1T0M0BILEJ CHRISTMAS Is Four Weeks Away BUT WE ARE Playing Santa Claus Now FREE TURKEYS! MWT A nam CAR from RON MOTOR CO. and recetv FR IB Chrutma Turkey. Choose your Uud Car from tha ptciil value below, then tell Ron or Otto the sit of the turkty you dir. They will get you th best quality tur key available. Thl offer good ttll pre. 35th. ALL AUTOMOBILES LISTED BELOW ARC Ji 48 Pontlac 4-dr, Sedan, RArH. ,j uiifv, ueiuAr. nn. 1 Buick Buper Club Coupe, ft&H. 40 Buick Sedan. RftH. 09 Buick 8pcial Sedan. RA;H j studebaker Club Sedan, heater. 40 Ford 4-Or Super Deluxe R&H 4 Plymouth Coup, R&H. New Dodae RON'S MOTOR CO. V Block Below Elunor Theater. Qcneral Automotive Repair TEAGUE'S ' FAMOUS FOR FAIR DEALING We ire proud of our reputation pride In Being lair, nonesi ana kublic. You may buy here with Thrifty finance plan with terms to 18 months. Listed below are a few of our outstanding can 1948 Kaiser sedan 1947 Kaiser sedan 1947 Ford Six sedan 1942 Buick Super Sedanette 1941 Chev. Del. town sedan 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner sedan 1940 Nash sedan 1940 Lincoln Zephyr 5 pass. cpe. 1938 Chev. Master sedan . 1936 Pontiac Six sedan. Many Others to Choose From 352 N. Commercial St. Ph. 2-4173 LODERBROS. Your Oldsmobile Dealer New Used Car Location 2400 Fairgrounds Road (Portland Highway) SPECIALS 1,41 Oldsmobile Club Sedan tia&O 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe 11150 . 1046 Oldsmobile Touring Seaan 12130 Many others, all fully guaranteed. i IOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS fCCTBIC room heater, au type. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nWS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS f IMBER, any amount. Will pay cash Adam fcumber CO., hi. i. uox , cio. j Ore. Ph. 16F3. na291 lEWlNG MACHINE, any make or eond. W. i Davenport. Ph. 3-7071. 1S30 N. 18th. I n a 308 PSED FTIRNITI'RE. Phone J-81B5. PERSONAL ET KIDS, write me a letter and I'll aee you personally. Get a tamp at Miner . Santa Claus. P307" Alcoholics Anonymous. P.O. Box 724. Phone 3-5234. pill AUTOMOBILES lain DELUXE Ply. coupe, clean, look ana runs (tooo, or win iraac inr oioer ear. 345 South Winter St., aouth sine entrance upstairs to right. q291 ilt FORD 2 -dr. sedan, by privet party. 4 4il ford St. Ph. 14033. q292 Ml MERCERY sedan coupe. RAH, sport- llte, reconrj. mowr. new seat cover. 4 new tire. IU50. Ph. 347B5. Q.JM J.M7 HUDSON Terraplane, 1395.' 740 N. CotUte. Vn 1046 FORD CONVERTIBLE He Battery, Master Brake cylinder, muffler and fuel pump. This car 1 tn A-l shape with only 10.500 miles on It. See at 3071 Pa in round road, Apt. 3. 1115. q201' 41 CHEV. REDAN, PRIVATE OWNFR. 4S,fPt ACTUAL MILES. MOTOR Pl-R-FTCT COND, VERY CLEAN. HEATI.R. GOOD TIRES. ?HM VIRGINIA ST. 1 1 BLOCK S. OP MARKET OFF I "Til , Q292 fi CHEV. CLUB COUPE. Fleeimate'r, Fiow mileate. radio, heater, owner aell- Ini. Day phone 1-5331, eves. 2-4,i67 4292 4 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Will sell: prefer to trade for low price cla, late model t-door. Phone 3-1790. i2l fl9 BUICK aedan. RAiH. Oood condition 21 5th. McMinnvilte. Ph. 366X. q293 I Mi CHrv. Heater, defroster. Runs like new, looks like new. O. E. Keith, i ml. aouth ol Went Slayton Sc.ioolhour. q392 M MODEL A Ford nerlsn, Motor very Rood. M50.00. HI McNary. alter 3 30 p.m. 0291 Mi PONTIAC 4 door perl in. ft. Excellent cond. Has had wonderful care, fartory paint. This car run and look a aoort a any 41 model. 1995 00 rmh. Donald Waker. Rt. 1. Box 330. 3 m;lei went of Woodburn. Or. 0.391 141 OMC pickup. Excel, cond. On owner. HP SI lata ljnntiM llr QJJ1 MODFL A Ford coupe with p ckup bed, re a. inquire at .1439 Portland Rd. ojPri J.J43I. q20l TEAM 1937 Nash. Newr.ir.ber. radio A overdrive. Ph. 397S1 after 4 pm. q39l it PLYMOUTH deluxe. 