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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1948)
fY -J i Quads Growing Up The chubby, 9-monihs-old Zavada quadruplets pose for a family picture at Dorothy, Pa Left to right: Ann Mary, Barbara Rose, Bernadette and John Michael. December Review of Skies Offered by Astronomer ' By J. H. PKL'ETT Astronomer, Extension Division, Oregon Higher Education System The "full-starred skies which winter knows" again are here with us. Although their radiance is often veiled by dense clouds, yet on the occasion when this vaporous curtain is drawn aside, the heavens glitter with a glory unknown at other seasons. Let us point out the most conspicuous stellar objects in view this week at about 8 p.m. standard time. 9 p.m. daylignt time, une montn from now, due to the earth's re volution around the sun, the stars will be in these positions two hours earlier. Well up over the western point of the horizon, Altair, the bright est star of the Eagle, is twinkling between two others of lesser luminoiity. Slightly higher and toward the northwest, brilliant Vega glitters as the jewel of the celestial Harp. Much higher and In the same general direction, Deneb tops the Northern Cross, a large figure whose base in clines slightly toward the left. Rather low in the south south west, Formalhaut is held in the mouth of the Southern Fish. Dipper On Move Low above the northern noriz- on, the familiar Big Dipper is East Coast Calling Silverton Mrs. Rena Rich ards of Valley City, N D., who has been visiting recently at the Broadway street home of her brother and sister-ir law, Mr and Mrs. Ed Holdtn left the first of the week for a stop-over stay with her daughter in Kel so, Wash., enroute to Hunting ton, West Virginia, where she will attend the wedding of her son, Robert, with ihe CAA's. Later this month, Mrs. Rich ards will return to Kelso for the remainder of the school year War Cripple Builds a House Elryia, O., Dec. 6 (P) From his wheel chair, war veteran Robert E. Riley is putting the finishing touches on a four room bungalow he has been building for more than two years. Of course, the 28-year-old Ri- ' ley. whom a German sniper's bullet paralyzed from the waist ; down, has had some help; but I he is his own contractor and has done much of the work from the foundation up. He slapped on siding, paint and mortar as high as he could reach from his wheel chair, and his 11-year-old cousin, Donald Riley, went on from there. Three friends helped put on the shingles. Riley did all the plumbing. The little house will cost him about $2,450. he estimates. The bankers told him two years ago it would cost twice that. That was when he decided he'd do it himself, although he never laid a building tile before. In the fall of 1946. when the army hospitals turned Riley loose after 18 months, he said they suggested he "take up watch repairing or something like that," and he told them: "Naw, I'll make my own job." He chose automobile repair work. Matter of fact, if Riley were n't so busy fixing cars and had n't taken time out to build a p . 53'" Turban Actress Mae West wears a draped turban with a face-framing scarf at a night club in Hollywood. garage, the house would have been finished long ago. North is placed at the top of maps not for any special reason but simply because the custom has been followed for years. DAs Seek New Gambling Law Portland, Dec. 6 ' Oregon district attorneys have endorsed a law proposal which would make it easier to clamp the lid on gambling. The district attorneys' associa tion explained that the law, ex pected to go before the next leg islature, would permit proceed ings against owners of property where gambling has been con ducted. The group said gambling is ithe only crime which is not in cluded under such a statute. Teunis J, Wyers, Hood River, was elected president at the clos ed meeting Saturday. George L. Anderson. Jr., Union county, is vice president: John B Mc Court, Multiiomah, secretary treasurer. Donald Heisler, Was co county, and Robert S. Krea son, Polk, are new board members. I Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Monday, Dee. t, 1948 11 -1 Arrive for Holidays Dayton Mrs. Howard Smith and baby daughter of San Die go, Calif., have arrived at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Willard. Sr. Her husband, who is in the navy, stationed in San Diego, will join her over the Christmas hodilays. If Kstablisning Ac tress Dorothy M a r k a i 1 1. (above) shown in her hotel in Reno, Nev. She is i'.ablishing residence to divorce Harold Patterson, Bergenfield, N. J., orchid grower. (AP Wire-photo) SONOTONE For Better Hearing LOCAL CONSULTANT WALTER F. DODGE Office IMS SUte SI ..vf)r ia- - --m,m. Pet Cat Actress Barbara Bates doesn't seem to be afraid that Toby, the black cat, will bring her u. iucK. moving eastward and upward Observe it an hour later and this apparent movement, due to the axial rotation of the earth, will be quite evident. Very high in the north almost overhead the inverted W of the five stars of Cassiopeia is easily outlined. The eastern half of the sky is aglow with celestial gems. High in the northeast, yellow Capella. a distant sun of the same gener al type as our sun, glows bril liantly. At about the samt alti tude but considerably farther to the right, the tiny cloud-like dip per of the Pleiades