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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1948)
AplUl Journal, Balem, Oregon, Monday, Dw, g, mn IS Four Corners Garden Cluh Presents Holiday Proa ram I Four Cornen. Dee. 8 The Rickey Motheri club met t the rhool house. Mrs. Waldo Miller led the discussion on mri.l hv. lene. Mr. Hardie Phillips was elected secretary to take the place .. . ,. .,,, mrl. JeM Mciinsy Had marge of program which featured the Christmas theme and gin excnange. There were nine V " Ejajie i,tj?Sbi Tjil 'Elected Joseph Allen Wresr, Jr., 45, president of a preiail iuei ana mm iirm Bl Dover, Del., will represent his IctatA n. m nmnMl In IVia ju. S. Senate for the next five ears. ooks Sewina Club fas Christmas Party itertalned In her home with a nrisimas party lor xne btooks i wing Club. One o'clock lun in, gifts, revealing the secret Tiers name and a short business iceting was held. Lyre, Mrs. Wilma Vinyard, Mrs. loine Kamp, Mrs. Nona bidebot- im, Mrs, rae ljoomis, Airs. Mar ia Lesher, Mrs. Cleo Walker, Irs. Bertha Wood, Jimmy and llenhen. Mn Fvn fnnn Mn iyelyn Jones and Caroline, Mrs. iiva Aspinwaii, wirs. rneima larland, Mrs. Golda Hadley, !rs. Myrtle Davis, Mrs. Ruth nsen, Mrs. Olive Beardsley, r Anna Tinnlnvv. Mn Davis lid the hostess, Mrs. Bosch. The next meeting will be held the home of Mrs. Anna Dun- ivy January 6. 3ubbard Store Sold I Hubbard Cooks' Grocery Ips been sold by Mr. and Mrs. jnok to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. iant, formerly of Woodburn. oks had operated the store for era! years. Wiants formerly operated IPs Market on Highway 99E Woodburn which they sold to r. and Mrs. Harold Wood of oodburn a month ago, and lave been touring the country nee then. They have two ildren and will reside here. Paul Revert was an artillery leutenant who saw action some 10 years before his famous night fide and before he became a lilversmith. (AdvrrtUtmcnt) )eafened People May Now Hear Clearly Science has now made It pos- Ible for the deafened to hear bint sounds. It is a hearing de- 2 ice so small that it fits in the and and enables thousands to rjoy sermons, music and iendly companionship. Ac- tpted by the Council on Phys al Medicine of the American lledical Association. This de vice does not require separate lattery pack, battery wire, case (r garment to bulge or weigh you down. The tone is clear and nwerful. So made that you can ijust it yourself to suit your paring as your hearing chang- . i ne makers of Beltone. Dept. 1450 West 19th St., Chicago 111., are so proud of their rhievement that they will glad- .send free descriptive book- rt and explain how you may Ft a full demonstration of this kmarkable hearing device In nur own home without risking penny. Write Beltone today. teen mothers present. Hostesses were Mrs. Waldo Crabb, Mrs. George Bixler. Phillips Card Hosts Four Corners Hosts to the Pinochle club Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Phillips, 400 Beck Ave. Guests for the evening were Ruth Chriiman and Mrs. Stace Braden. Mem bers Dresent WPr M.r mnA Mesdames Homer Bales, E. E. Walker. William rietr c u Cable, Jess Mcllnav. Rou rhri.- man, Ray Osborn. Honors went to Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales. William ter. The next meeting will be a -nnsimas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs William Fi.t. There will be a gift exchange. Club Entertained Four Corners Th nn r-. en Roses club met at the home oi miss Etta Sutter with Mrs. Grace Perkins as co-hostess. Plans were made for the Christ mas party when they discover their silent friend. Members present were Mrs. John Harger, r. a. Boymgton, Mrs. Gale Hudson, Mrs. Roy Hart, Mrs. Leo Child. Mn D.....ii Millett, Mrs. Magdalena Sutter. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ross Wood with Mrs. Magdalena Sutter as co-hostess. Mrs. Tinker Honored Four Cflrnprt Th. XKi me .'i lancR Jean and r.iwiiu m. . hostesses at a miscellaneous shower honoring their sister, mis. Arinur Tinker, at their parents' home. sun ..,u , . caster drive. Guests were Mes- aames Lenthal Holman, Robert Chapman. Elmer Rair via France, Cecil Snook, Frank Fer- rin, Kenneth Miller, E. A Snook, Roy Thayer, Royce Lin hart, Misses Mayetta Sutter Mary Winters, Shirley Gosnell. Those sending gifts were Mrs Oliver Rickman. Mrs. Poindexter, Mrs. Oma White, Mrs. Arthur Woelk. Late re freshments were torva ,i,L Mrs. Royce Linhart as co-hos- less. The engineer employed by CP"! .VrTrACASf IN CANCH 4 CUt" "f. I I ' ': SfM of couAPsi ,jCr?f 1 t tV j 1 " F'jrjG-Ztil J Jg?H SITTING ROOM iimiima wiiiii'iroiii v'"wrssSi music room Jj 'rX O..Jw3 A , I P-i : 1 ! pjpyrtriT p 51 j f i . .t.