4-dr. sedan. '4(1 motor, RAtH, very clean. Call between ft T p m. 494 University St. q201 U K REPUTATION depends on your sat isfaction. Lee Used Cars. 340 K. Church BDY WITH CONFIDENCE OLDEST Bt'ICK AOENCY IN U. S. Olto J. Witaaai (ompany j3J' Eisner Motors Fine Cars 41 CHEVROLET, I13M. 1I7K. lth q391 '47 CHEV. S ton penei,exrelcnnd Heater ft spot lliht. Reasonable For mani Cleaner ft Dyers. Ph. 3944 Q291- AMRWHADOR Six NahDei'ive e 1n. Home Sat, and Sun . af'er S Pm. week day. Bernard A. Srhmid. Pt V. roup, less than I "years old lfw r leate. best sf rond. 11541. If P " immerrial qW CRAHAJC edsn, 1331 VuU a t, iiy I AUTOMOBILES AT NADA BOOK PRICK OR LESS SPECIALS 1941 Chev. VT. Pickup. 11)911 ford Panel. 1936 Chevrolet Panel. 1930 Model A Pickup. 340 8 Hlth. in Salem. We take Justifiable reimoie in ueaiinx wan uic confidence. AUTOMOBILES 1947 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe business coupe, only 13.000 miles. Radio, heater, slipcovers, spotlight, new General tires and safety tubes. Will sell for $100 under Blue Book price if sold at once. Phone 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. q295 '41 CHEV. 5 pass coupe. Very good cond. Newly rebuilt motor. 553 Blller ave. Mapleton addition. q293 ItMX FORD station waton. RArH. Defroster. Lite tuard tube. Perfect cond. Ph. 3-5077. q293 IJHW FORD coupe, new tires, tod condi tion. 775. Box 1352. Stayton. q293 CLE A Nl!7 C H E V R OI.ETCoupe. Per feet cond. Low mileage. Call at 074 N. Front. House in alley. q291 IHIR RTUDER.VKFR. !l nacner, I26H0 lOGroi avenue, off less Ave. q291 FOR YOUR WIFE'S CHRISTMAS GIFT!! 1949 FORD Four Door Custom Fully Equipped $2495 ZEE1TS USED CARS 3335 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. J-MM q291' T I (TT I DOR au perde :1 uxFord7H windshield washer, tot lithU, side mir ror, stat cover., low mileate. very clean, 11950. See Vincent Fndrich. 1 block eat of church in Shaw, Oreton. q291 I94R CHFV. ' T. pick-up. excellent cond. Charles Pospisll, Rte. 9, Box 494. Salem q2Bl 1913 PLYMOUTH club coupe, perfect cond 55 Hishway Ave. q291 Eisner Motors to Buy PONTIACS 1947 Srdan Coupe I94K Srlan Coure l an. 1941 Berinn Couch tilts 111 frdnn I109S 101 re.rtn Redan I 9"1! 193B Chevrolet 3-dr. 1445 HERR ALL OWENS CO 0 N. Liberty. Ph. I-4US 4 WAN'TFD -Oood clean car. Siuar Deal U.ed Cars. 115i. S lltfi a Give the Gift You'd Like to Get Buy Your Family Fine RellabI Vied Car for XMAS 1941 PLYMOUTH Four Door Special Deluxe Fully Equipped, Complete Motor Overhaul. New Tires $1295 ZEEITS USED CARS 2325 Fairgrounds Road CHEAP TRANSPORTATION Five Model A s Price $100 to $2B5 Take Your Choice DICK ERIN" DICK"S 1295 So. 12th SL Ml' FARM EQUIPMENT GIGANTIC PRE-INVENTORY SALE or CRAWLER TRACTORS, WHEEL TRACTORS FARM IMPLEMENTS, ETC. IP WI HAVEN'T OOT IT Wl LL OFT IT DEALERS WELCOME Used Tractors CAT D t Starter. P C U Straight Blade I 1,500 Oo CAT D, I. 3 Blaoeai Drum lacellrnt ah a pa , 14.500 00 CAT O. 3 Ruiu llkt new 3.800.00 CAT D. 3 Very good , 3.500 00 CAT. TWENTY 90 00 Cletrac B. D W. Gause Blade. Drum Fully Armored 1,760.00 NEW TRACTORS and EQUIPMENT (Jt New International W O. T D. Starter, light, EACH 143 US 00 (It New Ferguson Tractors. EACH .. 113. M Vied Late Model Ford Ferguson Tarctor. New Condition. NEW MIS'S EQUIPMENT Ml New Int. Wood tw No. 10" Blade Piu Parmall H. or M I IVOO (2 New Latourneau Pron Mounted Cable Oontrel Unite tor D. T Cat 411.00 New Ferguson Tractors, Implements Available Now BUY NOW AND AV PRICES ARC KAISINO STIADILY Mowers 8' and 7', Grain Drills, Off set Disc 4' & 8', Cultivators, Lift Type Tandem Discs, Spring Tooth Harrows, Spike Tooth Harrows, Plows 12", 14" 4t 18". 2-way Lindeman Plows, Corn Planter, Bull Dozers, Tillers, Weeders, Buck Scrapers, Hydro Scoops, Cord Wood Saws, 30" Blade. Also a few pieces of Used Ferguson Equipment. Act now while our Stock is Complete. Con venient Bank Terms. BIRD AND ZYSSET CO. YOUR FERGUSON DEALER 871 Wallace Road, West Salem, Phone 3-66P6 AUTOMOBILES , WANTED - USED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRINO VOUR CAR HERB WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT ITS WORTH ANDERSON USED CAR 340 CENTER ST. PHONE 3-1734 Eisner Motors to Sell Thl Time It HUDSONI Service Sale - parte Horn of Oood Used Cars SHROCK MOTOR CO. Church a Chemeketa St. Ph. 1-9101 J MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Cl'RHMAN scooter, 1150. 