displayes its six sparkling little topazes seven to some eyes one sur passing the others in luster. At some distance below this group the V-Shaped Hyades are found. The V now lies on its side with the apex toward the right. All the stars are small with the ex; ception of orange Aldebaran at the open end of the lower branch. Twins Have Risen Low in ' the east northeast, two bright stars of Gemini, the Twins, have risen. The upper one, white In color, is Castor; the orange and lower brother, Pollux. Below the Hyades and near the horizon, the two large stars are red Betelgeuse to the left and white Rigel to the right. Be tween them are three stars, all of the same brightness, in a short upright line. These and the two larger stars belong to the con stellation Orion. About an hour later Procyon will rise almost due east, and Sirius, by far the finest in the sky, in the east southeast. The brilliant planet Jupiter now sets in the southwest about an hour after sunset, so is not easily observed. Gorgeous Ven us rises in the east southeast two hours before sunrise. II all of you who make it possible for us to announce t the Opening Today, of the First of the New & QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES: O THE QUISENBERRY CORNER COURT & COMMERCIAL rouVe welcome anytime, to visit The Quisenberry Corner . . . See (W for yourself how our plans for the most complete 4 .... the most convenient pharmacy have turned out. always . . . are we mindful of our first duty as Prescription specialists. For that reason this department con tinues to be our primary concern. A Please note: the store at 419 Ferry Street is no longer in operation. All stocks have been removed to the new Quisenberry Corner at Court & Commercial. M GUtSFNfifMV COffNfPI COUn ft COMMflOU rW)W73 MfDiCAt cemrn inch 7440 GHAt ITHf! Hhtit ope rat asom' This pattern is beautiful . . . c25 If INTERNATION Courtship Enchantress . . , Jnan of Arc . . Northern Lights Prelude Richelieu Royal Danish . Serenity Spring Glory , . 181 Wild Rose ... 1l Heirloom Sterling Exclusive in Salem at Stevens & Son 22.63 .22.63 22.63 .30.55 .22.63 26.25 .30.55 .22.63 .22.63 .21.3 22.63 ef. GORHAM Buttercup Camellia English Gadroon Etruscan Fairfax Greenbrier King Edward ... Lyric Melrose Nnrturn Old French Strasbourg Sovereign Hunt Club 23.00 23.30 26.00 25.30 25.50 .25.50 26.00 . 25.50 33.2i 26.00 .26.00 .26.00 . 26.25 HEIRLOOM Damask Rose Mansion House . . . Heiress Virginian 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.30 FRANK SMITH Edward VII 21.75 Fiddle Shell 32.13 Fiddle Thread 27.13 Prires Quoted Are For -Pirf F, PLACE SETTINGS Federal Tax Included TOWLE Chippendale Craftsman Cascade Candlelight French Provincial King Richard Louis XIV Madeira Old Lace Old Master Old Colonial Old Mirror Royal Windsor ... Rambler Rose . . . . Silver Flutes Silver Plumes 24 30 25.75 26.00 24.50 .27.00 33.00 26.00 24.30 24.50 25.75 .25.15 .24.50 .26.00 24.30 24.30 21.00 REED I IARTON Francis I 28.15 Fragrance 22.54 French Renaissance 21.00 Georgian Rose ... 23.50 Guildhall 23.50 Pointed Antique ...23.15 WHITING Georgian Shell 24.50 ' Lily 25.15 Talisman Roe . . . 24.50 If At I i Stevens & So JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS 339 Court Street Salem, Oregon N m i i i i i I I I t i 8 k ft i ii i Let Us Recommend Your Painter or Paper-hanger Through 18 Vears In the Paint Business and Close Co operation with Salem's Finest Decorators We Feel That We Are Well Qualified to Successfully Cope with Your Every Paint Need Call Us for Immediate Service McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 N. Commercial Phone 3-8478 MEW MUEFi WHIN CHILD SHIS Hi Mother, you know what wnn dpr(ul relirf you prt when you rub on warming Vicks VapoRub! Now ... If a cold ehokes-UD -your youngster and makei DreainmK ainicuu . . . nre s a special way to use VapoRub for grand relief, tool . . . It's VapoRub Steaml Put a Rood spoonful of Vicks VanoRub in a bowl of boiliniT water or vaporizer. Then ... let your child breathe In the sooth Inp VapoRub Steam. Medicated vapors penetrate direct to cold congested upper bronchial tubes, brine relief with evert breath! For continued relief while child sleeps, rub throat, chest and back with Vicks VapoRub. n Keeps wont ing for houra to relieve dis tress. Try ui ffw VapoRub Bendix Radios Savings up to 45 for y OU! We buy direct from the factory . . . saving the mid dleman's profit for you. Only Ralph Johnson Appli ances, the exclusive dealer in this vicinity, can offer you these tremendous savings. Automatic phonograph, standard broadcasts, short wave and FM at their best in mahogany splendor. Hush-O-Matic gives you all the beauty from favorite records and none of the scratch. Large record storage. Automatic AM-FM push button tuning. 12-inch Concert Speaker. 1 4 tubes. Was 449.95 NOW ONLY 249" You Save 200.00! ! OPEN FRI. NITES TILL 9 P.M. dam . wfm Jiw'-'A - Mtaiawi v"rT A tL. ' - Traditional charm in mahogony with listening luxury on standard broadcasts, short wave, FM and fully automatic phonograph. Automatic tuning, dual tone control, Concert Speaker, large record storage. 12 tubes. Wo. 399.50 ftlAOS NOW ONLY You Save 179.55! USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM .... With Savings Up to 150.00! Exclusively at RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 355 Center St. Phone 33139