-u"T rom' j; W " MJ w oom Cj f'Ti 4u( si.V iMi SSmMK t"" ,fl HEAVY CHANOEtlER t-.'.' f 55J "IlING SAGGING ,l La -'T "i VIBRATES IgRFEN OOM 1 "l ABOUT SIX INCHES Final Dedication Rites Held by Silverton Church Silverton The Rev. H. L. Foss, D.D., president of the Pacific district, the Evangelical Lutheran church, recited the Rite of Dedi cation In the final service of the week's series of festivities Sun day at Immanuel Lutheran church, when the corner stone was relaid as a formality closing the morning worship hour which was followed bv a fellowship din- To Repair White House Tnis photo-sketch, a cutaway of part of the White House, shows where rotting timbers will be replaced with steel beams inside the walls, leaving the ap pearance of the structure as it was conceived by George Washington. Amity Girl Scout Intermediates Elect Amity The intermediate Girl Scout troop met recently at the home of the adviser, Mrs. Elmer Engelland. Elected officers were: Patrol leader, Patty Fuller; assistant patrol leader, Connie Funk; scribe, Betty Freeman; treasur er, Jean Engelland; reporter, Gail Riha; assistant reporter, Barbara Funk. the board of directors of Drain age district was here from Cor- vallis and went over the terri tory. He informed the board that he would be able to submit a preliminary plan very soon. T. M. Gosser, 190 South Elma avenue, who is employed by the Oregon Pulp and Paper Co., suffered a painful accident last week when a large vise fell on his foot breaking the bones at the instep. He is confined to his home with his foot in a cast. House guests for several days of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Binegar, 160 South Lancaster drive, were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Le- fore and children and Mrs. John Slucarenko, all of Milton-Free- water, Ore Roberts Home Scene For Family Dinner Aumsville The O. M. Rob erts, Sr., home was the 'scene of a large family gathering. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Let High berger, Verjeanne, Jim, Ted and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rob erts, Beverly, Patricia, Geral dine and Mary Lou; Mr. and Mrs. Omar Roberts, Jr., Barbara Ann, Phyllis and Susan; Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roberts and Connie Lee, Glenn Zwich and Jerry Roberts, all of Aumsville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farman, Jeanette, Marlyn, Karen Sue and Sonja of Inde pendence, Alvin Fairman and Joe Dougherty of Salem. Spe cially honored was Omar Rob erts, Jr., on his birthday. Card Evening Held Gervais Six tables of cards were in play at the community "500" Card club with Mrs. Sum ner Stevens and B. J. J. Miller hodling high scores; Mrs. Fred Manning and Antoine DeJardin, second. The next meeting in two weeks will be in charge of Mrs. M. J. Mahoney and Mrs. Cecil Colby. Fog Again Smothers I Pennsylvania Town Donora, Pa., Dec. 6 Wi This western Pennsylvania mill town where 20 persons died during a smothering fog a month ago was covered by smog again over the week-end but authorities said apparently no one suffered any serious effects. Charley Stacey, president of the board of health, said yester day that the board had received a few complaints from persons affected by the three-day fog. ner. Rev. S. L. Almlie, host pastor, introduced officials visiting here for the occasion and who had a part in the day's services that closed at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur Dahl presided at the organ for the prelude and the Processional hymn at the service beginning at 3 o'clock. The opening prayer was given by the Rev. Glenn W. Bragstad. Reading the scripture lessons with hymn stanzas Interspersed were the Rev. Orval A. Schmidt, the Rev. P. O. Bruland. the Rev. O. K. Blomlie. the Rev. A. J. Kunzman, the Rev. H. N. Chris tiansen, the Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr, and for the closing prayer, the Rev. W. Ellickson. Special musical selections, a vocal duo, Mrs. Tom Anderson and Mrs. Stanley Swanson; sen ior choir, directed by J. L. Wy rud, junior choir, Mrs. Arthur Dahl directing, anthem, senior choir, vocal solo, Mrs. J. L. Dy-rud. Lafayette Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hart, formerly of La fayette, later moving to Winlock, Wash., told their home to the Masonic order of Winlock, which Gervais Cafe Sold Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carter who have owned and op. erated the Gervais Cafe for sev eral yeart have sold to Mr. and Mrs. George L. Chambers of Grants Pass and their son, Le land Chambers of