104 CI'SHMAN motor scooter. New bat terv, llftht. new tire and tubes, A-l eon dltion. Ph. 2-0040. t,ll3?i! " " INDIAN WORLDS FINEST MOTOR CYCLE Repairing all makei and model. SHROCK MOTORCYCL1 SALES 007 Portland Rd Ph. 31433. FARM EQUIPMENT FENCING We have barbed wire, field fencing, and chicken netting Call Us for Prices Interstate Tractor. & Equipment Co. 3055 Silverton Rd. Ph. 24161 qt!91 BOATS SMALL INBOARD motorboat used les than 10 hrs. Complrte with motor ana trailer. Ideal for trolling. Only S35O.00. Ph. 2-4553. Eves. 2-6S85. (Jq291 FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4'i INTEREST Up to 40 Yearn and NO Commlsaionl Lro N. Child.''. Inc. REALTORS !U4 Btate St. Phone 23663. t292' A Vfc RBAL FaSTATE LOA N3 PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 133 S. Hteh St. Lie. 8-216 M-333 r NEED EXTRA MONEY for your special gifts? GET A CHRISTMAS LOAN It's economical, convenient confidential Inquire now at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Salem Branch r5" EXTRA CASH Extra Fast For the Holiday Season If ynu'r short of canh and haven't fln lnhert shopping. let 25, A0, 9100 or more from 'Peruana!' the rompany that lines to say "Yes to loan requests Loath mad on salary, auto, tru-x. or t.rni lure. No ro-slxners. For l-vi(t lnat, phone then come In to sltn ard plrl up the raoh Married or il rifle -r mut ter what your wirk or biis".s tf von do need eah NOW. phone or come 'n TODAY and Rive us chance to say "YF8" to jrou. Open Mon.-rn. I.e. by appt. PERSONAL Finance Company Ph 9-344 B. Oalllnger, Manarer III Stat Rm. 125 Lie. S133-M1NI r313 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 .-. and I". YOUR OWN TI.RMft of repayment W:thln reason Csnh for Real Estate Contract and Bee or. d Morirsve CAPtTOI. SECURITIES CO 301 Pioneer Trust Bidg. ph. 3-716T t OENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie. 8-111 and M-321 nt POT R PIVMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS !10 8 Commercial St. Tel 3-9161. f AI7TO LOANS " WILLAMFTTK fRFDIT CO. 13 S. Ch.irrh Parking a Plenty Ph t-47 Lie. No. M-1M 8-14 f WANT ta hormw 7oW on modern North S'-mfner re-iHeft Pria- party R- FiT i npnt.1 tjbdrnai, box 1J. ci-iri deouai, till IFARM EQUIPMENT FINANCIAL PRIVATE SIONET Special ratea and term on larger loan lent and ahorl tin payment ROT H SlalMONfl lis South Commercial Si. Phone l-llll. WANTED to borrow money from prlrate party on new nome. wniie box m... Capital Journal. rSfl TRAILERS HOUKE trailer, 1005 8. Slat St. S3 50. SALE OR TRADE 1941 factory built 3ft ft trailer house with Kimball dolly ft 'SB model auto. Both A-l cond. will el or trade for lata model ear. 1984 State St. See Norfleet. t292 i JAILER, 16 foot, excellent condition, 34 mile east Jefferson. Oreion. Greens Bridge. A. W. Pierce, Jefferson. t292 ALL ALUMINUM trailer Ilk new. Rte. I. Box 381, Olencreek Rd. t291 DIRECTORY AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phona J -931 Nlfht 3-U04. 333 Center. o Addinomachines 2 All makes used machines, sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 455 Court. Phone 3-1773. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair service. Fre eitlmatea. Trade-Ins accepted on new appliances Vlnces Electric, Phone 3-9239. 157 B. Liberty Bt. AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair. Station for all makes of Auto Radios. Morro RadioCo., 153 B. Liberty. Ph. 3-5955. 0 AUTO PAINTING Complete auto palntinx. 12ft. Dick' Auto Clinic. 1395 S 12th at. o ALTO WRECKERS GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer axle made to order Fair price. 