW "rertteas Rete" t. Portland 5:30 p.m. 9:10 p.m. "Milma 8:10 a.m. ft cemafefe fravef infttmttioa, rsosuft OINIRAL PAUINGK DEBABTMINT m TSI Pltteck llek Tti,4 5. Or UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD IS ! i