Independence, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Chambers have rented one of the Antoine DeJardin apartm mentt and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Chambers and three small sons will occupy the house recently vacated by the Olaf Helgerson family. Tile Is Replaced Unionvale One hundred and ten feet of new 12-inch cement tile replacing eight-inch tile In stalled in 1937 was put in across the front of the lot at the Un ionvale store owned by Mrs. George Westfall of McMinnville by the state highway mainten ance crew. SPECIAL , THIS WEEK ONLY ADJUST HEADLAMPS SEE CLEARLY DRIVE SAFELY 50c ADJUST HEADLAMPS Quickly and accurately with precision aiming equipment. Otto J. Wilson Co. SALEM 188 N. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 2-3621 TVER PUT TOUR AHIR T OI WROHO IDK OUT vtn you tfr drwumii in itw morniM Arcordlnt to n old u (WMtUioa, Hi bud hit to tik It off twI put II on riihtl Tou r uppom1 -4 tr H that th rt of tttr 1y. And that tow lor ny thr elothf rod mint put on wront . . tit your hOM tf yon put the nth' hot mi th i1t foot ... you lotu v k that viyt No, tf you r u trt:tiO'a ind east Wit naht from ft In 'he ornini . . . don t look ftt -n. I ran t Mil yon ahm t hit 11 fMl rood On fllhft foot But I ran Hi you jo with lorn that'll f1 ... If wi put oa rtsht Tha rut U P (ip Prove for yourself what throat specialists Y sEFH reported when 30-day smoking test revealed yLCTk NO THROAT IRRITATION Y pfr1 1 due to smoking CAMELS! ,dT"'4e cos 4k V, A s I tfr;sA v - 1 According to N lion wide survey l MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE Doctors tmoltf for pltaturt. loo! And when three lesdin independent rnesrch ortanin tju asked 11397 doctors what cigsretu they smoked, th braod named most was Lamtll ATTENTION CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS: WHEN YOU ARE Remodeling Redecorating Building New Our Lighting Engineer Stands Ready To Serve You at Home, on the Farm, In the Office, or Store The Most Complete and Up-to-Date Lighting Equipment For Your Selection Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. High Phone 3-9412 I PRICES GOOD THROUGH WEDNESDAY Wti FRED MEYER FIFTY CENT SALE Fred Meyer Bakery FREE One Pint GOLD LABEL Vanilla Ice Cream Rtg. 20c Pint Gold Labtl Vanilla lea Cream FREE with purchase of Reg. 59c PULLMAN ANGELFOOD CAKE R-'-.othV 50C Treat your family to one of our tender, light, moist angel food cakes. Serves 10 to 12. Enjoy a pint of Gold Label va nilla Ice Cream FREE. Fred Meyer Apparel 50c Lodiet' Hankies fine combed cotton. .3 'or 50 C 79c Headtquoret assorted colon spun rayon. . 50 49c Men't Socks 50 wool 2 pr. 50c 59c Ladies' Panty non-run S, M and L. .2 for 50 C Reg. 69c HOLIDAY SATIN MIX A vivid array of atrlped and solid satin finished FA eandiea In assorted flavors lemon, raspberry, JUL mint, and other tanrv fruit and spice flavors. asrwv Reg. 69c lb. CHOCOLATE DINNER MINTS White mint cream center coated with Os rich chocolate coating Lb. fUC Fred Meyer Photo $1.00 Whittaker 16 mm. Film 12 frames 50c 29e Supreme Ball Point Pen 2 for 50c $1.89 Pen end Pencil Set in box $1.50 Fred Meyer Tobacco Hollywood 3-in-l Cigarette Case 50c Stratford Cigarettes 4 Pk9- 50 C Fred Meyer Drug Reg. 30c DIONNE CLEANSING TISSUE, 400 count. Soft tittuei 3 50c 59c Krect Roior with 4 25c pkgi. of Krect Staxor Blades 50c 59c Perfume Atomixer 50 C 98c Stationary 2 $1.50 8c Swipes (purse tissue) 1 0 'or 50c 23c My-Te-Fine Tooth Brush S 'or 50 c 79e Hot Woter Bottle 50 C 39c Waverly Shave Lotion $1.50 55c Williams Lanolin Soap, box of 3 2 for 50c 39c F. A. Olive Oil, 4 ox 2 'or 50c 21c F. M. Citrate of Magnesia 3 for 50c $2.79 F. M. Multi-Vitamins, 100't $2.50 89c Colgate Shave Cream and Schick Raxor Combination 50c 55c 7. M. Mineral Oil, extra heavy, 16 ox 50 C 49c Brisk Shave Cream 2 'or 50c 39c F. M. Glycerin and Rote Water, 8 ox 2 'or 50c 29c My-Te-Fine Dental Cream 3 'or 50 C Downstairs Variety 98c BETTY JANE BAKING SET Real little dithet made of heat proof glass that can be used for cooking 50c 59c Bag-e-Blockt 50 C 59c "ubber Footballs 50 C 59c Chinese Checkers 50 C 59c Gun and Holster Set 50c 59c Jumbo Story Books. 50 C 29c Bleached Flour Sacks 2 'or 50c 15e Woth Cloths 4 'or 50 C 69c 3-.V Plastic Refrigerator Set 50c 69c Centre Meat Bastar 50 C Fred Meyer Auto Supply Reg. $9.25 NUT0NE DOOR CHIMES Lovely to look at and lovely to listen to. Complete with transformer, wire and pus button. While they last . , , $5.50 79e Curb Feelers protect your fenders 50 C 59c Auto Visor Mirror 50c 49c Ash Tray with suction cup 2 'or 50 C 69c Handy Pocket Tool Kit 50 C Fred Meyer 148 N. LIBERTY