12th Bt Junction Auto Wrecker. Ph. 3-520D. o2S2" BABY SHOE-BRONZING BUILDING CONTRACTORS FRAME or masonry construction. Pumice block Residential or commercial. New foundation. Alt Brother. Ph.. 1-780 o304 BULLDOZING Bulldoztn. leveling, road bide, clear ing teeth for bruAh. Vlrall Huskey. 1010 Fairvlew ave. Ph. 3-3140, Salem. 04 BRAKES Mlke Paflek7"i7B irCorniiv 'L Ph3 -R 1 6 1 . Brake A wheel aligning specialist. o312 CARPENTRT Carpentry axpart bull din and remod eiini. Ph. 3-4150. m . lut at. tJia CASH REOIRTERB Instant delivery of new RCA register. All makes sold, rented, repaired. Roen 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o CEMENT WORK General Cement Contracting. Cliff Ellis. 1905 N 19th St. Phone 3-4071. 039' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, Entley. 771 8. 21st-, Crawford Upward Acting Oarage Doors Eler. Operators Avail. 690 Waldo. Ph. 3-7621. o DRESSMAKING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vince' Eelectrlc for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 117 A. Liberty Pti. 30239. ' EXTERMINATORS Cockroarh, Moth. Exterminator Berrlrt Ph. 3-3050. Ue Croaa, 1551 Pearl. o313 FLORIST Brelthaupt' for flower. Dial 3-1179. o' FLOOR LATINO Expert' rioortoirphi-74ni. FLOOR COVERING F EATING eW CIRCULATOR REPAIR Servicing. Call Dvorak. Ph. 34911. HOUSEHOLD PRODI CT. J R Watkln Co. prrvduct Pre de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 1-5J95. 0 Linoleum Installed At repaired. Imme diate service. Ph. 3-J171 o3 MATTRFKKES " Captal jeddlng. Phona 14069. MOVING Smitt v's Clipper Serv. truck, ear rented- Ph. 39900, cor. Center Js Church ;muic lEHaosa j Spanish and Hawaiian Oui'er Man ' do.m. Banjo, etc 1531 Court Ph. l-7-9 Q292 OFFIf E FI RNJTt RE A SUPPIJEe, Desk chair, file and filing supplies, esfs, duplicators and tuppltM, desk ismn. typewriter at and brief cues Pierce Wirt Recorder. Roen, Court OJIjCtRULATOR SERYIUB Call by Younger. Ph. 3M71. CORXETRr' MKRVIf R Pafnlng Bprav or Brush Ph. -34 Rot Hanson. Work guaranteed. elll Interior Painting. C. Horn, Ph. 3 1 i tJii Grants Pass, Ore. Prep star killed End Sterling Heater of the state champion Grants Pass high school foot ball team died in the flames of s bus wreck near here Sun day night. Al Newman also was killed as the team's spe cial bus crashed off the Pa cific highway. The team, re turning from Portland, was just five miles away from a victory celebration after win ning the state title, when the tragedy occurred. (AP photo) Stocks Turn Irregular New York, Dec. 'DAn early improvement in the stock market today failed to hold, tnd prices turned irregular The movement was in frac tions to around a point in ei ther direction with a few special issues pushing beyond. Volume for the entire day was at the rate of 1,200,00 shares. The pace of trading acceler ated on the rise and dwindled as prices moved lower. Oils, rails, steels and motors were among the featured groups. Leaders were around a point higher for the most part until late selling cut their gains and reduced a number to the minus side. Ahead were U. S. Steel, Fire stone, Douglas, Kennecott, Du Pont, Phillip Morris, U. S. Gyp sum and United Airlines. Tending lower were Bethle hem, American Smelting, U. S. Rubber, Woolworth, American Tobacco, International Paper, and American Woolen. DIRECTORY Elfstrom'e are equlpoeo to do your palntinx. Phone 1-2493. o PAINTING P APER IIA NGING Call 22608 for your Painting A Paper hanclna. Attractive rates. o301 Expert Paperhanalng and Painting. H J. Wood worth. Ph. 3-3015. Free est. o299' Palntinx and paperhanxing. Fret e.itl mate. Ph. 3-9513 837 Shipping o298' PICTURE FRAMING PLASTERING All types. Ph. 25106 Plastering, patchwork, neat Joint and stuccoing. Ph. 2flS0. O.102' PLUMBING DECATUR A MAFRZ plumblrg,"electrl al supplies, water systems General repair work. Phone 1-1223. 173 B. Com'l. 0301 John FLiher Plumbing St Heating Sup plies. 144 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 33019. o3I0 PRUNING. SPRAYING Pruning dc Spraying, equipped for any Job. Ph. 37900. 130 Roberta Ave. O306 RADIO REPAIRS All makes home, car radios repaired Futt modern service. En right Radio , 131 14. High It Ph. 1-4551. RADIO SERVICR Ray Moore, 1270 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-9473 SAND A GRAVEL Cat. Shovel Truck work of all kind LLOYD M. HILL. INC. Ph. 1-4367 Rt 1. Boi I2B o39 Garden Boll, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline exravating. Walling Sand At OravelCo. Phone 3-9249; o SEPTIC-TANKS " Mikes Septic Service. Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Servlre on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9496. 3-5327. oil 3 "k. P. Ha me! Septic Tank Cleaned. Elect rle machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1141 8h St . West Balem Ph. 3-7404. o29l SI1WFR SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter eirluslve. patented rator-sharp steel cutting blades. Cleans aewers or drains. Septic tanks cleaned reasonable. Pii 3-537 or 1-948. TRANSFER A STORAGE Local A Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal briquets. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent Lyon Van Lines for household good to California points. Larmer Transfer A Storage. Ph. 3-1111 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington, Royal and Underwood portables. All makes ued mar hines. Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 Court. o VFNrTt -in "blinds Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 1-7331. o WEATHER STRIPPING Fret estimates. T PULLMAN. Ph 3-965 113 Barney Whelan Ph7 3-5964. 3o9' WEIL DRILLING M. DENLbK,hT"l9i.,, Auburn" rd c,,3' J A Aneed Son, well drilling. 7405 Brook St., flslem Ph. 1-60. o304 WINDOW CIFANINO Acme Window Cleaner. Window, waltl A woodwnrg cleaned. Floors cleaned wid and polKhed. Ph. 1-1117 347 Court. Langdoe. Culbtrtson and Mather WOOD SAWING S AVkin-Ph 1-8674 OT 3-1171. ol97 WOOD KAWfMUT i.orif.Fs -f--w LOOP meets tvpry ffUftWrvlnrliiT night Vu- Itors We'-ome FTtrrni OrrJr of Eaeles meeU evtr Tuevliiw at I pjn Mors thsn a million members ftslem Irrtw No 4 A F. cV A M Wed . Dec ih, E A rtmw. 7 10 pm 2fi1 Corn Shows Gains Monday Chicago. Dec. 8 ' Corn showed the most strength on the board of trade today. Ad vances in the yellow cereal ran to more than s cent at times with cash houses active buyers of the December contract. Wheat sold off toward the close after showing some strength in early trading. The gains in the forepart of the ses sion were sufficient to send De cember wheat to a new high since Feb. 4. Oats, rye, soybeans and lard were steady. Cash com arrivals here total ed 5B5 cars, which w-as some what lower than recently for Monday. The market also was helped by a statement by Sena tor Thomas (D-Okla.) favoring continued high government sup port levels for agriculture prod ucts. Wheat closed N to higher. December $2.42-2.42 corn was higher, December $1.4511, oats were v4 lower to e higher, December 83 "'b , rye was Mi to 1 cent higher. Decem ber $1.83, soybeans were lower to higher, December $2 82-2.82 '4. and lard was 5 to 20 cents a hundred pounds lower, December $18.40. Market Quotations Sale as l.evestecb Manet t By Vallar Packing Company) Lamb.-, Feeder Lamb Yearling 110 00 to 120 00 ! 115 112 00 : Ewes 2 00 t O 16 00 I Cutter cows 18 oo to $14 00 115 00 Fat dairy cow 11400 Dairy Heifer No quot. at Ions I Bull 117.00 to CbIym 1300 to 450 Ib.O . IIS 00 to Verl 150-ino lbs i choice. 122.00 to S20 no 122 on I S27.00 port- Hogs Price paid w:ih:n 25c ol land price for each type. Pnrt land Eattsfde Market Willamette valley cabbage sold for II 3ft 1 50 a crate on the Portland EaMMrte Farmer Wholesale Produce market to day. Cauliflower brought 61.35 to II 50 a crate. Turnips were 50 In M renis a doren bunr he while carrots sold for 40 to 50 cents ft doten bunches. Pertland Produce Butterfat Tentative, subiect to Imme diate chanse. Premium quality maximum to 35 tr 1 percent acidity drlivered in Portland. 69-72c lb.; MrM quality. 64-7(lr lb., exrond qrality, S-6Bc; valley routes and country point 2c ip.sa than fit.t. Ratter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: nrade AA, 93 score, 67c lb.. A, 92 score. 66c lb.; B. 90 score. 64c lb . C. 19 core. 63c lb. Above price are strictly nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland whole ale Ore son sintlex. 44'i-5lc; Oregon 5 lb loaf, 47i-54c. Triplet, c lea than sin gles Ease I Ta wholesalers) A grade lane. 67i-X1tC; medium, t'i'i 3'jc; A small 52S-55c: B arade larue. 56'-flnc. Eggs PurrhBKeo from farmers Cur rent receipts, 57,-60,,aC doa ; buyers 1 3'c below wholesale quotations on grad ed basis for best hennery eggs. Pertland Dairy Martel Butter Price to retailer. Grade AA print. 73c: A A cartons. 74c: A print 72c: A carton 73c: B prints, 70c. Eggs Price to retailer: A A large 7-Sc; certified A large 71c: A large, 9-70c; medium 68c: certified A me dium 67c: A medium 65c; A small 55 57c. cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price i retailer Portland, Oregon slnales, 45-53c; Oregon loaf, 5 lb. 4fl-5.Sc; triples 4c lea than singles. Poultry live Chleken No. 1 quality FOB plant No. 1 broilers under 2'i lbs 33-34c lb.: fryers, to 3 lbs., 35-36r lb. fryers, 3 to 4 lbs., 36-3 7c; roajitrrs 4 lb., and over S6-37C lb ; fowl Leghorn, under 4 lbs.. 39 -30c lb.: over 4 lb., 33-34c: red fowl all weights. 36-39C lb.; old roosters all weight. 16-1 9c. Rahblls Average to retailer for local ly dressed animal 58-IJc; fryer live white. 4-1 Ibv 30-32c lb.; colored 3" -30c; old or heavy doe, 13-ir.r. Tnrkejs (Prices quoted are net to the producer on ft dressed weight basis' U. 8. No. 1 ycuna torn, 49-50c lb.; No. 1 young hen.; 4-65c. I retted turkeys ta rels Herat Grade A young pens, 7fi-71c: New York trle, dress ed; A grade ynnne toms, 6c lb. Portland Miscellaneous Uasrara Hark Dry 20e lb., green 7c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grade. 45c lb , Mnhalr 35e lb on 12-month growth. Hides Calves 3t)c lb., according to weight kip 72r lb : beef, H-i4c lb.: bull. l-9c lb ; country burer pay Je less. Nut Qualallena Walnuts Pranquettea first quality Jum bo. 34.7c; large, 13 7c, medium 17 2c. second q.iillty Jumbo, 30 2c; large. 38 3c; medium, 33ci baby, 33 2c; soft shell first quality large, 19 7c; medium. 16 1; sec and qtu:'? large 17.3c; medium. 14. 7e; bahv 33 J. FllbetU J tRflP. 10 lb. i larat. lie: medium lc, smstl 13c, Quotation abovt supplied by North west Nut Orowers Quotations are on tne bau of 100-lb. bai purchase fob plant. ) Salem Markets Completed from report of Sslegg dealers for the guidance of Cspl tal Journal Readera (Revised dally. I Retail Feed Prices Fas Mith-ll Rt Rabbit Feed Pellets 14 35. Hair Feed 1 90 Poultry: Buying Prices No 1. fnlored herifl, 3c: N 1 Lemiorn lieiv, Tn No. 1 colored frvers 1 lb.' snd up J6r No. 1 frvert, l'-J lbs. 34c lb No I old roosters, 14-ISe. In Buying Prlree large grsd AA c A grmle. etra large 6r mediums. 62-61r pil'etji 44-40r Wholesale Price A A grade 7Se. A gride est re Isrre, 71c . mediums, 6 -70c, pulleij. I 407c dog. I Batterfal Premium. 70-7Ir: No. I, 6 c ; No 9 63-tc burin priced" Rajler Whoiejtsle, grade A, 71-73r, re tail, grade A, 7l-77c Chlcsge Llveslerh Chicago. Dec 6 11. LlveUn.k' Hog i nalahl 16.000, total 10 0i0 Ms ket fullv Rteadv on both hut r hers at sows. atle Open. rig trade low w,'h' a few weak sale. Top 31 t) for one lead hu'k mert'im a no good grsdeji :t ifili on. I 1100 340-370 lbs 33 00-22 50. 370-100 lh 3150-23 00. other weights scans flnnd and chnlre sowi un"er 400 Ifii a 75-jn 40 We.gh 4O0.6O4) lha 19 00-20 W gond rieararn e. Cattle 11 (ton. calves 7 Of) Kierr and he.fers stow, steers moitly stesdv to h'lfeis steady to 50 cent lover fnm hull and vealers moderately er 'ue. f nl.v 'edv Three load rhohe steer 35 00 everal lnada nigh good steers .13 00 17 50. hulk medium and good gtedei 3 CiO-12 0(1 hnlh medium and good heifers 3250-3POO, merthim snd good beef cn IS ,0 .;) , Tanner and ruttera 14 00 17 75 M'li'im and gond sisg bull 21 hfl-J i n, tni beef bull up to 24 00 Vesler 31 00 One sitorhers srd feeder teadv Sheep saiahie 4W tcital sono S:auh ter lamb and eis weak, 25 in ) tr ft lower Out'lde thntf limrvi 34 00 Slaughter lamns tomparat itel v scat" ewe predntr tria'irg Vtm' ' nrr mnn o gond ae.te-n ee. "H.M, Setfral (letk choict offerings 10 00. 1 Capital Journal, Salem. Oreenn. Monday. T)er. (I. 191S U XV.-riTWe" i -s. s uA Sai ': : i-r. A V 1 i:nu.?$:v; jr thin l'p Store Personnel Checking stock at the Chin Up store is accomplished by Lucille Garner, store manager be hind the counter; Alia Black, secretary and manager of th art department, and Leon Fiscus, bookkeeper who does his work lying on the floor. Stocks Quotations iRv the Aaociated Pre! American Can Am Pow A Lt Am Tel A Tsl Ai.aronda Rendu Aviation ,, Beth Steel Boeing AtrplAnt Call! Piu-k'.ns Canadian PacifiO ca-se J I Caterpillar ChrvMei , Co ni with a Sou Cnns V u I tee i...,- Continental Can Crown Zellerbach CurtLss Wright Ooiisla Aircraft flu, i jnl de Nem General Electric Oeneral Foods tlenerai Motor (totxiyesr Tira Ini Harvester Int Paper Kcnneioit Moby McN A L ,. 74 ..IMS , i4S , 34 . 30 , i7 . 5i , 3R 33', . 5t I Long B.MI A j Mnntgiiniery Ward j Nssii Kelvinatur NV Central Northern Pacific Pac Am Fish Pac (.us A Elec Tel A Tel uy J C o Corp Ttayonter ftaynmer Pfrl ... Heyuo;d.s Metals K!clif-.ed . Halewa Stores , Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Oil Cal Sluleb;iker Corp !iii')ine Mining Transainerira Union nil Cal , Union Pacific . ., Un:te1 Airline , V 8 Steel Warner Bros Pio Wooiwortb . 17'4 30 50 . 72 9 . 43 V Portland Grain Portland. Ore., Dec. 6 iPi Wheat: No fut iire.t qunleu. Cn.h grain OaU No. 3, IP-lb white 64 50. Hurley No. J. 45-lb. B W. 54 50. Cash wheat 'bldi: Soft white 2 2", soft white lexcludinia rexi 2.26; whit club 2 26. weMern red 2 26 Hard red Winter: Ordinary 3 26; 10 per cent 2 27: II per rnt 2 39: 12 per cent 3 33 Hard whi'e bssrt; 11 per cent 2 44; 12 per rent 2 50 Todays car receipt: Wheat 16 barley 5; flour 9. corn 10. oat 1, millfeed 7. Pertland Llveitnrk Portland. Ore. Ier. ijtn Livestock Cst lie xalalile 3UO0; calves 350. Mar ket opening shout steady but no steer old early, asking stronger with earl hid nearly stmdy. Oood Short fed Mrer netd around 2 tin; load high mi din in short frd heifers 24 00; commit and lnw medium heifers 17 00-23.50; rat tier and cutter rows 13 50.15 50; mertmi and good href ows 1 00-30 50; good beef hull strong to 50 rents higher al 22 00 23 SO: some beld higher; common am medium sausage bulls 17 oo-an no. good ano rntiue vesipri sieadv at 3 00-3 OO. Hgx sslBhle H5fl. Market active, s'eadv with Friday. (lood and choice 10-2 '5 lbs largely 34 50, weights from 2S0-10O lh 22 SO, If 150-1711 Ihn 33 00-22 50 good .(50 -Win Ih sow 18 50-19 (Kl, ilghter S'iwi up rd to 20 00 or atiove Oood and rh'iice feeder pigs 24 50-34 50. Hhecit sslshie flOO. marhel active PUuttiter ImniOe. strong to 5(1 rents high er Hood and choir e 31 00 to mnUly 21 50. one lot fed lnmhi 23 00 common iiierlmm grsdeit lftno-IR.SO few good lerder 17 (Ki, nirrllum gisrte mmild t'ommnn and roedium ewes stegdv si five rioKars to xevrt dollars. Good ewes sal shle atound 1 00 Silver Lining Willmiham. M.i-"s UP' Wil liam J. Poulm found a silver lin ing in a t lokt'd fat tury drain pipe he cleaned. He ex I rmcteri sever) I jsilvnr half dollars dnling h.M k to 1RH7, and under a rompany ' finders keeper" rule, lie now owns thcrn - Expert Sitter Pr terboro. IN H 'U --- Kifteen-year-old Rrl Marshall hn urh a yottd repuiation as a hnhy sil ler tlial he ha been hired to perform her favorite chore a far awav as Wellevley, Mas., 7.i miles from here -v The word "restaurant" was first applied in Anier ra to din ing rooms of the better hotels and to a few high class a la carte dininc places. WANTED Walnuts - Filberts - Nut Meal IIIOHKST I'RIO; CASH ON lUMVt'.RV FOR OR I'HAKO Rl'.N. St;K I S BKF IRK YOU SKI. I.. Morris Klorfein Packing Co. S 60 N. Front Slrerl SAI.RM Tflpphon l-UM m ann in j iiiiaeaWMiaaiaaeMMeaaaiieii .rT l f in 1 1 f. 1 mi m" '-(I C ' J. ; i Proves Her Point Salem, N. H. (U.P.) The town's one-man police force should b expanded, Mrs. Anne M. Noyei argued at s board of trade meet ing. The next day, Mrs. Noyes who operates a meat market, had evi dence to support her argument. Her butcher shop had been brok en into and looted of cash and food. DEATHS Ellis W. Rlrhardsan Ellis W. Richardson, late resident of 141 S. E. 71th atreet. Portland, at a. Portland hospital. December I. Survived by his wife, Leonora Richardson; a sis ter. Mrs. MyrtJ. L. Nadvorntk. of Balemt a brother, fl W. Richardson of Fairbank. Alaska: an.l two nephews. Service were held Monday. December 6. at 3 n.m. at the Clotish-Barnck chapel with interment In the IOOP cemetery. Fred S. Gilbert Fred 8. Oilbert, late resident of 40 South Winter street. Balem, at a local hos pital Decem&er Furvlved by hi wife, Mary N. Gilbert of Salem. Service will b held at the Clough-Barriclc chapel Tues day, December 7, at 10 30 a m. with In terment in Brlcret Memorial park. Chester Fred Robin Chester Fred Kubin at lit re.ndrnre at Mehama. Oregon Decemtirr 6 .Survived hy hLs moi hrr. Mrs, Caroline Kubin of Meliama; three brothers. Otto F Kubin of San Francisro and Ernest P Kubin and Edwin L. Kubin. both of Mehama; and a sister. June M Kubin of Lvle, j by Clough-Barrlck company. Jnhn Tavlar In this cltv December 6, John Ts late resident of 441 Stele street, at tht sge of 58 yesr Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Betty 8! earn an of Imperial, Nehr.t a brother. C. L iRoyt Taylor of Balem; and a sister, Mrs. Anna Ooddard of Holyoake, Colo. Announcement of service later by W. T. Rlgdon company. Melvina Gaitdwlw Melvtna Oood win, at lha reatdeno al 1018 Seventh street. West Sslem, Decem ber 5 Survived bv a daughter, Mrs. R. W. Hlndman of Salem: a son, Charleg Goodwin of Summerfleld. Kan . a sister, Mrs. Clarence Thornburg of Wlnteraet, Iowa: and two grandchildren erv,c will be held Tuesday. December 3. at 130 pm. at the Howell-r-dwards ehapel with Rev. Dudley Strain off trie ting. In terment In Belrrest Memorial park. I -en a A. Taylor Lena Taylor late resident of 140 South 14th street, died st. a local hospital De cember 5 Survived by her husband Er. net B Tailor one son, Vert C. Taylor: daughter. Mr. Velma DuBois; ft brother. Arden W Shaw, all of Salenr and trire irandchildren Service from Ctough- Bsr nck chapel Wednesday. IVc 6, a 10 Id a m , with interment In Ci' View eeme tery. Or ave ids ervlce by O. A. R. Ctr Bruce William Turner Bruce William Turner, late resident or mm suvitn liberty street, at t local hospHsl December 6. at the sge nf 10 vears Survive hv his parent." Mr and Mrs Alfred H Turner of Aam sister. Roberta Sue Turner of Salem ersndmolh er, Mrs Cliarle Turner of Ken:. Ohio; grandfather, William Peterson of Austin, Minnesota ; uncle, Luctwlrk M ckcl.nn of Hnm Service. will h held ai 'he r'migh. Itarnrk chapel Wednedav IV-en:rr 6, at 1 10 p m. with interment at B'lcreat Memorial park. OBITUARY Mrs. (iurlne lfalleberg H.l'.er'.m Mis (tu"ni ! died ori'lav al 'ne hnn" Mr.' tV'I'H O.'l long ;ti I,. I 1 1 I ' ehe 1 g Boi t 11" 1; lh I 1, lied S'ltf. 4 r e of 1egr tld 1i"1 n f .. ' 'i fir tp P. in" ir -e i";ec n r-d ioe ts'i-er s of n J.-t.o-d Mr. r.d 1 et Hatr-eu : Wo- 't. . () ,-imi1 M" K N Tor. r1 of Pi f.n iie-eti Ifl. "d'n, 1 -- . r..1 n - e- n v. r, sti :ei I. .1 W'rin nd fir., r , lei lollanriei W....rl Tn- Ink fr' Japan nf the dea'h nf IVnne R irat-sV.d on of Msior and M'i Bi in e tH"tiifien of polM nfer it! i;,"'-. 'I :te hii" hov . 'lie grand. nn of Mi and Mr W r Trc.i.1er of ,. Mih-tin, and hi mother l tde for 'n.fr D .if a T'-l'1ter lieaUsiaMsVai